Islam holy Quran koran shi Torah God Heaven Bible hell Bible Judgment death faith Religion Bliss prayer Relaxation spirit

Islam holy Quran koran shi Torah God Heaven Bible hell Bible Judgment death faith Religion Bliss prayer Relaxation spirit

Islam holy Quran koran shi Torah God Heaven Bible hell Bible Judgment death faith Religion Bliss prayer Relaxation spirit

Islam holy Quran koran shi Torah God Heaven Bible hell Bible Judgment death faith Religion Bliss prayer Relaxation spirit


Translated by Hadi Abdollahian
1- Hluthulelo (Al-Fatiha)
[1:1] Ngaphakathi the gama of NKULUNKULU Gracious Nomusa.
[1:2] Dumiso be NKULUNKULU Lord universe.
[1:3] Gracious Nomusa.
[1:4] Phathi Suku Ehlulelo.
[1:5] You wodwa we khonza; You wodwa we buza sizo.
[1:6] Khaphi us ngaphakathi lungile dlela:
[1:7] Dlela of labo You hlahlamelisa; cha of labo hola ankahlu nor strayers.
2- Dima (Al-Baqarah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[2:1] A L. M.
[2:2] Lo scripture is ngahluleki; beacon for the ngakhethi;
[2:3] Bani kholwa unseen sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) nga ithu hlinzeka kuze
them they epha sa!
[2:4] they kholwa babe phendla you ngaphakathi babe phendla kadukuba you regard
Hereafter they are kasibili okuthile!
[2:5] La are guided nga bo Lord la are nqobi.
[2:6] Njengoba for labo disbelieve is the fana them; ukuthi you khuza them cha khuza
them they cha kholwa!
incurred nzima retribution.
[2:8] Ngalesosikhathi nanso are labo tshela We kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku
ngenkathi they cha are kholwa.
[2:9] Ngaphakathi linganisa khohlanisa NKULUNKULU labo kholwa they yodwa
khohlanisa without perceiving!
[2:10] ngaphakathi bo gqondo nanso is fo. Consequently NKULUNKULU augments bo
fo. They incurred buhlungu retribution for bo khetheza!
[2:11] Uma they thasisela cha bophezela bi they tshela we are ngakhethi!
[2:12] Nempela they are evildoers they cha perceive
[2:13] Uma they thasisela Kholwa ntu kholwa they tshela Shall we kholwa njengoba
divindivi kholwa? eqinisweni is they are divindivi they cha azi!
[2:14] Uma they hlangabeza kholwa they zwi We kholwa uma lodwa bo dimoni they
zwi We are nga you; we yodwa bhinqa.
[2:15] NKULUNKULU BHINQA them PHILA them BO SONO phazama
[2:16] is they thenga dukane hola! Njalo hwebo ze hlahlamelisa nor ncisheka they thola
phi hola.
[2:17] Bo bonakaliso is labo donsa lilo ngalesosikhathi njengoba it qala chitha okhela
cishe them NKULUNKULU hola eceleni bo pholile hamba them ngaphakathi cime,
unable bheka!
[2:18] Yisithulu yisimungulu phumputheka; they hlumba phinda!
[2:19] Another bonakaliso rainstorm bhakabhaka ngaphakathi nanso is cime qaqabula
phazimo. They faka bo nwe bo kintsho balekela fa! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of
[2:20] Phazimo cishe hwitha eceleni bo eyesight. Uma it okhela them they nyakazo
phaphile, futhi uma it jika mnyama they bekezelela sa. Noma NKULUNKULU tando He
fantshi hola eceleni bo zwa bo eyesight. NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[2:21] O ntu khonza yodwa kho Lord - Fike qamba you futhi labo phambili you - Lowo
you khulula.
[2:22] Fike fuduka hlaba habitable you bhakabhaka akhiwo. He sa bhakabhaka nzi
khiqiza bonke hlobo of thelo kho sustenance. You cha akha Thixo angi NKULUNKULU
manje lowo you azi.
[2:23] you fanele phi khonondo regarding babe we phendla ithu chaka ngalesosikhathi
khiqiza fike sura kuhle la balula kho khe fakazi NKULUNKULU you are truthful!
[2:24] Noma you cha enza lo - you ze enza lo - Ngalesosikhathi elusa of Hellfire
phethiloli is ntu shushuzela; it mela disbelievers!
[2:25] Epha hle biko labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo lowo they fanele gadi thutheleka
fudlana! Uma hlinzeka nga hlinzeka thelo therein they tshela Lo is babe was hlinzeka for
us ngaphambili! Kanjeyana they epha allegorical chaza. They fanele msulwa owakwakhe
therein they abide therein phakade!
[2:26] NKULUNKULU CHA NTIPHAZA ECELENI citing phi hlobo of allegory NCI
IYANE NKULU. Njengoba for labo bani kholwa they azi it is yaniso bo Lord Njengoba
for labo disbelieve they tshela Babe enza NKULUNKULU ncintshana njalo allegory? He
khohlanisa ningi thereby khaphi ningi thereby! He ze khohlanisa thereby except the
[2:27] Bani dluzula Nkulunkulu vumelwano pledging uphold it hhephuna babe
NKULUNKULU phatha xhumelela bophezela bi! La are losers.
[2:28] kanjani you disbelieve NKULUNKULU uma you file He were epha you pilo
ngalesosikhathi He faka you fa ngalesosikhathi He fikisa you dlulile pilo ngalesosikhathi
Him you ekugcineni phinda?
[2:29] He is Fike qamba you everything on hlaba ngalesosikhathi jikisa bhakabhaka
phelelisa 7 universes therein He is fully aware of bonke to!
[2:30] Recall kho Lord tshela kuze gelosi I beka mele esikhashana Nkulunkulu) Hlaba.
They tshela enza You beka therein fike embula bi therein chitha gazi khashana we ngoma
Kho tusa dumisa You uphold Kho phelele gqi? He tshela I azi babe you cha azi!
[2:31] He thisha Adam bonke gama ngalesosikhathi khona them gelosi tshela Epha me
gama of la you are manje!
[2:32] They tshela You dumisa we cha fanele azani which You thisha us. You are
Omniscient Hlakaniphile.
[2:33] He tshela O Adam thasisela them bo gama. Uma he thasisela them bo gama He
tshela I cha thasisela you I azi fihlo of bhakabhaka hlaba? I azi babe you memezela babe
you gubadlela.
[2:34] Uma we tshela kuze gelosi, "Zumeka prostrate Adam they zumeka prostrate
Dimoni; he zaba was kakhulu zidla futhi disbeliever.
[2:35] We tshela O Adam zwa kho kosikazi ngaphakathi Pharadisi phanga therefrom
generously njengoba you siza cha sondelana lo shanguzo funa you ona!
[2:36] Dimoni khohlisa them banga bo eviction therefrom We tshela zika
mabonwabulawe of fike another On Hlaba be kho habitation hlinzeka for awhile!
[2:37] Ngalesosikhathi Adam thola nga akhe Lord zwi whereby He sindisa him! He is
Redeemer Nomusa.
[2:38] We tshela zika therefrom bonke of you! Uma hola sondela you Me labo landela
Mi hola fanele saba nor tando they lila!
[2:39] Njengoba for labo disbelieve bhunkula ithu vulamehlo they be dwellers Hogo
wherein they abide phakade!
[2:40] O Ntwana Israyeli khumbula Mi favor I pha you fulfill kho hla vumelwano lowo
I fulfill Mi hla vumelwano hlonipho Me
[2:41] You kholwa babe I phendla nantu qinisekisa babe you fanele be fike bhunkula it
Cha hweba eceleni Mi vulamehlo shibhile klomelo sebenzisa Me
[2:42] Cha confound yaniso cebo nor shall you gubadlela yaniso knowingly
[2:43] You sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) gwibisholo
phansi labo khothama phansi
[2:44] you exhort ntu ncisheka be ngakhethi khashana khohlwa yourselves you funda
scripture? you cha azi?
[2:45] You khonga lamula steadfastness Thintana Thandazo (Salat)! Lo is lukhuni bala
cha kanjalo for the reverent
[2:46] Bani kholwa they hlangabeza bo Lord lowo kuze Him they ekugcineni phinda.
[2:47] O Ntwana Israyeli khumbula Mi favor I pha you lowo I hlahlamelisa you ningi
than phi nye ntu.
[2:48] Elusa of suku uma hhayi phefumulo avail another phefumulo hhayi intercession
cha amukela hlenga khokha nor fantshi anyone lamula!
[2:49] Recall ukuthi we khulula you Pharaoh's ntu inflicted you kabi joko slaying kho
dodana onga kho tombazana! Lowo exacting vivinyo kho Lord
[2:50] Recall ukuthi we hlukana andle you; we khulula you cwilisa Pharaoh's ntu kho
[2:51] kepha manini we mema Mose 40 suku you khonza thole akhe ngabikho jikisa
[2:52] Sa we xolela you thereafter lowo you be appreciative
[2:53] Recall ukuthi we epha Mose scripture statute bekisa ukuthi you guided
[2:54] Recall ukuthi Mose tshela kuze akhe ntu O mi ntu you ngalungi kho phefumulo
khonza thole! You phenduka kho Dali. You dlulisa kho egos. Lo is kahle you bona kho
Dali. He enza sindisa you. He is Redeemer Nomusa.
[2:55] Recall ukuthi you tshela O Mose we cha kholwa we bheka NKULUNKULU
physically. Consequently phazimo phansula you njengoba you bukeka!
[2:56] We ngalesosikhathi dlweza you you phoqoka ukuthi you be appreciative
[2:57] We shaded you fu Sinai) sa nikela you manna agwaca Phanga hle to we hlinzeka
for you They cha limele us (nga melana they yodwa nengiwe bo khe phefumulo!
[2:58] Recall we tshela Ngena lo dilobho you cosha njengoba ningi hlinzeka you fana!
Eqinisweni ngena sango humbly thokozisa ntu nicely! We ngalesosikhathi thethelela kho
ono enyuka kokhelo for the zenzisa.
[2:59] wicked among them enza poqo poqo epha them. Consequently we sa phansi
transgressors ahlulelwa bhakabhaka bo wickedness.
[2:60] Recall Mose khonga chichiza akhe ntu! We tshela Phansula dwala kho sebenzi
Whereupon 12 thombo gushed cishile therefrom Memba each qu azi bo khe nzi. Phanga
phuza Nkulunkulu hlinzeka cha zululeka hlaba corruptingly!
[2:61] Recall ukuthi you tshela O Mose we hhayi de bekezelela fike hlobo of dla
Memeza kho Lord khiqiza us njalo earthly vuno bhontshisi khukhumba garlic lentils
anyanisi. He tshela you fisa shintsha lowo which ngaphansana lowo which is is hle? Zika
Gibhithe you cosha babe you buza They incurred ahlulelwa fojisa chilo fikisa upon
themselves ankahlu nga NKULUNKULU! Lo ba they bhunkula Nkulunkulu vulamehlo
dlulisa phrofethi unjustly! Lo they disobeyed transgressed
[2:62] Surely labo kholwa labo are Jewish Kholwa phenduka anyone bani (1) kholwa
NKULUNKULU (2) kholwa Emuva Suku (3) hola ngakhethi pilo thola bo recompense
bo Lord They fanele nothing saba nor tando they lila.
[2:63] We enza vumelwano you njengoba we vubukula Nyuka Sinai you You uphold
babe we epha you strongly khumbula wo contents ukuthi you khulula!
[2:64] you jikisa thereafter futhi it were for Nkulunkulu sa you Akhe sa you doomed
[2:65] You azi kakhulu labo among you desecrated Sabatha. We tshela kuze them Be
you njengoba nyanyisa njengoba lingisa
[2:66] We akha them bonakaliso bo zukulwane noma kuhle subsequent zukulwane
khanyisa for the ngakhethi.
[2:67] Mose tshela kuze akhe ntu NKULUNKULU phatha you nikela dima. They tshela
Are you bhinqa us? He tshela "NKULUNKULU enqabela, I behave fana ngenalwazi
[2:68] They tshela Balula kho Lord tshengisa us which fike He tshela He tshela she is
dima is neither kakhulu dala nor kakhulu sha; of intermediate banga! Kalokhu enza babe
you phatha enza!
[2:69] They tshela Balula kho Lord tshengisa us wo color He tshela He tshela she is
phuzi dima khanya colored siza beholders!
[2:70] They tshela Balula kho Lord tshengisa us which fike! Dima bukeka alike kuze us
NKULUNKULU vuma we guided
[2:71] He tshela He tshela she is dima ze yoca plowing zwe chichiza vuno; yilileka nga
phi yiko. They tshela Kalokhu you fikisa yaniso. They ekugcineni nikela wo lo lengthy
[2:72] You dlulisa phefumulo ngalesosikhathi phikisa yourselves. NKULUNKULU
[2:73] We tshela Phansula (victim) hla dima.) Lowo uma NKULUNKULU fikisa victim
dlulile pilo tshengisa you Akhe dweba ukuthi you azi!
[2:74] Despite lo kho hliziyo qinisa fana dwala fana nzima. Nanso are dwala fula gush
cishile. Others qhahaza khulula mnene fudlana nye shushuzela cringe hlonipho
NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU is ZE unaware of anything you ENZA.
[2:75] you lindela them kholwa njengoba you enza uma nye of them sebenzisa zwa zwi
NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi phendulela it gcwele dlelwano thereof ngamabomu?
[2:76] Futhi uma they hlangabeza kholwa they zwi We kholwa uma they zuza
ngokusondelana each nye they zwi cha chazela (kholwa) niningwane epha kuze you
NKULUNKULU funa you hlinzeka them shoka bo zakuzakwana kho Lord you cha azi?
[2:77] they cha azi lowo NKULUNKULU azi everything they gubadlela everything
they memezela?
[2:78] Among them are gentiles cha azi scripture tsheno ngalesosikhathi assume ukuthi
they azi it
[2:79] Ngakho woe kuze labo phendulela scripture bo khe andla ngalesosikhathi tshela
Lo is babe NKULUNKULU phendla khonga shibhile omhlaba zuzo! Woe kuze them for
njalo phendulela woe kuze them for bo illicit zuzo.
[2:80] nye tshela Hogo cha namatha us limited shicilelo suku. Tshela Fanele you fuza
njalo bambiso nga NKULUNKULU! - NKULUNKULU ZE GAGASA AKHE bambiso -
you tshela kakhulu NKULUNKULU babe you cha azi?
[2:81] Bala labo zuza ona phathelana kaka bo bi sebenzi be dwellers Hogo; they abide it
[2:82] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they be dwellers Pharadisi; they
abide it phakade!
[2:83] We enza vumelwano Ntwana Israyeli You cha khonza NKULUNKULU. You
honor kho zali regard hlobo kedama phofu You thokozisa ntu amicably. You sebenzisa
Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat.) you jikisa except a ngcosana of
you you phathelana averse!
[2:84] We enza vumelwano you you cha chitha kho gazi nor shall you evict each nye
kho khaya! You vumelana bekezelela bona!
[2:85] nantu you are dlulisa each nye evicting nye of you nga bo khaya banding them
sinfully maliciously! Fana uma they zinikela you dinga hlengo them. Evicting them vala
you okokuqala. you kholwa inxenye of scripture ncisheka futhi disbelieve inxenye? babe
be retribution for labo among you bani lo except fojisa ngaphakathi lo pilo de ngcolile
retribution Suku Vuko? NKULUNKULU is ZE unaware of anything you ENZA.
[2:86] is they thenga lo lowly pilo Hereafter Consequently retribution ze commuted
them nor fantshi they lamula.
[2:87] We epha Mose scripture subsequent him we sa nye gijimi we epha Jesu dodana
Mary profound mangaliso shoka him Ngcwele Futho. Is it cha phuzu lowo gcwele khathi
gijimi thathaza you anything you nyanya kho ego banga you be zidla? Nye of them you
bhunkula nye of them you dlulisa.
[2:88] nye tshela Ithu gqondo are fuduka phezulu!" Mane it is hlamba NKULUNKULU
phetho bo disbelief lowo qhubeka them nga kholwa except for a ngcosana of them!
[2:89] Uma lo scripture sondela them NKULUNKULU fana it vumelana qinisekisa
babe they fanele fana they sebenzisa profeta wo fika uma they xoxa nga disbelievers uma
bo khe bikezelo sondela qeda they disbelieved therein! Nkulunkulu ahlulelwa kanjeyana
hlupha disbelievers.
[2:90] Dabukisa bala is babe they dayisa bo phefumulo for - Bhunkula la vulamehlo
NKULUNKULU oqobo bhongo ukuthi NKULUNKULU pha Akhe sa whomever He
enyula Akhe chaka! Consequently they incurred ankahlu ankahlu. disbelievers incurred
fojisa retribution.
[2:91] Uma they thasisela You kholwa la vulamehlo NKULUNKULU they zwi We
kholwa yodwa ngaphakathi babe sa phansi us. Ngakho they disbelieve subsequent
vulamehlo fana it is yaniso bo Lord fana it qinisekisa babe they fanele Tshela Ngani
ngalesosikhathi you dlulisa Nkulunkulu phrofethi you were kholwa?
[2:92] Mose thathaza you profound mangaliso you khonza thole akhe ngabikho you jika
[2:93] We enza vumelwano you njengoba we vubukula Nyuka Sinai you tshela You
uphold thetho we epha you strongly lalela. They tshela We zwa we disobey Bo hliziyo
phathelana gcwele adoration thole bo disbelief! Tshela Dabukisa bala is babe kho kholo
bizela you you fanele phi kholo!
[2:94] Tshela Noma abode Hereafter bekisa you NKULUNKULU exclusion bonke nye
ntu, ngalesosikhathi you langaza fa you are truthful!
[2:95] They ze langaza it babe bo andla sa hambile. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of
the wicked.
[2:96] Nempela you cosha them the ningi covetous of pilo; fana ningi kanjalo than
Thixo worshipers. fike of them fisa zwa 1000 nyaka. Lo cha onga him phi retribution
hhayi buzo kanjani hushazela he zwa! NKULUNKULU is PHROFETHI of everything
they ENZA.
[2:97] Zwi Anyone phikisa Gabriel azi ukuthi he wisa lo (Quran) nga kho hliziyo
ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu tando qinisekisa dlule scriptures hlinzeka hola
hle biko kholwa!
[2:98] Anyone phikisa NKULUNKULU Akhe gelosi Akhe gijimi Gabriel Michael azi
ukuthi NKULUNKULU phikisa disbelievers.
[2:99] We sa phansi you njalo hle vulamehlo yodwa wicked tando bhunkula them!
[2:100] Is it cha phuzu uma they enza vumelwano bambiso qhubeka it nye of them dine
bambalala it Nempela ningi of them cha kholwa.
[2:101] Manje gijimi nga NKULUNKULU sondela them fana he bonakalisa qinisekisa
bo khe scripture nye landeli scripture (Juda Kholwa Muslims) bambalala Nkulunkulu
scripture bo hlane njengoba they ze fanele phi scripture!
[2:102] They landela babe dimoni thisha Solomoni buso. Solomoni nokho cha was
disbeliever dimoni were disbelievers. They thisha ntu sorcery futhi which sa phansi 2
gelosi Babel Haroot Maroot. La 2 cha divulge njalo azani khomba Lo is vivinyo! You cha
cika njalo azani. ntu sebenzisa it ngaphakathi njalo bi cebo njengoba qubula of shado!
They ze ona anyone tando NKULUNKULU. They kanjeyana funda babe limele them cha
babe sizo them they azi gcwele kahle lowo whoever enza lumba fanele juphe Hereafter
Dabukisa bala is babe they dayisa bo phefumulo noma they yodwa azi.
[2:103] they kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo kokhelo nga NKULUNKULU is de kahle they
yodwa azi!
[2:104] O you kholwa cha tshela Raa ena be ithu alusi)! Mane you tshela Unzurna
(qaphela us) lalela! disbelievers incurred buhlungu retribution.
[2:105] Neither disbelievers landeli scripture nor Thixo worshipers fiso bheka phi
busiso ehla you kho Lord Nkulunkulu yithela Akhe busiso whomever He enyula.
NKULUNKULU possesses infinite SA.
[2:106] Uma we abrogate phi mangaliso banga it khohlwa we khiqiza kahle mangaliso
okungenani tanga fike. you cha recognize ukuthi NKULUNKULU ncisheka is
[2:107] you cha recognize ukuthi NKULUNKULU ncisheka possesses kingship of
bhakabhaka hlaba; lowo you fanele none NKULUNKULU kho Lord Phathi
[2:108] you fisa dinga of kho gijimi babe dinga of Mose dlulile? Anyone enyula
disbelief kholo fanele impela strayed lungile dlela.
[2:109] Ningi landeli scripture beyo mane bheka you revert disbelief manje lowo you
kholwa. Lo is khona kuze mona bo hla yaniso phathelana evident kuze them. You xolela
them yeka them NKULUNKULU khishwa Akhe ehlulelo! NKULUNKULU is
[2:110] You sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat). Phi
sizakala you sa hambile kho phefumulo you cosha it NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU
is PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
[2:111] nye tshela "Hhayi fike ngena Pharadisi except Juda Kholwa! Njalo is bo wishful
cabango. Tshela Tshengisa us kho bonakaliso you are manje!
phila NGAKHETHI PILO THOLA BO recompense BO Lord they fanele nothing SABA
nor tando they LILA.
[2:113] Juda tshela Kholwa cha fanele sekelo khashana Kholwa tshela Juda cha fanele
sekelo. both of them funda scripture! Njalo are veza of labo cha possess azani.
[2:114] Bani bi than labo are duba Nkulunkulu masjids Akhe gama khumbula nikela bo
baleko? La cha ngena therein except fearfully. They jeza ngaphakathi lo pilo fojisa jeza
Hereafter thusa retribution!
[2:115] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele phumalanga shonalanga; wherever you thathaza
nanso be bakhona NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU is Omnipresent Omniscient
[2:116] They tshela NKULUNKULU banga dodana! He dumisa; ze! Kuze Him fanele
everything bhakabhaka hlaba; bonke are subservient kuze Him!
[2:117] Initiator of bhakabhaka hlaba fanele anything phelile He hle tshela kuze Be it is
[2:118] Labo cha possess azani zwi yodwa NKULUNKULU phumesela kuze us nye
mangaliso sondela kuze us! Others them khuluma fana veza; bo gqondo are fana! We
manifest mangaliso labo attained qiniseko.
[2:119] We sa you yaniso thwali hle biko noma kuhle warner. You cha are necala labo
incur Hogo.
[2:120] Neither Juda nor Kholwa amukela you you landela bo kolo. Zwi Nkulunkulu
hola is yiqiniso hola. you acquiesce bo fiso azani you thola you cha cosha sizana lweli
lamula you NKULUNKULU!
[2:121] Labo thola scripture azi it njengoba it azi kholwa ngaphakathi lo! Njengoba for
labo disbelieve they are losers.
[2:122] O Ntwana Israyeli khumbula Mi favor I pha you lowo I hlahlamelisa you ningi
than phi nye ntu.
[2:123] Elusa of suku uma hhayi phefumulo lamula another phefumulo hhayi hlenga cha
amukela intercession be nosizo hhayi fike lamula!
[2:124] Recall ukuthi Abraham faka vivinyo akhe Lord okuthile poqo he gcina them!
(Nkulunkulu) tshela I khetha you imam ntu. He tshela noma mi zalo? He tshela Mi
vumelwano cha faka transgressors.
[2:125] We nikeza shrine Ka aba) focal dawo ntu phephile sanctuary. You sebenzisa
Abraham's shrine njengoba thandazo dlu We phathisa Abraham Ismail You hlamba Mi
dlu labo hambela labo bani zwa khona labo khothama prostrate
[2:126] Abraham bhedesha Mi Lord enza lo noxolo zwe hlinzeka wo ntu thelo!
Hlinzeka for labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku. (Nkulunkulu) tshela I enza
noma hlinzeka for labo disbelieve! I qhashisa them nambitheka temporarily
ngalesosikhathi bophezela them retribution Hogo dabukisa phetho!
[2:127] njengoba Abraham vubukula gquza shrine hlangene nga Ismail (they bhedesha
Ithu Lord amukela lo nga us! You are Ozwayo Omniscient
[2:128] Ithu Lord enza us submitters kuze You nga ithu zalo qhashisa nanso be
gwamanda submitters You! Thisha us rites ithu kolo sindisa us! You are Redeemer
[2:129] Ithu Lord vubukula among them gijimi hlabelela them Kho vulamehlo thisha
them scripture hlakani hlamba them! You are Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[2:130] Bani fulathela kolo Abraham fike bani khohlisa akhe khe phefumulo? We
enyula him ngaphakathi lo hlaba ngaphakathi Hereafter he be nga the ngakhethi.
[2:131] Uma akhe Lord tshela kuze him Faka he tshela I faka Lord universe!
[2:132] Noma Abraham exhorted akhe ntwana ncisheka fana futhi kanjalo enza Jacob O
mi ntwana NKULUNKULU khomba kolo you cha phoqoka submitters!
[2:133] fanele you bona Jacob akhe fa bhede he tshela kuze akhe ntwana Babe tando
you khonza uma I phoqoka? They tshela We khonza kho Nkulunkulu; Nkulunkulu of kho
yise Abraham Ismail Isaac; fike Nkulunkulu! Kuze Him we are submitters.
[2:134] njalo is gwamanda dlule They are necala babe they zuza you are necala babe
you zuza. You cha are necala anything they enza.
[2:135] They tshela You be Jewish ObuKhrestu guided Zwi We landela kolo Abraham!
- monotheism - he ze was Thixo worshiper.
[2:136] Zwi We kholwa NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi babe sa phansi us ngaphakathi
babe sa nikela Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Zalamizi; ngaphakathi babe epha kuze Mose
Jesu bonke phrofethi nga bo Lord We cha enza lengiso phi of them. Kuze Him wodwa
we are submitters.
[2:137] they kholwa njengoba you enza ngalesosikhathi they guided Kepha noma they
jikisa ngalesosikhathi they are ngaphakathi phikisa NKULUNKULU tando ONGA you
BO PHIKISA; He is OZWAYO Omniscient
[2:138] njalo is Nkulunkulu hlelo hlelo is kahle than Nkulunkulu? Him wodwa we
[2:139] Tshela Ncisheka you phikisana us NKULUNKULU uma He is ithu Lord kho
Lord We are necala ithu enzo you are necala for kho enzo. Kuze Him wodwa we nikela.
[2:140] you tshela ukuthi Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Zalamizi were Jewish
ObuKhrestu? Tshela you azi kahle than NKULUNKULU? Bani bi than fike gubadlela
fakazi he is funda NKULUNKULU? NKULUNKULU is ZE unaware of anything you
[2:141] Lowo was gwamanda dlule They are necala babe they zuza you are necala babe
you zuza. You cha are necala anything they enza.
[2:142] Divindivi among the ntu tshela enza they guquka bombo bo Qiblah? Tshela,
"Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele phumalanga shonalanga; He khaphi whoever tando sobala
[2:143] We kanjeyana enza you ngakhethi gwamanda you sebenza fakazi among the
ntu, gijimi sebenza fakazi you. We guquka bombo kho asekuqaleni Qiblah yodwa
ahlukanisa labo you readily landela gijimi nga labo khalima bo thende. was lukhuni
vivinyo cha labo are guided nga NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU ZE FAKA KHO
KONZO citheko NKULUNKULU is Compassionate towards NTU NOMUSA.
[2:144] We bheka you jika kho bombo bhakabhaka cinga lungile bombo)! We manje
assign Qiblah siza you. Henceforth you jika kho bombo Ngcwele Masjid. Wherever you
be bonke of you jika kho bombo it Labo thola dlule scripture azi ukuthi lo is yaniso bo
Lord NKULUNKULU is ZE unaware of anything they ENZA.
[2:145] Fana noma you tshengisa landeli scripture gcwele hlobo of mangaliso they cha
landela kho Qiblah. Nor shall you landela bo Qiblah. They enza cha fana landela each
others' Qiblah! you acquiesce bo fiso azani sondela you you fanele transgressors.
[2:146] Labo thola scripture recognize yaniso nantu njengoba they recognize bo khe
ntwana. nye of them gubadlela yaniso knowingly
[2:147] Lo is yaniso kho Lord cha harbor phi khonondo!
[2:148] Each of you enyula bombo landela; you hadula righteousness! Wherever you be
NKULUNKULU tando mema you lonke! NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[2:149] Wherever you thathaza you jika kho bombo Salat) Ngcwele Masjid. Lo is
yaniso kho Lord NKULUNKULU is ZE unaware of anything you BONKE ncisheka
[2:150] Wherever you thathaza you jika kho bombo Salat) Ngcwele Masjid; wherever
you be you jika kho bombo Salat) it Kanjeyana ntu cha fanele zakuzakwana you
transgressors them. Cha saba them saba Me mane! I tando ngalesosikhathi kahle Mi
busiso you you guided
[2:151] (Busiso) fana hambisa gijimi nga you kuze hlabelela ithu vulamehlo you hlamba
you thisha you scripture hlakani thisha you babe you ze azi!
[2:152] You khumbula Me I khumbula you be thankful Me cha be unappreciative.
[2:153] O you kholwa khonga lamula steadfastness Thintana Thandazo (Salat)!
[2:154] Cha tshela of labo dlulisa zathu NKULUNKULU They are file. They are alive
kwa bo Lord you cha perceive
[2:155] We surely hlola you nye saba ashayandawonye dleko mali pilo vuno! Epha hle
biko kuze the steadfast!
[2:156] Uma vivinywa ehla them they tshela We fanele kuze NKULUNKULU Him we
[2:157] La hola busiso nga bo Lord sa. La guided ones.
[2:158] Duma of Safa Marwah are rites decreed NKULUNKULU. Anyone sebenzisa
Hajj ‘Umrah cha bophezela phutha zungeza banga them! Noma fike volontiya ngakhethi
sebenzi ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Appreciative Omniscient
[2:159] Labo gubadlela ithu vulamehlo hola ngasemuva proclaiming them ntu scripture
fela NKULUNKULU; they fela bonke condemners!
[2:160] Njengoba for labo phenduka guqula proclaim I sindisa them! I am Redeemer
[2:161] Labo disbelieve phoqoka njengoba disbelievers incurred ahlulelwa
NKULUNKULU gelosi bonke ntu Suku Ehlulelo)!
[2:162] Eternally they abide therein. retribution ze commuted them nor they reprieved
[2:163] Kho Nkulunkulu is fike Nkulunkulu; nanso cha is Nkulunkulu He Gracious
[2:164] ngaphakathi dalo of bhakabhaka hlaba alternation suku suku shumbi zululeka
andle for the sizo ntu nzi ukuthi NKULUNKULU sa phansi bhakabhaka dlweza file zwe
embula it bonke hlobo of dalwa manipulation oya fu beka bhakabhaka hlaba nanso are
sufficient bonakaliso ntu azi!
[2:165] nye ntu akha Thixo angi NKULUNKULU thando them kuhle they are
NKULUNKULU. Labo kholwa thanda NKULUNKULU the ningi. Yodwa transgressors
bheka uma they bheka retribution! They realize ngalesosikhathi lowo bonke dlakathi
fanele kuze NKULUNKULU lodwa lowo Nkulunkulu retribution is awesome.
[2:166] Labo landela bandla labo landela them. They bheka retribution bonke thayi
them hhephuna!
[2:167] Labo landela tando zwi we zuza another potsho we bandla them njengoba they
bandla us manje. NKULUNKULU kanjeyana tshengisa them phetho of bo enza njengoba
nothing zisola; they ze exit Hogo!
[2:168] O ntu phanga hlaba khiqizo lonke is semthethweni hle cha landela gxathu
Dimoni; he is kho ardent mabonwabulawe!
[2:169] He yodwa phatha you bophezela bi vice tshela NKULUNKULU babe you cha
[2:170] Manini they thasisela Landela babe NKULUNKULU phendla nantu they tshela
We landela yodwa babe we cosha ithu zali Babe bo zali fanele sizo cha azi cha guided
[2:171] Bonakaliso njalo disbelievers is ukuthi of lingisi phinde babe they zwa sindo
bizela dlelwano! Yisithulu yisimungulu phumputheka; they cha azi
[2:172] O you kholwa phanga hle to we hlinzeka for you be thankful kuze
NKULUNKULU you khonza Him wodwa.
[2:173] He yodwa vala for you dla lwane phoqoka of themselves obuntu dokoxa) gazi
yama kotshi lwane zinikele kuze nye than NKULUNKULU. Fike bophezela phanga la)
without dalwa malicious ngamabomu he cha incurs ona! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[2:174] Labo gubadlela Nkulunkulu vulamehlo scripture shibhile omhlaba zuzo phanga
lilo bo khaba. NKULUNKULU tando CHA phumesela kuze them SUKU VUKO nor
tando He HLAMBA them! They incurred buhlungu retribution.
[2:175] is they enyula dukane hola retribution yekelo! Consequently they bekezela
[2:176] Lo is NKULUNKULU phendla lo scripture bekezelela yaniso labo phikisa
scripture are the ningi ardent bangi.
[2:177] Righteousness cha jika kho bombo towards phumalanga shonalanga. Ngakhethi
are labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku gelosi scripture phrofethi; they epha mali
cheerfully hlobo kedama dinga hamba alien phukuphuku yilileka gcinanja; they sebenzisa
Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat;) they qhubeka bo zwi whenever
they enza thembiso; they steadfastly phikelela ngaphakathi the bombo of joko nzaka pi!
La are truthful; la are the ngakhethi.
[2:178] O you kholwa equivalence is thetho decreed you uma enza hlinza! - Khululekile
for khululekile gcinanja gcinanja esifazane esifazane fike xolela victim's kin appreciative
response is ngaphakathi landelana, equitable enano khokha. Lo is alleviation nga kho
Lord sa. Anyone transgresses lo incurs buhlungu retribution.
[2:179] Equivalence is pilo beka thetho you O you possess biko you be ngakhethi.
[2:180] It decreed uma fa sondelana you loba tando for the sizo of zali hlobo equitably.
Lo is sebenzi upon the ngakhethi.
[2:181] anyone shintsha tando he zwa ono shintsha ehla labo necala for njalo shintsha!
[2:182] Noma fike bheka gross okungemthetho bias hla testator hola corrective enzo
buyisa ahluleli tando he bophezela hhayi ona! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[2:183] O you kholwa zila decreed you njengoba it was decreed for labo phambili you
lowo you attain sindiso!
[2:184] Thize suku designated zila;) fike is kabi hamba lingana shicilelo nye suku
shintsha! Labo zila nkulu kwalankwala shintsha phakela fike phofu ntu for nsukuzonke of
bhidliza shesha! Fike volontiya ngakhethi sebenza) it is kahle. zila is hle for you noma
you yodwa azi.
[2:185] Ramadan is yanga Quran phendla hlinzeka hola ntu hle fundiso statute bekisa!
Labo of you bona lo yanga zila therein. Labo are kabi hamba Meyi shintsha fana
ndikindiki of nye suku! NKULUNKULU fiso you DLELA CHA NZAKA LOWO you
[2:186] Uma Mi chaka buza you Me I am dine sondelana! I phendula bo thandazo uma
they bhedesha Me Ntu phendula Me kholwa Me ngaphakathi landelana guided
[2:187] Vumela you is sexual hlangana kho kosikazi suku of zila! They are lindi kho
fihlo you are lindi bo fihlo. NKULUNKULU AZI you SEBENZISA DAZULA KHO
PHEFUMULO He SINDISA you XOLELA you! Henceforth you fanele hlangana them
khonga babe NKULUNKULU vumela you! You phanga phuza mhlophe cu of okhela
phathelana distinguishable nga mnyama cu suku kusasa! Ngalesosikhathi you zila sunset.
Sexual hlangana vala you juqula baleka masjid ekugcineni 10 suku Ramadan)! La are
Nkulunkulu thetho; you cha transgress them. NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA
[2:188] You cha fuza each others' mali illicitly nor shall you fumbathisa officials phuca
others of nye of bo lungelo illicitly ngenkathi you azi.
[2:189] They buza you gaba yanga! Zwi They hlinzeka timing to ntu bheka khathi Hajj.
cha is ngakhethi kuze bhonya cishe the hlahla; righteousness attained upholding thetho
nga dalwa straightforward! You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU lowo you landela.
[2:190] You lwa zathu NKULUNKULU labo bani Fudumeza you cha aggress!
[2:191] You dlulisa labo wage pi you you evict them lapho they evicted you! Cindezela
is ngcolile than hlinza! Cha lwa them Ngcwele Masjid ukuba they fudumeza you therein.
they fudumeza you you dlulisa them. Lo is ngakhethi retribution labo disbelievers.
[2:192] they phindo ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa.
[2:193] You noma lwa them khipha cindezela khonza NKULUNKULU kakhulu! they
phindo you cha aggress; uchuku vumela yodwa against aggressors.
[2:194] Ngenkathi Ngcwele Yanga uchuku hlangabeza equivalent response. they
fudumeza you you buyisela inflicting equitable retribution! You sebenzisa
NKULUNKULU azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is nga the ngakhethi.
[2:195] You chitha zathu NKULUNKULU; ncisheka cha juba kho khe andla nga
bhubhiso! You be charitable; NKULUNKULU thanda the charitable!
[2:196] You sebenzisa phethiwe rites of Hajj ‘Umrah NKULUNKULU. you nqanda you
sa thembisa cha qhubeka hlaba kho nwele kho thembisa finyelela wo destination. you are
gula jeza phathi limala you juqa kho nwele) you expiate nga zila epha sa nye nye dlela of
konzo! Ngenkathi jwayelekile Hajj you gagasa mo of Ihraam (sanctity) phakathi ‘Umrah
Hajj you expiate thembisa nonya nikelo. you cha ngakhokhela it you shesha 3 suku Hajj
7 uma you phinda khaya - Lo ncintisana 10 - Hlinzeka you cha zwa Ngcwele Masjid!
You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is luma ngaphakathi
enforcing retribution!
[2:197] Hajj sebenzisa cacisa yanga. Whoever hlaziya cishile sebenzisa Hajj phindo
sexual hlangana misconduct zakuzakwana Hajj. Whatever sizakala you enza
NKULUNKULU is fully aware thereof. njengoba you hlomela kho hlinzeka hambo hle
hlinzeka is righteousness! You sebenzisa Me O you possess biko.
[2:198] You cha bophezela phutha khonga hlinzeka kho Lord hwebo)! Uma you feyila
‘Arafaat you khumbula NKULUNKULU Ngcwele Dawo Muzdalifah). You khumbula
Him guiding you; lo you thathaza astray.
[2:199] You feyila ngokusondelana okusele ntu feyila buza NKULUNKULU yekelo!
[2:200] Ngaphambili you ncintisana kho rites you qhubeka khumbula NKULUNKULU
you khumbula kho khe zali noma fana hle! Nye ntu tshela Ithu Lord epha us of lo hlaba
khashana fanele juphe Hereafter
[2:201] Others tshela Ithu Lord pha us righteousness ngaphakathi lo hlaba righteousness
Hereafter onga us retribution Hogo!
[2:202] Each of la thola juphe they zuza. NKULUNKULU is NEMPUMELELO
[2:203] You khumbula NKULUNKULU a shicilelo of suku Mena;) whoever khawuleza
enza lo ngaphakathi 2 suku cha bophezela ona whoever bukisa de bophezela ona
hushazela njengoba righteousness gcina! You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU azi lowo Him
you hloma.
[2:204] Among the ntu, fike thatha you akhe veza lo pilo fana bizela NKULUNKULU
bona akhe innermost cabango ngenkathi he is ardent bangi!
[2:205] Njengoba masinyane njengoba he hamba he zululeka hlaba corruptingly
[2:206] Uma he thasisela Sebenzisa NKULUNKULU he phathelana arrogantly
thukuthele. Consequently akhe lodwa phetho is Hogo; babe dabukisa abode.
[2:207] Ngalesosikhathi nanso are labo busisa bo pilo sebenza NKULUNKULU;
NKULUNKULU is compassionate towards njalo worshipers!
[2:208] O you kholwa you gona phelele submission; cha landela gxathu Dimoni he is
kho ardent mabonwabulawe.
[2:209] you backslide hle bonakaliso sondela you ngalesosikhathi azi ukuthi
NKULUNKULU is Almighty Hlakaniphile!
[2:210] they linda NKULUNKULU Are sondela them hlangana fu ngokusondelana
gelosi? Uma lo enzeka phelele buzo khawula NKULUNKULU everything phinda
[2:211] Buza Ntwana Israyeli kanjani ningi profound mangaliso fanele we tshengisa
them! For labo bambalala busiso pha upon them nga NKULUNKULU NKULUNKULU
is luma retribution!
[2:212] Lo worldly pilo gqizisa bobo disbelievers they chwaneka labo kholwa. Nokho
ngakhethi tando be de phezulu them Suku Vuko. NKULUNKULU HLAHLAMELISA
whomever He TANDO NCELE.
[2:213] Ntu sebenzisa be fike gwamanda uma NKULUNKULU sa phrofethi thwali hle
biko noma kuhle warners. He sa them scripture bekezelela yaniso jaji among the ntu bo
phendulana. Ironically labo bani thola scripture were the ones bhunkula phi sha scripture
cwatha bonakaliso epha them! Lo is mona bo hla. NKULUNKULU khaphi LABO
KHOLWA YANISO PHIKISA BONKE others ngaphakathi accordance nga AKHE
[2:214] you lindela ngena Pharadisi ncisheka without dalwa hlola labo phambili you?
They hlola nzaka adversity futhi qhuqha phezulu gijimi labo kholwa him tshela Lapho is
Nkulunkulu ahlula? Nkulunkulu ahlula is maduze!
[2:215] They buza you epha zwi sa you epha thathaza zali hlobo kedama phofu hamba
alien Phi hle you enza NKULUNKULU is fully aware thereof!
[2:216] Lwa Meyi nqumela you fana you nyanya it you nyanya to is hle you you fana to
is ngcolile for you. NKULUNKULU azi NGENKATHI you CHA AZI.
[2:217] They buza you Ngcwele Yanga lwa therein zwi "Lwa therein is sacrilege!
Nokho dudula dlela NKULUNKULU disbelieving ngaphakathi Him sanctity Ngcwele
Masjid evicting wo ntu are nkulu sacrileges bona NKULUNKULU! Cindezela is
ngcolile than hlinza. They dine lwa you revert you nga kho kolo they azi! Labo among
you revert bo kolo yoyosa disbelievers nullified bo sebenzi ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter
La are dwellers Hogo wherein they abide phakade.
[2:218] Labo kholwa labo thutha phokophela zathu NKULUNKULU hola Nkulunkulu
sa! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[2:219] They buza you kakhulu intoxicants gembula tshela them nanso is gross ono nye
sizo ntu. Bo sinfulness de outweighs bo sizo. They noma buza you babe epha sa tshela
excess NKULUNKULU kanjeyana hlandla vulamehlo you lowo you cabangisisa!
[2:220] upon lo pilo Hereafter they buza you kedama tshela Fundisa them njengoba
ngakhethi ntu is hle you enza them! you hlanganisa bo pahla yours you thokozisa them
hlobo memba. NKULUNKULU azi ngakhethi the wicked. fanele NKULUNKULU
willed He nqumela nendluzula gqa you. NKULUNKULU is Almighty
[2:221] Cha gcagca idolatresses they kholwa; kholwa kosikazi is kahle than idolatress
fana noma you fana wo! Nor shall you yekela kho tombazana shado kuze idolatrous doda
they kholwa. kholwa doda is kahle than idolater fana noma you fana him. La mema kuze
Hogo, khashana NKULUNKULU mema Pharadisi yekelo njengoba He tando. He hlandla
Akhe vulamehlo ntu lowo they fuza heed
[2:222] They buza you menstruation tshela is limaza you xwaya sexual hlangana
kosikazi menstruation cha sondelana them kuze they rid of it Ngaphambili they rid of it
you fanele hlangana them dlela sungula NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU THANDA
repenters He THANDA LABO are KHOCULA!
[2:223] Kho kosikazi are thwali kho mbewu. Kanjeyana you nambitheka lo lungelo you
kuhle kanjalo hushazela njengoba you gcina righteousness! You sebenzisa
NKULUNKULU azi ukuthi you hlangabeza Him. Epha hle biko kholwa!
[2:224] Cha beka Nkulunkulu gama kho esikhashana funga you bonakala ngakhethi
zenzisa attain kholeka among the ntu! NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO Knower.
NAKA you NECALA for KHO innermost JONGO. NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[2:226] Labo khankanya hlukana bo kosikazi linda 4 yanga pholisa they guquka bo
gqondo buyisana ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa!
[2:227] they thathaza ahlukaniso ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Ozwayo Knower.
[2:228] hlukana kosikazi linda 3 menstruations gcagca another doda)! Cha is
semthethweni for them gubadlela babe NKULUNKULU qamba bo zalo they kholwa
NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku. (Ngaphakathi mo of khulelwa) yeni fiso supersede
kosikazi fisa he wants remarry wo! Kosikazi fanele lungelo noma kuhle bopho equitably.
Ngakho doda fisa busa khulelwa)! NKULUNKULU is Almighty HLAKANIPHILE.
[2:229] Hlukana retracted kabili! hlukana kosikazi sondela zwa ngaphakathi fana khaya
amicably hamba it amicably! Cha is semthethweni yeni phindisela anything he epha wo.
bandakanya saba lowo they transgress Nkulunkulu thetho. Nanso is saba they transgress
Nkulunkulu thetho they bophezela hhayi phutha kosikazi willingly buyisa whatever she
enyula La are Nkulunkulu thetho; cha transgress them. Labo transgress Nkulunkulu
thetho are the unjust.
[2:230] he hlukana wo for 3 khathi is unlawful him remarry wo ukuba she gcagca
another doda ngalesosikhathi he hlukana wo! fike qongelela ngalesosikhathi remarry wo
hushazela njengoba they sebenzisa Nkulunkulu thetho! La are Nkulunkulu thetho; He
lungisa them ntu azi.
[2:231] you hlukana kosikazi ngaphambili they fulfill bo interim (3 menstruations) you
sondela them zwa ngaphakathi fana khaya amicably qhashisa them hamba amicably! Cha
bophezela them bukisa against bo tando kuhle phindisela! Anyone enza lo ono akhe khe
phefumulo. Cha fuza Nkulunkulu vulamehlo ngaphumeleli! Khumbula Nkulunkulu
busiso you He sa phansi you scripture hlakani khanyisa you! You sebenzisa
NKULUNKULU azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is aware of bonke to.
[2:232] you hlukana kosikazi ngaphambili they fulfill bo interim ncisheka cha nqanda
them nga remarrying bo yeni they buyisana amicably! Lo heeded labo you kholwa
NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku. Lo is msulwa for you ngakhethi. NKULUNKULU azi,
[2:233] hlukana mame hlenga bo gane 2 gcwele nyaka yise kanjalo fisa. Yise hlinzeka
mame dla embathisa equitably! Hhayi fike burdened akhe gcebo. Hhayi mame ona on
zibika of wo gane nor shall yise ona akhe gane. Yise phoqoka) akhe inheritor assume la
ziphendulela. gane zali mutually vumelana hlukana fanele daba they bophezela hhayi
phutha sizo kanjalo! You cha bophezela phutha qasha hlenga mame kanjalo hushazela
njengoba you khokha them equitably! You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU azi ukuthi
NKULUNKULU is Phrofethi of everything you enza!
[2:234] Labo phoqoka hamba kosikazi bo felokazi linda 4 yanga 10 suku (phambili they
remarry Ngaphambili they fulfill bo interim you bophezela hhayi phutha qhashisa them
enza whatever ngakhethi buzo they fisa enza! NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of
everything you ENZA.
[2:235] You cha bophezela ona azisa kho cimbi kuze kosikazi qhubeka it ngasese!
NKULUNKULU azi LOWO you CABANGA them. Cha hlangabeza them ngasese
ukuba you fanele to ngakhethi bhunga! Cha consummate shado bo interim gcina! You azi
lowo NKULUNKULU azi kho innermost cabango sebenzisa Him. You azi ukuthi
NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Clement
[2:236] You cha bophezela phutha hlukana kosikazi phambili namatha them phambili
beka dowry them! Ngaphakathi lo mo you nxephezela them - nothile kuhle he
ngakhokhela phofu njengoba he ngakhokhela - equitable enano. Lo is sebenzi upon the
[2:237] you hlukana them phambili namatha them ngasemuva you beka dowry them
enano be nxenye dowry they voluntarily hlawula bo lungelo phathi necala banga
ahlukaniso enyula hlawula dowry! Hlawula is closer kuze righteousness. You gcina
amicable hlobo you. NKULUNKULU is PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
[2:238] You consistently sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo ikakhulukazi khalo thandazo
nikela ngokupheleleyo NKULUNKULU.
[2:239] Under ngajwayelekile mo you bhedesha ngenkathi bhushuzela gibela
Ngaphambili you are phephile you khumbula NKULUNKULU njengoba He thisha you
babe you ze azi!
[2:240] Labo phoqoka hamba kosikazi tando hlinzeka bo kosikazi shoka nyaka hlinzeka
they bukisa fana ndeni! they hamba you cha bophezela ona nga qhashisa them enza
whatever they fisa hushazela njengoba righteousness gcina! NKULUNKULU is
[2:241] divorcees ngaphandle be hlinzeka for equitably! Lo is sebenzi upon the
[2:243] fanele you noted labo baleka bo khaya - Noma they were 1000 - Saba fa?
[2:244] You lwa zathu NKULUNKULU azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is Ozwayo
[2:245] Bani beyo lend NKULUNKULU boleko righteousness kuze it phindisela them
gaya manifold NKULUNKULU is Fike HLINZEKA withholds Him you phinda
[2:246] you noted ngqaphambili Israyeli Mose? They tshela kuze bo phrofethi you
khetha kosi phila us we lwa zathu NKULUNKULU. He tshela Is it kho jongo lwa
decreed you you cha lwa? They tshela should we cha lwa zathu NKULUNKULU uma we
phuca of ithu khaya ithu ntwana? Kepha manini lwa decreed them they jikisa a ngcosana
NKULUNKULU is aware of transgressors.
[2:247] Bo phrofethi tshela kuze them NKULUNKULU khetha Taloot (Saul) be kho
kosi. They tshela Kanjani fantshi he fanele kingship us uma we are worthy of kingship
than he; he is cha fana nothile? He tshela NKULUNKULU enyula him you hlahlamelisa
him bhiza azani ngaphakathi zimba NKULUNKULU pha Akhe kingship whomever He
tando! NKULUNKULU is Bounteous Omniscient
[2:248] Bo phrofethi tshela kuze them komba akhe kingship is ukuthi Ark Vumelwano
buyisa you fikisa ethembiso kho Lord relics ngakwesobunxele ntu of Mose ntu Aaron. It
yisa gelosi. Lo vumisa komba you noma you are nempela kholwa.
[2:249] Uma Saul fuza phatha of butho he tshela NKULUNKULU faka you vivinyo
fudlana! Anyone phuza nga it ncisheka cha fanele me - Yodwa labo cha zwa it fanele me
- Ukuba is ngakhethi mbalwa habulo. They phuza nga it a ngcosana of them. Uma he eqa
it labo kholwa they tshela Kalokhu we eswela andla bhekana Goliyathi akhe butho Labo
were azi of buthano NKULUNKULU tshela Ningi ncane pi tshoda khulu pi Nkulunkulu
vume. NKULUNKULU is LABO steadfastly PHIKELELA.
[2:250] Uma they bhekana Goliyathi akhe butho they bhedesha Ithu Lord pha us
steadfastness qinisa ithu foothold enzelelo us disbelieving ntu!
[2:251] They tshoda them Nkulunkulu hamba David dlulisa Goliyathi!
NKULUNKULU EPHA him kingship HLAKANI THISHA him njengoba He willed!
Noma it were for Nkulunkulu enzelelo of nye ntu others nanso be chaos hlaba.
Nkulunkulu yithela Akhe sa ntu.
[2:252] La are Nkulunkulu vulamehlo. We hlabelela them you truthfully you are fike of
[2:253] La gijimi; we hlahlamelisa nye of them ningi than others. For bonakaliso
NKULUNKULU poli kuze fike we vubukula nye of them kuze phezulu gaba. we epha
Jesu dodana Mary profound mangaliso shoka him Ngcwele Futho. fanele
NKULUNKULU willed bo landeli cha lwa each nye khuculula bonakaliso sondela them!
Mane they phikisa themselves; nye of them kholwa nye disbelieved fanele
NKULUNKULU willed they cha lwa. Everything is ngaphakathi accordance nga
Nkulunkulu tando
[2:254] O you kholwa you epha sa hlinzeka we epha you suku sondela lapho nanso cha
is hwebo hhayi nepotism hhayi intercession! disbelievers are the unjust.
Him FUDUMELE the NAPHAKADE. Ze zuzwana unawareness ozela fumana Him!
Kuze Him fanele everything bhakabhaka everything on hlaba! Bani khulumela Him
ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe tando He azi bo dlule bo gomuso. Hhayi fike attains
phi azani He tando. Akhe dominion encompasses bhakabhaka hlaba nqumo them ze
thwalo Him. He is the Ningi Phezulu the Nkulu
[2:256] Nanso cha be ficezelo kolo ngokufaneleyo is kalokhu ahlukile ngacabangi dlela!
Anyone fenyisa dimoni kholwa NKULUNKULU bamba donsile bopho; fike ze gagasa!
KHANYA. Njengoba for labo disbelieve bo lords are bo Thixo; they phila them khanya
cime - La be dwellers Hogo; they abide it phakade.
[2:258] you noted fike fanele phikisana Abraham akhe Lord NKULUNKULU epha him
kingship? Abraham tshela Mi Lord pha pilo fa. He tshela I pha pilo fa. Abraham tshela
NKULUNKULU fikisa langa phumalanga fantshi you fikisa it shonalanga? disbeliever
stumped NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi the wicked.
[2:259] Cabanga fike qeda poki dilobho mangala Kanjani fantshi NKULUNKULU
dlweza lo it phoqoka? NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi faka him fa 100 nyaka
ngalesosikhathi resurrected him! He tshela Kanjani langaza fanele you bukisa nantu? He
tshela I been nantu suku hla suku. He cha tshela! You been nantu 100 nyaka. Dlozinga
kwa kho dla phuza; they cha onakala! dlozinga kho mbongolo - we kanjeyana nikeza you
fundo ntu. manje qaphela kanjani we akha lenze ngalesosikhathi dibikeza them yama.
Uma he realized babe enzeka he tshela Kalokhu I azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is
[2:260] Abraham tshela Mi Lord tshengisa me kanjani You dlweza file He tshela Enza
you cha kholwa? He tshela Ehe I fiso reassure mi hliziyo. He tshela Fuza 4 bazana
kamelolokufundela bo phuzu beka a nqamu of each bazana gquma ngalesosikhathi
memeza them kuze you! They sondela you ngokuphangisa. You azi ukuthi
NKULUNKULU is Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[2:261] Bonakaliso of labo chitha bo monies zathu NKULUNKULU is ukuthi of
hlamvu khiqiza 7 spikes 100 hlamvu ngaphakathi each spike NKULUNKULU GAYA
LO manifold for whomever He TANDO. NKULUNKULU is Bounteous Knower.
[2:262] Labo chitha bo mali zathu NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi cha landela bo sa
nga hlambalaza ona thola bo recompense bo Lord they fanele nothing saba nor tando they
[2:263] Nomusa zwi bele are hle than sa landela nga hlambalaza! NKULUNKULU is
[2:264] O you kholwa cha nullify kho sa nga inflicting jakada hlambalaza fike chitha
akhe mali khetha ngenkathi disbelieving NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku! Akhe
bonakaliso is dwala mbozekile ncane qeqeba zathu; sinda mvula vuthuluka it washa zathu
yeka it ngenalusizo dwala! They nqoba nothing bo zabalazo. NKULUNKULU CHA
khaphi disbelieving NTU.
[2:265] Bonakaliso of labo epha bo mali khonga Nkulunkulu ethabelo eqiniso ahlulelwa
is ukuthi of gadi phezulu yimpumelelo zathu; uma sinda mvula wa it epha kabili
njengoba khulu vuno! Sinda mvula is tholakala khemekheme suffice. NKULUNKULU is
PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
[2:266] phi of you fisa khe gadi of tende shanguzo gilebhisi thutheleka fudlana phana
vuno ngalesosikhathi eqinisweni njengoba he khula dala ngenkathi akhe ntwana are
nzonzo dependent him holocaust phansula bambeka akhe gadi? NKULUNKULU
[2:267] O you kholwa you epha sa hle to you zuza nga babe we khiqiza for you hlaba.
Cha khetha ngcolile therein dalula uma you cha amukela it kho bobo cimeza! You azi
ukuthi NKULUNKULU is Nothile Ncomeka.
[2:268] Dimoni thembisa you ze phatha you bophezela bi khashana NKULUNKULU
thembisa you yekelo Him futhi sa! NKULUNKULU is Bounteous Omniscient
[2:269] He pha hlakani whomever He enyula whoever attains hlakani attained nkulu
bounty! Yodwa labo possess biko fuza heed
[2:270] Phi sa you epha charitable bambiso you fulfill NKULUNKULU is fully aware
thereof! Njengoba for wicked they cha fanele hlengi.
[2:271] you memezela kho sa they are nzonzobala hle! you qhubeka them anonymous
epha them phofu is hle you remits ningi of kho ono! NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant
of everything you ENZA.
[2:272] You cha are necala for guiding anyone. NKULUNKULU is LODWA fike
khaphi whoever ENYULA guided Phi sa you epha is kho khe sizakala. Phi sa you epha
be NKULUNKULU. Phi sa you epha phindisela you ngcosana okungemthetho.
[2:273] Sa thathaza phofu jeza zathu NKULUNKULU futhi cha thutha! unaware Meyi
zindla they are nothile khona kuze bo sindo. you recognize them okuthile komba; they ze
khwanya ntu dimane. Whatever sa you epha NKULUNKULU is fully aware thereof.
[2:274] Labo epha sa suku suku ngasese publicly thola bo recompense bo Lord they
fanele nothing saba nor tando they lila.
[2:275] Labo khetha usury are fana khundla njengoba labo nokuzithiba nga dimoni
sindo. Lo is they thola ukuthi usury is fana njengoba hwebo. Nkulunkulu vumela hwebo
vala usury. Kanjeyana whoever heeds lo thetho akhe Lord phindo usury he qhubeka akhe
ngalena holo akhe ehlulelo hlomisa NKULUNKULU! Njengoba for labo phikelela usury
they incur Hogo wherein they abide phakade.
NYANYA GCWELE disbeliever necala
[2:277] Labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha
obligatory sa (Zakat) they thola bo recompense bo Lord they fanele nothing saba nor
tando they lila!
[2:278] O you kholwa you sebenzisa NKULUNKULU phindo bonke hlobo of usury you
are kholwa.
[2:279] Noma you cha enza ngalesosikhathi lindela pi nga NKULUNKULU Akhe
gijimi! you phenduka you qhubeka kho hlokodolobha inflicting okungemthetho incurring
[2:280] Kweleti is unable kuze khokha mela kahle khathi you buyisa phezulu boleko sa
be kahle you noma you yodwa azi.
[2:281] Elusa of suku uma you phinda NKULUNKULU gcwele phefumulo is khokhela
everything it ncisheka ngcosana okungemthetho!
[2:282] O you kholwa uma you transact boleko phi kathi you bhala it Ngakhethi scribe
ncisheka loba! Hhayi scribe zaba enza lo sebenzi Nkulunkulu fundiso! He loba ngenkathi
kweleti bizela temu. He sebenzisa NKULUNKULU akhe Lord ze hungula Noma kweleti
is mentally incapable ngenasizo cha bizela akhe londolozi bizela equitably! 2 doda
sebenza fakazi; noma cha 2 doda ngalesosikhathi doda 2 kosikazi whose fakazi is
amukeleka kuze lonke. Ngakho noma fike kosikazi phathelana nganhlanye nye
khumbuza wo! is bopho fakazi fakaza uma balula upon ncisheka kanjalo! Cha dina of
loba danti hhayi buzo kanjani hushazela khathi buyiselo! Lo is equitable bona
NKULUNKULU qinisa kahle bona khipha phi khonondo you fanele daba cimbi you enza
on the casha cha bhalisa fanele them bona! Hhayi scribe bona ona akhe sebenzi! you ona
them it be wickedness kho hla. You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU NKULUNKULU tando
thisha you! NKULUNKULU is Omniscient
[2:283] you hamba hhayi scribe is tholakala bopho posa qinisekisa buyiselo! fike
ethemba ngaphakathi lo dlela he buya bopho uma khona he sebenzisa NKULUNKULU
akhe Lord Cha withhold phi fakazi nga gubadlela babe you bona! Anyone withholds
fakazi is nokona kwa hliziyo NKULUNKULU is fully aware of everything you ENZA.
[2:284] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba! Ukuthi you
memezela kho innermost cabango qhubeka them fihlekile NKULUNKULU naka you
necala for them. He thethelela whomever He tando jezisa whomever He tando!
NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[2:285] Gijimi fanele kholwa babe sa phansi him akhe Lord futhi kanjalo enza kholwa!
They kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gelosi Akhe scripture Akhe gijimi We cha enza
lengiso phi of Akhe gijimi They tshela We zwa we hlonipha. Thethelela us ithu Lord
Kuze You is ultimate phetho.
KWELETU is babe it ZUZA against is babe it BOPHEZELA! Ithu Lord cha fela us we
khohlwa enza cala Ithu Lord biyela us nga blaspheming You kuhle labo phambili us
enza! Ithu Lord biyela us nga ona it phathelana kakhulu ngasekho for us phenduka!
Xolela us thethelela us! You are ithu Lord Phathi Pho us ahlula disbelieving ntu.
3- Amramites (Al-Imran)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[3:1] A L. M.
[3:3] He sa you lo scripture truthfully qinisekisa bonke dlule scriptures He sa nikela
Torah Vangeli!
[3:4] phambili lowo, kuze khaphi ntu He sa statute bekisa! Labo disbelieve Nkulunkulu
vulamehlo incur nzima retribution. NKULUNKULU is Almighty Avenger.
[3:5] Nothing sitheza NKULUNKULU hlaba bhakabhaka.
[3:6] He is Fike fomu you zalo njengoba He tando. Nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu
ngaphandle Him; Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[3:7] He sa phansi you lo scripture zibamba straightforward thole - which constitute
loya scripture - Noma njengoba multiple-meaning allegorical thole. Labo harbor ngabaza
bo hliziyo landela multiple-meaning thole qamba yakanyaka dadulula okuthile cazelo!
None azi yiqiniso cazelo thereof except NKULUNKULU labo thombo thungela azani!
They tshela We kholwa ngaphakathi lo - bonke of it sondela ithu Lord Yodwa labo
possess biko fuza heed
[3:8] Ithu Lord qhashisa cha ithu hliziyo dengeza kalokhu lowo You guided us! Yithela
us Kho sa; You are Grantor!
[3:9] Ithu Lord You surely hloma ntu suku is ngenakugwemeka! NKULUNKULU ZE
[3:10] Labo disbelieve ze lamula bo mali nor bo ntwana NKULUNKULU. They be
phethiloli for Hogo.
[3:11] Fana Pharaoh's ntu labo them they bhunkula ithu vulamehlo consequently
NKULUNKULU jezisa them bo ono. NKULUNKULU is LUMA ngaphakathi enforcing
[3:12] Tshela kuze labo disbelieve You tshoda ngalesosikhathi hloma Hogo; babe
dabukisa abode!
[3:13] Bonakaliso beka you 2 pi clashed - Fike pi lwa zathu NKULUNKULU ngenkathi
nye disbelieving They bheka bo khe bobo they were kabili njengoba ningi
ethembiso labo possess bona.
[3:14] Gqizisa ntu are worldly ethabelo fana kosikazi fanele ntwana mbundu mbundu of
golide liva qeqeshiwe jomane livestock vuno. La are mathiriyeli lo hlaba. De kahle abode
[3:15] Tshela Qhashisa me chazela you of khulu hle deal labo phila ngakhethi pilo thule
bo Lord are gadi thutheleka fudlana msulwa owakwakhe jabulo Nkulunkulu busiso
NKULUNKULU is Phrofethi Akhe worshipers!
[3:16] They tshela Ithu Lord we kholwa thethelela us ithu ono onga us agony hellfire.
[3:17] They are steadfast truthful faka charitable futhi meditators kusasa!
except He FUTHI ncisheka GELOSI LABO possess AZANI! Truthfully equitably He is
phelele Nkulunkulu; nanso cha is Nkulunkulu He Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[3:19] Lodwa kolo approved nga NKULUNKULU is Submission. Ironically labo thola
scripture are ones phikisa lo phuzu azani they thola mona. For njalo rejectors Nkulunkulu
vulamehlo NKULUNKULU is luma ngaphakathi reckoning
[3:20] they phikisana you ngalesosikhathi zwi I hle faka NKULUNKULU; I labo
landela me You proclaim labo thola scripture kakhulu njengoba labo cha enza Beyo you
faka? they faka ngalesosikhathi they guided they jikisa kho soli thunywa is sindise lo
[3:21] Labo bhunkula Nkulunkulu vulamehlo dlulisa phrofethi unjustly dlulisa labo
khulumela ahluleli among the ntu, thembisa them buhlungu retribution!
[3:22] Bo sebenzi nullified both ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter they cha fanele hlengi.
[3:23] you noted labo were epha inxenye of scripture kanjani they mema uphold lo
scripture NKULUNKULU thinta it bo khe zwa ngalesosikhathi nye of them jikisa
[3:24] Lo ba they tshela hellfire cha namatha us ngakanani suku. They kanjeyana
khohlanisa bo kolo bo khe bumbela!
[3:25] kanjani it enza for them uma we be mema them lowo ngenakugwemeka suku?
Each phefumulo be khokhela whatever it zuza ngcosana okungemthetho!
[3:26] Tshela Ithu Nkulunkulu possessor bonke sovereignty! You pha sovereignty
whomever You enyula You enyula sovereignty whomever You enyula. You pha sindo
whomever You enyula bophezela kuze fojisa whomever You enyula. ngaphakathi Kho
andla are bonke hlinzeka. You are Omnipotent
[3:27] You merge suku suku merge suku suku. You khiqiza fudumele file khiqiza file
nga fudumele You hlinzeka for whomever You enyula ncele!
[3:28] Kholwa ze sizana disbelievers kholwa. Whoever enza lo khipha
NKULUNKULU! Khulula are labo bophezela ncisheka lo xwaya joko! NKULUNKULU
KHATHAZA you LOWO you hlonipho Him WODWA. Kuze NKULUNKULU is
ultimate phetho.
[3:29] Tshela Ukuthi you gubadlela kho innermost cabango memezela it
NKULUNKULU is fully aware thereof. He is fully aware of everything ngaphakathi
bhakabhaka hlaba! NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[3:30] Suku sondela uma each phefumulo cosha bonke sizakala sebenza it enza fikisa
hambile! Njengoba for bi sebenza it fisa lowo they kude kude enyula! NKULUNKULU
Compassionate towards NTU.
[3:31] Proclaim Noma you thanda NKULUNKULU you landela me NKULUNKULU
tando ngalesosikhathi thanda you thethelela kho ono! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[3:32] Proclaim You hlonipha NKULUNKULU gijimi they jikisa NKULUNKULU cha
thanda disbelievers!
[3:34] They fanele fana progeny. NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO Omniscient
[3:35] Kosikazi Amram tshela Mi Lord I busisa (gane) mi khaba You ngokupheleleyo
kanjalo amukela me You are Ozwayo Omniscient
[3:36] Uma she zala wo she tshela Mi Lord I epha zala tombazana - NKULUNKULU
was fully aware of BABE she BEKEZELELA - Duna cha is fana njengoba esifazane I
qamba wo Mary I invoke Kho vikelo wo wo zalo nga bhunkula dimoni!
[3:37] Wo Lord amukela wo gracious amukelwa fundisa wo gracious khuliso
guardianship Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah ngena wo sanctuary he thola hlinzeka wo.
He buza Mary enza you zuza lo nga? She tshela It is NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU
hlinzeka for whomever He ENYULA NCELE.
[3:38] Uma Zachariah nxusa akhe Lord Mi Lord pha me njalo hle ntwana You are
Ozwayo thandazo.
[3:39] Gelosi balula him uma he bhedesha sanctuary NKULUNKULU epha you hle
biko of Jan kholwa zwi NKULUNKULU honorable moral ngakhethi phrofethi.
[3:40] He tshela Kanjani fantshi I fanele fokazi uma I am dala mi kosikazi sterile He
tshela NKULUNKULU enza whatever He tando.
[3:41] He tshela Mi Lord epha me komba. He tshela Kho komba is ukuthi you cha
phumesela kuze ntu 3 suku phawu! Khumbula kho Lord mihla; zindla suku suku!
[3:42] Gelosi tshela O Mary NKULUNKULU enyula you hlamba you. He enyula you
bonke kosikazi.
[3:43] O Mary you faka kho Lord prostrate khothama phansi labo khothama phansi
[3:44] Lo is biko dlule we phendla you. You cha were ashila uma they hlasela bo raffles
khetha Mary's londolozi. You cha were manje uma they phikisana fike another
[3:45] Gelosi tshela O Mary NKULUNKULU epha you hle biko Zwi nga Him gama is
Messiah Jesu dodana Mary. He be gqamile ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter fike of labo
closest kuze Me '
[3:46] He phumesela kuze ntu crib kakhulu njengoba dala; he be fike of the ngakhethi.
[3:47] She tshela Mi Lord kanjani fantshi I fanele dodana uma hhayi doda namatha me
He tshela NKULUNKULU kanjeyana qamba whatever He tando. Kuze fanele anything
phelile He hle tshela kuze Be ' it is
[3:48] He thisha him scripture hlakani Torah Vangeli.
[3:49] njengoba gijimi Ntwana Israyeli I sondela you komba nga kho Lord - I qamba
you nga bumba fomu bazana ngalesosikhathi I thathaza it it phathelana zwa bazana
Nkulunkulu vume. I buyisa bona phumputheka sindisa nobulephero I dlweza file
Nkulunkulu vume! I thasisela you babe you phanga babe you beka kho khaya. Lo be
bonakaliso you noma you are kholwa.
[3:50] I qinisekisa dlule scripture - Torah - I revoke okuthile enqabelo nqumela upon
you. I sondela you sufficient bonakaliso nga kho Lord Ngakho you sebenzisa
NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[3:51] NKULUNKULU is MI Lord KHO Lord you KHONZA Him WODWA! Lo is
lungile dlela.
[3:52] Uma Jesu zwa bo disbelief he tshela Bani are mi lweli NKULUNKULU? fundi
tshela We are Nkulunkulu lweli; we kholwa NKULUNKULU bekezelela bona we are
[3:53] Ithu Lord we fanele kholwa babe You sa nikela we landela gijimi; bala us fakazi!
[3:54] They tula schemed ncisheka NKULUNKULU NKULUNKULU is kahle
[3:55] Kanjeyana NKULUNKULU tshela O Jesu I khawula kho pilo vubukula you kuze
Me ridding you of disbelievers! I exalt labo landela you phezulu labo disbelieve Suku
Vuko. Ngalesosikhathi kuze Me is ultimate phetho of bonke of you ngalesosikhathi I jaja
you kho phendulana.
[3:56] Njengoba for labo disbelieve I bophezela them buhlungu retribution ngaphakathi
lo hlaba ngaphakathi Hereafter They cha fanele hlengi.
[3:57] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo He fully recompense them!
[3:58] La are vulamehlo we hlabelela you hlinzeka biko gcwele of hlakani!
[3:59] Bonakaliso Jesu NKULUNKULU phathelana is fana njengoba lowo of Adam;
He qamba him thuli ngalesosikhathi tshela kuze him Be he was
[3:60] Lo is yaniso kho Lord cha harbor phi khonondo!
[3:61] anyone phikisana you azani you thola ngalesosikhathi zwi Yoyosa us mema ithu
ntwana kho ntwana ithu kosikazi kho kosikazi yourselves ngalesosikhathi qhashisa us
invoke Nkulunkulu qalekisa hubu!
[3:62] Kasibili lo is gxoxo yaniso. Kasibili nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except
NKULUNKULU! Kasibili NKULUNKULU is Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[3:63] they jikisa ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is fully aware of evildoers.
[3:64] Zwi O landeli scripture sondela nengqondo vumelana us you lowo we cha khonza
NKULUNKULU we ze akha phi Thixo Him nor akha phi ntu lords NKULUNKULU
they jikisa tshela Bekezelela fakazi we are submitters!
[3:65] O landeli scripture ngani you phikisana Abraham uma Torah Vangeli cha phendla
kuze emva him? you cha azi?
[3:66] You phikisana kakhulu to you fanele azi; you phikisana to you cha azi?
[3:67] Abraham was neither Jewish nor ObuKhrestu; he was monotheist submitter. He
ze was Thixo worshiper.
[3:68] Ntu worthy of Abraham are labo landela him lo phrofethi labo kholwa.
[3:69] Nye landeli scripture fisa phila you astray they yodwa phila astray without
[3:70] O landeli scripture you bhunkula la vulamehlo NKULUNKULU you bekezelela
bona lo is yaniso)?
[3:71] O landeli scripture ngani you confound yaniso cebo ncisheka gubadlela yaniso
[3:72] Nye landeli scripture tshela kholwa babe sa nikela kholwa ekuseni bhunkula it
kusihlwa; mhlawumbe someday they revert
[3:73] Cha kholwa except njengoba labo landela kho kolo. Tshela yiqiniso hola is
Nkulunkulu hola. they thola ukuthi they fanele linganayo hola phikisana you kho Lord
zwi Bonke sa is Nkulunkulu dlulisela; He pha it whomever He tando. NKULUNKULU is
Bounteous Omniscient
[3:74] He cacisa Akhe sa whomever He tando; NKULUNKULU possesses unlimited sa.
[3:75] Nye landeli scripture ethemba phelele diki they buyisa it you. Others them cha
ethemba mbalwa dinar; they cha phindisela you you qhubeka them. is they tshela We
fanele kuze be hlonipheka uma enza gentiles! Kanjeyana they attribute nga
NKULUNKULU knowingly
[3:76] Bala labo fulfill bo bopho phila ngakhethi pilo NKULUNKULU thando the
[3:77] Njengoba for labo hweba lahlekile Nkulunkulu vumelwano bo bopho shibhile
klomelo they thola hhayi hlanganyela Hereafter NKULUNKULU tando CHA phumesela
kuze them nor DLOZINGA them SUKU VUKO nor tando He HLAMBA them! They
incurred buhlungu retribution.
[3:78] Among them are labo zoba bo limi lingisa scripture you zindla is scripture uma
cha is scripture they thola it is NKULUNKULU uma it cha is NKULUNKULU!
Kanjeyana they khuluma nga attribute them NKULUNKULU knowingly
[3:79] Ze beyo ntu whom NKULUNKULU thokozisa nga scripture prophethood tshela
kuze ntu Idolize me NKULUNKULU. Mane (he tshela) Nikela kasibili kho Lord wodwa
scripture you shumayela fundiso you funda!
[3:80] Nor beyo he phatha you idolize gelosi phrofethi lords he exhort you beyo
disbelieve phathelana submitters?
scripture HLAKANI. Kamuva gijimi sondela qinisekisa bonke khona scriptures! You
kholwa him shoka him. He tshela Ncisheka you vumelana lo bambiso fulfill lo
vumelwano? They tshela We vumelana. He tshela You kanjeyana bekezelela bona I
bekezelela bona you!
[3:82] Labo bhunkula lo (Quranic bikezelo) are bi ones.
[3:83] they khonga Nkulunkulu kolo uma everything ngaphakathi bhakabhaka hlaba
faka Him willingly unwillingly futhi Him they phinda?
[3:84] Zwi We kholwa NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi babe sa phansi us ngaphakathi
babe sa nikela Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Zalamizi ngaphakathi babe epha Mose Jesu
phrofethi bo Lord We cha enza lengiso phi of them. Kuze Him wodwa we are submitters.
[3:85] Anyone amukela Submission akhe kolo it cha amukela him Hereafter he be
[3:86] ngani NKULUNKULU khaphi ntu should disbelieved ngasemuva kholwa
ngasemuva bona gijimi is yaniso futhi namandla bonakaliso epha them?
NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi the wicked.
[3:87] La incurred ahlulelwa NKULUNKULU gelosi bonke ntu.
[3:88] Eternally they abide therein; retribution ze commuted them nor tando they
[3:89] Khulula are labo bani phenduka thereafter guqula NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[3:90] Labo disbelieve kholwa ngalesosikhathi cwilisa de nga disbelief bo nguquko cha
amukela them; they are oqobo strayers!
[3:91] Labo disbelieve phoqoka disbelievers earthful golide tando cha amukela phi of
them ngaphambi njalo hlengo were enzeka. They incurred buhlungu retribution; they cha
fanele hlengi.
[3:92] You cha attain righteousness you epha sa pahla you thanda. Whatever you epha
sa NKULUNKULU is fully aware thereof.
[3:93] Bonke dla sebenzisa be semthethweni for Ntwana Israyeli Israyeli nqumela
okuthile enqabelo themselves phambili Torah sa phansi Zwi Fikisa Torah funda it you are
[3:94] Labo bhila mbumbulu enqabelo lo attribute them kuze NKULUNKULU are
impela wicked!
[3:95] Zwi NKULUNKULU proclaimed yaniso You landela Abraham's kolo -
monotheism. He ze was idolater.
[3:96] The ningi thuthukile shrine sungula for ntu is fike Becca; thokozisa beacon bonke
[3:97] ngaphakathi are cwatha komba steshi Abraham. Anyone ngena it pha phephile
hube. Ntu kweleta it NKULUNKULU lowo they sebenzisa Hajj lo shrine uma they
ngakhokhela it Njengoba for labo disbelieve NKULUNKULU cha dinga anyone.
[3:98] Tshela O landeli scripture ngani you bhunkula la vulamehlo NKULUNKULU
uma NKULUNKULU bona everything you is enza?
[3:99] Zwi O landeli scripture enza you dudula dlela NKULUNKULU labo fisa kholwa
khonga phendulela it fana you are bona? NKULUNKULU is ze unaware of anything you
[3:100] O you kholwa you hlonipha nye of labo bani thola scripture they revert you
kholwa disbelievers.
[3:101] kanjani you disbelieve uma la vulamehlo NKULUNKULU hlabelela you Akhe
gijimi sondela you? Whoever naka shesha NKULUNKULU tando guided lungile dlela!
[3:102] O you kholwa you sebenzisa NKULUNKULU njengoba He sebenzisa cha
phoqoka Submitters.
[3:103] You naka zila bopho NKULUNKULU bonke of you futhi cha hlanganyela!
Recall Nkulunkulu busiso you! - you sebenzisa be mabonwabulawe He buyisana kho
hliziyo. Nga Akhe sa you phathelana zalelwana. You were brink pit of lilo He khulula
you guided
[3:104] yoyosa nanso be gwamanda of you mema kuze babe is hle buzeli righteousness
enqabela bi. La are nqobi.
[3:105] Cha be labo phathelana hlanganyela phikisa khuculula bonakaliso lowo epha
them! For la incurred thusa retribution.
[3:106] Suku sondela uma nye bhekana gqama jabulo ngenkathi nye bhekana fiphaza
hlupheka)! Njengoba for labo bombo fiphaza they buza you be cha disbelieve ngasemuva
kholwa? Ngakho jeza retribution kho disbelief!
[3:107] Njengoba for labo bombo gqama they jabula Nkulunkulu sa; they abide therein
[3:108] La are Nkulunkulu vulamehlo; we hlabelela them you truthfully.
[3:109] Nkulunkulu fanele everything bhakabhaka everything hlaba lonke buzo zibamba
[3:110] You are hle gwamanda nanini vubukula among the ntu you khulumela
righteousness enqabela bi you kholwa NKULUNKULU! Landeli scripture kholwa it be
kahle them. Nye of them kholwa vamela of them are wicked!
[3:111] They ze ona you ngalena hlambalaza you! they lwa you they phenduka baleka!
They ze zuza.
[3:112] They yoca whenever you bonana them they uphold Nkulunkulu vumelwano
noma kuhle bo thula vumelwano you! They incurred ankahlu NKULUNKULU
consequently they bophezela hlaza! Lo ba they bhunkula Nkulunkulu vulamehlo dlulisa
phrofethi unjustly! Lo they disobeyed transgressed
[3:113] They cha are kuyefana landeli scripture nanso are labo are ngakhethi. They
hlabelela Nkulunkulu vulamehlo suku they wa prostrate
[3:114] They kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku they khulumela righteousness
enqabela bi they khawuleza ncisheka ngakhethi sebenzi! La are the ngakhethi.
[3:115] Phi sizakala they cha thathaza unrewarded. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of
[3:116] Labo disbelieved ze lamula bo mali bo ntwana NKULUNKULU. They incurred
Hogo wherein they abide phakade.
[3:117] Bonakaliso bo accomplishments ngaphakathi lo pilo is khulu oya dukluza vuno
ntu ngalungi bo phefumulo esula it cishile! NKULUNKULU ZE NGALUNGI them; is
[3:118] O you kholwa cha befriend bukeli ze hluleka fisa you ona; they ngaphambi fisa
bheka you jeza! Zondo thutheleka bo lomo babe they sitheza ngaphakathi bo bele is de
ngcolile We kanjeyana hlandla vulamehlo you noma you azi.
[3:119] Nantu you are thanda them ngenkathi they cha thanda you you kholwa
ngaphakathi bonke scripture! Uma they hlangabeza you they tshela We kholwa njengoba
masinyane njengoba they hamba they lunywa bo nwe laka you. Zwi Phoqoka kho laka.
NKULUNKULU is fully aware of innermost cabango.
[3:120] Uma anything hle hlangana kho dlela they limele manini to ngcolile enzeka you
they jabula. you steadfastly phikelela gcina righteousness bo cebo ze limele you!
NKULUNKULU is fully aware of everything they ENZA.
[3:121] Recall you (Muhammad) were kho ntu uma you hlaziya cishile assign kholwa
bo khundla for lwa NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO Omniscient
[3:122] 2 xuku you cishe hlumba NKULUNKULU was bo Lord ngaphakathi
NKULUNKULU kholwa ethemba.
you sebenzisa NKULUNKULU bukiso kho linganisa.
[3:124] You thasisela kholwa Is it cha ngokwanele lowo kho Lord shoka you 3000
gelosi sa phansi
[3:125] Bala you steadfastly phikelela gcina righteousness ngalesosikhathi they
fudumeza you ngokuzuma kho Lord shoka you 5000 gelosi thombo qeqeshiwe!
[3:126] NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA CHAZELA you ngaphakathi landelana EPHA
you HLE BIKO QINISA KHO hliziyo Ahlula sondela yodwa nga NKULUNKULU
Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[3:127] He kanjeyana bhubhisa nye disbelievers neutralizes them; they dine phetho
[3:128] is phezulu kuze you; He sindisa them He jezisa them for bo sono!
[3:129] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba! He thethelela
whomever He tando jezisa whomever He tando! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[3:130] O you kholwa you cha fuza usury compounded dlulile futhi dlulile. Sebenzisa
NKULUNKULU lowo you landela!
[3:131] Elusa of hellfire mela disbelievers!
[3:132] You hlonipha NKULUNKULU gijimi lowo you attain sa.
[3:133] You eagerly hadula yekelo kho Lord Pharadisi whose banzi encompasses
bhakabhaka hlaba; it mela the ngakhethi
[3:134] Bani epha sa hle dla kakhulu ngcolile dla. They are suppressors tukuthelo
pardoners ntu. NKULUNKULU THANDA the charitable.
[3:135] they wa ona ngalungi bo phefumulo they khumbula NKULUNKULU buza
yekelo bo ono! - Bani thethelela ono except NKULUNKULU! - they cha phikelela
ngaphakathi ona knowingly
[3:136] Bo recompense is yekelo bo Lord gadi thutheleka fudlana; they abide therein
unomphelo! Babe thokozisa kokhelo sebenzi!
[3:137] Precedents beka you dlulile zululeka hlaba qaphela phetho unbelievers.
[3:138] Lo is aziso ntu hola khanyisa for the ngakhethi.
[3:139] You cha dengeza nor shall you lila you are ultimate victors you are kholwa.
[3:140] you jeza nzaka mabonwabulawe noma jeza fana nzaka. We alternate suku ahlula
futhi tshoda among the ntu! NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA AHLUKANISA
[3:142] you lindela ngena Pharadisi NKULUNKULU ahlukanisa labo among you bani
phokophela without ahlukanisa labo are steadfast?
[3:143] You sebenzisa langaza fa you bhekana it Manje you bhekana it ngokufaneleyo
kho bobo.
[3:144] Muhammad was hhayi ningi than gijimi gijimi phambili him. he phoqoka
Should suka dlulisa you khalima kho thende? Anyone khalima akhe thende cha limele
NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi the ngcosana NKULUNKULU KLOMELA LABO are
[3:145] Hhayi fike phoqoka Nkulunkulu vume kwa predetermined khathi Whoever
khonga vanities lo hlaba we epha him therefrom whoever khonga kokhelo Hereafter we
hlahlamelisa him therein! We klomela labo are appreciative
[3:146] Ningi phrofethi fanele godly ntu lwa him without nanini dengeza cindezelo
zathu of NKULUNKULU nor enza they fefenyeka phathelana nqunda! NKULUNKULU
THANDA the steadfast.
[3:147] Bo lodwa veza was Ithu Lord thethelela us ithu ono ithu sono qinisa ithu
foothold pho us ahlula disbelievers!
[3:148] Consequently NKULUNKULU pha them kokhelo lo hlaba hle klomela of
[3:149] O you kholwa you hlonipha labo disbelieve they khalima you on kho thende,
ngalesosikhathi you phetho losers!
[3:151] We juba terror hliziyo of labo disbelieved selokhu they akha NKULUNKULU
buthuntu Thixo. Bo phetho is Hogo; babe dabukisa abode transgressors!
VUME! Ngalesosikhathi you dengeza phikisa yourselves disobeyed uma He tshengisa
you (ahlula) you hushazela for ngalesosikhathi nye of you phathelana thikazisa onakala lo
hlaba ngenkathi others rightly phathelana Hereafter He ngalesosikhathi buyisela you
them hlola you! He xolela you. NKULUNKULU YITHELA KHOLWA AKHE SA.
[3:153] Recall ukuthi you sukela onakala khokhela hhayi lalelisisa kuze anyone fana
uma gijimi balula emuva you! Consequently He shintsha fike hlupheka another you cha
lila anything you chitha agonize phi nzaka you jeza! NKULUNKULU is Cognizant of
everything you ENZA!
[3:154] Emva bibizane He sa you noxolo lala thulisa nye of you. Others you selfishly
phathelana themselves. They harbored cabango NKULUNKULU were manje - Fana
cabango they harbored suku luhlaza. Kanjeyana they tshela Is anything phezulu kuze us?
Tshela Everything is phezulu kuze NKULUNKULU. They gubadlela ngaphakathi babe
they cha phendla you! They tshela it was phezulu kuze us none of us dlulisa ngaphakathi
lo lwa Zwi Fanele you bukisa kho khaya labo destined dlulisa klwebha bo fa bhede
NKULUNKULU kanjeyana faka you vivinyo wisa cishile kho yiqiniso ahlulelwa hlola
babe is kho hliziyo! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of innermost CABANGO.
[3:155] Surely labo among you khalima suku 2 pi clashed khohlisa dimoni! Lo
cabangisisa nye of (bi) sebenzi they bophezela! NKULUNKULU XOLELA them.
NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Clement
[3:156] O you kholwa cha be labo disbelieved tshela of bo kinsmen hamba viva pi
Fanele they bukisa us they cha phoqoka zuza dlulisa. NKULUNKULU nikeza lo deku
PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
[3:157] you faka dlulisa phoqoka zathu NKULUNKULU yekelo nga NKULUNKULU
sa are de kahle than anything they hoard
[3:158] you phoqoka suka dlulisa you mema NKULUNKULU!
[3:159] was sa NKULUNKULU you phathelana compassionate towards them. fanele
you been nendluzula mean-hearted they dela you. Ngakho you xolela them buza yekelo
them buzana them! Ngaphambili you chitha gwebo yisa kho cebo ethemba
[3:160] Nkulunkulu shoka you none tshoda you. Futhi noma He dela you bani shoka
you? ngaphakathi NKULUNKULU kholwa ethemba.
[3:161] Fana phrofethi cha fuza ningi of onakala pi than he nelungelo Anyone fuza ningi
than akhe fanele juphe fanele zibika for it Suku Vuko! is uma each phefumulo is
khokhela whatever it zuza ngcosana okungemthetho.
[3:162] fike landela Nkulunkulu ethabelo fana njengoba fike Is incurs ankahlu
NKULUNKULU akhe phetho is Hogo the ningi dabukisa abode?
[3:163] They impela occupy balwa gaba NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU is
PHROFETHI of everything they ENZA.
GIJIMI them hlabelela them AKHE VULAMEHLO HLAMBA them THISHA them
scripture HLAKANI! phambili lo they thathaza ngokupheleleyo astray.
[3:165] Manje you jeza bibizane fana you inflicted kabili njengoba khulu hlupheka
(upon kho mabonwabulawe) you tshela enza lo enzeka us? Tshela Lo is phetho of kho
khe enzo. NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[3:166] Babe hlupha you suku 2 pi clashed was ngaphakathi accordance nga
Nkulunkulu tando ahlukanisa kholwa!
[3:167] Kuze dalula bulu thasisela Sondela lwa zathu NKULUNKULU nikela They
tshela we azi kanjani lwa we xhumelela you. They were closer kuze disbelief
ngalesosikhathi than they were kholo! They khuluma bo lomo babe cha was bo hliziyo!
[3:168] They tshela of bo kinsmen njengoba they bukisa emuva Fanele they hlonipha us
they cha dlulisa. Zwi Ngalesosikhathi nqanda kho khe fa you are truthful!
[3:169] Cha zindla labo dlulisa zathu NKULUNKULU are file; they are alive bo Lord
nambitheka Akhe hlinzeka!
[3:170] They jabula Nkulunkulu sa they fanele hle biko bo hlobo ncisheka cha phoqoka
them lowo they fanele nothing saba nor tando they lila!
[3:171] They fanele hle biko Nkulunkulu busiso futhi sa futhi ukuthi NKULUNKULU
ze hlumba klomela kholwa!
[3:172] Labo phendula NKULUNKULU gijimi joko they jeza gcina bo hle sebenzi hola
ngakhethi pilo nkulu kokhelo!
[3:173] Uma ntu tshela kuze them Ntu viva you; you saba them lo yodwa qinisa bo
kholo they tshela NKULUNKULU suffices us; He is kahle Londolozi!
[3:174] They hola Nkulunkulu busiso sa. Hhayi ona nanini thinta them they attained
Nkulunkulu vumelo! NKULUNKULU possesses infinite SA.
[3:175] is dimoni hlelo instill saba akhe dikimba. Cha saba them saba Me mane noma
you are kholwa!
[3:176] Cha saddened labo khawuleza disbelieve! They ze limele NKULUNKULU
ngaphakathi the ngcosana Mane NKULUNKULU fanele willed lowo they fanele
hlanganyela Hereafter They incurred thusa retribution.
[3:177] Labo enyula disbelief kholo cha limele NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi the
ngcosana they incurred buhlungu retribution.
[3:178] yoyosa cha disbelievers zindla we phila them for bo khe sizakala. We yodwa
phila them on qinisekisa bo sinfulness! They incurred fojisa retribution.
NGCOLILE NGA SIZAKALA! Nor enza NKULUNKULU chazela you of gomuso
NKULUNKULU pha njalo azani whomever He enyula Akhe gijimi! Ngakho you
kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi. you kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo you thola nkulu
[3:180] Qhashisa cha labo withhold hoard Nkulunkulu hlinzeka zindla lo is hle them; it
is ngcolile for them! For they yisa bo hoarding bo umqala Suku Vuko. NKULUNKULU
is ultimate inheritor of BHAKABHAKA HLABA. NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant
of everything you ENZA.
KHASHANA we are NOTHILE. We BHALISA everything they TSHELA eqinisweni
njengoba we BHALISA BO dlulisa PHROFETHI unjustly we TSHELA JEZA retribution
[3:182] Lo is phetho kho khe sebenza. NKULUNKULU is ze unjust towards ntu.
[3:183] is they tshela NKULUNKULU enza vumelwano us lowo we cha kholwa phi
gijimi he khiqiza thembisa lowo suka sebenzisa lilo. Tshela Gijimi me sondela kuze you
khuculula bonakaliso kuhlanganise babe you eqinisweni dinga! ngani ngalesosikhathi
you dlulisa them you ncisheka are truthful?
[3:184] they bhunkula you gijimi you bhunkula fana they fikisa bonakaliso Hlabelelo
khanyisa scripture.
[3:185] Gcwele ntu zwa fa ngalesosikhathi you thola kho recompense Suku Vuko!
Whoever chitha Hogo bi enza it Pharadisi attained nkulu ahlula! Pilo lo hlaba is hhayi
ningi than kohliso.
[3:186] You impela hlola kho mali kho pilo you zwa nga labo thola scripture nga Thixo
worshipers a diki of hlambalaza! you steadfastly phikelela phila ngakhethi pilo lo
bonakalisa andla kho kholo!
proclaim it NTU ZE GUBADLELA it they BAMBALALA it BO HLANE hweba it
ECELENI SHIBHILE KLOMELO. Babe dabukisa hwebo.
[3:188] Labo bani qholosha bo sebenzi fiso tusa to they nempela cha enza cha zindla
they balekela retribution. They incurred buhlungu retribution.
[3:189] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba!
NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[3:190] ngaphakathi dalo of bhakabhaka hlaba alternation suku suku nanso are dweba
labo possess biko!
[3:191] They khumbula NKULUNKULU ngenkathi mile fofobala bo thimu they
cabangisisa dalo bhakabhaka hlaba Ithu Lord You cha qamba lonke lo ngaphumeleli.
You dumisa. beka us nga retribution Hogo.
[3:192] Ithu Lord whomever You bophezela kuze Hogo are the ones You fulathela!
Njalo transgressors cha fanele hlengi.
[3:193] Ithu Lord we zwa caller bizo kuze kholo proclaiming ‘You kholwa kho Lord '
we kholwa! Ithu Lord thethelela us ithu sono remit ithu ono phoqoka ngakhethi kholwa!
[3:194] Ithu Lord hlambi us busiso you thembisa us Kho gijimi cha fulathela us Suku
Vuko! You ze gagasa thembiso.
[3:195] Bo Lord phendula them I ze hlumba klomela phi sebenzi you phi sebenzi you be
you esilisa esifazane - you are lingana kuze fike another Kanjeyana labo immigrate
evicted bo khaya qhuba Me lwa suka dlulisa I surely remit bo ono mukela them nga gadi
thutheleka geleza. Njalo is kokhelo NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU possesses
ultimate KOKHELO.
[3:196] Cha thatha kungathi phumelela disbelievers!
[3:197] They yodwa nambitheka temporarily ngalesosikhathi phetho Hogo; babe
dabukisa phetho!
[3:198] Njengoba for labo sebenzisa bo Lord they hola gadi thutheleka fudlana; they
abide therein phakade! njalo is abode epha kuze them NKULUNKULU! babe
NKULUNKULU possesses is kude kahle for the ngakhethi.
[3:199] Surely nye landeli dlule scriptures kholwa NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi babe
phendla you ngaphakathi babe phendla them! They hlonipho NKULUNKULU they ze
hweba eceleni Nkulunkulu vulamehlo for shibhile klomelo. La thola bo recompense bo
[3:200] O you kholwa you be steadfast you phikelela you bumbana you sebenzisa
NKULUNKULU lowo you landela!
4- Kosikazi (Al-Nisa)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[4:1] O ntu sebenzisa kho Lord Fike qamba you fike qamba nga it wo ngane
ngalesosikhathi embula 2 ningi doda kosikazi. You regard NKULUNKULU whom you
funga regard zali! NKULUNKULU QAPHELA you.
[4:2] You dlulisa kedama bo fanele pahla. Cha shintsha ngcolile for sizakala cha
sebenzisa bo pahla hlanganisa them yours! Lo be gross okungemthetho.
[4:3] you deem it hle kedama you gcagca bo mame - you gcagca 2 3 4. you saba funa
you phathelana ngafanele ngalesosikhathi you be content yodwa fike noma babe you vele
fanele Additionally you are kanjeyana mhlawumbe xwaya financial nzaka!
[4:4] You epha kosikazi bo fanele dowries equitably. they willingly hlawula anything
ngalesosikhathi you amukela it it is impela yours.
[4:5] Cha epha immature kedama pahla ukuthi NKULUNKULU beka you londolozi!
You shall hlinzeka for them therefrom embathisa them thokozisa them kamnene!
[4:6] You hlola kedama uma they finyelela puberty. Njengoba masinyane njengoba you
cosha them vuthiwe ngokwanele epha them bo pahla! Cha sebenzisa it extravagantly
ngokuphangisa phambili they khula! Nothile londolozi cha khetha phi wage phofu
londolozi Meyi khetha equitably! Uma you epha them bo pahla you fanele fakazi.
NKULUNKULU suffices Reckoner.
[4:7] Doda zuza juphe of babe zali hlobo yeka. Kosikazi kakhulu zuza juphe of babe zali
hlobo yeka. Ukuthi is ncane khulu inheritance (kosikazi zuza) ngangabazisi juphe.
[4:8] Ngenkathi abiwa inheritances hlobo kedama khotho are khona you epha them
therefrom thokozisa them kamnene!
[4:9] Labo phathelana bo khe ntwana nxa they yeka them sebenzisa NKULUNKULU be
[4:10] Labo sebenzisa kedama pahla unjustly phanga lilo bo khaba jeza Hogo!
[4:11] NKULUNKULU decrees TANDO for the sizo KHO NTWANA; ESILISA
ZUZA KABILI JUPHE esifazane Noma inheritors are yodwa kosikazi ningi than 2 they
zuza two-thirds of babe bequeathed Yodwa fike tombazana hamba she zuza one-half.
Zali fi zuza one-sixth inheritance each fi hamba phi ntwana. he cha hamba ntwana akhe
zali are lodwa inheritors mame zuza one-third! he fanele siblings ngalesosikhathi mame
zuza one-sixth. Lonke lo ngasemuva gcina phi tando ngasekho hamba ngasemuva
khokhela off bonke kweletu. Uma it sondela kho zali kho ntwana you cha azi which of
them is nempela hle kuze you the ningi siza. Lo is Nkulunkulu thetho. NKULUNKULU
is Omniscient HLAKANIPHILE.
[4:12] You zuza nxenye of babe kho kosikazi yeka they cha fanele ntwana. they fanele
ntwana you zuza one-fourth of babe they hamba. Lonke lo ngasemuva gcina phi tando
they hamba ngasemuva khokhela off bonke kweletu. They zuza one-fourth of babe you
yeka you cha fanele ntwana. you fanele ntwana they zuza one-eighth of babe you
bequeath Lonke lo ngasemuva gcina phi tando you hamba ngasemuva khokhela off
bonke kweletu. Noma ngasekho doda kosikazi was loner gqabi 2 siblings esilisa
esifazane each of them zuza one-sixth inheritance! Nanso are kakhulu siblings
ngalesosikhathi they ngokufanayo hlanganyela one-third inheritance. Lonke lo
ngasemuva gcina phi tando ngasemuva khokhela off bonke kweletu nce hhayi fike
limele. Lo tando decreed NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient Clement
[4:13] La are Nkulunkulu thetho. Labo hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi He
mukela them gadi thutheleka fudlana wherein they abide phakade! Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[4:14] Njengoba for fike bani disobeys NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi transgresses Akhe
thetho He mukela him Hogo wherein he abides phakade! He incurred shameful
[4:15] Labo bophezela phinga kho kosikazi you fanele 4 fakazi them nga you. they
bekezelela bona ngalesosikhathi you qhubeka njalo kosikazi bo khaya kuze they phoqoka
noma NKULUNKULU qamba exit them!
[4:16] bandakanya bophezela phinga jezisa. they phenduka guqula you yeka them!
[4:17] Nguquko is amukeleka NKULUNKULU nga labo wa ona luhlaza
ngalesosikhathi phenduka masinyane thereafter! NKULUNKULU SINDISA them.
[4:18] Cha amukeleka is nguquko of labo bophezela ono fa sondela them
ngalesosikhathi tshela Manje I phenduka. Nor is it amukeleka nga labo phoqoka
disbelievers! For la we lungiselela buhlungu retribution.
[4:19] O you kholwa cha is semthethweni you inherit babe kosikazi yeka against bo
tando You cha bophezela them buyisa phezulu anything you epha them they bophezela
proven phinga! You thokozisa them nicely. you nyanya them you nyanya to wherein
NKULUNKULU beka a diki of hle.
[4:20] you fisa gcagca another kosikazi ngaphakathi dawo kho manje kosikazi you epha
phi of them a nkulu deal you cha phindisela anything you epha wo! you fuza it
fraudulently maliciously sinfully?
[4:21] kanjani you phindisela it emva you been sondelene nga each nye they fuza you
nesithunzi bambiso?
[4:22] Cha gcagca kosikazi ngaphambili gcagca kho yise! - Khona shado khulula cha
dabukile - for it is gross cala abominable gcawu.
[4:23] Nqatshelwe for you shado) are kho mame kho tombazana kho dade dade kho yise
dade kho mame tombazana kho fo tombazana kho dade kho hlenga mame tombazana
hlenga linganayo kosikazi you mame kho kosikazi tombazana kho kosikazi whom you
consummated shado! - Shado cha consummated you gcagca tombazana. Noma vala you
are kosikazi gcagca kho genetic dodana. Noma you cha gcagca 2 dade kanyekanye -
ncisheka cha thula khona shado! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[4:24] Noma nqatshelwe are kosikazi vele gcagca they baleka bo disbelieving yeni are
kwa pi you. La are Nkulunkulu thetho you. Bonke nye hlobo vumela you shado
hushazela njengoba you khokha them bo fanele dowries. You gcina kho morality nga cha
bophezela phinga! Kanjeyana whoever you fana them you khokha them dowry decreed
for them. You cha bophezela phutha nga mutually agreeing kuze phi adjustments kuze
[4:25] Labo among you cha ngakhokhela gcagca khululekile kholwa kosikazi gcagca
kholwa gcinanja kosikazi! NKULUNKULU azi HLE KHO KHOLO you are lingana
kuze fike another KUZE KHOLO PHATHELANA! You thenga livu nga bo londolozi
you gcagca them khokha them bo fanele dowry equitably! They gcina moral behavior
nga cha bophezela phinga, noma fanele ngasese soka! Ngaphambili they yilileka shado
they bophezela phinga, bo jeziso be nxenye of lowo khululekile kosikazi. Gcagca
gcinanja be emuva resort for labo unable linda! be bekezela is kahle for you.
NGALENA precedents KUZE SINDISA you! NKULUNKULU is Omniscient
[4:28] NKULUNKULU FISA lighten thwalo NTU QAMBA XEGA.
[4:29] O you kholwa cha sebenzisa each others' pahla illicitly - Yodwa mutually
amukeleka cimbi vumela. You cha dlulisa! NKULUNKULU is NOMUSA towards you
[4:30] Anyone bophezela la sono maliciously ngamabomu we fela him kuze Hogo. Lo is
kalula NKULUNKULU enza.
[4:31] you phindo nga bophezela gross ono vala you we remit kho ono mukela you
honorable admittance!
[4:32] You cha khanukela nga pha upon each nye nga NKULUNKULU; doda
nambitheka okuthile nga kosikazi nambitheka okuthile nga! You nxusa NKULUNKULU
yithela you Akhe sa. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BONKE TO.
[4:33] For each of you we designated juphe inheritance ngakwesobunxele nga zali
hlobo. Noma labo hambelana kuze you shado you epha them bo fanele juphe.
[4:34] Doda fuduka necala kosikazi NKULUNKULU endowed them okuthile nga enza
them nkwa earners! Ngakhethi kosikazi cheerfully amukela lo hlelo it is Nkulunkulu
thetho honor bo yeni bo ngabikho. Noma you zwa hlubuko kosikazi you kuqala hlebezi
kuze them ngalesosikhathi (you sebenzisa landula kuthazo hamba them ngaphakathi
bhede, ngalesosikhathi you azi emuva alternative bhonya them! they hlonipha you you
cha vumela transgress them. NKULUNKULU is PHEZULU Supreme
[4:35] bandakanya saba ehlukana you khetha ahluleli akhe hlobo ahluleli nga wo hlobo;
they juqula buyisana NKULUNKULU tando lamula them zuza ngokusondelana!
NKULUNKULU is Omniscient Cognizant
[4:36] You khonza NKULUNKULU wodwa - ncisheka cha associate anything Him!
You regard zali hlobo kedama phofu hambelana neighbor unrelated neighbor cimeza
associate hamba alien kho chaka. NKULUNKULU CHA ENZA ZIDLA
[4:37] ones are ncishana exhort ntu be ncishana gubadlela babe NKULUNKULU pha
them Akhe bounties! We hlomela disbelievers shameful retribution.
[4:38] They epha mali sa yodwa khetha ngenkathi disbelieving NKULUNKULU Emuva
Suku! Fike ngane is dimoni is ngcolile ngane.
[4:39] ngani they cha kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku epha Nkulunkulu hlinzeka
them? NKULUNKULU is fully aware of them.
[4:40] NKULUNKULU CHA inflict atom's KALO OKUNGEMTHETHO. Okunalokho
He gaya kokhelo manifold for ngakhethi sebenzi pho nga Him nkulu recompense
[4:41] Ngakho uma suku ehlulelo) sondela we balula fakazi each gwamanda you
(gijimi) sebenza fakazi la ntu.
[4:42] Suku labo disbelieved disobeyed gijimi fisa they were fana hlabathi; cha mbalwa
veza tando they be able kuze khumba nga NKULUNKULU!
[4:43] O you kholwa cha sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) ngenkathi didekile nce
you azi babe you tshela! Nor ngasemuva sexual orgasm bhava ukuba you are gwaqo
hamba you are kabi hamba you fanele urinary fecal-related excretion fana si contacted
kosikazi (sexually) you cha thola chichiza you sebenzisa Tayammum (ngenamanzi
ablution) nga namatha ngenalutho ngenamanzi zathu ngalesosikhathi esula kho bombo
andla therewith! NKULUNKULU is Pardoner Forgiver.
[4:44] you noted labo thola khangezo scripture futhi kanjani they enyula fufutheka fisa
you fufutheka dlela?
[4:46] Among labo are Jewish nye phendulela zwi yaniso they tshela We zwa we
disobey Kho zwi wa yisithulu kintsho Raa'ena be ithu alusi) njengoba they zoba bo limi
bhinqa kolo! fanele they tshela We zwa we hlonipha We zwa you Unzurna (qaphela us) it
been kahle for them futhi ngakhethi. Mane they incurred ahlulelwa NKULUNKULU bo
disbelief. Consequently vamela of them cha kholwa.
[4:47] O you thola scripture you kholwa babe we phendla nantu qinisekisa babe you
fanele kadukuba we dingisa okuthile bombo dingiswa fela them kuhle we fela labo
desecrated Sabatha! Nkulunkulu poqo enza.
CALA whomever He TANDO. Anyone akha Thixo NKULUNKULU dala horrendous
[4:49] you noted labo fanele exalt? Mane NKULUNKULU is Fike exalts whomever He
tando ngcosana okungemthetho.
[4:50] qaphela kanjani they bhila nga NKULUNKULU; babe gross cala lo is
[4:51] you noted labo thola khangezo scripture futhi kanjani they kholwa idolatry
mbumbulu fundiso ngalesosikhathi zwi disbelievers are kahle guided than kholwa!?
[4:52] is they incurred Nkulunkulu ahlulelwa whomever NKULUNKULU fela you cha
cosha phi hlengi him!
[4:53] they khe juphe sovereignty? they enza they cha epha ntu hlamvu.
[4:54] Are they nomhawu of ntu ba NKULUNKULU yithela them Akhe busiso? We
epha Abraham's hlobo scripture hlakani; we pha them nkulu gqi
[4:55] Nye of them kholwa therein nye of them dudula therefrom Hogo is lodwa
eqinisweni retribution for la!
[4:56] Surely labo disbelieve ithu vulamehlo we fela them hellfire. Whenever bo
khumba bambeka we epha them sha khumba. Kanjeyana they jeza ngokunganqamuki.
[4:57] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo we mukela them gadi thutheleka
fudlana; they abide therein phakade! They fanele msulwa owakwakhe therein. We
mukela them mnandi thunzi.
[4:58] NKULUNKULU PHATHA you BUYISA anything NTU BEKA you. you jaja
among the ntu, you jaji equitably. Hle khanyisa bala is babe NKULUNKULU khulumela
[4:59] O you kholwa you hlonipha NKULUNKULU you hlonipha gijimi labo
ngaphakathi khetha you! you phikisa phi buzo you bhekisa it NKULUNKULU gijimi you
kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku. Lo is hle you hlinzeka you kahle khambi!
[4:60] you noted labo thola lowo they fanele kholwa babe phendla you ngaphakathi
babe phendla kadukuba you was ngalesosikhathi uphold unjust thetho bo Thixo? They
phatha bhunkula njalo thetho! Bala is dimoni fiso phila them de astray.
[4:61] Uma they thasisela Sondela kuze babe NKULUNKULU phendla gijimi you
bheka bulu balekela you ngokupheleleyo!
[4:62] kanjani it enza uma bhicongo be dukluza them njengoba phetho bo khe sebenzi?
They sondela you ngalesosikhathi funga NKULUNKULU Ithu jongo were hle ngakhethi!
[4:63] NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BO innermost JONGO. You thalalisa them
khanyisa them epha them hle eluleko khulula bo phefumulo!
[4:64] We cha sa phi gijimi except hlonipha ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu
tando fanele they uma they ngalungi bo phefumulo sondela you bhedesha
NKULUNKULU yekelo gijimi thandazela bo yekelo they cosha NKULUNKULU
Redeemer Nomusa.
[4:65] Ze bala nga kho Lord they cha are kholwa they sondela you jaja bo phendulana
ngalesosikhathi vumbululo ngabaza bo hliziyo whatsoever ngaphakathi amukela kho
ehlulelo! They faka phelele submission.
[4:66] fanele we decreed them You thembisa kho pilo "Buyisa phezulu kho khaya they
cha enza it except for a ngcosana of them. fana njalo poqo khishwa) fanele they enza
babe they phatha ncisheka it been hle them bonakalisa andla bo kholo!
[4:67] Futhi we pha them nkulu recompense
[4:68] Futhi we guided them lungile dlela.
[4:69] Labo hlonipha NKULUNKULU gijimi fanele labo thokozisa NKULUNKULU! -
Phrofethi saints felukholo futhi the ngakhethi. La are hle gwamanqa.
[4:70] njalo is busiso nga NKULUNKULU; NKULUNKULU is kahle Knower.
[4:71] O you kholwa you sala khathaza viva njengoba ntu viva bonke hlangene!
[4:72] Surely nanso are labo you meleza bo nyawo ngalesosikhathi bibizane hlupha you
they tshela NKULUNKULU hlahlamelisa me lowo I cha martyred them.
[4:73] you attain busiso NKULUNKULU they tshela njengoba noma hhayi ngane
nanini khona you them I fiso I was them I hlanganyela njalo nkulu ahlula!
[4:74] Labo readily lwa zathu NKULUNKULU are labo fulathela lo hlaba Hereafter
Whoever lwa zathu NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi zuza dlulisa attains ahlula we
surely pha him nkulu recompense
[4:75] ngani should you cha lwa zathu NKULUNKULU uma xega doda kosikazi
ntwana nxusa Ithu Lord sindise us nga lo gwamanda whose ntu are coba be You ithu
Lord Phathi
[4:76] Labo kholwa lwa zathu NKULUNKULU khashana labo disbelieve lwa zathu
dlova. Ngakho you lwa dimoni sizana dimoni dlakathi is nil
[4:77] you noted labo thasisela You fanele were lwa; lonke you fanele sebenzisa
Thintana Thandazo (Salat) is epha obligatory sa (Zakat) ngalesosikhathi uma lwa decreed
them they saba ntu njengoba khulu njengoba they saba NKULUNKULU was fana ningi
They tshela Ithu Lord You bophezela lo lwa us? Noma yodwa You phefu us awhile! Zwi
mathiriyeli lo hlaba are nil ngenkathi Hereafter is de kahle ngakhethi you ze jeza ncane
[4:78] Wherever you are fa tando qhebeza phezulu nga you fana you zwa ngaphakathi
sabeka qaba! Uma to sizakala enzeka them they tshela Lo is NKULUNKULU futhi uma
to ngcolile hlupha them they sola you! Zwi Everything sondela NKULUNKULU. la ntu
ngezwa cishe everything?
[4:79] Anything sizakala enzeka you is NKULUNKULU anything ngcolile lowo enzeka
you is you. We sa you gijimi ntu NKULUNKULU suffices njengoba bona!
[4:80] Whoever hlonipha gijimi hlonipha NKULUNKULU! Njengoba for labo jikisa we
cha sa you bo londolozi.
[4:81] They bambiso lalela they hamba you nye of them harbor jongo okuphambene
kuze babe they tshela! NKULUNKULU BHALISA BO innermost JONGO. You
bambalala them faka kho ethemba NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU suffices BUZELI.
[4:82] ngani they cha funda Quran kahle? Noma were nga nye than NKULUNKULU
they cosha it ningi ngavumelani.
[4:83] Uma rumor thinta phepha sondela bo dlela they embula it fanele they bhekisa it
gijimi labo ngaphakathi khetha them labo azi la buzo chazela them! Noma it were for
Nkulunkulu sa you Akhe sa you landela dimoni a ngcosana
[4:84] You lwa zathu NKULUNKULU; you are necala yodwa kho khe phefumulo
exhort kholwa ncisheka the fana NKULUNKULU tando neutralize DLAKATHI of
LABO disbelieve! NKULUNKULU is khulu QINILE khulu NOMPHUMELA.
[4:85] Whoever lamula hle enzo thola juphe kweletu thereof whoever lamula bi sebenzi
incurs juphe thereof! NKULUNKULU ZIBAMBA BONKE TO.
[4:86] Uma xhawula bingelela you phendula hle bingelela okungenani tanga fike!
[4:87] NKULUNKULU NANSO CHA is NKULUNKULU except He. He surely mema
you Suku Vuko - Ngenakugwemeka suku. Whose gxoxo is truthful than Nkulunkulu?
[4:88] ngani you hlanganyela 2 xuku bulu you)? NKULUNKULU is fike FELA them
bo khe behavior. you want khaphi labo ncisheka sa astray NKULUNKULU? Whomever
NKULUNKULU sa astray you ze cosha dlela khaphi them!
[4:89] They fisa you disbelieve njengoba they disbelieved ngalesosikhathi you
phathelana lingana! Cha cabanga them ngane ukuba they viva eceleni nga you zathu
NKULUNKULU! they guquko you you lwa them you dlulisa them uma you bonana
them ngaphakathi pi You cha amukela them ngane sizana
[4:90] Khulula are labo xhumelela ntu whom you dweba thula vumelwane labo sondela
you fisa cha lwa you nor lwa bo hlobo! fanele NKULUNKULU willed He vumela them
lwa you! Ngakho noma they yeka you phindo nga lwa you klamelo you thula
ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU epha you hhayi xolisa lwa them!
[4:91] You cosha others fisa enza thula you noma bo ntu. Nokho njengoba masinyane
njengoba pi erupts they lwa you! La ntu yeka you thembisa you thula tobhi lwa you you
lwa them uma you bonana them! Against la we epha you hle gunyazwa.
[4:92] Hhayi kholwa dlulisa another kholwa it is gozi. fike dlulisa kholwa nga gozi, he
atone yilileka kholwa gcinanja khokha enano victim's hlobo they hlawula njalo enano sa!
victim fanele kuze ntu are kwa pi you he was kholwa you atone yilileka kholwa
gcinanja! he fanele kuze ntu whom you dweba thula vumelwane you khokha enano
noma yilileka kholwa gcinanja! you cha thola gcinanja yilileka you atone zila 2
consecutive yanga ngaphakathi landelana sindisa NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU is
[4:93] Anyone dlulisa kholwa on hloso, akhe retribution is Hogo wherein he abides
phakade NKULUNKULU is fifa him fela him hlomela him thusa retribution!
[4:94] O you kholwa you phansula zathu NKULUNKULU you be kasibili impela. Cha
tshela kuze fike thembisa you thula You are kholwa khonga onakala lo hlaba! For
NKULUNKULU possesses infinite onakala Khumbula you sebenzisa be them
NKULUNKULU thokozisa you! Ngakho you be kasibili impela you phansula).
NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you ENZA.
[4:95] Cha lingana are sedentary kholwa cha thiya labo phokophela zathu
NKULUNKULU bo mali bo pilo. NKULUNKULU exalts strivers BO MALI BO PILO
phezulu the sedentary. both NKULUNKULU thembisa sindiso NKULUNKULU exalts
strivers sedentary nkulu recompense
[4:96] Phezulu gaba sondela Him noma kuhle yekelo sa. NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[4:97] Labo pilo khawula gelosi ngenkathi mo of ngalungi bo phefumulo gelosi buza
them "Babe was the buzo you? They tshela We cindezela hlaba. They tshela Was
Nkulunkulu hlaba cha banzi ngokwanele you thutha therein? la final abode is Hogo
dabukisa phetho!
[4:98] Khulula are xega doda kosikazi ntwana cha possess andla nor mali thola dlela!
[4:99] La xolela NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU is Pardoner Forgiver.
[4:100] Anyone thutha zathu of NKULUNKULU tando cosha hlaba nkulu bounties
cefe! Anyone buyisa phezulu akhe khaya thutha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi
ngalesosikhathi fa qhebeza phezulu nga him akhe recompense bekisa NKULUNKULU!
[4:101] Uma you hamba ngenkathi pi you cha bophezela phutha fingqo kho Thintana
Thandazo (Salat) you saba lowo disbelievers fudumeza you! Surely disbelievers are kho
ardent mabonwabulawe.
[4:102] Uma you are them phila Thintana Thandazo (Salat) them qhashisa nye of you
bekezelela vika; qhashisa them naka bo khali qhashisa them bekezelela you you prostrate
Ngalesosikhathi qhashisa nye xuku cha bhedesha fuza bo guquko bhedesha you
ngenkathi others bekezelela vika naka bo khali! Labo disbelieved fisa bheka you shiya
kho khali kho pahla ngaphakathi landelana fudumeza you ngaphambili futhi for bonke!
You cha bophezela phutha you thiya mvula limala beka phansi kho khali hushazela
njengoba you sala khathaza! NKULUNKULU HLOMELA disbelievers shameful
[4:103] Ngaphambili you ncintisana kho Thintana Thandazo (Salat) you khumbula
NKULUNKULU ngenkathi mile fofobala khetheza! Ngaphambili pi is you sebenzisa
Thintana Thandazo (Salat;) Thintana Thandazo (Salat) decreed kholwa thize dla!
[4:104] Cha dengeza landela mabonwabulawe! you jeza they noma jeza. you lindela
NKULUNKULU babe they ze lindela. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient
[4:105] We sa phansi you scripture truthfully ngaphakathi landelana kuze jaja among
the ntu ngaphakathi accordance nga babe NKULUNKULU tshengisa you! You cha thimu
[4:106] You nxusa NKULUNKULU yekelo. NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[4:107] Cha phikisana on behalf of labo ngalungi bo khe phefumulo; NKULUNKULU
cha thanda phi khapheli necala
[4:108] They sitheza ntu cha letha sitheza NKULUNKULU He is them njengoba they
harbor bono He nyanya! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of everything they ENZA.
[4:109] Nantu you are phikisana bo behalf ngaphakathi lo hlaba; phikisana
NKULUNKULU bo behalf Suku Vuko? Bani be bo buzeli?
[4:110] Anyone bophezela bi ngalungi akhe phefumulo ngalesosikhathi nxusa
NKULUNKULU yekelo cosha NKULUNKULU Xolela Nomusa.
[4:111] Anyone zuza ono zuza it detriment akhe khe phefumulo. NKULUNKULU is
[4:112] Anyone zuza ono ngalesosikhathi khanza msulwa ntu thereof bophezela
blasphemy gross cala!
[4:113] Noma it were for Nkulunkulu sa you Akhe sa nye of them khohlanisa you! They
yodwa khohlanisa they ze ona you ngaphakathi the ngcosana NKULUNKULU SA
PHANSI you scripture HLAKANI He THISHA you BABE you ZE AZI! Bala
Nkulunkulu busiso you been nkulu
[4:114] Nanso is nothing hle bo private gqungquthela except for labo khulumela sa
ngakhethi sebenzi fuduka thula among the ntu. Anyone enza lo ngaphakathi response
kuze Nkulunkulu fundiso we pha him nkulu recompense
[4:115] Njengoba for him phikisa gijimi hola khomba him landela kholwa dlela we
qondisa him bombo he enyula bophezela him kuze Hogo; babe dabukisa phetho!
THETHELELA lesser CALA whomever He TANDO! Anyone idolizes phi Thixo
NKULUNKULU fanele strayed kude astray.
[4:117] They fana khonza esifazane Nkulunkulu Him; eqinisweni they yodwa khonza
nochuku dimoni!
JUPHE KHO worshipers!
[4:119] I khohlanisa them I wonga them I phatha them (enqabela dla okuthile yama
phawula kintsho livestock I phatha them phendulela dalo NKULUNKULU. Anyone
amukela dimoni lord NKULUNKULU incurred profound dleko!
[4:120] He thembisa them wonga them; babe dimoni thembisa is hhayi ningi than
[4:121] La incurred Hogo bo final abode ze balekela it
[4:122] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo we mukela them gadi thutheleka
fudlana wherein they zwa phakade! njalo is truthful thembiso NKULUNKULU. Whose
veza are truthful than Nkulunkulu?
[4:123] It is ngaphakathi accordance nga kho fiso fiso ntu scripture anyone bophezela bi
khokhela it cha fanele hlengi lweli NKULUNKULU.
[4:124] Njengoba for labo phila ngakhethi pilo duna esifazane khashana kholwa they
ngena Pharadisi; ncane okungemthetho.
[4:125] Bani is kahle guided akhe kolo than fike faka ngokupheleleyo NKULUNKULU
hola ngakhethi pilo kholo of Abraham monotheism? NKULUNKULU ENYULA
[4:126] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba! NKULUNKULU
[4:127] They buzana you phathelana kosikazi tshela NKULUNKULU khanyisa you
them njengoba hlabelela for you scripture! You buyisa lungelo orphaned tombazana you
hungula bo fanele dowries uma you fisa gcagca them you cha encika them. Lungelo
orphaned fokazi noma biyela noma. You thokozisa kedama equitably. Whatever sizakala
you enza NKULUNKULU is fully aware thereof.
[4:128] Kosikazi zwa cindezela baleko wo yeni bandakanya vavanya buyisana bo
ehlukana conciliation is kahle for them. Govu is obuntu trait futhi you ncisheka hle phila
ngakhethi pilo NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you enza!
[4:129] You ze be equitable ngaphakathi enza ningi than fike kosikazi hhayi buzo
kanjani nzima you vavanya. Ngakho cha enza kanjalo nganhlanye njengoba kuze hamba
fike of them neka neither nambitheka shado nor hamba gcagca someone noma you
lungile lo mo gcina righteousness NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa.
[4:130] bandakanya juqula inxenye NKULUNKULU tando hlinzeka for each of them
nga Akhe bounties! NKULUNKULU is Bounteous HLAKANIPHILE.
[4:131] Nkulunkulu fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba we enjoined on labo thola
scripture you enjoined you you hlonipho NKULUNKULU. you disbelieve
ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba. NKULUNKULU
is ngaphakathi hhayi dingo NCOMEKA.
[4:132] Nkulunkulu fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba NKULUNKULU is lodwa
[4:133] He tando He bhubhisa you O ntu shintsha others kho dawo! NKULUNKULU is
IMPELA able kuze ncisheka LO.
[4:134] Anyone khonga mathiriyeli lo hlaba azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU possesses both
mathiriyeli of lo hlaba Hereafter NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO PHROFETHI.
[4:135] O you kholwa you be kasibili equitable sebenzisa NKULUNKULU uma you
sebenza fakazi ngaphambi yourselves kho zali kho hlobo! Ukuthi khanza is nothile phofu
NKULUNKULU nakekela both Ngakho cha nganhlanye kho personal fiso! you
hlanhlatha bambalala (lo thetho) ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of
everything you enza!
[4:136] O you kholwa you kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi scripture He phendla
Akhe gijimi scripture He phendla phambili lowo. Anyone zaba kholwa NKULUNKULU
Akhe gelosi Akhe scriptures Akhe gijimi Emuva Suku fanele bala strayed kude astray!
[4:137] Surely labo kholwa ngalesosikhathi disbelieve ngalesosikhathi kholwa
ngalesosikhathi disbelieve ngalesosikhathi cwilisa de nga disbelief NKULUNKULU
tando cha thethelela them nor tando He khaphi them ngaphakathi phi dlela
[4:138] Chazela bulu lowo they incurred buhlungu retribution!
[4:139] They are ones sizana disbelievers kholwa. they khonga sindo them? Bonke
sindo fanele NKULUNKULU wodwa.
[4:140] He fundisa you scripture you zwa Nkulunkulu vulamehlo bhinqa chwaneka you
cha faka them they delve another dikimba! Otherwise you be njengoba necala njengoba
they are NKULUNKULU tando HLOMA BULU disbelievers HLANGENE ngaphakathi
[4:141] They qaphela you linda; you attain ahlula NKULUNKULU they tshela (kuze
you) Were we cha you? disbelievers zuza guquko they tshela (kuze them) Ncisheka we
cha thimu you biyela you nga kholwa? NKULUNKULU tando jaja ngaphakathi you
Suku Vuko! NKULUNKULU tando ZE VUMELA disbelievers BUSA KHOLWA!
[4:142] Bulu zindla they khohlanisa NKULUNKULU He is Fike phila them on. Uma
they suka for Thintana Thandazo (Salat) they suka lazily. Lowo is they yodwa khetha ntu
rarely ncisheka they zindla of NKULUNKULU!
[4:143] They dengeza ngaphakathi neither fanele kuze lo xuku nor lowo xuku!
Whomever NKULUNKULU sa astray you ze cosha dlela khaphi him!
[4:144] O you kholwa you cha sizana disbelievers kholwa! you fisa hlinzeka
NKULUNKULU hle bonakaliso you?
[4:145] Bulu bophezela fushane pit of Hogo you thola hhayi fike lamula them!
[4:146] Yodwa labo phenduka guqula bamba shesha kuze NKULUNKULU nikela bo
kolo kasibili NKULUNKULU wodwa bala kholwa! NKULUNKULU tando
HLAHLAMELISA KHOLWA nkulu recompense
[4:147] babe tando NKULUNKULU nqoba jezisa you you phathelana appreciative
kholwa? NKULUNKULU is Appreciative Omniscient
[4:148] NKULUNKULU CHA fana VEZA ngcolile limi, UKUBA fike THOKOZISA
[4:149] Noma you sebenza righteousness - Noma memezela fihlekile - Xolela sono
NKULUNKULU is Pardoner Omnipotent
[4:150] Labo disbelieve NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi khonga enza lengiso
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi zwi We kholwa nye bhunkula nye fiso landela dlela
[4:151] La are oqobo disbelievers. We hlomela disbelievers shameful retribution.
[4:152] Njengoba for labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi fuduka hhayi lengiso
them He pha them bo recompense NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[4:153] Ntu scripture selelo you wisa them bhuku bhakabhaka! They buza Mose ningi
than tshela Bukiso us NKULUNKULU physically! Consequently phazimo phansula
them njengoba phetho bo bindi. Additionally they khonza thole nokho mangaliso they
bheka. we xolela lonke lo. We shoka Mose profound mangaliso.
[4:154] we vubukula Nyuka Sinai them njengoba we fuza bo vumelwano. we tshela
kuze them Ngena sango humbly we tshela kuze them cha desecrate Sabatha. Bala we
fuza them nesithunzi vumelwano!
[4:155] (They incurred ahlulelwa) dluzula bo vumelwano bhunkula Nkulunkulu
vulamehlo dlulisa phrofethi unjustly futhi tshela Ithu gqondo are fuduka phezulu!"
eqinisweni NKULUNKULU is Fike bani vuneka bo gqondo khona kuze bo disbelief lo is
they hlumba kholwa except rarely!
[4:156] (They fela) disbelieving khuluma Mary gross nga!
[4:157] Futhi for thola ukuthi they dlulisa Messiah Jesu dodana Mary gijimi
NKULUNKULU! Nempela they ze dlulisa him they ze nqamuleza him - they enza zindla
they enza. Bonke qembu phikisa ngaphakathi lo buzo are gcwele of ngabaza lo khishwa
They cha possess azani; they yodwa conjecture Impela they ze dlulisa him.
[4:158] Mane NKULUNKULU vubukula him kuze Him; NKULUNKULU is Almighty
[4:159] Everyone among the ntu of scripture was swela kholwa him akhe fa! Suku Vuko
he be fakazi them.
[4:160] Khona kuze bo sono we vala Juda hle dla sebenzisa be semthethweni for them;
noma for consistently dudula dlela NKULUNKULU.
[4:161] Futhi for practicing usury enqabela futhi sebenzisa ntu mali illicitly We hlomela
disbelievers them buhlungu retribution.
[4:162] Njengoba for labo among them manje thungela azani kholwa they kholwa babe
phendla you ngaphakathi babe phendla kadukuba you! They are observers of Thintana
Thandazo (Salat) givers of obligatory sa (Zakat;) they are kholwa NKULUNKULU
Emuva Suku. We pha la nkulu recompense
[4:163] We faka you njengoba we faka Nowa phrofethi him. we faka Abraham Ismail
Isaac Jacob Zalamizi Jesu Khundla Jonah Aaron Solomoni. we epha David Hlabelelo.
[4:164] Gijimi we thasisela you gijimi we ze thasisela you kusukela. Nkulunkulu poli
kuze Mose directly.
[4:165] Gijimi sindise hle biko noma kuhle khuza. Kanjeyana ntu fanele xolisa uma
they bhekana NKULUNKULU nokho la gijimi sondela them. NKULUNKULU is
[4:166] Nkulunkulu bekezelela bona mayeqondana babe He phendla you; He phendla it
Akhe azani! Gelosi bekezelela bona noma NKULUNKULU suffices njengoba bona!
[4:167] Surely labo disbelieve dudula dlela NKULUNKULU fanele strayed kude astray!
[4:168] Labo disbelieve transgress NKULUNKULU tando cha thethelela them nor
tando He khaphi them ngaphakathi phi dlela
[4:169] Dlela kuze Hogo, wherein they abide phakade. Lo is kalula NKULUNKULU
[4:170] O ntu gijimi sondela you yaniso nga kho Lord Ngakho you kholwa kho khe
sizakala. you disbelieve ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka
[4:171] O ntu scripture cha transgress ncele kho kolo cha tshela NKULUNKULU
except yaniso! Messiah Jesu dodana Mary was gijimi NKULUNKULU Akhe zwi He
fanele hambisa kuze Mary vulamehlo Him. Ngakho you kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe
gijimi. You cha tshela Trinity. You phindo nga lo for kho khe sizakala. NKULUNKULU
is YODWA fike NKULUNKULU. He dumisa; He is khulu kakhulu mnandi fanele
dodana! Kuze Him fanele everything bhakabhaka everything on hlaba! NKULUNKULU
suffices Lord FUTHI Phathi
[4:172] Messiah ze eya nga dalwa chaka NKULUNKULU nor beyo closest gelosi. Labo
bani eya nga khonza Him are kakhulu zidla faka He mema them lonke phambili Him!
[4:173] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo He fully recompense them
yithela them Akhe sa! Njengoba for labo eya jikisa zidla He bophezela them buhlungu
retribution! They cha cosha lord NKULUNKULU nor savior.
[4:174] O ntu bonakaliso sondela you kho Lord we sa phansi you profound beacon
[4:175] Labo kholwa NKULUNKULU bamba shesha kuze Him He mukela them sa
Him sa, khaphi them Him ngaphakathi sobala dlela!
[4:176] They buzana you; tshela NKULUNKULU luleka you mbalwa ntu. fike phoqoka
cha hamba ntwana he fanele dade she zuza nxenye inheritance! she phoqoka okokuqala
he inherits wo she cha hamba ntwana. Nanso were 2 dade they zuza two-thirds
inheritance. siblings are doda kosikazi duna suka kabili juphe esifazane.
NKULUNKULU kanjeyana hlandla you funa you thathaza astray! NKULUNKULU is
fully aware of BONKE TO.
5- Dili (Al-Ma'edah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[5:1] O you kholwa you fulfill kho vumelwano. Vumela you phanga are livestock
except labo specifically vala nantu! You cha vumela zingela Hajj pilgrimage
NKULUNKULU decrees whatever He TANDO.
[5:2] O you kholwa cha dluzula rites qalisa NKULUNKULU nor Ngcwele Yanga nor
lwane thembisa nor garlands phawula them nor ntu phathi for Ngcwele Shrine (Ka bah)
khonga busiso nga bo Lord vumelo! Ngaphambili you ncintisana pilgrimage you zingela.
Cha cuphuluza uchuku kho zondo ntu ngaphambili nqanda you nga thathaza Ngcwele
Masjid. You sebenzisana buzo of righteousness piety; cha sebenzisana buzo are nokona
bi. You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU is LUMA ngaphakathi enforcing
[5:3] Nqatshelwe for you are lwane phoqoka of themselves gazi yama kotshi lwane
zinikele kuze nye than NKULUNKULU! (Lwane phoqoka of themselves faka labo)
nklinya phansula gomo zumeka de bhudla fudumeza yihlane lwane! - you khulula kho
nonya it phoqoka - Lwane nikela lathi. Noma nqatshelwe hlanganyela yama dlalo
potsho; lo is abomination. Namhla disbelievers duba (qeda kho kolo; cha saba them saba
Me mane! Namhla I ncintisana kho kolo phelelisa Mi busiso you I decreed Submission
kolo you. Fike bophezela nga bhememe phanga nqatshelwe dla) without dalwa
ngamabomu nokona ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa!
[5:4] They buzana you mayeqondana babe is semthethweni them; tshela Semthethweni
you are bonke hle to babe qeqeshiwe gcanga heshe qonda you. You qeqesha them
Nkulunkulu fundiso! You phanga babe they qonda you sho Nkulunkulu gama thereupon
[5:5] Namhla bonke hle dla fuduka semthethweni you. Dla ntu scripture is
semthethweni for you. Noma you gcagca msulwa kosikazi kholwa noma njengoba
msulwa kosikazi landeli dlule scripture hlinzeka you khokha them bo fanele dowries!
You gcina chastity cha bophezela phinga, nor hola ngasese soka! Anyone bhunkula kholo
lonke akhe sebenza be ngaphumeleli Hereafter he be losers!
[5:6] O you kholwa uma you sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) you shall (1 washa
kho bombo (2 zefeza kho galo dololwane (3 esula kho phathi (4 washa kho nyawo
qakala. you were unclean khona kuze sexual orgasm you bhava! you are gula hamba
fanele phi digestive excretion urinary fecal si) fanele (sexual) thintana kosikazi you cha
thola chichiza you sebenzisa ngenamanzi ablution (Tayammum) namatha ngenalutho
ngenamanzi zathu ngalesosikhathi gudla kho bombo andla! NKULUNKULU CHA FISA
you you be appreciative
[5:7] Khumbula Nkulunkulu busiso you Akhe vumelwano lowo He covenanted you you
tshela We zwa we hlonipha You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU NKULUNKULU is fully
aware of innermost cabango!
[5:8] O you kholwa you be kasibili equitable sebenzisa NKULUNKULU uma you
sebenza fakazi! Cha cuphuluza kho shayisana nye ntu bophezela okungemthetho! You be
kasibili equitable it is ngakhethi. You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU is
fully Cognizant of everything you ENZA.
YEKELO NKULU recompense
[5:10] Njengoba for labo disbelieve bhunkula ithu vulamehlo they are dwellers Hogo!
[5:11] O you kholwa khumbula Nkulunkulu busiso you; uma nye ntu elula bo andla
aggress you He biyela you withheld bo andla! You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU;
NKULUNKULU kholwa ethemba.
VUBUKULA them 12 ZALAMIZI! Nkulunkulu tshela I am you de njengoba you
sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) kholwa Mi gijimi
hlonipha them qhubeka kuze lend NKULUNKULU boleko righteousness! I
ngalesosikhathi remit kho ono mukela you nga gadi thutheleka fudlana! Anyone
disbelieves uma lo fanele bala strayed lungile dlela.
[5:13] It was phetho of bo dluzula vumelwano we fela them we banga bo hliziyo
phathelana qinisa! Consequently they fuza zwi bhandishi bambalala nye of thetho epha
them. You qhubeka bona dalulo them excepting a ngcosana of them! You xolela them
[5:14] Ngaphandle nga labo tshela We are ObuKhrestu we fuza bo vumelwano. they
bambalala nye of thetho epha them. Consequently we fela them animosity zondo
of everything they ENZA!
[5:15] O ntu scripture ithu gijimi sondela you proclaim you ningi to you gubadlela
scripture xolela ningi nye sono you bophezela! beacon sondela you NKULUNKULU
profound scripture.
[5:16] Nga it NKULUNKULU khaphi labo khonga Akhe vumelo. He khaphi them dlela
thula hola them ngenxa cime nga khanya Akhe vume khaphi them ngaphakathi sobala
[5:17] Pagans bala are labo bani tshela NKULUNKULU is Messiah dodana Mary.
Tshela Bani phikisa NKULUNKULU He willed bhubhisa Messiah dodana Mary akhe
mame everyone on hlaba? Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele sovereignty of bhakabhaka
hlaba everything them! He qamba whatever He tando. NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[5:18] Juda Kholwa tshela We are Nkulunkulu ntwana Akhe thandeka. Zwi
ngalesosikhathi He jezisa you kho ono? You are eqinisweni humans nye humans He
qamba. He thethelela whomever He tando jezisa whomever He tando! Kuze
NKULUNKULU fanele sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba everything them kuze Him is
final phetho!
[5:19] O ntu scripture ithu gijimi sondela you lungisa to you ngasemuva kathi of khathi
gijimi funa you tshela We cha thola phi shumayeli warner. shumayeli warner fanele
kalokhu sondela you! NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[5:20] Recall ukuthi Mose tshela kuze akhe ntu O mi ntu khumbula Nkulunkulu busiso
you He khetha phrofethi you enza you kosi pha you babe He ze pha phi nye ntu!
[5:21] O mi ntu ngena ngcwele zwe ukuthi NKULUNKULU decreed you cha melana
funa you phathelana losers.
[5:22] They tshela O Mose nanso are qinile ntu it we cha ngena it they zuza it they
khipha we ngena.
[5:23] 2 doda reverent hlahlamelisa NKULUNKULU tshela Babale ngena sango! you
babale ngena it you surely busa. You ethemba NKULUNKULU you are kholwa.
[5:24] They tshela O Mose we ze ngena it hushazela njengoba they are it Ngakho
thathaza! - you kho Lord - Futhi lwa! We faka ngokufaneleyo nantu.
[5:25] He tshela Mi Lord I yodwa zibamba mi fo. Kanjalo sondela us inxenye
gwamanqa wicked ntu!
[5:26] He tshela Henceforth it enqabela them 40 nyaka which they zululeka hlaba
aimlessly. Cha lila njalo wicked ntu!
[5:27] Hlabelela them yiqiniso lando Adam's 2 dodana. They enza thembisa it amukela
fike of them cha nga nye He tshela I surely dlulisa you. He tshela NKULUNKULU
amukela yodwa nga the ngakhethi.
[5:28] you elula kho andla dlulisa me I cha elula mi andla dlulisa you. For I hlonipho
NKULUNKULU Lord universe.
[5:29] I want you cha me bhele mi ona kho ona ngalesosikhathi you phetho dwellers
Hogo! njalo is requital transgressors.
[5:30] Akhe ego cuphuluza him nga dlulisa akhe fo! He dlulisa him qeda losers.
hlumba be njengoba hlakaniphile njengoba lo khelekehle gqiba mi fo dumbu. He
phathelana gibela zisola!
[5:32] Ba of lo we decreed Ntwana Israyeli lowo phi fike hlinza phi ntu cha bophezela
hlinza horrendous cala be njengoba he hlinza bonke ntu! anyone onga pilo be njengoba
he onga pilo bonke ntu. Ithu gijimi thathaza them khuculula bonakaliso vulamehlo ningi
of them nokho lo nzonzobala transgressing.
[5:33] Ngakhethi retribution labo lwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi bophezela
horrendous cala is dlulisa nqamuleza fanele bo andla nyawo nqamuka alternate thimu
dingisa zwe! Lo is yoca them ngaphakathi lo pilo ngalesosikhathi they jeza de ngcolile
retribution Hereafter
[5:34] Khulula are labo phenduka kadukuba you khaza them! You azi ukuthi
NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa.
[5:35] O you kholwa you hlonipho NKULUNKULU khonga dlela ncintshana Him
phokophela Akhe banga ukuthi you landela!
[5:36] Impela labo disbelieved they possessed everything hlaba ngaphambi kabili
njengoba khulu thembisa it njengoba hlenga onga them retribution Suku Vuko it cha
amukela them; they incurred buhlungu retribution!
[5:37] They want exit Hogo wo they ze exit therefrom bo retribution is naphakade.
[5:38] Sela duna esifazane you phawula bo andla jeziso bo cala futhi sebenza bonakaliso
[5:39] Noma fike phenduka ngasemuva bophezela lo cala guqula NKULUNKULU
sindisa him! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[5:40] you cha azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU ncisheka possesses sovereignty of
bhakabhaka hlaba? He jezisa whomever He tando thethelela whomever He tando!
NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[5:41] O you gijimi cha saddened labo khawuleza disbelieve among labo tshela We
kholwa bo lomo ngenkathi bo hliziyo cha kholwa! Among Juda nye lalela nga. They
lalela ntu ze hlangabeza you bani phendulela zwi bhandishi ngalesosikhathi tshela you
epha lo amukela it you epha anything balwa elusa. Whomever NKULUNKULU tando
buyisela you enza nothing sizo him NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU CHA FISA
HLANZA BO HLIZIYO. They incurred fojisa ngaphakathi lo hlaba ngaphakathi
Hereafter they jeza thusa retribution.
[5:42] They are upholders nga eaters illicit holo. they sondela you jaja them you jaja
them you bambalala them! you enyula bambalala them they cha ona you ngaphakathi the
ngcosana Noma you jaji them you jaja equitably. NKULUNKULU THANDA LABO are
[5:43] ngani they buza you ncisheka jaji them uma they fanele Torah zibamba
Nkulunkulu thetho they enyula bambalala it They cha are kholwa.
[5:44] We sa Torah zibamba hola pholile. Vakaza ngaphakathi accordance nga it were
Jewish phrofethi noma kuhle rabi phristi njengoba bizela them ngaphakathi Nkulunkulu
scripture njengoba bona them! Ngakho cha hlonipho ntu; you hlonipho Me mane! Cha
hweba lahlekile Mi vulamehlo shibhile klomelo! Labo cha vakaza ngaphakathi
accordance nga Nkulunkulu vulamehlo are disbelievers.
[5:45] Futhi we decreed them it lowo pilo pilo bobo bobo phumulo phumulo kintsho
kintsho zinyo zinyo equivalent limala phi limala. Fike hlawula babe is khona kuze him
njengoba sa it atone akhe ono. Labo cha vakaza ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu
vulamehlo are the unjust.
[5:46] Subsequent kuze them we sa Jesu dodana Mary qinisekisa dlule scripture Torah!
We epha him Vangeli zibamba hola okhela qinisekisa dlule scriptures Torah augmenting
wo hola futhi okhela khanyisa the ngakhethi!
[5:47] Ntu Vangeli vakaza ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu vulamehlo therein.
Labo cha vakaza ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu vulamehlo are the wicked.
[5:48] Ngalesosikhathi we phendla you lo scripture truthfully qinisekisa dlule scriptures
superseding them! You vakaza them ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu vulamehlo
cha landela bo fiso they ehluka yaniso sondela you! For each of you we decreed thetho
balwa rites. fanele NKULUNKULU willed He enza you fike bandla. He kanjeyana faka
you vivinyo vulamehlo He epha each of you. You ncintisana righteousness. Kuze
NKULUNKULU is kho final phetho - bonke of you - Ngalesosikhathi He chazela you of
everything you phikisa.
[5:49] You vakaza them ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu vulamehlo kuze you.
Cha landela bo fiso elusa funa they buyisela you nye of Nkulunkulu vulamehlo you!
Noma they jikisa ngalesosikhathi azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU tando jezisa them for nye
of bo ono! Bala ningi ntu are wicked.
[5:50] Is it thetho suku luhlaza they khonga uphold? Whose thetho is kahle than
Nkulunkulu labo attained qiniseko?
[5:51] O you kholwa cha fuza okuthile Juda Kholwa sizana; la are sizana of fike another
Labo among you sizana la fanele them! NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi transgressors.
[5:52] You bheka labo harbor ngabaza bo hliziyo khawuleza xhumelela them tshela We
bawosi funa we tshoda. Azi NKULUNKULU fikisa ahlula poqo Him banga them zishaya
bo ngasese cabango!
[5:53] Kholwa ngalesosikhathi tshela Are la fana ntu bani funga NKULUNKULU
solemnly they were you? Bo sebenzi nullified they are losers.
[5:54] O you kholwa you revert kho kolo ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU tando
bambeli kho beka ntu whom He thanda bani thanda Him! They be nomusa kholwa stern
disbelievers phokophela zathu NKULUNKULU ngodli phi sola njalo is Nkulunkulu
busiso; He pha it whomever He tando. NKULUNKULU is Bounteous Omniscient
[5:55] Kho oqobo sizana are NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi kholwa sebenzisa Thintana
Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) they khothama phansi
[5:56] Labo sizana NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi labo kholwa fanele phathi
NKULUNKULU; kasibili they are victors!
[5:57] O you kholwa cha befriend labo amukeli dlule scripture bhinqa chwaneka kho
kolo nor shall you befriend disbelievers! You hlonipho NKULUNKULU you are
nempela kholwa.
[5:58] Uma you bizela kuze Thintana Thandazo (Salat) they bhinqa chwaneka it Lo is
they are ntu bani cha azi!
[5:59] Zwi O ntu scripture you cha belesela us we kholwa NKULUNKULU
ngaphakathi babe phendla us ngaphakathi babe phendla phambili us, futhi ningi of you
cha are ngakhethi?
[5:60] Tshela Qhashisa me thasisela you are ngcolile bona NKULUNKULU labo fela
NKULUNKULU incurring Akhe ankahlu kuze He enza them njengoba nyanyisa
njengoba kawu kotshi Thixo worshipers! La are de ngcolile de lungile dlela.
[5:61] Uma they sondela you they tshela We kholwa fana they were gcwele of disbelief
uma they ngena they are gcwele of disbelief uma they hamba. NKULUNKULU is fully
aware of everything they GUBADLELA.
[5:62] You bheka ningi of them readily bophezela bi sono dla nga illicit holo! Dabukisa
bala is babe they enza.
[5:63] Noma yodwa rabi phristi enjoin them bo nokona veza illicit holo! Dabukisa bala
is babe they bophezela.
[5:64] Juda ngaphambi tshela Nkulunkulu andla bopha It is bo andla bopha phansi They
fela for khuluma njalo blasphemy! Mane Akhe andla are banzi vulekile chitha njengoba
He tando. Impela kho Lord's vulamehlo kuze you banga ningi of them cwilisa de nga
sono disbelief! Consequently we bophezela them animosity zondo themselves Suku
Vuko. Whenever they ignite langabi pi NKULUNKULU veza them! They zululeka hlaba
wickedly NKULUNKULU nyanya evildoers.
[5:65] Yodwa ntu scripture kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo we ngalesosikhathi remit bo
ono mukela them nga gadi sindiso!
[5:66] Yodwa they uphold Torah Vangeli babe sa nikela them nantu bo Lord they be
yithela nga busiso nga phezulu them phansi bo nyawo! Nye of them are ngakhethi ningi
of them are evildoers.
[5:67] O you gijimi sindise babe phendla you kho Lord - kuze you enza you cha sindise
Akhe biko! - Futhi NKULUNKULU tando biyela you ntu. NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi
disbelieving NTU.
[5:68] Zwi O ntu scripture you cha fanele sekelo you uphold Torah Vangeli babe sa
nikela you nantu kho Lord impela la vulamehlo nga kho Lord banga ningi of them
cwilisa de nga sono disbelief! Ngakho cha thinta nxephe disbelieving ntu.
[5:69] Surely labo kholwa labo are Jewish phenduka Kholwa; phi of them bani (1)
kholwa NKULUNKULU (2) kholwa Emuva Suku (3) phila ngakhethi pilo fanele nothing
saba nor tando they lila.
[5:70] We fuza vumelwano Ntwana Israyeli we hambisa kuze them gijimi. Whenever
gijimi thathaza them anything they nyanya nye of them they bhunkula nye they dlulisa.
[5:71] They cabango they cha hlola they jikisa yimpumputhe yisithulu ngalesosikhathi
NKULUNKULU sindisa them ngalesosikhathi ningi of them jikisa yimpumputhe
yisithulu buye NKULUNKULU is PHROFETHI of everything they ENZA.
[5:72] Pagans bala are labo bani tshela NKULUNKULU is Messiah dodana Mary.
Messiah tshela O Ntwana Israyeli you khonza NKULUNKULU; mi Lord kho Lord
Anyone akha phi Thixo NKULUNKULU NKULUNKULU enqabela Pharadisi him akhe
phetho is Hogo. wicked fanele hlengi.
[5:73] Pagans bala are labo bani tshela NKULUNKULU is 3 of trinity. Nanso cha is
Nkulunkulu except fike Nkulunkulu! they phindo nga tshela lo labo disbelieve them incur
buhlungu retribution!
[5:74] they cha phenduka NKULUNKULU beyo buza Akhe yekelo? NKULUNKULU
is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[5:75] Messiah dodana Mary is hhayi ningi than gijimi gijimi phambili him akhe mame
was saint Both of them sebenzisa phanga dla! qaphela kanjani we lungisa vulamehlo
them qaphela kanjani they sa hlanhlatha!
[5:76] Tshela you khonza NKULUNKULU buthuntu Thixo bani neither hlungu you
fantshi nor sizo you? NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO Omniscient
[5:77] Zwi O ntu scripture cha transgress ncele kho kolo yaniso cha landela bono of ntu
bani thathaza astray khohlanisa chibi ntu; they are de astray lungile dlela!
[5:78] fela are labo disbelieved Ntwana Israyeli limi David Jesu dodana Mary. Lo they
disobeyed transgressed
[5:79] They cha enjoin fike another nga bophezela bi! Dabukisa bala is babe they enza.
[5:80] You bheka ningi of them allying labo disbelieve! Dabukisa bala is babe bo andla
sa hambile bo phefumulo. NKULUNKULU is FUTHEKILE them consequently they
abide PHAKADE retribution.
[5:81] fanele they kholwa NKULUNKULU phrofethi ngaphakathi babe phendla him
nantu they cha befriended them. ningi of them are bi.
[5:82] You cosha lowo ngcolile mabonwabulawe kholwa are Juda Thixo worshipers.
you cosha lowo closest ntu ngane kholwa are labo tshela We are ObuKhrestu. Lo is they
fanele phristi dela them they cha are zidla.
[5:83] Uma they zwa babe phendla gijimi you bheka bo bobo flooding nga fantu kuhle
they recognize yaniso therein they tshela Ithu Lord we kholwa kanjalo bala us fakazi!
[5:84] Ngani we cha kholwa NKULUNKULU yaniso sondela us ethemba ithu Lord
mukela us ngakhethi ntu?
[5:85] NKULUNKULU KLOMELA them TSHELA LO; He mukela them GADI
THUTHELEKA FUDLANA! They abide therein unomphelo. njalo is kokhelo for the
[5:86] Njengoba for labo disbelieve bhunkula ithu vulamehlo they are dwellers Hogo!
[5:87] O you kholwa cha vala hle to enza semthethweni NKULUNKULU cha aggress;
NKULUNKULU nyanya aggressors!
[5:88] Futhi phanga sizakala semthethweni to ukuthi NKULUNKULU fanele hlinzeka
for you! You hlonipho NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi whom you are kholwa.
NAKA you NECALA for KHO actual JONGO. you dluzula fungo you atone phakela 10
phofu ntu nga fana dla you thembisa kho khe hlobo noma embathisa them yilileka
gcinanja! you cha ngakhokhela lo ngalesosikhathi you zila 3 suku. Lo is atonement
dluzula fungo you funga qhubeka You fulfill kho fungo. NKULUNKULU
[5:90] O you kholwa intoxicants gembula lathi Thixo dlalo of ngalindelwe are
abominations dimoni; you xwaya them lowo you landela.
[5:91] Dimoni wants cuphuluza animosity zondo you through intoxicants gembula kuze
thikazisa you nga khumbula NKULUNKULU nga sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat)!
you ngalesosikhathi phindo
[5:92] You hlonipha NKULUNKULU you hlonipha gijimi elusa you jikisa
ngalesosikhathi azi lowo soli sebenzi ithu gijimi is sindise biko efficiently!
[5:93] Labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo cha bekezelela kweletu phanga phi dla kanjalo
de kuhle they sebenzisa thetho kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo ngalesosikhathi gcina bo
piety kholo qhubeka sebenzisa piety righteousness! NKULUNKULU THANDA the
[5:94] O you kholwa NKULUNKULU tando vivinyo you nye dlalo ngaphakathi
finyelela of kho andla kho cibisholo pilgrimage NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA
AHLUKANISA LABO you SEBENZISA Him BO BAWEDWA. Labo transgress uma lo
incurred buhlungu retribution.
[5:95] O you kholwa cha dlulisa phi dlalo pilgrimage Anyone dlulisa phi dlalo on hloso,
akhe hlawulo be a shicilelo of livestock lwane is equivalent kuze dlalo lwane he dlulisa.
Ehlulelo beka 2 equitable ntu you. They qiniseka ukuthi offerings finyelela Ka bah.
Otherwise he expiate phakela phofu ntu equivalent zila atone akhe cala NKULUNKULU
XOLELA CALA. Noma anyone buya kuze njalo cala NKULUNKULU tando avenge it
NKULUNKULU is Almighty Avenger.
[5:96] Bonke hlanzi andle are fuduka semthethweni you phanga! Ngenkathi pilgrimage
lo Meyi hlinzeka for you ngenkathi kho hambo! You cha zingela pilgrimage You
hlonipho NKULUNKULU whom you mema.
[5:97] NKULUNKULU KHETHA Ka bah NGCWELE Masjid be sanctuary NTU
NOMA NGCWELE YANGA offerings NGCWELE Masjid) garlands PHAWULA them!
You azi lowo NKULUNKULU azi everything ngaphakathi bhakabhaka hlaba futhi
ukuthi NKULUNKULU is Omniscient
[5:98] Azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is luma ngaphakathi enforcing retribution
NKULUNKULU Thethelela Nomusa!
[5:99] soli sebenzi gijimi is sindise biko NKULUNKULU azi everything you memezela
everything you gubadlela.
[5:100] Proclaim ngcolile hle are cha fana fana noma bhiza ngcolile Meyi thatha you!
You hlonipho NKULUNKULU (ngaphambi you are okuncane) O you possess biko lowo
you landela.
[5:101] O you kholwa cha buza kakhulu buzo phendla you prematurely limele you! you
buza kakhulu them pholile of Quran they phathelana sobala kuze you. NKULUNKULU
[5:102] Others you buza fana funa ngalesosikhathi phathelana disbelievers therein!
HLANGANISELA of DUNA females nor livestock khulula NGA FUNGO nor fike
BANGA 2 DUNA KELO nor KUNZI LOWO YISE 10. is disbelievers ceba njalo nga
NKULUNKULU. ningi of them cha azi.
[5:104] Manini they thasisela Sondela kuze babe NKULUNKULU phendla gijimi they
zwi Babe we cosha ithu zali enza is sufficient us. Babe noma bo zali azi nothing cha
[5:105] O you kholwa you thikimeza yodwa kakhulu kho khe umqala. others thathaza
astray they cha limele you okwamanje you guided Kuze NKULUNKULU is kho ultimate
phetho bonke of you ngalesosikhathi He chazela you of everything you enza.
[5:106] O you kholwa bona tando uma fike of you phoqoka phelile 2 equitable ntu you!
you hamba ngalesosikhathi 2 others enza the bona! Ngasemuva sebenzisa Thintana
Thandazo (Salat) yoyosa fakazi funga NKULUNKULU dambisa kho khonondo We cha
sebenzisa lo attain personal nqoba fana testator is hambelana kuze us! Nor tando we
gubadlela Nkulunkulu fakazi. Otherwise we be oni.
[5:107] Fakazi thola be necala of bias ngalesosikhathi 2 others buza fuza bo dawo!
Enyula 2 ntu victimized fike fakazi qhashisa them funga NKULUNKULU Ithu fakazi is
truthful than theirs we cha nganhlanye Otherwise we be transgressors.
[5:108] Lo is apt khusela hlonipheka fakazi bo hla saba lowo bo fungo be bambalala
lowo of dlule fakazi! You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU lalela. NKULUNKULU CHA
khaphi the wicked.
[5:109] Suku sondela uma NKULUNKULU tando mema gijimi buza them Kanjani was
response kuze you? They tshela We cha fanele azani! You are Knower bonke fihlo.
[5:110] NKULUNKULU tando TSHELA O JESU DODANA Mary khumbula MI
BUSISO you KHO MAME! I shoka you Ngcwele Futho enable you phumesela kuze ntu
crib noma kuhle dala! I thisha you scripture hlakani Torah Vangeli. Recall ukuthi you
qamba nga bumba fomu bazana Mi vume ngalesosikhathi thathaza it it phathelana zwa
bazana Mi vume! You sindisa phumputheka nobulephero Mi vume dlweza file Mi vume!
Recall I biyela you Ntwana Israyeli wanted limele you profound mangaliso you tshengisa
them! disbelievers them tshela ‘Lo is ngokusobala loya '
[5:111] Recall I faka fundi ‘You kholwa Me Mi gijimi ' They tshela ‘We kholwa
bekezelela bona we are submitters '!
[5:112] Recall ukuthi fundi tshela O Jesu dodana Mary fantshi kho Lord sa us dili
bhakabhaka? He tshela You hlonipho NKULUNKULU you are kholwa!
[5:113] They tshela We fisa phanga nga it reassure ithu hliziyo azi impela lowo you
thasisela us yaniso! We sebenza fakazi thereof.
[5:114] Tshela Jesu dodana Mary Ithu Nkulunkulu ithu Lord sa phansi us dili
bhakabhaka! Qhashisa it fikisa ngokwanele each gcwele fike of us komba nga You!
Hlinzeka for us; You are hle Provider!
[5:115] NKULUNKULU TSHELA I SA it NIKELA. Anyone among you disbelieves lo
I jezisa him njengoba I ze jezisa anyone noma
[5:116] NKULUNKULU tando TSHELA O JESU DODANA Mary ENZA you tshela
DUMISA! I cha khuluma babe was manje fanele I tshela it You vele azi it You azi mi
cabango I cha azi Kho cabango! You azi bonke fihlo.
[5:117] I thasisela them yodwa babe You phatha me tshela ‘You khonza
NKULUNKULU mi Lord kho Lord ' I was fakazi them okwamanje I zwa them. Uma
You khawula mi pilo hlaba You phathelana Watcher dlule them. You bona bonke to.
[5:118] You jezisa them they are Kho constituents. You thethelela them You are
Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[5:119] NKULUNKULU tando proclaim LO is SUKU UMA truthful TANDO
abide therein unomphelo. NKULUNKULU SIZA them they SIZA Him! Lo is nkulu
[5:120] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba everything
ngaphakathi them He is Omnipotent
6- Livestock (Al-An'am)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[6:1] Dumiso be NKULUNKULU qamba bhakabhaka hlaba fuduka cime khanya. Labo
disbelieve ngaphakathi bo Lord qhubeka hlanhlatha.
[6:2] He is Fike qamba you daka ngalesosikhathi predetermined kho pilo dingiliza pilo
dingiliza lowo azi yodwa kuze Him! you qhubeka ngabaza!
[6:3] He is fike NKULUNKULU bhakabhaka hlaba. He azi kho fihlo kho memezelo He
azi everything you zuza.
[6:4] Hhayi buzo babe hlobo of bonakaliso hlangana them bo Lord they jikisa nga it
[6:5] selokhu they bhunkula yaniso uma it sondela them they incurred phetho bo
[6:6] they cha bheka kanjani ningi zukulwane them we bhubhisa? We sungula them
hlaba ningi than we ncisheka you we yithela them busiso generously we hlinzeka them
thutheleka fudlana! We ngalesosikhathi bhubhisa them bo ono we shintsha another
zukulwane bo dawo.
[6:7] Ngaphambi we sa phansi them omzimba bhuku bhalwa on cwadi, they namatha it
bo andla labo disbelieved tshela Lo is hhayi ningi than nobungcweti loya.
[6:8] They noma tshela yodwa gelosi ehla him! Fanele we sa gelosi phelele buzo
khawula they hhayi de respited
[6:9] fanele we sa gelosi we sa him dlela doda we qhubeka them eqinisweni njengoba
didekile njengoba they phambanisa kalokhu!
[6:10] Gijimi you chwaneka. is labo bhinqa them jeza phetho of bo chwaneka!
[6:11] Tshela Zululeka hlaba qaphela phetho rejectors!
[6:12] Tshela, "Kuze whom fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba? Tshela, "Kuze
NKULUNKULU. He decreed sa is Akhe attribute He surely mema you lonke Suku Vuko
is ngenakugwemeka. ones lahlekelwa bo phefumulo are labo disbelieve.
[6:13] Kuze Him fanele everything dwells ngaphakathi suku suku! He is Ozwayo
[6:14] Zwi Shall I amukela NKULUNKULU njengoba Lord Enza manini He is Initiator
of bhakabhaka hlaba He phakela cha phakela? Tshela I phatha the ningi nikela submitter
cha be Thixo worshiper. '!
[6:15] Zwi I bawosi noma I disobeyed mi Lord retribution awesome suku.
[6:16] Whoever onga (retribution) lowo suku attained Akhe sa! Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[6:17] Nkulunkulu namatha you adversity none dambisa it except He. Futhi noma He
namatha you busiso He is Omnipotent
[6:18] He is Supreme Akhe dalwa. He is the Ningi Hlakaniphile Cognizant
[6:19] Zwi fakazi is nkulu? Zwi Nkulunkulu. He is fakazi me you lowo lo Quran faka
me shumayela it you whomever it finyelela! Bala you bekezelela bona nanso are nye
Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU. Tshela I cha fakaza njengoba you enza; nanso is yodwa
fike Nkulunkulu I bandla kho idolatry!
[6:20] Labo we epha scripture recognize lo kuhle they recognize bo khe ntwana. ones
lahlekelwa bo phefumulo are labo cha kholwa.
[6:21] Bani bi than fike is nga NKULUNKULU bhunkula Akhe vulamehlo?
transgressors ze landela.
[6:22] Suku uma we mema them lonke we buza Thixo worshipers tando Thixo you are
[6:23] Bo omonakalo response be NKULUNKULU ithu Lord we ze were Thixo
[6:24] qaphela kanjani they lied kuze themselves futhi kanjani Thixo they ceba dela
[6:25] Nye of them lalela you we beka vakazi bo hliziyo nqanda them azi ngezwa
ngaphakathi bo kintsho! Kanjeyana hhayi buzo babe hlobo of bonakaliso they bheka they
cha kholwa! Ngakho uma they sondela phikisana you disbelievers tshela La are daba
[6:26] They dudula others nga lo (Quran) njengoba they shela eceleni nga it ngakho they
yodwa phephetha without perceiving!
[6:27] Yodwa you bheka them uma they bhekana hellfire! They tshela ngalesosikhathi
Woe kuze us. Hawu we fiso we jenduka ze bhunkula ithu Lord's vulamehlo xhumelela
[6:28] Eqinisweni (they yodwa tshela lo bo fihlo dalula. they jenduka they bophezela
eqinisweni fana cala. They are hubu.
[6:29] They tshela (subconsciously) We zwa yodwa lo pilo; we cha resurrected
[6:30] you yodwa bheka them uma they bekezelela bo Lord He tshela Is lo cha yaniso?
They tshela Ehe ithu Lord He tshela You incurred retribution kho disbelief.
[6:31] Losers bala are labo disbelieve hlangabeza NKULUNKULU Awa sondela them
ngokuzuma ngalesosikhathi tshela We deeply zishaya saphazeka ithu pilo ngaphakathi lo
hlaba. They yisa layisha of bo ono bo hlane; babe dabukisa layisha
[6:32] Pilo lo hlaba is hhayi ningi than kohliso vanity khashana abode Hereafter is de
kahle for the ngakhethi. you cha azi!?
[6:33] We azi ukuthi you saddened babe they zwi. You azi ukuthi it cha is you lowo
they bhunkula; it is Nkulunkulu vulamehlo lowo wicked bambalala
[6:34] Gijimi you bhunkula they steadfastly phikelela ngaphakathi the bombo of
rejection. They qhuba ithu ahlula sondela them. njalo is Nkulunkulu hlelo ze guquka.
Lando Mi gijimi kanjeyana beka precedents you.
[6:35] Bo rejection suka be kwanje you you azi lowo fana you gqwabaza bobo hlaba
enyuka ladi bhakabhaka khiqiza mangaliso them (they nzonzobala cha kholwa)! fanele
NKULUNKULU willed He guided them unanimously. Ngakho cha behave fana
ngenalwazi ones!
[6:36] Lodwa ones kuze phendula are labo lalela! NKULUNKULU resurrects file they
[6:37] They tshela yodwa okuthile komba ehla him akhe Lord Tshela NKULUNKULU
is able kuze sa phansi komba ningi of them cha azi!
[6:38] Bonke dalwa hlaba bonke bazana bhibha nga khono are gwamanda you. We cha
hamba anything lo bhuku. Kuze bo Lord lonke la dalwa mema.
[6:39] Labo bhunkula ithu bonakaliso are yisithulu yisimungulu ngaphakathi phelele
cime. Whomever NKULUNKULU tando He sa astray whomever He tando He phila
sobala dlela.
[6:40] Tshela Babe noma Nkulunkulu retribution sondela you Awa sondela you you
nxusa NKULUNKULU you are truthful?
[6:41] Phuzu is yodwa Him you nxusa He phendula kho thandazo noma He tando you
khohlwa kho Thixo.
[6:42] We sa (gijimi) gwamanda you we faka them kuze vivinyo through adversity
nzaka they nxusa!
[6:43] Noma yodwa they nxusa uma ithu vivinyo hlupha them! Mane bo hliziyo qinisa
dimoni gqizisa bo sebenzi bo bobo.
[6:44] Uma they kanjeyana bambalala biko epha them we vulekile for them sango of
everything. Ngalesosikhathi eqinisweni njengoba they jabula ngaphakathi babe epha
them we jezisa them ngokuzuma; they phathelana ngokupheleleyo didekile
[6:45] wicked are kanjeyana bhubhisa! Dumiso be NKULUNKULU Lord universe.
[6:46] Tshela Babe noma NKULUNKULU hola eceleni kho zwa kho eyesight vuneka
kho gqondo; which Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU buyisa la you? Qaphela kanjani we
lungisa vulamehlo qaphela kanjani they sa hlanhlatha!
[6:47] Tshela Babe noma Nkulunkulu retribution sondela you ngokuzuma, ngasemuva
memezelo it cha wicked bani is incur bhuqe?
[6:48] We cha sa gijimi khululi hle biko noma kuhle warners. Labo kholwa guqula
fanele nothing saba nor tando they lila!
[6:49] Njengoba for labo bhunkula ithu vulamehlo they incur retribution bo wickedness.
[6:50] Zwi I cha tshela kuze you lowo I possess cebo NKULUNKULU. Nor enza I azi
gomuso! Nor enza I tshela kuze you I am gelosi! I hle landela babe phendla me Zwi is Is
yimpumputhe fana njengoba phrofethi? you cha cabangisisa?
[6:51] Futhi shumayela lo (Quran) kuze labo hlonipho mema bo Lord - they fanele none
Him njengoba Lord futhi Enza nor intercessor! - Lowo they attain sindiso.
[6:52] Cha xosha labo nxusa bo Lord suku futhi suku, nikela Him lodwa! You cha are
necala for bo reckoning nor are they necala for kho reckoning you xosha them you be
[6:53] We kanjeyana hlola ntu nga each nye qhashisa them tshela (mockingly) Are la
ntu us hlahlamelisa NKULUNKULU? are Is NKULUNKULU cha aware of appreciative
[6:54] Uma labo kholwa ithu vulamehlo sondela you you tshela Salmun ‘Alaykum
(Thula be you). Kho Lord decreed sa is Akhe attribute Ngakho anyone among you
bophezela sono luhlaza phenduka thereafter guqula ngalesosikhathi He Thethelela
[6:55] We kanjeyana lungisa vulamehlo khomba dlela of the wicked.
[6:56] Zwi I enqabela nga khonza babe you khonza NKULUNKULU. Tshela I cha
landela kho bono! Otherwise I thathaza astray cha guided
[6:57] Zwi I fanele namandla bonakaliso nga mi Lord you bhunkula it I cha zibamba
retribution you selelo me fikisa! Ehlulelo fanele NKULUNKULU wodwa. He etha
yaniso He is hle jaji.
[6:58] Tshela Noma I zibamba retribution you selelo me fikisa phelele buzo khawula
kwesukela! NKULUNKULU azi KAHLE BANI wicked are
[6:59] Nga Him are hluthulelo kuze bonke fihlo; none azi them He. He azi everything
on zwe andle. Cha gqabi wa Akhe azani. Nor is ashila hlamvu jula zathu. Nor is ashila
anything manzisa hamula lowo cha bhalisa profound thayela!
[6:60] He is Fike faka you kuze fa suku azi fana ncane of kho enzo suku. He resurrects
you gcwele sa kho pilo dingiliza gcina ngalesosikhathi Him is kho ultimate buya. He
ngalesosikhathi chazela you of everything you enza.
[6:61] He is Supreme Akhe dalwa He khetha vika biyela you! Uma khetha khathi fa
sondela phi of you ithu gijimi faka him fa without bambezeleka.
[6:62] Ngalesosikhathi everyone phinda NKULUNKULU bo fanele Lord Phathi
Kasibili He is ultimate jaji; He is the ningi ngesikhathi Reckoner.
[6:63] Zwi Bani khulula you cime of zwe andle? You nxusa Him loudly ngasese He
khulula us lo khathi we be eternally appreciative
[6:64] Zwi NKULUNKULU khulula you lo khathi, nye dla noma ngalesosikhathi you
nzonzobala akha Thixo Him!
[6:65] Zwi He is impela able kuze thela upon you retribution nga phezulu you nga
phansi kho nyawo! He hlanganyela you qembu fanele you zwa each others' dlova!
qaphela kanjani we lungisa vulamehlo they azi!
[6:66] Kho ntu bhunkula lo ngaphambi it is yaniso. Zwi I am londolozi dlulile you.
[6:67] Gcwele bikezelo nantu sondela qeda you tando surely thola cishile!
[6:68] Noma you bheka labo bhinqa ithu vulamehlo you xwaya them they delve nga
another dikimba. Dimoni banga you khohlwa ngalesosikhathi you khumbula ncisheka
cha faka njalo bi ntu!
[6:69] Ngakhethi are cha necala veza of labo ntu it lamula khumbuza them; khathisimbe
they khulula.
[6:70] You bambalala labo fuza bo kolo ngaphumeleli kuhle is social sebenzi
ngokupheleleyo hola ngaphakathi lo worldly pilo. Khumbuza lo (Quran) funa phefumulo
jeza phetho wo bi holo! It fanele none NKULUNKULU Lord futhi Enza nor intercessor!
it thembisa phi hlobo of hlenga it cha amukela! They jeza phetho bi sebenzi they zuza;
they incurred esabeka tshwala buhlungu retribution bo disbelief.
[6:71] Zwi we nxusa NKULUNKULU Shall babe cha possesses dlakathi sizo us limele
us khalima ithu thende NKULUNKULU guided us? Ngalesosikhathi we xhumelela labo
possessed dimoni nikeza ngokupheleleyo didekile khashana bo ngane vavanya khulula
them ‘Bukisa us manje dlela ' Tshela Nkulunkulu hola is lungile hola! We phatha faka
Lord universe!
[6:72] Kuze sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) kuze hlonipho Him - He is Fike
phambili whom you mema reckoning
[6:73] He is Fike qamba bhakabhaka hlaba truthfully. Whenever He tshela Be it is Akhe
zwi is phelele yaniso. Bonke sovereignty fanele kuze Him suku phondo thathaza!
Knower of bonke fihlo memezelo He is the Ningi Hlakaniphile Cognizant
[6:74] Recall ukuthi Abraham tshela kuze akhe yise Azar Kanjani you khonza statues
Nkulunkulu? I bheka lowo you kho ntu thathaza kude astray.
[6:75] We tshengisa Abraham marvels of bhakabhaka hlaba hlahlamelisa him qiniseko:
[6:76] Uma suku nolunya he saha cwebezela planethi. Mhlawumbe lo is mi Lord he
tshela. Uma it zwacela he tshela I cha fana (Nkulunkulu) zwacela.
[6:77] Uma he bheka yanga phuma he tshela Mhlawumbe lo is mi Lord Uma it zwacela
he tshela mi Lord khaphi me I be strayers.
[6:78] Uma he bheka langa phuma he tshela Lo be mi Lord Lo is khulu. uma it beka he
tshela O mi ntu I fenyisa kho idolatry.
[6:79] I nikela kasibili Fike omula bhakabhaka hlaba; I ze be Thixo worshiper.
[6:80] Akhe ntu phikisana him. He tshela Ncisheka you phikisana me NKULUNKULU
He guided me I fanele saba of Thixo you akha! Nothing enzeka me ukuba mi Lord tando
it Mi Lord's azani encompasses bonke to. you cha fuza heed
[6:81] Ngani I saba kho Thixo? is you be esaba selokhu you khonza NKULUNKULU
Thixo are ngokupheleleyo buthuntu lamula you! Which thimu is hola of phepha noma
you azi?
[6:82] Labo kholwa cha ngcolisa bo kholo Thixo khonza hola kahle phepha they impela
[6:83] njalo was ithu zakuzakwana which we shoka Abraham akhe ntu. We exalt
whomever we enza phezulu gaba. Kho Lord is Hlakaniphile Omniscient
[6:84] we pha him Isaac Jacob we guided both of them! Ngokufanayo we guided Nowa
phambili lowo, akhe zalo (we guided David Solomoni Khundla Joseph Mose Aaron. We
kanjeyana klomela the ngakhethi.
[6:85] Noma Zachariah Jan Jesu Elias lonke were ngakhethi.
[6:86] Ismail Elisha Jonah DIKI; each of LA we AHLUKANISA BONKE NTU.
[6:87] Nga bo gogo bo zalo bo siblings we enyula ningi we guided them sobala dlela.
[6:88] njalo is Nkulunkulu hola which He khaphi whomever He enyula Akhe chaka. phi
of them wa idolatry bo sebenzi nullified
[6:89] Labo were the ones we epha scripture hlakani prophethood. La ntu disbelieve we
shintsha others bo dawo sha ntu cha be disbelievers.
[6:90] La are ones guided nga NKULUNKULU; you guided bo gi. Zwi I cha buza you
phi wage Lo is biko bonke ntu.
[6:91] They ze valued NKULUNKULU njengoba He valued Kanjeyana they tshela
NKULUNKULU cha phendla anything phi ntu. Tshela Bani ngalesosikhathi phendla
scripture Mose fikisa okhela hola ntu? You faka it nikela on cwadi proclaim it ngenkathi
gubadlela a diki of it You thisha babe you ze azi - you kho zali. Zwi NKULUNKULU is
Fike bani phendla it ngalesosikhathi hamba them bo heedlessness dlala!
[6:92] Lo kakhulu is thokozisa scripture we phendla qinisekisa dlule scriptures lowo you
khuza the ningi thuthukile gwamanda lonke labo cishe it Labo kholwa Hereafter kholwa
ngaphakathi lo (scripture) sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat).
[6:93] Bani is bi than fike bani bhila khetheza attributes them NKULUNKULU tshela I
thola sezulwini dude uma hhayi njalo dude epha him tshela I loba fana njengoba
Nkulunkulu vulamehlo? yodwa you bheka transgressors fa! Gelosi elula bo andla kuze
them landiso "Yoyosa hamba of kho phefumulo. Namhla you incurred shameful
retribution for landiso NKULUNKULU yaniso futhi dalwa kakhulu zidla amukela Akhe
[6:94] You buya us ntu eqinisweni njengoba we qamba you fike khathi you yeka babe
we hlinzeka for you. We ncisheka cha bheka you intercessors you idolized thola lowo
they lamula you! Bonke thayi you hhephuna; Thixo you akha dela you!
khiqiza fudumele file file nga fudumele njalo is NKULUNKULU; kanjani could you
[6:96] Kwa dabuka sa He zathu sa mfumfusa. He enza suku sa He nikeza langa yanga
sebenza njengoba calculation to njalo is klamo Almighty Omniscient
[6:97] Futhi He is Fike enza basa khaphi you cime on zwe futhi on andle We kanjeyana
hlandla vulamehlo ntu azi.
[6:98] He omula you fike ntu juqula kho dlela noma njengoba kho final phetho. We
kanjeyana hlandla vulamehlo ntu azi.
[6:99] He is Fike sa bhakabhaka chichiza whereby we khiqiza bonke hlobo of mila. We
khiqiza luhlaza omhlaba chibi akhiwo hlamvu tende shanguzo neka hlukuzo gadi
gilebhisi hlwathi pomegranate; thelo lowo are fana dissimilar qaphela bo thelo njengoba
they khula thophela! La are dweba ntu kholwa.
[6:100] they akha NKULUNKULU Thixo jinns He is Fike qamba them. They fana beka
Him dodana tombazana phi azani! He dumisa. He is the Ningi Phezulu de phezulu bo
[6:101] Initiator of bhakabhaka hlaba. kanjani He fantshi dodana uma He fanele ze
fanele ngane? He qamba bonke to He is fully aware of bonke to.
[6:102] njalo is NKULUNKULU kho Lord nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except He Dali
bonke to! You khonza Him wodwa. He is ngaphakathi zibamba of bonke to!
[6:103] Hhayi bona encompass Him He encompasses bonke bona! He is Compassionate
[6:104] Khanyisa sondela you kho Lord Njengoba for labo bheka they ncisheka for bo
khe hle labo jikisa yimpumputhe ncisheka kanjalo bo khe detriment. I cha am kho
[6:105] We kanjeyana lungisa vulamehlo bonakalisa ukuthi you thola azani hlandla
them ntu azi.
[6:106] Landela babe phendla you kho Lord nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except He
bambalala Thixo worshipers!
[6:107] fanele NKULUNKULU willed they cha khonza Thixo. We cha khetha you bo
londolozi nor are you bo buzeli.
[6:108] Cha qalekisa Thixo they akha NKULUNKULU funa they blaspheme qalekisa
NKULUNKULU luhlaza! We gqizisa sebenzi of gcwele xuku ngaphakathi bo bobo.
Ekugcineni they phinda bo Lord ngalesosikhathi He chazela them of everything they
[6:109] They funga NKULUNKULU solemnly mangaliso sondela them they surely
kholwa. Tshela Mangaliso sondela yodwa nga NKULUNKULU. lonke you azi mangaliso
enza sondela them they qhubeka disbelieve!
[6:110] We zibamba bo gqondo bo hliziyo Ngakho selokhu bo gwebo is disbelieve we
hamba them bo sono phazama
[6:111] Fana noma we sa phansi gelosi them; fana file poli kuze them; fana we mema
gcwele mangaliso them; they cha kholwa ukuba NKULUNKULU tando it Bala ningi of
them are ngenalwazi.
[6:112] We vumela mabonwabulawe gcwele phrofethi - obuntu jinn dimoni - Kuze faka
each nye fancy zwi ngaphakathi landelana khohlanisa! fanele kho Lord willed they cha
enza it You bambalala them bo bumbela.
[6:113] Lo is qhashisa gqondo of labo cha kholwa Hereafter lalela njalo bumbela
amukela them kanjeyana dalula bo oqobo ahlulelwa!
[6:114] I khonga NKULUNKULU deku thetho uma He phendla you lo bhuku fully
cacile? Labo thola scripture recognize it fanele phendla kho Lord truthfully. You cha
harbor phi khonondo.
[6:115] Zwi kho Lord is phethiwe ngaphakathi yaniso ahluleli Nothing abrogate Akhe
zwi. He is Ozwayo Omniscient
[6:116] you hlonipha vamela of ntu hlaba they buyisela you dlela NKULUNKULU.
They landela yodwa conjecture they yodwa qandela!
[6:117] Kho Lord is fully aware of labo fufutheka Akhe dlela He is fully aware of labo
[6:118] You phanga nga lowo upon which Nkulunkulu gama sho you impela kholwa
Akhe vulamehlo!
[6:119] ngani you cha phanga nga lowo upon which Nkulunkulu gama sho? He cacile
you babe vala you ukuba you bophezela. Bala ningi ntu khohlanisa others bo personal
bono azani. Kho Lord is fully aware of transgressors.
[6:120] You xwaya sobala ono noma kuhle fihlekile ones. Labo zuza ono surely
khokhela bo sono.
[6:121] Cha phanga nga lowo upon which gama NKULUNKULU cha sho it is
abomination! Dimoni faka bo sizana phikisana you; you hlonipha them you be Thixo
[6:122] Fike Is file we pha him pilo was hlinzeka him okhela lowo enables him nyakazo
among the ntu, lingana kuze fike phelele cime nga which he ze exit Sebenzi disbelievers
kanjeyana gqizisa bo bobo.
[6:123] We sondela phila bhulukhasi gcwele gwamanda tende cebo. they yodwa tula
cebo bo khe phefumulo without perceiving!
[6:124] Uma qinile bonakaliso hlangana kuze them they tshela We cha kholwa we epha
babe epha Nkulunkulu gijimi! NKULUNKULU azi eqinisweni bani is hle qualified
sindise Akhe biko! Njalo bhulukhasi jeza debasement NKULUNKULU thusa retribution
phetho bo bi scheming
[6:125] Whomever NKULUNKULU tando khaphi He nikeza akhe bele banzi vulekile
kuze Submission. whomever He tando sa astray He nikeza akhe bele ngenasineke
straitened fike enyuka kanjalo. NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA BEKA HLAMBA upon
[6:126] Lo is sobala dlela kho Lord We lungisa vulamehlo ntu fuza heed
[6:127] They hola abode thula bo Lord He is bo Lord Enza kokhelo bo sebenzi.
[6:128] Suku sondela uma He samanisi bonke of them tshela O you jinns you thola chibi
humans Bo obuntu ngane tshela Ithu Lord we nambitheka each others' gwamanqa we
saphazeka pilo dingiliza You beka us He tshela Hogo is kho phetho They abide therein
phakade ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu tando Kho Lord is Hlakaniphile
[6:129] We kanjeyana vumelana wicked be ngane of each nye njengoba jeziso bo sono.
[6:130] O you jinns humans you cha thola gijimi nga you etha you Mi vulamehlo khuza
you kakhulu buthano lo suku? They tshela We bhele bona ourselves. They
ngokupheleleyo preoccupied worldly pilo they bekezelela bona themselves they were
[6:131] Lo is tshengisa lowo kho Lord ze bhubhisa phi gwamanda unjustly ngenkathi
wo ntu are unaware!
[6:132] Everyone attain gaba commensurate bo enzo. Kho Lord is ze unaware of
anything they enza.
[6:133] Kho Lord is Nothile Fike; possessor bonke sa. He tando He enyula you shintsha
whomever He tando kho dawo eqinisweni njengoba He khiqiza you progeny nye ntu.
[6:134] babe thembisa you sondela qeda you ze balekela it
[6:135] Zwi O mi ntu ncisheka kho hle kanjalo tando I You enza surely thola cishile
bani ultimate victors are Impela wicked tando ze landela!
[6:136] They fana hlaziya eceleni juphe Nkulunkulu hlinzeka of vuno livestock tshela
Lo juphe fanele kuze NKULUNKULU bo thola lo juphe fanele kuze ithu Thixo. Nokho
babe was hlaziya eceleni bo Thixo ze finyelela NKULUNKULU khashana juphe they
hlaziya eceleni NKULUNKULU invariably thathaza bo Thixo! Dabukisa bala is bo
[6:137] Kanjeyana were Thixo worshipers khohlisa bo Thixo xenye of dlulisa bo khe
ntwana! Nempela bo Thixo inflict nkulu hlungu them phambanisa bo kolo them. fanele
NKULUNKULU willed they cha enza it You bambalala them bo bumbela.
[6:138] They tshela La are livestock vuno lowo vala; hhayi fike phanga them whomever
we vumela they thola! They noma nqatshelwe gibela okuthile livestock. Fana livestock
they phanga they ze sho Nkulunkulu gama njengoba they nikela them. Njalo are
innovations beka Him. He surely requite them bo innovations.
[6:139] They noma tshela Babe is khaba of la livestock bekisa exclusively duna us futhi
vala ithu kosikazi. was sa zala they vumela bo kosikazi hlanganyela therein. He impela
requite them bo innovations. He is Hlakaniphile Omniscient
[6:140] Losers bala are labo dlulisa bo ntwana foolishly bo eswela azani nqatshelwe
babe NKULUNKULU fanele hlinzeka for them landela innovations beka
NKULUNKULU! They thathaza astray; they cha guided
[6:141] He is Fike sungula gadi trellised untrellised tende shanguzo vuno balwa zwa
hlwathi pomegranate! - Thelo are fana dissimilar Phanga bo thelo epha khona alms suku
vuno cha saphazeka anything! He cha thanda wasters.
[6:142] Nye livestock letha you transportation noma kuhle bedding mathiriyeli! Phanga
Nkulunkulu hlinzeka you cha landela gxathu Dimoni; he is kho ardent mabonwabulawe.
[6:143] 8 hlobo livestock 2 hlobo vu 2 hlobo buzi zwi Is it 2 duna He vala 2 females
contents zalo 2 females? Thasisela me babe you azi you are truthful!
[6:144] Regarding 2 hlobo kamela 2 hlobo fuyo zwi Is it 2 duna He vala 2 females
contents zalo 2 females? you Were bona uma NKULUNKULU decreed njalo enqabelo
you? Bani bi than labo ceba njalo nga is attribute them NKULUNKULU? They
kanjeyana khohlanisa ntu azani. NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi NJALO BI NTU.
[6 Zwi I cha cosha vulamehlo epha me phi dla lowo vala phi eater (1) carrion (2)
sukeleka gazi (3) yama kotshi it contaminated (4) yama lwane blasphemously busisa
NKULUNKULU. fike bophezela phanga la) without dalwa ngamabomu malicious
ngalesosikhathi kho Lord is Forgiver Nomusa!
[6:146] Labo bani Jewish we vala lwane undivided hoofs; of fuyo vu we vala fuma
which ntanta bo hlane viscera xubene lenze! Lowo was retribution bo sono we are
[6:147] they disbelieve you ngalesosikhathi zwi Kho Lord possesses infinite sa Akhe
retribution is ngenakuvikeleka for necala ntu.
[6:148] Thixo worshipers tshela Fanele NKULUNKULU willed we cha enza idolatry
nor beyo ithu zali nor beyo we vala anything. Ngakho enza labo phambili them disbelieve
kuze they incurred ithu retribution! Tshela you fanele phi proven azani lowo you
tshengisa us? You landela nothing conjecture you yodwa qandela.
[6:149] Zwi NKULUNKULU possesses the ningi qinile zakuzakwana; He tando He
khaphi bonke of you.
[6:150] Zwi Fikisa kho fakazi fakaza NKULUNKULU vala lo lowo. they fakaza
ncisheka cha fakaza them! Nor shall you landela bono of labo bhunkula ithu vulamehlo
labo disbelieve Hereafter labo fufutheka eceleni bo Lord
[6:151] Zwi Sondela yoyosa me thasisela you babe kho Lord nempela vala you You cha
akha Thixo Him! You honor kho zali. You cha dlulisa kho ntwana nga saba of ze! - we
hlinzeka for you futhi them. You cha bophezela gross ono sobala fihlekile. You cha
dlulisa - NKULUNKULU ENZA PILO NGCWELE - except ngaphakathi the kambe of
ahluleli La are Akhe thetho kuze you you azi.
[6:152] You cha namatha kedama mali except the ningi ngakhethi dlela they finyelela
khula. You epha gcwele kalo gcwele gqi uma you hweba equitably. We cha thwalo phi
phefumulo wo mali. You be kasibili eqinisweni uma you bekezelela bona ngaphambi
kho hlobo. You fulfill kho vumelwano NKULUNKULU. La are Akhe thetho kuze you
lowo you fuza heed
[6:153] Lo is Mi dlela - Phethelo fike. You landela it cha landela phi nye dlela funa they
buyisela you Akhe dlela. La are Akhe thetho kuze you you khulula.
[6:154] we epha Mose scripture phethiwe kahle thetho detailing everything beacon sa
lowo they kholwa hlangabeza bo Lord
[6:155] Lo kakhulu is thokozisa scripture lowo we phendla; you landela it phila
ngakhethi pilo lowo you attain sa.
[6:156] Manje you hhayi de tshela scripture sa phansi 2 xuku phambili us, we were
unaware of bo fundiso.
[6:157] Nor fantshi you tshela yodwa scripture ehla us we hle guided than they. proven
scripture fanele kalokhu sondela you kho Lord beacon sa! manje bani bi than fike is
bhunkula la bonakaliso nga NKULUNKULU bambalala them? We bophezela labo
bambalala ithu bonakaliso kabi retribution bo heedlessness.
[6:158] they mela gelosi Are sondela them kho Lord nye omzimba manifestations kho
Lord Suku lo cha enzeka phefumulo enza sizo nga kholwa it cha kholwa phambili lowo,
cha vuna sizo kholo nga phila ngakhethi pilo! Zwi Qhubeka linda; we kakhulu linda.
[6:159] Labo hlanganyela hlelo ncisheka cha fanele you! Bo ehlulelo hlomisa
NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi He chazela them of everything they enza.
[6:160] Whoever enza ngakhethi sebenzi thola kokhelo 10 fike bani bophezela ono
requited yodwa fike! Hhayi fike jeza ncane okungemthetho.
[6:161] Tshela Mi Lord guided me sobala dlela! - Kahle kolo Abraham monotheism. He
ze was Thixo worshiper.
[6:162] Tshela Mi Thintana Thandazo (Salat) mi konzo enza mi pilo mi fa are bonke
nikela kasibili kuze NKULUNKULU lodwa Lord universe!
[6:163] He fanele lingani. Lo is babe I phatha kholwa I am fike faka!
[6:164] Zwi I khonga NKULUNKULU lord uma He is Lord bonke to? Hhayi
phefumulo sizo nga wo khe sebenzi none bekezelela thwalo of another Ekugcineni you
phinda kho Lord ngalesosikhathi He chazela you lonke kho phendulana.
[6:165] He is Fike fuduka you inheritors hlaba He vubukula nye of you others
ngaphakathi gaba ngaphakathi landelana hlola you ngaphakathi accordance nga babe He
epha you! Surely kho Lord is nempumelelo ngaphakathi enforcing retribution He is
Forgiver Nomusa!
7- Purgatory (Al-A'araf)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[7:1] A L. M. S.
[7:2] Lo scripture fanele phendla you - you cha harbor ngabaza it ngaphakathi kho
hliziyo - Lowo you khuza it hlinzeka khumbuzo kholwa!
[7:3] You shall lonke landela babe phendla you kho Lord cha landela phi Thixo Him!
Rarely enza you fuza heed
[7:4] Ningi gwamanda we bhubhisa; they incurred ithu retribution ngenkathi they were
lele banzi vuka!
[7:5] Bo veza uma ithu retribution sondela them was Bala we been transgressors.
[7:6] We impela funa labo thola biko we funa gijimi.
[7:7] We chazela them authoritatively we were ze ngekho
[7:8] Kali be hlukumeza lowo suku equitably. Labo kalo are sinda be nqobi.
[7:9] Njengoba for labo kalo are okhela they be ones lahlekelwa bo phefumulo phetho
of bambalala ithu vulamehlo unjustly!
[7:10] We sungula you hlaba we fanele hlinzeka for you mali enzelelo therein! Rarely
are you appreciative
[7:11] We qamba you ngalesosikhathi we shaped you ngalesosikhathi we tshela kuze
gelosi, "Zumeka prostrate Adam. They wa prostrate except Iblees (Dimoni;) he cha was
[7:12] He tshela Babe nqanda you nga prostrating uma I juba you? He tshela I am kahle
than he; You qamba me nga lilo qamba him nga daka!
[7:13] He tshela Ngakho you zika you cha are be zidla nantu. Khipha; you debased
[7:14] He tshela Pha me phefu Suku Vuko!
[7:15] He tshela You pha phefu.
[7:16] He tshela Selokhu You fanele willed lowo I thathaza astray I skulk them Kho
sobala dlela.
[7:17] I sondela them nga them emuva them nga bo lungile nga bo ngakwesobunxele
You cosha lowo ningi of them are unappreciative.
[7:18] He tshela Khipha therefrom dlelesela tshoda Labo among them landela you I
gcwalisa Hogo you lonke.
[7:19] Njengoba for you Adam dwell kho kosikazi ngaphakathi Pharadisi phanga
therefrom you siza cha sondelana lo fike shanguzo funa you wa ngaphakathi ona!
[7:20] Dimoni swebeza them ngaphakathi landelana phendla bo zimba were
ngabonakali kuze them. He tshela Kho Lord cha enqabela you lo shanguzo nqanda you
nga phathelana gelosi attaining naphakade khona!
[7:21] He funga them I epha you hle eluleko.
[7:22] He KANJEYANA KHOHLISA them NGA. Njengoba masinyane njengoba they
zwa shanguzo bo zimba phathelana bonakala kuze them they vavanya dibikeza gqabi
Pharadisi! Bo Lord balula them I cha enjoin you Ncisheka nga lowo shanguzo khuza you
dimoni is kho ardent mabonwabulawe?
[7:23] They tshela Ithu Lord we ngalungi ithu phefumulo futhi You thethelela us fanele
sa us we be losers!
[7:24] He tshela zika mabonwabulawe of fike another On hlaba be kho habitation
hlinzeka for awhile!
[7:25] He tshela it you zwa it you phoqoka nga it you be wisa cishile"!
[7:26] O ntwana Adam we hlinzeka you bhinco dibikeza kho zimba kakhulu
khezekheze! Kahle bhinco is bhinco righteousness. La are nye of Nkulunkulu dweba
ukuthi they fuza heed
[7:27] O ntwana Adam cha qhashisa dimoni khohlisa you kuhle he enza uma he banga
eviction kho zali Pharadisi hanjiswa bo bhinco dalula bo zimba. He akhe qu bheka you,
ngenkathi you cha bheka them. We khetha dimoni ngane of labo cha kholwa.
[7:28] They bophezela gross ono ngalesosikhathi tshela We cosha zali enza lo
NKULUNKULU phatha us ncisheka it Tshela NKULUNKULU ze khulumela ona! you
tshela NKULUNKULU babe you cha azi?
[7:29] Zwi Mi Lord khulumela ahluleli bekezelela nikela kuze Him lodwa gcwele dawo
konzo! You nikela kho konzo kasibili Him lodwa. Eqinisweni njengoba He omula you
you ekugcineni jenduka Him.
[7:30] nye He guided ngenkathi others bophezela dukane. They fuza dimoni bo phathi
NKULUNKULU they kholwa lowo they guided
[7:31] O ntwana Adam you be khocula embathisa nicely uma you thathaza masjid!
Phanga phuza moderately; Surely He cha thanda govu!
[7:32] Zwi Bani nqatshelwe hle to NKULUNKULU qamba Akhe dalwa hle hlinzeka
Tshela Njalo hlinzeka are nambitheka ngaphakathi lo pilo labo kholwa! Noma sizakala
hlinzeka be exclusively theirs Suku Vuko. We kanjeyana lungisa vulamehlo ntu azi!
[7:33] Zwi Mi Lord vala yodwa bi enzo be they sobala fihlekile ono unjustifiable
uchuku akha NKULUNKULU buthuntu Thixo kuze zwi NKULUNKULU babe you cha
[7:34] each gwamanda ashila predetermined pilo dingiliza. Ngaphambili bo interim
hlangana phetho they cha mukela it fike awa nor tsheleka it
[7:35] O ntwana Adam uma gijimi sondela you you hlabelela Mi vulamehlo kuze you
labo fuza heed phila ngakhethi pilo fanele nothing saba nor tando they lila!
[7:36] Njengoba for labo bhunkula ithu vulamehlo are kakhulu zidla uphold them they
incurred Hogo wherein they abide phakade!
[7:37] Bani bi than labo is ceba nga NKULUNKULU bhunkula Akhe vulamehlo? La
suka bo juphe ngaphakathi accordance nga scripture ngalesosikhathi uma ithu gijimi
sondela khawula bo pilo they tshela Lapho are Thixo you sebenzisa nxusa
NKULUNKULU? They tshela They dela us. They bekezelela bona themselves they were
[7:38] He tshela Ngena dlule gwamanda of jinns humans nga Hogo. Gcwele khathi xuku
ngena they qalekisa bo ancestral xuku! Ngaphambili they are bonke it ngasekho fike
tshela of dlule fike Ithu Lord la are the ones khohlanisa us! Epha them ngokuphindiwe
retribution Hogo. He tshela Each thola ngokuphindiwe you cha azi!
[7:39] ancestral xuku tando tshela kuze ngasekho xuku Selokhu you fanele sizo us zwa
retribution kho khe ono!
[7:40] Surely labo bhunkula ithu vulamehlo are kakhulu zidla uphold them sango
bhakabhaka ze vuleka them nor tando they ngena Pharadisi kamela qeda peni bobo! We
kanjeyana requite necala.
[7:41] They incurred Hogo abode; they fanele barriers them. We kanjeyana requite
[7:42] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo! - we ze thwalo phi phefumulo wo
mali - La be dwellers Pharadisi. They abide it unomphelo.
[7:43] We enyula bonke mona bo hliziyo. Fula thutheleka them they tshela
NKULUNKULU tusa for guiding us! We possibly cha guided cha were NKULUNKULU
guided us. Gijimi ithu Lord enza fikisa yaniso. They be bizela Lo is kho Pharadisi! You
inherited it emuva kho sebenzi.
[7:44] dwellers Pharadisi bizela dwellers Hogo We cosha ithu Lord's thembiso be
yaniso fanele you cosha kho Lord's thembiso be yaniso They tshela Ehe azisi them azisa
Nkulunkulu ahlulelwa ehla transgressors!
[7:45] Bani dudula dlela NKULUNKULU phokophela enza it lukeke regard Hereafter
they are disbelievers!
[7:46] barrier hlungula them ngenkathi Purgatory occupied ntu recognize each thimu bo
dlozinga They balula dwellers of Pharadisi Thula be upon you They cha ngena (Pharadisi
wishful cabango.
[7:47] Uma they jika bo bobo dwellers Hogo they tshela Ithu Lord ncisheka cha faka us
la wicked ntu!
[7:48] dwellers Purgatory tando bizela on ntu they recognize bo dlozinga landiso Kho
nkulu shicilelo cha avail you ngaphakathi phi dlela nor enza kho khukhumala!
[7:49] Are labo ntu you funga NKULUNKULU tando ze namatha them nga sa?" (ntu
Purgatory tando ngalesosikhathi thasisela) Ngena Pharadisi; you fanele nothing saba nor
tando you lila!
[7:50] dwellers Hogo bizela on dwellers Pharadisi Qhashisa nye of kho chichiza nye of
Nkulunkulu hlinzeka kuze you thutheleka us They tshela NKULUNKULU enqabela
them disbelievers!
[7:51] Labo cha fuza bo kolo kabi ngokupheleleyo preoccupied lo worldly pilo we
khohlwa them lowo suku they khohlwa lowo suku futhi they dikila ithu vulamehlo.
[7:52] We epha them scripture fully cacile, azani hola sa ntu kholwa.
[7:53] they linda bonke (bikezelo) Are gcina? Suku njalo fulfillment sondela qeda labo
bambalala it dlulile tshela gijimi ithu Lord fikisa yaniso. Khona phi intercessors Are kuze
khulumela ithu behalf? Beyo you hambisa us nce we guquka ithu behavior hle sebenzi
than babe we enza? They lahlekelwa bo phefumulo bo khe innovations banga bo lahlwa!
[7:54] Kho Lord is fike NKULUNKULU qamba bhakabhaka hlaba 6 suku
ngalesosikhathi assumed bonke gqi. Suku fumana suku it landela it dimane langa yanga
basa bophezela sebenza Akhe poqo! Kasibili He zibamba bonke dalo bonke poqo.
Exalted is NKULUNKULU Lord universe!
[7:55] You khonza kho Lord publicly privately; He cha thanda transgressors!
[7:56] Cha khohlakala hlaba it beka kahle khonza Him hlonipho themba! Surely
Nkulunkulu sa is attainable nga the ngakhethi.
[7:57] He is Fike bani sa oya hle bika sa nga Akhe andla! Ngaphambili they hloma sinda
fu we gquba them file zwe sa nikela chichiza therefrom khiqiza it bonke hlobo of thelo!
We kanjeyana resurrect file lowo you fuza heed
[7:58] Hle zwe readily khiqiza wo mila vume wo Lord ngenkathi ngcolile zwe bi
khiqiza anything nosizo. We kanjeyana lungisa vulamehlo ntu are appreciative
[7:59] We sa Nowa akhe ntu landiso O mi ntu khonza NKULUNKULU; you cha fanele
nye Nkulunkulu Him. I saba for you retribution awesome suku.
[7:60] Ngqaphambili akhe ntu tshela We bheka you are de astray.
[7:61] He tshela O mi ntu I am astray; I am gijimi Lord universe.
[7:62] I sindise you biko mi Lord I luleka you I azi NKULUNKULU babe you cha azi.
[7:63] Is it kwanje of mangaliso lowo khumbuzo sondela you kho Lord doda you khuza
you phila you kuze righteousness lowo you attain sa?
[7:64] They bhunkula him. Consequently we khulula him labo him ngaphakathi ark we
cwilisa labo bhunkula ithu vulamehlo; they were phumputheka.
[7:65] Kuze ‘Aad we sa bo fo Beleko He tshela O mi ntu khonza NKULUNKULU; you
cha fanele nye Nkulunkulu Him. you ngalesosikhathi sebenzisa righteousness?
[7:66] Ngqaphambili disbelieved akhe ntu tshela We bheka you behaving foolishly we
zindla you are hubu.
[7:67] He tshela O mi ntu nanso cha is lima me I am gijimi Lord universe.
[7:68] I sindise you mi Lord's biko I honestly luleka you!
[7:69] Is it kwanje of mangaliso lowo biko sondela you kho Lord doda you khuza you?
Recall ukuthi He enza you inheritors ntu Nowa gaya kho shicilelo! Khumbula
Nkulunkulu busiso lowo you landela!
[7:70] They tshela you sondela enza us khonza NKULUNKULU wodwa dela babe ithu
zali sebenzisa khonza? We selelo you fikisa lahlwa you gema us you are truthful.
[7:71] He tshela You incurred ahlulelwa ankahlu kho Lord ncisheka you phikisana me
innovations you bhila! - you kho zali - which ze gunyaza NKULUNKULU? Ngakho
linda I linda you!
[7:72] We ngalesosikhathi khulula him labo him nga sa nga us we bhubhisa labo
bhunkula ithu vulamehlo zaba be kholwa.
[7:73] Kuze Thamoud we sa bo fo Saaleh. He tshela O mi ntu khonza NKULUNKULU;
you cha fanele nye Nkulunkulu Him. Bonakaliso been hlinzeka for you nga kho Lord
nantu is Nkulunkulu kamela sebenza komba you! Qhashisa wo phanga Nkulunkulu zwe
ncisheka cha namatha wo phi hlungu funa you incur buhlungu retribution!
[7:74] Recall ukuthi He enza you inheritors ‘Aad sungula you hlaba akha mansions
ngaphakathi wo godi carving khaya wo taba! You khumbula Nkulunkulu busiso cha
zululeka hlaba corruptingly.
[7:75] Zidla ngqaphambili akhe ntu tshela kuze ejwayelekile ntu kholwa Kanjani enza
you azi ukuthi Saaleh sa akhe Lord They tshela biko he fikisa enza us kholwa!
[7:76] Zidla ones tshela We disbelieve ngaphakathi babe you kholwa.
[7:77] Subsequently they hlaba kamela melana bo Lord's poqo tshela O Saaleh fikisa
lahlwa you gema us you are nempela gijimi!
[7:78] Consequently zamazama bhubhisa them hamba them file bo khaya!
[7:79] He jikisa them tshela O mi ntu I sindise mi Lord's biko you luleka you you cha
fana phi advisers!
[7:80] Diki tshela kuze akhe ntu You bophezela njalo abomination; hhayi fike
emhlabeni enza it ngaphambi!
[7:81] You enza lili doda kosikazi. Bala you are transgressing ntu!
[7:82] Akhe ntu phendula nga tshela Evict them kho dilobho! They are ntu bani fisa be
[7:83] Consequently we khulula him akhe hlobo cha akhe kosikazi; she was nga the
[7:84] We yithela them okuthile hlambi; qaphela phetho necala
[7:85] Kuze Midyan we sa bo fo Shu aib. He tshela O mi ntu khonza NKULUNKULU;
you cha fanele nye Nkulunkulu Him. Bonakaliso sondela you kho Lord You epha
gcwele kalo gcwele gqi uma you hweba. Cha hungula ntu bo lungelo! Cha khohlakala
hlaba it beka kahle! Lo is kahle you noma you are kholwa.
[7:86] Phindo vinjwa gcwele dlela khonga dudula labo kholwa dlela NKULUNKULU
cha enza it lukeke Khumbula you sebenzisa be ngcosana He gaya kho shicilelo! Recall
phetho for the wicked!
[7:87] Manje nye of you fanele kholwa babe I sa nye disbelieved linda NKULUNKULU
khishwa Akhe ehlulelo us; He is hle jaji!
[7:88] Zidla ngqaphambili akhe ntu tshela We evict you O Shu aib hlangene labo bani
kholwa you ithu dilobho you revert ithu kolo. He tshela you bophezela us?
[7:89] We blaspheming NKULUNKULU we reverted kho kolo NKULUNKULU
khulula us nga it kanjani we revert dlulile it tando NKULUNKULU ithu Lord Ithu Lord's
azani encompasses bonke to. We faka ithu ethemba NKULUNKULU! Ithu Lord pha us
decisive ahlula ithu ntu! You are hle lweli!
[7:90] disbelieving ngqaphambili akhe ntu tshela you landela Shu aib you be losers.
[7:91] zamazama bhubhisa them hamba them file bo khaya!
[7:92] Labo bhunkula Shu aib nyamalele kuhle they ze khona. Labo bhunkula Shu aib
were losers.
[7:93] He jikisa them tshela O mi ntu I sindise you biko mi Lord I luleka you! Kanjani
fantshi I lila disbelieving ntu!
[7:94] Whenever we sa phrofethi phi gwamanda we hlupha wo ntu adversity nzaka they
[7:95] Ngalesosikhathi we shintsha thula che ngaphakathi dawo of lowo nzaka. Kepha
wo they jikisa heedless tshela was ithu zali zwa nzaka che. Consequently we jezisa them
ngokuzuma uma they ngcosana lindela
[7:96] fanele ntu labo gwamanda kholwa jikisa ngakhethi we yithela them busiso
bhakabhaka hlaba. selokhu they juqula disbelieve we jezisa them babe they zuza!
[7:97] Ntu manje gwamanda qinisekisa lowo ithu retribution cha sondela them suku
njengoba they lala?
[7:98] Ntu namhla gwamanda qinisekisa lowo ithu retribution cha sondela them daytime
ngenkathi they dlala?
[7:99] they fuza Nkulunkulu cebo for pha? None fuza Nkulunkulu cebo for pha losers.
[7:100] it ncisheka nanini bonakala labo inherit hlaba dlule zukulwane lowo we we
jezisa them bo ono sicilo bo hliziyo banga them jikisa yisithulu?
[7:101] We etha you lando labo gwamanda bo gijimi thathaza them khuculula
bonakaliso they cha were kholwa babe they bhunkula ngaphambi! NKULUNKULU
[7:102] We cosha lowo ningi of them bambalala bo vumelwano; we cosha ningi of them
[7:103] Emva (labo gijimi) we sa Mose ithu komba Pharaoh akhe ntu they transgressed
qaphela phetho for the wicked!
[7:104] Mose tshela O Pharaoh I am gijimi nga Lord universe.
[7:105] is incumbent upon me I cha tshela NKULUNKULU except yaniso! I sondela
you komba nga kho Lord qhashisa Ntwana Israyeli thathaza!
[7:106] He tshela you fanele komba ngalesosikhathi khiqiza it you are truthful.
[7:107] He juba nikela akhe sebenzi it jikisa nga sabeka serpent!
[7:108] He tapa akhe andla it was mhlophe kuze beholders.
[7:109] Ngqaphambili Pharaoh's ntu tshela Lo is hhayi ningi than nobungcweti bili.
[7:110] He wants fuza you kho zwe; babe ncisheka you khulumela"?
[7:111] They tshela Phefu him akhe fo sa summoners gcwele dolobhakazi!
[7:112] Qhashisa them mema gcwele nolwazi bili!
[7:113] Bili sondela Pharaoh tshela we khokha we Ncisheka are nqobi?
[7:114] He tshela Ehe bala; you fana phathelana me
[7:115] They tshela O Mose noma you juba we juba.
[7:116] He tshela You juba. Uma they juba they gunyatha ntu bobo esabisa them
khiqiza nkulu loya!
[7:117] We ngalesosikhathi faka Mose Juba phansi kho sebenzi whereupon it khinsa
whatever they bhila.
[7:118] Kanjeyana yaniso busa babe they ncisheka nullified
[7:119] They tshoda ngalesosikhathi khona; they yoca.
[7:120] BILI NOLUNYA prostrate
[7:121] They tshela We kholwa Lord universe.
[7:122] Lord of Mose Aaron.
[7:123] Pharaoh tshela Ncisheka you kholwa him mi livu? Lo be gobe you schemed
dolobhakazi ngaphakathi landelana ephuca wo ntu! You enza surely thola cishile!
[7:124] I juqa kho andla nyawo on alternate thimu ngalesosikhathi I nqamuleza you
[7:125] They tshela We ngalesosikhathi phinda ithu Lord
[7:126] You qhuba us hle we kholwa bonakaliso ithu Lord uma they sondela us. Ithu
Lord pha us steadfastness phoqoka submitters!
[7:127] Ngqaphambili Pharaoh's ntu tshela Tando you sondela Mose akhe ntu
khohlakala hlaba fulathela you kho Nkulunkulu? He tshela We dlulisa bo dodana onga bo
tombazana! We are khulu qinile than they are
[7:128] Mose tshela kuze akhe ntu Khonga Nkulunkulu sizo steadfastly phikelela Hlaba
fanele kuze NKULUNKULU He pha it whomever He enyula Akhe chaka. ultimate
ahlula fanele kuze the ngakhethi.
[7:129] They tshela We qhuba kadukuba you sondela us futhi you sondela us. He tshela
Kho Lord bhubhisa kho yisitha sungula you hlaba ngalesosikhathi He bheka kanjani you
[7:130] We ngalesosikhathi hlupha Pharaoh's ntu balela esweleka of nquntula ukuthi
they fuza heed
[7:131] Uma hle bika sondela bo dlela they tshela We hola lo uma nzaka hlupha them
they sola Mose labo him. Nempela bo bika juqula yodwa NKULUNKULU ningi of them
cha azi!
[7:132] They tshela "Hhayi buzo babe hlobo of dweba you tshengisa us khohlisa us kho
loya we cha kholwa!
[7:133] Consequently we sa them guguleka kumbi lice xoxo gazi - profound komba.
they gcina bo khukhumala. They were bi ntu.
[7:134] Whenever hlupheko hlupha them they tshela O Mose nxusa kho Lord - you are
Him. you dambisa lo hlupheko we kholwa you sa Ntwana Israyeli you!
[7:135] kepha manini we dambisa hlupheko phi de khathi they dluzula bo bambiso.
[7:136] Consequently we avenged bo enzo cwilisa them andle. Lowo ba they bhunkula
ithu komba were ngokupheleleyo heedless thereof!
[7:137] We qhashisa cindezela ntu inherit zwe phumalanga entshonalanga we
hlahlamelisa it Thokozisa poqo kho Lord kanjeyana gcina Ntwana Israyeli kokhelo them
bo steadfastness we bhubhisa sebenzi Pharaoh akhe ntu everything they vuna.
[7:138] We sindise Ntwana Israyeli andle. Uma they qeda ntu khonza statues they tshela
O Mose fuduka Nkulunkulu us fana Nkulunkulu they fanele He tshela Bala you are
ngenalwazi ntu.
[7:139] La ntu bophezela blasphemy babe they enza is omonakalo for them.
[7:140] I khonga you NKULUNKULU kho Nkulunkulu uma He be hlahlamelisa you
ningi than anyone noma emhlabeni?
[7:141] Recall ukuthi we sindise you Pharaoh's ntu inflicted kabi joko you dlulisa kho
dodana onga kho tombazana! Lowo exacting qulwa you kho Lord
[7:142] We mema Mose 30 suku ncintisana them nga nezezela 10! Kanjeyana laleli
akhe Lord lasted 40 suku. Mose tshela kuze akhe fo Aaron Bukisa nantu mi ntu gcina
righteousness cha landela dlela corruptors!
[7:143] Uma Mose sondela ithu khetha khathi akhe Lord poli nga him he tshela Mi Lord
qhashisa me dlozinga bheka You He tshela You cha bheka Me dlozinga kwa lowo taba
noma it bukisa wo beka ngalesosikhathi you bheka Me Ngalesosikhathi akhe Lord
manifested taba lo banga it khumuza! Mose nolunya qulekile. Uma he sondela he tshela
You dumisa. I phenduka You I the ningi vumisa kholwa.
[7:144] He tshela O Mose I enyula you bonke ntu Mi biko nga phumesela kuze you!
Ngakho fuza babe I epha you be appreciative
[7:145] We loba for him tablets bonke hlobo of khanyisa danti of everything You
uphold la fundiso strongly exhort kho ntu uphold them! - La are hle fundiso. I khomba
for you nxi of the wicked.
[7:146] I buyisela Mi vulamehlo labo are zidla hlaba hlanguzo. Consequently uma they
bheka gcwele hlobo of bonakaliso they cha kholwa. Futhi uma they bheka dlela hola they
cha amukela it njengoba bo dlela manini they bheka dlela dukane they amukela it bo
dlela. Lo is phetho of bo bhunkula ithu bonakaliso dalwa ngokupheleleyo heedless
[7:147] Labo bhunkula ithu vulamehlo buthano Hereafter bo sebenzi nullified they
requited yodwa babe they bophezela?
[7:148] Ngenkathi akhe ngabikho Mose ntu fuduka nga bo jewelry statue thole phethiwe
sindo thole. they cha bheka it cha phumesela kuze them khaphi them phi dlela? They
khonza it ngakho jikisa wicked.
[7:149] Ekugcineni uma they zishaya bo enzo realized ukuthi they thathaza astray they
tshela ithu Lord sindisa us Akhe sa thethelela us we be losers!
[7:150] Uma Mose phinda akhe ntu futhekile guba he tshela Babe thusa to you fanele
phelile ngaphakathi mi ngabikho! Could you cha mela thetho kho Lord He juba nikela
tablets fuza bamba akhe fo phathi khumula him towards himself! (Aaron) tshela Dodana
mi mame, ntu encika mi dodobezelane cishe dlulisa me yoyosa cha mi mabonwabulawe
jabula ncisheka cha bala me transgressing ntu!
[7:151] (Mose) tshela Mi Lord thethelela me mi fo mukela us nga Kho sa! Of bonke
nomusa ones You are the Ningi Nomusa.
[7:152] Surely labo idolized thole incurred ankahlu bo Lord fojisa ngaphakathi lo pilo.
We kanjeyana requite innovators.
[7:153] Njengoba for labo bophezela ona ngalesosikhathi phenduka thereafter kholwa
kho Lord - Emva lo - is Forgiver Nomusa.
[7:154] Uma Mose tukuthelo ehla he phakamisa tablets zibamba hola sa labo hlonipho
bo Lord
[7:155] Mose ngalesosikhathi khethiwe 70 doda nga akhe ntu sondela ithu khetha laleli.
Uma zamazama qhuqha them he tshela Mi Lord You bhubhisa them dlulile hlangene me
noma You kanjalo willed! You bhubhisa us enzo of labo among us are buwula? Lo be
vivinyo You qalisa us. Nga it You fela whomever You tando khaphi whomever You
tando You are ithu Lord Enza kanjalo thethelela us hlambi us Kho sa; You are hle
[7:156] Futhi decree for us righteousness ngaphakathi lo hlaba ngaphakathi Hereafter
We phenduka You. He tshela Mi retribution ehla whomever I tando Mi sa encompasses
bonke to. Nokho I cacisa it labo bani (1) phila ngakhethi pilo (2) epha obligatory sa
(Zakat) (3) kholwa ithu vulamehlo futhi
[7:157] (4) landela gijimi gentile phrofethi (Muhammad) they cosha bhalwa bo Torah
Vangeli. He exhorts them be ngakhethi enjoins them nga bi sondela for them bonke hle
dla vala lowo is ngcolile ethula thwalo shackles nqumela upon them! Labo kholwa him
hlonipha him shoka him landela khanya hlangana nga him are nempumelelo ones!
[7:158] Tshela O ntu I am Nkulunkulu gijimi bonke of you! Kuze Him fanele
sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba! Nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except He! He zibamba pilo
fa. Ngakho you kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi gentile phrofethi kholwa
NKULUNKULU Akhe zwi. Landela him you guided
[7:159] Among landeli Mose nanso are labo khaphi ngaphakathi accordance nga yaniso
yaniso nikeza them ngakhethi!
[7:160] We hlanganyela them 12 tribal gwamanda we faka Mose uma akhe ntu buza
him chichiza Phansula dwala kho sebenzi whereupon 12 thombo gushed cishile
therefrom Kanjeyana each gwamanda azi wo nzi. Futhi we shaded them fu sa nikela kuze
them manna agwaca Phanga hle to we hlinzeka for you cha is us they ngalungi is they
ngalungi bo khe phefumulo!
[7:161] Recall they thasisela Thathaza lo dilobho zwa phanga therefrom you siza
thokozisa ntu amicably ngena sango humbly We ngalesosikhathi thethelela kho sono. We
gaya kokhelo for the ngakhethi.
[7:162] Bi ones them shintsha nye poqo poqo epha them. Consequently we sa them
ahlulelwa bhakabhaka bo wickedness.
[7:163] Khumbuza them of gwamanda andle desecrated Sabatha! Uma they sebenzisa
Sabatha hlanzi sondela them ngokwanele. Futhi uma they dluzula Sabatha hlanzi cha
sondela. We kanjeyana hlupha them phetho bo sono.
[7:164] Recall xuku of them tshela should you shumayela ntu whom NKULUNKULU
tando surely bhubhisa jezisa kabi? They phendula "Xolisa kuze kho Lord they khulula!
[7:165] Uma they bambalala babe they khumbuza of we khulula labo vala bi hlupha
wrongdoers thusa retribution bo wickedness.
[7:166] Uma they qhubeka defy thetho we tshela kuze them Be you nyanyisa lingisa
[7:167] Additionally kho Lord decreed He vubukula phezulu against them ntu inflict
nzima joko them kuze Suku Vuko. Kho Lord is nempumelelo ngaphakathi enforcing
retribution He is impela Forgiver Nomusa!
[7:168] We sakazeka them ningi gwamanda zwe. Nye of them were ngakhethi nye were
ncanyana than ngakhethi. We hlola them che nzaka they phinda.
[7:169] Subsequent kuze them He shintsha sha zukulwane inherited scripture. Kepha
they opted worldly pilo mane tshela We thethelela. ngalesosikhathi they qhubeka opt
mathiriyeli lo hlaba. they cha enza vumelwano uphold scripture ncisheka cha kuze zwi
NKULUNKULU yaniso? they cha funda scripture? Impela abode Hereafter is de kahle
labo gcina righteousness. you cha azi?
[7:170] Labo uphold scripture sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) we ze hlumba
recompense the zenzisa.
[7:171] We vubukula taba them fana ambulela they cabango it wa them You uphold
babe we epha you strongly khumbula contents thereof lowo you khulula!
[7:172] Recall lowo kho Lord mema bonke zalo Adam fanele them bekezelela bona
themselves Am I cha kho Lord They lonke tshela Ehe! We bekezelela bona. Ngakho you
cha tshela Suku Vuko We cha were aware of lo!
[7:173] Nor fantshi you tshela was ithu zali practiced idolatry we hle landela
ngaphakathi bo gi. You jezisa us babe others innovated
[7:174] We kanjeyana lungisa vulamehlo enable ntu sindisa.
[7:175] Hlabelela them biko of fike bani epha ithu bonakaliso enyula bambalala them!
Consequently dimoni landela him kuze he phathelana strayer.
[7:176] fanele we willed we elevated him therewith he phikelela bhajwa hlabathi landela
akhe khe bono. Kanjeyana he is gcanga; you bhongoza him gugisa him he khefuza! njalo
is bonakaliso ntu bhunkula ithu bonakaliso. Etha la gxoxo lowo they cabangisisa!
[7:177] ngcolile bala is bonakaliso ntu bhunkula ithu bonakaliso; is yodwa bo khe
phefumulo they ngalungi.
[7:178] Whomever NKULUNKULU khaphi the impela guided fike whomever He
bophezela dukane la are losers.
[7:179] We bophezela kuze Hogo chibi of jinns humans. They fanele gqondo they
ncisheka cha azi bobo they cha bheka kintsho they cha zwa! They are lwane; hhayi they
are de ngcolile - they are ngokupheleleyo unaware.
[7:180] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele the ningi hle qamba; bizela Him therewith
bambalala labo phendulela Akhe gama! They requited bo ono.
[7:181] Among ithu dalo nanso are labo khaphi yaniso yaniso nikeza them ngakhethi!
[7:182] Njengoba for labo bhunkula ithu vulamehlo we hola them on them nanini
realizing it
[7:183] I fana khusela them; Mi scheming is sabeka!
[7:184] ngani they cha cabangisisa upon bo ngane (gijimi)? He cha is sangene. He is hle
profound warner.
[7:185] they cha bukeka dominion of bhakabhaka hlaba bonke to NKULUNKULU
qamba? it ncisheka nanini bonakala them lowo phetho bo pilo be seduze? Which Hadith
lo they kholwa?
[7:186] Whomever NKULUNKULU bophezela fufutheka nanso cha is dlela anyone
khaphi him! He hamba them bo ono phazama
[7:187] They buza you phetho of hlaba (Awa) futhi uma it sondela qeda! Tshela azani
thereof is mi Lord Yodwa He phendla wo khathi. Sinda it is bhakabhaka hlaba. It cha
sondela you ngokuzuma. They buza you you are ngaphakathi zibamba thereof! Tshela
azani thereof is NKULUNKULU ningi ntu cha azi!
[7:188] Zwi I cha fanele dlakathi sizo ona! Yodwa babe NKULUNKULU tando enzeka
me I azi gomuso I ongeza mi cebi hhayi hlungu hlupha me I am hhayi ningi than warner
thwali hle biko labo kholwa.
[7:189] He qamba you nga fike ntu (Adam). Subsequently He epha gcwele doda ngane
thola tranquility wo! She ngalesosikhathi yisa khanya layisha lowo she bi phawula.
njengoba layisha zuza sinda they nxusa NKULUNKULU bo Lord You epha us hle gane
we be appreciative
[7:190] Uma He epha them hle gane they guquko Akhe phiwo nga Thixo angi Him.
NKULUNKULU exalted DE PHI partnership.
[7:191] Is it cha phuzu lowo they idolizing Thixo qamba nothing are qamba?
[7:192] Thixo lowo neither sizo fantshi them nor fana sizo?
[7:193] Uma you mema them hola they cha landela you. Kanjeyana is the fana them
ukuthi you mema them sala thula!
[7:194] Thixo you invoke NKULUNKULU are dalwa you. Thathaza phambili bizela
them; qhashisa them phendula you you are manje!
[7:195] they ncisheka lenze on which they fanele bhushuzela? ncisheka they dlulisela
which they fanele mela? ncisheka they bobo which they fanele bheka? ncisheka they
kintsho which they fanele zwa? Zwi Memeza kho Thixo buza them smite me without
scripture! He biyela the ngakhethi.
[7:197] Njengoba for Thixo you akha Him they cha lamula you nor fantshi they lamula.
[7:198] Uma you mema them hola they cha zwa. you bheka them dlozinga you they cha
[7:199] You resort xolela khulumela bekezela bambalala the ngenalwazi!
[7:200] Uma dimoni swebeza you phi swebeza khonga ephephelo NKULUNKULU; He
is Ozwayo Omniscient
[7:201] Labo are ngakhethi whenever dimoni sondelana them bono they khumbula
whereupon they phathelana phrofethi.
[7:202] Bo zalelwana ceaselessly wonga them thathaza astray!
[7:203] you cha khiqiza mangaliso they dinga they zwi Ngani cha buza it Tshela I hle
landela babe phendla me mi Lord La are khanyisa nga kho Lord hola sa ntu kholwa!
[7:204] Uma Quran hlabelela you lalela it fuza heed ukuthi you attain sa!
[7:205] You khumbula kho Lord ngaphakathi publicly privately buthula suku futhi
suku; cha be unaware.
[7:206] Labo kwa kho Lord are ze kakhulu ziqhaya khonza Him; they dumisa Him wa
prostrate phambili Him!
8- Onakala of Pi (Al-Anfal)!
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[8:1] They buzana you kusukela onakala pi. Tshela The! onakala of pi fanele kuze
NKULUNKULU gijimi. You sebenzisa NKULUNKULU exhort fike another be
ngakhethi hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi you are kholwa!
[8:2] Yiqiniso kholwa are labo hliziyo dudumela manini NKULUNKULU sho manini
Akhe vulamehlo hlabelela them bo kholo qinisa they ethemba bo Lord
[8:3] They sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) nga ithu hlinzeka kuze them they epha
[8:4] Njalo are qiniseka kholwa. They attain phezulu gaba bo Lord noma kuhle yekelo
phana hlinzeka.
[8:5] Ngalesosikhathi kho Lord willed lowo you hamba kho khaya fulfill thize cebo nye
kholwa phathelana dalula ngokunengwa kholwa!
[8:6] They phikisana you yaniso ngaphambi ngasemuva everything lungisa them. They
sebenzisa they gquba okuthile fa.
[8:7] Recall ukuthi NKULUNKULU thembisa you ahlula dlulile okuthile xuku you
nzonzobala wanted bhekana xega xuku! was Nkulunkulu cebo sungula yaniso Akhe zwi
ehlulwa disbelievers.
[8:8] He decreed lowo yaniso busa cebo nyamalala evildoers.
[8:9] Ngakho uma you nxusa kho Lord sondela sindisa He phendula you I shoka you
1000 gelosi ngaphakathi yiba.
sondela yodwa nga NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU is Almighty HLAKANIPHILE.
[8:11] He banga noxolo lala fumana you thulisa you He sa phansi chichiza bhakabhaka
fucuza you therewith. He biyela you dimoni hlamba reassured kho hliziyo qinisa kho
[8:12] Recall lowo kho Lord faka gelosi I am you shoka labo kholwa! I juba terror
hliziyo of labo disbelieved You phansula them umqala you phansula fana gcwele nwe.
[8:13] Lo is babe they justly incurred lwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi! For labo lwa
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi Nkulunkulu retribution is nzima.
[8:14] Lo is jezisa disbelievers; they incurred retribution Hogo.
[8:15] O you kholwa you bonana disbelievers viva you cha khalima baleka!
[8:16] Anyone khalima ukuthi suku enza lwa cebo xhumelela akhe xuku incurred
ankahlu NKULUNKULU akhe abode is Hogo; babe dabukisa phetho!
[8:17] Cha was you dlulisa them; NKULUNKULU is Fike dlulisa them. Cha was you
juba uma you juba; NKULUNKULU is Fike juba. He kanjeyana epha kholwa potsho
zuza a diki of kweletu NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO Omniscient
[8:18] Additionally NKULUNKULU kanjeyana nullifies cebo disbelievers.
[8:19] You khonga ahlula O disbelievers) ahlula enza sondela; it fanele kuze kholwa!
you phindo uchuku) be kahle you you buya kanjalo tando we. Kho pi ze lamula you
hhayi buzo kanjani nkulu For NKULUNKULU is kholwa!
[8:20] O you kholwa hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi cha bambalala him
ngenkathi you zwa!
[8:21] Cha be labo tshela We zwa uma they cha zwa.
[8:22] Ngcolile dalwa bona NKULUNKULU are yisithulu yisimungulu bani cha azi
[8:23] fanele NKULUNKULU azi of phi hle ngaphakathi them He enza them ozwayo!
Fana noma He enza them ozwayo they nzonzobala jikisa enyanya.
[8:24] O you kholwa you phendula NKULUNKULU gijimi uma he mema you babe
epha you pilo! You azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is closer kuze you than kho hliziyo futhi
lowo phambili Him you mema.
[8:25] Elusa of retribution cha limited evildoers you! You azi ukuthi Nkulunkulu
retribution is nzima.
[8:26] Khumbula you sebenzisa be ngcosana cindezela saba lowo ntu hwitha you He
pha you phephile sanctuary shoka you Akhe ahlula hlinzeka you hle hlinzeka you be
[8:27] O you kholwa cha dazula NKULUNKULU gijimi cha dazula labo ethemba you
manje lowo you azi!
[8:28] You azi lowo kho mali kho ntwana are vivinyo NKULUNKULU possesses nkulu
[8:29] O you kholwa you hlonipho NKULUNKULU He khanyisa you remit kho ono
thethelela you! NKULUNKULU possesses infinite SA.
[8:30] disbelievers tula cebo neutralize you dlulisa you dingisa you! nokho they tula
cebo kanjalo enza NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU is KAHLE schemer.
[8:31] Uma ithu vulamehlo hlabelela them they tshela We zwa. Noma we wanted we
tshela fana to! La are hhayi ningi than daba nga dlule
[8:32] They noma tshela Ithu Nkulunkulu lo is nempela yaniso You ngalesosikhathi
yithela us dwala bhakabhaka thela us buhlungu jeziso!
[8:33] Nkulunkulu cha is jezisa them khashana you are bo midst; NKULUNKULU cha
is jezisa them ngenkathi they khonga yekelo!
[8:34] fanele they cha fanele Nkulunkulu retribution nga dudula others Ngcwele Masjid
ngaphambi noma they cha are custodians thereof? Yiqiniso custodians thereof are
ngakhethi ningi of them cha azi.
[8:35] Bo Thintana Thandazo (Salat) shrine (Ka bah) were hhayi ningi than hlekisa mali
dudula ntu nyinyana them cishile)! Ngakho jeza retribution kho disbelief!
[8:36] Labo disbelieve chitha bo mali dudula others dlela NKULUNKULU. They chitha
it ngalesosikhathi it jikisa nga sizi zisola them. Ekugcineni they tshoda bonke
disbelievers mema kuze Hogo.
ngaphakathi FIKE mbundu NGALESOSIKHATHI JIKIJELO it HOGO! Njalo are losers.
[8:38] Thasisela labo disbelieved they vimba lonke bo dlule thethelela! Kepha noma
they phinda they incur fana nxi bo dlule counterparts.
[8:39] You lwa them wodi cindezela enza kho kolo nikela kuze NKULUNKULU
wodwa! they phindo uchuku ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is fully Phrofethi of
everything they enza.
[8:40] they jikisa ngalesosikhathi you azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is kho Lord Enza; hle
Lord Enza kahle lweli!
[8:41] You azi ukuthi you nqoba phi onakala pi one-fifth thathaza NKULUNKULU
gijimi epha hlobo kedama phofu hamba alien You enza lo you kholwa NKULUNKULU
ngaphakathi babe we phendla ithu chaka suku gwebo suku 2 pi clashed NKULUNKULU
is Omnipotent
[8:42] Recall ukuthi you were godi ngenkathi they were nye thimu! Ngalesosikhathi bo
kharavani nyakazo ehlisa sila fanele you hlela it lo dlela you cha enza it Nkulunkulu was
enza predetermined buzo whereby labo destined bhubhisa bhubhisa sobala qondo labo
destined khulula khulula sobala qondo! NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO Omniscient
[8:43] NKULUNKULU fuduka them BONAKALA KHO PHUPHO O Muhammad)
ngcosana NGAPHAKATHI NDIKINDIKI! fanele He enza them bonakala ningi you
hlumba you phikisa yourselves! Nkulunkulu beka mo. He is Knower innermost cabango.
[8:44] Futhi uma khathi sondela you bhekana them He enza them bonakala ngcosana
kho bobo enza you bonakala ngcosana bo bobo noma! For NKULUNKULU willed enza
okuthile cebo! Bonke gwebo enza NKULUNKULU.
[8:45] O you kholwa uma you bonana pi you bamba zila khumbula NKULUNKULU
mihla lowo you landela.
[8:46] You hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi futhi cha phikisa yourselves funa
you hlumba sakazeka kho andla! You steadfastly phikelela. NKULUNKULU is LABO
steadfastly PHIKELELA.
[8:47] Cha be labo hamba bo khaya grudgingly lodwa khetha nempela dangele others
landela dlela NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of everything they
[8:48] Dimoni gqizisa bo sebenzi bo bobo tshela You cha tshoda phi ntu namhla I lwa
you. njengoba masinyane njengoba 2 pi bhekana each nye he khalima akhe thende baleka
tshela I bandla you! I bheka babe you cha bheka. I am esaba of NKULUNKULU.
Nkulunkulu retribution is awesome.
[8:49] Bulu labo harbored ngabaza bo hliziyo tshela La ntu khohlanisa bo kolo. noma
fike faka akhe ethemba NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Almighty
[8:50] you yodwa bheka labo disbelieved uma gelosi faka them fa! They shaya them bo
bombo bo khulisa qeda Zwa retribution Hogo.
[8:51] Lo is phetho babe kho andla sa hambile! NKULUNKULU is ZE unjust towards
[8:52] Lo is fana nxi lowo of Pharaoh's ntu labo disbelieved them! They bhunkula
Nkulunkulu vulamehlo NKULUNKULU jezisa them for bo ono. NKULUNKULU is
QINILE AKHE retribution is NZIMA.
[8:54] njalo was mo ntu of Pharaoh others them. They kuqala bhunkula komba bo Lord
Consequently we bhubhisa them bo ono. We cwilisa Pharaoh's ntu wicked consistently
[8:55] Ngcolile dalwa bona NKULUNKULU are labo disbelieved they cha kholwa.
[8:56] You finyelela vumelana them they dluzula bo vumelana gcwele khathi; they cha
are ngakhethi!
[8:57] Ngakho noma you bonana them ngaphakathi pi you akha them deterrent
bonakaliso labo sondela them lowo they fuza heed
[8:58] Uma you dazula xuku of ntu you viva them fana dlela! NKULUNKULU CHA
[8:59] Qhashisa cha labo disbelieve zindla they suka it they ze sinda!
[8:60] You hlomela them bonke dlakathi you muster bonke pahla you viva ukuthi you
esabisa mabonwabulawe NKULUNKULU kho mabonwabulawe noma kuhle others bani
cha azi kuze you; NKULUNKULU azi them! Whatever you chitha zathu of
NKULUNKULU tando phindisela you generously ngcosana okungemthetho.
[8:61] they resort thula shall you faka kho ethemba NKULUNKULU! He is Ozwayo
[8:62] they want khohlanisa you ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU tando suffice you!
He lamula you nga Akhe enzelelo futhi nga kholwa.
[8:63] He buyisana hliziyo kholwa). fanele you chitha bonke mali hlaba you cha
buyisana bo hliziyo. Nkulunkulu ncisheka buyisana them! He is Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[8:64] O you phrofethi sufficient you is NKULUNKULU kholwa landela you.
[8:65] O you phrofethi you exhort kholwa lwa. Nanso are 20 of you are steadfast they
tshoda 200 100 of you tshoda 1000 of labo disbelieved Lowo is they are ntu bani cha azi!
[8:66] Manje (lowo ningi sha ntu xhumelela you) NKULUNKULU fuduka it kalula you
He azi you are njengoba donsile njengoba you sebenzisa be Henceforth 100 steadfast
kholwa tshoda 200 1000 of you tshoda 2000 Nkulunkulu vume. NKULUNKULU is
LABO steadfastly PHIKELELA.
[8:67] Hhayi phrofethi thola captives he ngenela ngaphakathi the lwa You ntu khonga
mathiriyeli lo hlaba ngenkathi NKULUNKULU khulumela Hereafter NKULUNKULU is
[8:68] were for predetermined decree nga NKULUNKULU you jeza on zibika of babe
you fuza thusa retribution!
[8:69] Ngakho phanga onakala you zuza ukuthi which is semthethweni hle sebenzisa
[8:70] O you phrofethi thasisela boshwa pi ngaphakathi kho andla NKULUNKULU azi
of anything hle ngaphakathi kho hliziyo He epha you kahle than anything you lahlekelwa
thethelela you. NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[8:71] Futhi noma they want dazula you they vele dazula NKULUNKULU. Lo ngani
He enza them losers. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient HLAKANIPHILE.
[8:72] Surely labo kholwa thutha phokophela bo mali bo pilo ngaphakathi zathu
NKULUNKULU kakhulu njengoba labo bani hosted them epha them ephephelo shoka
them they are sizana of fike another Njengoba for labo kholwa ncisheka cha thutha you
you cha kweleta them phi enzelelo kuze they thutha! Nokho noma they dinga kho sizo
zalelwana kholo you lamula them ntu whom you dweba thula vumelwane.
NKULUNKULU is PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
[8:73] Labo disbelieved are sizana of fike another you qhubeka la thetho nanso be chaos
hlaba thusa kohlakalo.
[8:74] Labo kholwa thutha phokophela zathu NKULUNKULU kakhulu njengoba labo
bani hosted them epha them ephephelo shoka them la are qiniseka kholwa! They hola
yekelo phana recompense
[8:75] Labo kholwa kamuva thutha phokophela you they fanele you! Labo are
hambelana kuze each nye be fike shoka each nye ngaphakathi accordance nga
Nkulunkulu thetho. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BONKE TO.
9- Gcinazithathe (Bara'ah)
[9:1] Gcinazithathe nantu khishwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi Thixo worshipers
ngena nga vumelwane you.
[9:2] Ngakho zululeka hlaba kakhulu 4 yanga azi you cha sinda NKULUNKULU futhi
ukuthi NKULUNKULU yoca disbelievers!
[9:3] Aziso nantu khishwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi bonke ntu nkulu suku
pilgrimage ukuthi NKULUNKULU bandla Thixo worshipers futhi kanjalo enza Akhe
gijimi! Kanjeyana you phenduka it be kahle you. you jikisa ngalesosikhathi azi you ze
sinda NKULUNKULU. Thembisa labo disbelieve buhlungu retribution!
[9:4] Thixo worshipers dweba thula vumelwane you cha dluzula it nor bhendi hlangene
others you you fulfill kho vumelwane them expiration dethi NKULUNKULU THANDA
[9:5] Ngaphambili Ngcwele Yanga are they zaba enza thula) you dlulisa Thixo
worshipers uma you bonana them jezisa them goloza gcwele nyakazo they enza! they
phenduka sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) you dedela
them! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[9:6] Fike of Thixo worshipers khonga phephile hube you you pha him phephile hube
nce he zwa zwi NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi hambisa him akhe dawo phepha. Lowo
is they are ntu bani cha azi!
[9:7] kanjani fantshi Thixo worshipers nxephezelo phi bambiso nga NKULUNKULU
nga Akhe gijimi? Khulula are labo dweba thula vumelwane you Ngcwele Masjid! they
honor uphold njalo vumelwane you uphold it noma! NKULUNKULU THANDA the
[9:8] Kanjani fantshi they (dinga bambiso) uma they ze sebenzisa phi lungelo kinship
you them nor phi vumelwano noma they nanini fanele potsho busa. They thulisa you
debe sebenzi khashana bo hliziyo were ngaphakathi phikisa ningi of them are wicked!
[9:9] They hweba lahlekile Nkulunkulu vulamehlo shibhile klomelo. Consequently they
repulsed ntu Akhe dlela. Dabukisa bala is babe they enza!
[9:10] They ze sebenzisa phi lungelo kinship phi kholwa nor ncisheka they uphold bo
vumelwano; la are oqobo transgressors.
[9:11] they phenduka sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat)
ngalesosikhathi they are kho zalelwana kolo! We kanjeyana lungisa vulamehlo ntu azi.
[9:12] they dluzula bo fungo pledging qhubeka bo vumelwano hlasela kho kolo you lwa
ngqaphambili paganism! - you hhayi de zongolozela kho vumelwano them - Lowo they
[9:13] you cha lwa ntu dluzula bo vumelwane beyo linganisa dingisa gijimi they the
ones are donsa pi okokuqala? Are you esaba of them? NKULUNKULU is FIKE you
linganisa SABA you are KHOLWA!
[9:14] You lwa them for NKULUNKULU tando jezisa them kwa kho dlulisela yoca
them pha you ahlula them pholisa bele kholwa!
[9:15] He noma enyula laka kholwa hliziyo. NKULUNKULU SINDISA whomever He
[9:16] you zindla you yeka NKULUNKULU ahlukanisa labo among you phokophela ze
sizana Nkulunkulu mabonwabulawe mabonwabulawe Akhe gijimi mabonwabulawe
kholwa? NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you ENZA.
[9:17] Thixo worshipers cha are jonga masjids NKULUNKULU ngenkathi confessing
bo disbelief! La nullified bo sebenzi they abide unomphelo Hogo!
[9:18] Lodwa ntu jonga Nkulunkulu masjids are labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva
Suku sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) cha saba
NKULUNKULU! La surely be guided ones.
[9:19] you cabanga chichiza pilgrims nakekela for Ngcwele Masjid fanele bambeli for
kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku phokophela zathu NKULUNKULU? They are
lingana bona NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi wicked NTU.
[9:20] Labo kholwa thutha phokophela zathu NKULUNKULU bo mali bo pilo are de
nkulu gaba bona NKULUNKULU! La are nqobi.
[9:21] Bo Lord epha them hle biko sa vumelo nga Him gadi ndawonaphi they jabula
everlasting sindiso!
[9:22] Eternally they abide therein. NKULUNKULU possesses NKULU recompense
[9:23] O you kholwa cha sizana ngaphambi kho zali kho siblings they khetha
disbelieving dlule kholwa! Labo among you sizana them transgressing!
[9:24] Proclaim Noma kho zali kho ntwana kho siblings kho owakwakhe kho hlobo
mali you zuza daba you thikimeza khaya you bamba are thandeka kuze you than
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi phokophela ngaphakathi Akhe zathu ngalesosikhathi
ngakhethi linda NKULUNKULU fikisa Akhe ehlulelo NKULUNKULU cha khaphi
wicked ntu!
[9:25] NKULUNKULU PHA you AHLULA NINGI MO. Suku Hunayn you phathelana
kakhulu ziqhaya of kho nkulu shicilelo. Consequently it cha lamula you kwa bonke,
banzi hlaba phathelana straitened you you phenduka baleka!
[9:26] Ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU sa contentment Akhe gijimi kholwa. He sa
nikela ngabonakali butho; He kanjeyana jezisa labo disbelieved Lo is requital
[9:27] Ekugcineni NKULUNKULU sindisa whomever He tando. NKULUNKULU is
Forgiver NOMUSA.
[9:28] O you kholwa Thixo worshipers ngcolisa; they cha vumela sondelana Ngcwele
Masjid emva kulonyaka! Noma you saba dleko income NKULUNKULU tando hlambi
you nga Akhe hlinzeka ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe tando NKULUNKULU is
[9:29] You lwa dlulile against labo cha kholwa NKULUNKULU nor Emuva Suku nor
ncisheka they vala babe NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi vala nor enza they abide nga kolo
yaniso! - among labo thola scripture - kuze they khokha khona tela willingly unwillingly.
[9:30] Juda tshela Ezra is dodana NKULUNKULU khashana Kholwa tshela Jesu is
dodana NKULUNKULU! La blasphemies khuluma bo lomo! They kanjeyana vumelana
blasphemies of labo disbelieved dlulile. NKULUNKULU FELA them. They surely
[9:31] They akha bo kholiwe ngqaphambili fundiswa lords NKULUNKULU. Others
deified Messiah dodana Mary. They lonke phatha khonza yodwa fike Nkulunkulu.
Nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except He! He dumisa phezulu fanele phi lingani.
[9:32] They want veza Nkulunkulu okhela bo lomo NKULUNKULU phikelela upon
phelelisa Akhe okhela ngaphakathi spite of disbelievers!
[9:33] He is Fike bani sa Akhe gijimi hola kolo yaniso enza it dominate bonke kolo
ngaphakathi spite of Thixo worshipers!
[9:34] O you kholwa ningi kholiwe ngqaphambili shumayeli fuza ntu mali illicitly
dudula dlela NKULUNKULU! Labo hoard golide liva cha chitha them zathu
NKULUNKULU thembiso them buhlungu retribution!
[9:35] Suku sondela uma bo golide liva tando fudumeza lilo Hogo ngalesosikhathi
sebenzisa bambeka bo phongo bo thimu bo hlane Lo is babe you hoarded yourselves zwa
babe you hoarded
[9:36] bala yanga NKULUNKULU phathelana is 12. Lo been Nkulunkulu thetho suku
He qamba bhakabhaka hlaba. 4 of them are ngcwele. Lo is kahle kolo; you cha ngalungi
kho phefumulo (nga lwa) Ngcwele Yanga! Nokho you memezela all-out pi Thixo
worshipers (fana Ngcwele Yanga) uma they memezela all-out pi you azi ukuthi
NKULUNKULU is eceleni the ngakhethi.
[9:37] Shintsha Ngcwele Yanga is komba nhlakanhlaka disbelief; it augments dukane of
labo disbelieved They alternate Ngcwele Yanga vamile yanga ngenkathi khweza shicilelo
yanga busisa NKULUNKULU! They kanjeyana dluzula babe NKULUNKULU busisa.
Bo bi sebenza gqizisa bo bobo! NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi disbelieving NTU.
[9:38] O you kholwa uma you thasisela Viva zathu NKULUNKULU you phathelana
heavily namathele kuze hlabathi? you enyula lo worldly pilo ngaphakathi dawo of
Hereafter Mathiriyeli lo hlaba linganisa kuze Hereafter are nil
[9:39] you viva He bophezela you buhlungu retribution shintsha nye ntu ngaphakathi
kho beka; you ze limele Him ngaphakathi the ngcosana NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[9:40] you hlumba shoka him gijimi) NKULUNKULU vele shoka him. Ngakho uma
disbelievers landela him he was fike of 2 phandu he tshela kuze akhe ngane cha
thikimeza; NKULUNKULU is us. NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi sa phansi
contentment phepha him shoka him ngabonakali butho! He fuduka zwi disbelievers
lowly. Nkulunkulu zwi busa supreme NKULUNKULU is Almighty HLAKANIPHILE.
[9:41] You readily viva okhela sinda phokophela kho mali kho pilo ngaphakathi zathu
NKULUNKULU! Lo is kahle you noma you yodwa azi.
[9:42] Nanso were shesha omhlaba zuzo fishane hambo they landela you! phokophela is
eqinisweni kwanje khulu them. They funga NKULUNKULU we could we viva you They
kanjeyana limele futhi NKULUNKULU azi lowo they are hubu.
[9:43] NKULUNKULU XOLELA you fanele ngani you EPHA them LIVU ncisheka
shela emuva phambili you AHLUKANISA LABO could are truthful NGA HUBU?
[9:44] Labo impela kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku cha buza kho livu balekela
phe phokophela bo mali bo pilo! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of the NGAKHETHI.
[9:45] Lodwa ntu fisa xolela are labo cha enza nempela kholwa NKULUNKULU
Emuva Suku. Bo hliziyo are gcwele of ngabaza bo ngabaza banga them dengeza!
[9:46] fanele they nempela wanted viva they hlomela it ngokugcwele. Nkulunkulu
nyanya bo participation kanjalo He nqunda them; they thasisela Bukisa emuva labo
bukisa emuva
[9:47] fanele they viva you they qamba yakanyaka banga phendulana abiwa you! Nye of
you were apt lalela them! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of transgressors.
[9:48] They khonga embula yakanyaka you dlulile confounded buzo you. Yaniso
ekugcineni busa Nkulunkulu cebo enza them.
[9:49] Nye of them tshela Epha me livu bukisa cha nqumela njalo nzaka me nempela
they kanjeyana incurred thusa nzaka; Hogo kaka disbelievers!
[9:50] to sizakala enzeka you they limele futhi vivinywa ehla you they tshela We
thasisela you njengoba they jikisa jabula!
[9:51] Zwi Nothing enzeka us babe NKULUNKULU decreed us. He is ithu Lord Phathi
ngaphakathi NKULUNKULU kholwa ethemba.
[9:52] Tshela You yodwa lindela us fike of 2 hle to (ahlula martyrdom) ngenkathi we
lindela for you ahlulelwa nga NKULUNKULU retribution nga Him kwa ithu andla!
Ngakho linda we linda you!
[9:53] Zwi Chitha willingly unwillingly. Nothing amukela you you are bi ntu.
[9:54] babe nqanda amukelwa bo chitha is ukuthi they disbelieved ngaphakathi
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi manini they sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) they
sebenzisa them lazily manini they epha sa they enza kanjalo grudgingly!
[9:55] Cha thatha bo mali bo ntwana! NKULUNKULU BANGA LA be DEKU
retribution them ngaphakathi lo PILO (MANINI they PHOQOKA) BO PHEFUMULO
SONTA NGENKATHI they are disbelievers.
[9:56] They funga NKULUNKULU they fanele you ngenkathi they ncisheka cha fanele
you; they are divisive ntu!
[9:57] Noma they cosha ephephelo phandu sitheza dawo they thathaza it sukela!
[9:58] Nye of them cwiphila kho abiwa sa; noma they epha therefrom they phathelana
nelisiwe they cha epha therefrom they phathelana objectors!
[9:59] They gculisa babe NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi epha them. They tshela
NKULUNKULU suffices us. NKULUNKULU tando hlinzeka for us AKHE bounties
FUTHI kanjalo tando AKHE GIJIMI. We khonga yodwa NKULUNKULU.
[9:60] Sa thathaza phofu dinga, sebenzi koleka them sha phenduka, yilileka gcinanja
kuze labo burdened nga ngalindelekile dleko zathu NKULUNKULU hamba alien njalo is
Nkulunkulu thetho. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient HLAKANIPHILE.
[9:61] Nye of them nengiwe phrofethi tshela He is bonke kintsho! Tshela is kahle you
lowo he lalela you! He kholwa NKULUNKULU ethemba kholwa. He is sa labo you
kholwa. Labo limele Nkulunkulu gijimi incurred buhlungu retribution.
[9:62] They funga NKULUNKULU you siza you uma NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi
are worthy of siza they are nempela kholwa!
[9:63] they cha azi lowo anyone phikisa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi incurred lilo
Hogo phakade? Lo is ngcolile fojisa.
[9:64] Bulu thikimeza sura phendla dalula babe is bo hliziyo! Zwi Thathaza phambili
[9:65] you buza them they tshela We beyo were yodwa bhinqa kidding. Tshela you
realize you are Ncisheka bhinqa NKULUNKULU Akhe vulamehlo Akhe gijimi?
[9:66] Cha xolisa! You disbelieved ngasemuva kholwa! we xolela nye of you we jezisa
others you kuhle phetho bo wickedness.
[9:67] bulu doda bulu kosikazi fanele nga each nye - they khulumela bi vala
righteousness they are ncishana! They khohlwa NKULUNKULU He khohlwa them.
Bulu are impela wicked.
disbelievers LILO of HOGO wherein they abide PHAKADE. It suffices them.
NKULUNKULU FELA them; they incurred everlasting retribution.
[9:69] Nye of labo phambili you were donsile than you possessed kakhulu mali ntwana.
They phathelana preoccupied bo omhlaba pahla. Ngokufanayo you phathelana
preoccupied kho omhlaba pahla eqinisweni fana labo phambili you phathelana
preoccupied You phathelana ngokupheleleyo heedless eqinisweni njengoba they were
heedless. Njalo are ntu nullify bo sebenzi both ngaphakathi lo hlaba Hereafter they are
[9:70] they cha funda anything nga dlule zukulwane; ntu Nowa ‘Aad Thamood ntu
Abraham dwellers Midyan evildoers (of Sodom Gomorrah)? Bo gijimi thathaza them
khuculula bonakaliso. NKULUNKULU ZE NGALUNGI them; they are ones
[9:71] kholwa doda kosikazi are sizana of fike another They khulumela righteousness
enqabela bi they sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) they
hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi. La yithela Nkulunkulu sa. NKULUNKULU is
THUTHELEKA FUDLANA wherein they abide PHAKADE magnificent mansions
GADI Eden! Nkulunkulu busiso vumelo are fana nkulu. Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[9:73] O you phrofethi phokophela disbelievers bulu be stern ngaphakathi enza them!
Bo phetho is Hogo; babe dabukisa abode!
[9:74] They funga NKULUNKULU they ze tshela it they khuluma zwi disbelief; they
disbelieved phathelana submitters. Nempela they buyisa phezulu babe they ze fanele
They melana fana NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi yithela them Akhe sa hlinzeka they
phenduka it be kahle them. Kepha noma they jikisa NKULUNKULU tando bophezela
them kuze buhlungu retribution ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter They thola hhayi fike hlaba
be bo lord phathi
[9:75] Nye of them fana pledged Noma NKULUNKULU yithela us Akhe sa we be
charitable phila ngakhethi pilo!
[9:76] Uma He ncisheka hlambi them Akhe hlinzeka they phathelana ncishana jikisa
[9:77] Consequently He hlupha them zenzisa bo hliziyo suku they hlangabeza Him. Lo
is ba they gagasa bo thembiso NKULUNKULU ba of bo bhazalala
[9:78] they cha realize lowo NKULUNKULU azi bo fihlo bo gobe NKULUNKULU is
Knower bonke fihlo?
[9:79] Labo cwiphila phana kholwa buyisa kwanje chwaneka phofu kholwa epha
kakhulu ngcosana NKULUNKULU dlelesela them! They incurred buhlungu retribution.
[9:80] you buza yekelo them cha buza yekelo them! - Fana noma you buza yekelo them
70 dla - NKULUNKULU tando CHA THETHELELA them! Lo is they disbelieve
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi. NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi wicked NTU.
[9:81] sedentary jabula bo bukisa gijimi NKULUNKULU belesela phokophela bo mali
bo pilo ngaphakathi zathu NKULUNKULU! They tshela not viva ngaphakathi lo
fudumeza! Tshela lilo Hogo is khulu shisa they yodwa comprehend!
[9:82] Qhashisa them hleka a ngcosana, bihlika a diki! Lo is requital ono they zuza.
[9:83] Nkulunkulu buya you mo ndawonaphi they buza kho livu viva you you tshela
You enza ze buye viva me nor tando you nanini lwa me phi mabonwabulawe! you enyula
be nga sedentary okokuqala. Ngakho you bukisa nga the sedentary.
[9:84] You cha sebenzisa ngcwabo thandazo phi of them uma he phoqoka nor shall you
bekezelela akhe ngcwaba. They disbelieved NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi phoqoka mo
[9:85] Cha thatha bo mali bo ntwana; NKULUNKULU banga la be deku hlupheka them
ngaphakathi lo hlaba bo phefumulo sonta disbelievers!
[9:86] Uma sura phendla sho kholwa NKULUNKULU phokophela Akhe gijimi fana
donsile among them zwi bukisa emuva
[9:87] They enyula be nga the sedentary. Consequently bo hliziyo vuneka kanjeyana
they cha comprehend.
[9:88] Njengoba for gijimi labo kholwa him they eagerly phokophela bo mali bo pilo.
La hola bonke hle to; they are nqobi.
they abide PHAKADE! Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[9:90] Arabhu fuduka phezulu xolela sondela you khonga livu bukisa emuva Lo is
indicative of bo rejection NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi - they bukisa emuva Bala labo
disbelieve them incurred buhlungu retribution.
[9:91] Cha kuze sola are labo are xega gula cha thola anything thembisa hushazela
njengoba they sala nikela kuze NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi! Ngakhethi among them
cha sola! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[9:92] Noma xolela are labo sondela you fisa faka you you thasisela them I cha fanele
anything ntanta. you They ngalesosikhathi khalima fantu bo bobo genuinely saddened
they cha ngakhokhela nikela
[9:93] sola is on labo buza kho livu shela ngaphambi they fanele xolisa. They enyula be
nga the sedentary. Consequently NKULUNKULU vuneka bo hliziyo kanjeyana they cha
attain phi azani!
[9:94] They xolisa kuze you uma you buya them (nga lwa Zwi cha xolisa; we hhayi de
you ENZA!
[9:95] They funga NKULUNKULU you uma you buya them lowo you bambalala them.
Bambalala them! They ngcolisa bo phetho is Hogo kuhle requital ono they zuza.
[9:96] They funga you you xolela them. Fana noma you xolela them NKULUNKULU
cha xolela njalo wicked ntu.
[9:97] Arabhu are ngcolile disbelief zenzisa the ningi mhlawumbe thalalisa thetho
ukuthi NKULUNKULU phendla Akhe gijimi. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient
[9:98] Nye Arabhu cabanga bo chitha zathu Nkulunkulu) be dleko fana linda
anticipation lowo bhicongo dukluza you! is they incur ngcolile bhicongo!
[9:99] Nye Arabhu kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku cabanga bo chitha mali
NKULUNKULU mali shoka gijimi! Bala it fikisa them maduze; NKULUNKULU tando
mukela them nga Akhe sa! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[9:100] Njengoba for kuseyisikhathi vanguards immigrated (Muhajerin) lweli epha them
ephephelo (Ansar) labo landela them righteousness NKULUNKULU siza them they siza
Him! He hlomela them gadi thutheleka fudlana wherein they abide phakade! Lo is nkulu
[9:101] Among Arabhu you nanso are bulu. Noma among dolobhakazi dwellers nanso
are labo are jwayele kuze zenzisa. You cha azi them we azi them! We phinda retribution
them ngalesosikhathi they phetho bophezela thusa retribution.
[9:102] Nanso are others confessed bo ono; they hlanganisa hle enzo ngcolile enzo.
[9:103] Fuza nga bo mali sa hlamba them sanctify them! khusela them kho shushiso
reassures them. NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO Omniscient
[9:104] they cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU ncisheka amukela nguquko Akhe
worshipers hola sa NKULUNKULU is Redeemer Nomusa?
[9:105] Zwi Sebenza righteousness; NKULUNKULU tando bheka kho sebenza futhi
kanjalo tando Akhe gijimi kholwa! Ekugcineni you phinda Knower of bonke fihlo
memezelo ngalesosikhathi He chazela you of everything you enza.
[9:106] Others mela Nkulunkulu gwebo; He jezisa them He sindisa them!
[9:107] Nanso are labo cika masjid practicing Thixo khonza hlanganyela kholwa
hlinzeka enabo kuze labo phikisa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi! They solemnly funga
Ithu jongo are honorable NKULUNKULU bekezelela bona they are hubu!
[9:108] You ze bhedesha njalo masjid. masjid sungula righteousness fike suku is worthy
of kho bhedesha therein! Ngaphakathi nanso are ntu thanda hlamba. NKULUNKULU
[9:109] fike sungula akhe akhiwo reverencing NKULUNKULU Is futhi nqoba Akhe
vumelo kahle fike bani sungula akhe akhiwo brink khumuza wa lowo wa phansi him nga
lilo Hogo? NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi transgressing NTU!
[9:110] Njalo akhiwo they sungula sala deku khonondo bo hliziyo bo hliziyo
nzonzobala! NKULUNKULU is Omniscient HLAKANIPHILE.
Kanjeyana they lwa zathu NKULUNKULU vuma dlulisa suka dlulisa! njalo is Akhe
truthful bambiso Torah Vangeli Quran - Bani fulfills Akhe bambiso kahle than
NKULUNKULU? You jabula enza njalo shintshiselana! Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[9:112] They are repenters worshipers praisers meditators khothama prostrating
advocators of righteousness forbidders bi lindi Nkulunkulu thetho! Epha hle biko njalo
[9:113] Neither phrofethi nor labo kholwa buza yekelo Thixo worshipers fana they were
bo fusha of kin ngaphambili they realize ukuthi they destined Hogo.
[9:114] Lodwa qondo Abraham buza yekelo akhe yise was ukuthi he thembisa him
ncisheka kanjalo. njengoba masinyane njengoba he realized lowo he was
mabonwabulawe NKULUNKULU he bandla him. Abraham was kakhulu nomusa
[9:115] NKULUNKULU CHA SA PHI NTU astray NGASEMUVA He guided them
FIKE KHOMBA them babe LINDELA! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BONKE
[9:116] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba! He zibamba
pilo fa. You fanele none NKULUNKULU njengoba Lord Phathi.
[9:117] NKULUNKULU SINDISA PHROFETHI immigrants (Muhajireen) LWELI
hosted them EPHA them EPHEPHELO (Ansar) LANDELA him LUKHUNI DLA!
Lowo is uma hliziyo of nye of them cishe dengeza. He sindisa them He is Compassionate
towards them Nomusa.
[9:118] Noma (sindisa were 3 bani bukisa emuva Banzi hlaba phathelana straitened
them lowo they cishe buyisa phezulu bonke themba themselves. Ekugcineni they realized
nanso cha was sinda NKULUNKULU Him. He ngalesosikhathi sindisa them lowo they
phenduka. NKULUNKULU is Redeemer NOMUSA.
[9:119] O you kholwa you hlonipho NKULUNKULU be among the truthful.
[9:120] Neither dwellers dolobhakazi nor Arabhu them khonga bukisa gijimi
NKULUNKULU (uma he viva for pi Nor shall they epha kambaphambili kuze bo khe
dumo shoka him. Lo is they cha jeza phi koma phi zabalazo ashayandawonye zathu
NKULUNKULU hola mbalwa gxathu bilisa disbelievers inflict phi nzaka
mabonwabulawe without fanele it bhala them kweletu! NKULUNKULU ZE HLUMBA
recompense LABO SEBENZA righteousness.
[9:121] Nor enza they incur phi dleko ncane khulu nor enza they eqa phi godi fanele
kweletu bhala them! NKULUNKULU tando surely KLOMELA them generously BO
[9:122] Uma kholwa viva cha bonke of them ncisheka kanjalo. A ngcosana nga each
xuku viva nikela bo khathi funda kolo! Kanjeyana they qeda azani bo ntu uma they
phinda ukuthi they sala religiously chazela!
[9:123] O you kholwa you lwa disbelievers fudumeza you - Qhashisa them cosha you
stern - Futhi azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is nga the ngakhethi!
[9:124] Uma sura phendla nye of them tshela Enza lo sura qinisa kholo of anyone you?
Bala it enza qinisa kholo of labo kholwa they jabula phi vulamehlo!
[9:125] Njengoba for labo harbored khonondo bo hliziyo it eqinisweni jobelela
unholiness bo unholiness they phoqoka disbelievers.
[9:126] they cha bheka they jeza nga exacting qulwa gcwele nyaka ngaphambili kabili
they consistently hlumba kuze phenduka hlumba fuza heed
[9:127] Whenever sura phendla nye of them bukeka kwa each nye kuhle tshela Enza
anyone bheka you Ngalesosikhathi they hamba! Kanjeyana NKULUNKULU buyisela bo
hliziyo they are ntu bani cha comprehend!
10- Jonah (Younus)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[10:1] A L. R. La (cwadi) are bonakaliso lo bhuku hlakani.
[10:2] Is it kwanje of mangaliso ntu lowo we faka doda them? He faka tshela) You
khuza ntu epha hle biko labo bani kholwa they attained khundla prominence bo Lord
disbelievers tshela Lo is nobungcweti bili!
[10:3] Kho lodwa Lord is NKULUNKULU; Fike qamba bhakabhaka hlaba 6 suku
ngalesosikhathi assumed bonke gqi. He zibamba bonke buzo. Nanso cha is intercessor
ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe tando njalo is NKULUNKULU kho Lord You khonza
Him. you cha fuza heed
[10:4] Kuze Him is kho ultimate buya bonke of you. Lo is Nkulunkulu truthful
thembiso. He omula dalo ngalesosikhathi phinde it ngaphakathi landelana klomela labo
kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo equitably! Njengoba for labo disbelieve they incur esabeka
tshwala buhlungu retribution for bo disbelieving
[10:5] He is Fike nikeza langa thokozile yanga khanya He sungula wo gaba you funda
bala nyaka bala NKULUNKULU CHA QAMBA LONKE LO except for THIZE
HLOSO. He lungisa vulamehlo ntu azi.
[10:6] Surely ngaphakathi alternation of suku suku babe NKULUNKULU qamba
bhakabhaka hlaba nanso are bonakaliso ntu are ngakhethi!
[10:7] Labo cha lindela hlangabeza us preoccupied lo worldly pilo are content it
kucunkucu heed ithu bonakaliso;!
[10:8] La incurred Hogo bo ultimate abode phetho bo khe sebenzi.
[10:9] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo bo Lord khaphi them nga lungo of
bo kholo! Fula thutheleka them gadi sindiso.
[10:10] Bo thandazo therein Be You dumisa ithu Nkulunkulu bo bingelela therein is
Thula bo ultimate thandazo is Tusa be NKULUNKULU Lord universe!
[10:11] Nkulunkulu khawuleza retribution incurred ntu dlela they dinga hlinzeka they
bhubhisa kwesukela. we hamba labo cha kholwa hlangabeza us bo sono phazama
[10:12] Uma adversity namatha ntu he nxusa us ngenkathi bhazalala fofobala
bekezelela! Kepha njengoba masinyane njengoba we dambisa akhe adversity he thathaza
on he ze nxusa us dambisa phi nzaka! Sebenzi transgressors kanjeyana gqizisa bo bobo.
[10:13] Ningi zukulwane we bhubhisa you uma they transgressed Bo gijimi thathaza
them khuculula bonakaliso they zaba kholwa! We kanjeyana requite necala ntu.
[10:14] Ngalesosikhathi we fuduka you inheritors hlaba them bheka kanjani you enza.
[10:15] Uma ithu vulamehlo hlabelela them labo cha lindela hlangabeza us zwi Fikisa
Quran lo guquka it Tshela I possibly cha guquka it on mi khe! I hle landela babe phendla
me I saba I disobey mi Lord retribution awesome suku.
[10:16] Zwi Fanele NKULUNKULU willed I cha hlabelela it you nor beyo you azi
anything it I zwa you phelele pilo lo you azi me njengoba sane truthful ntu). you cha azi?
[10:17] Bani is bi than fike bhila nga NKULUNKULU bhunkula Akhe vulamehlo.
Impela transgressors ze landela.
[10:18] They khonza NKULUNKULU Thixo possess dlakathi ona them sizo them they
tshela La are ithu intercessors NKULUNKULU! Tshela Are you chazela
NKULUNKULU to He cha azi bhakabhaka hlaba? He dumisa! He is the Ningi Phezulu
kude phezulu dinga lingani!
[10:19] Ntu sebenzisa be fike bandla ngalesosikhathi they phikisa. it were for
predetermined zwi nga kho Lord they jaja manje bo phendulana!
[10:20] They tshela Kanjani hlangana hhayi mangaliso ehla him akhe Lord Tshela
gomuso fanele kuze NKULUNKULU; linda I linda you!
[10:21] Uma we pha sa ntu adversity hlupha them they manje cebo ithu vulamehlo! Zwi
Nkulunkulu scheming is de nomphumela. Ithu gijimi bhalisa everything you cebo
[10:22] He is Fike shukuza you zwe andle. You suka shumbi they ntweza smoothly hle
oyana! Ngalesosikhathi ngenkathi enanelo therein khulu oya thathaza gagasi kaka them
gcwele thimu. Lo is uma they nxusa NKULUNKULU sincerely nikela bo thandazo Him
wodwa You yodwa khulula us lo khathi we be eternally appreciative
[10:23] njengoba masinyane njengoba He khulula them they transgress hlaba phikisa
yaniso. O ntu kho sono is yodwa kuze detriment kho khe phefumulo. You sala
preoccupied lo worldly pilo ngalesosikhathi kuze us is kho ultimate buya ngalesosikhathi
we chazela you of everything you enza.
[10:24] analogy lo worldly pilo is lo we sa nikela chichiza bhakabhaka khiqiza it bonke
hlobo of mila nga hlaba hlinzeka dla ntu lwane! Ngalesosikhathi eqinisweni njengoba
hlaba ngokupheleleyo gqizisa wo ntu zindla they are ngaphakathi zibamba thereof ithu
ehlulelo sondela suku suku yeka it ngokupheleleyo barren njengoba nothing khona dlule
suku! We kanjeyana lungisa vulamehlo ntu cabangisisa.
[10:25] NKULUNKULU MEMA abode THULA KHAPHI whoever TANDO guided
[10:26] Ngakhethi kokhelo gaya manifold Bo bombo ze zwa phi amuko hlaza. La are
dwellers Pharadisi; they abide therein phakade.
[10:27] Njengoba for labo zuza ono bo requital is equivalent kuze bo ono. Fojisa is bo
diki hhayi fike NKULUNKULU biyela them! Bo bombo bonakala ahlula quba mnyama
suku! They be dwellers Hogo; they abide therein unomphelo.
[10:28] Suku uma we mema them lonke we tshela kuze labo khonza Thixo We mema
you ngokusondelana kho Thixo. We fanele them nqwamana each nye bo Thixo tshela
kuze them We cha fanele bono lowo you idolized us.
[10:29] NKULUNKULU suffices FAKAZI us you LOWO we were
[10:30] Lowo is uma each phefumulo phenya everything it enza. They phinda
NKULUNKULU bo fanele Lord Enza Thixo they bhila bandla them!
[10:31] Zwi Bani hlinzeka for you bhakabhaka hlaba? Bani zibamba bonke zwa
eyesight? Bani khiqiza fudumele file file nga fudumele Bani ngaphakathi is zibamba of
bonke to? They tshela NKULUNKULU. Tshela ngalesosikhathi you cha sebenzisa
[10:32] njalo is NKULUNKULU kho fanele Lord babe ashila emva yaniso is cebo?
kanjani you bambalala lonke lo?
[10:33] Lo is babe kho Lord's gwebo enza kuze labo enyula be wicked they cha kholwa!
[10:34] Zwi Fantshi phi of kho Thixo omula dalo ngalesosikhathi phinde it Tshela
NKULUNKULU omula dalo ngalesosikhathi phinde it
[10:35] Zwi Enza phi of kho Thixo khaphi kuze yaniso? Tshela NKULUNKULU
khaphi kuze yaniso! fike bani khaphi kuze yaniso worthy of landela fike bani dalwa
khaphi ncisheka dinga hola himself? Babe is ngacabangi nga kho ehlulelo?
[10:36] ningi of them landela nothing conjecture conjecture cha is bambeli for yaniso!
NKULUNKULU is fully aware of everything they ENZA.
[10:37] Lo Quran possibly cha authored NKULUNKULU. It qinisekisa bonke dlule
biko hlinzeka fully cacile scripture! is ngahluleki it sondela Lord universe.
[10:38] they tshela He bhila it tshela Ngalesosikhathi khiqiza fike sura kuhle la mema
whomever you fisa NKULUNKULU you are truthful!
[10:39] Bala they bhunkula lo without funda phenya it futhi azi it Kanjeyana enza labo
phambili them disbelieve! Ngakho qaphela phetho transgressors!
[10:40] Nye of them kholwa (ngaphakathi lo scripture) ngenkathi others disbelieve it
Kho Lord is fully aware of evildoers.
[10:41] they bhunkula you ngalesosikhathi tshela I fanele mi sebenza you fanele kho
sebenzi! You are msulwa of anything I ncisheka I am msulwa of anything you enza!
[10:42] Nye of them lalela you you enza yisithulu zwa fana they cha azi?
[10:43] Nye of them dlozinga you you khaphi yimpumputhe ngaphambi they cha
[10:45] Suku uma He samanisi bonke of them they thinta njengoba they lasted
ngaphakathi lo hlaba fike awa suku which they hlangabeza. Losers bala are labo
disbelieved hlangabeza NKULUNKULU; enyula misguided
[10:46] we tshengisa you nye (of retribution) we thembisa them khawula kho pilo
phambili lowo, us is bo ultimate buya. NKULUNKULU BONA everything they ENZA.
[10:47] Kuze each gwamanda gijimi. Emva bo gijimi sondela they jaja equitably
ngcosana okungemthetho!
[10:48] They selelo Uma lo bikezelo sondela qeda you thasisela yaniso?
[10:49] Zwi I cha possess dlakathi ona sizo yodwa babe NKULUNKULU tando enzeka
Each gwamanda predetermined pilo dingiliza! Ngaphambili bo interim hlangana phetho
they cha mukela it fike awa nor tsheleka it
[10:50] Tshela Ukuthi Akhe retribution sondela you nga suku suku ngani are
transgressors njalo phuthuma?
[10:51] it enzeka you kholwa ngalesosikhathi? ngani you kholwa ngalesosikhathi? You
sebenzisa selelo it sondela?
[10:52] It be tshela kuze transgressors Nambitheka naphakade retribution. you cha
requited eqinisweni babe you zuza?
[10:53] They selelo you profeta Is lo nempela babe tando enzeka Tshela Ehe bala mi
Lord lo is yaniso you ze sinda!
[10:54] Noma phi wicked phefumulo possessed everything on hlaba it readily thembisa
it njengoba hlenga! They gibela zisola uma they bheka retribution. They jaja equitably
ngcosana okungemthetho.
[10:55] Kasibili kuze NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba! Kasibili
Nkulunkulu thembiso is yaniso ningi of them cha azi!
[10:56] He zibamba pilo fa Him you phinda!
[10:57] O ntu khanyisa sondela you nantu kho Lord sindisa anything phazamisa kho
hliziyo hola sa kholwa.
[10:58] Zwi Nkulunkulu sa Akhe sa they jabula. Lo is de kahle than phi cebi they
[10:59] Tshela you qaphela kanjani NKULUNKULU sa phansi you bonke hlobo of
hlinzeka ngalesosikhathi you nikeza nye of them unlawful nye semthethweni? Zwi
NKULUNKULU epha you livu Ncisheka ncisheka lo? you bhila khetheza ncisheka
attribute them NKULUNKULU?
[10:60] it ncisheka nanini bonakala kuze labo bhila nga NKULUNKULU lowo they
bhekana Him Suku Vuko? Impela NKULUNKULU yithela ntu Akhe sa ningi of them are
[10:61] You cha zuza phi mo nor enza you hlabelela phi Quran nor ncisheka you enza
anything us dalwa bona thereof you enza it Cha fana atom's kalo is kho Lord's engamela
be it bhakabhaka hlaba. Nor is khona anything ncane than atom khulu lowo cha bhalisa
profound thayela.
[10:62] Kasibili Nkulunkulu sizana fanele nothing saba nor tando they lila.
[10:63] They are labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo!
[10:64] For them jabulo jabulo ngaphakathi lo hlaba noma kuhle ngaphakathi Hereafter
Lo is Nkulunkulu unchangeable thetho. njalo is nkulu ahlula.
[10:65] Cha saddened bo veza! Bonke dlakathi fanele kuze NKULUNKULU. He is
Ozwayo Omniscient
[10:66] Kasibili kuze NKULUNKULU fanele everyone bhakabhaka everyone on hlaba!
Labo akha Thixo NKULUNKULU nempela landela nothing. They yodwa zindla they
landela to They yodwa qandela.
[10:67] He is Fike nikeza suku kho okusele nikeza suku lighted. La are bonakaliso ntu
[10:68] They tshela NKULUNKULU banga dodana! He dumisa. He is the Ningi
Nothile. Kuze Him fanele everything bhakabhaka everything on hlaba! You cha fanele
bonakaliso shoka njalo blasphemy! you tshela NKULUNKULU babe you cha azi?
[10:69] Proclaim Labo bhila nga kakhulu NKULUNKULU tando ze landela!
[10:70] They zuza bo esikhashana juphe ngaphakathi lo hlaba ngalesosikhathi kuze us is
bo ultimate buya ngalesosikhathi we bophezela them nzima retribution for bo
[10:71] Hlabelela for them lando Nowa! He tshela kuze akhe ntu O mi ntu you cosha mi
khundla mi khumbuza you of Nkulunkulu vulamehlo kwanje you ngalesosikhathi I faka
mi ethemba NKULUNKULU! You suka ngokusondelana kho ngqaphambili vumelana on
final gwebo yourselves ngalesosikhathi yoyosa me azi it without bambezeleka!
[10:72] you jikisa ngalesosikhathi I cha buza you phi wage Mi wage hlangana nga
NKULUNKULU. I phatha be submitter.
[10:73] They bhunkula him consequently we khulula him labo xhumelela him ark; we
enza them inheritors. we cwilisa labo bhunkula ithu vulamehlo. qaphela phetho; they
[10:74] Ngalesosikhathi we sa him gijimi bo ntu they tshengisa them cwatha
bonakaliso! they cha were kholwa babe they bhunkula dlulile. We kanjeyana vuneka
hliziyo transgressors.
[10:75] Ngalesosikhathi we sa them Mose Aaron Pharaoh akhe xuku ithu bonakaliso.
Kepha they jikisa zidla; transgressing ntu.
[10:76] Uma yaniso sondela them us they tshela Lo is ngokusobala loya
[10:77] Mose tshela lo kanjani you describe yaniso uma it Is sondela you? Is lo loya?
kanjani phi bili busa?
[10:78] They tshela you sondela buyisela us nga babe we cosha ithu zali enza attain
khundla of prominence yourselves? We ze xhumelela you njengoba kholwa.
[10:79] Pharaoh tshela Fikisa me gcwele nolwazi bili!
[10:80] Uma bili sondela Mose tshela kuze them Jikijelo whatever you juba.
[10:81] Uma they juba Mose tshela Babe you khiqiza is loya NKULUNKULU tando
enza it hlumba! NKULUNKULU CHA SHOKA transgressors' SEBENZI.
[10:83] None kholwa Mose except a ngcosana of akhe ntu ngenkathi saba dlova
Pharaoh akhe gosa! Surely Pharaoh was khulu kakhulu zidla hlaba oqobo cindezeli.
[10:84] Mose tshela O mi ntu you fanele nempela kholwa NKULUNKULU
ngalesosikhathi faka kho ethemba Him you are nempela submitters!
[10:85] They tshela We ethemba NKULUNKULU. Ithu Lord khulula us nga joko la
coba ntu!
[10:86] Sindise us nga Kho sa nga disbelieving ntu.
[10:87] We faka Mose akhe fo. Gcina kho khaya Gibhithe for the khathi dalwa jika kho
khaya sinagoge gcina Thintana Thandazo (Salat)! Epha hle biko kholwa!
[10:88] Mose tshela Ithu Lord you epha Pharaoh akhe gosa khezekheze cebi
ngaphakathi lo hlaba! Ithu Lord they yodwa sebenzisa them repulse others Kho dlela.
Ithu Lord esula cishile bo cebi qinisa bo hliziyo nqanda them nga kholwa kuze they
bheka buhlungu retribution!
[10:89] He tshela Kho thandazo phendula O Mose Aaron) be steadfast cha landela dlela
of labo cha azi!
[10:90] We sindise Ntwana Israyeli andle. Pharaoh akhe butho landela them
aggressively sinfully. Uma minza phathelana qiniso him he tshela I kholwa nanso cha is
Nkulunkulu except Fike whom Ntwana Israyeli kholwa; I am submitter!
[10:91] Kakhulu ngasekho! you melana vele enyula be transgressor!
[10:92] Namhla we khweza kho zimba akha you njengoba fundo za zukulwane.
Unfortunately ningi ntu are ngokupheleleyo oblivious kuze ithu komba!
[10:93] We endowed Ntwana of Israyeli khundla of honor hlahlamelisa them hle
hlinzeka kepha they phikisa manini lo azani sondela them. Kho Lord jaja them Suku
Vuko everything they phikisa.
[10:94] you fanele phi khonondo regarding babe phendla you kho Lord ngalesosikhathi
buza labo funda dlule scripture. Bala yaniso sondela you kho Lord ncisheka cha be
[10:95] Nor shall you xhumelela labo bhunkula Nkulunkulu vulamehlo funa you be
[10:96] Surely labo fela nga decree nga kho Lord cha kholwa!
[10:97] Hhayi buzo babe hlobo of bonakaliso you tshengisa them (they cha kholwa)
kuze they bheka buhlungu retribution!
[10:98] Phi gwamanda kholwa surely klomela for kholwa! For bonakaliso ntu Jonah
uma they kholwa we dambisa fojisa retribution they jeza ngaphakathi lo hlaba we enza
them nempumelelo!
[10:99] fanele kho Lord willed bonke ntu hlaba kholwa. you want bophezela ntu
ncisheka phathelana kholwa?
[10:100] Hhayi phefumulo kholwa except ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu
tando He beka hlamba upon labo zaba azi.
[10:101] Zwi Bukeka kwa bonke komba bhakabhaka hlaba. Bonke bonakaliso bonke
khuza ze lamula ntu juqula disbelieve!
[10:102] they lindela nxi bo counterparts dlulile? Zwi Ngakhethi mela you I noma linda.
[10:103] We ekugcineni khulula ithu gijimi labo kholwa. is ithu immutable thetho we
khulula kholwa.
[10:104] Zwi O ntu you fanele phi khonondo mi kolo I cha khonza babe you khonza
NKULUNKULU! I khonza NKULUNKULU wodwa; Fike khawula kho pilo. I phatha
be kholwa.
[10:105] I phatha Qhubeka nikela kuze kolo monotheism you cha enza Thixo khonza!
[10:106] You cha khonza NKULUNKULU babe cha possesses dlakathi sizo you ona
you! you enza you be transgressor.
[10:107] Nkulunkulu namatha you nzaka none dambisa it except He. Futhi uma He
hlahlamelisa you hhayi bophezela nqanda Akhe sa! He pha it whomever He enyula Akhe
chaka. He is Forgiver Nomusa.
[10:108] Proclaim O ntu yaniso sondela you nantu kho Lord Whoever guided guided
akhe khe sizakala! whoever thathaza astray thathaza astray akhe khe detriment! I cha am
londolozi dlulile you.
[10:109] Landela babe phendla you be bekezela NKULUNKULU khishwa Akhe
ehlulelo; He is hle jaji!
11- Beleko (Hud)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[11:1] A L. R. Lo is scripture thole phelelisa ngalesosikhathi cacisa! It sondela nga
Hlakaniphile Cognizant
[11:2] Proclaiming You cha khonza NKULUNKULU! I sondela you Him warner noma
kuhle thwali of hle biko.
[11:3] You khonga kho Lord's yekelo ngalesosikhathi phenduka Him. He tando
ngalesosikhathi hlahlamelisa you generously for predetermined kathi pha Akhe sa upon
labo hola it you jikisa ngalesosikhathi I saba for you retribution awesome suku.
[11:4] Kuze NKULUNKULU is kho ultimate buya He is Omnipotent
[11:5] Bala they sitheza bo innermost cabango njengoba noma qhubeka Him nga azi
them! Nempela kuhle they dibikeza bo ambatho He azi lonke bo fihlo memezelo. He azi
innermost cabango.
[11:6] Nanso cha is dalwa hlaba hlinzeka cha qinisekisa NKULUNKULU. Futhi He azi
wo kambe wo final phetho. Bonke are bhalisa profound thayela!
[11:7] He is Fike qamba bhakabhaka hlaba 6 suku - Akhe (earthly) domain
ngokupheleleyo dibikeza nga chichiza! - ngaphakathi landelana kuze hlola you
ahlukanisa labo you sebenza righteousness! kepha manini you tshela You resurrected fa
labo disbelieve tshela Lo is ngembala lumba!
[11:8] Futhi noma we mukela retribution they incurred - for we bekisa it thize
gwamanda - they tshela Babe qhubeka Him? nempela ngaphambili it sondela them
nothing vimba it bo bhinqa tando buya lwa them!
[11:9] Whenever we hlahlamelisa ntu nga sa us ngalesosikhathi enyula it he guquko
dangele unappreciative.
[11:10] Whenever we hlahlamelisa him adversity hlupha him he tshela Bonke adversity
hamba me he phathelana sese ziqhaya!
[11:11] Njengoba for labo bani steadfastly phikelela hola ngakhethi pilo they hola
yekelo phana recompense
[11:12] You fisa bambalala nye of which phendla you you chwephesha it Noma they
tshela Kanjani hlangana hhayi cebo ehla him gelosi? You are yodwa warner;
NKULUNKULU zibamba bonke to!
[11:13] they tshela He bhila (Quran) thasisela them Ngalesosikhathi khiqiza 10 suras
fana la bhila mema whomever you azi NKULUNKULU you are truthful!
[11:14] they hlumba hlangabeza kho selelo ngalesosikhathi azi ukuthi lo phendla
Nkulunkulu azani futhi lowo nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except He! you ngalesosikhathi
[11:15] Labo landela lo worldly pilo wo omhlaba vanities we khokhela them bo sebenzi
ngaphakathi lo pilo ngcosana ncishiswa.
[11:16] is they buyisa phezulu bo juphe Hereafter consequently Hogo is bo diki! Lonke
bo sebenzi are ngaphumeleli everything they enza nullified
[11:17] Njengoba for labo epha namandla bonakaliso nga bo Lord pota fakazi nga Him
futhi it bhuku Mose beka precedent sa they surely kholwa. Njengoba for labo disbelieve
nhlobonhlobo qoqana Hogo mela them. Cha harbor phi khonondo; lo is yaniso kho Lord
ningi ntu disbelieve!
[11:18] Bani bi than labo are bhila nga NKULUNKULU? They khona bo Lord fakazi
tshela La are ones bani lied bo Lord Nkulunkulu ahlulelwa ehla transgressors.
[11:19] They dudula dlela NKULUNKULU khonga enza it lukeke they are disbelievers
[11:20] La ze sinda nor tando they thola phi lords enza lamula them against
NKULUNKULU! Retribution phinda them. They hlumba zwa they hlumba bheka.
[11:21] La are ones lahlekelwa bo phefumulo Thixo they bhila bandla them!
[11:22] Nanso is hhayi khonondo lowo Hereafter they be ngcolile losers.
[11:23] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo nikela bo Lord they are dwellers
Pharadisi; they abide therein phakade!
[11:24] Bonakaliso la 2 xuku is yimpumputhe yisithulu linganisa kuze phrofethi
ozwayo! they Are lingana? you cha fuza heed
[11:25] We sa Nowa akhe ntu landiso I sondela you hle warner.
[11:26] You cha khonza NKULUNKULU. I saba for you retribution buhlungu suku.
[11:27] Ngqaphambili disbelieved akhe ntu tshela We bheka you are hhayi ningi than
ntu us we bheka lowo fike ntu landela you are the ngcolile among us! We bheka you cha
possess phi sizo us. Bala we cabanga you are hubu.
[11:28] He tshela O mi ntu babe I fanele namandla bonakaliso nga mi Lord Babe noma
He hlahlamelisa me Akhe sa you cha bheka it we thathaza bophezela you Are kholwa
[11:29] O mi ntu I cha buza you phi mali; mi wage sondela yodwa nga
NKULUNKULU. I cha xosha labo kholwa; they hlangabeza bo Lord He wodwa jaja
them). I bheka you are ngenalwazi ntu.
[11:30] O mi ntu shoka me NKULUNKULU I xosha them? you cha fuza heed
[11:31] I cha thola I possess cebo NKULUNKULU nor ncisheka I azi za nor ncisheka I
thola be gelosi. Nor enza I tshela kuze labo dlelesela kho bobo lowo NKULUNKULU
tando cha pha phi busiso them! NKULUNKULU azi KAHLE babe is BO innermost
CABANGO! I enza lo) I be transgressor.
[11:32] They tshela O Nowa you phikisana us qhubeka phikisana! We selelo you fikisa
lahlwa you gema us you are truthful.
[11:33] He tshela NKULUNKULU is Fike fikisa it you noma He tando ngalesosikhathi
you cha sinda.
[11:34] Fana noma I luleka you mi eluleko cha sizo you it is Nkulunkulu tando sa you
astray! He is kho Lord Him you phinda!
[11:35] they tshela He fuduka phezulu lo daba ngalesosikhathi tshela I qamba
ngalesosikhathi I am necala mi cala I am msulwa of phi cala you bophezela!
[11:36] Nowa cha faka of kho ntu kholwa ngalena labo vele kholwa! Cha saddened bo
[11:37] Akha ark ithu phapheme bobo ithu dude cha nxusa Me on behalf of labo
transgressed they destined cwilisa!
[11:38] Ngenkathi he akha ark whenever nye of akhe ntu qeda him they hleka him. He
tshela You hleka us we hleka you eqinisweni njengoba you hleka.
[11:39] You enza surely thola cishile bani jeza shameful retribution incur everlasting
[11:40] Uma ithu ehlulelo sondela oya bila dlule we tshela Ntanta it bhangqa of each
nomusa hlangene nga kho hlobo labo fela! Yisa you labo kholwa yodwa a ngcosana
kholwa him!
[11:41] He tshela hhobhu qasha! Ngaphakathi the gama of NKULUNKULU be wo
ntweza wo mooring Mi Lord is Forgiver Nomusa.
[11:42] njengoba it ntweza them ngaphakathi hamba fana gquma Nowa balula akhe
dodana ahlukanisa O mi dodana sondela gibela us ncisheka cha be disbelievers!
[11:43] He tshela I fuza ephephelo gquma biyela me nzi. He tshela Nothing biyela
anyone namhla Nkulunkulu ehlulelo; yodwa labo worthy Akhe sa khulula.) gagasi
hlukene them he was among labo cwilisa!
[11:44] It proclaimed O hlaba konjane kho chichiza O bhakabhaka hluleka nzi
ngalesosikhathi ehla ehlulelo gcina! ark ekugcineni hlomisa on gquma Judea. It
ngalesosikhathi proclaimed transgressors vikela.
[11:45] Nowa nxusa akhe Lord Mi Lord mi dodana is memba of mi hlobo Kho thembiso
is yaniso. You are hlakaniphile of the hlakaniphile.
[11:46] He tshela O Nowa he cha is of kho hlobo. is unrighteous buza Me to you cha
azi! I khanyisa you funa you be the ngenalwazi.
[11:47] He tshela Mi Lord I khonga ephephelo You funa I nxusa You buye to I cha azi.
You thethelela me fanele sa me I be losers!
[11:48] It proclaimed O Nowa disembark thula busiso you khumbi ewuka kho ngane.
Njengoba for nye khumbi ewuka nga you we hlahlamelisa them for awhile
ngalesosikhathi bophezela them buhlungu retribution.
[11:49] Lo is biko dlule we phendla you. You cha fanele azani them - neither you nor
kho ntu - phambili lo. Ngakho be bekezela. ultimate ahlula fanele kuze the ngakhethi.
[11:50] Kuze ‘Aad we sa bo fo Beleko He tshela O mi ntu khonza NKULUNKULU;
you cha fanele nye Nkulunkulu Him. You ceba.
[11:51] O mi ntu I cha buza you phi wage Mi wage sondela yodwa Fike bani omula me
you cha azi?
[11:52] O mi ntu khonga yekelo kho Lord ngalesosikhathi phenduka Him. He
ngalesosikhathi yithela you hlinzeka bhakabhaka augment kho andla! Cha khalima
[11:53] They tshela O Beleko you cha tshengisa us phi bonakaliso we cha dela ithu
Nkulunkulu on zibika of babe you tshela. We ze be kholwa you.
[11:54] We kholwa nye of ithu Nkulunkulu hlupha you hlamba. He tshela I bekezelela
bona NKULUNKULU you bekezelela bona noma I bandla Thixo you akha -!
[11:55] Eceleni Him. Kanjalo epha me kho obabili gwebo without bambezeleka!
[11:56] I faka mi ethemba NKULUNKULU mi Lord kho Lord Nanso cha is dalwa He
cha zibamba. Mi Lord is lungile dlela.
[11:57] you jikisa I sindise you babe I sa nga. Mi Lord shintsha nye ntu ngaphakathi kho
beka; you cha ona Him ngaphakathi the ngcosana Mi Lord is ngaphakathi zibamba of
bonke to!
[11:58] Uma ithu ehlulelo sondela we khulula Beleko labo kholwa him sa us. We
khulula them thusa retribution.
[11:59] njalo was ‘Aad - they bambalala vulamehlo bo Lord disobeyed Akhe gijimi
landela dlela gcwele nenkani cindezeli!
[11:60] Consequently they incurred ahlulelwa ngaphakathi lo hlaba Suku Vuko. Bala
‘Aad bhunkula bo Lord Bala ‘Aad ntu Beleko vikela.
[11:61] Kuze Thamoud we sa bo fo Saaleh. He tshela O mi ntu khonza
NKULUNKULU; you cha fanele nye Nkulunkulu Him. He omula you hlaba
ngalesosikhathi zijwayeza you ngaphakathi it You khonga Akhe yekelo ngalesosikhathi
phenduka Him. Mi Lord is dine sondelana responsive!
[11:62] They tshela O Saaleh you sebenzisa be dumile among us phambili lo. you
enjoining us nga khonza babe ithu zali khonza? We are gcwele of ngabaza everything
you thasisela us.
[11:63] He tshela O mi ntu babe I fanele namandla bonakaliso nga mi Lord sa Him?
Bani shoka me NKULUNKULU I disobeyed Him? You yodwa augment mi dleko
[11:64] O mi ntu lo is Nkulunkulu kamela sebenza bonakaliso you. You qhashisa wo
phanga Nkulunkulu hlaba ncisheka cha namatha wo phi hlungu funa you incur sheshisa
[11:65] They hlaba wo. He ngalesosikhathi tshela You fanele yodwa 3 suku zwa Lo is
bikezelo is ngenakugwemeka.
[11:66] Uma ithu ehlulelo sondela we khulula Saaleh labo kholwa him sa us fojisa lowo
suku. Kho Lord is the Ningi Qinile Almighty
[11:67] Labo transgressed bhubhisa bhicongo yeka them ngaphakathi bo khaya file
[11:68] was kuhle noma they ze zwa khona. Bala Thamoud bhunkula bo Lord Kasibili
Thamoud incurred bo bhuqe.
[11:69] Uma ithu gijimi thathaza Abraham hle biko they tshela Thula. He tshela Thula
masinyane fikisa osiwe thole.
[11:70] Uma he bheka bo andla cha namatha it he phathelana ngethembi saba of them.
They tshela be esaba we dispatched ntu Diki.
[11:71] Akhe kosikazi bekezelela she hleka uma we epha wo hle biko Isaac ngasemuva
Isaac Jacob.
[11:72] She tshela Woe me kanjani I bekezelela ntwana mi banga nantu is mi yeni dala
doda? Lo is nempela ngajwayelekile!
[11:73] They tshela you cosha it ngajwayelekile for NKULUNKULU?
[11:74] Uma Abraham's bawosi ehla hle biko sindise him he qhubeka phikisana us on
behalf of Diki ntu!
[11:75] Bala Abraham was clement kakhulu nomusa lalela.
[11:76] O Abraham phindo nga lo. Kho Lord's ehlulelo khishwa; they incurred
ngenakuvikeleka retribution.
[11:77] Uma ithu gijimi thathaza Diki they mistreated he xina bo bakhona. He tshela Lo
is lukhuni suku.
[11:78] Akhe ntu sondela sukela; they khula jwayele kuze bo nokona gcawu! He tshela
O mi ntu be msulwa you noma you fuza mi tombazana mane! You hlonipho
NKULUNKULU; ncisheka cha xina me mi hambi! fanele you cha fike lingene doda
[11:79] They tshela You azi kahle ukuthi we fanele hhayi dingo kho tombazana; you azi
eqinisweni babe we want
[11:80] He tshela I fiso I were donsile ngokwanele fanele qinile sizana!
[11:81] (Gelosi) tshela O Diki we are kho Lord's gijimi la ntu cha namatha you. You
hamba kho hlobo suku yoyosa cha anyone of you bukeka dlulile kho kosikazi; she fela
eceleni nga labo fela. Bo khetha khathi is sa. Cha Is sa ngesikhathi?
[11:82] Uma ithu ehlulelo sondela we jikisa upside phansi we yithela it nzima bhubhisa
[11:83] Njalo dwala designated kho Lord phansula transgressors!
[11:84] Kuze Midyan we sa bo fo Shu aib. He tshela O mi ntu khonza NKULUNKULU;
you cha fanele nye Nkulunkulu Him. Cha hungula uma you kala kala! I bheka you are
nempumelelo I saba you retribution ahlula suku.
[11:85] O mi ntu you epha gcwele gqi gcwele kalo equitably! Cha hungula ntu bo
lungelo cha zululeka hlaba corruptingly!
[11:86] Whatever NKULUNKULU hlinzeka for you hhayi buzo kanjani ncane is kude
kahle you noma you are nempela kholwa. I cha am londolozi dlulile you.
[11:87] They tshela O Shu aib kho kolo bizela you lowo we dela ithu zali kolo sale
sukeleka ithu daba phi dlela we enyula? Surely you azi for dalwa clement hlakaniphile.
[11:88] He tshela O mi ntu babe I fanele namandla bonakaliso nga mi Lord babe He
hlinzeka me nkulu busiso? Cha is mi fiso bophezela babe I enjoin you nga. I yodwa fisa
lungile ningi ono njengoba I azi. Mi hola encika ngokupheleleyo NKULUNKULU; I faka
mi ethemba Him. Kuze Him I ngokupheleleyo faka.
[11:89] Futhi O mi ntu cha cuphuluza kho phikisa me nga incurring linganayo bhicongo
ntu Nowa ntu of Beleko ntu of Saaleh; ntu Diki cha are kakhulu de nga you!
[11:90] You nxusa kho Lord yekelo ngalesosikhathi phenduka Him. Mi Lord is Nomusa
[11:91] They tshela O Shu aib we cha comprehend ningi of to you thasisela us we bheka
you are buthuntu among us. Noma cha were kho qu we stoned you. You fanele azisa us.
[11:92] He tshela O mi ntu mi qu phatha nkulu hlonipha than NKULUNKULU? Lo
ngani you Is been heedless of Him? Mi Lord is fully aware of everything you enza.
[11:93] O mi ntu thathaza on enza babe you fisa futhi kanjalo tando I You enza impela
thola cishile which of us incur shameful retribution; you enza thola cishile bani hubu is
Babale linda anticipation I linda anticipation you!
[11:94] Uma ithu ehlulelo sondela we khulula Shu aib labo kholwa him sa us. Njengoba
for bi ones they phansula bhicongo lowo ngakwesobunxele them file ngaphakathi bo
[11:95] was kuhle noma they ze khona. Ngakho Midyan butukile eqinisweni fana
Thamoud vikela phambili lowo.
[11:96] We sa Mose ithu komba profound gqi
[11:97] Kuze Pharaoh akhe gosa. they landela poqo Pharaoh Pharaoh's poqo cha was
[11:98] He phila akhe ntu Suku Vuko bonke the dlela kuze Hogo; babe dabukisa abode
kuze zwa ngaphakathi!
[11:99] They incurred ahlulelwa ngaphakathi lo pilo noma kuhle on Suku Vuko; babe
dabukisa dlela landela!
[11:100] Lo is biko dlule gwamanda we etha you. Nye are nzonzobala mile nye
[11:101] We ze ngalungi them; they ngalungi bo khe phefumulo. Bo Nkulunkulu they
invoked NKULUNKULU cha lamula them ngaphakathi the ngcosana uma ehlulelo kho
Lord sondela. Nempela they yodwa qiniseka bo lahlwa.
[11:102] njalo retribution enforced kho Lord uma gwamanda transgressed Bala Akhe
retribution is buhlungu bhubhisa.
[11:103] Lo be fundo labo saba retribution Hereafter Lowo is suku uma bonke ntu
mema - Suku bona.
[11:104] We khetha thize khathi it enzeka.
[11:105] Suku it sondela cha qeda phefumulo khuluma mbalwa zwi ngaphakathi
accordance nga Akhe tando Nye be dabukisa nye be jabulile.
[11:106] Njengoba for dabukisa ones they be Hogo wherein they bubulo mpompoloza
[11:107] Eternally they abide therein okwamanje bhakabhaka hlaba bekezela
ngaphakathi accordance nga tando kho Lord Kho Lord is enzi of whatever He tando.
[11:108] Njengoba for fortunate ones they be Pharadisi. Eternally they abide therein
okwamanje bhakabhaka hlaba bekezela ngaphakathi accordance nga tando kho Lord -
everlasting kokhelo.
[11:109] fanele phi khonondo regarding babe la ntu konzo; they khonza eqinisweni
kuhle they cosha bo zali khonza We requite them bo fanele hlanganyela fully ncishiswa.
[11:110] We epha Mose scripture it phikisa futhi it were for predetermined zwi decreed
kho Lord they jaja manje! They are gcwele of ngabaza kakhulu lo ngethembi!
[11:111] Kho Lord surely recompense everyone bo sebenzi. He is fully Cognizant of
everything they enza.
[11:112] Ngakho qhubeka dlela you enjoined landela ngokusondelana labo phenduka
you cha transgress! He is Phrofethi of everything you enza!
[11:113] Cha tsheka towards labo transgressed funa you incur Hogo vumbululo hhayi
sizana lamula you NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi phetho losers!
[11:114] You sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) both qeda of suku suku. Ngakhethi
enza esula bi sebenzi. Lo is khumbuzo labo fuza heed
[11:115] You steadfastly phikelela NKULUNKULU ze hlumba recompense the
[11:116] Noma yodwa nye of labo among dlule zukulwane possessed ngokwanele biko
enqabela bi! Yodwa a ngcosana of them hola khulula us! Njengoba for transgressors they
preoccupied bo omhlaba khezekheze; they were necala.
[11:117] Kho Lord ze bhubhisa phi gwamanda unjustly ngenkathi wo ntu are ngakhethi.
[11:118] fanele kho Lord willed bonke ntu been fike bandla kholwa). they dine phikisa
[11:119] Yodwa labo thokozisa nga sa nga kho Lord cha phikisa yaniso)! Lo ngani He
qamba them. Ehlulelo kho Lord vele khishwa I gcwalisa Hogo jinns humans bonke
[11:120] We etha you ngokwanele lando gijimi qinisa kho hliziyo Yaniso sondela you
nantu noma kuhle khanyisa khumbuzo kholwa.
[11:121] Tshela kuze labo disbelieve Enza whatever you azi futhi kanjalo enza we!
[11:122] Ngalesosikhathi linda; we kakhulu linda!
[11:123] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele gomuso of bhakabhaka hlaba lonke buzo
zibamba Him! You khonza Him ethemba Him. Kho Lord is ze unaware of anything you
12- Joseph (Yousuf)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[12:1] A L. R. La (cwadi) are bonakaliso lo profound scripture.
[12:2] We phendla it Arabhiya Quran you azi.
[12:3] We etha you the ningi ngesikhathi lando vulamehlo of lo Quran. phambili lo you
were ngokupheleleyo unaware.
[12:4] Recall ukuthi Joseph tshela kuze akhe yise O mi yise I bheka 11 planethi langa
yanga; I bheka them prostrating me
[12:5] He tshela Mi dodana cha thasisela kho fo kho phupho funa they tula cebo you.
Surely dimoni is doda ngcolile yisitha.
[12:6] Kho Lord kanjeyana hlahlamelisa you epha you hle biko kho phupho! He
phelelisa Akhe busiso you hlobo Jacob njengoba He enza for kho gogo Abraham Isaac
phambili lowo. Kho Lord is Omniscient Hlakaniphile.
[12:7] ngaphakathi Joseph akhe fo nanso are fundo seekers.
[12:8] They tshela Joseph akhe fo favored ithu yise we are vamela! Bala ithu yise is de
[12:9] Dlulisa Joseph dingisa him lowo you zuza nye lalelisisa nga kho yise! Kamuva
you be ngakhethi ntu.
[12:10] Fike of them tshela cha dlulisa Joseph; juba him zolobela thombo! Khathisimbe
nye kharavani phakamisa him lo is babe you juqula enza!
[12:11] They tshela Ithu yise you cha ethemba us Joseph? We fuza hle cophelela of him.
[12:12] Sa him us ikusasa qhaqha dlalo! We biyela him.
[12:13] He tshela I thikimeza funa you hamba him ngalesosikhathi pisi tshobotshela him
ngenkathi you cha qaphela him.
[12:14] They tshela Bala pisi tshobotshela him ningi of us cishe ngalesosikhathi we are
nempela losers.
[12:15] Uma they hamba him futhi unanimously juqula juba him nga zolobela thombo
we faka him "Nye suku you thasisela them lonke lo ngenkathi they cha fanele bono!
[12:16] They buya bo yise kusihlwa khala!
[12:17] They tshela Ithu yise we thathaza hadula each nye hamba Joseph ithu pahla pisi
tshobotshela him! You ze kholwa us fana we thasisela yaniso.
[12:18] They khiqiza akhe yembe fake gazi it He tshela Bala you conspired each nye
kuze bophezela okuthile cebo. Lonke I enza is resort thule bekezela. Meyi
NKULUNKULU lamula me ngaphakathi the bombo of kho gobe.
[12:19] Kharavani qeda masinyane sa bo waterer! He laya akhe bhakede ngalesosikhathi
tshela Kanjani lucky Nanso is fokazi nantu! They fuza him eceleni pahla
NKULUNKULU was fully aware of babe they enza.
[12:20] They dayisa him shibhile klomelo - Ngakanani dirhams - for they cha fanele phi
dingo for him.
[12:21] fike thenga him Gibhithe tshela kuze akhe kosikazi Fuza hle cophelela of him.
Mhlawumbe he lamula us mhlawumbe we amukela him. We ngakho sungula Joseph
hlaba we thisha him cazelo of phupha! Nkulunkulu poqo dine phelile kakhulu ntu cha
[12:22] Uma he finyelela khula we endowed him ngokuhlakanipha azani. We kanjeyana
klomela the ngakhethi.
[12:23] Nkosazana dlu he zwa vavanya bhungula him! She cimeza nyango tshela I am
lonke yours. He tshela Meyi NKULUNKULU biyela me He is mi Lord epha me hle
khaya. transgressors ze landela.
[12:24] She cishe succumbed him futhi he cishe succumbed wo noma cha were he
bheka bonakaliso akhe Lord We kanjeyana buyisela bi ona eceleni him he was fike of
ithu nikela chaka.
[12:25] 2 of them hadula nyango dlela she dephula akhe bhinco nga hlane. They cosha
wo yeni nyango. She tshela Babe jeziso fike bani wanted hlukumeza kho kosikazi
imprisonment buhlungu jeziso?
[12:26] He tshela She is fike vavanya bhungula me fakazi nga wo hlobo funzelela akhe
bhinco is dephula nga gange ngalesosikhathi she thasisela yaniso he is hubu!
[12:27] Futhi noma akhe bhinco is dephula nga hlane ngalesosikhathi she lied he
thasisela yaniso.
[12:28] Uma wo yeni bheka akhe bhinco was dephula nga hlane he tshela Lo is kosikazi
cebo. Bala kho scheming is sabeka.
[12:29] Joseph bambalala lo gameko Njengoba for you (mi kosikazi) you khonga yekelo
kho ono. You bophezela phutha.
[12:30] Nye kosikazi dolobhakazi phoshoza busi kosikazi is linganisa bhungula wo
chaka! She is deeply ngaphakathi thanda him! We bheka she thathaza astray.
[12:31] Uma she zwa bo nkemfu she mema them hlomela them nethezekile dawo epha
each of them bese! She ngalesosikhathi tshela kuze him Ngena bo emuka Uma they
bheka him they babaza him lowo they juqa bo andla. They tshela Dumo be kuze
NKULUNKULU lo cha is ntu; lo is honorable gelosi!
[12:32] She tshela Lo is fike you sola me wa ngaphakathi thanda nga! I ncisheka bala
vavanya bhungula him he zaba! he ncisheka babe I phatha him ncisheka he surely
thathaza jele debased
[12:33] He tshela Mi Lord jele is kahle than yekela them. You buyisela bo scheming me
I luba them behave fana ngenalwazi ones!
[12:34] Akhe Lord phendula akhe thandazo buyisela bo scheming nga him. He is
Ozwayo Omniscient
[12:35] Ngasekho they buka it hle bonakaliso ukuthi they imprison him for awhile!
[12:36] 2 sha doda were jele him. Fike of them tshela I bheka mi phupho) I enza wayini
nye tshela I bheka ntanta nkwa mi phathi nga which bazana phanga! Chazela us of cazelo
la phupho! We bheka you are ngakhethi.
[12:37] He tshela phi dla hlinzeka you I chazela you it you thola it Lo is nye of azani
pha upon me mi Lord I fulathela kolo of ntu bani cha kholwa NKULUNKULU regard
Hereafter they are nempela disbelievers!
[12:38] I landela mane kolo mi gogo Abraham Isaac Jacob. We ze akha phi Thixo
NKULUNKULU. njalo is busiso nga NKULUNKULU us upon ntu ningi ntu are
[12:39] O mi jele jeka are several Nkulunkulu kahle NKULUNKULU lodwa Fike
[12:40] You cha khonza Him innovations you fanele fuduka phezulu, you kho zali.
NKULUNKULU He vakaza ukuthi you cha khonza Him! Lo is phelelisa kolo kakhulu
ntu cha azi!
[12:41] O mi jele jeka fike of you be wayini butler akhe lord khashana nye nqamuleza -
Bazana phanga akhe phathi. Lo zijwayeza buzo which you buza!
[12:42] He ngalesosikhathi tshela kuze fike khulula Khumbula me kwa kho lord
Kanjeyana dimoni banga him khohlwa akhe Lord consequently he sala ngaphakathi jele
ngakanani ningi nyaka!
[12:43] Kosi tshela I bheka 7 nonile komo tshobotshela 7 zacile komo 7 luhlaza spikes
bele) others buceka! O mi gosa luleka me regarding mi phupha you azi kanjani humusha
[12:44] They tshela Panya phupha. Uma it sondela cazelo of phupha we are
[12:45] fike khulula jele) tshela kalokhu he ekugcineni khumbula I thasisela you wo
cazelo kanjalo sa me Joseph).
[12:46] Joseph mi ngane chazela us 7 khuluphele komo tshobotshela 7 zacile komo 7
luhlaza spikes others buceka! I fiso kuze jenduka nye niningwane ntu!
[12:47] He tshela Babe you thuthukisa landela 7 nyaka uma khathi vuno sondela hamba
hlamvu bo spikes except for babe you phanga!
[12:48] Ngasemuva lowo, 7 nyaka balela sondela which tando sebenzisa ningi of babe
you beka them.
[12:49] Ngasemuva lowo, nyaka sondela fikisa khululeka ntu they buye khama jusi
[12:50] Kosi tshela Fikisa him me Uma gijimi sondela him he tshela Jenduka kho lord
buza him phenyisisa kosikazi juqa bo andla! Mi Lord is fully aware of bo cebo.
[12:51] (Kosi) tshela (kuze kosikazi) Babe ncisheka you azi gameko uma you vavanya
bhungula Joseph? They tshela "NKULUNKULU enqabela; we cha azi of anything bi
bophezela nga him. kosikazi busi tshela Kalokhu yaniso busa! I am fike vavanya
bhungula him he was truthful fike!
[12:52] I ethemba he realize lowo I ze dazula him akhe ngabikho NKULUNKULU cha
hlahlamelisa cebo khapheli.
[12:53] I cha thola msulwa myself. Qobo is buzeli of vice except for labo attained sa mi
Lord Mi Lord is Forgiver Nomusa.
[12:54] Kosi tshela Fikisa him me I qasha him sebenza me Uma he xoxa nga him he
tshela Namhla you fanele gqamile khundla us!
[12:55] He tshela Fuduka me gcinisikhwama I zwa ngaphakathi lo godi futhi
[12:56] We ngakho sungula Joseph hlaba nqumo njengoba he fisa. We yithela ithu sa
whomever we tando we ze hlumba recompense the ngakhethi.
[12:57] Additionally kokhelo Hereafter is fana hle labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo!
[12:58] Joseph's fo sondela; uma they ngena he recognized them ngenkathi they cha
recognize him.
[12:59] Ngasemuva he hlinzeka them bo hlinzeka he tshela Landela khathi fikisa you
kho half-brother. you cha bheka I epha gcwele gqi thokozisa you generously?
[12:60] you hlumba fikisa him me you cha zuza hlanganyela me you cha fana sondela
[12:61] They tshela We bonisana akhe yise him. We surely enza lo.
[12:62] He ngalesosikhathi fundisa akhe elekeleli Beka bo pahla bo tsholwana. Uma
they cosha them bo buya bo hlobo they buya masinyane.
[12:63] Uma they phinda bo yise they tshela Ithu yise we hhayi de zuza phi hlinzeka
you sa ithu fo us. We fuza hle cophelela of him.
[12:64] He tshela I ethemba you him njengoba I ethemba you akhe fo phambili lowo?
[12:65] Uma they vuleka bo tsholwana they cosha bo pahla phinda them. They tshela
Ithu yise babe kakhulu we buza for Nantu are ithu pahla phinda us! We azi ngakho
hlinzeka for ithu hlobo biyela ithu fo thola fike ningi camel-load! Lo is impela a nenzuzo
[12:66] He tshela I cha sa him you you epha me nesithunzi bambiso NKULUNKULU
lowo you fikisa him dlulile you ngokupheleleyo ahlula. Uma they epha him bo nesithunzi
bambiso he tshela NKULUNKULU bona everything we tshela.
[12:67] Futhi he tshela O mi dodana cha ngena fike nyango; ngena hlukene nyango! I
cha khulula you anything predetermined NKULUNKULU. Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele
bonke ehlulelo! I ethemba ngaphakathi Him ngaphakathi Him shall bonke trusters faka
bo ethemba.
[12:68] Uma they thathaza Joseph) they ngena ngaphakathi accordance nga bo yise
fundiswa. Lo cha guquka anything decreed NKULUNKULU Jacob fanele private qondo
for buza them ncisheka lo! he possessed okuthile azani lowo we thisha him kakhulu ntu
cha azi!
[12:69] Uma they ngena Joseph's dawo he fikisa akhe fo closer kuze him tshela I am
kho fo; cha saddened bo enzo!
[12:70] Uma he hlinzeka them bo hlinzeka he beka phuza debe akhe fo tsholwana
ngalesosikhathi azisi azisa nini lo kharavani are sela!
[12:71] They tshela njengoba they sondela them Babe you lahlekelwa?
[12:72] They tshela We lahlekelwa kosi debe. Anyone phinda it thola ngaphezulu
camel-load; I personally qinisekisa lo.
[12:73] They tshela NKULUNKULU you azi gcwele kahle we cha sondela nantu
bophezela bi nor are we sela.
[12:74] They tshela Babe is jeziso sela noma you are hubu?
[12:75] They tshela jeziso it cosha akhe tsholwana is ukuthi sela fanele kuze you! We
kanjeyana jezisa necala
[12:76] He ngalesosikhathi donsa hlola bo tsha zuza akhe fo tsha he ngcomula it akhe fo
tsha! We kanjeyana phelelisa cebo Joseph; he cha qhubeka akhe fo he thinta kosi thetho.
Lowo was tando NKULUNKULU. We exalt whomever we enyula phezulu gaba.
Phezulu gcwele nobungcweti fike nanso is fike is fana nobungcweti.
[12:77] They tshela he nyonka kanjalo enza fo of akhe dlulile Joseph fihlekile akhe zwa
ngaphakathi cha epha them phi clue He tshela (kuze You are nempela ngcolile.
NKULUNKULU is fully aware of KHO MANGALO.
[12:78] They tshela O you ebukhosini fike he yise fanele is khulile; you hola fike of us
akhe dawo? We bheka you are nomusa doda.
[12:79] He tshela "NKULUNKULU enqabela we hola fike whose pahla we cosha ithu
pahla. Otherwise we be unjust.
[12:80] Uma they despaired of guquka akhe naka they bhunga ngokusondelana! Bo dala
tshela you realize lowo kho yise Ncisheka fuza nesithunzi bambiso nga you
NKULUNKULU? Dlulile you lahlekelwa Joseph. I cha hamba lo beka mi yise epha me
livu noma NKULUNKULU jaja me He is hle Jaji!
[12:81] Jenduka kho yise thasisela him! ‘Ithu yise kho dodana bophezela ebo. We azi
impela lo is babe we bona. Lo was ngalindelekile occurrence.
[12:82] ‘You buza gwamanda we were kharavani buya us. We thasisela yaniso. '
[12:83] He tshela Bala you conspired enza okuthile cebo. Thule bekezela is mi lodwa
recourse. Meyi NKULUNKULU fikisa them bonke hlane me He is Omniscient
[12:84] He jikisa them tshela I lila Joseph. Akhe bobo jikisa mhlophe nga lila kanjalo
khulu he was impela dabukisa!
[12:85] They tshela NKULUNKULU you qhubeka lila Joseph you phathelana kabi
noma you yoyosa".
[12:86] He tshela I hle khala NKULUNKULU mi cayi hlungu I azi NKULUNKULU
babe you cha azi.
[12:87] O mi dodana thathaza landa Joseph akhe fo ze despair Nkulunkulu sa! None
despairs of Nkulunkulu sa disbelieving ntu.
[12:88] Uma they ngena (Joseph's) kwata they tshela O you ebukhosini fike we jeza a
diki of nzaka ithu hlobo we fikisa ngaphansana pahla. we ethemba you epha us gcwele
gqi be charitable kuze us. NKULUNKULU KLOMELA the charitable.
[12:89] He tshela you recall babe you Ncisheka enza Joseph akhe fo uma you were
[12:90] They tshela You be Joseph. He tshela I am Joseph nantu is mi fo.
NKULUNKULU HLAHLAMELISA us. is ba noma fike hola ngakhethi pilo steadfastly
phikelela NKULUNKULU ze hlumba klomela the ngakhethi.
[12:91] They tshela NKULUNKULU NKULUNKULU impela khetha you dlulile us!
We were impela ngalungi!
[12:92] He tshela Nanso cha is sola you namhla. Meyi NKULUNKULU thethelela you.
Of bonke nomusa ones He is the Ningi Nomusa.
[12:93] Fuza lo yembe of mi; uma you juba it mi yise bhekana akhe bona buyisa! Fikisa
kho phelele hlobo buya me
[12:94] Ngaphambi kharavani fika bo yise tshela I zwa ansu Joseph. someone khanyisa
[12:95] They tshela NKULUNKULU you are nzonzobala kho dala yakanyaka!
[12:96] Uma thwali hle biko fika he juba (yembe) akhe bombo whereupon akhe bona
buyisa. He tshela I cha thasisela you I azi NKULUNKULU babe you cha azi?
[12:97] They tshela Ithu yise thandazela ithu yekelo; we were ngalungi bala!
[12:98] He tshela I nxusa mi Lord thethelela you; He is Forgiver Nomusa.
[12:99] Uma they ngena Joseph's kwata he gona akhe zali landiso Amukelekile kuze
[12:100] He vubukula akhe zali throne They wa prostrate phambili him. He tshela O mi
yise lo is fulfillment mi dala phupho. Mi Lord enza it hlangana qiniseka He hlahlamelisa
me sindise me jele fikisa you nga luqwatha emva dimoni gquba weshe me mi fo! Mi Lord
is Nomusa towards whomever He tando. He is Knower the Ningi Hlakaniphile.
[12:101] Mi Lord You epha me kingship thisha me cazelo of phupha! Initiator of
bhakabhaka hlaba; You are mi Lord Enza ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter Qhashisa me
phoqoka njengoba submitter bala me nga the ngakhethi!
[12:102] Lo is biko dlule we phendla you. You were mahhala uma they enza bo
ngazwilinye gwebo jikijelo Joseph thombo) njengoba they conspired hlangene.
[12:103] Ningi ntu hhayi buzo babe you cha kholwa.
[12:104] You cha buza them phi mali; you hle sindise lo khumbuzo bonke ntu.
[12:105] Kanjalo ningi bonakaliso bhakabhaka hlaba epha them they qeda them
[12:106] Vamela of labo kholwa NKULUNKULU ncisheka cha ncisheka bophezela
Thixo khonza!
[12:107] they qinisekisa lowo ahlula retribution fanele nga NKULUNKULU tando cha
phansula them Awa cha sondela them ngokuzuma uma they kancane lindela it
[12:108] Tshela Lo is mi dlela I mema NKULUNKULU on the sekelo of hle bonakaliso
futhi enza labo landela me NKULUNKULU DUMISA. I cha am Thixo worshiper.
[12:109] We cha sa you doda we faka khethiwe nga ntu nhlobonhlobo gwamanda. they
cha zululeka hlaba ncisheka bheka phetho for labo phambili them? abode Hereafter is de
kahle labo phila ngakhethi pilo. you ngalesosikhathi azi?
[12:110] Eqinisweni uma gijimi despair zindla they bhunkula ithu ahlula sondela them.
We ngalesosikhathi khulula whomever we enyula ngenkathi ithu retribution necala ntu is
[12:111] ngaphakathi bo lando nanso is fundo labo possess biko. Lo cha bhila Hadith; lo
(Quran) qinisekisa bonke dlule scriptures hlinzeka danti of everything is beacon sa labo
13- qaqabula (Al-Ra'ad)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[13:1] A L. M. R. La (cwadi) are bonakaliso lo scripture. babe phendla you kho Lord is
yaniso ningi ntu cha kholwa!
you BHEKA NGALESOSIKHATHI assumed BONKE GQI. He bophezela langa yanga
each gijima ngaphakathi wo orbit for predetermined kathi! He zibamba bonke to lungisa
vulamehlo lowo you attain qiniseko buthano kho Lord
[13:3] He is Fike akha hlaba beka it taba fula! Futhi nga balwa hlobo thelo He enza
them bhangqa - Duna females. Suku fumana suku. La are namandla bonakaliso ntu
[13:4] On hlaba nanso are adjacent diki khiqiza orchards gilebhisi nquntula tende
shanguzo - dioecious non-dioecious. they nisela fana nzi we khetha nye of them others
ngaphakathi phanga! La are namandla bonakaliso ntu azi.
[13:5] you nanini mangala oqobo mangaliso is bo tshela we jikisa nga thuli ncisheka we
recreated buye La are ones disbelieved bo Lord La are ones incurred shackles bo umqala.
La are ones incurred Hogo wherein they abide phakade.
[13:6] They selelo you fikisa lahlwa them kunokuthi jika ngakhethi! Sufficient
precedents beka them dlulile. Bala kho Lord is gcwele of yekelo ntu bo sono kho Lord is
noma luma ngaphakathi enforcing retribution!
[13:7] Labo disbelieved tshela yodwa mangaliso ehla him akhe Lord (we
ngalesosikhathi kholwa.) You are hle warner - Gcwele gwamanda thola guiding fundisi.
ZALO KHULULA ZUZO. Everything He enza ngokupheleleyo kala.
[13:9] Knower of bonke fihlo memezelo; Supreme the Ningi Phezulu
[13:10] is the fana you gubadlela kho cabango memezela them sitheza cime suku gcawu
[13:11] Shifu gelosi) dedelana bukisa each fike of you - they are you emuva you. They
bukisa you vika you ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu poqo! Kanjeyana
NKULUNKULU cha guquka buso phi ntu they enza gwebo guquka. Nkulunkulu tando
phi nzaka phi ntu hhayi bophezela vimba it For they fanele none Him njengoba Lord
futhi Phathi
[13:12] He is Fike tshengisa you phazimo deku bawosi noma kuhle ethemba He omula
gcwele fu!
[13:13] qaqabula tusa Akhe dumo futhi kanjalo enza gelosi hlonipho for Him! He sa
phazimo habula which duvo ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe tando they phikisana
NKULUNKULU noma Akhe dlakathi is awesome.
[13:14] Nxusa Him is lodwa semthethweni supplication ngenkathi Thixo they nxusa
Him nanini cha phendula. Kanjeyana they are labo banga bo andla nzi nothing finyelela
bo lomo. supplications disbelievers are ngaphumeleli.
[13:15] Nkulunkulu prostrates everyone bhakabhaka hlaba willingly unwillingly kanjalo
enza bo thunzi ekuseni hwalala!
[13:16] Zwi Bani is Lord bhakabhaka hlaba? Tshela NKULUNKULU. Tshela
ngalesosikhathi ncisheka you beka Him enza bani cha possess phi dlakathi ncisheka sizo
ona fana themselves? Zwi Is yimpumputhe fana njengoba phrofethi? Cime fana njengoba
khanya? Is they cosha Thixo NKULUNKULU qamba dalo fana kuze Akhe dalo kuze
dawo cha ahlukanisa 2 dalo? Zwi NKULUNKULU is Dali bonke to He is Fike Supreme
[13:17] He sa phansi chichiza bhakabhaka banga godi phuphuma ngalesosikhathi rapids
khiqiza yinsada kephunkephu! Ngokufanayo uma they sebenzisa xosha refine
okusansimbi bo jewelry pahla kephunkephu khiqiza! NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA
cites analogies for YANISO CEBO. Njengoba for kephunkephu it thathaza citheko
khashana which sizo ntu bukisa hlabathi! NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA cites
[13:18] Labo phendula bo Lord hola hle kokhelo. Njengoba for labo hlumba phendula
Him they possessed everything hlaba - Ngaphambi kabili njengoba khulu - they readily
duba it njengoba hlenga! They incurred ngcolile reckoning bo final abode is Hogo; babe
dabukisa phetho.
[13:19] fike Is recognizes kho Lord's vulamehlo you yaniso lingana kuze fike are is
phumputheka? Yodwa labo possess biko fuza heed
[13:20] They are ones fulfill bo bambiso NKULUNKULU cha dluzula vumelwano!
[13:21] They xhumelela babe NKULUNKULU phatha xhumelela hlonipho bo Lord
bawosi dreadful reckoning
[13:22] They steadfastly phikelela khonga bo Lord sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat)
chitha ithu hlinzeka them ngasese publicly bali bi nga hle! La hola kahle abode.
[13:23] They ngena gadi Eden hlangene ngakhethi among bo zali bo owakwakhe bo
ntwana. Gelosi ngena them gcwele nyango.
[13:24] Thula be you you steadfastly phikelela. Babe joyous phetho.
[13:25] Njengoba for labo dluzula Nkulunkulu vumelwano pledging qhubeka it
hhephuna babe NKULUNKULU phatha xhumelela bophezela bi they incurred ahlulelwa;
they incurred ngcolile phetho!
withholds it They phathelana preoccupied lo pilo; lo pilo linganisa kuze Hereafter is nil
[13:27] Labo disbelieve tshela yodwa mangaliso ehla him akhe Lord (we kholwa.) Zwi
NKULUNKULU sa astray whomever He tando khaphi kuze Him yodwa labo hlonipha.
[13:28] They are ones hliziyo jabula khumbula NKULUNKULU! Kasibili nga
khumbula NKULUNKULU hliziyo jabula!
[13:29] Labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo hola jabulo joyous phetho!
[13:30] We sa you O Rashad) lo gwamanda eqinisweni njengoba we enza nye
gwamanda dlulile. You hlabelela them babe we phendla you they disbelieved
ngaphakathi the Ningi Gracious. Zwi He is mi Lord Nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except He!
I faka mi ethemba Him lodwa; kuze Him is mi ultimate phetho.
[13:31] fana noma Quran banga taba nyakazo hlaba fantu asunder file shono (they cha
kholwa)! NKULUNKULU ZIBAMBA BONKE TO. it cha khathi kholwa Is kuze buyisa
phezulu realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU willed He guided bonke ntu? disbelievers
qhubeka jeza bhicongo phetho bo khe sebenzi fanele bhicongo phansula them
Nkulunkulu thembiso gcina NKULUNKULU tando ZE GUQUKA predetermined
[13:32] Gijimi you chwaneka; I vumela disbelievers ntanta ngalesosikhathi I jezisa
them. kanjani thusa was Mi retribution!
[13:33] Is khona phi lingana kuze Fike zibamba gcwele mbalwa phefumulo? they akha
Thixo angi NKULUNKULU! Tshela Gama them! you chazela Him of to hlaba He cha
azi? Noma are you bhila ngenalutho sho? Bala cebo of labo disbelieve gqizisa bo bobo!
They kanjeyana buyisela lungile dlela. Whomever NKULUNKULU sa astray ze cosha
guiding fundisi!
[13:34] They incurred retribution ngaphakathi lo pilo retribution Hereafter is de ngcolile
Nothing biyela them NKULUNKULU.
[13:35] allegory Bhakabhaka which thembisa ngakhethi thutheleka fudlana
inexhaustible hlinzeka pholisa thunzi. njalo is phetho labo sebenzisa righteousness
ngenkathi phetho disbelievers is Hogo.
[13:36] Labo thola scripture jabula ngaphakathi babe phendla you; nye others bhunkula
hla of it Tshela I hle enjoined khonza NKULUNKULU ze associate phi Thixo Him! I
mema Him Him is mi ultimate phetho.
[13:37] We phendla la thetho Arabhiya futhi you nanini acquiesce bo fiso lo azani
sondela you you fanele sizana nor londolozi NKULUNKULU.
[13:38] We sa gijimi you O Rashad) we enza them qongelela kosikazi ntwana! Hhayi
gijimi khiqiza mangaliso Nkulunkulu gunyazwa ngaphakathi accordance nga thize
predetermined khathi
[13:39] NKULUNKULU HLIKIHLA whatever He TANDO XAKU whatever He
TANDO). Nga Him is asekuqaleni Phathi Thayela.
[13:40] we tshengisa you babe we thembisa them khawula kho pilo phambili lowo, kho
soli thunywa is sindise (biko)! is us bizela them zibika
[13:41] they cha bheka nsukuzonke hlaba fikisa them closer phetho NKULUNKULU
juqula bo pilo dingiliza irrevocably? He is the ningi nempumelelo Reckoner.
[13:42] Others them schemed NKULUNKULU fanele ultimate scheming He azi babe
everyone enza. disbelievers tando thola cishile bani ultimate nqobi are
[13:43] Labo disbelieved tshela You are gijimi! Tshela NKULUNKULU suffices
njengoba fakazi me you labo possess azani scripture.
14- Abraham (Ibrahim)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[14:1] A L. R. scripture we phendla you ngaphakathi landelana phila ntu cime khanya -
ngaphakathi accordance nga tando bo Lord - Kuze dlela Almighty the Ncomeka.
[14:2] (Dlela NKULUNKULU; Fike possesses everything bhakabhaka everything
hlaba. Woe kuze disbelievers; they incurred thusa retribution.
[14:3] They are the ones epha kambaphambili lo pilo dlulile Hereafter dudula dlela
NKULUNKULU khonga enza it lukeke they thathaza kude astray!
[14:4] We cha sa phi gijimi shumayela) limi akhe ntu ngaphakathi landelana hlandla to
KHAPHI whomever He TANDO. He is Almighty the Ningi Hlakaniphile.
[14:5] Kanjeyana we sa Mose ithu mangaliso tshela Hola kho ntu cime khanya
khumbuza them of suku NKULUNKULU. La are fundo gcwele steadfast appreciative
[14:6] Recall ukuthi Mose tshela kuze akhe ntu Khumbula Nkulunkulu busiso you! He
khulula you Pharaoh's ntu inflicted kabi joko you hlaba kho dodana onga kho tombazana!
Lowo exacting qulwa kho Lord
[14:7] Kho Lord decreed ningi you bonga Me the ningi I epha you you jika
unappreciative ngalesosikhathi Mi retribution is nzima.
[14:8] Mose tshela you disbelieve bonke ntu hlaba NKULUNKULU is ngaphakathi
hhayi dingo Ncomeka.
[14:9] fanele you cha zwa kakhulu labo phambili you - Ntu Nowa ‘Aad Thamoud others
sondela them aziwa yodwa kuze NKULUNKULU? Bo gijimi thathaza them khuculula
bonakaliso they thokozisa them nyanya tshela We disbelieve ngaphakathi babe you sa
nga. We are skeptical kakhulu kho biko; gcwele of ngabaza!
[14:10] Bo gijimi tshela you fanele khonondo NKULUNKULU; Initiator of bhakabhaka
hlaba? He mema you yodwa thethelela kho ono epha you another potsho sindisa They
tshela You are hhayi ningi than humans us want dudula us dlela ithu zali sebenzisa
khonza! Tshengisa us nye profound gqi!
[14:11] Bo gijimi tshela kuze them We are hhayi ningi than humans you
NKULUNKULU hlahlamelisa whomever He enyula Akhe chaka! We possibly cha
tshengisa you phi hlobo of gunyazwa except ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu
tando ngaphakathi NKULUNKULU kholwa ethemba.
[14:12] Ngani we cha ethemba NKULUNKULU uma He guided us ithu dlela? We
steadfastly phikelela ngaphakathi the bombo of kho joko. ngaphakathi NKULUNKULU
bonke trusters ethemba.
[14:13] Labo disbelieved tshela kuze bo gijimi We enza Dingisa you nga ithu cababa
you revert ithu kolo. Bo Lord faka them We inevitably bhubhisa transgressors!
[14:14] we ngenisa you dwell bo cababa them. Lo is (kokhelo) labo hlonipho Mi
majesty hlonipho Mi thembisa!
[14:15] They khishwa selelo consequently gcwele nenkani cindezeli qeda doomed
[14:16] Mela him is Hogo wherein he phuza putrid nzi.
[14:17] He nklinkliza it nikela he cha bekezelela it njengoba fa sondela him gcwele
bombo he ze phoqoka! Mela him is thusa retribution!
[14:18] allegory of labo disbelieve bo Lord bo sebenzi are ekseli khulu oya nesiphepho
suku! They nqoba nothing whatever they zuza; njalo is de fufutheka!
[14:19] you cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU ncisheka qamba bhakabhaka hlaba
thize hloso? He tando He enyula you shintsha sha dalo kho dawo.
[14:20] Lo cha is kakhulu lukhuni for NKULUNKULU.
[14:21] Uma they bonke phanyeko NKULUNKULU landeli tshela kuze ngqaphambili
We sebenzisa landela you! fantshi you onga us ngaphambi a ngcosana zavuza of
Nkulunkulu retribution? They tshela Fanele NKULUNKULU guided us we guided you!
Manje is kakhulu ngasekho we lila resort bekezela nanso cha is exit us.
[14:22] Futhi dimoni tshela ehlulelo khishwa NKULUNKULU thembisa you truthful
thembiso I thembisa you I valekile mi thembisa! I fanele dlakathi you; I hle mema you
you amukela mi bizo! Ngakho cha sola me sola yodwa yourselves! Mi khala cha lamula
you nor fantshi kho khala sizo me I disbelieved kho idolizing me transgressors incurred
buhlungu retribution.
[14:23] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they mukela gadi thutheleka
fudlana! They abide therein phakade ngaphakathi accordance nga tando bo Lord Bo
bingelela therein is Thula.
[14:24] you cha bheka NKULUNKULU ncisheka cited bonakaliso hle zwi hle shanguzo
kherothi firmly nquma wo hlahla are phezulu ngaphakathi the bhakabhaka?
[14:25] It khiqiza wo vuno gcwele hlayiza njengoba sungula wo Lord NKULUNKULU
[14:26] Bonakaliso ngcolile zwi is of ngcolile shanguzo klaya zathu fana; it cha fanele
kherothi qhubeka it bekezelela!
[14:27] NKULUNKULU QINISA LABO KHOLWA proven ZWI ngaphakathi lo PILO
Hereafter Nkulunkulu sa transgressors astray. Everything is ngaphakathi accordance nga
Nkulunkulu tando
[14:28] you noted labo phendula Nkulunkulu busiso fanele nga disbelieving futhi
kanjeyana fikisa bhicongo bo khe hlobo?
[14:29] Hogo is bo phetho wherein they bambeka; babe dabukisa phetho!
[14:30] They akha angi gaba NKULUNKULU buyisela others Akhe dlela! Zwi
Nambitheka awhile; kho final phetho is Hogo.
[14:31] Exhort Mi chaka kholwa sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha sa) ithu
hlinzeka them ngasese publicly suku sondela lapho nanso is neither hwebo nor nepotism!
bophezela shumbi sebenza you andle ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe poqo. He
bophezela fula noma sebenza you!
[14:33] He bophezela langa yanga kho sebenzi ngokunganqamuki. He bophezela suku
suku sebenza you!
[14:34] He epha you bonke hlobo of to lowo you nxusa Him for you bala Nkulunkulu
busiso you ze encompass them. Bala ntu transgressing unappreciative.
[14:35] Recall ukuthi Abraham tshela Mi Lord enza lo noxolo zwe biyela me mi ntwana
nga khonza Thixo!
[14:36] Mi Lord they khohlanisa kanjalo ningi ntu. Njengoba for labo landela me they
fanele me Njengoba for labo disobey me You are Forgiver Nomusa.
[14:37] Ithu Lord I zijwayeza inxenye of mi hlobo ngaphakathi lo plantless godi kwa
Kho Ngcwele Dlu. Ithu Lord they are sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) qhashisa
nyokotho of ntu converge them hlinzeka for them bonke hlobo of thelo they be
[14:38] Ithu Lord You azi whatever we gubadlela whatever we memezela! - nothing
sitheza NKULUNKULU hlaba nor bhakabhaka.
[14:39] Dumiso be NKULUNKULU pha me mi gugela Ismail Isaac. Mi Lord phendula
[14:40] Mi Lord enza me fike bani consistently sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat)
noma mi ntwana! Ithu Lord siza phendulo mi thandazo.
[14:41] Mi Lord thethelela me mi zali kholwa suku uma reckoning enzeka!
[14:42] Nanini cha zindla NKULUNKULU is unaware of babe transgressors enza. He
yodwa phefu them suku ndawonaphi bobo goloza ngaphakathi ethusa
[14:43] Kuhle they sukela ngcwaba) bo bombo bukeka phezulu bo bobo cha fana
cwazima bo gqondo horrified
[14:44] You khuza ntu suku uma retribution sondela them. Labo transgressed tshela Ithu
Lord epha us fike ningi phefu We ngalesosikhathi phendula Kho memeza landela gijimi.
you cha funga dlulile you ekugcineni unomphelo?
[14:45] You dwelled khaya of labo phambili you ngalungi bo phefumulo you bheka
ngembala babe we enza them! We beka ningi precedents you.
[14:46] They schemed bo cebo NKULUNKULU is fully aware of bo cebo. Bala bo
cebo were sufficient hlikihla taba.
[14:47] Cha cabanga lowo NKULUNKULU tando nanini gagasa Akhe thembisa Akhe
gijimi! NKULUNKULU is Almighty Avenger.
[14:48] Suku sondela uma lo hlaba shintsha sha hlaba noma bhakabhaka everyone fikisa
[14:49] you bheka necala lowo suku chained ngaphakathi shackles
[14:50] Bo bhinco fuduka kolitayi lilo ahlula bo bombo!
[14:51] NKULUNKULU tando khokhela each phefumulo whatever it zuza;
NKULUNKULU is the ningi nempumelelo reckoner!
[14:52] Lo is aziso ntu khuza herewith qhashisa them azi ukuthi He is yodwa fike
Nkulunkulu futhi labo possess biko fuza heed
15- Al-Hijr Godi (Al-Hijr)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[15:1] A L. R. La (cwadi) are bonakaliso lo scripture; profound Quran.
[15:2] Impela labo disbelieved fisa they were submitters.
[15:3] Qhashisa them phanga nambitheka sala phumputheka wishful cabango; they enza
thola cishile!
[15:4] We ze bhubhisa phi gwamanda ngaphakathi accordance nga thize predetermined
[15:5] Phetho phi gwamanda ze tsheleka nor libele.
[15:6] They tshela O you thola lo khumbuzo you are sangene.
[15:7] Ngani you cha wisa gelosi you are truthful?
[15:8] We cha sa gelosi thize sebenzi. Otherwise hhayi fike respited
[15:9] Kasibili we phendla khumbuzo kasibili we khweza it
[15:10] We sa (gijimi) you gwamanda dlulile.
[15:11] Gcwele khathi gijimi thathaza them they chwaneka him.
[15:12] We kanjeyana zibamba gqondo necala.
[15:13] Consequently they cha kholwa him. Lo been hlelo selokhu zukulwane.
[15:14] Fana noma we vuleka for them sango nga bhakabhaka which they enyuka;
[15:15] they tshela Ithu bobo khohlanisa. We khunkula.
[15:16] We beka galaxies ngaphakathi the bhakabhaka, gqizisa it beholders.
[15:17] we vika it gcwele bhunkula dimoni.
[15:18] phi of them cathama lalela kakhulu projectile tando landela him dlulile!
[15:19] Njengoba for hlaba we akha it beka it stabilizers (taba) we khula it kahle
bhalansi of everything.
[15:20] We fuduka it habitable you futhi dalwa you cha enza hlinzeka for
[15:21] Nanso is nothing lowo we cha khe infinite ani thereof. we sa it nikela impela
[15:22] we sa oya pollinators banga chichiza ehla bhakabhaka you phuza! Otherwise
you cha qhubeka it palatable.
[15:23] is we zibamba pilo fa we are ultimate inheritors!
[15:24] we fully azi labo you tsheleka we fully azi labo regress.
[15:25] Kho Lord surely mema them. He is Hlakaniphile Omniscient
[15:26] We qamba ntu dala daka bumbi bumba.
[15:27] Njengoba for jinns we qamba them phambili lowo, languka lilo!
[15:28] Kho Lord tshela kuze gelosi I qamba ntu dala daka bumbi bumba.
[15:29] Ngaphambili I phelelisa him thathaza him nga Mi futho you wa prostrate
phambili him!
[15:30] gelosi zumeka prostrate bonke of them
[15:31] Iblis (Dimoni). He zaba be prostrators.
[15:32] He tshela O Iblis (Dimoni) ngani are you cha prostrators?
[15:33] He tshela I cha am prostrate ntu You qamba dala daka bumbi bumba!
[15:34] He tshela Ngakho you khipha; you dingisa.
[15:35] You incurred Mi ahlulelwa Suku Ehlulelo.
[15:36] He tshela Mi Lord phefu me suku they resurrected
[15:37] He tshela You respited
[15:38] Kuze cacisa suku khathi
[15:39] He tshela Mi Lord selokhu You fanele willed lowo I thathaza astray I surely
wonga them hlaba; I sa them lonke astray!
[15:40] Labo among Kho worshipers nikela kasibili You lodwa.
[15:41] He tshela Lo is thetho is inviolable.
[15:42] You fanele dlakathi Mi chaka! You yodwa fanele dlakathi strayers landela you!
[15:43] Hogo mela them lonke.
[15:44] It fanele 7 sango. Each sango zuza thize juphe of them.
[15:45] Njengoba for ngakhethi they nambitheka gadi thombo
[15:46] Ngena therein noxolo phephile
[15:47] We enyula bonke mona bo hliziyo. fana fike hlobo they be adjacent furnishings.
[15:48] Ze tando they jeza phi fatigue therein; ze tando they evicted therefrom
[15:49] Chazela Mi chaka I am Forgiver Nomusa!
[15:50] Futhi lowo Mi retribution is the ningi buhlungu retribution.
[15:51] Chazela them Abraham's hambi.
[15:52] Uma they ngena akhe kwata they tshela Thula. He tshela We are apprehensive
kakhulu you.
[15:53] They tshela cha be apprehensive. We fanele hle biko you khanyisa dodana.
[15:54] He tshela Kanjani you epha me njalo hle biko uma I am kanjalo dala? you
nzonzobala epha me lo hle biko?
[15:55] They tshela hle biko we epha you is yiqiniso; ncisheka cha despair
[15:56] He tshela None despairs akhe Lord's sa except strayers.
[15:57] He tshela Babe is kho thunywa O gijimi?
[15:58] They tshela We dispatched necala ntu.
[15:59] Njengoba for Diki hlobo we khulula them lonke.
[15:60] Cha akhe kosikazi; she destined be nga the doomed
[15:61] Gijimi thathaza Diki dilobho.
[15:62] He tshela You are ngaziwa ntu.
[15:63] They tshela We fikisa you babe they ngabaza.
[15:64] We fikisa you yaniso; we are truthful.
[15:65] You fuza kho hlobo suku. Bukisa emuva them qiniseka lowo none of you
bukeka dlulile! Thathaza kahle njengoba phatha!
[15:66] We sindise him lo phatha labo ntu are bhubhisa ekuseni!
[15:67] Ntu dolobhakazi sondela joyfully.
[15:68] He tshela La are mi hambi; cha xina me
[15:69] Saba NKULUNKULU cha hlaza me
[15:70] They tshela we cha enjoin you Ncisheka nga contacting anyone?
[15:71] He tshela Nantu are mi tombazana you sale
[15:72] Kepha wo they ngokupheleleyo phumputheka bo fiso.
[15:73] Consequently bhicongo phansula them ekuseni.
[15:74] We jikisa upside phansi yithela them bhubhisa dwala!
[15:75] Lo is fundo labo possess biko.
[15:76] Lo dine be hlelo.
[15:77] Lo is komba kholwa.
[15:78] Ntu kuni noma were transgressors.
[15:79] Consequently we avenged them futhi both gwamanda fully documented
[15:80] Ntu Al-Hijr disbelieved gijimi.
[15:81] We epha them ithu vulamehlo they bambalala them!
[15:82] They sebenzisa carve phephile khaya taba!
[15:83] Bhicongo nemba them ekuseni.
[15:84] Babe they hoarded cha lamula them!
[15:85] We cha qamba bhakabhaka hlaba everything them thize hloso. Phetho hlaba
sondela kanjalo thokozisa them benign shiya
[15:86] Kho Lord is Dali Omniscient
[15:87] We epha you 7 bhangqa nkulu Quran.
[15:88] be nesikhwele of babe we pha nye (gijimi) cha saddened disbelievers) ehlisa
kho khono kholwa!
[15:89] proclaim I am manifest warner!
[15:90] We enza dividers
[15:91] They amukela Quran yodwa inxenye.
[15:92] Nga kho Lord we funa them lonke
[15:93] Kusukela everything they enza.
[15:94] Ngakho enza landelana buyisa kuze you bambalala Thixo worshipers!
[15:95] We onga you klolodeli
[15:96] Bani akha another Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU! They enza surely thola
[15:97] We azi gcwele kahle lowo you chwephesha bo veza.
[15:98] You ngoma dumiso kho Lord be prostrators.
[15:99] Konzo kho Lord ngaphakathi landelana kuze attain qiniseko.
16- Yosi (Al-Nahl)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[16:1] Nkulunkulu poqo vele khishwa everything vele loba) kanjalo cha sukela it He
dumisa; the Ningi Phezulu de phezulu phi Thixo they akha.
[16:2] He sa phansi gelosi vulamehlo ntanta Akhe poqo whomever He enyula Akhe
chaka You shumayela nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Me You hlonipho Me
[16:3] He qamba bhakabhaka hlaba thize hloso. He is khulu kakhulu Phezulu de phezulu
phi Thixo they akha.
[16:4] He qamba obuntu nci consi ngalesosikhathi he jikisa nga ardent bangi.
[16:5] He qamba livestock you hlinzeka you fudumala ningi nye sizo noma kuhle dla
[16:6] They noma hlinzeka you khezekheze kho hleleleko futhi uma you hamba.
[16:7] they yisa kho layisha zwe ukuthi you cha finyelela nkulu nzaka. Surely kho Lord
is Compassionate Nomusa!
[16:8] (He qamba) jomane mules mbongolo you gibela futhi khezekheze. Additionally
He qamba babe you cha azi.
[16:9] NKULUNKULU KHOMBA DLELA ONO ones. Noma He willed He guided
bonke of you.
[16:10] He sa bhakabhaka nzi for kho phuza khula shanguzo kho sizo!
[16:11] Nga it He khula you nquntula hlwathi dethi tende gilebhisi bonke hlobo of thelo.
Lo is (sufficient) bonakaliso ntu cabanga.
[16:12] He bophezela ngaphakathi kho sebenzi suku suku kakhulu njengoba langa
yanga. Noma basa bophezela Akhe poqo. La are (sufficient) bonakaliso ntu azi.
[16:13] Futhi (He qamba) for you hlaba to nhlobonhlobo colors Lo is (sufficient)
bonakaliso ntu fuza heed
[16:14] He bophezela andle sebenza you; you phanga nga it faka yama ngcomula
jewelry you gqoka! you bheka shumbi zululeka it kho ohwebo sizo you khonga Akhe
bounties you be appreciative
[16:15] He beka stabilizers (taba) hlaba funa it gingqika you kakhulu njengoba fula
gwaqo you guided
[16:16] Khonkwane noma njengoba basa; kuze sebenzisa navigation.
[16:17] Is Fike bani qamba fike bani cha qamba? you manje fuza heed
[16:18] you bala Nkulunkulu busiso you possibly cha encompass them.
[16:19] NKULUNKULU azi whatever you gubadlela whatever you memezela.
[16:20] Njengoba for Thixo they akha NKULUNKULU they cha qamba anything; they
[16:21] They are file cha alive they cha fanele bono kanjani manini they resurrected
[16:22] Kho Nkulunkulu is fike Nkulunkulu. Njengoba for labo cha kholwa Hereafter
bo hliziyo landula they are zidla.
[16:23] Kasibili NKULUNKULU azi everything they gubadlela everything they
memezela. He cha thanda labo are zidla.
[16:24] Uma they buza Babe ncisheka you zindla of la vulamehlo kho Lord they tshela
Daba nga dlule
[16:25] They naka necala for bo ono Suku Vuko bonke of them noma kuze ono of lonke
labo they khohlanisa bo luhlaza. Babe dabukisa layisha
[16:26] Others them schemed dlulile consequently NKULUNKULU phephetha bo
akhiwo gquza banga phahla wa them. retribution phansula them uma they ngcosana
[16:27] Ngalesosikhathi Suku Vuko He hlaza them buza Lapho are Mi lingani you akha
Me phikisa Me for bo sake? Labo thokozisa nga azani tshela Namhla hlazo hlupheka ehla
[16:28] Gelosi faka them fa mo of ngalungi bo phefumulo! is uma they ekugcineni faka
tshela We cha enza anything ngacabangi! Ehe bala! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of
everything you ENZA.
[16:29] Ngakho ngena sango Hogo wherein you abide phakade! Babe dabukisa phetho
for zidla ones.
[16:30] Njengoba for ngakhethi uma they buza Babe ncisheka you zindla of la
vulamehlo kho Lord they zwi Hle. labo phila ngakhethi pilo jabulo; abode Hereafter is
fana hle. Babe mnandi abode for the ngakhethi.
[16:31] Gadi Eden bekisa them wherein fula thutheleka. They fanele anything they fisa
[16:32] Gelosi khawula bo pilo ngaphakathi mo righteousness tshela Thula be you!
Ngena Pharadisi (manje) njengoba kokhelo kho sebenzi!
[16:33] they mela gelosi Are sondela them noma kho Lord's ehlulelo sondela qeda?
Labo phambili them enza fana to! NKULUNKULU is Fike NGALUNGI them; they are
[16:34] They incurred phetho bo bi sebenzi kakhulu to they chwaneka buya lwa them!
[16:35] Thixo worshipers tshela Fanele NKULUNKULU willed we cha khonza phi
Thixo Him nor beyo ithu zali! Nor beyo we vala anything Akhe enqabelo. Labo phambili
them enza the fana Gijimi fantshi anything ncisheka sindise phethiwe biko?
[16:36] We sa gijimi gcwele gwamanda tshela You khonza NKULUNKULU xwaya
idolatry. Subsequently nye were guided nga NKULUNKULU ngenkathi others bophezela
dukane! Zululeka hlaba qaphela phetho rejectors!
[16:37] Hhayi buzo kanjani nzima you vavanya khaphi them NKULUNKULU cha
khaphi the ones He bophezela dukane! Kanjeyana hhayi fike lamula them.
[16:38] They funga solemnly NKULUNKULU "NKULUNKULU tando cha resurrect
file Kasibili njalo is Akhe inviolable thembiso kakhulu ntu cha azi!
[16:39] He ngalesosikhathi khomba everyone bonke to they phikisa qhashisa labo
disbelieved azi ukuthi they were hubu!
[16:40] Kuze fanele anything phelile we hle tshela kuze Be it is
[16:41] Labo thutha NKULUNKULU they qhuba we surely qamba it them generously
ngaphakathi lo pilo recompense Hereafter is fana nkulu they yodwa azi.
[16:42] Lo is ba they steadfastly phikelela ngaphakathi bo Lord they ethemba.
[16:43] We cha sa you doda we faka. Buza labo azi scripture you cha azi!
[16:44] We hlinzeka them bonakaliso scriptures. we sa nikela you lo biko proclaim ntu
everything sa nikela them khathisimbe they cabangisisa!
[16:45] Labo cebo bi cebo qinisekisa lowo NKULUNKULU tando cha banga hlaba
ncisheka kuze konjane them lowo retribution cha sondela them uma they kancane lindela
[16:46] It phansula them ngenkathi they are lele; they ze sinda.
[16:47] it phansula them ngenkathi they fearfully lindela it Kho Lord is Compassionate
[16:48] they cha bheka bonke to fanele qamba NKULUNKULU? Bo thunzi kaka them
kakhulu ngakwesobunxele ngaphakathi phelele submission kuze NKULUNKULU futhi
[16:49] Kuze NKULUNKULU prostrates everything bhakabhaka everything on hlaba! -
Gcwele dalwa - Futhi kanjalo ncisheka gelosi; ngcosana khukhumala!
[16:50] They hlonipho bo Lord phezulu phezulu them they ncisheka babe they phatha
YODWA fike NKULUNKULU! You hlonipho Me wodwa.
[16:52] Him fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba ngakho kolo nikela kasibili Him
lodwa! you khonza NKULUNKULU?
[16:53] Phi busiso you nambitheka is NKULUNKULU. kepha whenever you incur phi
adversity you manje khala Him.
[16:54] njengoba masinyane njengoba He dambisa kho vivinywa nye of you revert
Thixo khonza!
[16:55] Ngenisa them disbelieve babe we epha them! Thathaza phambili nambitheka
temporarily; you enza surely thola cishile!
[16:56] They designate Thixo they akha luhlaza juphe hlinzeka we pha them. Nga
NKULUNKULU you naka necala for kho innovations.
[16:57] They fana assign tombazana NKULUNKULU He dumisa ngenkathi they khetha
themselves babe they fana
[16:58] Uma fike of them zuza gane tombazana akhe bombo phathelana fiphaza ahlula
[16:59] Ashamed he sitheza ntu ngcolile biko epha him. He fana dlinza should he
qhubeka gane grudgingly gqiba wo ngaphakathi thuli! Dabukisa bala is bo ehlulelo.
[16:60] Labo cha kholwa Hereafter sethi ngcolile bonakaliso ngenkathi kuze
NKULUNKULU fanele the ningi sublime bonakaliso! He is Almighty the Ningi
[16:61] Noma NKULUNKULU jezisa ntu bo sono He bhubhisa gcwele dalwa hlaba. He
phefu them for thize predetermined khathi Ngaphambili bo interim phetho they cha
mukela it fike awa nor tsheleka it
[16:62] They beka kuze NKULUNKULU babe they nyanya themselves ngalesosikhathi
khuluma nga bo khe limi they are ngakhethi! Without phi khonondo they incurred Hogo
they melana.
[16:63] Nga NKULUNKULU we sa (gijimi) gwamanda you dimoni gqizisa bo sebenzi
bo bobo. Consequently he is kalokhu bo lord they incurred buhlungu retribution.
[16:64] We phendla lo scripture you khomba them babe they phikisa hlinzeka hola sa
ntu bani kholwa!
Lo be (sufficient) bonakaliso ntu zwa.
[16:66] ngaphakathi livestock nanso is fundo you we hlinzeka you tshwala bo khaba.
Nga midst of shisa dla gazi you zuza msulwa bisi mnandi for drinkers!
[16:67] Futhi thelo of dethi tende gilebhisi you khiqiza intoxicants noma kuhle hle
hlinzeka! Lo be (sufficient) bonakaliso ntu azi.
[16:68] Kho Lord faka yosi akha khaya taba shanguzo hives they akha you!
[16:69] Ngalesosikhathi phanga bonke thelo landela klamo kho Lord eqinisweni. Nga
bo khaba sondela tshwala balwa colors wherein khona sindisa ntu! Lo be (sufficient)
bonakaliso ntu cabangisisa.
PILO. He qhashisa nye of you zwa gugela yodwa thola cishile ukuthi nanso is ncele kuze
azani they thola. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient Omnipotent
[16:71] NKULUNKULU fanele hlinzeka for nye of you ningi than others! Labo epha
ngokwanele ze epha bo pahla bo subordinates xenye enza them lingani! they beyo buyisa
phezulu Nkulunkulu busiso?
[16:72] Nkulunkulu fuduka you owakwakhe yourselves futhi khiqiza you nga kho
owakwakhe ntwana grandchildren hlinzeka you hle hlinzeka they kholwa cebo guquko
unappreciative of Nkulunkulu busiso?
[16:73] they konzo NKULUNKULU babe cha possesses hlinzeka for them bhakabhaka
nor on hlaba nor hlinzeka them anything!
[16:74] Ngakho cha cite bonakaliso NKULUNKULU; NKULUNKULU azi ngenkathi
you cha azi!
HLE hlinzeka NGA he EPHA KUZE SA NGASESE publicly. they Are lingana? Dumiso
be kuze NKULUNKULU ningi of them cha azi.
[16:76] Nkulunkulu cites bonakaliso 2 doda fike is yisimungulu eswela gcebo ncisheka
anything is ngokupheleleyo dependent akhe phathi! - whichever dlela he qondisa him he
cha khiqiza anything hle. he lingana kuze fike vakaza ahluleli Is guided lungile dlela?
[16:77] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele gomuso of bhakabhaka hlaba! Kuze He
phathelana phetho of hlaba (Awa) is cwazima bobo lahlekile fana closer
NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[16:78] NKULUNKULU FIKISA you KHO MAME khaba AZI nothing He EPHA you
ZWA eyesight GQONDO you be appreciative
[16:79] they cha bheka bazana ncisheka bophezela bhibha oya bhakabhaka? None
libazisa them ngaphakathi the oya NKULUNKULU. Lo be (sufficient) bonakaliso ntu
[16:80] Nkulunkulu hlinzeka for you stationary khaya you zwa. He hlinzeka for you
phatheka khaya fuduka khumba livestock you sebenzisa them manini you hamba manini
you zijwayeza phansi Nga bo volo hluphe nwele you fuduka furnishings khezekheze
[16:81] Nkulunkulu hlinzeka for you thunzi to He qamba hlinzeka for you gubadlela
taba hlinzeka for you bhinco biyela you fudumeza bhinco lowo biyela uma you lwa
ngaphakathi pi He kanjeyana phelelisa Akhe busiso you lowo you faka.
[16:82] they nzonzobala jikisa ngalesosikhathi kho soli thunywa is hle delivery biko)!
[16:83] They fully recognize Nkulunkulu busiso ngalesosikhathi landula them; vamela
of them are disbelievers.
[16:84] Suku sondela uma we vubukula nga gcwele gwamanda fakazi ngalesosikhathi
labo disbelieved cha vumela shono) nor tando they xolela!
[16:85] Ngaphambili labo transgressed bheka retribution be kakhulu ngasekho; it cha
commuted them nor tando they respited
[16:86] Futhi uma labo bophezela Thixo khonza bheka bo Thixo they tshela Ithu Lord la
are Thixo we akha You. Thixo ngalesosikhathi nqwamana them tshela You are hubu!
[16:87] They ngokupheleleyo faka NKULUNKULU suku Thixo they ceba bandla them.
[16:88] Labo disbelieve dudula dlela NKULUNKULU we augment bo retribution
nezezela kakhulu retribution bo sono!
[16:89] Suku sondela uma we vubukula nga gcwele gwamanda fakazi nga them fikisa
you njengoba fakazi la ntu! We phendla you lo bhuku hlinzeka casiselo everything hola
sa hle biko submitters.
[16:90] NKULUNKULU KHULUMELA ahluleli SA HLOBO. He enqabela bi vice
sono. He khanyisa you lowo you fuza heed
[16:91] You fulfill kho vumelwano NKULUNKULU uma you enza njalo vumelwano.
You cha dluzula fungo funga Nkulunkulu) enza them you fuduka NKULUNKULU
guarantor you! NKULUNKULU azi everything you ENZA.
[16:92] Cha be knitter anula wo donsile beba nga mbundu flimsy yarn Lo is kho
bonakaliso you cika fungo encika fike another Fike xuku is khulu than nye
NKULUNKULU kanjeyana faka you vivinyo. He surely tshengisa you Suku Vuko
everything you phikisa.
[16:93] fanele NKULUNKULU willed He enza you fike bandla. He sa astray whoever
enyula thathaza astray He khaphi whoever fisa guided You surely be buza kakhulu
everything you enza!
[16:94] Cha cika fungo you funa you shelela emuva fanele donsile foothold
ngalesosikhathi you incur hlupheka! njalo is phetho of dudula dlela NKULUNKULU
phela ngcolile bonakaliso;) you incur thusa retribution.
[16:95] Cha dayisa kho fungo fishane phambili NKULUNKULU! babe
NKULUNKULU possesses is kude kahle you noma you yodwa azi.
[16:96] Babe you possess qhaqha cishile babe NKULUNKULU possesses lasts
phakade! We surely klomela labo steadfastly phikelela; we recompense them bo
ngakhethi sebenzi.
[16:97] Anyone sebenza righteousness esilisa esifazane khashana kholwa we surely pha
them jabulile pilo ngaphakathi lo hlaba we surely khokha them bo gcwele recompense
Suku Ehlulelo) bo ngakhethi sebenzi.
[16:98] Uma you funda Quran you khonga ephephelo NKULUNKULU nga Dimoni the
[16:99] He fanele dlakathi dlule labo kholwa ethemba bo Lord
[16:100] Akhe dlakathi limited labo enyula him njengoba bo phathi labo bani enyula
him bo Nkulunkulu.
[16:101] Uma we shintsha fike vulamehlo ngaphakathi dawo of another
NKULUNKULU is fully aware of babe He phendla they zwi You qamba! lo Bala ningi
of them cha azi.
[16:102] Tshela Ngcwele Futho wisa it kho Lord truthfully qinisa labo kholwa hlinzeka
beacon hle biko submitters!
[16:103] We are fully aware they tshela ntu thisha him! limi deku they gudlisela kwa is
non-Arabic lo is kahle Arabhiya limi.
[16:104] Surely labo cha kholwa Nkulunkulu vulamehlo NKULUNKULU cha khaphi
them. They incurred buhlungu retribution.
[16:105] Lodwa ones bhila mbumbulu fundiso are labo cha kholwa Nkulunkulu
vulamehlo; they are oqobo hubu.
[16:106] Labo disbelieve NKULUNKULU thola kholo phathelana fully content
disbelief incurred ankahlu nga NKULUNKULU! Lodwa ones kuze xolela are labo
bophezela profess disbelief ngenkathi bo hliziyo are gcwele of kholo!
[16:107] Lo is they epha kambaphambili lo pilo dlulile Hereafter NKULUNKULU cha
khaphi njalo disbelieving ntu.
[16:108] Labo are ones whom NKULUNKULU vuneka bo hliziyo bo zwa bo eyesight.
Consequently they sala unaware.
[16:109] Without khonondo they be losers Hereafter
[16:110] Njengoba for labo thutha joko ngalesosikhathi qhubeka phokophela steadfastly
phikelela kho Lord lonke lo is Forgiver Nomusa!
[16:111] Suku sondela uma gcwele phefumulo sebenza wo khe buzeli gcwele
phefumulo khokhela fully whatever it ncisheka ngcosana okungemthetho!
ngalesosikhathi it jika unappreciative of Nkulunkulu busiso. Consequently
NKULUNKULU banga them zwa nzaka of mashayandawonye insecurity. njalo is
requital babe they enza.
[16:113] Gijimi thathaza them them they bhunkula him. Consequently retribution
phansula them for bo sono.
[16:114] Ngakho you phanga Nkulunkulu hlinzeka everything is semthethweni hle be
appreciative of Nkulunkulu busiso you khonza Him wodwa.
[16:115] He yodwa vala you file lwane gazi yama kotshi dla which busisa
NKULUNKULU. Fike bophezela phanga la) without dalwa ngamabomu malicious
ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa!
[16:116] You cha khuluma nga kho khe limi sho Lo is semthethweni lo is unlawful
bhila khetheza attribute them NKULUNKULU! Surely labo bhila khetheza attribute them
kuze NKULUNKULU tando ze landela!
[16:117] They nambitheka kafuphi ngalesosikhathi jeza buhlungu retribution!
[16:118] Juda we vala babe we etha you ngaphambili. Cha was us ngalungi them; they
are ones ngalungi bo khe phefumulo.
[16:119] kepha njengoba regards labo wa ona luhlaza ngalesosikhathi phenduka
thereafter guqula kho Lord lo enza is Forgiver Nomusa!
[16:120] Abraham was bala yisibonelo vanguard akhe submission kuze
NKULUNKULU monotheist bani ze khonza Thixo.
[16:121] he was appreciative of Akhe Lord's busiso He enyula him guided him sobala
[16:122] We pha him jabulo ngaphakathi lo pilo ngaphakathi Hereafter he be nga the
[16:123] Ngalesosikhathi we faka you (Muhammad) landela kolo Abraham monotheist;
he ze was Thixo worshiper.
[16:124] Sabatha decreed yodwa labo qeda phikisa it (Juda Kholwa)! Kho Lord is Fike
jaja them Suku Vuko bo phendulana.
[16:125] You mema dlela kho Lord ngokuhlakanipha nomusa khanyisa futhi phikisana
them hle enzeka dlela! Kho Lord azi kahle bani fanele strayed Akhe dlela He azi kahle
bani guided ones!
[16:126] Futhi noma you jezisa you inflict equivalent jeziso. you resort kuze bekezela
mane of phindisela) it be kahle guli ones.
[16:127] You resort bekezela - Kho bekezela is attainable yodwa Nkulunkulu sizo. Cha
lila them cha chwephesha bo cebo!
17- Ntwana of Israyeli (Bani Israyeli)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[17:1] Dumisa is Fike mema Akhe chaka (Muhammad) suku Ngcwele Masjid Mecca)
kuze de beka of prostration surroundings we hlahlamelisa ngaphakathi landelana
tshengisa him nye of ithu komba! He is Ozwayo Phrofethi.
[17:2] Ngokufanayo we epha Mose scripture nikeza it beacon Ntwana Israyeli lowo You
cha akha phi Thixo Lord Enza Me
[17:3] They are zalo of labo we yisa Nowa; he was appreciative chaka.
[17:4] We addressed Ntwana Israyeli scripture You bophezela gross bi hlaba kabili You
destined wa nkulu de khukhumala.
[17:5] Uma fike khathi hlangana qeda we sa you chaka of ours possess nkulu might they
invade kho khaya! Lo is bikezelo sondela qeda!
[17:6] Kamuva we epha you jikisa dlulile them letha you a diki of cebi ntwana; we epha
you upper andla!
[17:7] you sebenza righteousness you sebenza righteousness kho khe sizakala noma you
bophezela bi you enza kanjalo kho khe detriment. Ngakho uma sekhendi khathi sondela
qeda they tshoda you ngena masjid eqinisweni njengoba they enza fike khathi They esula
cishile bonke zuzo you hlabana.
[17:8] Kho Lord yithela you Akhe sa. you revert sono we bali retribution. We
designated Gehenna final abode disbelievers.
[17:9] Lo Quran khaphi kahle dlela fikisa hle biko kuze kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo
lowo they hola nkulu recompense
[17:10] Njengoba for labo disbelieve Hereafter we hlomela them buhlungu retribution.
[17:11] Ntu ngokuvamile thandazela to limele him cabango he thandazela to hle. Ntu is
[17:12] We nikeza suku suku 2 komba. We enza suku mnyama suku lighted lowo you
khonga hlinzeka nga kho Lord therein. Lo noma sungula you timing hlelo mali
calculation! We kanjeyana lungisa everything ngokugcwele.
[17:13] We bhalisa nxi gcwele ntu; it bopha akhe umqala. Suku Vuko we dlulisela him
thayela is ngeneka.
[17:14] Funda kho khe thayela! Namhla you suffice kho khe reckoner.
[17:15] Whoever guided guided akhe khe hle whoever thathaza astray ncisheka kanjalo
akhe khe detriment! Hhayi oni bekezelela ono of anyone noma We ze jezisa fike hambisa
[17:16] we are bhubhisa phi gwamanda we yoyosa ngqaphambili bophezela banzi
kohlakalo therein! Ngaphambili they hola retribution we bhubhisa it ngokupheleleyo.
[17:17] Ningi zukulwane fanele we bhubhisa Nowa. Kho Lord is nempumelelo
ngaphakathi enza ono Akhe chaka; He is fully Cognizant Phrofethi!
[17:18] Anyone enyula lo fleeting pilo akhe kambaphambili we sukela him babe we
juqula epha him ngalesosikhathi we bophezela him Gehenna he jeza phakade dlelesela
[17:19] Njengoba for labo enyula Hereafter njengoba bo kambaphambili sebenza
righteousness ngenkathi kholwa bo zabalazo nanela!
[17:20] For each fike of them we hlinzeka; we hlinzeka for labo la kho Lord's bounties.
Kho Lord's bounties are inexhaustible
[17:21] qaphela kanjani we khetha nye ntu others (ngaphakathi lo pilo)! Ehlukana
Hereafter are de nkulu de balulekile.
[17:22] You cha akha phi nye Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU funa you phetho dlelesela
[17:23] Kho Lord decreed you cha khonza except Him kho zali honored Okwamanje
fike both of them zwa you ze tshela kuze them Uff ncane gesture cunulo) nor shall you
wawaza them; you thokozisa them amicably!
[17:24] Futhi ehlisa for them khono tobeko kindness zwi Mi Lord fanele sa them they
vubukula me infancy!
[17:25] Kho Lord is fully aware of kho innermost cabango. you gcina righteousness He
is Forgiver of labo phenduka.
[17:26] You epha khona alms hlobo dinga phofu hamba alien cha be nhlakanhlaka
[17:27] Saphaza are zalelwana dimoni dimoni is unappreciative of akhe Lord
[17:28] Fana noma you jikisa them you landela sa of kho Lord you thokozisa them hle
[17:29] You cha qhubeka kho andla stingily bopha kho umqala nor shall you foolishly
vuleka it phezulu funa you phetho sola futhi nxephe!
[17:30] Kho Lord ongeza hlinzeka anyone He enyula nciphisa it He is fully Cognizant
of Akhe dalwa Phrofethi.
[17:31] You cha dlulisa kho ntwana khona kuze saba of ze! We hlinzeka for them
kakhulu you. dlulisa them is gross cala.
[17:32] You shall bophezela phinga; it is gross ono bi behavior!
[17:33] You cha dlulisa phi ntu - for NKULUNKULU enza pilo ngcwele! - except
ngaphakathi the kambe of ahluleli fike dlulisa unjustly ngalesosikhathi we epha akhe
dlalifa gqi enforce ahluleli Kanjeyana he cha eqa ncele avenging bulala; he lamula.
[17:34] You cha namatha kedama mali except for bo khe hle kuze they finyelela khula.
You fulfill kho vumelwano vumelwano is nkulu ziphendulela.
[17:35] You epha gcwele gqi uma you hweba kala equitably! Lo is kahle futhi
[17:36] You cha amukela phi niningwane you qiniseka it yourself. I epha you zwa
eyesight gqondo you are necala for sebenzisa them.
[17:37] You cha bhushuzela proudly hlaba - you cha bhola hlaba nor fantshi you be
njengoba de njengoba taba.
[17:38] Bonke ngcolile behavior fela kho Lord
[17:39] Lo is nye of hlakani faka kuze you kho Lord You cha akha another Nkulunkulu
NKULUNKULU funa you phetho Gehenna sola tshoda!
[17:40] Kho Lord epha you fokazi fanele ngenkathi epha gelosi tombazana!? kanjani
you khuluma njalo blasphemy?
[17:41] We cited ngaphakathi lo Quran (bonke hlobo of bonakaliso) lowo they fuza
heed it lodwa augments bo enyanya.
[17:42] Tshela nanso were phi nye Nkulunkulu Him njengoba they thola they vavanya
overthrow Possessor throne
[17:43] He dumisa He is khulu kakhulu exalted de phezulu bo veza.
[17:44] Dumisa Him are 7 universes hlaba everyone them! Nanso is nothing cha dumisa
Him you cha azi bo glorification! He is Clement Forgiver.
[17:45] Uma you funda Quran we dawo you labo cha kholwa Hereafter ngabonakali
[17:46] We beka gqokwe bo gqondo nqanda them nga azi it ngezwa bo kintsho! Futhi
uma you shumayela kho Lord sebenzisa Quran wodwa they qhaqha enyanya.
[17:47] We are fully aware of babe they zwa manini they lalela you manini they
conspire ngasese - disbelievers tshela You landela sangene doda.
[17:48] qaphela kanjani they describe you kanjani lo banga them fufutheka dlela!
[17:49] They tshela Uma we jikisa nga lenze cezu we zuza resurrected buye!?
[17:50] Zwi Ngaphambi you jikisa nga shushuzela ayina!
[17:51] Fana you jikisa nga phi hlobo of dalo lowo you deem lukhuni. They
ngalesosikhathi tshela Bani fikisa us emuva? Tshela Fike qamba you okokuqala. They
ngalesosikhathi qhuqha bo phathi tshela Uma tando be Tshela be closer than you
[17:52] Suku He mema you you phendula nga tusa Him you ngalesosikhathi realize
ukuthi you lasted ngaphakathi lo pilo fishane ngenkathi
[17:53] Thasisela Mi chaka thokozisa each nye hle enzeka dlela dimoni dine vavanya
gquba weshe them! Surely dimoni is doda ardent mabonwabulawe.
[17:54] Kho Lord azi you kahle! Akhe azani He yithela you nga sa, He requite you. We
cha sa you be bo buzeli.
[17:55] Kho Lord is kahle knower of everyone ngaphakathi bhakabhaka hlaba.
Ngaphakathi accordance nga lo azani we khetha nye phrofethi others. For bonakaliso we
epha David Hlabelelo.
[17:56] Tshela Nxusa whatever Thixo you akha Him. They fanele dlakathi dambisa kho
vivinywa nor fantshi they nqanda them!
[17:57] Fana Thixo they nxusa khonga dlela ncintshana bo Lord They thandazela Akhe
sa bawosi Akhe retribution. Surely retribution kho Lord is dreadful.
[17:58] Nanso cha is gwamanda we cha bhubhisa Suku Vuko inflict nzima retribution
them! Lo vele bhala bhuku.
[17:59] Babe vimba us nga sa mangaliso is lowo dlule zukulwane bhunkula them! For
bonakaliso we tshengisa Thamoud kamela profound (mangaliso) they transgressed it We
sa mangaliso yodwa instill hlonipho
[17:60] We chazela you lowo kho Lord fully zibamba ntu we nikeza bona lowo we
tshengisa you vivinyo ntu shanguzo is accursed Quran! We tshengisa them namandla
bonakaliso instill hlonipho them lo lodwa augmented bo defiance!
[17:61] Uma we tshela kuze gelosi, "Zumeka prostrate Adam they zumeka prostrate
Dimoni. He tshela I prostrate fike You Shall qamba daka?
[17:62] He tshela Selokhu You honored him me You phefu me Suku Vuko I possess
lonke akhe zalo a ngcosana
[17:63] He tshela Ngalesosikhathi thathaza; you labo landela you qeda Hogo kho
requital; equitable requital!
[17:64] You wonga them kho yiko viva lonke kho khandlu lonke kho doda them
hlanganyela ngaphakathi bo mali ntwana thembiso them! Anything dimoni thembisa is
hhayi ningi than kohliso.
[17:65] Njengoba for Mi chaka you fanele dlakathi them. Kho Lord suffices buzeli!
[17:66] Kho Lord is Fike banga shumbi ntanta andle lowo you khonga Akhe bounties!
He is Nomusa towards you.
[17:67] you hlupha andle you khohlwa kho Thixo sincerely nxusa Him lodwa. njengoba
masinyane njengoba He khulula you cala you revert Bala ntu is unappreciative.
[17:68] you qinisekisa lowo He fanele cha banga zwe cala konjane you? Noma lowo He
cha sa you tempest ngalesosikhathi you cha cosha londolozi?
[17:69] you qinisekisa He fanele cha buya you andle buye ngalesosikhathi sa you
phepho cwilisa you kho disbelief? Ngaphambili lo enzeka we cha epha you another
[17:70] We honored ntwana Adam hlinzeka them gibela on zwe ngaphakathi andle! We
hlinzeka for them hle hlinzeka we epha them nkulu sizo than ningi of ithu dalwa.
[17:71] Suku sondela uma we mema gcwele ntu ngokusondelana bo thayela. Njengoba
for labo epha thayela righteousness they enza funda bo bhalisa cha jeza ngcosana
[17:72] Njengoba for labo are phumputheka ngaphakathi lo pilo they be phumputheka
Hereafter ngaphambi a diki ngcolile
[17:73] They cishe buyisela you vulamehlo we epha you. They wanted you bhila to
noma ngaphakathi landelana cabanga you ngane!
[17:74] Noma cha were we qinisa you you cishe tsheka them babale a ngcosana zavuza!
[17:75] fanele you enza ukuthi we phinda retribution you ngaphakathi lo pilo
ngasemuva fa you thola hhayi fike lamula you us!
[17:76] They cishe dingisa you zwe chitha you they revert you ngakwesobunxele.
[17:77] Lo been consistently mo bonke gijimi we sa phambili you you thola lowo ithu
hlelo ze guquka!
[17:78] You sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) uma langa enqaba nga wo phezulu
khomba kwa mini it nyakazo sunset. You noma sebenzisa (landelo Quran kusasa.
(Hlabelela) Quran kusasa bona!
[17:79] Suku you zindla ngaphezulu kweletu lowo kho Lord vubukula you honorable
[17:80] Tshela Mi Lord mukela me honorable admittance qhashisa me sonta honorable
emuka pha me You qinile enzelelo!
[17:81] Proclaim yaniso busa cebo nyamalala; cebo inevitably nyamalala!
[17:82] We sa phansi Quran sindisa sa kholwa. Kanyekanye it yodwa ongeza
wickedness transgressors.
[17:83] Uma we hlahlamelisa ntu he phathelana preoccupied heedless. Uma adversity
phansula him he jika dangele.
[17:84] Zwi Everyone sebenzi ngaphakathi accordance nga akhe kholo kho Lord azi hle
which ones guided lungile dlela!
[17:85] They buza you vulamehlo. Tshela vulamehlo sondela mi Lord Azani epha you is
[17:86] we tando we phindisela babe we phendla you ngalesosikhathi you cha cosha
londolozi us.
[17:87] Lo is sa kho Lord Akhe busiso you been nkulu
[17:88] Tshela Noma bonke humans bonke jinns banded ngokusondelana ngaphakathi
landelana khiqiza Quran lo they ze khiqiza anything it hhayi buzo kanjani khulu enyulo
they lent fike another
[17:89] We cited ntu ngaphakathi lo Quran bonke hlobo of bonakaliso ningi ntu
phikelela upon disbelieving
[17:90] They tshela We cha kholwa you you banga thombo gush hlabathi.
[17:91] Noma ukuba you khe gadi of dethi tende gilebhisi fula gijima through it
[17:92] Noma ukuba you banga quba bhakabhaka you thola wa us! Noma ukuba you
fikisa NKULUNKULU gelosi ithu bobo.
[17:93] Noma ukuba you khe ngubuthofothofo mansion noma you enyuka bhakabhaka.
Fana noma you enyuka we cha kholwa you fikisa bhuku we azi funda. Zwi Dumo be mi
Lord Am I phi ningi than obuntu gijimi?
[17:94] babe nqanda ntu nga kholwa uma hola sondela them bo landiso is
NKULUNKULU sa ntu gijimi?
[17:95] Tshela Noma hlaba inhabited gelosi we sa phansi them bhakabhaka gelosi
[17:96] Zwi NKULUNKULU suffices njengoba fakazi me you. He is fully Cognizant of
Akhe worshipers Phrofethi.
[17:97] Whomever NKULUNKULU khaphi the impela guided fike Futhi whomever He
sa astray you ze cosha them phi lords phathi Him. We mema them Suku Vuko forcibly;
phumputheka yisimungulu yisithulu! Bo destination is Hogo; whenever it pholisa we
ongeza bo lilo
[17:98] njalo is bo ngakhethi retribution selokhu they bhunkula ithu vulamehlo. They
tshela Uma we jikisa nga lenze cezu we resurrected sha dalo?
[17:99] they cha bheka NKULUNKULU qamba bhakabhaka hlaba is able kuze qamba
fana dalo? (Lowo) He predetermined them irrevocable pilo dingiliza? disbelievers
phikelela upon disbelieving
[17:100] Proclaim Noma you possessed mi Lord's cebo sa you withheld them saba you
qeda them! Ntu is ncishana.
[17:101] We shoka Mose 9 profound mangaliso - Buza Ntwana Israyeli! Uma he
thathaza them Pharaoh tshela kuze him I zindla you Mose khunkula.
[17:102] He tshela You azi gcwele kahle lowo hhayi fike manifest la ngokusobala Lord
of bhakabhaka hlaba. I zindla you Pharaoh doomed
[17:103] Uma he landela them njengoba he landela them zwe we cwilisa him
ngokusondelana labo sided him bonke of them.
[17:104] we tshela kuze Ntwana Israyeli kamuva Thathaza zwa lo zwe! Uma final
bikezelo sondela qeda we mema you bonke fike xuku!
[17:105] Truthfully we sa it nikela yaniso it ehla! We cha sa you thwali hle biko noma
kuhle warner.
[17:106] Quran we khulula kalusilili ngaphakathi landelana you funda it ntu de kathi we
sa it nikela bonke kwa ngaphambili.
[17:107] Proclaim kholwa it cha kholwa it Labo possess azani dlule scriptures uma it
hlabelela them they wa phansi bo levu prostrating!
[17:108] They tshela Dumo be ithu Lord Lo fulfills ithu Lord's bikezelo.
[17:109] They wa bo levu prostrating khala,! for it augments bo hlonipho!
[17:110] Tshela Balula Him NKULUNKULU memeza Him the Ningi Gracious;
whichever gama you sebenzisa Him fanele hle gama. You cha khuluma kho Thintana
Thandazo (Salat) kakhulu loudly nor ngasese; sebenzisa lingene zwi!
[17:111] proclaim Tusa be kuze NKULUNKULU bani ze banga dodana nor enza He
fanele lingani Akhe kingship nor enza He dinga phi sizana dodobezelane khulisa Him
18- Phandu (Al-Kahf)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[18:1] Tusa NKULUNKULU phendla Akhe chaka lo scripture fuduka it flawless!
[18:2] Kahle (scripture) khuza of nzima retribution nga Him sindise hle biko kuze
kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo lowo they zuza phana recompense
[18:3] Wherein they abide unomphelo.
[18:4] Kuze khuza labo tshela NKULUNKULU banga dodana!
[18:5] They cha possess azani lo nor enza bo zali! babe blasphemy za ngenxa bo lomo!
Babe they khuluma is gross nga.
[18:6] You sola bo response lo gxoxo bo disbelieving ngaphakathi it you saddened
[18:7] We gqizisa everything hlaba ngaphakathi landelana hlola them kanjeyana
ahlukanisa labo among them sebenza righteousness!
[18:8] Inevitably we esula cishile everything it hamba it ngokupheleleyo barren
[18:9] ngani noma you cabanga we are ncisheka thasisela you ntu phandu shicilelo
xhuma nga them? They are ithu wondrous komba.
[18:10] Uma bhobhodlelana hola ephephelo phandu they tshela Ithu Lord yithela us Kho
sa hlahlamelisa ithu dumo Kho hola!
[18:11] We ngalesosikhathi vuneka bo kintsho phandu for predetermined shicilelo
[18:12] Ngalesosikhathi we resurrected them bheka which of 2 phathi bala de bo shela
[18:13] We etha you bo lando truthfully. They were bhobhodlelana kholwa bo Lord we
ongeza bo hola!
[18:14] We qinisa bo hliziyo uma they mela proclaimed Ithu lodwa Lord is Lord of
bhakabhaka hlaba! We ze khonza phi nye Nkulunkulu Him. Otherwise we be de astray.
[18:15] Nantu are ithu ntu akha Nkulunkulu Him! Yodwa they hlinzeka phi bonakaliso
shoka bo phanyeko! Bani bi than fike bhila khetheza is attributes them NKULUNKULU?
[18:16] Selokhu you fisa xwaya them bo khonza of nye than NKULUNKULU hola
ephephelo phandu! Azi kho Lord hlambi you Akhe sa qondisa you kuze the manje
[18:17] You bheka langa uma it sukuma endleleni manje thimu bo phandu futhi uma it
beka it pholisha them nga ngakwesobunxele njengoba they zumeka gojana thereof. Lo is
fike of Nkulunkulu portents. Whomever NKULUNKULU khaphi the impela guided fike
whomever He sa astray you cha cosha him guiding fundisi.
[18:18] You zindla they were vuka, uma they were eqinisweni lele. We jika them kuze
the manje thimu ngakwesobunxele thimu ngenkathi bo gcanga mpintsha akhe galo bo
midst! fanele you bukeka them you baleka them stricken terror.
[18:19] Uma we resurrected them they buza each nye Kanjani langaza fanele you been
nantu? We been nantu fike suku inxenye of suku they phendula! Kho Lord azi kahle
kanjani langaza we bukisa nantu kanjalo sa fike of us lo mali dolobhakazi! Qhashisa him
landa ngenalutho dla thenga nye for us! Qhashisa him qhubeka fushane profile donsa
hhayi lalelisisa
[18:20] they fumanisa you they tshe you bophezela you revert bo kolo ngalesosikhathi
you ze landela.
[18:21] We banga them fumanisa qhashisa everyone azi Nkulunkulu thembiso is
qiniseka enyula bonke khonondo phetho hlaba! Ntu ngalesosikhathi phikisa themselves
them. nye tshela akha akhiwo them. Bo Lord is kahle knower them! Labo busa tshela We
akha dawo konzo them.
[18:22] nye tshela They were 3; bo gcanga dalwa 4 khashana others tshela 5; 6 dalwa bo
gcanga njengoba they qandela. Others tshela 7 8 was bo gcanga. Tshela Mi Lord is kahle
knower of bo ndikindiki. Yodwa a ngcosana azi fanele shicilelo! Ngakho ncisheka cha
phikisana them; babale thathaza eceleni nga them! You cha buzana anyone lo.
[18:23] You cha tshela you enza anything ngaphakathi the za,,
[18:24] without landiso NKULUNKULU vuma. you khohlwa enza lo you manje
khumbula kho Lord tshela Meyi mi Lord khaphi me hle landela khathi
[18:25] They bukisa bo phandu 300 nyaka ongeza nga 9.
[18:26] Zwi NKULUNKULU is kahle knower of kanjani langaza they bukisa ashila. He
azi bonke fihlo bhakabhaka hlaba. Nga Akhe sa you bheka; Akhe sa you zwa! Nanso is
none Him Lord Enza He ze vumela phi lingani hlanganyela Akhe kingship!
[18:27] You hlabelela babe phendla you of kho Lord's scripture. Nothing abrogate Akhe
zwi you cha thola phi nye deku it
[18:28] You bophezela be labo khonza bo Lord suku futhi suku, khonga Him wodwa!
Cha jikisa kho bobo them khonga vanities lo hlaba! Nor shall you hlonipha fike whose
hliziyo we nikeza oblivious kuze ithu biko; fike landela akhe khe kanuko kambaphambili
[18:29] Proclaim Lo is yaniso kho Lord ngalesosikhathi whoever tando qhashisa him
kholwa whoever tando qhashisa him disbelieve! We hlomela transgressors lilo lowo
ngokupheleleyo kaka them. Uma they diwula sizo they be epha luketshezi naka
hlungwane lowo yothula bombo! Babe dabukisa tshwala! Babe dabukisa phetho!
[18:30] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo we ze hlumba recompense labo
sebenza righteousness!
[18:31] They hola gadi Eden wherein fula thutheleka. They gqizisa therein khono
golide gqoka embathisa of luhlaza silika velivethe tando okusele on nethezekile
furnishings! Babe mangalisa kokhelo; babe mangalisa abode!
[18:32] Cite for them bonakaliso 2 doda we epha fike of them 2 gadi gilebhisi kaka nga
dethi tende beka nye vuno them!
[18:33] Both gadi khiqiza bo vuno on khathi, generously we banga fula qhaqha them.
[18:34] Ngaphambili ngasemuva vuna he boastfully thasisela akhe ngane I am de
nempumelelo than you I phatha kakhulu hlonipha ntu!
[18:35] Uma he ngena akhe gadi he ngalungi akhe phefumulo tshela I cha zindla lo
nanini qeda!
[18:36] Noma I zindla lo is it I cha cabanga Awa Hereafter nanini sondela qeda. Fana
noma I phinda mi Lord I be nobungcweti ngokwanele possess an fana hle fike laphaya.
[18:37] Akhe ngane tshela kuze him njengoba he phikisana him you disbelieved Fike
bani qamba you thuli ngalesosikhathi nci consi ngalesosikhathi phelelisa you nga doda?
[18:38] Njengoba for me NKULUNKULU is mi Lord I ze akha phi nye Nkulunkulu mi
[18:39] Uma you ngena kho gadi you tshela ‘Lo is babe NKULUNKULU epha me
(Maa Shaa Allah)! Hhayi fike possesses dlakathi NKULUNKULU La Quwwata Ellaa
Bellaah.) '! You bheka I possess kancane mali kancane ntwana than you.
[18:40] Mi Lord pha me hle than kho gadi! He sa khulu phepho bhakabhaka esula
cishile kho gadi, yeka it ngokupheleleyo barren
[18:41] Wo nzi vunduza de kho finyelela
[18:42] Bala akhe vuno esula cishile he qeda dabukile lila babe he chitha it
ngaphumeleli njengoba akhe pahla lungisa barren He ekugcineni tshela I fiso I ze akha mi
pahla Nkulunkulu mi Lord
[18:43] Hhayi bophezela hlaba lamula him against NKULUNKULU nor was it enzeka
for him thola phi sizo!
[18:44] is lodwa qiniseka Lord enza is NKULUNKULU; He hlinzeka hle recompense
Him is kahle phetho!
[18:45] Cite for them bonakaliso lo pilo njengoba chichiza ukuthi we sa bhakabhaka
khiqiza mila hlaba ngalesosikhathi they jikisa nga hhoyi phephula oya. NKULUNKULU
is able kuze ncisheka BONKE TO.
[18:46] Mali ntwana are jabulo lo pilo ngakhethi sebenzi hlinzeka naphakade
recompense nga kho Lord de hle ethemba!
[18:47] Suku wunduka uma we esula taba you bheka hlaba barren We mema them lonke
cha shiya mbalwa fike of them!
[18:48] They khona kho Lord kelo. You sondela us ntu eqinisweni njengoba we qamba
you initially. Bala lo is babe you thola tando ze enzeka!
[18:49] Thayela tshengisa you bheka necala saba of wo contents They tshela Woe kuze
us. Kanjani hlangana lo bhuku hamba nothing ncane khulu without bala it They cosha
everything they enza fikisa hambile! Kho Lord is ze unjust towards anyone.
[18:50] We tshela kuze gelosi, "Zumeka prostrate Adam. They wisa prostrate Dimoni.
He phathelana jinn he disobeyed landelana Akhe Lord you enyula him akhe zalo
njengoba lords Me fana they are kho mabonwabulawe? Babe dabukisa bambeli!
[18:51] I ze vumela them bona dalo of bhakabhaka hlaba nor dalo of themselves! Nor
enza I vumela wicked sebenzi Mi buso!
[18:52] Suku sondela uma He tshela Balula Mi lingani you thola be Nkulunkulu Me
they bizela on them they cha phendula them. insurmountable barrier hlungula them nga
each nye
[18:53] Necala tando bheka Hogo realize they wa it They fanele sinda therefrom
[18:54] We cited ngaphakathi lo Quran gcwele hlobo of bonakaliso ntu is the ningi
argumentative dalwa.
[18:55] Nothing nqanda ntu nga kholwa uma hola sondela them khonga yekelo of bo
Lord lowo they dinga bheka fana (hlobo of mangaliso) dlule zukulwane challenged bheka
retribution kuqala!
[18:56] We yodwa sa gijimi hle khululi hle biko noma kuhle warners. Labo disbelieve
phikisana cebo tshoda yaniso they fuza Mi bonakaliso khuza ngaphumeleli!
[18:57] Bani are bi than labo khumbuza of bo Lord's bonakaliso ngalesosikhathi
bambalala them without realizing babe they enza! Consequently we beka gqokwe bo
hliziyo nqanda them azi it (Quran) ngezwa bo kintsho! Kanjeyana hhayi buzo babe you
ncisheka khaphi them they ze nanini guided
[18:58] Kho Lord is Forgiver gcwele of sa. He balula them zibika for bo enzo He
bhubhisa them kakhulu khona futhi ngalesosikhathi Mane He epha them phefu thize
predetermined khathi ngalesosikhathi they ze sinda.
[18:59] Ningi gwamanda we bhubhisa bo sono; we designated thize khathi bo bhuqe.
[18:60] Mose tshela kuze akhe chaka I cha hlomisa I finyelela dawo ndawonaphi 2 fula
hlangabeza hhayi buzo kanjani hushazela it fuza!
[18:61] Uma they finyelela dawo ndawonaphi they hlangabeza they khohlwa bo hlanzi
it thungela wo dlela dlulile fula sneakily.
[18:62] Ngasemuva they qeda lowo dawo he tshela kuze akhe chaka fanele dlamini!
Lonke lo hamba ngokugcwele qeda us.
[18:63] He tshela Khumbula uma we faka dwala dlulile ashila? I cha khokha lalelisisa
kuze hlanzi. was dimoni enza me khohlwa it it thungela wo dlela dlulile fula strangely!
[18:64] (Mose) tshela was dawo we bukeka They thungatha bo gxathu dlulile.
[18:65] They cosha fike of ithu chaka we hlahlamelisa nga sa, pha him ithu khe azani.
[18:66] Mose tshela kuze him I landela you lowo you thisha me nye of azani hola pha
upon you?
[18:67] He tshela You cha bekezelela be me
[18:68] Kanjani you bekezelela lowo you cha comprehend?
[18:69] He tshela You cosha me NKULUNKULU vuma guli. I cha disobey phi poqo
you epha me
[18:70] He tshela you landela me ngalesosikhathi you cha buza me anything I enyula
thasisela you it
[18:71] Kanjalo they thathaza. Uma they qasha shumbi he bekezelela mbobo it He
tshela you bekezelela mbobo it Ncisheka cwilisa wo ntu? You bophezela to thusa.
[18:72] He tshela I cha tshela you bekezelela cannot be me
[18:73] He tshela I am nxephe. Cha jezisa me mi yiba; cha be kakhulu nendluzula me
[18:74] Kanjalo they thathaza. Uma they hlangabeza sha fokazi he dlulisa him. He
tshela you dlulisa njalo msulwa ntu bani cha dlulisa another ntu? You bophezela to
[18:75] He tshela I cha thasisela you you bekezelela cannot be me
[18:76] He tshela I buza you kakhulu anything noma ngalesosikhathi ncisheka cha
qhubeka me you! You bheka ngokwanele xolisa me
[18:77] Kanjalo they thathaza. Uma they finyelela okuthile gwamanda they buza ntu dla
they zaba ovakashelwe them! Masinyane they thola donga gangaleka he nquma it He
tshela You dinga wage lowo!
[18:78] He tshela Kalokhu we hlukana gwamanqa. I lungisa you everything you cha
[18:79] Njengoba for shumbi it fanele kuze phofu dobi I wanted nikeza it nephutha!
Nanso was kosi za ngasemuva them dla gcwele shumbi forcibly.
[18:80] Njengoba for fokazi akhe zali were hle kholwa we bheka he thwalo them akhe
sono disbelief.
[18:81] We willed kho Lord shintsha akhe dawo another dodana; fike is kahle
righteousness kindness.
[18:82] Njengoba for donga it fanele kuze 2 kedama fokazi dolobhakazi. Under nanso
was cebo fanele kuze them. Ba bo yise was ngakhethi doda kho Lord wanted them kuze
khula attain gcwele andla ngalesosikhathi ngcomula bo cebo njalo is sa kho Lord I enza
none of lowo of mi khe volition. Lo is casiselo to you cha bekezelela!
[18:83] They buza you Zul-Qarnain. Zwi I etha you nye of akhe lando.
[18:84] We pha him gqi hlaba hlinzeka him bonke hlobo of mali!
[18:85] Ngalesosikhathi he landela fike dlela
[18:86] Uma he finyelela de entshonalanga he cosha langa hlaziya banzi andle thola ntu
khona! We tshela O Zul-Qarnain you vakaza njengoba you fisa; noma jezisa be nomusa
kuze them!
[18:87] He tshela Njengoba for labo transgress we jezisa them; ngalesosikhathi uma
they phinda bo Lord He bophezela them ningi retribution.
[18:88] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they thola hle kokhelo; we
thokozisa them kamnene!
[18:89] Ngalesosikhathi he landela another dlela
[18:90] Uma he finyelela de empumalanga he cosha langa phuma ntu fanele nothing
gubadlela them nga it
[18:91] Kusobala we were fully aware of everything he thola.
[18:92] He ngalesosikhathi landela another dlela
[18:93] Uma he finyelela godi 2 palisades he cosha ntu whose limi was bi
[18:94] They tshela O Zul-Qarnain Gog Magog are corruptors hlaba. we khokha you
fantshi qamba barrier us them?
[18:95] He tshela Mi Lord epha me nkulu bounties. you sebenzisana me I akha damu
you them.
[18:96] Fikisa me quba of ayina. Ngaphambili he gcwalisa khenke 2 palisades he tshela
Thathaza. Ngaphambili was bomvu shisa he tshela Sizo me thela kolitayi it
[18:97] Kanjeyana they cha enyuka it nor could they bekezelela mbobo it
[18:98] He tshela Lo is sa mi Lord Uma bikezelo mi Lord sondela qeda He banga damu
khumuza! Bikezelo mi Lord is yaniso.
[18:99] Ngalesosikhathi we qhashisa them invade fike another ngalesosikhathi phondo
thathaza we mema them bonke hlangene.
[18:100] We khona Hogo lowo suku disbelievers.
[18:101] They are ones bobo kakhulu fihla bheka Mi biko! Nor could they zwa.
[18:102] Labo disbelieve zindla they suka akha Mi chaka Nkulunkulu Me We hlomela
disbelievers Hogo naphakade abode.
[18:103] Zwi I thasisela you ngcolile losers are
[18:104] They are ones sebenzi ngaphakathi lo pilo are ngokupheleleyo astray they
zindla they enza hle.
[18:105] Njalo are the ones disbelieved vulamehlo of bo Lord ngaphakathi hlangabeza
Him! Ngakho bo sebenzi are ngaphumeleli Suku Vuko they fanele kalo
[18:106] Bo ngakhethi requital is Hogo emuva bo disbelief futhi for bhinqa Mi
vulamehlo Mi gijimi!
[18:107] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they hola mnandi Pharadisi bo
[18:108] Phakade they abide therein; they ze want phi nye bambeli.
[18:109] Tshela andle were inki zwi mi Lord andle sukeleka cishile zwi mi Lord
sukeleka cishile fana noma we phinda inki letha!
[18:110] Zwi I am hhayi ningi than obuntu you faka lowo kho Nkulunkulu is fike
Nkulunkulu! Labo ethemba hlangabeza bo Lord sebenza righteousness ze khonza phi nye
Nkulunkulu akhe Lord
19- Mary (Maryam)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[19:1] K. H. Y A S. (Kaaf Haa Yaa ‘Ayn Saad)
[19:2] Gxoxo kho Lord's sa towards Akhe chaka Zachariah.
[19:3] He balula akhe Lord ngasese memeza.
[19:4] He tshela Mi Lord lenze pheca vuthuluka mi zimba mi nwele is aflame nga gray
Kuhle I nxusa You mi Lord I ze despair
[19:5] I thikimeza mi dependants me mi kosikazi been sterile Pha me You dlalifa.
[19:6] Qhashisa him be mi dlalifa dlalifa Jacob's clan enza him mi Lord amukeleka!
[19:7] O Zachariah we epha you hle biko; fokazi gama be Jan (Yahya). We ze qamba
anyone him ngaphambi.
[19:8] He tshela Mi Lord I fanele dodana mi kosikazi sterility mi gugela?
[19:9] He tshela Kanjeyana tshela kho Lord is lula Me enza. I qamba you phambili
lowo, you were nothing. '
[19:10] He tshela Mi Lord epha me komba. He tshela Kho komba is ukuthi you cha
phumesela kuze ntu 3 consecutive suku!
[19:11] He wunduka akhe hlobo sanctuary signaled them Zindla Nkulunkulu suku futhi
[19:12] O Jan you uphold scripture strongly. We endowed him ngokuhlakanipha fana
akhe bhobhodlelana
[19:13] Futhi (we endowed him kamnene nga us msulwa he was ngakhethi.
[19:14] He honored akhe zali was ze ngalaleli cindezeli.
[19:15] Thula be upon him suku he was bekezelela, suku he phoqoka suku he
resurrected dlulile pilo.
[19:16] Sho scripture Mary! She ahlukanisa wo hlobo seMpumalanga dawo.
[19:17] Ngenkathi barrier hlukene wo nga them we hambisa kuze wo ithu Futho He
thathaza wo ngaphakathi dlela ntu.
[19:18] She tshela I khonga ephephelo ngaphakathi the Ningi Gracious lowo you be
[19:19] He tshela I am gijimi kho Lord pha you msulwa dodana.
[19:20] She tshela Kanjani fantshi I fanele dodana uma hhayi doda namatha me I ze
been unchaste.
[19:21] He tshela Kanjeyana tshela kho Lord It is lula for Me We nikeza him komba ntu
sa nga us. Lo is predestined buzo. '
[19:22] Uma she bekezelela him she ahlukanisa semajukujukwini dawo.
[19:23] Zala lungisa sondela wo boko tende shanguzo! She tshela I am ashamed;) I fiso
I were file phambili lo enzeka ngokupheleleyo khohlwa!
[19:24] (Gane) balula wo wo landiso cha lila! Kho Lord hlinzeka you fudlana.
[19:25] you qhuqha boko of lo tende shanguzo it yehleka vuthiwe dethi you!
[19:26] Phanga phuza be jabulile! Uma you bheka anyone tshela I fuduka gamelo binda;
I cha xoxa namhla anyone. '!
[19:27] She sondela wo hlobo, ntanta him. They tshela O Mary you bophezela to is
ngokupheleleyo ngalindelekile.
[19:28] O zalo Aaron kho yise cha was ngcolile doda nor was kho mame unchaste!
[19:29] She misa him. They tshela Kanjani we hlebezi nga gane crib
[19:30] gane poli tshela I am chaka NKULUNKULU. He epha me scripture khetha me
[19:31] He enza me thokozisa wherever I thathaza enjoined me sebenzisa Thintana
Thandazo (Salat) obligatory sa (Zakat) okwamanje I zwa!
[19:32] I am honor mi mame He cha enza me ngalaleli mbuka!
[19:33] Thula be me suku I was bekezelela, suku I phoqoka suku I suka resurrected
[19:34] was Jesu dodana Mary lo is yaniso lo buzo which they qhubeka ngabaza.
[19:35] It cha befit NKULUNKULU lowo He banga dodana He dumisa. Kuze fanele
anything phelile He hle tshela kuze Be it is
[19:36] He noma proclaimed NKULUNKULU is mi Lord kho Lord you khonza Him
wodwa! Lo is lungile dlela.
[19:37] Nhlobonhlobo phathi phikisa themselves regarding identity Jesu). Ngakho woe
kuze labo disbelieve bona thusa suku.
[19:38] Linda kuze you zwa them bheka them uma they sondela bhekana us!
transgressors lowo suku ngokupheleleyo lahlekelwa.
[19:39] khuza them suku zisola uma ehlulelo khishwa. They are ngokupheleleyo
oblivious; they cha kholwa.
[19:40] We are the ones inherit hlaba everyone it us everyone phinda.
[19:41] Sho scripture Abraham; he was saint phrofethi!
[19:42] He tshela kuze akhe yise O mi yise you khonza babe fantshi neither zwa nor
bheka nor sizo you ngaphakathi phi dlela
[19:43] O mi yise I thola okuthile azani lowo you cha thola. landela me I khaphi you
sobala dlela!
[19:44] O mi yise cha khonza dimoni. Dimoni melana against the Ningi Gracious.
[19:45] O mi yise I saba funa you incur retribution nga the Ningi Gracious
ngalesosikhathi phathelana sizana dimoni.
[19:46] He tshela you fulathela mi Nkulunkulu O Abraham? you vimba I tshe you. Yeka
[19:47] He tshela Thula be you. I nxusa mi Lord thethelela you; He been Nomusa me
[19:48] I dela you Nkulunkulu you khonza NKULUNKULU. I khonza yodwa mi Lord
Nga nxusa mi Lord wodwa I cha phambeka!
[19:49] he dela them Nkulunkulu they khonza NKULUNKULU we pha him Isaac Jacob
we enza each of them phrofethi.
[19:50] We yithela them ithu sa we pha them honorable khundla lando.
[19:51] Sho scripture Mose! He nikela he was gijimi phrofethi.
[19:52] We balula him manje thimu of Nyuka Sinai! We fikisa him bhunga him!
[19:53] Futhi we pha him ithu sa akhe fo Aaron phrofethi.
[19:54] Sho scripture Ismail! He was truthful uma he enza thembiso he was gijimi
[19:55] He sebenzisa enjoin akhe hlobo sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) obligatory
sa (Zakat;) he was amukeleka kuze akhe Lord
[19:56] Sho scripture Idris! He was saint phrofethi.
[19:57] We vubukula him honorable gaba.
[19:58] La are nye of phrofethi whom NKULUNKULU thokozisa. They enyula zalo
Adam zalo of labo we yisa Nowa zalo of Abraham Israyeli nga labo we guided khetha!
Uma vulamehlo the Ningi Gracious are hlabelela them they wa prostrate khala
[19:59] Emva them He shintsha zukulwane lahlekelwa Thintana Thandazo (Salat)
landela bo fiso. They jeza phetho.
[19:60] Yodwa labo phenduka kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo ngena Pharadisi ngcosana
[19:61] Gadi Eden mela them njengoba thembisa nga the Ningi Gracious labo khonza
Him fana bawedwa! Impela Akhe thembisa sondela qeda!
[19:62] They cha zwa phi panya therein; yodwa thula. They thola bo hlinzeka therein
suku futhi suku.
[19:63] njalo is Pharadisi; we pha it labo ithu chaka are ngakhethi.
[19:64] We cha ehla poqo kho Lord Kuze Him fanele ithu dlule ithu za everything
ngaphakathi them! Kho Lord is ze forgetful.
[19:65] Lord of bhakabhaka hlaba everything them; you khonza Him steadfastly
phikelela ngaphakathi khonza Him! you azi of anyone ncisheka tanga Him?
[19:66] Ntu buza Ngasemuva I phoqoka I buya pilo?
[19:67] Ntu khohlwa lowo we ncisheka qamba him vele he was nothing?
[19:68] Nga kho Lord we impela mema them ngokusondelana dimoni hloma them cishe
Hogo yoca!
[19:69] Ngalesosikhathi we khetha each xuku the ningi ardent bangi of the Ningi
[19:70] We azi gcwele kahle labo are hola of bambeka therein!
[19:71] Gcwele mbalwa fike of you bheka it lo is irrevocable gwebo kho Lord
[19:72] Ngalesosikhathi we lamulela ngakhethi hamba transgressors it yoca!
[19:73] Manini ithu vulamehlo hlabelela them ngembala labo disbelieve tshela kuze
labo kholwa Which of us is nempumelelo? Which of us is vamela?
[19:74] Ningi zukulwane fanele we bhubhisa them; they were qinile nempumelelo.
[19:75] Tshela Labo enyula thathaza astray the Ningi Gracious tando phila them on
kuze they bheka babe thembisa them! - Noma retribution Awa. Lowo is uma they thola
cishile bani nempela is ngcolile off xega ngaphakathi dlakathi
[19:76] NKULUNKULU augments HOLA of LABO ENYULA guided For hle enzo
eternally klomela kho Lord fikisa kude kahle buya!
[19:77] you noted fike bhunkula ithu vulamehlo ngalesosikhathi tshela I be epha cebi
[19:78] he bheka gomuso? he fuza njalo bambiso nga the Ningi Gracious?
[19:79] Bala we bhalisa babe he khuluma ngalesosikhathi bophezela him kuze everincreasing
[19:80] Ngalesosikhathi we inherit everything he possessed he buya us bonke lodwa.
[19:81] They khonza NKULUNKULU nye Nkulunkulu (they cabanga) be sizo them.
[19:82] Okunalokho they bhunkula bo idolatry be bo mabonwabulawe.
[19:83] you cha bheka kanjani we unleash dimoni disbelievers ncisheka shukuma them
[19:84] be ngabekezeli; we hlomela them nye lungisa.
[19:85] Suku sondela uma we mema ngakhethi phambili the Ningi Gracious
ngaphakathi xuku.
[19:86] we elusa necala kuze Hogo, be bo naphakade abode.
[19:87] Hhayi fike possess dlakathi khulumela labo conform thetho of the Ningi
[19:88] They tshela "The Ningi Gracious banga dodana!
[19:89] You khuluma gross blasphemy.
[19:90] Bhakabhaka are cishe zuka hlaba is kakhulu kuze fantu asunder taba are
kakhulu khumuza!
[19:91] Ba they thola lowo the Ningi Gracious banga dodana.
[19:92] It cha befitting the Ningi Gracious lowo He banga dodana.
[19:93] Gcwele mbalwa fike ngaphakathi bhakabhaka hlaba is chaka of the Ningi
[19:94] He encompassed them bala them fike nga fike!
[19:95] Bonke of them hlangana Him Suku Vuko ntu!
[19:96] Surely labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo the Ningi Gracious tando yithela them
nga thando!
[19:97] We ngakho fuduka lo (Quran) cacisa kho limi ngaphakathi landelana sindise
hle biko kuze ngakhethi kuze khuza nga it bangi!
[19:98] Ningi zukulwane them we bhubhisa; you perceive fantshi phi of them zwa nga
them phi sindo
20- T. H. (Ta Ha)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[20:1] T. H.
[20:2] We cha phendla Quran you banga you phi nzaka!
[20:3] Yodwa kuze khumbuza the reverent!
[20:4] Vulamehlo nga Dali hlaba phezulu bhakabhaka.
[20:5] The Ningi Gracious; He assumed bonke gqi.
[20:6] Kuze Him fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba everything them everything
[20:7] you memezela kho ahlulelwa cha) He azi fihlo babe fana sitheza!
fanele the ningi hle gama!
[20:9] you noted lando Mose?
[20:10] Uma he bheka lilo he tshela kuze akhe hlobo Shela nantu. I bheka lilo.
Mhlawumbe I fikisa you nye of it vumbululo nye hola lilo.
[20:11] Uma he sondela it he was bizela, O Mose.
[20:12] I am kho Lord enyula kho gxabulela! You are ngcwele godi Tuwaa.
[20:13] I enyula you kanjalo lalela babe phendla!
[20:14] I am NKULUNKULU; nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Me You khonza Me
wodwa sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) khumbula Me
[20:15] Awa (qeda of hlaba) surely sondela; I qhubeka it cishe fihlekile each phefumulo
be khokhela wo sebenzi!
[20:16] Cha buyisela therefrom nga labo cha kholwa it - Labo landela bo khe bono -
Funa you wa.
[20:17] Babe is lo ngaphakathi kho lungile andla Mose?
[20:18] He tshela Lo is mi sebenzi. I tsheka it hlambi mi vu it I sebenzisa it nye hloso.
[20:19] He tshela Jikijelo it nikela Mose.
[20:20] He juba it nikela whereupon it jikisa nga qhubeka serpent.
[20:21] He tshela Phakamisa; it cha be esaba! We buya it wo asekuqaleni mo
[20:22] Futhi naka kho andla kho khono it wunduka mhlophe yiko; another bonakaliso!
[20:23] We kanjeyana tshengisa you nye of ithu nkulu portents.
[20:24] Hamba Pharaoh he transgressed
[20:25] He tshela Mi Lord banda mi laka
[20:26] fuduka lo buzo lula me
[20:27] Futhi thukulula findo mi limi.
[20:28] Kanjalo they azi mi qondo.
[20:29] Futhi khetha elekeleli me mi hlobo.
[20:30] Mi fo Aaron.
[20:31] Qinisa me him!
[20:32] Qhashisa him be mi lingani ngaphakathi lo buzo
[20:33] Lowo we dumisa You mihla.
[20:34] Futhi khumbula You mihla!
[20:35] You are Phrofethi of us.
[20:36] He tshela Kho celo pha O Mose.
[20:37] We hlahlamelisa you buye.
[20:38] Uma we phendla kho mame babe we phendla.
[20:39] Tshela ‘Juba him bhokisi ngalesosikhathi juba him nga fula! Fula juba him cala
phakamisa mabonwabulawe of Mayini mabonwabulawe akhe. ' I yithela you nga thando
Me I fanele you enza Mi phapheme bobo!
[20:40] Kho dade bhushuzela them tshela I thasisela you hlengikazi mame fuza hle
cophelela of him. ' We kanjeyana phinda you kho mame lowo she be jabulile vimba
thikimeza Futhi uma you dlulisa ntu we khulula you grievous phetho; bala we hlola you
ngokugcwele. You bukisa nyaka ntu Midyan manje you buya ngaphakathi accordance
nga impela cebo.
[20:41] I fuduka you ngakhethi Me
[20:42] Thathaza kho fo shoka nga Mi komba cha dengeza ngaphakathi khumbula Me
[20:43] Hamba Pharaoh he transgressed
[20:44] Phumesela kuze him nicely; he fuza heed phathelana reverent!
[20:45] They tshela Ithu Lord we bawosi funa he fudumeza us transgress!
[20:46] He tshela be esaba I be you lalela lindela
[20:47] Thathaza him tshela ‘We are 2 gijimi nga kho Lord Qhashisa Ntwana Israyeli
thathaza! You phindo nga qhuba them! We fikisa komba kho Lord thula is diki of labo
heed hola.
[20:48] ‘We faka retribution inevitably hlupha labo disbelieve jikisa. '!
[20:49] He tshela Bani is kho Lord O Mose.
[20:50] He tshela Ithu Lord is Fike bani pha everything wo khona wo hola!
[20:51] He tshela Babe kusukela ngalena zukulwane?
[20:52] He tshela azani thereof is mi Lord thayela. Mi Lord ze phambeka nor enza He
[20:53] He is Fike fuduka hlaba habitable you paved ngaphakathi it gwaqo you. He sa
nikela bhakabhaka nzi which we khiqiza ningi balwa hlobo mila!
[20:54] Phanga vubukula kho livestock! La are sufficient bonakaliso labo possess biko.
[20:55] Nga it we qamba you it we buya you nga it we fikisa you cishile buye!
[20:56] We tshengisa him lonke ithu bonakaliso he disbelieved zaba!
[20:57] He tshela you sondela nantu fuza us ithu zwe kho loya O Mose?
[20:58] We surely tshengisa you fana loya. Ngakho beka bekwa lowo neither we nor
you dluzula; neutral dawo!
[20:59] He tshela Kho khetha khathi be suku festivities. all hlangabeza forenoon!
[20:60] Pharaoh mema akhe khandlu ngalesosikhathi sondela!
[20:61] Mose tshela kuze them Woe kuze you. you bhila nga lwa NKULUNKULU
ncisheka ngakho incur Akhe retribution? Njalo fabricators surely hlumba.
[20:62] They phikisa themselves njengoba they bhunga privately.
[20:63] They tshela La 2 are hhayi ningi than bili fisa fuza you kho zwe bo loya kuze
phephetha kho fiso dlela of pilo.
[20:64] vumelana upon fike cebo bhekana them bumbene gange! Nqobi namhla fanele
upper andla.
[20:65] They tshela O Mose noma you juba we be fike juba!
[20:66] He tshela You juba. Whereupon bo bopho bhajwa bonakala him bo loya
njengoba they shukuza!
[20:67] Mose harbored nye saba!
[20:68] We tshela Fanele saba! You busa.
[20:69] Juba babe you naka ngaphakathi kho lungile dlulisela it khinsa babe they bhila!
Babe they bhila is hhayi ningi than scheming bili. Bili sebenzi cha landela.
[20:70] Bili nolunya prostrate landiso We kholwa Lord of Aaron Mose.
[20:71] He tshela Ncisheka you kholwa him mi livu? He be kho duna fike thisha you
loya I surely hhephuna kho andla nyawo alternate thimu. I nqamuleza you tende boko.
You enza thola cishile which of us inflict kabi retribution bani outlasts whom!
[20:72] They tshela We cha khetha you hle bonakaliso lowo sondela us futhi Fike
qamba us! Ngakho khishwa whatever ehlulelo you fisa khishwa! You yodwa vakaza
ngaphakathi lo lowly pilo.
[20:73] We fanele kholwa ithu Lord ukuthi He thethelela us ithu ono loya lowo you
bophezela us enza! NKULUNKULU is DE KAHLE Everlasting
[20:74] Anyone sondela akhe Lord necala tando incur Hogo wherein he ze phoqoka nor
bukisa alive!
[20:75] Njengoba for labo sondela Him kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they attain phezulu
[20:76] Gadi Eden phansi which fula thutheleka be bo abode phakade. njalo is kokhelo
labo hlamba.
[20:77] We faka Mose Phila Mi chaka cishile phansula them ngenamanzi gwaqo andle.
You cha saba you qonda nor shall you thikimeza.
[20:78] Pharaoh landela them nga akhe butho andle ahlula them njengoba it was
destined ahlula them!
[20:79] Kanjeyana Pharaoh khohlanisa akhe ntu; he cha khaphi them.
[20:80] O Ntwana Israyeli we sindise you kho mabonwabulawe mema you Nyuka Sinai
we sa phansi kuze you manna agwaca!
[20:81] Phanga hle to we hlinzeka for you cha transgress funa you incur Mi ankahlu.
Whoever incurs Mi ankahlu wa!
[20:82] I surely Thethelela labo phenduka kholwa hola ngakhethi pilo steadfastly sala
[20:83] Ngani you sukela eceleni kho ntu O Mose?
[20:84] He tshela They are cimeza me I sukela You mi Lord ukuthi You siza!
[20:85] He tshela We faka kho ntu vivinyo you hamba Samarian khohlanisa them!
[20:86] Mose phinda akhe ntu futhekile dumele landiso O mi ntu kho Lord cha thembisa
you hle thembiso? you cha linda? you want ncisheka incur ankahlu nga kho Lord Lo
ngani you Is valekile kho vumelana me
[20:87] They tshela We cha gagasa ithu vumelana you on hloso. we layisha phansi
jewelry juqula juba ithu layisha ngaphakathi Lo is babe Samarian funzelela.
[20:88] He khiqiza them sculpted thole phethiwe thole sindo! They tshela Lo is kho
Nkulunkulu Nkulunkulu Mose. Ngakho he khohlwa.
[20:89] they cha bheka it neither phendula them nor possessed phi dlakathi ona them
sizo them?
[20:90] Aaron thasisela them O mi ntu lo is vivinyo you. Kho lodwa Lord is the Ningi
Gracious kanjalo landela me hlonipha mi poqo!
[20:91] They tshela We qhubeka khonza it Mose buya!
[20:92] (Mose) tshela O Aaron babe is it nqanda you uma you bheka them thathaza
[20:93] Nga landela mi landelana? you melana me
[20:94] He tshela O dodana mi mame ncisheka cha dluthuza me mi levu mi phathi. I
was esaba lowo you tshela ‘You hlanganyela Ntwana Israyeli disobeyed mi landelana. '!
[20:95] He tshela "Babe is the buzo you O Samarian?
[20:96] He tshela I bheka babe they cha bheka. I daphuza fistful (of thuli) dawo
ndawonaphi gijimi bekezelela sebenzisa it hlanganisa yigolide thole). Lo is babe mi naka
faka me enza!
[20:97] He tshela Ngalesosikhathi thathaza kho pilo ncisheka cha fana sondela cimeza!
You fanele khetha khathi kho final ehlulelo) you ze balekela. dlozinga kho Nkulunkulu
you sebenzisa khonza; we bambeka it juba it nga andle kuze shela phansi ashila phakade.
[20:98] Kho lodwa Nkulunkulu is NKULUNKULU; Fike eceleni whom nanso cha is
nye Nkulunkulu. Akhe azani encompasses bonke to.
[20:99] We kanjeyana etha you nye biko nga zukulwane. We phendla you biko nga us.
[20:100] Labo bambalala it bekezelela layisha (of ono) Suku Vuko.
[20:101] Eternally they abide therein; babe dabukisa layisha Suku Vuko!
[20:102] Lowo is suku uma phondo thathaza we mema necala lowo suku luhlaza.
[20:103] Swebeza themselves they tshela You bukisa fike pilo) hhayi ningi than 10
[20:104] We are fully aware of bo veza. The ningi ngesikhathi among them tshela You
bukisa hhayi ningi than suku!
[20:105] They buza you taba. Tshela Mi Lord esula them cishile!
[20:106] He hamba them fana barren sicaba zwe.
[20:107] "Cha fana ncane gquma tando you bheka therein nor khinsi.
[20:108] Lowo suku everyone landela caller ncane pambosi. Bonke sindo lolozela
ngaphambi the Ningi Gracious; you zwa nothing swebeza
[20:109] Lowo suku intercession be ngenalusizo except for labo vumela the Ningi
Gracious whose veza conform Akhe tando
[20:110] He azi bo dlule bo za khashana none encompasses Akhe azani.
[20:111] Lonke bhekana faka Fudumele, Naphakade labo bani burdened bo sono
[20:112] Njengoba for labo sebenza righteousness ngenkathi kholwa they fanele saba of
okungemthetho adversity!
[20:113] We kanjeyana phendla it Arabhiya Quran we cited ngaphakathi it bonke hlobo
of bikezelo they khulula it banga them fuza heed
[20:114] Exalted is NKULUNKULU lodwa yiqiniso Kosi! Cha sukela khuluma Quran
it phendla you tshela Mi Lord enyuka mi azani!
[20:115] We hlola Adam dlulile he khohlwa we thola him indecisive.
[20:116] Recall ukuthi we tshela kuze gelosi, "Zumeka prostrate Adam. They wa
prostrate Dimoni; he zaba!
[20:117] We ngalesosikhathi tshela O Adam lo is mabonwabulawe of you kho kosikazi.
Cha qhashisa him evict you Pharadisi funa you phathelana dabukisa!
[20:118] You qinisekisa ze ashayandawonye therein nor thathaza unsheltered!
[20:119] Nor tando you oma therein nor jeza phi shisa.
[20:120] Dimoni swebeza him tshela O Adam qhashisa me tshengisa you shanguzo
phakade unending kingship!
[20:121] They phanga nga it whereupon bo zimba phathelana bonakala kuze them they
vavanya dibikeza gqabi Pharadisi! Adam kanjeyana disobeyed akhe Lord zumeka
[20:122] Subsequently akhe Lord enyula him sindisa him guided him!
[20:123] He tshela zika therefrom bonke of you! You are mabonwabulawe of fike
another Uma hola sondela you Me anyone landela Mi hola cha thathaza astray nor jeza
phi hlupheka!
[20:124] Njengoba for fike bani bambalala Mi biko he fanele amiserable pilo we
resurrect him Suku Vuko yimpumputhe!
[20:125] He tshela Mi Lord enza you mema me phumputheka uma I ncisheka sebenzisa
be phrofethi?
[20:126] He tshela you khohlwa ithu vulamehlo uma they sondela you you manje
[20:127] We kanjeyana requite labo transgress zaba kholwa vulamehlo bo Lord
retribution Hereafter is kude ngcolile everlasting
[20:128] it ncisheka nanini bonakala them kanjani ningi dlule zukulwane we bhubhisa?
They manje bhushuzela khaya of labo phambili them. La are dweba labo possess biko.
[20:129] Noma cha were kho Lord's predetermined cebo they jaja manje.
[20:130] Ngakho be bekezela ngaphakathi the bombo of bo veza dumiso dumisa kho
Lord phambili sunrise phambili sunset! Ngenkathi suku dumisa Him noma kuhle both
qeda of suku you be jabulile!
[20:131] Cha khanukela babe we pha phi nye ntu! Njalo are esikhashana hlobiso lo pilo
whereby we faka them vivinyo. Babe kho Lord hlinzeka for you is de kahle everlasting
[20:132] You enjoin kho hlobo sebenzisa thintana thandazo (Salat) steadfastly phikelela
ngaphakathi sizo kanjalo. We cha buza you phi hlinzeka; we are the ones hlinzeka for
you. ultimate ahlula fanele kuze the ngakhethi.
[20:133] They tshela he yodwa tshengisa us mangaliso nga akhe Lord they cha thola
sufficient mangaliso dlule biko?
[20:134] fanele we bhubhisa them lo they tshela Ithu Lord fanele You sa gijimi us we
landela Kho vulamehlo xwaya lo hlaza fojisa!
[20:135] Tshela "Bonke of us linda linda; you tando surely thola cishile bani are fanele
dlela bani impela guided
21- Phrofethi (Al-Anbya)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[21:1] Shesha sondelana is reckoning ntu they are oblivious averse!
[21:2] Uma bonakaliso hlangana kuze them nga bo Lord is sha they lalela it heedlessly.
[21:3] Bo gqondo are heedless. transgressors bhunga ngasese Is he cha ngakhethi ntu
you? you amukela loya khona you?
[21:4] He tshela Mi Lord azi gcwele cabango bhakabhaka hlaba. He is Ozwayo
[21:5] They fana tshela Hallucinations He qamba it He is yosi! Qhashisa him tshengisa
us mangaliso fana labo of dlule gijimi!
[21:6] We ze bhubhisa kholwa gwamanda dlulile. Are la ntu kholwa?
[21:7] We cha sa you doda we faka. Buza labo azi scripture you cha azi!
[21:8] We cha epha them zimba phanga nor were they ngafi.
[21:9] We gcina ithu thembiso them; we khulula them ngokusondelana whomever we
willed bhubhisa transgressors.
[21:10] We sa you scripture zibamba kho biko. you cha azi?
[21:11] Ningi gwamanda we khawula bo sono we shintsha nye ntu bo dawo!
[21:12] Uma ithu requital sondela qeda they donsa qhaqha
[21:13] Cha qhaqha buya kho khezekheze kho mansions you naka necala!
[21:14] They tshela Woe kuze us. We were nempela wicked.
[21:15] Lo qhubeka be bo aziso kuze we ngokupheleleyo esula them cishile.
[21:16] We cha qamba bhakabhaka hlaba everything them eqinisweni amusement.
[21:17] we dinga amusement we omula it phi of lo is babe we wanted enza.
[21:18] Mane is ithu cebo shoka yaniso cebo ngaphakathi landelana tshoda it Woe kuze
you for veza you khuluma.
[21:19] Him fanele everyone bhakabhaka hlaba labo kwa Him are ze kakhulu zidla
khonza Him nor enza they nanini dengeza!
[21:20] They dumisa suku suku without nanini dina!
[21:21] they cosha Nkulunkulu hlaba qamba?
[21:22] Noma nanso were them (bhakabhaka hlaba) nye Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU
nanso been chaos. Dumo be NKULUNKULU; Lord phelele gqi He is phezulu bo
[21:23] He is ze be buza kakhulu anything He ngenkathi bonke others funa!
[21:24] they cosha nye Nkulunkulu Him? Tshela Tshengisa me kho bonakaliso Lo is
biko mi zukulwane consummating bonke dlule biko. Bala ningi of them cha recognize
yaniso; lo is they are kanjalo nobutha!
[21:25] We cha sa phi gijimi you dude Nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except Me you khonza
Me wodwa!
[21:26] kepha they tshela "The Ningi Gracious banga dodana! Dumo be Him. Bonke
(gijimi) are (Akhe) honored chaka.
[21:27] They ze shono on bo khe, they strictly landela Akhe poqo.
[21:28] He azi bo za bo dlule They cha khulumela except for labo vele amukela Him
futhi they thikimeza kakhulu bo khe umqala.
[21:29] phi of them thola be Nkulunkulu Him we requite him Hogo; we kanjeyana
requite the wicked!
[21:30] unbelievers cha realize lowo bhakabhaka hlaba sebenzisa be fike namandla quba
lowo we zumbuka khona? Nga chichiza we enza bonke fudumele to! they kholwa?
[21:31] we beka hlaba stabilizers funa it gingqika them we beka kahle gwaqo therein
lowo they guided
[21:32] we nikeza bhakabhaka vika silingi. kepha they are ngokupheleleyo oblivious
kuze bonke portents therein.
[21:33] Futhi He is Fike qamba suku suku langa yanga; each ntanta ngaphakathi wo khe
[21:34] We ze decreed immortality anyone phambili you; you phoqoka are they ngafi?
[21:35] Gcwele ntu zwa fa ngasemuva we faka you vivinyo through adversity che
ngalesosikhathi kuze us you ekugcineni phinda.
[21:36] Uma labo disbelieve bheka you, they chwaneka you Is lo fike selelo kho
Nkulunkulu Kusenjalo they sala ngokupheleleyo heedless of biko nga the Ningi
[21:37] Ntu is ngabekezeli hlobo. I inevitably tshengisa you Mi komba; cha be njalo
[21:38] They selelo Ndawonaphi lowo (retribution you is are truthful?
[21:39] Yodwa labo disbelieve envision uma they vavanya wodi lilo - off bo bombo bo
hlane! Hhayi fike lamula them ngalesosikhathi.
[21:40] Bala it sondela them ngokuzuma they ngokupheleleyo didekile They azi neither
xwaya it nor fantshi they thola phi phefu.
[21:41] Gijimi you chwaneka consequently labo chwaneka them incurred retribution for
bo chwaneka!
[21:42] Zwi Bani biyela you nga the Ningi Gracious suku suku? Bala they are
ngokupheleleyo oblivious kuze biko bo Lord
[21:43] they Nkulunkulu ncisheka fanele biyela them nga us? They cha fana sizo. Nor
azi they emukisa fike another uma they mema bhekana us!
[21:44] We fanele hlinzeka for la ntu bo gogo phezulu gugela! they cha bheka
nsukuzonke hlaba fikisa them closer phetho? they gusha lo dlela?
[21:45] Zwi I khuza you ngaphakathi accordance nga anula dude. yisithulu cha zwa
memeza uma they khuza!
[21:46] Uma khophi kho Lord's retribution hlupha them they readily tshela We were
bala wicked.
[21:47] We sungula kali of ahluleli Suku Vuko. Hhayi phefumulo jeza ngcosana
okungemthetho. Fana equivalent of mastadi mbewu tando be accounted for We are the
ningi nempumelelo reckoners.
[21:48] We epha Mose Aaron Statute Bekisa beacon khumbuzo for the ngakhethi!
[21:49] ones hlonipho bo Lord ngaphambi uma lodwa ngaphakathi bo bawedwa they
thikimeza Awa.
[21:50] Lo kakhulu is thokozisa khumbuzo lowo we sa phansi you landula it
[21:51] Phambili lowo, we pha Abraham akhe hola azi we were fully aware of him.
[21:52] He tshela kuze akhe yise akhe ntu Babe are la statues kuze which you nikela?
[21:53] They tshela We cosha ithu zali khonza them.
[21:54] He tshela Bala you kho zali thathaza ngokupheleleyo astray.
[21:55] They tshela you thasisela us yaniso you dlala?
[21:56] He tshela Kho lodwa Lord is Lord of bhakabhaka hlaba qamba them. Lo is
fakazi kuze which I bekezelela bona!
[21:57] I funga NKULUNKULU I fanele cebo enza kho statues you hamba!
[21:58] He gagasa them nga nqamu except for khulu fike they bhekisa it
[21:59] They tshela Whoever enza lo ithu Nkulunkulu is nempela transgressor.
[21:60] They tshela We zwa bhobhodlelana gema them; he is bizela Abraham.
[21:61] They tshela Fikisa him bobo bonke ntu they bekezelela bona!
[21:62] They tshela you enza lo ithu Nkulunkulu O Abraham?
[21:63] He tshela is khulu fike ncisheka it Thathaza buza them noma they shono!
[21:64] They fuza ngokuhlehla tshela kuze Bala you are the ones transgressing!
[21:65] they reverted bo dala bono You azi gcwele kahle lowo la cha shono.
[21:66] He tshela you ngalesosikhathi konzo NKULUNKULU Ncisheka babe cha
possesses dlakathi sizo you ona you?
[21:67] You incurred hlazo khonza Thixo NKULUNKULU! you cha azi?
[21:68] They tshela Bambeka him shoka kho Nkulunkulu lo is babe you juqula enza!
[21:69] We tshela O xosha be banda phephile for Abraham!
[21:70] Kanjeyana they schemed him we enza them losers!
[21:71] We khulula him we khulula Diki zwe we hlahlamelisa bonke ntu!
[21:72] we pha him Isaac Jacob phiwo we enza them both ngakhethi!
[21:73] We enza them imams guided ngaphakathi accordance nga ithu thetho we thisha
them kanjani sebenza righteousness kanjani sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat)
obligatory sa (Zakat)! Kuze us they nikela worshipers.
[21:74] Njengoba for Diki we pha him hlakani azani we khulula him nga gwamanda
lowo practiced abominations; they were wicked bi ntu!
[21:75] We mukela him ithu sa he was ngakhethi.
[21:76] phambili lowo, Nowa bizela we phendula him. We khulula him akhe hlobo
nkulu bhicongo.
[21:77] We shoka him ntu bhunkula ithu vulamehlo. They were bi ntu we cwilisa them
[21:78] David Solomoni uma they ngaphambili vakaza regard someone's nquntula lowo
phephetha another's vu we bona bo ehlulelo!
[21:79] We pha Solomoni fanele dlelwano we endowed both of them ngokuhlakanipha
azani. We bophezela taba sebenza David dumisa (Nkulunkulu) noma kuhle bazana! Lo is
babe we enza.
[21:80] we thisha him ngcweti enza gqokwe biyela you ngaphakathi pi! Are you
ngalesosikhathi thankful?
[21:81] Solomoni we bophezela oya gusting thathaza akhe khucululwa. He qondisa it
njengoba he fisa whatever zwe he enyula we hlahlamelisa njalo cababa him. We are fully
aware of bonke to.
[21:82] of dimoni nanso were labo gwinja him vuna andle) ncisheka whatever he phatha
them enza! We bophezela them ngaphakathi akhe sebenzi
[21:83] Khundla nxusa akhe Lord Adversity ehla me of bonke nomusa ones You are the
Ningi Nomusa!
[21:84] We phendula him dambisa akhe adversity buyisa akhe hlobo for him ngaphambi
kabili njengoba khulu Lowo was sa us khumbuzo worshipers.
[21:85] Noma Ismail Idris Zal-Kifl; lonke were steadfast guli.
[21:86] We mukela them ithu sa they were ngakhethi.
[21:87] Zan-Noon (Jonah fike nga ‘N' ngaphakathi akhe gama) dela akhe thunywa
ngaphakathi khalaza cabango we cha zibamba him. He qeda nxusa cime khulu hlanzi
khaba Nanso cha is Nkulunkulu You. You dumisa. I bophezela gross ono.
[21:88] We phendula him khulula him nga crisis; we kanjeyana khulula kholwa!
[21:89] Zachariah nxusa akhe Lord Mi Lord ncisheka cha qhubeka me dlalifa You are
hle inheritor!
[21:90] We phendula him pha him Jan; we nquma akhe kosikazi him! they sebenzisa
khawuleza sebenza righteousness nxusa us mo of jabulo noma kuhle saba! Kuze us they
were reverent.
[21:91] Njengoba for fike bani gcina wo ntombi we thathaza wo ithu futho kanjeyana
we enza wo wo dodana portent the onke hlaba!
[21:92] Kho bandla is fike bandla I lodwa am kho Lord you khonza Me wodwa!
[21:93] they hlanganyela phikisa kolo. Bonke of them buya us ehlulelo).
[21:94] Njengoba for labo sebenza righteousness ngenkathi kholwa bo sebenza cha
thathaza citheko we bhalisa it
[21:95] It enqabela phi gwamanda we bhubhisa buya
[21:96] Cha Gog Magog reappear tando they ngalesosikhathi phinda! - they sondela
gcwele bombo.
[21:97] is uma ngenakugwemeka bikezelo sondela qeda disbelievers goloza ngaphakathi
ethusa Woe kuze us we been oblivious! Bala we been wicked.
[21:98] You Thixo you konzo ngaphandle NKULUNKULU tando be phethiloli Hogo;
lo is kho ngenakugwemeka phetho.
[21:99] Labo were Nkulunkulu they cha qeda Hogo. Lonke wo hlali abide it phakade.
[21:100] They bubula quma therein they cha fanele access phi biko!
[21:101] Njengoba for labo hola ithu magnificent kokhelo they biyela nga it
[21:102] They cha zwa wo khisiza They nambitheka abode ndawonaphi they zuza
everything they luba phakade.
[21:103] Nkulu ethusa cha thikimeza them gelosi thola them joyfully Lo is kho suku
thembisa you!
[21:104] Lowo suku we pheceza bhakabhaka pheceza bhuku. Eqinisweni njengoba we
omula kuqala dalo we phinde it Lo is ithu thembiso; we impela enza it
[21:105] We decreed Hlabelelo kakhulu njengoba nye scriptures ukuthi hlaba inherited
Mi ngakhethi worshipers.
[21:106] Lo is aziso ntu are worshipers.
[21:107] We sa you sa us the onke hlaba.
[21:108] Proclaim I epha sezulwini dude kho Nkulunkulu is fike Nkulunkulu! you
ngalesosikhathi faka?
[21:109] they jikisa ngalesosikhathi tshela I khuza you ngokwanele I cha fanele bono
kanjani masinyane ngasekho (retribution) sondela you!
[21:110] He is fully aware of kho emphakathini veza He is fully aware of everything
you gubadlela.
[21:111] Lonke I azi lo hlaba is vivinyo you esikhashana jabulo.
[21:112] Zwi Mi Lord Kho ehlulelo is phelele ahluleli. Ithu Lord is the Ningi Gracious;
yodwa Akhe sizo khonga ngaphakathi the bombo of kho nxephezelo.
22- Pilgrimige (Al-Hajj)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[22:1] O ntu you hlonipho Lord zamazama of Awa is to horrendous!
[22:2] Suku you bona it fana hlengikazi mame tando nquma wo gane khulelwe kosikazi
phunza wo fetus. You bheka ntu ndiyaza njengoba they hashula fana they cha hashula. Lo
is Nkulunkulu retribution is kanjalo awesome.
[22:3] Among the ntu, nanso are labo phikisana NKULUNKULU azani landela gcwele
nochuku dimoni.
[22:4] It decreed anyone sizana him he khohlanisa him khaphi him agony Hogo!
[22:5] O ntu noma you fanele phi khonondo vuko khumbula lowo) we qamba you thuli
subsequently nci consi jikisa nga choma (bungu) ngalesosikhathi it phathelana fetus epha
pilo deemed lifeless! We kanjeyana hlandla to you. We zijwayeza zalo whatever we
tando for predetermined kathi! We ngalesosikhathi fikisa you cishile gane
ngalesosikhathi you finyelela khula. Ngenkathi nye of you phoqoka sha others zwa kuze
ngcolile banga yodwa kuze thola cishile lowo hhayi ningi azani attained okuthile ncele!
Noma you bukeka zwe is file ngalesosikhathi njengoba masinyane njengoba we yithela it
chichiza it dlidliza pilo khula bonke hlobo of hle mila.
[22:6] Lo bonakalisa ukuthi NKULUNKULU is Yaniso lowo He dlweza file lowo He is
[22:7] Futhi lowo Awa sondela hhayi khonondo it futhi ukuthi NKULUNKULU
resurrects labo are ngcwaba.
[22:8] Among the ntu nanso is fike bani phikisana NKULUNKULU azani hola khanyisa
[22:9] Arrogantly he phokophela buyisela ntu dlela NKULUNKULU! He kanjeyana
incurs fojisa ngaphakathi lo pilo we bophezela him Suku Vuko agony of bambeka!
[22:10] Lo is babe kho andla sa phambili you. NKULUNKULU is ZE unjust towards
[22:11] Among the ntu nanso is fike khonza NKULUNKULU conditionally. To
thathaza akhe dlela he is content Nye adversity ehla him he enza gwijikhwebu.
Kanjeyana he lahlekelwa both lo pilo Hereafter njalo is oqobo dleko.
[22:12] He idolizes NKULUNKULU babe cha possesses dlakathi ona him sizo him;
njalo is oqobo dukane!
[22:13] He idolizes babe is ningi apt ona him than sizo him! Babe dabukisa lord Babe
dabukisa ngane!
NGA GADI THUTHELEKA FUDLANA! Everything is ngaphakathi accordance nga
Nkulunkulu tando
[22:15] anyone zindla ukuthi NKULUNKULU cha shoka him ngaphakathi lo pilo
Hereafter qhashisa him jika ngokupheleleyo (akhe dali bhakabhaka hhephuna (akhe
dependence on anyone noma He ngalesosikhathi bheka lo cebo khipha anything lowo
gcona him.
[22:16] We kanjeyana phendla hle vulamehlo nantu ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU
khaphi whoever tando guided
[22:17] Labo kholwa labo are Jewish phenduka Kholwa Zoroastrians Thixo worshipers
[22:18] you cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU prostrates everyone bhakabhaka hlaba
langa yanga basa taba shanguzo lwane ningi ntu? Ningi others among the ntu bophezela
lahlwa Whomever NKULUNKULU hlaza none honor him. Everything is ngaphakathi
accordance nga Nkulunkulu tando
[22:19] Nantu are 2 phathi feuding regard bo Lord Njengoba for labo disbelieve they
fanele ambatho of xosha tailored for them! Esabeka luketshezi tando thela bo phathi!
[22:20] It banga bo insides ncibilika noma kuhle bo khumba.
[22:21] They confined ayina bhodwe.
[22:22] Whenever they vavanya exit njalo hlupheka they bophezela emuva ngaphakathi
Zwa agony of bambeka!
PILO NGA GADI THUTHELEKA FUDLANA! They gqizisa therein khono golide
pharele bo bhinco therein be silika
[22:24] They guided hle zwi; they guided dlela of the Ningi Tusa.
[22:25] Surely labo disbelieve repulse others dlela NKULUNKULU nga Ngcwele
Masjid we designated bonke ntu! - be they natives vakashi! - Khonga ngcolisa it
khohlakala it we hlupha them buhlungu retribution!
[22:26] We khetha Abraham sungula Shrine You cha idolize phi nye Nkulunkulu Me
hlamba Mi shrine labo hambela it labo zwa it labo khothama prostrate
[22:27] Futhi proclaim ntu sebenzisa Hajj pilgrimage They sondela you bhushuzela
gibela nhlobonhlobo mehlomnyama (mali transportation)! They sondela de dawo.
[22:28] They khonga ohwebo sizo they khumbula Nkulunkulu gama cacisa suku for
hlinzeka them livestock! Phanga therefrom phakela dangele phofu
[22:29] They ncintisana bo bopho fulfill bo gamelo vakasha yisidala shrine
[22:30] Labo hlonipho rites decreed NKULUNKULU hola hle kokhelo bo Lord Bonke
livestock fuduka semthethweni kho dla except for labo specifically vala you. You xwaya
abomination Thixo khonza xwaya bekezelela mbumbulu fakazi!
[22:31] You gcina kho devotion kasibili NKULUNKULU lodwa. Anyone akha phi
Thixo NKULUNKULU is fike nolunya bhakabhaka ngalesosikhathi suka hwitha nqe
phephula oya de kholokotho.
[22:32] Bala labo hlonipho rites decreed NKULUNKULU tshengisa righteousness bo
[22:33] (livestock) hlinzeka you ningi sizo for a kathi, phambili donated yisidala shrine
[22:34] each bandla we decreed rites whereby they khumbula gama NKULUNKULU
for hlinzeka them livestock! Kho Nkulunkulu is fike futhi the fana Nkulunkulu; you shall
lonke faka Him. Epha hle biko kuze the lalela!
[22:35] They are ones hliziyo dudumela upon sho NKULUNKULU they steadfastly
phikelela adversity they sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) nga ithu hlinzeka kuze
them they epha sa!
[22:36] Nonya offerings are rites decreed NKULUNKULU kho khe sizakala. You sho
Nkulunkulu gama them ngenkathi they bekezelela ngaphakathi hele. Ngaphambili they
thembisa nikela you phanga therefrom phakela phofu dinga Lo ngani we goga them you
lowo you tshengisa kho linganisa!
[22:37] Neither bo yama nor bo gazi finyelela NKULUNKULU. babe finyelela Him is
kho righteousness. He goga them you you tshengisa linganisa dumisa NKULUNKULU
for guiding you. Epha hle biko kuze the charitable!
PHI KHAPHELI unappreciative.
[22:39] Livu pha labo are qhuba selokhu okungemthetho ehla them NKULUNKULU is
impela able kuze enzelelo them!
[22:40] They evicted bo khaya unjustly ngeze nye than tshela Ithu Lord is
NKULUNKULU. it cha were Nkulunkulu shoka of nye ntu others godlo sonto sinagoge
masjids! - Ndawonaphi gama NKULUNKULU khumbula mihla - Phephetha! Kasibili
NKULUNKULU shoka labo shoka Him. NKULUNKULU is QINILE Almighty
[22:41] They are labo we khetha them busi hlaba they sungula Thintana Thandazo
(Salat) obligatory sa (Zakat) khulumela righteousness enqabela bi! NKULUNKULU is
ultimate BUSI.
[22:42] Noma they bhunkula you ntu Nowa ‘Aad Thamoud noma disbelieved them.
[22:43] Noma ntu Abraham ntu Diki.
[22:44] dwellers Midyan. Mose noma bhunkula. I phila lonke labo ntu ngalesosikhathi I
balula them zibika kanjani (bhubhisa) was Mi requital!
[22:45] Ningi gwamanda we bhubhisa bo wickedness. They qeda gebedu nzonzobala
thombo nkulu ngenalutho mansions!
[22:46] they cha zululeka hlaba ngalesosikhathi sebenzisa bo gqondo ncisheka azi
sebenzisa bo kintsho zwa? Bala oqobo blindness cha is blindness bobo blindness hliziyo
[22:47] They selelo you fikisa retribution NKULUNKULU ze hlumba fulfill Akhe
bikezelo! Suku kho Lord is 1000 of kho nyaka.
[22:48] Ningi gwamanda dlulile bophezela bi I phila them on awhile ngalesosikhathi I
jezisa them. Kuze Me is ultimate phetho.
[22:49] Zwi O ntu I been hambisa kuze you njengoba profound warner!
[22:50] Labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo hola yekelo phana recompense
[22:51] Njengoba for labo phokophela selelo ithu vulamehlo they incur Hogo!
[22:52] We cha sa you phi gijimi nor phrofethi fanele dimoni xhaka akhe fiso.
[22:53] He kanjeyana akha dimoni cebo vivinyo labo harbor ngabaza bo hliziyo labo
hliziyo qinisa. wicked sale sala phikisa.
[22:54] Labo hlahlamelisa azani recognize yaniso kho Lord ngalesosikhathi kholwa it
bo hliziyo readily amukela it ningi assuredly NKULUNKULU khaphi kholwa lungile
[22:55] Njengoba for labo disbelieve they qhubeka harbor khonondo Awa sondela them
ngokuzuma retribution thusa suku sondela them.
[22:56] Bonke sovereignty lowo suku fanele kuze NKULUNKULU He jaja them.
Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they hola gadi sindiso!
[22:57] Ngenkathi labo disbelieved bhunkula ithu vulamehlo incurred shameful
[22:58] Labo thutha NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi zuza dlulisa phoqoka
NKULUNKULU tando surely hlambi them hle hlinzeka NKULUNKULU is IMPELA
KAHLE Provider.
[22:59] ningi assuredly He mukela them admittance siza them. NKULUNKULU is
Omniscient Clement
[22:60] It decreed fike avenges okungemthetho inflicted him equitably ngalesosikhathi
he qhuba lo NKULUNKULU tando surely shoka him! NKULUNKULU is Pardoner
[22:61] is phuzu NKULUNKULU merges suku suku merges suku suku futhi ukuthi
NKULUNKULU is Ozwayo Phrofethi.
[22:62] is phuzu NKULUNKULU is Yaniso khashana akha phi Thixo Him constitutes
cebo futhi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is the Ningi Phezulu Supreme
[22:63] you cha bheka NKULUNKULU sa bhakabhaka nzi ncisheka lowo jika zwe
luhlaza? NKULUNKULU is Sublime Cognizant
[22:64] Kuze Him fanele everything bhakabhaka everything on hlaba! Kasibili
NKULUNKULU is the Ningi Nothile Ncomeka.
[22:65] you cha bheka NKULUNKULU bophezela ngaphakathi ncisheka kho sebenzi
everything hlaba? Shumbi sukeleka andle Akhe poqo. He nqanda heavenly zimba
phahlazeka hlaba ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe poqo. NKULUNKULU is
[22:66] He is Fike bani pha you pilo ngalesosikhathi He faka you fa ngalesosikhathi He
fikisa you dlulile pilo! Surely ntu is unappreciative.
[22:67] For each bandla we decreed sethi rites they uphold. Ngakho they cha phikisa
you. You qhubeka mema everyone kho Lord ningi assuredly you are lungile dlela.
[22:68] they phikisana you ngalesosikhathi zwi NKULUNKULU is fully aware of
everything you enza.
[22:70] you cha realize lowo NKULUNKULU azi everything ngaphakathi bhakabhaka
everything on hlaba? Lonke lo bhalisa thayela. Lo is kalula NKULUNKULU enza.
[22:71] they idolize NKULUNKULU Thixo wherein He cha beka dlakathi they azi
nothing them! transgressors cha fanele hlengi.
[22:72] Uma ithu vulamehlo hlabelela them ngembala you recognize wickedness bombo
of labo disbelieve. They cishe fudumeza labo hlabelela ithu vulamehlo them. Zwi I
chazela you of to kakhulu ngcolile Hogo thembisa NKULUNKULU labo disbelieve;
babe dabukisa phetho.
[22:73] O ntu nantu is fanekiso lowo you dlinza kahle Thixo you akha NKULUNKULU
ze qamba bhibha fana they banded ngokusondelana ncisheka kanjalo! Furthermore noma
bhibha nyonka anything nga them they cha elulama it xega is pursuer the landela
[22:74] They cha azisa NKULUNKULU njengoba He valued NKULUNKULU is the
Ningi QINILE Almighty
[22:76] He azi bo dlule bo gomuso. Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele ultimate engamela
bonke buzo!
[22:77] O you kholwa you gwibisholo prostrate konzo kho Lord sebenza righteousness
lowo you landela!
[22:78] You phokophela zathu NKULUNKULU you phokophela Akhe zathu. He
enyula you cha beka nzaka you practicing kho kolo! - Kolo of kho yise Abraham. He is
fike bani qamba you Submitters originally! Kanjeyana gijimi sebenza fakazi you you
sebenza fakazi among the ntu. Ngakho you sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha
obligatory sa (Zakat) bamba shesha kuze NKULUNKULU; He is kho Lord kahle Lord
kahle Lweli.
23- Kholwa (Al-Mu'minun)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[23:1] Nempumelelo bala are kholwa;
[23:2] Bani are reverent ngenkathi bo Thintana Thandazo (Salat)!
[23:3] they xwaya vain hlebezi.
[23:4] they epha bo obligatory sa (Zakat).
[23:5] they gcina bo chastity.
[23:6] Yodwa nga bo owakwakhe labo are impela theirs ncisheka they fanele sexual
hlobo; they cha are sola!
[23:7] Labo transgress la ncele are transgressors.
[23:8] Uma it sondela bekelelo beka kuze them kakhulu njengoba phi vumelana they
enza they are trustworthy.
[23:9] they sebenzisa bo Thintana Thandazo (Salat) ngokuvamile!
[23:10] Njalo are inheritors.
[23:11] They inherit Pharadisi wherein they abide phakade.
[23:12] We qamba ntu nga okuthile hlobo of daka.
[23:13] Subsequently we zalanisa him nci consi beka thombo biyela repository.
[23:14] Ngalesosikhathi we developed consi nga choma (bungu) ngalesosikhathi
developed choma (bungu) nga bite-size (fetus) ngalesosikhathi qamba bite-size (fetus)
nga lenze ngalesosikhathi mbozekile lenze yama. We kanjeyana khiqiza sha dalwa.
Hlahlamelisa is NKULUNKULU kahle Dali!
[23:15] Ngalesosikhathi ngasekho on, you phoqoka.
[23:16] Ngalesosikhathi Suku Vuko you resurrected
[23:17] We qamba you 7 universes qeqeba we are ze unaware of mbalwa dalwa them.
[23:18] We sa phansi bhakabhaka chichiza kanye gqi ngalesosikhathi we beka it
hlabathi! Impela we qhashisa it sinda.
[23:19] Nga it we khiqiza for you orchards of dethi tende gilebhisi bonke hlobo of thelo
nhlobonhlobo dla.
[23:20] Noma shanguzo native kuze Sinai khiqiza oyili noma kuhle relish eaters!
[23:21] livestock hlinzeka you fundo. We qhashisa you phuza (senga) nga bo khaba you
sukela nye sizo nga them nye of them you sebenzisa for dla
[23:22] On them on shumbi you gibela
[23:23] We sa Nowa akhe ntu landiso O mi ntu khonza NKULUNKULU. You cha
fanele nye Nkulunkulu Him. you cha be ngakhethi?
[23:24] Ngqaphambili disbelieved akhe ntu tshela Lo is hhayi ningi than obuntu you
wants nqoba prominence you. fanele NKULUNKULU willed He sa gelosi. We ze zwa
anything lo ithu gogo.
[23:25] He hle doda thathaza sangene. Babale thalalisa him for awhile!
[23:26] He tshela Mi Lord pha me ahlula they disbelieved me
[23:27] We ngalesosikhathi faka him Enza watercraft ithu phapheme bobo ngaphakathi
accordance nga ithu dude! Uma ithu phatha sondela oya bila phezulu qala it bhangqa of
gcwele hlobo (of kho domesticated lwane) kho hlobo except labo fela doomed Cha
phumesela kuze Me on behalf of labo transgressed they cwilisa!
[23:28] Ngaphambili you zijwayeza ngokusondelana labo are you watercraft you zwi
‘Tusa NKULUNKULU for khulula us nga bi ntu. '!
[23:29] Tshela ‘Mi Lord qhashisa me disembark thokozisa dawo; You are hle khululi. '!
[23:30] La hlinzeka sufficient bonakaliso you! We impela faka you vivinyo.
[23:31] Subsequently we sungula another zukulwane ngasemuva them.
[23:32] We hambisa kuze them gijimi nga them tshela You khonza NKULUNKULU!
You cha fanele nye Nkulunkulu Him. you cha be ngakhethi?
[23:33] Ngqaphambili akhe ntu disbelieved bhunkula bono Hereafter - Noma we
hlinzeka for them generously ngaphakathi lo pilo - Tshela Lo is hhayi ningi than ntu you!
He phanga nga babe you phanga phuza njengoba you phuza!
[23:34] Noma you hlonipha ntu you ngalesosikhathi you are nempela losers.
[23:35] he thembisa you you phoqoka jikisa nga thuntutha lenze you wunduka buye?
[23:36] Lukhuni lukhuni bala is babe thembisa you.
[23:37] We yodwa zwa lo pilo - we zwa phoqoka! - Futhi we ze resurrected
[23:38] He is eqinisweni doda bhila khetheza attributed them NKULUNKULU! We ze
kholwa him.
[23:39] He tshela Mi Lord pha me ahlula they disbelieved me
[23:40] He tshela Masinyane they be nxephe".
[23:41] retribution phansula them equitably ngakho we jika them gebedu. wicked ntu
[23:42] Subsequently we sungula nye zukulwane them.
[23:43] Hhayi gwamanda tsheleka wo predetermined nxi nor bambezeleka it
[23:44] Ngalesosikhathi we sa ithu gijimi ngaphakathi yiba. Gcwele khathi gijimi
thathaza akhe gwamanda they disbelieved him. Consequently we bhubhisa them fike nye
enza them lando! Ntu disbelieved vikela.
[23:45] Ngalesosikhathi we sa Mose akhe fo Aaron ithu vulamehlo profound
[23:46] Kuze Pharaoh akhe gosa they jika zidla! They were coba ntu.
[23:47] They tshela we kholwa 2 doda whose ntu are ithu gcinanja?
[23:48] They bhunkula 2 futhi consequently they bhubhisa.
[23:49] We epha Mose scripture they guided
[23:50] We fuduka dodana Mary akhe mame komba we epha them ephephelo mesa dla
[23:51] O you gijimi phanga hle hlinzeka sebenza righteousness! I am fully aware of
everything you enza.
[23:52] njalo is kho bandla - Fike bandla - I am kho Lord you hlonipho Me
[23:53] they dephula nga phikisa qembu; each phathi jabulile babe they fanele
[23:54] Ngakho eqinisweni hamba them bo yakanyaka for awhile!
[23:55] ncisheka they zindla selokhu we hlinzeka them mali ntwana
[23:56] we yithela them busiso? Bala they cha fanele bono.
[23:57] Surely labo are reverently azi of bo Lord
[23:58] Bani kholwa vulamehlo bo Lord
[23:59] Futhi bani ze akha phi Thixo bo Lord
[23:60] Kuhle they epha bo sa bo hliziyo are fully reverent. they recognize ukuthi they
mema bo Lord
[23:61] They are fisa enza ngakhethi sebenzi; they ncintisana ngaphakathi enza them!
[23:62] We ze thwalo phi phefumulo wo mali we qhubeka thayela khuluma yaniso.
Hhayi fike jeza okungemthetho.
[23:63] Bo gqondo are oblivious kuze lo they bophezela sebenzi ncisheka cha conform
lo; bo sebenzi are bi.
[23:64] Ngalesosikhathi uma we requite bo ngqaphambili retribution they khala.
[23:65] Cha khala kalokhu; you duba bonke sizo nga us!
[23:66] Mi bonakaliso khona you you khalima kho thende!
[23:67] You were kakhulu zidla amukela them you defiantly bambalala them!
[23:68] ngani they cha cabangisisa lo scripture? they cha realize lowo they ncisheka
thola to fanele ze attained bo gogo?
[23:69] they hlumba recognize bo gijimi? Lo they are bambalala him?
[23:70] they juqula lowo he fanele is sangene? Bala he fikisa yaniso them ningi of them
belesela yaniso!
[23:71] Bala noma yaniso conformed bo fiso nanso be chaos bhakabhaka hlaba;
everything them khohlakala! We epha them bo bonakaliso they bambalala bo bonakaliso.
[23:72] you buza them wage Kho Lord's wage is de kahle. He is kahle Provider.
[23:73] ningi assuredly you mema them sobala dlela.
[23:74] Labo disbelieve Hereafter surely hlanhlatha lungile dlela.
[23:75] Fana uma we yithela them nga sa, dambisa bo kinga they cwilisa de nga sono
qhubeka phazama!
[23:76] fana uma we hlupha them retribution they ze jika bo Lord nxusa
[23:77] Subsequently uma we requited them nzima retribution they incurred they ethusa.
[23:78] He is Fike bani pha you zwa eyesight gqondo! Rarely are you appreciative
[23:79] He is Fike sungula you hlaba futhi Him you mema.
[23:80] He is Fike zibamba pilo fa He is Fike bani alternates suku suku. you cha azi?
[23:81] They tshela babe bo gogo tshela.
[23:82] They tshela Uma we phoqoka phathelana thuntutha lenze we zuza resurrected
[23:83] Njalo thembiso epha us ithu zali dlulile. La are hhayi ningi than daba nga dlule
[23:84] Tshela, "Kuze whom fanele hlaba everyone it noma you azi?
[23:85] They tshela, "Kuze NKULUNKULU. Tshela ngalesosikhathi you cha hola heed
[23:86] Zwi Bani is Lord of 7 universes; Lord nkulu dominion?
[23:87] They tshela NKULUNKULU. Tshela ngalesosikhathi you cha jika ngakhethi?
[23:88] Zwi Ngaphakathi whose dlulisa is bonke sovereignty bonke to He lodwa fike
hlinzeka lamula dingo hhayi lamula you is azi?
[23:89] They tshela NKULUNKULU. Tshela Lapho tando you phambeka?
[23:90] We epha them yaniso ngenkathi they are hubu.
[23:91] NKULUNKULU ZE BANGA DODANA. Nor was ashila nanini phi nye
Nkulunkulu Him. Otherwise each Nkulunkulu memezela zimela akhe dalo they
ncintisana each nye for dominance! NKULUNKULU DUMISA; KUDE BO
[23:92] Knower of bonke fihlo memezelo; He exalted kude fanele lingani.
[23:93] Tshela Mi Lord You tshengisa me (retribution) they incurred
[23:94] Mi Lord qhashisa me cha be fike of transgressing ntu!
[23:95] Kuze tshengisa you (retribution) we bekisa them is to we kalula enza!
[23:96] Ngakho bali bo bi sebenzi hle; we are fully aware of bo nxephezelo!
[23:97] Zwi Mi Lord I khonga ephephelo You nga swebeza dimoni.
[23:98] I khonga ephephelo ngaphakathi You mi Lord funa they sondela me
[23:99] Uma fa sondela fike of them he tshela Mi Lord hambisa me
[23:100] I ngalesosikhathi sebenza righteousness everything I hamba. Cha qiniseka! Lo
is mbumbulu nxephezelo he enza. barrier hlungula akhe phefumulo lo hlaba vuko.
[23:101] Uma phondo cha thathaza hlobo them khona lowo suku nor tando they letha
fike another
[23:102] Njengoba for labo kalo are sinda they be nqobi.
[23:103] Labo kalo are okhela are ones lahlekelwa bo phefumulo; they abide Hogo
[23:104] Xosha ahlula bo bombo they ekugcineni miserably therein!
[23:105] Cha Were Mi vulamehlo hlabelela you you qhubeka bhunkula them?
[23:106] They tshela Ithu Lord ithu wickedness ahlula us we ntu thathaza astray!
[23:107] Ithu Lord fuza us ngenxa lo; noma we phinda ithu dala behavior)
ngalesosikhathi we are nempela wicked!
[23:108] He tshela Abide therein yoca cha phumesela kuze Me
[23:109] Xuku Mi chaka sebenzisa tshela ‘Ithu Lord we kholwa kanjalo thethelela us
yithela us nga sa! Of bonke nomusa ones You are the Ningi Nomusa. '
[23:110] you bhinqa chwaneka them xenye lowo you khohlwa Me You sebenzisa hleka
[23:111] I klomela them namhla emuva bo steadfastness fuduka them nqobi.
[23:112] He tshela Kanjani langaza you lasted hlaba? Kanjani ningi nyaka?
[23:113] They tshela We lasted suku inxenye of suku! Buza labo bala!
[23:114] He tshela eqinisweni you bukisa khashana interim you yodwa azi.
[23:115] you zindla we Ncisheka qamba you ngaphumeleli you cha were phinda us?
[23:116] exalted is NKULUNKULU yiqiniso Sovereign Nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu
Him; the Ningi Honorable Lord possessor bonke gqi.
[23:117] Anyone idolizes NKULUNKULU phi nye Nkulunkulu phi hlobo of bonakaliso
reckoning okusele akhe Lord disbelievers ze landela.
[23:118] Tshela Mi Lord yithela us yekelo sa! Of bonke nomusa ones You are the Ningi
24- okhela (Al-Noor)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[24:1] sura we sa nikela we decreed thetho. We phendla cwatha vulamehlo lowo you
fuza heed
[24:2] adulteress phingi you khwantshula each of them 100 thwasula. Cha yendezela
nga dabukela enza Nkulunkulu thetho noma you impela kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva
Suku! yoyosa xuku kholwa bona bo hlawulo.
[24:3] Phingi phetho gcagca adulteress Thixo worshiper adulteress phetho gcagca phingi
Thixo worshiper! Lo vala kholwa.
[24:4] Labo khanza shadile kosikazi phinga ngalesosikhathi hlumba khiqiza 4 bona you
khwantshula them 80 thwasula cha amukela phi fakazi nga them; they are wicked!
[24:5] they phenduka kamuva guqula ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[24:6] Njengoba for labo khanza bo khe owakwakhe phi nye bona ngalesosikhathi
fakazi amukela he funga NKULUNKULU 4 dla he thasisela yaniso!
[24:7] 5 fungo be incur Nkulunkulu ahlulelwa him he khetheza.
[24:8] She cabanga msulwa she funga NKULUNKULU 4 dla he is hubu.
[24:9] 5 fungo incur Nkulunkulu ankahlu wo he thasisela yaniso.
[24:10] Lo is Nkulunkulu sa sa you! NKULUNKULU is Redeemer HLAKANIPHILE.
[24:11] Qembu you khiqiza khulu nga. Cha zindla it was ngcolile you; mane it was hle
for you. Kusenjalo each fike of them zuza akhe juphe kweletu. Njengoba for fike bani
omula phelele gameko he incurred thusa retribution!
[24:12] Uma you zwa it kholwa doda kholwa kosikazi fanele hle cabango themselves
tshela Lo is ngokusobala khulu nga.
[24:13] Yodwa they khiqiza 4 bona (you kholwa them)! they hlumba khiqiza fakazi
ngalesosikhathi they are NKULUNKULU hubu.
[24:14] Noma it were for Nkulunkulu sa you Akhe sa ngaphakathi lo hlaba Hereafter
you jeza nkulu retribution lo gameko.
[24:15] You bhila it kho khe limi okusele of you phinde it kho lomo without bonakaliso
You cabanga was ngazithwele uma it was NKULUNKULU gross
[24:16] Uma you zwa it you tshela We cha phinde lo. Dumo be You. Lo is gross cebo.
[24:17] NKULUNKULU LAYA you LOWO you ZE ENZA it BUYE you are
[24:19] Labo thanda bheka febe embula kholwa incurred buhlungu retribution
ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter NKULUNKULU azi, NGENKATHI you CHA AZI.
[24:21] O you kholwa cha landela gxathu Dimoni! Anyone landela gxathu Dimoni azi
ukuthi he khulumela bi vice Noma it were for Nkulunkulu sa you Akhe sa none of you
hlamba. Nkulunkulu hlamba whomever He tando. NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO
[24:22] Labo among you hlahlamelisa resources cebi be charitable towards bo hlobo
phofu labo immigrated NKULUNKULU. They thokozisa them kamnene bekezela; you
cha thanda attain Nkulunkulu yekelo? NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[24:23] Surely labo falsely khanza shadile kosikazi are zenzisa kholwa incurred
ahlulelwa ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter they incurred horrendous retribution.
[24:24] Suku sondela uma bo khe limi dlulisela nyawo bekezelela bona everything they
[24:25] On suku NKULUNKULU tando requite them fully for bo sebenzi they tando
thola cishile ukuthi NKULUNKULU is Yaniso!
[24:26] Ngcolile kosikazi ngcolile doda ngcolile doda ngcolile kosikazi hle kosikazi hle
doda hle doda hle kosikazi. The latter are msulwa of njalo mangalo. They attained yekelo
phana kokhelo.
[24:27] O you kholwa cha ngena khaya nye than yours livu nga bo hlali bingelela them!
Lo is kahle you lowo you fuza heed
[24:28] you cosha hhayi fike them cha ngena them you thenga livu! you thasisela
Jenduka you jenduka! Lo is msulwa for you. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of
everything you ENZA.
[24:29] You cha bophezela phutha ngena uninhabited khaya wherein nanso is to fanele
kuze you! NKULUNKULU azi everything you PHENDLA everything you
[24:30] Thasisela kholwa doda they goga bo bobo cha goloza kosikazi) gcina bo
chastity! Lo is msulwa for them. NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything they
[24:31] Futhi thasisela kholwa kosikazi goga bo bobo gcina bo chastity! They cha
phendla phi hla of bo zimba ukuthi which is dingeka! They dibikeza bo bele cha
vovononeka lo code bakhona bo yeni bo yise yise bo yeni bo dodana dodana bo yeni bo
fo dodana bo fo dodana bo dade nye kosikazi esilisa chaka qashwa sexual gquba nullified
ntwana cha finyelela puberty. They cha phansula bo nyawo uma they bhushuzela
ngaphakathi landelana qhuqha phendla okuthile danti bo zimba! Bonke of you phenduka
NKULUNKULU O you kholwa lowo you landela.
[24:32] You khusela labo of you are mbalwa suka shadile! They gcagca ngakhethi
among kho esilisa esifazane chaka they are phofu. NKULUNKULU tando CEBISA them
AKHE SA. NKULUNKULU is Bounteous Knower.
[24:33] Labo cha ngakhokhela suka shadile gcina morality NKULUNKULU hlinzeka
for them nga Akhe sa! Labo among kho chaka fisa yilileka ngaphakathi landelana gcagca
you pha them bo fisa ngaphambili you realize ukuthi they are hlonipheka! Epha them
Nkulunkulu mali He pha you. You cha bophezela kho tombazana bophezela febe khonga
mathiriyeli lo hlaba they fisa be msulwa! anyone bophezela them ngalesosikhathi
NKULUNKULU bona they bophezela is Forgiver Nomusa.
[24:34] We phendla you hlandla vulamehlo bonakaliso dlule zukulwane khanyisa for
the ngakhethi.
khanya is ukuthi of concave buko khanyiso beka gilazi tsha. gilazi tsha is khanya pearllike
basa Phethiloli thereof letha thokozisa oil-producing shanguzo, lowo is neither
seMpumalanga nor asentshonalanga! Wo oyili is cishe self-radiating; cha lilo ignite it
Okhela upon okhela! NKULUNKULU KHAPHI KUZE AKHE okhela whoever TANDO
fully aware of BONKE TO.
[24:36] (Nkulunkulu hola thola dlu exalted NKULUNKULU Akhe gama khumbula
therein! Dumisa Him therein suku futhi suku -!
[24:37] Ntu cha thikazisa nga daba hweba khumbula NKULUNKULU; they sebenzisa
Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) they are azi of suku uma gqondo
bobo horrified
YITHELA them AKHE SA! NKULUNKULU hlinzeka for whomever He TANDO
[24:39] Njengoba for labo disbelieve bo sebenzi are mirage luqwatha. Omile ntu zindla
it is chichiza! Uma he finyelela it he vumbululo it is nothing he thola NKULUNKULU
ashila mane requite him fully akhe sebenzi. NKULUNKULU is the ningi
[24:40] Another allegory is of dalwa phelele cime khulu andle gagasi gagasi noma kuze
khulu quba Cime cime - he bukeka akhe khe andla he bi bheka it Whomever
NKULUNKULU phuca of okhela cha fanele okhela!
[24:41] you cha realize lowo everyone bhakabhaka hlaba dumisa NKULUNKULU fana
bazana njengoba they bhibha hlu? Each azi wo thandazo wo glorification.
NKULUNKULU is fully aware of everything they ENZA.
[24:42] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba kuze
NKULUNKULU is final phetho!
[24:43] you cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU gquba fu ncisheka ngalesosikhathi
hloma them hlangene ngalesosikhathi mbundu them on each nye ngalesosikhathi you
bheka mvula endleleni them? He sa bhakabhaka layisha qhwa dibikeza whomever He
tando ngenkathi buyisela it nga whomever He tando! brightness qhwa cishe phumputheka
[24:44] NKULUNKULU ZIBAMBA SUKU SUKU. Lo be fundo labo possess bobo.
[24:45] Nkulunkulu qamba gcwele fudumele dalwa nga chichiza! Nye of them hamba
bo khaba nye hamba 2 lenze nye bhushuzela 4. NKULUNKULU QAMBA whatever He
[24:46] We sa you hlandla vulamehlo ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU khaphi whoever
tando guided sobala dlela!
[24:47] They tshela We kholwa NKULUNKULU gijimi we hlonipha ngalesosikhathi
nye of them shelela emuva kamuva! La are kholwa.
[24:48] Uma they mema NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi jaja them nye of them phekula!
[24:49] Noma ehlulelo is bo favor they readily amukela it
[24:50] Is khona fo bo hliziyo? Are they ngabazeka? Are they esaba ukuthi
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi thokozisa them dedengu? Nempela is they are unjust.
[24:51] Lodwa veza kholwa whenever mema NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi jaja bo
dumo is tshela We zwa we hlonipha. La are nqobi!
[24:52] Labo hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi hlonipho NKULUNKULU
sebenzisa Him la are hlulile ones!
[24:53] They funga NKULUNKULU solemnly you phatha them viva they viva! Zwi
cha funga. Lalela is bopho. NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you
[24:54] Zwi Hlonipha NKULUNKULU hlonipha gijimi. they zaba ngalesosikhathi he is
necala akhe bopho you are necala for kho bopho. you hlonipha him you guided soli
sebenzi gijimi is sindise (biko).
PILO LOWO He ENZA them sovereigns HLABA njengoba He ENZA for LABO
phambili them FUTHI SUNGULA for them KOLO He ENYULA them SHINTSHA
THULA PHEPHA them ngaphakathi dawo of SABA! Lonke lo ba they khonza Me
wodwa; they ze akha phi Thixo Me Labo disbelieve lo are the impela wicked!
[24:56] You sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) hlonipha
gijimi lowo you attain sa.
[24:57] Cha zindla labo disbelieve nanini suka it Bo final abode is Hogo; babe dabukisa
[24:58] O you kholwa livu cela kho chaka ntwana cha attained puberty ngena kho
emuka)! Lo is be phelile ngaphakathi 3 khathi! - Sa Thandazo mini uma you guquka kho
ambatho hlomisa Suku Thandazo. La are 3 private dla you. Kwa nye dla cha is ngalungi
you them thaka fike another NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA HLANDLA
[24:59] Ngaphambili ntwana finyelela puberty they buza livu (phambili ngena) kuhle
labo phathelana dala them buza livu (phambili ngena)! NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA
[24:60] Khulile kosikazi cha lindela suka shadile bophezela nothing ngacabangi nga
vovononeka bo embathisa code hlinzeka they cha phendla kwanje of bo zimba! Gcina
thobeka is kahle them. NKULUNKULU is OZWAYO Knower.
[24:61] phumputheka cha is sola crippled cha is sola nor thiya sola eqinisweni njengoba
you cha are sola dla kho khaya khaya kho yise khaya kho mame khaya kho fo khaya kho
dade khaya kho yise fo khaya kho yise dade khaya kho mame fo khaya kho mame dade
khaya fanele kuze you you possess bo hluthulelo khaya kho ngane! You bophezela
nothing ngacabangi phanga ngokusondelana njengoba ntu! Uma you ngena phi khaya
you xhawula each nye bingelela nga NKULUNKULU hlahlamelisa futhi hle.
[24:62] Yiqiniso kholwa are labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi futhi uma they
are him gwamanda hlangabeza they ncisheka cha hamba him livu! Labo buza livu are
ones kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi. they buza kho livu ngaphakathi landelana
gebela kuze nye of bo dumo you pha livu whomever you fisa buza NKULUNKULU
thethelela them! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[24:63] Cha thokozisa gijimi celo you thokozisa each others' celo! NKULUNKULU is
fully aware of LABO among you CATHAMA ECELENI sebenzisa flimsy XOLISA.
Qhashisa them elusa! - Labo disobey akhe landelana - for bhicongo phansula them nzima
[24:64] Kasibili kuze NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba! He fully
azi gcwele buso you be ngaphakathi Suku you phinda Him He chazela them of
everything they enza. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BONKE TO.
25- Statute Bekisa (Al-Furqan)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[25:1] Hlahlamelisa is Fike phendla Statute Bekisa Akhe chaka he sebenza warner the
onke hlaba!
[25:2] Fike kuze whom fanele bonke sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba! He ze fanele
dodana nor enza He fanele phi lingani sovereignty! He qamba everything kanye gqi; He
eqinisweni sungula everything.
[25:3] kepha they akha eceleni Him Nkulunkulu cha qamba anything - they qamba -
Bani cha possess dlakathi fana ona sizo nor enza they possess phi dlakathi zibamba pilo
fa vuko!
[25:4] Labo disbelieved tshela Lo is bumbela he khiqiza sizo nye nye ntu They khuluma
blasphemy cebo!
[25:5] They noma tshela Daba nga dlule he bhala they bizela him suku futhi suku".
[25:6] Tshela Lo phendla the Fike azi Ngasese bhakabhaka hlaba! He Thethelela
[25:7] Futhi they tshela Kanjani hlangana lo gijimi phanga dla bhushuzela makethe?
Noma yodwa gelosi ehla him sebenza him shumayeli!
[25:8] Noma Noma yodwa cebo epha him! Noma yodwa he possess orchard nga which
he phanga! transgressors noma tshela You landela khunkula doda!
[25:9] qaphela kanjani they balula you bonke hlobo of gama futhi kanjani lo phila them
astray ze thola bo dlela dlulile!
[25:10] Hlahlamelisa is Fike azi He tando epha you khulu kahle than bo nxephezelo! -
Gadi thutheleka fudlana ningi mansions!
[25:11] Nempela they disbelieved Awa (Suku Vuko) we hlomela labo disbelieve Awa
flaming Hogo.
[25:12] Uma it bheka them nga afar they zwa wo laka thunqa
[25:13] Futhi uma they juba it ncane dawo lonke shackled they memezela bo zisola.
[25:14] You cha memezela eqinisweni mbalwa zisola lowo suku; you jeza nkulu
shicilelo zisola.
[25:15] Tshela Is lo kahle naphakade Pharadisi lowo thembisa for the ngakhethi? It is bo
thombo fanele kokhelo; thombo fanele phetho.
[25:16] They zuza anything they fisa therein phakade. Lo is kho Lord's irrevocable
[25:17] Suku uma He samanisi them ngokusondelana Thixo they akha NKULUNKULU
He fanele zwi enza you khohlanisa la chaka of Imba Fanele they thathaza astray on bo
[25:18] They tshela You dumisa cha was ngokufaneleyo us akha phi lords You. You
sondela them nambitheka ngokusondelana bo zali! Consequently they bambalala biko
kanjeyana phathelana wicked ntu.
[25:19] They disbelieved biko you epha them consequently you azi neither biyela them
nga retribution they incurred nor fantshi you lamula them ngaphakathi phi dlela Anyone
among you bophezela bi we bophezela him nzima retribution.
[25:20] We cha sa phi gijimi you cha phanga dla bhushuzela makethe! We kanjeyana
hlola you nga each nye you steadfastly phikelela? Kho Lord is Phrofethi.
[25:21] Labo cha lindela hlangabeza us tshela yodwa gelosi ehla us we bheka ithu Lord
(we ngalesosikhathi kholwa!) Bala they bophezela gross khukhumala khiqiza gross
[25:22] Suku they bheka gelosi cha be hle biko necala they tshela Kalokhu we
irreversibly confined
[25:23] We bukeka kwa bonke sebenzi they phelile nikeza them null futhi void
[25:24] dwellers Pharadisi are de kahle suku; they zwa kahle biko.
[25:25] Bhakabhaka thula hlukene quba of fu gelosi ewuka chibi!
[25:26] Bonke sovereignty lowo suku fanele kuze the Ningi Gracious. For disbelievers
it be lukhuni suku.
[25:27] Suku sondela uma transgressor zavuza akhe letha anguish tshela Wo I fiso I
landela dlela gijimi!
[25:28] Wo woe me I fiso I cha fuza lowo ntu ngane.
[25:29] He phila me lahlekile nga biko it sondela me Bala dimoni laya akhe obuntu
[25:30] Gijimi tshela Mi Lord mi ntu hamba lo Quran.
[25:31] We noma akha against gcwele phrofethi mabonwabulawe nga necala Kho Lord
suffices khaphi phathi.
[25:32] Labo disbelieved tshela cha enza Quran sondela him bonke kwa ngaphambili?"
We khulula it you kancane ngaphakathi landelana nquma it kho khumbula! We hlabelela
it thize landelana.
[25:33] Whatever zakuzakwana they mila we hlinzeka you yaniso hle dlelwano.
[25:34] Labo forcibly mema kuze Hogo are ngcolile khundla; they are de lungile dlela.
[25:35] We epha Mose scripture khetha akhe fo Aaron be akhe elekeleli.
[25:36] We tshela Thathaza both of you kuze ntu bhunkula ithu vulamehlo subsequently
we ngokupheleleyo bhubhisa rejectors!
[25:37] Ngokufanayo uma ntu Nowa disbelieved gijimi we cwilisa them we akha them
njengoba komba ntu! We hlomela transgressors buhlungu retribution.
[25:38] Noma ‘Aad Thamoud hlali Al-Russ ningi zukulwane them.
[25:39] Kuze each of la xuku we sindise sufficient bonakaliso phambili we bhubhisa
[25:40] They qeda gwamanda was yithela nga dabukisa hlambi (Sodom). they cha
bheka it Phuzu is they ze kholwa vuko.
[25:41] Manini they bheka you they dine chwaneka you lo fike enyula NKULUNKULU
Is be gijimi?
[25:42] He cishe buyisela us ithu Nkulunkulu cha were we steadfastly phikelela them.
They tando impela thola cishile, uma they bheka retribution are oqobo strayers nga dlela.
[25:43] you bheka fike Nkulunkulu fanele is akhe khe ego? you be akhe buzeli?
[25:44] you cabanga lowo ningi ncisheka them zwa azi They are eqinisweni lwane;
hhayi they are de ngcolile
[25:45] you cha bheka kanjani kho Lord sungula thunzi? He willed He enza it nquma
ngalesosikhathi we sungula langa accordingly.
[25:46] we sungula it nyakazo kalusilili!
[25:47] He is Fike sungula suku be khava futhi you kuze lala okusele. He enza suku
[25:48] He is Fike bani sa oya hle bika Akhe sa we sa nikela bhakabhaka msulwa nzi!
[25:49] Nga it we dlweza file zwe hlinzeka phuza ithu dalo! - Chibi of lwane humans.
[25:50] We sabalala it them kanye gqi lowo they fuza heed Kepha ningi ntu phikelela
upon disbelieving
[25:51] we willed we fanele hambisa kuze gcwele gwamanda warner.
[25:52] Ngakho cha hlonipha disbelievers phokophela them lo nkulu phokophela
[25:53] He is Fike merges 2 andle; fike is sha palatable khashana nye is hlungwane
ngaphuzeki. Futhi He hlungula them sabeka inviolable barrier (hwamuko).
[25:54] He is Fike qamba nga chichiza ntu ngalesosikhathi fuduka him zalanisa shado
khwelana! Kho Lord is Omnipotent
[25:55] they nzonzobala akha NKULUNKULU Thixo cha sizo them nor hlungu them!
Bala disbeliever is mabonwabulawe akhe Lord
[25:56] We sa you (Rashad) khululi hle biko noma kuhle warner.
[25:57] Zwi I cha buza you phi mali. Lonke I khonga is lamula you cosha lungile dlela
kuze kho Lord lo is babe you enyula!
[25:58] You faka kho ethemba Fike is Alive - Fike bani ze phoqoka - Tusa Him dumisa
Him! He is fully Cognizant of Akhe dalwa ono.
[25:59] He is Fike qamba bhakabhaka hlaba everything them 6 suku ngalesosikhathi
assumed bonke gqi. The Ningi Gracious; buza kakhulu Him labo manje thungela azani!
[25:60] Manini they thasisela Wa prostrate phambili the Ningi Gracious they tshela
Babe is the Ningi Gracious? Shall we prostrate babe you khulumela? Ngakho it yodwa
augments bo enyanya.
[25:61] Hlahlamelisa is Fike beka constellations ngaphakathi the bhakabhaka, beka it
khanyiso cwebezela yanga!
[25:62] He is Fike sungula suku suku kuze alternate sufficient bonakaliso labo fisa fuza
heed be appreciative
[25:63] worshipers the Ningi Gracious are labo gcobha hlaba kahle manini ngenalwazi
phumesela kuze them they yodwa khuluma thula!
[25:64] ngaphakathi bawedwa suku they zindla bo Lord zumeka prostrate
[25:65] they tshela Ithu Lord onga us agony Hogo; wo retribution is horrendous!
[25:66] It is kabi abode; ngcolile phetho.
[25:67] Uma they epha they are neither saphaza nor ncishana; they yekela moderation
[25:68] They ze nxusa NKULUNKULU phi nye Nkulunkulu nor ncisheka they dlulisa
anyone - for NKULUNKULU enza pilo ngcwele! - except ngaphakathi the kambe of
ahluleli Nor enza they bophezela phinga! Labo bophezela la cala khokha.
[25:69] Retribution phinda them Suku Vuko they abide therein yoca!
[25:70] Khulula are labo phenduka kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo! NKULUNKULU
[25:71] Labo phenduka phila ngakhethi pilo NKULUNKULU sindisa them; phethiwe
[25:72] They cha bekezelela mbumbulu fakazi. Uma they bonana vain hlebezi they
thalalisa it
[25:73] Uma khumbuza of bo Lord's vulamehlo they ze react them njengoba they were
yisithulu phumputheka!
[25:74] they tshela Ithu Lord yoyosa ithu owakwakhe ntwana be deku jabulo us
qhubeka us ngaphambili of the ngakhethi!
[25:75] La are ones attain Pharadisi emuva bo steadfastness; they thola therein joyous
bingelela thula.
[25:76] Eternally they abide therein; babe hle phetho; babe hle abode.
[25:77] Tshela You attain azisa mi Lord yodwa through kho konzo! you disbelieve you
incur ngenakugwemeka phetho.
26- Yosi (Al-Shu'ara)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[26:1] T. S. M. (Ta Bheka Mim)!
[26:2] La (cwadi) constitute bonakaliso lo hlandla scripture.
[26:3] You sola ukuthi they cha are kholwa!
[26:4] we tando we sa bhakabhaka komba bophezela bo umqala khothama!
[26:5] Whenever khumbuzo nga the Ningi Gracious hlangana kuze them is sha they
jikisa enyanya.
[26:6] selokhu they disbelieved they incurred phetho bo heedlessness.
[26:7] they cha bheka hlaba futhi kanjani ningi hlobo hle mila we khula thereon?
[26:8] Lo be sufficient bonakaliso them ningi of them cha are kholwa.
[26:9] ningi assuredly kho Lord is Almighty Nomusa.
[26:10] Recall kho Lord balula Mose Thathaza transgressing ntu!
[26:11] Pharaoh's ntu; khathisimbe they guqula.
[26:12] He tshela Mi Lord I bawosi funa they disbelieve me
[26:13] I lahlekelwa mi laka Mi limi bopha; sa for mi fo Aaron!
[26:14] Noma they cabanga me baleki; I saba funa they dlulisa me
[26:15] He cha tshela (they enza Thathaza Mi bonakaliso! We be you lalela!
[26:16] Thathaza Pharaoh tshela ‘We are gijimi Lord of universe. '!
[26:17] ‘Qhashisa Ntwana Israyeli thathaza. '!
[26:18] He tshela we cha vubukula you infancy you chitha ningi nyaka us?
[26:19] Ngalesosikhathi you bophezela cala you bophezela you were ngabongi.
[26:20] He tshela Bala I enza it uma I was astray.
[26:21] Ngalesosikhathi I baleka uma I saba you mi Lord endowed me ngokuhlakanipha
fuduka me fike gijimi.
[26:22] You qholosha ukuthi you enza me favor ngenkathi enslaving Ntwana Israyeli!
[26:23] Pharaoh tshela Babe is Lord universe?
[26:24] He tshela Lord of bhakabhaka hlaba everything them. You be okuthile kusukela
[26:25] He tshela kuze labo cishe him you zwa lo?
[26:26] He tshela Kho Lord Lord kho gogo.
[26:27] He tshela Kho gijimi is hambisa kuze you is sangene.
[26:28] He tshela Lord of phumalanga shonalanga everything them you azi.
[26:29] He tshela you amukela phi Nkulunkulu me I juba you jele.
[26:30] He tshela Babe I tshengisa you to profound?
[26:31] He tshela Ngalesosikhathi khiqiza it you are truthful.
[26:32] He ngalesosikhathi juba akhe sebenzi whereupon it phathelana profound fezi.
[26:33] he tapa akhe andla it was mhlophe kuze beholders.
[26:34] He tshela kuze gosa him Lo is nolwazi bili.
[26:35] He wants fuza you kho zwe akhe loya. babe ncisheka you funzelela?
[26:36] They tshela Phefu him akhe fo sa summoners gcwele dilobho!
[26:37] Qhashisa them mema gcwele nolwazi bili!
[26:38] Bili hloma khetha khathi khetha suku.
[26:39] Ntu thasisela Sondela fike lonke hloma ngokusondelana nantu!
[26:40] Mhlawumbe we landela bili they are nqobi.
[26:41] Manini bili sondela they tshela kuze Pharaoh we khokha we Ncisheka are
[26:42] He tshela Ehe bala; you fana be me
[26:43] Mose tshela kuze them Juba babe you juba!
[26:44] They juba bo bopho bhajwa tshela Pharaoh's majesty we be victors!
[26:45] Mose juba akhe sebenzi whereupon it khinsa babe they bhila.
[26:46] Bili nolunya prostrate
[26:47] They tshela We kholwa Lord universe.
[26:48] Lord of Mose Aaron.
[26:49] He tshela Ncisheka you kholwa him phambili I epha you livu? He be kho
fundisi thisha you loya You enza surely thola cishile! I hhephuna kho andla nyawo
alternate thimu. I nqamuleza you lonke.
[26:50] They tshela Lo cha guquka ithu gwebo; ithu Lord we phinda.
[26:51] We ethemba ithu Lord thethelela us ithu ono ikakhulukazi lowo we are kuqala
[26:52] We faka Mose Hamba Mi chaka you landela.
[26:53] Pharaoh hambisa kuze dolobhakazi callers.
[26:54] (Proclaiming) Lo is ncane qembu!
[26:55] They manje phikisa us.
[26:56] all elusa of them!
[26:57] Consequently we phuca them of gadi thombo
[26:58] Futhi cebo futhi honorable khundla!
[26:59] Ngalesosikhathi we fuduka it inheritance Ntwana Israyeli.
[26:60] They landela them phumalanga.
[26:61] Uma both phathi saha each nye Mose ntu tshela We qonda!
[26:62] He cha tshela dlela Mi Lord is me He khaphi me
[26:63] We ngalesosikhathi faka Mose Phansula andle kho sebenzi whereupon it
hlukana. Each hla was nkulu gquma.
[26:64] We ngalesosikhathi sindise them lonke.
[26:65] We kanjeyana beka Mose lonke labo were him.
[26:66] we cwilisa others.
[26:67] Lo be sufficient bonakaliso kakhulu ntu cha are kholwa.
[26:68] ningi assuredly kho Lord is Almighty Nomusa.
[26:69] Etha kuze them Abraham's lando!
[26:70] He tshela kuze akhe yise akhe ntu Babe lo you are khonza?
[26:71] They tshela We khonza statues; we are ngokupheleleyo nikela kuze them.
[26:72] He tshela they zwa you uma you nxusa?
[26:73] they sizo you Fantshi ona you?
[26:74] They cha tshela we thola ithu zali enza lo!
[26:75] He tshela Enza you bheka la Thixo you khonza!
[26:76] You kho gogo.
[26:77] I am them for I nikela yodwa Lord universe.
[26:78] Fike qamba me guided me
[26:79] Fike phakela me chichiza me
[26:80] Futhi uma I zuza gula He sindisa me
[26:81] Fike faka me fa ngalesosikhathi fikisa me sekela pilo.
[26:82] Fike bani ngokwethemba thethelela mi ono Suku Ehlulelo.
[26:83] Mi Lord pha me hlakani faka me nga the ngakhethi!
[26:84] Qhashisa bonakaliso I beka for the za zukulwane be sizakala fike!
[26:85] Fuduka me fike inheritors mnandi Pharadisi!
[26:86] Futhi thethelela mi yise for he thathaza astray!
[26:87] Cha fulathela me Suku Vuko!
[26:88] Lowo is suku uma neither mali nor ntwana lamula.
[26:89] Yodwa labo sondela NKULUNKULU bo phelele hliziyo (tando khulula).
[26:90] Pharadisi khona the ngakhethi.
[26:91] Hogo akha strayers.
[26:92] They buza Lapho are Thixo you khonza!
[26:93] Eceleni NKULUNKULU? they lamula you manje? they lamula?
[26:94] They juba therein hlangene strayers.
[26:95] bonke of Dimoni butho.
[26:96] They tshela njengoba they gxabano therein
[26:97] Nga NKULUNKULU we were de astray.
[26:98] Kanjani we akha you could gaba Lord universe?
[26:99] Labo khohlanisa us were wicked.
[26:100] Kalokhu we cha fanele intercessors.
[26:101] Nor mbalwa cimeza ngane.
[26:102] Yodwa we zuza another potsho we ngalesosikhathi kholwa.
[26:103] Lo be hle fundo. Ningi ntu cha are kholwa.
[26:104] Kho Lord is Almighty Nomusa.
[26:105] Ntu Nowa disbelieved gijimi.
[26:106] Bo fo Nowa tshela kuze them you cha be ngakhethi?
[26:107] I am hlonipheka gijimi you.
[26:108] You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[26:109] I cha buza you phi wage Mi wage hlangana nga Lord universe.
[26:110] You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[26:111] They tshela Kanjani we kholwa you fantshi uma ngcolile among us landela
[26:112] He tshela Kanjani I azi babe they ncisheka enza?
[26:113] Bo ehlulelo hlomisa yodwa mi Lord you perceive
[26:114] I ze xosha kholwa.
[26:115] I am hhayi ningi than hlandla warner.
[26:116] They tshela you phindo O Nowa you stoned
[26:117] He tshela Mi Lord mi ntu disbelieved me
[26:118] Pha me ahlula them sindise me mi gwamanqa kholwa!
[26:119] We sindise him labo emukisa him gcwele ark.
[26:120] Ngalesosikhathi we cwilisa others.
[26:121] Lo be fundo ningi ntu cha are kholwa.
[26:122] ningi assuredly kho Lord is Almighty Nomusa.
[26:123] ‘Aad disbelieved gijimi.
[26:124] Bo fo Beleko tshela kuze them you cha be ngakhethi?
[26:125] I am hlonipheka gijimi you.
[26:126] You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[26:127] I cha buza you for phi wage mi wage hlangana nga Lord universe.
[26:128] You akha gcwele gquma mansion vanity's sake.
[26:129] You akha akhiwo you ekugcineni unomphelo.
[26:130] Futhi uma you phansula you phansula mercilessly.
[26:131] You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[26:132] Hlonipho Fike hlinzeka you bonke to you azi!
[26:133] He hlinzeka you livestock ntwana.
[26:134] Futhi gadi futhi thombo.
[26:135] I saba for you retribution awesome suku.
[26:136] They tshela is the fana you shumayela cha shumayela
[26:137] Lowo vivinywa limited ithu gogo.
[26:138] Hhayi retribution nanini ehla us.
[26:139] They kanjeyana disbelieved consequently we bhubhisa them. Lo be fundo
ningi ntu cha are kholwa.
[26:140] ningi assuredly kho Lord is Almighty Nomusa.
[26:141] Thamoud disbelieved gijimi.
[26:142] Bo fo Saaleh tshela kuze them you cha be ngakhethi?
[26:143] I am hlonipheka gijimi you.
[26:144] You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[26:145] I cha buza you phi wage mi wage sondela yodwa Lord universe!
[26:146] you linganisa you hamba phakade phephile ngaphakathi lo sho?
[26:147] You nambitheka gadi thombo
[26:148] vuno dethi tende mnandi thelo!
[26:149] You carve taba ngubuthofothofo mansions.
[26:150] You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[26:151] Cha hlonipha transgressors!
[26:152] Bani bophezela bi cha hle sebenzi!
[26:153] They tshela You khunkula.
[26:154] You are hhayi ningi than obuntu us. Khiqiza mangaliso noma you are truthful!
[26:155] He tshela Nantu is kamela phuza yodwa suku assigned wo; suku is balwa kho
cacisa suku of phuza!
[26:156] Ncisheka cha namatha wo phi hlungu funa you incur retribution awesome
[26:157] They hlaba wo kanjeyana incurred sizi!
[26:158] retribution ahlula them. Lo be fundo ningi ntu cha are kholwa.
[26:159] ningi assuredly kho Lord is Almighty Nomusa.
[26:160] Ntu Diki disbelieved gijimi.
[26:161] Bo fo Diki tshela kuze them you cha be ngakhethi?
[26:162] I am hlonipheka gijimi you.
[26:163] You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[26:164] I cha buza you phi wage mi wage sondela yodwa Lord universe!
[26:165] Ncisheka you fanele lili duna bonke ntu?
[26:166] You fulathela kosikazi kho Lord qamba you! Bala you transgressing ntu.
[26:167] They tshela you phindo O Diki you dingisa.
[26:168] He tshela I deplore kho enzo.
[26:169] Mi Lord khulula me mi hlobo nga bo sebenzi!
[26:170] We khulula him lonke akhe hlobo.
[26:171] Cha dala kosikazi; she doomed
[26:172] We ngalesosikhathi phephetha others.
[26:173] We yithela them dabukisa hlambi; babe thusa hlambi labo khuza!
[26:174] Lo be fundo ningi ntu cha are kholwa.
[26:175] ningi assuredly kho Lord is Almighty Nomusa.
[26:176] Ntu Kuni disbelieved gijimi.
[26:177] Shu aib tshela kuze them you cha be ngakhethi?
[26:178] I am hlonipheka gijimi you.
[26:179] You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[26:180] I cha buza you phi wage mi wage sondela yodwa Lord universe!
[26:181] You epha gcwele gqi uma you hweba; ncisheka cha hungula
[26:182] You kala equitable kali.
[26:183] Cha hungula ntu bo lungelo cha zululeka hlaba corruptingly!
[26:184] Hlonipho Fike qamba you dlule zukulwane.
[26:185] They tshela You khunkula.
[26:186] You are hhayi ningi than ntu us. Nempela we cabanga you are hubu.
[26:187] Qhashisa quba bhakabhaka wa us you are truthful!
[26:188] He tshela Mi Lord is Fike azi everything you enza.
[26:189] They disbelieved him consequently they incurred retribution Suku Canopy It
was retribution awesome suku.
[26:190] Lo be fundo ningi ntu cha are kholwa.
[26:191] ningi assuredly kho Lord is Almighty Nomusa.
[26:192] Lo is vulamehlo Lord universe.
[26:193] Hlonipheka Futho (Gabriel) ehla it
[26:194] Kuze phendla it nga kho hliziyo lowo you be fike of warners!
[26:195] ngaphakathi kahle Arabhiya limi.
[26:196] It profeta bhuku dlule zukulwane.
[26:197] it cha sufficient Is komba them lowo it was azi kuze fundiswa Ntwana Israyeli?
[26:198] we phendla lo ntu cha azi Arabhiya.
[26:199] fanele him hlabelela it Arabhiya) they possibly cha kholwa it
[26:200] We kanjeyana nikeza it fana ngaphandle limi) hliziyo necala
[26:201] Kanjeyana they cha kholwa it cha kuze they bheka buhlungu retribution.
[26:202] It sondela them ngokuzuma uma they kancane lindela it
[26:203] They ngalesosikhathi tshela we fanele phefu?
[26:204] they cha selelo ithu retribution?
[26:205] njengoba you bheka we sondela them nambitheka for nyaka!
[26:206] Ngalesosikhathi retribution sondela them eqinisweni njengoba thembisa.
[26:207] Bo banzi resources cha lamula them ngaphakathi the ngcosana
[26:208] We ze bhubhisa phi gwamanda without sa warners!
[26:209] Ngakho lo is khumbuzo we are ze unjust.
[26:210] Dimoni ze phendla lo.
[26:211] They neither beyo nor could.
[26:212] they are nqanda nga zwa!
[26:213] Ngakho cha idolize NKULUNKULU phi nye Nkulunkulu funa you incur
[26:214] You shumayela ntu are closest kuze you.
[26:215] Fushane kho khono kholwa landela you.
[26:216] they disobey you ngalesosikhathi tshela I bandla babe you enza!
[26:217] Faka kho ethemba ngaphakathi Almighty Nomusa!
[26:218] Bani bheka you uma you zindla suku!
[26:219] Kho jonga prostrations.
[26:220] He is Ozwayo Omniscient
[26:221] I chazela you upon whom dimoni ewuka?
[26:222] They ewuka gcwele necala fabricator.
[26:223] They zenzisa lalela ningi of them are hubu!
[26:224] Njengoba for yosi they landela lodwa strayers.
[26:225] you cha bheka bo ethembeka gudlula mo?
[26:226] Futhi lowo they tshela babe they cha enza?
[26:227] Khulula are labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo khumbula NKULUNKULU
mihla mela bo lungelo! Surely transgressors tando thola cishile babe bo ultimate phetho
27- Tuthwane (Al-Naml)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[27:1] T. S. La (cwadi) constitute bonakaliso Quran; profound scripture.
[27:2] beacon hle biko kholwa.
[27:3] Bani sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) they are
regard Hereafter kasibili okuthile!
[27:4] Labo cha kholwa Hereafter we gqizisa bo sebenzi bo bobo. Kanjeyana they
qhubeka phazama.
[27:5] is la incur kabi retribution Hereafter they be ngcolile losers.
[27:6] Surely you thola Quran nga Hlakaniphile Omniscient
[27:7] Recall ukuthi Mose tshela kuze akhe hlobo I bheka lilo; qhashisa me fikisa you
biko therefrom thoshi thokomala you!
[27:8] Uma he sondela it he was bizela Thokozisa is Fike shono lilo labo cishe it Dumo
be NKULUNKULU Lord universe!
[27:9] O Mose lo is Me NKULUNKULU Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[27:10] Juba phansi kho sebenzi Uma he bheka it qhubeka njengoba dimoni he
phenduka baleka! O Mose cha be esaba. Mi gijimi cha saba.
[27:11] Labo bani bophezela sono ngalesosikhathi bambeli righteousness emva ona; I
Thethelela Nomusa!
[27:12] Faka kho letha kho tsholwana it wunduka mhlophe yiko! La are among 9
mangaliso kuze Pharaoh akhe ntu for they are wicked ntu.
[27:13] Uma ithu mangaliso khona them cwatha profound they tshela Lo is ngokusobala
[27:14] They bhunkula them ngokupheleleyo vumisa of bo ngacabangi dlela bo
khukhumala. qaphela phetho evildoers!
[27:15] We endowed David Solomoni azani they tshela Tusa NKULUNKULU busiso
us ningi than ningi of Akhe kholwa chaka!
[27:16] Solomoni was David's dlalifa. He tshela O ntu we endowed nga azi limi bazana
bonke hlobo of to pha us. Lo is bala oqobo busiso.
[27:17] Viva sebenzi Solomoni were akhe lalela butho of jinns humans noma kuhle
bazana; lonke kwa akhe khucululwa!
[27:18] Uma they sondelana godi tuthwane fike tuthwane tshela O you tuthwane
thathaza nga kho khaya funa you suka hlifiza Solomoni akhe butho without perceiving!
[27:19] He bozozela hleka wo sho tshela Mi Lord qondisa me be appreciative of busiso
You pha me mi zali ncisheka ngakhethi sebenzi siza You! Mukela me Kho sa gwamanqa
Kho ngakhethi chaka.
[27:20] He hlola bazana noted I cha bheka bhobhoni? ngani he chitha?
[27:21] I jezisa him kabi nikela him he epha me hle xolisa!
[27:22] He cha mela hushazela! (Bhobhoni) tshela I fanele biko you cha fanele I fikisa
you Sheba nye thuthukile niningwane.
[27:23] I thola kosikazi nqumo them hlahlamelisa everything possesses sabeka godlo!
[27:24] I cosha wo wo ntu prostrating langa NKULUNKULU! Dimoni gqizisa bo
sebenzi bo bobo repulsed them dlela; consequently they cha guided
[27:25] They prostrating NKULUNKULU Fike manifests bonke kinga bhakabhaka
hlaba Fike bani azi everything you gubadlela everything you memezela!
[27:27] (Solomoni) tshela We bheka you thasisela yaniso noma you are hubu.
[27:28] Fuza lo cwadi me epha it them ngalesosikhathi lindela bo response!
[27:29] She tshela O mi advisers I thola honorable cwadi.
[27:30] is Solomoni it is NKULUNKULU Gracious Nomusa. '
[27:31] Proclaiming cha ‘Enza zidla sondela me njengoba submitters '!
[27:32] She tshela O mi advisers eluleka me ngaphakathi lo buzo I cha juqula anything
you luleka me
[27:33] They tshela We possess dlakathi we possess lwa ngcweti ultimate poqo is kho
andla! You juqula babe enza!
[27:34] She tshela kosi khohlakala phi zwe they invade subjugate wo nesithunzi ntu! Lo
is babe they ngokujwayelekile enza.
[27:35] I sa phiwo them; bheka babe gijimi buya nga!
[27:36] Manini bhobhoni phinda Solomoni (he thasisela him biko) he phendula Sheba's
ntu you epha me mali? babe NKULUNKULU epha me is de kahle than babe He epha
you. You are ones jabula njalo phiwo.
[27:37] (Kuze bhobhoni he tshela) Jenduka them qhashisa them azi ukuthi) we sondela
them khandlu they cha azisa! We evict them yoca debased
[27:38] He tshela O you gosa of you fikisa me wo mansion phambili they fika nantu
[27:39] Fike afrit nga jinns tshela I fikisa it you you mela I am qinile ngokwanele enza
[27:40] fike possessed azani bhuku tshela I ngenisa it you cwazima kho bobo. Uma he
bheka it zijwayeza him he tshela Lo is busiso mi Lord whereby He hlola me bukiso I am
appreciative unappreciative. Whoever is appreciative is appreciative akhe khe hle futhi
noma fike guquko unappreciative ngalesosikhathi mi Lord is ngaphakathi hhayi dingo
him Honorable.
[27:41] He tshela Remodel wo mansion wo. Bheka she guided qhubeka nga the
[27:42] Uma she fika she buza Enza kho mansion dlozinga lo? She tshela bonakala lo is
it (Solomoni tshela) We azi kuqala babe she ncisheka we were vele submitters!
[27:43] She buyisela khonza Thixo NKULUNKULU; she fanele kuze disbelieving ntu!
[27:44] She thasisela Thathaza godlo. Uma she bheka wo interior she cabanga was chibi
nzi she (qhubeka wo gubo) dalula wo lenze! He tshela Lo interior manje paved nga
crystal She tshela Mi Lord I ngalungi mi phefumulo. I manje faka Solomoni
NKULUNKULU Lord universe.
[27:45] We fanele hambisa kuze Thamoud bo fo Saaleh tshela You khonza
NKULUNKULU. they jikisa nga 2 feuding qembu!
[27:46] He tshela O mi ntu you khawuleza ncisheka bophezela bi hle sebenzi? Yodwa
you nxusa NKULUNKULU yekelo you attain sa.
[27:47] They tshela We cabanga you ngcolile bika us you labo xhumelela you. He tshela
Kho bika fully zibamba NKULUNKULU. Bala you are deviant ntu.
[27:48] Nanso were 9 bhulukhasi dolobhakazi were wicked ze ncisheka anything hle!
[27:49] They tshela funga NKULUNKULU we dlulisa him akhe ntu ngalesosikhathi
thasisela akhe qu ‘We azi nothing bo fa! We are truthful. '
[27:50] They tula schemed we noma tula schemed ngenkathi they cha perceive
[27:51] qaphela phetho bo tula we bhubhisa them lonke bo ntu!
[27:52] Nantu are bo khaya ngokupheleleyo bhidliza bo sono! Lo be fundo ntu azi.
[27:53] We khulula labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo!
[27:54] Diki tshela kuze akhe ntu Kanjani you bophezela njalo abomination publicly
ngenkathi you bheka?
[27:55] You enza lili doda lustfully kosikazi. Bala you are ngenalwazi ntu.
[27:56] Lodwa response nga akhe ntu was bo landiso Dingisa Diki hlobo kho dilobho;
they are ntu bani fisa be msulwa!
[27:57] Consequently we khulula him akhe hlobo except akhe kosikazi; we bala wo
among the doomed
[27:58] We yithela them okuthile hlambi. was dabukisa hlambi ntu khuza.
[27:59] Tshela Dumiso be NKULUNKULU thula be Akhe chaka whom He enyula!
Nkulunkulu hle Thixo nye ntu Is akha?
[27:60] Bani Fike is qamba bhakabhaka hlaba? Bani is Fike bani sa phansi you
bhakabhaka chichiza whereby we khiqiza gadi gcwele of hle! - you possibly cha khiqiza
wo shanguzo? Is it another Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU? Bala they are ntu bani
[27:61] Bani Fike enza hlaba habitable banga fula qhaqha it beka it taba is qamba
barrier 2 nzi? Is it another Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU? Bala ningi of them cha azi.
[27:62] Bani Fike lamulela labo is phathelana desperate bizela Him dambisa adversity
fuduka you inheritors hlaba? Is it another Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU? Rarely enza you
fuza heed
[27:63] Bani Fike is khaphi you cime zwe futhi andle Bani Fike is sa oya hle biko
signaling Akhe sa? Is it another Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU? exalted is
NKULUNKULU fanele phi lingani!
[27:64] Bani Fike omula dalo is ngalesosikhathi phinde it Bani Fike is hlinzeka for you
bhakabhaka hlaba? Is it another Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU? Tshela Tshengisa me kho
bonakaliso noma you are truthful!
[27:65] Tshela "Hhayi fike bhakabhaka hlaba azi gomuso except NKULUNKULU!
They enza cha fana perceive kanjani manini they resurrected
[27:66] Nempela bo azani Hereafter phambanisa. Nempela they harbor ngabaza it
Nempela they are ngokupheleleyo heedless thereof.
[27:67] Labo disbelieved tshela we jikisa nga thuli noma ithu zali we zuza wisa cishile?
[27:68] We epha fana thembiso dlulile. La are nothing daba nga dlule
[27:69] Tshela Zululeka hlaba qaphela phetho necala
[27:70] Cha lila them cha chwephesha bo scheming
[27:71] They tshela Uma thembiso sondela qeda you are truthful?
[27:72] Zwi You vele jeza nye of retribution you selelo
[27:73] Kho Lord is gcwele of sa ntu ningi of them are unappreciative.
[27:74] Kho Lord fully azi babe bo bele sitheza babe they memezela.
[27:75] Nanso is nothing bhakabhaka hlaba sitheza Nkulunkulu;) everything is profound
[27:76] Lo Quran zijwayeza ningi khishwa Ntwana Israyeli; khishwa ukuthi they
nzonzobala phikisa!
[27:77] ningi assuredly it is khaphi sa kholwa.
[27:78] Kho Lord is Fike bani jaji them ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe gqa. He is
Almighty Omniscient
[27:79] Ngakho faka kho ethemba NKULUNKULU; you landela manifest yaniso!
[27:80] You cha enza file nor yisithulu zwa memeza they jikisa!
[27:81] Nor fantshi you khaphi yimpumputhe bo dukane. Lodwa ones zwa you are labo
kholwa ithu vulamehlo juqula be submitters!
[27:82] Kwa manje khathi we khiqiza them dalwa fuduka earthly mathiriyeli memezela
ukuthi ntu cha are okuthile kakhulu ithu vulamehlo!
[27:83] Suku sondela uma we mema gcwele gwamanda nye of labo cha kholwa ithu
bonakaliso forcibly.
[27:84] Uma they fika He tshela You bhunkula Mi vulamehlo thola azani them! Lo cha
babe you Is enza?
[27:85] They incur requital bo wickedness; they tshela nothing.
[27:86] they cha bheka we fanele fuduka suku bo okusele suku lighted? La be sufficient
bonakaliso ntu kholwa.
[27:87] Suku uma phondo thathaza everyone bhakabhaka hlaba horrified except labo
khethiwe NKULUNKULU! Bonke tando sondela Him forcibly.
[27:88] Uma you bukeka taba you zindla they bekezelela sa. Kepha they qhubeka
njengoba fu. njalo is akha NKULUNKULU phelelisa everything. He is fully Cognizant
of everything you enza.
[27:89] Labo ngenisa hle sebenzi bo thayela) thola kude kahle klomela they be
ngokupheleleyo phephile ethusa lowo suku!
[27:90] Njengoba for labo fikisa bi sebenzi they bophezela Hogo. you cha requited babe
you enza?
[27:91] I hle phatha khonza Lord lo dilobho! - He enza it phephile sanctuary - He
possesses bonke to. I phatha be submitter.
[27:92] Futhi kuze hlabelela Quran! Whoever guided guided akhe khe hle futhi noma
they thathaza astray ngalesosikhathi tshela I am hle warner!
[27:93] Tshela Dumiso be NKULUNKULU; He tshengisa you Akhe bonakaliso kuze
you recognize them! Kho Lord is ze unaware of anything you enza.
28- Lando (Al-Qasas)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[28:1] T. S. M.
[28:2] La (cwadi) constitute bonakaliso lo profound bhuku.
[28:3] We hlabelela you nantu nye lando of Mose Pharaoh truthfully for the sizo of ntu
[28:4] Pharaoh jikisa nga cindezeli hlaba bandlulula nye ntu. He qhuba ngenasizo xuku
of them hlaba bo dodana ngenkathi onga bo tombazana! He was bala wicked.
[28:5] We willed nxephezela labo cindezela hlaba jikisa them nga ngqaphambili fuduka
them inheritors!
[28:6] Futhi kuze sungula them hlaba epha Pharaoh Hamaan bo butho nambitheka bo
khe thi!
[28:7] We faka Mose mame Hlengi him futhi uma you saba akhe pilo jikijelo him nga
fula ngodli hlungu! We buya him you fuduka him fike gijimi!
[28:8] Pharaoh's hlobo phakamisa him yodwa fanele him phila phikisa be deku hlungu
them! Lowo is Pharaoh Hamaan bo butho were transgressors.
[28:9] Pharaoh's kosikazi tshela Lo be joyous vumbululo me you. Cha dlulisa him for he
be of nye sizo us we amukela him be ithu dodana. They cha fanele bono!
[28:10] Gqondo Mose mame khula kanjalo fisa ukuthi she cishe dalula akhe identity. we
qinisa wo hliziyo fuduka wo kholwa.
[28:11] She tshela kuze akhe dade Khondo akhe dlela. She qaphela him afar khashana
they cha perceive
[28:12] We enqabela him nga amukela bonke hlengikazi mame! (Akhe dade)
ngalesosikhathi tshela I tshengisa you hlobo vubukula him you fuza hle cophelela of him.
[28:13] Kanjeyana we buyisa him akhe mame ngaphakathi landelana siza wo enyula wo
nakekela qhashisa wo azi ukuthi Nkulunkulu thembiso is yaniso! Nokho ningi of them
cha azi.
[28:14] Uma he finyelela khula andla we endowed him ngokuhlakanipha azani! We
kanjeyana klomela the ngakhethi.
[28:15] Ngaphambili he ngena dolobhakazi ethuka without recognized ntu! He cosha 2
doda lwa fike was (Hebheru) nga akhe ntu nye was (Gibhithe) akhe mabonwabulawe.
Fike nga akhe ntu bizela on him for sizo akhe mabonwabulawe! Mose khandavula him
dlulisa him! He tshela Lo is sebenzi dimoni; he is oqobo yisitha profound misleader.
[28:16] He tshela Mi Lord I ngalungi mi phefumulo. siza thethelela me He thethelela
him! He is Forgiver Nomusa.
[28:17] He tshela Mi Lord emuva for Kho busiso me I ze be lweli necala ones.
[28:18] Ekuseni he was dolobhakazi esaba phapheme. fike khonga akhe sizo izolo buza
akhe sizo buye. Mose tshela kuze him You are nempela cefe enzi.
[28:19] Phambili he lokotha phansula bo ejwayelekile mabonwabulawe he tshela O
Mose you want ncisheka dlulisa me njengoba you dlulisa nye doda izolo? Ngokusobala
you fisa be cindezeli hlaba; you cha fisa be ngakhethi.
[28:20] Doda sondela sukeleka nga nye thimu of dolobhakazi landiso O Mose ntu are
tula dlulisa you! You hle hamba manje! I epha you hle eluleko.
[28:21] He baleka dolobhakazi esaba phapheme. He tshela Mi Lord khulula me nga
coba ntu!
[28:22] Kuhle he hamba Midyan he tshela Meyi mi Lord khaphi me lungile dlela!
[28:23] Uma he finyelela Midyan's nzi he cosha xuku of ntu chichiza phawula 2
kosikazi mela on the thimu! He tshela Babe is it lowo you dinga? They tshela We cha are
able kuze nzi xuku damusa ithu yise is dala doda!
[28:24] He chichiza them ngalesosikhathi jikisa thunzi landiso Mi Lord whatever
hlinzeka you hambisa kuze me I am ngaphakathi dire dingo for it
[28:25] Masinyane fike of 2 kosikazi sondelana him shyly tshela Mi yise mema you
khokhela you chichiza us. Uma he hlangabeza him thasisela him akhe daba he tshela
Fanele saba! You khulula coba ntu.
[28:26] Fike of 2 kosikazi tshela O mi yise qasha him! He is hle fike qasha he is donsile
[28:27] He tshela I fiso thembisa fike of mi 2 tombazana you kuze gcagca emuva
sebenza me 8 pilgrimages noma you enza them 10 it be okuzithandela kho hla! I cha fisa
enza lo buzo kakhulu lukhuni for you. You cosha me NKULUNKULU vuma ngakhethi.
[28:28] He tshela It is vumelana me you. Whichever kathi I fulfill you cha be averse
kuze noma fike. NKULUNKULU is guarantor of BABE we TSHELA.
[28:29] Uma he gcina akhe bopho he hamba akhe hlobo Gibhithe). He saha gingqika
Nyuka Sinai lilo. He tshela kuze akhe hlobo Shela nantu. I bheka lilo. Mhlawumbe I
fikisa you biko khangezo lilo thokomala you.
[28:30] Uma he finyelela it he was bizela cala manje thimu godi thokozisa casha sha
hlahla thola O Mose lo is Me NKULUNKULU; Lord of universe.
[28:31] Juba phansi kho sebenzi Uma he bheka it qhubeka njengoba dimoni he
phenduka baleka! O Mose buya; cha be esaba. You are ngokupheleleyo phephile.
[28:32] Faka kho andla nga kho tsholwana it wunduka mhlophe yiko! Pheceza kho
khono zijwayeza phansi kho bawosi! La are 2 bonakaliso nga kho Lord tshengisa
Pharaoh akhe gosa; they been wicked ntu.
[28:33] He tshela Mi Lord I dlulisa fike of them futhi I saba funa they dlulisa me
[28:34] Noma mi fo Aaron is eloquent than I Sa him me hlengi qinisekisa qinisa me I
saba funa they disbelieve me
[28:35] He tshela We qinisa you kho fo we hlinzeka you both manifest gqi. Kanjeyana
they cha be able kuze thinta noma fike of you. Nga ithu mangaliso 2 of you hlangene nga
labo landela you be victors.
[28:36] Uma Mose thathaza them ithu bonakaliso hle profound they tshela Lo bhila
loya. We ze zwa lo ithu yisidala gogo.
[28:37] Mose tshela Mi Lord azi kahle bani fikisa hola Him be ultimate victors. Surely
transgressors ze landela.
[28:38] Pharaoh tshela O you gosa I cha azi of phi Nkulunkulu you nye than me Ngakho
xosha adobe O Hamaan ngaphakathi landelana akha bhoshongo lowo I fuza dlozinga
Nkulunkulu Mose! I am impela lowo he is hubu.
[28:39] Kanjeyana he akhe butho qhubeka bophezela khukhumala hlaba phi lungile
cabango lowo they cha phinda us.
[28:40] Consequently we jezisa him akhe butho juba them nga andle. qaphela phetho
[28:41] We enza them imams phila bo ntu kuze Hogo. Furthermore Suku Vuko they
cha fanele sizo.
[28:42] They incurred ngaphakathi lo pilo ahlulelwa Suku Vuko they dlelesela.
[28:43] We epha Mose scripture - Emva bhubhisa dlule zukulwane ngasemuva hlaziya
bonakaliso them - Kuze hlinzeka khanyisa ntu hola sa lowo they fuza heed
[28:44] You were mahhala gingqika asentshonalanga nyuka uma we khishwa poqo
Mose; you cha were fakazi.
[28:45] we sungula ningi zukulwane de khathi, (they hlanhlatha). Nor were you among
the ntu of Midyan hlabelela ithu vulamehlo them! we ncisheka sa gijimi!
[28:46] Nor were you gingqika of Nyuka Sinai uma we balula (Mose)! it is sa kho Lord
ntu) ngaphakathi landelana khuza ntu cha thola warner you lowo they fuza heed
[28:47] Kanjeyana they cha tshela uma bhicongo phansula them njengoba phetho bo khe
enzo Ithu Lord fanele You sa gijimi us we landela Kho vulamehlo been kholwa.
[28:48] Manje lowo yaniso sondela them us they tshela yodwa we epha babe epha
Mose! they cha disbelieve ngaphakathi was Ncisheka babe epha Mose dlulile? They
tshela Both (scriptures) are sebenzi of loya lowo kopela fike another They noma tshela
We are disbelievers ngaphakathi both of them.
[28:49] Tshela Ngalesosikhathi khiqiza scripture nga NKULUNKULU hle hola than 2 I
landela it you are truthful!
[28:50] they hlumba phendula you ngalesosikhathi azi ukuthi they landela yodwa bo khe
bono. Bani is de astray than labo landela bo khe bono hola nga NKULUNKULU?
[28:51] We sindise biko them lowo they fuza heed
[28:52] Labo we hlahlamelisa dlule scriptures kholwa ngaphakathi lo.
[28:53] Uma it hlabelela them they tshela We kholwa it Lo is yaniso ithu Lord Fana
kadukuba we zwa it we were submitters.
[28:54] Kuze la we pha kabili kokhelo they steadfastly phikelela. They bali bi sebenzi
hle sebenzi nga ithu hlinzeka them they epha.
[28:55] Uma they hlangana vain hlebezi they bambalala it tshela We are necala ithu
enzo you are necala for kho enzo. Thula be you. We cha fisa behave fana ngenalwazi
[28:56] You cha khaphi ones you thanda. NKULUNKULU is LODWA Fike BANI
KHAPHI ngaphakathi accordance nga AKHE tando ngaphakathi accordance nga AKHE
[28:57] They tshela we landela kho hola we jeza joko. tando we cha sungula them
Ngcwele Sanctuary kuze which bonke hlobo of thelo thembisa hlinzeka us? Bala ningi of
them cha azi.
[28:58] Ningi gwamanda we bhubhisa for jika unappreciative of bo pilo! Consequently
nantu are bo khaya nothing uninhabited bhidliza them a ngcosana We were inheritors.
[28:59] For kho Lord ze bhubhisa phi gwamanda sa gijimi ngaphakathi the midst
thereof hlabelela ithu vulamehlo kuze them! We ze bhubhisa phi gwamanda wo ntu are
[28:60] Everything epha you is yodwa mathiriyeli lo pilo wo vanity. babe is
NKULUNKULU is de kahle everlasting you cha azi?
[28:61] Fike we thembisa hle thembiso surely sondela qeda lingana kuze fike whom we
hlinzeka nga esikhashana mathiriyeli lo pilo ngalesosikhathi jeza naphakade lahlwa Suku
[28:62] Suku sondela uma He balula them tshela Lapho labo Thixo you enza are akha
[28:63] Labo incurred ehlulelo tshela Ithu Lord la are the ones we khohlanisa; we
khohlanisa them yodwa we thathaza astray. We manje nikela ngokupheleleyo You. They
nempela cha khonza us.
[28:64] It tshela Balula kho Thixo lamula you)! They bizela them they cha phendula!
They jeza retribution fiso they guided
[28:65] Lowo suku He buza everyone tando Kanjani you phendula gijimi?
[28:66] They kanjalo didekile phuzu lowo suku they be khungathekile.
[28:67] Njengoba for labo phenduka kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they phetho nqobi!
[28:68] Kho Lord is Fike qamba whatever He tando enyula hhayi fike enza phi enyula
dumo be kuze NKULUNKULU the Ningi Exalted He kude phezulu dinga lingani.
[28:69] Kho Lord azi innermost cabango fihlekile ngaphakathi bo bele noma kuhle
everything they memezela.
[28:70] He is fike NKULUNKULU; nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Him. Kuze Him
fanele bonke dumiso ngaphakathi lo okokuqala pilo ngaphakathi Hereafter Bonke
ehlulelo fanele Him Him you phinda.
[28:71] Zwi Babe noma NKULUNKULU fuduka suku perpetual kuze Suku Vuko?
Which Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU hlinzeka you fantshi nga okhela? you cha zwa?
[28:72] Zwi Babe noma NKULUNKULU fuduka ni perpetual kuze Suku Vuko? Which
Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU hlinzeka you suku kho okusele? you cha bheka?
[28:73] is sa Him He qamba you suku suku ngaphakathi landelana hlomisa suku)
ngalesosikhathi khonga Akhe hlinzeka suku) you be appreciative
[28:74] Suku sondela uma He buza them Ndawonaphi Thixo you enza are bhila gaba
[28:75] We khetha nga gcwele gwamanda fakazi ngalesosikhathi tshela Mahhala kho
bonakaliso They realize ngalesosikhathi bonke yaniso fanele NKULUNKULU khashana
Thixo they bhila dela them!
[28:76] Qaaroon gcinanja shayeli) was fike of Mose ntu dazula them cindezela them!
We epha him ningi cebo hluthulelo thereof were cishe kakhulu sinda for donsile andla.
Akhe ntu tshela kuze him cha be zidla; NKULUNKULU cha thanda labo are zidla!
[28:77] Sebenzisa hlinzeka pha upon you nga NKULUNKULU khonga abode Hereafter
shiya kho juphe ngaphakathi lo hlaba! Be charitable njengoba NKULUNKULU been
charitable towards you. Cha qhubeka khohlakala hlaba! NKULUNKULU CHA
THANDA corruptors.
[28:78] He tshela I attained lonke lo mi khe khalipho. he cha realize ukuthi
NKULUNKULU Ncisheka bhubhisa him zukulwane were khulu donsile than he nkulu
ngaphakathi ndikindiki? (Bhubhisa) transgressors were buza kakhulu bo cala!
[28:79] Fike suku he wunduka akhe ntu gcwele splendor. Labo khetha lo worldly pilo
tshela Hawu we fiso we possessed babe Qaaroon attained Bala he is kakhulu fortunate.
[28:80] Njengoba for labo hlahlamelisa azani they tshela Woe kuze you Nkulunkulu
recompense is de kahle labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo. None attains lo except the
[28:81] We ngalesosikhathi banga hlaba konjane him akhe mansion. Hhayi pi lamula
him NKULUNKULU; he cha destined be nqobi.
[28:82] Labo were nomhawu of him suku phambili tshela Kalokhu we realize ukuthi
NKULUNKULU is Fike hlinzeka for whomever He enyula Akhe chaka withholds!
Noma it were for Nkulunkulu sa us He banga hlaba khinsa us kakhulu. We manje realize
lowo disbelievers ze landela.
[28:83] We bekisa abode Hereafter labo cha khonga exaltation hlaba nor kohlakalo.
ultimate ahlula fanele kuze the ngakhethi.
[28:84] Whoever sebenza righteousness thola de hle klomela! Njengoba for labo
bophezela ona retribution bo ono is eqinisweni equivalent kuze bo sebenzi!
[28:85] Surely Fike decreed Quran you mema you predetermined bekwa. Tshela Mi
Lord is fully aware of labo uphold hola labo thathaza astray!
[28:86] You ze lindela lo scripture sondela kho dlela lo is sa kho Lord Ngakho you cha
thimu disbelievers.
[28:87] Nor shall you buyisela Nkulunkulu vulamehlo ngasemuva they sondela you
mema others kuze kho Lord Cha ncisheka nanini wa Thixo khonza!
[28:88] You cha khonza NKULUNKULU phi nye Nkulunkulu. Nanso cha is nye
Nkulunkulu Him. Everything vikela Akhe bakhona. Kuze Him fanele bonke sovereignty
kuze Him you phinda!
29- Cabucabu (Al-Ankaboot)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[29:1] A L. M.
[29:2] Ntu zindla they hamba tshela We ncisheka be kholwa faka vivinyo?
[29:3] We hlola labo them NKULUNKULU ahlukanisa labo are truthful He dalula
[29:4] Labo bophezela ono cabanga lowo they ncisheka nanini khohlisa us? ngacabangi
bala is bo ehlulelo.
[29:5] Anyone ethemba hlangabeza NKULUNKULU azi lowo) njalo buthano
NKULUNKULU tando ningi assuredly sondela qeda! He is Ozwayo Omniscient
[29:6] Labo phokophela phokophela bo khe sizakala. NKULUNKULU is ngaphakathi
hhayi dingo of anyone.
[29:7] Labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo we impela remit bo ono impela klomela them
generously for bo ngakhethi sebenzi!
[29:8] We enjoined ntu honor akhe zali. they linganisa bophezela you akha Thixo Me
cha hlonipha them! Kuze Me is kho ultimate buya ngalesosikhathi I chazela you of
everything you enza.
[29:9] Labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo we impela mukela them nga the ngakhethi!
[29:10] Among the ntu nanso are labo tshela We kholwa NKULUNKULU njengoba
masinyane njengoba they jeza phi nzaka NKULUNKULU they equate ntu joko
Nkulunkulu retribution! Noma busiso nga kho Lord sondela kho dlela they zwi We you.
were Is NKULUNKULU cha fully awareof ntu innermost cabango?
[29:12] Labo disbelieved tshela kuze labo kholwa you landela ithu dlela we be necala
kho ono. Cha qiniseka; they cha bekezelela phi of bo ono. They are hubu.
[29:13] Nempela they yisa bo khe ono noma kuze layisha of nye ntu ono they were
necala! ningi impela they buza Suku Vuko bo mbumbulu nxephezelo.
[29:14] We sa Nowa akhe ntu he bukisa them 1000 nyaka kancane 50. Subsequently
they incurred guguleka bo sono.
[29:15] We khulula him labo emukisa him ark we akha it fundo bonke ntu.
[29:16] Abraham tshela kuze akhe ntu You khonza NKULUNKULU hlonipho Him! Lo
is kahle you noma you yodwa azi.
[29:17] Babe you khonza NKULUNKULU are buthuntu Thixo; you ceba nga. Thixo
you khonza NKULUNKULU cha possess phi hlinzeka you! Ngakho you khonga
hlinzeka yodwa nga NKULUNKULU. You khonza Him wodwa be appreciative of Him;
Him is kho ultimate buya.
[29:18] you disbelieve zukulwane you noma disbelieved soli sebenzi gijimi is sindise
[29:19] fanele they cha bheka kanjani NKULUNKULU omula dalo ngalesosikhathi!
Phinde it Lo is kalula NKULUNKULU enza.
[29:20] Tshela Zululeka hlaba thola cishile dabuko pilo. For NKULUNKULU tando
ngakho omula dalo Hereafter NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[29:21] He fela retribution whomever He tando hlambi Akhe sa whomever He tando.
Ekugcineni kuze Him you be jikisa dlulile!
[29:22] None of you sinda la phuzu hlaba bhakabhaka you fanele none
NKULUNKULU njengoba Lord Phathi.
[29:23] Labo disbelieve Nkulunkulu vulamehlo ngaphakathi hlangabeza Him despaired
Mi sa! They incurred buhlungu retribution.
[29:24] Lodwa response nga akhe ntu was bo tshela Dlulisa him bambeka him.
NKULUNKULU beka him nga lilo! Lo hlinzeka fundo ntu bani kholwa!
[29:25] He tshela You khonza NKULUNKULU buthuntu Thixo tanga cindezelo babale
khweza nye ngane you ngaphakathi lo worldly pilo! Ngalesosikhathi Suku Vuko you
bandla fike another qalekisa fike another Kho phetho is Hogo wherein you cha lamula
fike another
[29:26] Diki kholwa him tshela I thutha mi Lord He is Almighty the Ningi Hlakaniphile.
[29:27] We pha him Isaac Jacob we assigned akhe zalo prophethood scriptures we
endowed him akhe khona recompense ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter he surely be nga the
[29:28] Diki tshela kuze akhe ntu You bophezela njalo abomination hhayi fike
emhlabeni nanini enza it you!
[29:29] You enza lili doda you bophezela highway gebenga you sondela bonke hlobo of
vice kho hlangano. lodwa response nga akhe ntu was tshela Fikisa kuze us Nkulunkulu
retribution you are truthful!
[29:30] He tshela Mi Lord pha me ahlula la wicked ntu!
[29:31] Uma ithu gijimi thathaza Abraham hle biko Isaac's zala) they noma tshela We
are on ithu dlela bhubhisa ntu of lowo dilobho (Sodom) wo ntu been wicked!
[29:32] He tshela Diki fudumele khona. They tshela We are fully aware of everyone
bani pilo ngaphakathi it We enza of kambe khulula him akhe hlobo except akhe kosikazi;
she doomed
[29:33] Uma ithu gijimi fika Diki dawo they mistreated he xina bo bakhona. they tshela
cha Fanele saba cha thikimeza! We khulula you kho hlobo except kho kosikazi; she
[29:34] We thela ntu of lo dilobho bhicongo nga bhakabhaka phetho bo wickedness.
[29:35] We hamba mile nye of bo gebedu kuze sebenza njengoba profound fundo ntu
[29:36] Kuze Midyan we sa bo fo Shu aib. He tshela O mi ntu you khonza
NKULUNKULU khonga Emuva Suku cha zululeka hlaba corruptingly!
[29:37] They disbelieved him consequently earthquake bhubhisa them; they hamba file
bo khaya nga sa
[29:38] Ngokufanayo 'Aad Thamoud bhubhisa). Lo enza manifest you through bo
gebedu. Dimoni gqizisa bo sebenzi bo bobo buyisela them dlela fana they fanele bobo!
[29:39] Noma Qaaroon Pharaoh Hamaan; Mose thathaza kuze them khuculula dweba!
they qhubeka bophezela dlova hlaba! Consequently they cha balekela (retribution).
[29:40] Lonke labo disbelievers doomed phetho bo ono. Nye of them we bhubhisa khulu
gwingciza nye bhubhisa zamazama nye we banga hlaba khinsa nye we cwilisa.
NKULUNKULU CHA is Fike NGALUNGI them; is they NGALUNGI bo khe
[29:41] allegory of labo amukela nye phathi NKULUNKULU is ukuthi of cabucabu wo
khaya; flimsiest of bonke khaya is khaya cabucabu they yodwa azi!
[29:42] NKULUNKULU azi GCWELE KAHLE LOWO whatever they KHONZA Him
are nempela nothing. He is Almighty the Ningi Hlakaniphile.
[29:43] We cite la bonakaliso ntu none nanela them except the nobungcweti.
[29:44] NKULUNKULU QAMBA BHAKABHAKA HLABA truthfully. Lo hlinzeka
sufficient bonakaliso kholwa.
[29:45] You hlabelela babe phendla you of scripture sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo
(Salat) for Thintana Thandazo vala bi vice Khumbula NKULUNKULU Salat) is the ningi
thuthukile jongo. NKULUNKULU azi everything you ENZA.
[29:46] ncisheka cha phikisana ntu of scripture (Juda Kholwa Muslims) hle enzeka
dlela! - Ukuba they transgress - Tshela We kholwa babe phendla us ngaphakathi babe
phendla you ithu Nkulunkulu kho Nkulunkulu is fike futhi the fana; kuze Him we are
[29:47] We phendla you lo scripture labo we hlahlamelisa dlule scripture kholwa it
Noma nye of kho ntu kholwa it Bala labo bambalala ithu vulamehlo are oqobo
[29:48] You cha funda dlule scriptures nor ncisheka you loba them kho andla!
Ngalesosikhathi rejectors fanele phikisana harbor ngabaza!
[29:49] Nempela la vulamehlo are cwatha bele of labo possess azani! Yodwa wicked
tando bambalala ithu vulamehlo!
[29:50] They tshela yodwa mangaliso ehla him akhe Lord Tshela Bonke mangaliso
sondela yodwa nga NKULUNKULU; I am hhayi ningi than manifest warner!
[29:51] Is it cha ngokwanele of mangaliso we sa phansi you lo bekisa hlabelela them?
Lo is bala sa khumbuzo ntu bani kholwa.
[29:52] Zwi NKULUNKULU suffices njengoba fakazi me you. He azi everything
bhakabhaka hlaba. Surely labo kholwa cebo disbelieve NKULUNKULU are oqobo
[29:53] They selelo you fikisa retribution! Noma were for predetermined bekwa
retribution sondela them manje! Impela it sondela them ngokuzuma uma they kancane
lindela it
[29:54] They selelo you fikisa retribution! Hogo vele kaka disbelievers.
[29:55] Suku sondela uma retribution ahlula them nga phezulu them phansi bo nyawo;
He tshela Zwa phetho kho sebenzi.
[29:56] O Mi chaka kholwa Mi hlaba is banzi kanjalo konzo Me
[29:57] Everyone zwa fa ngalesosikhathi us you ekugcineni phinda!
[29:58] Labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo we surely zijwayeza them Pharadisi mansions
thutheleka fudlana! Eternally they abide therein. Babe hle kokhelo sebenzi.
[29:59] They are ones steadfastly phikelela ethemba bo Lord
[29:60] Ningi dalwa cha yisa wo hlinzeka NKULUNKULU hlinzeka for it kakhulu you.
He is Ozwayo Omniscient
[29:61] you buza them Bani qamba bhakabhaka hlaba faka langa yanga kho sebenzi
they tshela NKULUNKULU. enza ngalesosikhathi they hlanhlatha?
AKHE DALWA withholds it NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BONKE TO.
[29:63] you buza them Bani sa bhakabhaka nzi dlweza file zwe they tshela
NKULUNKULU. Tshela Tusa NKULUNKULU. Ningi of them cha azi!
[29:64] Lo worldly pilo is hhayi ningi than vanity dlala khashana abode Hereafter is
oqobo pilo they yodwa azi!
[29:65] Uma they gibela shumbi they nxusa NKULUNKULU nikela bo thandazo Him!
njengoba masinyane njengoba He khulula them cala they revert kuze idolatry.
[29:66] Ngenisa them disbelieve babe we epha them qhashisa them nambitheka
temporarily; they enza surely thola cishile!
[29:67] they cha bheka we fanele sungula Ngcwele Sanctuary lowo we enza phephile
khashana bonke cishe them ntu are nganqamuki gcuphe? they nzonzobala kholwa cebo
beyo bhunkula Nkulunkulu busiso?
[29:68] Bani bi than fike bhila khetheza is attributes them NKULUNKULU bhunkula
yaniso uma it sondela him? Is Hogo cha ngakhethi retribution disbelievers?
[29:69] Njengoba for labo phokophela ngaphakathi ithu banga we surely khaphi them
ithu dlela! ningi assuredly NKULUNKULU is nga the zenzisa.
30- Romans (Al-Room)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[30:1] A L. M.
[30:2] Impela Romans tshoda.
[30:3] ngaphakathi fusha zwe. Emva bo ehlulwa they sukuma buye zuza
[30:4] Ngaphakathi several nyaka. njalo is Nkulunkulu gwebo both fike bikezelo 2.
Lowo suku kholwa jabula
[30:5] ngaphakathi Nkulunkulu ahlula. He pha ahlula whomever He tando. He is
Almighty Nomusa.
[30:6] njalo is Nkulunkulu thembiso - Nkulunkulu ze thula Akhe thembisa! - Kakhulu
ntu cha azi!
[30:7] They letha yodwa kusukela to lo hlaba are bonakala kuze them khashana dalwa
ngokupheleleyo oblivious kuze the
[30:8] ngani they cha cabangisisa themselves? NKULUNKULU CHA QAMBA
Nokho kakhulu ntu regard buthano bo Lord are disbelievers.
[30:9] they cha zululeka hlaba noted phetho labo andulela them? They sebenzisa be
qinile nempumelelo khiqiza hlaba. Bo gijimi thathaza them khuculula dweba.
Consequently NKULUNKULU was Fike ngalungi them; they are ones ngalungi bo khe
[30:10] Phetho for labo bophezela bi be bi. Lowo ba they bhunkula Nkulunkulu
vulamehlo chwaneka them!
[30:11] NKULUNKULU is Fike OMULA DALO PHINDE it Ekugcineni you phinda
[30:12] Suku uma Awa sondela qeda necala tando ethusa!
[30:13] Bo Thixo cha fanele dlakathi khulumela bo behalf; okunalokho they bandla bo
[30:14] Suku uma Awa sondela qeda they hlukana gwamanqa!
[30:15] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they be Pharadisi enanelo
[30:16] Njengoba for labo disbelieve bhunkula ithu vulamehlo buthano Hereafter they
ekugcineni retribution phakade!
[30:17] Ngakho you dumisa NKULUNKULU uma you guqa bhadakazi manini you
sukuma ekuseni.
[30:18] Bonke dumiso is khona kuze Him bhakabhaka hlaba hwalala noma kuhle kho
[30:19] He khiqiza zwa file khiqiza file zwa He dlweza zwe it phoqoka; you
ngokufanayo resurrected
[30:20] Among Akhe bonakaliso is ukuthi He qamba you thuli ngalesosikhathi you
phathelana zalanisa humans!
[30:21] Among Akhe bonakaliso is He qamba you owakwakhe yourselves ngaphakathi
landelana fanele tranquility contentment each nye He beka ngaphakathi kho hliziyo
thanda letha kho owakwakhe! Ngaphakathi lo, nanso are sufficient bonakaliso ntu
[30:22] Among Akhe bonakaliso are dalo bhakabhaka hlaba ahlukahluka ngaphakathi
kho limi kho colors Ngaphakathi la nanso are komba for the nobungcweti.
[30:23] Among Akhe bonakaliso is kho zumeka suku suku kho enza ngaphakathi pursuit
of Akhe hlinzeka! Ngaphakathi lo, nanso are sufficient bonakaliso ntu zwa.
[30:24] Among Akhe bonakaliso is ukuthi He tshengisa you phazimo deku bawosi noma
kuhle ethemba ngalesosikhathi He sa bhakabhaka nzi dlweza zwe been file! ngaphakathi
la nanso are sufficient bonakaliso ntu azi.
[30:25] Among Akhe bonakaliso is ukuthi bhakabhaka hlaba bekezelela Akhe
khucululwa! Ekugcineni uma He balula you hlaba fike balula you manje wunduka.
[30:26] Kuze Him fanele everyone bhakabhaka hlaba; bonke are subservient kuze Him!
[30:27] Futhi He is Fike omula dalo ngalesosikhathi phinde it lo is ngaphambi kalula for
Him. Kuze Him fanele the ningi sublime similitude bhakabhaka hlaba He is Almighty
[30:28] He cites you nantu bonakaliso nga yourselves you nanini elevate kho chaka
Ncisheka subordinates fana ndawonaphi they angi you dawo lowo you khokha them
kakhulu allegiance njengoba dalwa khokhela kuze you? We kanjeyana lungisa vulamehlo
ntu azi.
[30:29] Bala transgressors landela bo khe bono azani. Bani ngalesosikhathi khaphi labo
sa astray NKULUNKULU? Hhayi fike nanini lamula them.
[30:30] Ngakho you nikela kolo luma monotheism. njalo is yimvelo azela beka nga ntu
NKULUNKULU. Njalo dalo of NKULUNKULU tando ze guquka. Lo is phelelisa kolo
kakhulu ntu cha azi!
[30:31] You faka Him hlonipho Him sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) futhi! -
whatever you enza - Nanini cha wa Thixo khonza!
[30:32] Cha wa Thixo khonza) kuhle labo hlanganyela bo kolo hlelo; each phathi
enanelo nga babe they fanele
[30:33] Uma adversity hlupha ntu they guquko kuze bo Lord ngokupheleleyo nikela
Him. Kepha ngalesosikhathi njengoba masinyane njengoba He yithela them nga sa, nye
of them revert Thixo khonza!
[30:34] Qhashisa them be unappreciative of babe we epha them! Nambitheka
temporarily; you enza surely thola cishile!
[30:35] we epha them gunyazwa fanele ziphendulela bo idolatry?
[30:36] Uma we pha sa ntu they jabula therein. Uma adversity ehla them phetho bo khe
sebenzi they phathelana dangele.
[30:37] they cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU ncisheka ongeza hlinzeka whomever
He tando nciphisa it La be fundo ntu kholwa.
[30:38] Ngakho you epha hlobo bo fanele juphe sa) noma kuhle phofu, hamba alien Lo
is kahle labo sincerely khonga Nkulunkulu ethabelo; they are nqobi.
[30:39] usury practiced ongeza nye ntu cebi cha nqoba anything NKULUNKULU!
Noma you epha sa khonga Nkulunkulu ethabelo, la are ones thola bo klomela manifold
[30:40] NKULUNKULU is Fike QAMBA you. He is Fike hlinzeka for you. He is Fike
faka you fa. He is Fike resurrects you. phi of kho Thixo enza phi of la to? He dumisa. He
is khulu kakhulu exalted fanele phi lingani!
[30:41] Bhicongo embula zwe andle babe ntu bophezela. He kanjeyana qhashisa them
zwa phetho of nye of bo sebenza they phinda (kuze the manje sebenzi).
[30:42] Tshela Zululeka hlaba qaphela phetho labo phambili you. Ningi of them were
Thixo worshipers!
[30:43] Ngakho you nikela ngokupheleleyo lo kahle kolo suku sondela which enza
ngenakugwemeka NKULUNKULU! Lowo suku they ethusa.
[30:44] Whoever disbelieves disbelieves detriment akhe khe phefumulo ngenkathi labo
phila ngakhethi pilo enza kanjalo qinisa develop bo khe phefumulo!
[30:45] He generously recompense labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo nga Akhe
bounties! He cha thanda disbelievers.
[30:46] Among Akhe bonakaliso is ukuthi He sa oya hle bika hlambi you nga Akhe sa
sondela shumbi qhaqha andle ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe gqa futhi you khonga
Akhe bounties hwebo) you be appreciative
[30:47] We sa gijimi you bo ntu profound komba. Subsequently we jezisa labo
transgressed is ithu sebenzi we pha ahlula kholwa.
BHAKABHAKA ngaphakathi accordance nga AKHE TANDO! He ngalesosikhathi
mbundu fu phezulu ngalesosikhathi you bheka mvula ehla therefrom Uma it wa
whomever He enyula Akhe chaka they jabula
[30:49] it zumeka them they resorted despair
[30:50] You nanela Nkulunkulu nganqamuki sa futhi kanjani He dlweza zwe been file.
He enza eqinisweni njengoba impela resurrect file. He is Omnipotent
[30:51] fanele we sa them mane phuzi sandstorm they qhubeka disbelieve.
[30:52] You cha enza file nor yisithulu zwa memeza ngaphambili they jikisa!
[30:53] Nor fantshi you khaphi yimpumputhe bo dukane. You yodwa zwa labo kholwa
ithu vulamehlo juqula phathelana submitters!
DODOBEZELANE gray NWELE! He qamba whatever He tando. He is Omniscient
[30:55] Suku uma Awa sondela qeda necala tando funga they lasted (ngaphakathi lo
hlaba) yodwa fike awa! is kanjani ngacabangi they were
[30:56] Labo hlahlamelisa azani kholo tshela You lasted Nkulunkulu decree Suku
Vuko! manje lo is Suku Vuko you hlumba recognize it
[30:57] Ngakho hhayi xolisa lowo suku sizo transgressors nor tando they xolela.
[30:58] Kanjeyana we cited ntu ngaphakathi lo Quran bonke hlobo of bonakaliso. hhayi
buzo babe hlobo of bonakaliso you khona disbelievers they zwi You are falsifiers.
[30:60] Ngakho you steadfastly phikelela - for Nkulunkulu thembiso is yaniso - Futhi
cha esabisa nga labo cha attained qiniseko!
31- Luqmaan (Luqman)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[31:1] A L. M.
[31:2] La (cwadi) constitute bonakaliso lo bhuku hlakani.
[31:3] beacon sa for the ngakhethi.
[31:4] Bani sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) futhi
regards Hereafter they are kasibili okuthile!
[31:5] They landela hola bo Lord they are nqobi.
[31:6] Among the ntu, nanso are labo uphold baseless Hadith kanjeyana buyisela others
dlela of NKULUNKULU azani hola it ngaphumeleli! La incurred shameful retribution.
[31:7] Futhi uma ithu vulamehlo hlabelela fike of them he jikisa khukhumala njengoba
he ze zwa them akhe kintsho are yisithulu. Thembiso him buhlungu retribution.
[31:8] Surely labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo hola gadi sindiso!
[31:9] Eternally they abide therein. Lo is truthful thembiso NKULUNKULU. He is
Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[31:10] He qamba bhakabhaka without sika ukuthi you bheka! He sungula hlaba
stabilizers (taba) funa it gingqika you He embula it bonke hlobo of dalwa! We sa
bhakabhaka nzi khula bonke hlobo of hle mila!
[31:11] njalo is dalo NKULUNKULU; tshengisa me babe Thixo you akha Him qamba.
Bala transgressors are de astray.
[31:12] We endowed Luqmaan ngokuhlakanipha You be appreciative of
NKULUNKULU. Whoever is appreciative is appreciative for akhe khe sizakala.
Njengoba for labo pheca unappreciative NKULUNKULU is hhayi dingo Ncomeka.
[31:13] Recall Luqmaan tshela kuze akhe dodana njengoba he khanyisa him O mi
dodana ncisheka cha beka phi Thixo NKULUNKULU; idolatry is gross okungemthetho!
[31:14] We enjoined ntu honor akhe zali. Akhe mame bekezelela him layisha zuza sinda
sinda It fuza 2 nyaka intensive cophelela) kuze lumula! You be appreciative of Me kho
zali. Kuze Me is ultimate phetho.
[31:15] they vavanya bophezela you akha phi Thixo Me cha hlonipha them! Qhubeka
thokozisa them amicably ngaphakathi lo hlaba! You landela yodwa dlela of labo faka Me
Ekugcineni you bonke buya Me ngalesosikhathi I chazela you of everything you enza.
[31:16] O mi dodana azi lowo fana to njengoba nci njengoba mastadi mbewu de
ngaphakathi dwala be it bhakabhaka hlaba NKULUNKULU tando fikisa it
NKULUNKULU is Sublime Cognizant
[31:17] O mi dodana you sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat). You khulumela
righteousness enqabela bi sala steadfast ngaphakathi the bombo of adversity! La are the
ningi honorable traits.
[31:18] You cha thokozisa ntu khukhumala nor shall you zululeka hlaba proudly.
[31:19] Hamba humbly ehlisa kho yiko - Bi yiko is mbongolo yiko.
[31:20] Enza you cha bheka NKULUNKULU bophezela ngaphakathi kho sebenzi
everything bhakabhaka hlaba yithela you Akhe busiso! - Sobala fihlekile? nye ntu
phikisana kakhulu NKULUNKULU azani hola khanyisa scripture.
[31:21] Manini they thasisela Landela la vulamehlo NKULUNKULU they zwi Hhayi
we landela yodwa babe we cosha ithu zali Babe dimoni sizo phila them agony Hogo?
[31:22] Labo faka ngokupheleleyo NKULUNKULU khashana phila ngakhethi pilo zuza
naka of donsile bopho! For NKULUNKULU is gcwele engamela bonke to!
[31:23] Njengoba for labo disbelieve cha saddened bo disbelief! Kuze us is bo ultimate
buya ngalesosikhathi we chazela them of everything they enza. NKULUNKULU is fully
aware of innermost CABANGO.
[31:24] We qhashisa them nambitheka temporarily ngalesosikhathi bophezela them
nzima retribution!
[31:25] you buza them Bani qamba bhakabhaka hlaba they tshela NKULUNKULU.
Tshela Tusa be kuze NKULUNKULU. ningi of them cha azi!
[31:26] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba! NKULUNKULU
[31:27] Bonke shanguzo hlaba enza nga peni andle letha inki augmented 7 kakhulu
andle zwi NKULUNKULU cha sukeleka cishile! NKULUNKULU is Almighty
[31:28] Dalo vuko of bonke of you is fana njengoba lowo of fike ntu. NKULUNKULU
[31:29] you cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU merges suku suku ncisheka merges
suku nga suku lowo He bophezela langa yanga kho sebenzi each gijima ngaphakathi wo
orbit thize pilo pani NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you enza?
[31:30] Lo bonakalisa ukuthi NKULUNKULU is yaniso khashana phi Thixo they akha
Him is cebo futhi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is the Ningi Phezulu Nkulu
[31:31] you cha bheka shumbi zululeka andle ntanta Nkulunkulu ncisheka hlinzeka kuze
bukiso you nye of Akhe bonakaliso? Bala la be sufficient bonakaliso everyone is
steadfast appreciative
[31:32] Uma khulu hamba kaka them they nxusa NKULUNKULU sincerely nikela bo
thandazo Him lodwa! njengoba masinyane njengoba He khulula them cala nye of them
revert None nquma ithu vulamehlo labo are khapheli unappreciative.
[31:33] O ntu you hlonipho kho Lord bawosi suku uma yise cha lamula akhe khe
ntwana nor fantshi ntwana lamula akhe yise! Impela Nkulunkulu thembiso is yaniso.
Ngakho cha thikazisa lo pilo; cha thikazisa NKULUNKULU nje kohliso!
[31:34] Nga NKULUNKULU is azani Awa (phetho hlaba). He is Fike bani sa nikela
mvula He azi contents zalo! Hhayi phefumulo azi babe tando enzeka it ikusasa hhayi fike
azi which zwe he she phoqoka! NKULUNKULU is Omniscient Cognizant
32- Prostration (Al-Sajdah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[32:1] A L. M.
[32:2] Bhuku is khonondo vulamehlo Lord universe.
[32:3] They tshela He bhila it Bala lo is yaniso kho Lord khuza ntu bani ze thola warner
you they guided
[32:4] NKULUNKULU is Fike QAMBA BHAKABHAKA HLABA everything them 6
SUKU NGALESOSIKHATHI assumed BONKE GQI. You fanele none Him njengoba
Lord nor enza you fanele intercessor! you cha fuza heed
[32:5] Lonke buzo zibamba Him bhakabhaka hlaba! Kuze Him suku is equivalent kuze
1000 of kho nyaka.
[32:6] Knower of bonke fihlo memezelo; Almighty Nomusa.
[32:7] He is Fike phelelisa everything He qamba donsa dalo obuntu nga bumba!
[32:8] Ngalesosikhathi He qhubeka akhe reproduction okuthile lowly etshezi.
[32:9] He shaped him thathaza him Akhe futho He epha you zwa eyesight gqondo;
rarely are you thankful.
[32:10] They mangala Uma we nyamalala hlaba ncisheka we qamba buye? Ngakho
njengoba regards hlangabeza bo Lord they are disbelievers!
[32:11] Tshela You faka fa gelosi whose cala you beka ngalesosikhathi kho Lord you
[32:12] Yodwa you bheka necala uma they khothama bo phathi bo Lord Ithu Lord
manje we bheka we zwa. hambisa us we be ngakhethi! Kalokhu we attained qiniseko.
[32:13] fanele we willed we epha gcwele phefumulo wo hola it vele predetermined I
gcwalisa Hogo jinns humans bonke hlangene.
[32:14] Zwa phetho of kho khohlwa lo suku; manje we khohlwa you. You incurred
naphakade retribution emuva kho khe sebenzi.
[32:15] Lodwa ntu impela kholwa ithu vulamehlo are labo wa prostrate upon zwa them!
They dumisa tusa bo Lord phi khukhumala!
[32:16] Bo thimu readily fulathela bo bhede ngaphakathi landelana khonza bo Lord
hlonipho futhi ethemba futhi ithu hlinzeka them they epha!
[32:17] You cha fanele bono kanjani khulu jabulo jabulo mela you njengoba kokhelo
kho (ngakhethi) sebenzi!
[32:18] fike Is kholwa fana njengoba fike is is wicked? They are lingana.
[32:19] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they hola naphakade Pharadisi!
njalo is bo abode emuva bo sebenzi.
[32:20] Njengoba for wicked bo phetho is Hogo. Gcwele khathi they vavanya hamba it
they bophezela dlulile! They thasisela Zwa agony Hogo you sebenzisa disbelieve
[32:21] We qhashisa them zwa ncane retribution lo hlaba) phambili they incur nkulu
retribution Hereafter lowo they (fuza thiphu guqula.
[32:22] Bani bi than fike is khumbuza of la vulamehlo akhe Lord ngalesosikhathi
phikelela upon bambalala them? We impela jezisa necala
[32:23] We epha Mose scripture - Cha harbor phi khonondo buthano Him! - we fuduka
it khaphi Ntwana Israyeli.
[32:24] We khetha them imams guided ngaphakathi accordance nga ithu thetho they
steadfastly phikelela attained qiniseko ithu vulamehlo!
[32:25] Kho Lord is Fike jaja them Suku Vuko everything they phikisa.
[32:26] it ncisheka nanini bonakala them kanjani ningi zukulwane we bhubhisa them?
They manje zwa bhushuzela ngaphakathi bo gogo khaya. Lo hlinzeka sufficient
bonakaliso they cha zwa?
[32:27] they cha realize we gquba nzi barren zwe, khiqiza it vuno phakela bo livestock
noma kuhle themselves? they cha bheka?
[32:28] They selelo Ndawonaphi lowo ahlula you is are truthful?
[32:29] Zwi suku njalo ahlula sondela kholwa tando cha sizo labo cha kholwa phambili
lowo, nor tando they epha another ngalindelwe!
[32:30] Ngakho bambalala them linda they kakhulu linda!
33- Phathi (Al-Ahzab)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[33:1] O you phrofethi you hlonipho NKULUNKULU cha hlonipha disbelievers bulu.
[33:2] Landela babe phendla you kho Lord NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of
everything you BONKE ncisheka
[33:3] Faka kho ethemba NKULUNKULU! NKULUNKULU suffices BUZELI.
He jika kho kosikazi whom you estrange kho kambiso) kho mame! Nor enza He jika kho
sisiwe ntwana nga genetic gane! Lonke la are nje veza you ceba. NKULUNKULU
[33:5] You epha kho sisiwe ntwana qamba lowo khweza bo dlelwano bo genetic zali!
Lo is equitable bona NKULUNKULU. Noma you cha azi bo zali ngalesosikhathi
njengoba kho zalelwana kolo you thokozisa them memba kho hlobo. You cha bophezela
ono you enza cala ngaphakathi lo hlonipha; you are necala for kho purposeful jongo.
[33:6] Phrofethi is closer kuze kholwa than they are kuze each nye akhe kosikazi are
mame them. Hlobo nakekela fike another ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu
scripture. Kanjeyana kholwa nakekela bo hlobo immigrate them hlinzeka they fanele
nakekela bo khe hlobo okokuqala! La are thetho lo scripture.
[33:7] Recall ukuthi we fuza phrofethi bo vumelwano you O Muhammad) Nowa
Abraham Mose Jesu dodana Mary! We fuza them nesithunzi bambiso.
[33:8] Subsequently He surely funa truthful kusukela bo truthfulness hlomela
disbelievers (ngaphakathi lo Quranic phuzu) buhlungu retribution!
[33:9] O you kholwa khumbula Nkulunkulu busiso you; uma butho fudumeza you we sa
them khulu oya ngabonakali butho! NKULUNKULU is PHROFETHI of everything you
[33:10] Uma they sondela nga phezulu you nga phansi you kho bobo novalo kho hliziyo
qhaqha bekezela futhi you harbored unbefitting cabango NKULUNKULU.
[33:11] Lowo is uma kholwa impela hlola; they kabi qhuqha phezulu
[33:12] Bulu labo khonondo bo hliziyo tshela Babe NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi
thembisa us was hhayi ningi than kohliso!
[33:13] Xuku of them tshela O ntu Yathrib you cha attain ahlula; jenduka. Others
fuduka phezulu xolisa phrofethi Ithu khaya are vulnerable uma they cha were vulnerable.
They babale wanted baleka.
[33:14] fanele mabonwabulawe invaded buza them xhumelela they xhumelela
mabonwabulawe without ngabaza!
[33:15] They pledged NKULUNKULU dlulile they cha phenduka baleka; enza bambiso
NKULUNKULU faka nkulu ziphendulela!
[33:16] Tshela Noma you baleka you ze baleka fa nga dlulisa! Hhayi buzo babe enzeka
you yodwa zwa fishane khashana de!
[33:17] Zwi Bani biyela you NKULUNKULU noma He willed phi adversity willed phi
busiso you? They ze cosha NKULUNKULU phi nye Lord Phathi
[33:18] NKULUNKULU is fully aware of hinderers you LABO tshela kuze BO
HLOBO all BUKISA Rarely ENZA they VIVA for defense
[33:19] Noma they are kakhulu ncishana uma enza you! Noma anything gema
gwamanda you bheka bo bobo ginqo nga saba njengoba fa vele sondela them!
Ngaphambili crisis is dlulile they khwantshula you bukhali limi. They are kakhulu
ncishana bo cebi. La are kholwa consequently NKULUNKULU nullified bo sebenzi. Lo
is kalula NKULUNKULU enza.
[33:20] They cabango phathi buya. Ngalesosikhathi they fisa they lahlekelwa qwathule
buza kakhulu kho biko nga afar! fanele phathi fudumeza you ngenkathi they were you
they rarely shoka you.
[33:21] Gijimi NKULUNKULU akha hle bonakaliso labo among you khonga
NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku constantly cabanga NKULUNKULU.
[33:22] Uma yiqiniso kholwa bheka phathi (lungile fudumeza) they tshela Lo is babe
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi thembisa us NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi are truthful. Lo
(bushelezi mo) yodwa qinisa bo kholo augmented bo submission!
[33:23] Among kholwa nanso are ntu fulfill bo bambiso NKULUNKULU. Nye of them
phoqoka ngenkathi others bekezelela lungile ze ntengantenga!
[33:24] NKULUNKULU tando surely recompense truthful for BO truthfulness JEZISA
[33:25] NKULUNKULU repulsed LABO disbelieved BO LAKA they HAMBA emptyhanded!
is QINILE Almighty
[33:26] He noma wisa bo sizana among the ntu scripture bo phephile khundla juba terror
nga bo hliziyo! Nye of them you dlulisa nye you fuza boshiwe.
[33:27] He enza you inherit bo cababa bo khaya bo mali zwe you ze nyathela on!
[33:28] O phrofethi tshela kuze kho kosikazi you khonga lo pilo wo vanities
ngalesosikhathi qhashisa me nxephezela you sondela you thathaza amicably!
[33:29] Noma you khonga NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi abode Hereafter
ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU hlomela ngakhethi you nkulu recompense
[33:30] O kosikazi phrofethi noma phi of you bophezela gross ono retribution phinda
wo! Lo is kalula NKULUNKULU enza.
[33:31] Phi fike of you hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi hola ngakhethi pilo we
pha wo ngokuphindiwe recompense we hlomela wo phana hlinzeka!
[33:32] O kosikazi of phrofethi you are fana njengoba phi nye kosikazi noma you
sebenzisa righteousness! (You fanele nkulu ziphendulela.) Ngakho you cha shono
kakhulu ngokungenamsindo funa labo fo ngaphakathi bo hliziyo zuza ngacabangi bono;
you shono yodwa righteousness.
[33:33] You zijwayeza nikela kho khaya ncisheka cha thaka ntu kwanje fana you
sebenzisa ncisheka ngaphakathi dala suku luhlaza! You sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo
(Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi!
[33:34] Khumbula babe hlabelela kho khaya of Nkulunkulu vulamehlo hlakani inherent
therein! NKULUNKULU is Sublime Cognizant
[33:35] The submitting men, the submitting women, the believing men, the believing
women, the obedient men, the obedient women, the truthful men, the truthful women, the
steadfast men, the steadfast women, the reverent men, the reverent women, the charitable
men, the charitable women, the fasting men, the fasting women, the chaste men, the
chaste women, and the men who commemorate GOD frequently, and the
commemorating women; GOD has prepared for them forgiveness and a great
[33:36] Hhayi kholwa doda kholwa kosikazi noma NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi
khishwa phi poqo fanele phi khetha regarding lowo poqo! Anyone disobeys
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi thathaza kude astray.
[33:37] Recall you tshela kuze fike hlahlamelisa NKULUNKULU hlahlamelisa you
Qhubeka kho kosikazi hlonipho NKULUNKULU you sitheza yourself babe
NKULUNKULU fisa proclaim! Kanjeyana you saba ntu uma you linganisa saba yodwa
NKULUNKULU! Uma Zeid was ngokupheleleyo akhe kosikazi we fanele you gcagca
wo ngaphakathi landelana sungula precedent lowo doda gcagca hlukana kosikazi akhe
sisiwe dodana. Nkulunkulu poqo enza.
[33:38] Phrofethi cha bophezela phutha enza anything enza semthethweni
NKULUNKULU! njalo is Nkulunkulu hlelo kuseyisikhathi zukulwane. Nkulunkulu poqo
is ngcwele sebenzi.
[33:39] Labo sindise Nkulunkulu biko, bani hlonipho Him wodwa ze saba anyone
[33:40] Muhammad cha was yise phi doda you. He was gijimi NKULUNKULU final
phrofethi. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BONKE TO.
[33:41] O you kholwa you khumbula NKULUNKULU mihla.
[33:42] You dumisa Him suku futhi suku.
[33:43] He is Fike lamula you hlangene Akhe gelosi hola you ngenxa cime nga khanya.
He is Nomusa towards kholwa.
[33:44] Bo bingelela suku they hlangabeza Him is Thula He hlomela them phana
[33:45] O phrofethi we sa you fakazi thwali hle biko noma kuhle warner.
[33:46] Mema NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe tando guiding
[33:47] Sindise hle biko kholwa they hola NKULUNKULU nkulu busiso.
[33:48] Cha hlonipha disbelievers bulu bambalala bo ethuko faka kho ethemba
[33:49] O you kholwa you gcagca kholwa kosikazi ngalesosikhathi hlukana them
phambili fanele hlangana them they cha kweleta you phi mela interim phambili gcagca
another doda)! You nxephezela them equitably dedela them amicably!
[33:50] O phrofethi we fuduka semthethweni you kho kosikazi kuze whom you khokha
bo fanele dowry babe you vele kuhle pha you NKULUNKULU! Noma semthethweni for
you ngaphakathi shado are tombazana kho yise fo tombazana kho yise dade tombazana
kho mame fo tombazana kho mame dade thutha you. Noma noma kholwa kosikazi epha
phrofethi - Nga hlawula dowry! - Phrofethi gcagca wo dowry he kanjalo fisa. Nokho
hlawula of dowry thinta yodwa kuze phrofethi cha kuze nye kholwa. We vele decreed bo
lungelo ngaphakathi regard bo owakwakhe babe they vele fanele Lo is onga you phi
hloni. NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[33:51] You kahle balekela phi fike of them you fikisa closer kuze you phi fike of them.
you buyisana phi fike you estranged you cha bophezela phutha Ngaphakathi lo dlela they
siza cha fanele hlungu be content babe you equitably klamelo bonke of them!
NKULUNKULU azi babe is KHO HLIZIYO! NKULUNKULU is Omniscient Clement
[33:52] Ngalena hlobo described you you enjoined nga gcagca phi nye kosikazi nor
fantshi you shintsha sha kosikazi (nga nqatshelwe hlobo) hhayi buzo kanjani khulu you
babaza bo hle! You be content nga labo vele fuduka semthethweni kuze you.
[33:53] O you kholwa cha ngena phrofethi khaya you epha livu phanga nor shall you
bophezela njalo bizo phi dlela! you mema you ngena. Uma you phela phanga you hamba;
cha setshenziswa him lengthy gevu! Lo sebenzisa limele phrofethi he was kakhulu esaba
thasisela you! Nkulunkulu cha ntiphaza eceleni yaniso. you buza akhe kosikazi to buza
them barrier Lo is msulwa for kho hliziyo bo hliziyo You cha are limele gijimi
NKULUNKULU. You cha gcagca akhe kosikazi him lo be gross cala bona
[33:54] you memezela anything sitheza it NKULUNKULU is fully aware of bonke to.
[33:55] Kosikazi vovononeka (bo embathisa code bo yise bo dodana bo fo dodana bo fo
dodana bo dade nye kosikazi bo (esifazane) chaka! They hlonipho NKULUNKULU.
kholwa you lamula shoka him regard him kuhle he regarded
[33:57] Surely labo phikisa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi NKULUNKULU hlupha
them hlamba ngaphakathi lo pilo ngaphakathi Hereafter He hlomela them shameful
[33:58] Labo qhuba kholwa doda kholwa kosikazi cha enza anything ngalungi
bophezela cha hle cebo noma gross ono!
[33:59] O phrofethi thasisela kho kosikazi kho tombazana kosikazi kholwa lowo they
lengthen bo bhinco. Kanjeyana they recognized ngakhethi kosikazi) xwaya hlambalaza!
[33:60] Bulu labo nga fo bo hliziyo nolaka hubu dolobhakazi phindo (nga qhuba you)
we surely pha you upper andla ngalesosikhathi they bophezela hamba fishane khashana!
[33:61] They incurred ahlulelwa wherever they thathaza; they vimba fudumeza you)
they fuza dlulisa.
[33:62] Lo is Nkulunkulu naphakade hlelo you cosha Nkulunkulu hlelo is unchangeable.
[33:63] Ntu buza you Awa (phetho hlaba). Tshela azani thereof is lodwa
NKULUNKULU! Lonke you azi Awa be cimeza.
[33:64] NKULUNKULU FELA disbelievers HLOMELA them HOGO!
[33:65] Eternally they abide therein. They cha cosha lord nor lweli.
[33:66] Suku they juba Hogo they tshela Hawu we fiso we hlonipha NKULUNKULU
hlonipha gijimi.
[33:67] They noma tshela Ithu Lord we hlonipha ithu phathi ngqaphambili they phila us
[33:68] Ithu Lord epha them ngokuphindiwe retribution hlamba them sabeka hlamba!
[33:69] O you kholwa cha be labo limele Mose ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU
absolved him of babe they tshela. He was bona NKULUNKULU honorable.
[33:70] O you kholwa hlonipho NKULUNKULU khuluma yodwa fanele veza!
[33:71] He ngalesosikhathi nquma kho sebenzi thethelela kho ono. Labo hlonipha
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi hlula nkulu ahlula.
[33:72] We thembisa ziphendulela (benso of khetha) bhakabhaka hlaba taba they zaba
bekezelela it were esaba of it Ntu amukela it he transgressing ngenalwazi.
[33:73] For NKULUNKULU tando inevitably jezisa bulu doda bulu kosikazi Thixo
khonza doda Thixo khonza kosikazi! NKULUNKULU SINDISA kholwa DODA kholwa
34- Sheba (Saba)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[34:1] Dumiso be NKULUNKULU - whom fanele everything bhakabhaka hlaba; bonke
dumiso is noma Him Hereafter He is the Ningi Hlakaniphile Cognizant
[34:2] He azi everything thathaza hlaba everything lowo hlangana it everything ehla
bhakabhaka everything lowo ehlika nga it He is the Ningi Nomusa the Xolela.
[34:3] Labo disbelieve tshela Awa ze sondela qeda! Tshela Kasibili! - Nga mi Lord - it
tando ningi impela sondela you. He is Knower gomuso. Cha fana equivalent atom's kalo
sitheza Him be it bhakabhaka hlaba. Cha fana ncane than lowo khulu sitheza). Bonke are
profound thayela.
[34:4] ningi impela He klomela labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo! La hola yekelo phana
[34:5] Njengoba for labo bani constantly selelo ithu vulamehlo they incurred retribution
buhlungu fojisa.
[34:6] is evident kuze labo hlahlamelisa azani lowo lo vulamehlo nga kho Lord kuze
you is yaniso futhi lowo it khaphi dlela Almighty the Ningi Ncomeka!
[34:7] Labo disbelieve tshela tshengisa you doda thasisela you you are dephula hlukene
you qamba buye!
[34:8] Noma he bhila khetheza NKULUNKULU he is sangene. Bala labo disbelieve
Hereafter incurred kabi retribution; they thathaza kude astray.
[34:9] they cha bheka bonke to them emuva them ngaphakathi bhakabhaka hlaba? we
willed we banga hlaba khinsa them banga quba wa them bhakabhaka! Lo be sufficient
bonakaliso gcwele lalela chaka.
[34:10] We endowed David busiso us O taba faka him you kakhulu O bazana We
dambisa ayina for him.
[34:11] You enza gqokwe lowo qinile ngokupheleleyo sebenza righteousness! Whatever
you enza I am Phrofethi thereof.
[34:12] Kuze Solomoni we bophezela oya akhe khucululwa hamba fike yanga za fike
yanga hamba we banga thombo oyili gush cishile him. Noma jinns sebenza him akhe
Lord's vume. Phi fike of them bambalala ithu poqo we beka him nzima retribution.
[34:13] They fuduka him anything he wanted - niches statues de chibi sinda pheka
bhodwe O hlobo David sebenza (righteousness) tshengisa kho linganisa. Yodwa a
ngcosana of Mi chaka are appreciative
[34:14] Uma khetha khathi akhe fa sondela they fanele clue ukuthi he phoqoka. Cha fike
of lwane linganisa phanga akhe sebenzi he wa phansi enza jinns realized ukuthi he was
file! They kanjeyana realized lowo they nempela azi unseen they vimba sebenza kanjalo
nzima njengoba masinyane njengoba he phoqoka!
[34:15] Sheba's homeland sebenzisa be marvel 2 gadi on lungelo yeka Phanga kho
Lord's hlinzeka be appreciative of Him - Hle zwe xolela Lord
[34:16] They jikisa consequently we thela them omonakalo guguleka we shintsha bo 2
gadi nga 2 gadi ngcolile zwa thelo nameva mila skimpy vuno!
[34:17] We kanjeyana requited them bo disbelief. we cha requite yodwa disbelievers?
[34:18] We beka them gwamanda lowo we hlahlamelisa nye oases we secured hambo
them Hamba therein suku suku phethiwe phepha!
[34:19] they (jika unappreciative challenged Ithu Lord we cha letha You ongeza banga
ithu hambo phi steshi They ngakho ngalungi bo khe phefumulo. Consequently we enza
them lando sakazeka them nga ncane gwamanda zwe. Lo hlinzeka fundo labo are
steadfast appreciative
[34:20] Dimoni cosha them readily gcina akhe zindlo! They landela him ngakanani
[34:21] He ze fanele phi dlakathi them. we kanjeyana ahlukanisa labo kholwa Hereafter
nga labo are ngabazeka kakhulu it Kho Lord is gcwele engamela bonke to.
[34:22] Tshela Nxusa Thixo you akha NKULUNKULU! They cha possess mbalwa
atom bhakabhaka hlaba. They cha possess partnership therein nor enza He vumela them
be Akhe elekeleli!
[34:23] Intercession Him be ngaphumeleli it coincides nga Akhe tando Uma bo gqondo
ekugcineni zijwayeza nikela they buza Babe enza kho Lord tshela they tshela yaniso. He
is the Ningi Phezulu the Ningi Nkulu!
[34:24] Zwi Bani hlinzeka for you bhakabhaka hlaba? Tshela NKULUNKULU Noma
we you guided thathaza kude astray!
[34:25] Zwi You are necala for ithu cala nor are we necala for babe you enza.
[34:26] Tshela Ithu Lord hloma us bonke hlangene phambili Him ngalesosikhathi He
jaja us equitably! He is Jaji Omniscient
[34:27] Tshela Tshengisa me Thixo you akha njengoba lingani Him! cha Tshela He is
fike NKULUNKULU Almighty Hlakaniphile!
[34:28] We sa you O Rashad) bonke ntu thwali hle biko noma kuhle warner kakhulu ntu
cha azi!
[34:29] They selelo Uma lo thembiso sondela qeda you are truthful?
[34:30] Tshela You fanele thize khathi thize suku you cha mukela fike awa nor boleko!
[34:31] Labo disbelieve tshela We cha kholwa ngaphakathi lo Quran nor dlule
scriptures. you yodwa envision la transgressors uma they bekezelela bo Lord They
phikisana fike another dlulile futhi hambile. Landeli thasisela bo ngqaphambili Noma cha
were you we been kholwa.
[34:32] Ngqaphambili tshela kuze labo tando landela them we the ones Are buyisela
you hola it sondela you? Hhayi; it is you were wicked.
[34:33] Landeli tshela kuze bo ngqaphambili was you schemed suku suku
ngalesosikhathi phatha us be unappreciative of NKULUNKULU akha Thixo gaba Him.
They gibela zisola uma they bheka retribution we beka shackles umqala of labo
disbelieved they justly cha requited babe they enza?
[34:34] Gcwele khathi we sa warner gwamanda ngqaphambili lowo gwamanda tshela
We bhunkula biko you sa nga!
[34:35] They noma tshela We are qinile kakhulu mali ntwana we cha jezisa!
[34:36] Tshela Mi Lord is Fike zibamba bonke hlinzeka He pha hlinzeka whomever He
tando nciphisa them kakhulu ntu cha azi!
[34:37] Cha is kho mali kho ntwana fikisa you closer kuze us. Yodwa labo kholwa phila
ngakhethi pilo thola kokhelo bo sebenzi gaya manifold ngaphakathi abode Pharadisi they
enza zwa ngaphakathi kahle thula!
[34:38] Njengoba for labo bani consistently selelo ithu vulamehlo they abide retribution.
[34:39] Tshela Mi Lord is Fike zibamba bonke hlinzeka; He ongeza hlinzeka whomever
He enyula Akhe chaka nciphisa them! Anything you chitha zathu Nkulunkulu) He
klomela you it He is Kahle Provider.
[34:40] Suku uma He samanisi them lonke He tshela kuze gelosi la enza ntu konzo you?
[34:41] They phendula You dumisa. You are ithu Lord Enza cha them! Mane they
khonza jinns; ningi of them were kholwa therein.
[34:42] Suku you cha possess dlakathi lamula ona fike another we tshela kuze
transgressors Nambitheka retribution Hogo you sebenzisa landula!
[34:43] Uma ithu bonakaliso hlabelela them ngokupheleleyo cwatha they tshela Lo is
hle doda wants buyisela you dlela kho zali khonza. They noma tshela La bhila nga. Labo
disbelieved noma tshela yaniso sondela them Lo is ngokusobala loya
[34:44] We cha epha them phi nye bhuku funda nor enza we hambisa kuze them you
another warner!
[34:45] Labo phambili them disbelieved fana noma they cha bheka one-tenth
(mangaliso) we epha lo zukulwane uma they disbelieved Mi gijimi kanjani nzima was Mi
[34:46] Tshela I buza you ncisheka fike to Nikela NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi
bhangqa njengoba ntu ngalesosikhathi cabangisisa! Kho ngane (Rashad) cha is sangene.
He is manifest warner you eqinisweni phambili fika thusa retribution.
[34:47] Zwi I cha buza you phi wage you qhubeka it Mi wage sondela yodwa nga
NKULUNKULU. He bona bonke to.
[34:48] Tshela Mi Lord banga yaniso busa! He is Knower bonke fihlo.
[34:49] Tshela yaniso sondela; ngenkathi cebo azi neither omula anything nor phinde it
[34:50] Tshela Noma I thathaza astray I thathaza astray mi khe phutha! Futhi noma I
guided it is mi Lord's dude. He is Ozwayo Seduze.
[34:51] you yodwa bheka them uma nkulu terror phansula them; they cha sinda
ngalesosikhathi they be hola eceleni forcibly!
[34:52] They ngalesosikhathi tshela We manje kholwa it it be de kakhulu ngasekho!
[34:53] They bhunkula it dlulile they juqula mane uphold conjecture futhi guesswork!
[34:54] Consequently they phuca of everything they hushazela for Lo is fana nxi bo
counterparts dlule zukulwane. They harbored kwanje ningi khonondo.
35- Initiator (Faater)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[35:1] Dumiso be NKULUNKULU Initiator of bhakabhaka hlaba beki gelosi be gijimi
khono - 2 3 4 (khono). He ongeza dalo njengoba He tando. NKULUNKULU is
[35:2] Uma NKULUNKULU yithela ntu nga sa, hhayi khandlu vimba it Futhi noma He
withholds it hhayi bophezela nye than He sa it He is Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[35:3] O ntu khumbula Nkulunkulu busiso you. Is ashila phi dali NKULUNKULU
hlinzeka for you bhakabhaka hlaba? Nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Him. kanjani you
[35:4] they disbelieve you gijimi you disbelieved NKULUNKULU is NGAPHAKATHI
[35:5] O ntu Nkulunkulu thembiso is yaniso; ngakho cha thikazisa lo lowly pilo! Cha
buyisela NKULUNKULU nje kohliso.
[35:6] Dimoni is kho yisitha kanjalo thokozisa him mabonwabulawe. He yodwa mema
akhe phathi be dwellers Hogo!
[35:7] Labo disbelieve incurred nzima retribution labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo hola
yekelo nkulu recompense
[35:8] qaphela fike bi sebenzi gqizisa akhe bobo kuze he zindla it is ngakhethi!
khaphi whoever TANDO guided Ngakho cha lila them. NKULUNKULU is fully aware
of everything they ENZA.
they were FILE! Kanjeyana is vuko.
[35:10] Anyone khonga sindo azi lowo kuze NKULUNKULU fanele bonke sindo!
Kuze Him enyuka hle zwi He exalts ngakhethi sebenzi! Njengoba for labo cebo bi
sebenzi they incur nzima retribution; scheming of njalo ntu destined hlumba!
esifazane phathelana khulelwe nor epha zala Akhe azani! Hhayi fike gcineka de pilo
hhayi fike pilo gqunsuka fishane ngaphakathi accordance nga pre-existing thayela! Lo is
[35:12] 2 andle cha are fana; fike is sha mnandi khashana nye is hlungwane ngaphuzeki.
Nga each of them you phanga faka yama ngcomula jewelry gqoka! you bheka shumbi
ntweza through them khonga Akhe hlinzeka ukuthi you be appreciative
[35:13] He merges suku suku merges suku suku. He bophezela langa yanga qhaqha for
predetermined kathi of khathi! njalo is NKULUNKULU kho Lord kuze Him fanele
bonke kingship! Phi Thixo you akha Him cha possess mbewu sheli.
[35:14] you bizela on them they cha zwa you. Fana noma they zwa you they cha
phendula you. Suku Vuko they bandla you. None chazela you kuhle the Ningi Cognizant
[35:15] O ntu you are ones dinga NKULUNKULU ngenkathi NKULUNKULU is
ngaphakathi hhayi dingo anyone the Ningi Ncomeka
[35:16] He tando He chitha you shintsha sha dalo.
[35:17] Lo cha is kakhulu lukhuni for NKULUNKULU.
[35:18] Hhayi phefumulo yisa ono another phefumulo. Phefumulo layisha ono nxusa
another bekezelela inxenye of wo layisha hhayi nye phefumulo yisa phi hla of it fana they
landisa. Lodwa ntu heed kho khuza are labo hlonipho bo Lord ngaphambi uma lodwa
ngaphakathi bo bawedwa sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat)! Whoever hlamba akhe
phefumulo enza kanjalo akhe khe sizakala! Kuze NKULUNKULU is final phetho.
[35:19] Yimpumputhe phrofethi cha are lingana!
[35:20] Nor are cime khanya.
[35:21] Nor are thunzi of thunzi shisa langa.
[35:22] Nor are fudumele file; NKULUNKULU banga whomever He tando zwa. You
cha enza ozwayo labo ngcwaba.
[35:23] You are hhayi ningi than warner.
[35:24] We sa you yaniso thwali hle biko noma kuhle warner. Gcwele gwamanda thola
[35:25] Noma they disbelieve you labo phambili them noma disbelieved Bo gijimi
thathaza them khuculula bonakaliso Hlabelelo khanyisa scriptures.
[35:26] Subsequently I jezisa labo disbelieved kanjani thusa was Mi retribution!
[35:27] you cha realize NKULUNKULU sa phansi bhakabhaka chichiza whereby we
khiqiza ncisheka thelo nhlobonhlobo colors Fana taba fanele balwa colors gaphambili are
mhlophe bomvu nye nye color Khelekehle are mnyama
[35:28] Noma ntu lwane livestock sondela nhlobonhlobo colors Lo is ntu bani impela
hlonipho NKULUNKULU are labo are nobungcweti. NKULUNKULU is Almighty
[35:29] Surely labo hlabelela bhuku NKULUNKULU sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo
(Salat) ithu hlinzeka them they chitha - Ngasese publicly - Setshenziswa gcindezi ze
[35:30] He recompense them generously gaya Akhe busiso them! He Thethelela
[35:31] Babe we phendla you ngaphakathi lo scripture is yaniso consummating bonke
dlule scriptures! NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of AKHE CHAKA PHROFETHI.
[35:32] We qeda scripture zukulwane zukulwane, we sondela whomever we enyula ithu
chaka thola it Subsequently nye of them ngalungi bo phefumulo others upheld it yodwa
inxenye of khathi ngenkathi others were fisa sebenza righteousness ngaphakathi
accordance nga Nkulunkulu tando lo is nkulu ahlula!
[35:33] They ngena gadi Eden they gqizisa khono of golide pharele bo bhinco it fuduka
[35:34] They tshela Tusa NKULUNKULU for enyula lonke ithu nakekela! Ithu Lord
Thethelela Appreciative
[35:35] He mukela us abode naphakade sindiso Akhe sa. Ze enza we bhola nantu ze
enza we dina!
[35:36] Njengoba for labo disbelieve they incurred lilo Hogo ndawonaphi they ze phela
fa nor is retribution nanini commuted them. We kanjeyana requite the unappreciative.
[35:37] They diwula therein Ithu Lord you suka us ngenxa nantu we sebenza
righteousness sebenzi we sebenzisa ncisheka we cha epha you life-long potsho
nganqamuki khumbuzo labo fuza heed you cha thola warner? Ngakho zwa (phetho).
transgressors fanele hhayi fike lamula them.
Knower bonke innermost cabango.
[35:39] He is Fike fuduka you inheritors hlaba. Subsequently whoever enyula
disbelieve enza kanjalo akhe khe detriment. disbelief disbelievers yodwa augments bo
Lord's abhorrence them. disbelief disbelievers cwilisa them de dleko.
[35:40] Zwi Cabanga Thixo you akha NKULUNKULU; tshengisa me babe on hlaba
they fanele qamba. they khe phi partnership bhakabhaka? we epha them bhuku fanele
wherein nanso is hhayi khonondo? Bala babe transgressors thembisa fike another is hhayi
ningi than kohliso.
NYAMALALA. Noma anyone noma is naka them they tando ningi impela nyamalala!
He is Clement Xolela.
[35:42] They funga NKULUNKULU solemnly warner thathaza them they be kahle
guided than okuthile bandla! Manje lowo warner enza sondela them lo yodwa cwilisa
them de enyanya.
[35:43] They resorted khukhumala hlaba bi scheming bi cebo yodwa backfire on labo
cebo them. they ngalesosikhathi lindela anything nxi of labo bani enza linganayo to
dlulile? You cosha Nkulunkulu hlelo is ze changeable; you cosha Nkulunkulu hlelo is
[35:44] they cha zululeka hlaba noted phetho labo andulela them? They were fana
donsile than they. Nothing sitheza NKULUNKULU bhakabhaka nor hlaba. He is
Omniscient Omnipotent
[35:45] Noma NKULUNKULU jezisa ntu bo ono He cha hamba mbalwa dalwa hlaba.
He phefu them for predetermined interim Ngaphambili bo interim gcina ngalesosikhathi
NKULUNKULU is Phrofethi Akhe chaka.
36- Y S. (Ya Ona)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[36:1] Y S. (Yaa Bheka)!
[36:2] Quran lowo is gcwele of hlakani!
[36:3] ningi assuredly you (Rashad) are fike of gijimi.
[36:4] On sobala dlela.
[36:5] Lo vulamehlo is nga Almighty Nomusa.
[36:6] Kuze khuza ntu zali ze khuza ngakho they are unaware!
[36:7] It predetermined lowo ningi of them cha kholwa.
[36:8] we beka bo umqala shackles phezulu bo levu. Consequently they phathelana
valela bo disbelief!
[36:9] we beka barrier them barrier emuva them kanjeyana we fihla them; they cha
[36:10] is fana you khuza them cha they cha kholwa!
[36:11] You heeded yodwa labo uphold lo biko hlonipho the Ningi Gracious! - Fana
uma lodwa bo bawedwa. Epha them hle biko yekelo phana recompense
[36:12] We impela dlweza file we bhalisa everything they enza ngaphakathi lo pilo
kakhulu njengoba phetho qhubeka bo fa. Everything we bala profound thayela.
[36:13] Cite for them bonakaliso of ntu gwamanda lowo thola gijimi.
[36:14] Uma we hambisa kuze them 2 (gijimi) they disbelieved them. We
ngalesosikhathi shoka them 3. They tshela We are (Nkulunkulu) gijimi you.
[36:15] They tshela You are hhayi ningi than ntu us. The Ningi Gracious cha sa
anything. You are hubu.
[36:16] They tshela Ithu Lord azi we been hambisa kuze you.
[36:17] Ithu soli thunywa is sindise biko.
[36:18] They tshela We cabanga you ngcolile bika. you phindo we surely tshe you
hlupha you buhlungu retribution.
[36:19] They tshela Kho bika encika kho response manje lowo you khumbuza. Bala you
transgressing ntu.
[36:20] Doda sondela nye phetho dolobhakazi landiso O mi ntu landela gijimi.
[36:21] Landela labo cha buza you for phi wage futhi guided
[36:22] Ngani I cha khonza Fike omula me should kuze Him is kho ultimate buya?
[36:23] I akha Him Nkulunkulu? the Ningi Gracious willed phi hlungu me bo
intercession cha lamula me fike zavuza nor fantshi they lamulela me
[36:24] Ngalesosikhathi I be ngokupheleleyo astray.
[36:25] I fanele kholwa kho Lord siza lalela me
[36:26] (Kwa the khathi of akhe fa) he thasisela Ngena Pharadisi. He tshela Hawu I fiso
mi ntu azi!
[36:27] Lowo mi Lord thethelela me fuduka me honorable.
[36:28] We cha sa phansi akhe ntu him butho bhakabhaka; we cha sa them phansi
[36:29] Bonke fuza was fike bhaklu whereupon they nzonzobala!
[36:30] kanjani zisola is ntu buso! Gcwele khathi gijimi thathaza them they dine
chwaneka him.
[36:31] they cha bheka kanjani ningi zukulwane we bhubhisa phambili them kanjani
they ze phinda them?
[36:32] Gcwele fike of them mema phambili us.
[36:33] Fike komba them is file zwe we dlweza it khiqiza nga it hlamvu bo dla.
[36:34] We khula it gadi dethi tende gilebhisi we banga thombo gush cishile therein!
[36:35] Lo is hlinzeka them thelo qhashisa them khiqiza bo khe dlulisela whatever they
dinga! they be thankful?
[36:36] Dumo be Fike bani qamba bonke hlobo of mila hlaba kakhulu njengoba
themselves nye dalo lowo they enza cha fana azi!
[36:37] Another komba them is suku we enyula ni therefrom whereupon they are
ngaphakathi cime.
[36:38] Langa beka thize dawo klamo Almighty Omniscient
[36:39] Yanga we sungula bonakala kundla it phathelana fana dala gobile godla.
[36:40] Langa is ze qhebeza phezulu nga yanga! - Suku suku ze hlanhlatha - each of
them ntanta wo khe orbit
[36:41] Another komba them is ukuthi we ntanta bo gogo gcwele ark.
[36:42] Ngalesosikhathi we qamba fana them gibela ngaphakathi!
[36:43] we willed we cwilisa them bo klangaklanga cha zwa nor could they khulula.
[36:44] Mane we yithela them nga sa, qhashisa them nambitheka for awhile!
[36:45] kepha manini they thasisela Funda kho dlule sebenza righteousness kho za lowo
you attain sa!
[36:46] Hhayi buzo babe hlobo of bonakaliso epha them bo Lord they consistently
bambalala it
[36:47] Manini they thasisela Epha Nkulunkulu hlinzeka you labo disbelieve tshela kuze
labo kholwa we epha labo NKULUNKULU phakela noma He kanjalo willed? You are
nempela de astray.
[36:48] They noma selelo Uma lowo thembiso sondela qeda you are truthful?
[36:49] Lonke they bheka be fike bhaklu ahlula them ngenkathi they phikisa.
[36:50] They cha fana fanele khathi enza tando nor tando they be able kuze buya bo ntu!
[36:51] Phondo thathaza whereupon they sukuma nga ngcwaba thathaza bo Lord
[36:52] They tshela Woe kuze us. Bani resurrected us ithu fa? Lo is babe the Ningi
Gracious thembisa. Gijimi were manje
[36:53] Bonke fuza is fike bhaklu whereupon they mema phambili us!
[36:54] Lowo suku hhayi phefumulo ngalungi ngaphakathi the ngcosana You khokhela
impela whatever you enza.
[36:55] dwellers Pharadisi be ukuthi suku happily gqugquma!
[36:56] They abide bo owakwakhe hle thunzi nambitheka nethezekile furnishings!
[36:57] They fanele thelo therein; they fanele anything they fisa.
[36:58] Bingelela thula nga Nomusa Lord
[36:59] Njengoba for you O necala ones you be hlaziya eceleni.
[36:60] ncisheka I cha vumelwano you O Ntwana Adam lowo you cha khonza dimoni?
Lowo he is kho ardent mabonwabulawe?
[36:61] Futhi lowo you khonza Me wodwa? Lo is lungile dlela.
[36:62] He khohlanisa chibi of you. you cha possess phi dlelwano?
[36:63] Lo is Hogo thembisa you.
[36:64] Namhla you bambeka it phetho kho disbelief.
[36:65] Suku we vuneka bo lomo; bo andla nyawo bekezelela bona everything they
[36:66] we tando we fihla bo bobo consequently manini they khonga dlela they cha
[36:67] we tando we freeze them ngaphakathi dawo; ngakho they azi neither nyakazo
phaphile, nor jenduka!
[36:68] Whomever we vumela zwa for a langaza khathi, we revert him kuze
dodobezelane! they cha azi?
[36:69] Babe we thisha him (gijimi) cha was kondlo nor is he (yosi)! Lo is sabeka
bonakaliso profound Quran.
[36:70] Kuze shumayela kuze labo are alive dalula disbelievers!
[36:71] they cha bheka we fanele qamba them ithu khe dlulisela livestock they khe
[36:72] Futhi we goga them them; nye they gibela nye they phanga.
[36:73] They sukela nye sizo nga them noma kuhle tshwala! they cha be appreciative
[36:74] They akha NKULUNKULU nye Nkulunkulu khathisimbe they be of sizo kuze
[36:75] Okunalokho they cha lamula them; they phetho sebenza them nikela butho.
[36:76] Ngakho cha saddened bo veza! We are fully aware of everything they gubadlela
everything they memezela.
[36:77] Ntu cha bheka we ncisheka qamba him nga nci consi ngalesosikhathi he jikisa
nga ardent mabonwabulawe?
[36:78] He vubukula kinga us - Ngenkathi khohlwa akhe initial dalo - Bani resurrect
lenze ngasemuva they bhucuka?
[36:79] Tshela Fike omula them okokuqala resurrect them! He is fully aware of gcwele
[36:80] He is Fike qamba you luhlaza shanguzo phethiloli which you bambeka for
[36:81] Cha Is Fike qamba bhakabhaka hlaba able kuze recreate the fana Ehe bala; He is
Dali Omniscient
[36:82] Lonke He ncisheka enza phi poqo is tshela kuze Be it is
[36:83] Ngakho dumo be Fike ngaphakathi whose dlulisa is sovereignty bonke to Him
you phinda!
37- Arrangers (Al-Saffat)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[37:1] arrangers hlu.
[37:2] blamers of labo kuze sola!
[37:3] Hlabeleli biko.
[37:4] Kho Nkulunkulu is yodwa fike.
[37:5] Lord of bhakabhaka hlaba everything them Lord of phumalanga.
[37:6] We gqizisa fushane bhakabhaka gqizisa planethi!
[37:7] We vika it gcwele bi dimoni.
[37:8] They cha hlola Phezulu Hlangano; they zuza bombarded gcwele thimu!
[37:9] They fela; they incurred naphakade retribution.
[37:10] phi of them ventures khetha outer ncele he phansula shisa projectile
[37:11] Buza them Are they lukhuni qamba nye dalo? We qamba them nga manzisa
[37:12] Ngenkathi you awed they bhinqa.
[37:13] Uma khumbuza they cha fuza heed
[37:14] Uma they bheka bonakaliso they chwaneka it
[37:15] They tshela Lo is ngokusobala loya
[37:16] Ngasemuva we phoqoka phathelana thuntutha lenze we resurrected
[37:17] Ngaphambi ithu yisidala gogo?
[37:18] Tshela Ehe you forcibly mema!
[37:19] Bonke fuza is fike moma whereupon they mela bukeka!
[37:20] They tshela Woe us; lo is Suku Ehlulelo.
[37:21] Lo is suku gwebo you sebenzisa disbelieve ngaphakathi
[37:22] Mema transgressors bo owakwakhe Thixo they khonza!
[37:23] Eceleni NKULUNKULU khaphi them kuze dlela Hogo.
[37:24] Vimba them buza them!
[37:25] Ngani you cha lamula fike another
[37:26] They be ukuthi suku ngokupheleleyo faka!
[37:27] They sondela each nye funa sola fike another
[37:28] They tshela (kuze bo ngqaphambili) You sebenzisa sondela us lungile thimu.
[37:29] They phendula is you cha were kholwa.
[37:30] We ze fanele phi dlakathi you; is you were wicked.
[37:31] We justly incurred ithu Lord's ehlulelo; manje we jeza.
[37:32] We khohlanisa you yodwa we were astray.
[37:33] Kanjeyana ngokusondelana they tando bonke partake retribution lowo suku.
[37:34] Lo is kanjani we requite necala.
[37:35] Uma they thasisela Laa Elaaha Ella Allah [Nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu
NKULUNKULU] they jika zidla.
[37:36] They tshela we hamba ithu Nkulunkulu sangene yosi?
[37:37] Nempela he fikisa yaniso qinisekisa gijimi.
[37:38] ningi assuredly you zwa the ningi buhlungu retribution.
[37:39] You requited yodwa babe you enza.
[37:40] Yodwa Nkulunkulu chaka are kasibili nikela kuze Him wodwa khulula)!
[37:41] They hola hlinzeka bekisa specifically them.
[37:42] Bonke hlobo of thelo. They honored
[37:43] ngaphakathi gadi sindiso.
[37:44] On furnishings fike another
[37:45] Debe of msulwa phuza thembisa them!
[37:46] Hle mnandi for drinkers.
[37:47] Ze ngcolisa ze qeda!
[37:48] Nga them be mangalisa ngane.
[37:49] biyela fana lichoboka qanda.
[37:50] They sondela each nye bhunga fike another
[37:51] Fike of them tshela I sebenzisa fanele ngane!
[37:52] He sebenzisa bhinqa Ncisheka you kholwa lonke lo?
[37:53] ‘Ngasemuva we phoqoka jikisa nga thuntutha lenze ncisheka we bizela kuze
zibika '!
[37:54] He tshela Eqinisweni hola dlozinga
[37:55] Uma he bukeka he bheka akhe ngane hliziyo Hogo.
[37:56] He thathaza him tshela NKULUNKULU you cishe bhidliza me
[37:57] Noma cha were mi Lord's busiso I been you manje
[37:58] (Enza you sa kholwa) we phoqoka!
[37:59] Yodwa fike fa we ze thola phi requital?
[37:60] njalo is nkulu ahlula.
[37:61] Lo is babe gcwele sebenzi sebenza for
[37:62] Is lo kahle phetho shanguzo munyu?
[37:63] We nikeza it jeziso transgressors.
[37:64] is shanguzo khula hliziyo Hogo.
[37:65] Wo mbali dlozinga dimoni phathi.
[37:66] They phanga nga it bo khaba zalisa!
[37:67] Ngalesosikhathi they qongo it esabeka tshwala.
[37:68] Ngalesosikhathi they phinda kuze Hogo.
[37:69] They cosha bo zali astray.
[37:70] they blindly landela ngaphakathi bo gi.
[37:71] ningi of dlule zukulwane fanele strayed fana dlela.
[37:72] We fanele hambisa kuze them warners!
[37:73] qaphela phetho for labo khuza!
[37:74] Yodwa Nkulunkulu chaka are kasibili nikela kuze Him wodwa khulula)!
[37:75] Kanjeyana Nowa bizela us we were kahle responders.
[37:76] We khulula him akhe hlobo nkulu bhicongo.
[37:77] We enza akhe ngane survivors.
[37:78] we khweza akhe lando subsequent zukulwane.
[37:79] Thula be Nowa among the peoples
[37:80] We kanjeyana klomela the ngakhethi.
[37:81] He is fike of ithu kholwa chaka.
[37:82] We cwilisa bonke others.
[37:83] Among akhe landeli was Abraham.
[37:84] He sondela akhe Lord wholeheartedly.
[37:85] He tshela kuze akhe yise akhe ntu Babe are you khonza?
[37:86] it la bhila Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU you want
[37:87] Babe ncisheka you zindla of Lord universe?
[37:88] He bukeka kahle basa.
[37:89] Ngalesosikhathi he buyisa phezulu tshela I dina of lo!
[37:90] They jikisa him.
[37:91] He ngalesosikhathi vula bo Thixo tshela you fana phanga?
[37:92] Ngani you cha shono?
[37:93] He ngalesosikhathi phephetha them.
[37:94] They thathaza him nkulu laka.
[37:95] He tshela Kanjani you khonza babe you carve
[37:96] Uma NKULUNKULU qamba you everything you enza!
[37:97] They tshela akha nkulu lilo jikijelo him nga it
[37:98] They schemed him we enza them losers!
[37:99] He tshela I thathaza mi Lord He khaphi me
[37:100] Mi Lord pha me ngakhethi ntwana!
[37:101] We epha him hle biko hle ntwana.
[37:102] Uma he khula ngokwanele sebenza him he tshela Mi dodana I bheka phupho I
nikela you. babe ncisheka you zindla He tshela O mi yise ncisheka babe you phatha enza!
You cosha me NKULUNKULU vuma guli.
[37:103] They both faka he faka akhe phongo phansi nikela him)!
[37:104] We balula him O Abraham.
[37:105] You kholwa phupho. We kanjeyana klomela the ngakhethi.
[37:106] Lowo exacting vivinyo bala.
[37:107] We hlenga (Ismail) shintsha nonya nikelo!
[37:108] we khweza akhe lando subsequent zukulwane.
[37:109] Thula be Abraham.
[37:110] We kanjeyana klomela the ngakhethi.
[37:111] He is fike of ithu kholwa chaka.
[37:112] Ngalesosikhathi we epha him hle biko zala Isaac be fike of ngakhethi
[37:113] We hlahlamelisa him Isaac. Among bo zalo nye are ngakhethi nye are wicked
[37:114] We noma thokozisa Mose Aaron.
[37:115] We sindise them bo ntu nkulu bhicongo.
[37:116] We shoka them they phathelana nqobi.
[37:117] We epha both of them profound scripture.
[37:118] We guided them lungile dlela.
[37:119] We khweza bo lando subsequent zukulwane.
[37:120] Thula be upon Mose Aaron.
[37:121] We kanjeyana klomela the ngakhethi.
[37:122] Both of them were ithu ngakhethi chaka!
[37:123] Elias was fike of gijimi.
[37:124] He tshela kuze akhe ntu you cha sebenza righteousness?
[37:125] you khonza statue Supreme Dali?
[37:127] They disbelieved him. Consequently they be bizela zibika
[37:128] Yodwa Nkulunkulu chaka are kasibili nikela kuze Him wodwa khulula)!
[37:129] We khweza akhe lando subsequent zukulwane.
[37:130] Thula be Elias lonke labo fana Elias
[37:131] We kanjeyana klomela the ngakhethi.
[37:132] He was fike of ithu kholwa chaka.
[37:133] Diki was fike of gijimi.
[37:134] We khulula him lonke akhe hlobo.
[37:135] Yodwa dala kosikazi doomed
[37:136] We bhubhisa bonke others.
[37:137] You nzonzobala pasi bo gebedu suku.
[37:138] Futhi nga suku. you azi?
[37:139] Jonah was fike of gijimi.
[37:140] He sinda gcwele shumbi.
[37:141] He melana ngakho he xhumelela losers.
[37:142] Consequently hlanzi khinsa him he was fike sola!
[37:143] Noma cha were he resorted meditation Nkulunkulu)
[37:144] he bukisa wo khaba Suku Vuko.
[37:145] We fanele him juba phezulu nga luqwatha mehlomnyama!
[37:146] We fanele shanguzo dleka thelo khulile for him.
[37:147] Ngalesosikhathi we sa him 100000 ningi
[37:148] They enza kholwa we qhashisa them nambitheka lo pilo!
[37:149] Buza them noma kho Lord fanele tombazana ngenkathi they fanele dodana!
[37:150] we qamba gelosi ncisheka be females? they bona lowo?
[37:151] Bala they grossly blaspheme uma they tshela -
[37:153] He enyula tombazana fokazi?
[37:154] Babe is ngacabangi nga kho logic?
[37:155] ngani you cha fuza heed
[37:156] you fanele phi bonakaliso?
[37:157] Tshengisa us kho bhuku noma you are truthful!
[37:158] They fana ceba special dlelwano phakathi Him jinns. jinns azi ukuthi they are
[37:160] Yodwa Nkulunkulu chaka are nikela kuze Him wodwa khulula)!
[37:161] Bala you babe you khonza.
[37:162] Cha nqumela anything Him.
[37:163] Yodwa you bambeka Hogo.
[37:164] Each fike of us fanele thize khundla.
[37:165] We are arrangers.
[37:166] We duly dumisa (ithu Lord
[37:167] They sebenzisa tshela!
[37:168] Fanele we thola fanele fundiswa nga ithu zali
[37:169] we been worshipers; nikela kuze NKULUNKULU lodwa!
[37:170] they disbelieved they tando surely thola cishile!
[37:171] Ithu gwebo vele decreed for ithu chaka gijimi.
[37:172] They are surely victors.
[37:173] Ithu butho are nqobi.
[37:174] Kanjalo bambalala them for awhile!
[37:175] Hlomelo them; they kakhulu qaphela.
[37:176] they selelo ithu retribution?
[37:177] Uma it dukluza them fike suku be dabukisa suku; they ngokwanele khuza.
[37:178] bambalala them for awhile.
[37:179] Hlomelo them; they kakhulu qaphela.
[37:180] Dumo be kho Lord nkulu Lord kude phezulu bo nxephezelo.
[37:181] Thula be gijimi.
[37:182] Dumiso be NKULUNKULU Lord universe.
38- S. (Saad)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[38:1] S. (Saad) Quran zibamba bonakaliso.
[38:2] Labo disbelieve cwilisa nga khukhumala defiance.
[38:3] Ningi zukulwane them we bhubhisa. They bizela sizo ngaphumeleli.
[38:4] They mangala ukuthi warner sondela them them. disbelievers tshela bili hubu.
[38:5] he enza Nkulunkulu nga fike Nkulunkulu? Lo is nempela ngajwayelekile.
[38:6] Ngqaphambili azisa Thathaza steadfastly phikelela khonza kho Nkulunkulu! Lo
is babe luba!
[38:7] We ze zwa lo kolo ithu yise. Lo is nga.
[38:8] Enza bonakaliso ehla him us? Bala they are ngabazeka of Mi bonakaliso! Bala
they cha kepha zwa Mi retribution.
[38:9] ncisheka they khe cebo sa kho Lord Almighty Grantor.
[38:10] they possess sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba everything them? Qhashisa them
[38:11] Mane whatever khandlu they muster - Fana noma lonke bo phathi banded
ngokusondelana - Tshoda!
[38:12] Disbelieving them were ntu Nowa ‘Aad khulu Pharaoh!
[38:13] Noma Thamoud ntu Diki dwellers Kuni Midyan;) labo were bangi.
[38:14] Each of them disbelieved gijimi kanjeyana Mi retribution was
[38:15] La ntu lindela mbalwa bhaklu nga which they ze elulama.
[38:16] They challenged Ithu Lord enza you cha sukela retribution us Suku Reckoning
[38:17] Be bekezela ngaphakathi the bombo of bo veza khumbula ithu chaka David
nobuhlakani; he was lalela.
[38:18] We bophezela taba akhe sebenzi dumisa him suku suku.
[38:19] Noma bazana bophezela sebenza him; lonke were lalela kuze him!
[38:20] We qinisa akhe kingship endowed him ngokuhlakanipha hle logic.
[38:21] you thola biko feuding doda fanele cathama akhe sanctuary?
[38:22] Uma they ngena akhe emuka he ethusa. They tshela Fanele saba! We feuding
fike another we khonga kho fanele ehlulelo. Cha ngalungi us khaphi us lungile dlela!
[38:23] Lo fo of mi zimele 90 9 vu ngenkathi I khe fike vu. He wants hlanganisa mi vu
akhe qhubeka cindezelo me
[38:24] He tshela He dalwa ngafanele kuze you nga buza hlanganisa kho vu akhe! Ningi
ntu hlanganisa bo pahla thokozisa each nye dedengu labo kholwa sebenza righteousness
la are ngcosana Kamuva David mangala noma he enza lungile ehlulelo! He cabango we
hlola him. He ngalesosikhathi nxusa akhe Lord yekelo khothama nikela phenduka!
[38:25] We thethelela him ngaphakathi lo buzo We pha him khundla honor us hle
[38:26] O David we enza you busi hlaba. Ngakho you jaja among the ntu equitably cha
landela kho personal bono funa it buyisela you dlela NKULUNKULU! Surely labo
fufutheka dlela NKULUNKULU incur nzima retribution khohlwa Suku Reckoning
[38:27] We cha qamba bhakabhaka hlaba everything them ngaphumeleli. njalo is the
cabango of labo disbelieve! Ngakho woe kuze labo disbelieve; they jeza Hogo.
[38:28] we thokozisa labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo kuhle we thokozisa labo
bophezela bi hlaba? we thokozisa ngakhethi kuhle we thokozisa the wicked?
[38:29] Lo is scripture we sa phansi you is ngcwele - Khathisimbe they cabangisisa wo
thole. Labo possess biko fuza heed
[38:30] Kuze David we pha Solomoni; sizakala lalela chaka.
[38:31] Fike suku he phathelana preoccupied hle jomane suku nolunya.
[38:32] He ngalesosikhathi tshela I nambitheka omhlaba to ningi than I nambitheka
khonza mi Lord langa was hamba!
[38:33] Fikisa them dlulile. bhida valelisa he gudla bo lenze umqala!
[38:34] We kanjeyana faka Solomoni vivinyo; we hlahlamelisa him banzi omhlaba cebi
he steadfastly faka!
[38:35] He tshela Mi Lord thethelela me pha me kingship ze attained nga anyone noma
You are Grantor.
[38:36] We (phendula akhe thandazo bophezela oya akhe khucululwa thela mvula
wherever he wanted
[38:37] Dimoni akhiwo gwinja
[38:38] Others beka akhe khucululwa.
[38:39] Lo is ithu hlinzeka you; you epha generously withhold ncele!
[38:40] He hola honorable khundla us mangalisa abode.
[38:41] Khumbula ithu chaka Khundla he balula akhe Lord dimoni hlupha me nzaka
[38:42] Phansula hlabathi kho nyawo! thombo tando epha you sindisa tshwala!
[38:43] We buyisa akhe hlobo for him; kabili njengoba ningi njalo is ithu sa; khumbuzo
labo possess biko.
[38:44] Manje you hamba zwe shumayela biko fulfill kho bambiso. We cosha him
steadfast. Babe hle chaka! He was submitter.
[38:45] khumbula noma ithu chaka Abraham Isaac Jacob. They were nobuhlakani
possessed bona.
[38:46] We pha them nkulu hlahlamelisa awareness Hereafter
[38:47] They enyula they were among the ningi ngakhethi.
[38:48] Khumbula Ismail Elisha Zal-Kifl; among the ningi ngakhethi!
[38:49] Lo is khumbuzo ngakhethi hola mangalisa phetho!
[38:50] Gadi Eden tando bhobhoka bo sango them.
[38:51] Vovononeka therein they epha ningi hlobo of thelo tshwala!
[38:52] They fanele mangalisa owakwakhe.
[38:53] Lo is babe you hola Suku Reckoning
[38:54] Ithu hlinzeka are inexhaustible
38:55] Njengoba for transgressors they incurred dabukisa phetho.
[38:56] Hogo is lapho they bambeka; babe dabukisa abode!
[38:57] Babe they zwa therein be esabeka tshwala baba dla!
[38:58] khulu ningi of fana hlobo.
[38:59] Lo is xuku juba Hogo you. They cha amukela hlali Hogo). They hola bambeka
[38:60] Sha phendula Nor you amukela. You are the ones andulela us khohlanisa us!
Ngakho jeza lo dabukisa phetho!
[38:61] They noma tshela Ithu Lord la are the ones phila us nga lo; ngokuphindiwe
retribution hellfire them.
[38:62] They tshela Kanjani hlangana we cha bheka Hogo) ntu we enza sebenzisa bala
among the wicked?
[38:63] We sebenzisa chwaneka them; we sebenzisa jikisa ithu bobo nga them!
[38:64] Lo predetermined phuzu ntu Hogo gxabano fike another
[38:65] Zwi I khuza you; nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU Fike Supreme
[38:66] Lord of bhakabhaka hlaba everything them; Almighty the Xolela.
[38:67] Zwi Nantu is awesome biko.
[38:68] Lowo you are ngokupheleleyo oblivious kuze.
[38:69] I cha fanele azani ngaphambili gxabano Phezulu Hlangano.
[38:70] I faka mi soli thunywa is sindise khuza you.
[38:71] Kho Lord tshela kuze gelosi I qamba ntu bumba.
[38:72] Ngaphambili I sungula him thathaza him nga Mi futho you wa prostrate
phambili him!
[38:73] gelosi zumeka prostrate bonke of them
[38:74] Dimoni; he zaba was kakhulu zidla unappreciative.
[38:75] He tshela O Dimoni babe nqanda you nga prostrating phambili babe I qamba Mi
andla? Are you kakhulu zidla? you melana?
[38:76] He tshela I am kahle than he; You qamba me nga lilo qamba him nga bumba!
[38:77] He tshela Ngakho you khipha you dingisa.
[38:78] You incurred Mi ahlulelwa Suku Ehlulelo.
[38:79] He tshela Mi Lord phefu me Suku Vuko!
[38:80] He tshela You respited
[38:81] Kuze khetha suku.
[38:82] He tshela I funga Kho majesty I sa them lonke astray.
[38:83] Kho worshipers bani nikela kasibili You lodwa.
[38:84] He tshela Lo is yaniso yaniso is lonke I khuluma.
[38:85] I gcwalisa Hogo you lonke labo landela you.
[38:86] Zwi I cha buza you phi wage I cha am impostor.
[38:87] Lo is khumbuzo hlaba.
[38:88] you tando impela thola cishile ngaphakathi awhile!
39- Nyokotho (Al-Zumar)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[39:1] Lo is vulamehlo scripture NKULUNKULU Almighty the Hlakaniphile.
[39:2] We sa phansi you lo scripture truthfully; you khonza NKULUNKULU nikela kho
kolo Him lodwa!
[39:3] Kasibili kolo be nikela kuze NKULUNKULU lodwa! Labo akha Thixo Him
tshela We idolize them yodwa fikisa us closer NKULUNKULU; they are kahle khundla!
NKULUNKULU tando jaji them regarding bo phendulana! NKULUNKULU CHA
khaphi NJALO HUBU disbelievers.
[39:4] Nkulunkulu wanted fanele dodana He enyula whomever He willed nga Akhe
dalo. He dumisa; He is NKULUNKULU Fike Supreme
[39:5] He qamba bhakabhaka hlaba truthfully. He ehla suku suku dawo suku suku. He
bophezela langa yanga each gijima for finite kathi. Kasibili He is Almighty the Xolela.
[39:6] He qamba you fike ntu ngalesosikhathi qamba him akhe ngane. He sa you 8
hlobo livestock. He qamba you kho mame khaba dalo dalo ngaphakathi trimesters cime!
njalo is NKULUNKULU kho Lord Kuze Him fanele bonke sovereignty! Nanso cha is
nye Nkulunkulu Him. kanjani you hlanhlatha?
[39:7] you disbelieve NKULUNKULU cha dinga anyone. He nyanya bheka Akhe chaka
enza ngacabangi gwebo! you juqula be appreciative He siza you. Hhayi phefumulo
bekezelela ono phi nye phefumulo. Ekugcineni kuze kho Lord is kho buya
ngalesosikhathi He chazela you of everything you enza! He is fully aware of innermost
[39:8] Uma ntu hlupha he nxusa akhe Lord sincerely nikela kuze Him! njengoba
masinyane njengoba He hlahlamelisa him he khohlwa akhe dlule nxusa akha Thixo gaba
NKULUNKULU buyisela others Akhe dlela! Zwi Nambitheka kho disbelief temporarily;
you incurred hellfire.
[39:9] it Is kahle kuze fike of labo zindla suku prostrating shela aware of Hereafter
dalwa khonga sa bo Lord Tshela Are labo azi lingana kuze labo cha azi? Yodwa labo
possess biko fuza heed
[39:10] Zwi O Mi chaka kholwa you hlonipho kho Lord labo sebenza righteousness
ngaphakathi lo hlaba hle kokhelo. Nkulunkulu hlaba is banzi labo steadfastly phikelela
thola bo recompense generously ncele!
[39:11] Zwi I phatha khonza NKULUNKULU nikela kolo ngokupheleleyo Him
[39:12] I phatha be utmost submitter.
[39:13] Zwi I bawosi noma I disobeyed mi Lord retribution nkulu suku.
[39:14] Zwi NKULUNKULU is lodwa Fike I khonza nikela mi kolo kasibili Him
[39:15] Ngakho khonza whatever you fisa Him. Tshela oqobo losers are labo lahlekelwa
bo phefumulo bo hlobo Suku Vuko. Ningi impela lo is oqobo dleko!
[39:16] They fanele quba of xosha them them. NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA
[39:17] Njengoba for labo nquma konzo bonke Thixo nikela ngokupheleleyo
NKULUNKULU wodwa they hola jabulo. Epha hle biko Mi chaka!
[39:18] They are ones phenya bonke zwi ngalesosikhathi landela the kahle! La are ones
whom NKULUNKULU guided la are ones possess biko.
[39:19] Nga regard kuze labo hola retribution fanele you khulula labo fantshi are vele
[39:20] Njengoba for labo hlonipho bo Lord they fanele mansions mansions akha for
them nga thutheleka fudlana! Lo is Nkulunkulu thembisa NKULUNKULU ze thula Akhe
[39:21] you cha bheka NKULUNKULU sa phansi bhakabhaka chichiza ngalesosikhathi
beka it nga underground thombo ngalesosikhathi khiqiza it gximeka ncisheka of
nhlobonhlobo colors ngalesosikhathi they khula kuze they jika phuzi ngalesosikhathi He
jika them hhoyi? Lo be khumbuzo labo possess biko.
[39:22] Noma NKULUNKULU nikeza fike hliziyo content Submission he landela
pholile nga akhe Lord Ngakho woe labo hliziyo qinisa Nkulunkulu biko; they thathaza
kude astray.
hlonipho bo Lord cringe therefrom ngalesosikhathi bo khumba bo hliziyo dambisa
phezulu Nkulunkulu biko. njalo is Nkulunkulu hola; He pha it upon whoever tando
guided Njengoba for labo sa astray NKULUNKULU nothing khaphi them!
[39:24] babe kahle than khulula fike is bhekana thusa retribution Suku Vuko?
transgressors thasisela Zwa phetho babe you zuza.
[39:25] Others them disbelieved consequently retribution hlupha them lapho they ze
[39:26] NKULUNKULU FELA them FOJISA ngaphakathi lo PILO retribution
Hereafter be DE ngcolile they YODWA AZI.
[39:27] We cited ntu gcwele hlobo of bonakaliso ngaphakathi lo Quran lowo they fuza
[39:28] EArabhiya Quran phi ambiguity they be ngakhethi.
(Quran)! Are they the fana Dumiso be kuze NKULUNKULU; ningi of them cha azi.
[39:30] You (Muhammad) surely phoqoka eqinisweni kuhle they phoqoka.
[39:31] Suku Vuko phambili kho Lord you ntu gxabano fike another
[39:32] Bani bi than fike attributes is nga NKULUNKULU ngenkathi disbelieving
ngaphakathi yaniso sondela him? Is Hogo cha ngakhethi requital disbelievers?
[39:33] Njengoba for labo azisa yaniso kholwa therein they are the ngakhethi!
[39:34] They zuza everything they fisa bo Lord njalo is kokhelo for the ngakhethi.
[39:35] NKULUNKULU remits BO NOKONA SEBENZI KOKHELO them generously
[39:36] Is NKULUNKULU cha sufficient Akhe chaka? They esabisa you Thixo they
akha Him. Whomever NKULUNKULU sa astray nothing khaphi him!
[39:37] whomever NKULUNKULU khaphi nothing sa him astray! Is NKULUNKULU
cha Almighty Avenger?
[39:38] you buza them Bani qamba bhakabhaka hlaba? they tshela NKULUNKULU.
Tshela ngalesosikhathi ncisheka you beka Thixo NKULUNKULU? Noma
NKULUNKULU willed phi adversity me they dambisa njalo adversity? Futhi noma He
willed busiso me fantshi they nqanda njalo busiso? Tshela NKULUNKULU is sufficient
me Ngaphakathi Him trusters ethemba.
[39:39] Zwi O mi ntu ncisheka kho kahle I enza mi kahle; you enza surely thola cishile!
[39:40] (You enza thola cishile) bani incurred shameful jeziso hola naphakade
[39:41] We phendla scripture you for ntu truthfully. Ngalesosikhathi whoever guided
guided akhe khe hle whoever thathaza astray thathaza astray akhe khe detriment! You
cha are bo buzeli.
hlangana NOMA kwa the khathi of LALA. Kanjeyana He phindisela nye bo lala
ngenkathi others sondela qhubeka fudumele phetho of bo predetermined interim Lo
hlinzeka fundo ntu bani cabangisisa!
[39:43] they ceba intercessors lamula them NKULUNKULU? Tshela Babe noma they
cha possess phi dlakathi nor dlelwano?
[39:44] Tshela Bonke intercession fanele kuze NKULUNKULU. Him fanele bonke
sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba ngalesosikhathi kuze Him you phinda!
[39:45] Uma NKULUNKULU WODWA sho hliziyo of labo cha kholwa Hereafter
shwabana enyanya. Uma others sho Him they phathelana gculisa!
[39:46] Proclaim Ithu Nkulunkulu Initiator of bhakabhaka hlaba Knower of bonke fihlo
memezelo You are the lodwa Fike jaja Kho chaka bo phendulana!
[39:47] Labo transgressed owned everything hlaba ngaphambi kabili njengoba khulu
they readily duba it xwaya thusa retribution Suku Vuko. They tshengisa NKULUNKULU
babe they ze lindela.
[39:48] Nokona sebenzi they zuza tshengisa them kakhulu to they sebenzisa bhinqa
tando buya lwa them!
[39:49] Noma obuntu namatha adversity he nxusa us njengoba masinyane njengoba we
pha busiso him he tshela I attained lo mi khalipho! Bala lo is yodwa vivinyo ningi of
them cha azi.
[39:50] Labo phambili them khuluma fana to bo holo cha lamula them ngaphakathi the
[39:51] They jeza phetho bo bi sebenzi. Ngokufanayo transgressors manje zukulwane
jeza phetho bo bi sebenzi; they cha sinda.
[39:52] they cha realize NKULUNKULU is Fike ncisheka enyuka hlinzeka whomever
He enyula withholds? La are fundo ntu kholwa.
[39:53] Proclaim O Mi chaka eqa ncele ze despair of Nkulunkulu sa! For
NKULUNKULU thethelela bonke ono! He is Forgiver Nomusa.
[39:54] You hlonipha kho Lord faka Him ngokupheleleyo phambili retribution fumana
you; ngalesosikhathi you cha lamula!
[39:55] Landela kahle dlela lowo khomba you kho Lord retribution fumana you
ngokuzuma uma you kancane lindela it
[39:56] Funa phefumulo tshela Kanjani nxephe I am bambalala Nkulunkulu thetho; I
was impela fike of klolodeli.
[39:57] Tshela Fanele NKULUNKULU guided me I been nga the ngakhethi!
[39:58] Noma tshela uma it bheka retribution I zuza another potsho I sebenza
[39:59] Ehe bala (you enza zuza ngokwanele potsho)! Mi bonakaliso sondela you you
bhunkula them jikisa zidla phathelana disbeliever!
[39:60] Suku Vuko you bheka bombo of labo bani lied NKULUNKULU mbozekile nga
hlupheka. Is Hogo cha lungile retribution for zidla ones?
[39:61] NKULUNKULU tando beka labo gcina righteousness; He klomela them. Hhayi
hlungu namatha them nor tando they fanele phi hlungu.
[39:62] NKULUNKULU is DALI BONKE TO He is ngaphakathi GCWELE
[39:63] Kuze Him fanele bonke gwebo bhakabhaka hlaba labo disbelieve Nkulunkulu
vulamehlo are oqobo losers!
[39:64] Tshela it nye than NKULUNKULU you exhort me Is khonza O you ngenalwazi
[39:65] It phendla you futhi labo phambili you lowo you nanini bophezela Thixo khonza
lonke kho sebenzi nullified you be losers!
[39:66] Ngakho you khonza NKULUNKULU wodwa be appreciative
[39:67] They ze fathom greatness NKULUNKULU. Phelele hlaba is Akhe bhakela
Suku Vuko. Nempela universes pheceza Akhe lungile andla. He dumisa; He is khulu
kakhulu phezulu dinga phi lingani!
[39:68] Phondo thathaza whereupon everyone bhakabhaka hlaba phansula qulekile
except labo onga NKULUNKULU! Ngalesosikhathi it thathaza buye whereupon they
tando bonke qansa phezulu bukeka!
[39:69] Ngalesosikhathi hlaba pholisha khanya wo Lord Thayela proclaimed phrofethi
fakazi fikisa hambile! Everyone ngalesosikhathi jaja equitably ngcosana okungemthetho.
[39:70] Gcwele phefumulo be khokhela whatever it enza He is fully aware of everything
they enza!
[39:71] Labo disbelieved be holela Hogo ngaphakathi nyokotho Uma they zuza it wo
sango vuleka wo lindi tshela Enza you cha thola gijimi nga you hlabelela kuze you
vulamehlo kho Lord khuza you kakhulu buthano lo suku? They phendula Ehe bala! Zwi
‘retribution' vele gxivaza disbelievers.
[39:72] It tshela Ngena sango Hogo wherein you abide phakade. Babe dabukisa phetho
for the zidla!
[39:73] Labo reverenced bo Lord be holela Pharadisi ngaphakathi nyokotho Uma they
zuza it wo sango vuleka wo lindi tshela Thula be you; you zuza! Ngakho you abide nantu
[39:74] They tshela Tusa be kuze NKULUNKULU gcina Akhe thembiso us enza us
inherit hlaba nambitheka Pharadisi njengoba we siza. Babe hle recompense sebenzi!
[39:75] You bheka gelosi ntanta cishe throne dumisa tusa bo Lord Emva equitable
ehlulelo khishwa kuze bonke it proclaimed Tusa be NKULUNKULU Lord universe!
40- Forgiver (Ghafer)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[40:1] H. M.
[40:2] Lo vulamehlo scripture is NKULUNKULU Almighty Omniscient
[40:3] Forgiver ono acceptor nguquko luma ngaphakathi enforcing retribution possessor
bonke dlakathi! Nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Him. Kuze Him is ultimate phetho.
[40:4] None phikisana Nkulunkulu vulamehlo except labo disbelieve! Cha thatha bo
kungathi phumelela!
[40:5] Disbelieving them were ntu Nowa ningi nye bangi them! Gcwele gwamanda
qhuba bo gijimi neutralize him. they phikisana cebo ehlulwa yaniso. Consequently I
jezisa them; kanjani thusa was Mi retribution!
[40:6] Kanjeyana ehlulelo kho Lord vele gxivaza upon labo disbelieve ukuthi they are
dwellers Hogo.
[40:7] Labo sebenza throne lonke labo cishe it dumisa tusa bo Lord kholwa Him! they
buza yekelo labo kholwa Ithu Lord Kho sa Kho azani encompass bonke to. Thethelela
labo phenduka landela Kho dlela onga them retribution Hogo!
[40:8] Ithu Lord mukela them gadi Eden You thembisa them futhi for ngakhethi among
bo zali owakwakhe ntwana. You are Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[40:9] Futhi biyela them wa ngaphakathi ona! Whomever You biyela wa ngaphakathi
ona ukuthi suku attained sa You! Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[40:10] Labo disbelieve thasisela Nkulunkulu abhorrence you is ngaphambi ngcolile
than kho khe abhorrence yourselves. you mema kholwa you enyula disbelieve!
[40:11] They tshela Ithu Lord you faka us fa kabili You epha us 2 zwa; kalokhu we
confessed ithu ono! Is ashila phi dlela cishile?
[40:12] Lo is uma NKULUNKULU WODWA khulumela you disbelieved manini others
sho Him you kholwa. Ngakho Nkulunkulu ehlulelo khishwa; He is the Ningi Phezulu the
[40:13] He is Fike ngokunganqamuki tshengisa you Akhe bonakaliso sa phansi you
bhakabhaka hlinzeka Yodwa labo ngokupheleleyo faka be able kuze hola heed
[40:14] Ngakho you nikela kho konzo kasibili NKULUNKULU LODWA fana noma
disbelievers enyanya it
[40:15] Possessor of phezulu gaba Busi phelele dominion. He sa dude bekezelela Akhe
poqo kuze whomever He enyula Akhe chaka khuza Suku of Mema!
[40:16] Lowo is suku uma everyone ngokupheleleyo dalula; none of them sitheza
anything nga NKULUNKULU! Kuze whom fanele bonke sovereignty lowo suku? Kuze
[40:17] Lowo suku gcwele phefumulo requited whatever it zuza. Nanso cha be
[40:18] khuza them imminent suku uma hliziyo novalo ningi tando be remorseful.
transgressors cha fanele ngane nor intercessor hlonipha.
[40:19] He is fully aware of babe bobo cha bheka everything gqondo gubadlela.
[40:21] they cha zululeka hlaba ncisheka qaphela phetho for labo phambili them? They
sebenzisa be donsile than they khiqiza on hlaba. Nkulunkulu jezisa them bo ono nothing
biyela them NKULUNKULU.
[40:22] Lowo is bo gijimi thathaza them khuculula bonakaliso they disbelieved
Consequently NKULUNKULU jezisa them. He is Kakhulu luma ngaphakathi enforcing
[40:23] We sa Mose ithu komba profound gqi
[40:24] Kuze Pharaoh Haamaan Qaaroon. they tshela bili; hubu.
[40:25] Futhi uma he tshengisa them yaniso nga us they tshela Dlulisa dodana of labo
kholwa him onga bo tombazana. Kanjeyana scheming disbelievers is dine wicked!
[40:26] Pharaoh tshela Qhashisa me dlulisa Mose qhashisa him nxusa akhe Lord I
thikimeza funa he khohlakala kho kolo embula bi phela zwe.
[40:27] Mose tshela I khonga ephephelo mi Lord kho Lord nga gcwele zidla fike cha
kholwa Suku Reckoning
[40:28] kholwa doda Pharaoh's ntu gubadlela akhe kholo was tshela Kanjani you dlulisa
doda fantshi babale for tshela ‘Mi Lord NKULUNKULU ' he tshengisa you is fanele
cwatha bonakaliso kho Lord he is hubu is akhe kinga futhi he is truthful you sizo nga
akhe thembiso. Surely NKULUNKULU cha khaphi phi transgressor hubu.
[40:29] O mi ntu namhla you fanele kingship upperhand! Bani lamula us against
Nkulunkulu ehlulelo should it sondela us? Pharaoh tshela You are landela yodwa babe I
bheka qinile; I khaphi you yodwa lungile dlela!
[40:30] fike kholwa tshela O mi ntu I bawosi you fana nxi dlule bangi.
[40:31] Bangi Nowa ‘Aad Thamoud others sondela them. NKULUNKULU CHA fiso
[40:32] O mi ntu I bawosi for you Suku of Mema!
[40:33] is suku uma you fisa phenduka baleka! nothing biyela you ngalesosikhathi
NKULUNKULU. Whomever NKULUNKULU sa astray nothing khaphi him!
[40:34] Joseph sondela you phambili lowo cwatha vulamehlo you qhubeka ngabaza
akhe biko! Ngalesosikhathi uma he phoqoka you tshela "NKULUNKULU tando cha sa
phi nye gijimi him! (He was emuva gijimi!) NKULUNKULU kanjeyana sa astray labo
are transgressors ngabazeka.
[40:35] They phikisana Nkulunkulu vulamehlo phi sekelo. Lo is trait ningi khisila
[40:36] Pharaoh tshela O Haamaan akha me phezulu bhoshongo I finyelela cishile
[40:37] I want finyelela bhakabhaka hola dlozinga Nkulunkulu Mose. I kholwa he is
hubu. Ngakho were bi sebenzi Pharaoh gqizisa ngaphakathi akhe bobo kanjeyana he
qhubeka landela lungile) dlela. Pharaoh's scheming was impela bi.
[40:38] fike kholwa tshela O mi ntu landela me I khaphi you ngaphakathi
[40:39] O mi ntu lo fike pilo is esikhashana kohliso khashana Hereafter is naphakade
[40:40] Whoever bophezela ono requited ngakhethi lowo whoever sebenza
righteousness! - Duna esifazane - Ngenkathi kholwa la ngena Pharadisi wherein they
thola hlinzeka phi ncele.
[40:41] O mi ntu khashana I mema you khulula you mema me hellfire.
[40:42] You mema me be unappreciative of NKULUNKULU akha Him Thixo I cha
recognize. I mema you Almighty Forgiver.
[40:43] Nanso is hhayi khonondo lowo babe you mema me enza fanele sekelo
ngaphakathi lo hlaba nor ngaphakathi Hereafter lowo ithu ultimate buya is kuze
NKULUNKULU lowo transgressors incurred hellfire!
[40:44] "Nye suku you khumbula babe I thasisela you manje I hamba ehlulelo lo buzo
NKULUNKULU; NKULUNKULU is Phrofethi bonke ntu.
NGENKATHI NTU Pharaoh incurred NGCOLILE retribution!
[40:46] Hogo tshengisa them suku futhi suku, Suku Vuko Mukela Pharaoh's ntu nga
ngcolile retribution!
[40:47] njengoba they phikisana Hogo landeli tshela kuze bo ngqaphambili We enza
sebenzisa kho landeli be you onga us phi hla lo Hogo?
[40:48] Ngqaphambili tshela We are lonke ngaphakathi lo hlangene. NKULUNKULU
JAJA among the ntu".
[40:49] Labo ngaphakathi hellfire tshela kuze londolozi Hogo Memeza kho Lord
nciphisa retribution us ngaphambi fike suku!
[40:50] They tshela Enza you cha thola kho gijimi sindise you cwatha biko? They
phendula Ehe we enza. They tshela Ngalesosikhathi nxusa you fisa;) nxusa of
disbelievers is dine ngaphumeleli!
[40:51] ningi assuredly we epha ahlula ithu gijimi labo kholwa both ngaphakathi lo hlaba
suku fakazi mema!
[40:52] Lowo suku xolisa disbelievers cha sizo them. They incurred ahlulelwa; they
incurred ngcolile phetho.
[40:53] We epha Mose hola fuduka Ntwana Israyeli inherit scripture!
[40:54] (Bo lando) is fundo khumbuzo labo possess biko.
[40:55] Ngakho be bekezela Nkulunkulu thembiso is qiniseka buza yekelo kho ono
dumisa tusa kho Lord suku suku!
[40:56] Surely labo bani phikisana Nkulunkulu vulamehlo bonakaliso are dalula
khukhumala sitheza bo bele they are cha fana aware of it Ngakho khonga ephephelo
NKULUNKULU; He is Ozwayo Phrofethi!
[40:57] Dalo of bhakabhaka hlaba is fana awesome than dalo ntu kakhulu ntu cha azi!
[40:58] Cha lingana are phumputheka phrofethi. Nor are labo kholwa sebenza
righteousness lingana kuze oni! Rarely enza you fuza heed
[40:59] ningi impela Awa (Suku Ehlulelo) sondela hhayi khonondo it kakhulu ntu cha
[40:60] Kho Lord tshela Nxusa Me I phendula you! Surely labo are kakhulu zidla
khonza Me ngena Gehenna forcibly!
[40:62] njalo is NKULUNKULU kho Lord Dali bonke to. Nanso cha is Nkulunkulu
except He! kanjani you hlanhlatha?
[40:63] Hlanhlatha are labo bambalala Nkulunkulu vulamehlo!
[40:64] NKULUNKULU is Fike NIKEZA HLABA habitable for you BHAKABHAKA
SABEKA AKHIWO He SUNGULA you SUNGULA you manje He is Fike hlinzeka you
hle hlinzeka njalo is NKULUNKULU kho Lord Exalted is NKULUNKULU Lord
[40:65] He is Fudumele nanso cha is Nkulunkulu except He! You khonza Him wodwa
nikela kho kolo kasibili Him lodwa! Dumiso be NKULUNKULU Lord universe.
[40:66] Zwi I enjoined khonza Thixo you khonza NKULUNKULU uma hle vulamehlo
sondela me mi Lord I phatha faka Lord universe!
[40:67] He is Fike qamba you thuli subsequently nci consi ngalesosikhathi nga choma
bungu ngalesosikhathi He fikisa you cishile ntwana ngalesosikhathi He qhashisa you
finyelela khula ngalesosikhathi you phathelana dala - nye of you phoqoka ngaphambili
You attain predetermined banga you azi!
[40:68] He is lodwa Fike zibamba pilo fa. Kuze fanele anything phelile He hle tshela
kuze Be it is
[40:69] you noted labo bani phikisana Nkulunkulu bonakaliso futhi kanjani they fanele
[40:70] They are the ones disbelieved scripture biko we sa ithu gijimi. Ngakho they
enza surely thola cishile!
[40:71] shackles be bo umqala sheyini be sebenzisa kuze meleza them!
[40:72] ngaphakathi Inferno ngalesosikhathi ngaphakathi Lilo they bambeka.
[40:73] They buza Lapho are Thixo you sebenzisa khonza
[40:74] Eceleni NKULUNKULU? They tshela They dela us. Nempela uma we khonza
them we khonza nothing. Ngakho enza NKULUNKULU sa disbelievers astray!
[40:75] Lo you sebenzisa jabula mbumbulu fundiso hlaba you sebenzisa azisa them!
[40:76] Ngena sango Gehenna wherein you abide phakade! Babe dabukisa phetho for
zidla ones.
[40:77] You be bekezela Nkulunkulu thembiso is yaniso. we tshengisa you nye of
(retribution) we thembisa them khawula kho pilo phambili lowo, they phinda us!
[40:78] We sa gijimi you - nye of them we sho you nye we cha sho you. Hhayi gijimi
khiqiza phi mangaliso Nkulunkulu gunyazwa Ngaphambili Nkulunkulu ehlulelo khishwa
yaniso dominates falsifiers dalula yoca!
[40:79] NKULUNKULU is Fike QAMBA livestock you; nye you GIBELA nye you
[40:80] They noma hlinzeka you additional sizo gculisa ningi of kho dingo. On them
noma kuhle on shumbi you yisa.
[40:81] He kanjeyana tshengisa you Akhe bonakaliso. Which of Nkulunkulu bonakaliso
you landula?
[40:82] they cha zululeka hlaba noted phetho labo andulela them? They sebenzisa be
nkulu ndikindiki nkulu ngaphakathi dlakathi possessed nkulu fa hlaba. Lonke bo dwamba
cha lamula them ngaphakathi the ngcosana
[40:83] Uma bo gijimi thathaza them khuculula bonakaliso they jabula azani they
inherited kakhulu to they chwaneka were zathu bo wa.
[40:84] Subsequently uma they bheka ithu retribution they tshela Kalokhu we kholwa
NKULUNKULU WODWA we manje disbelieve Thixo khonza ukuthi we sebenzisa enza
[40:85] Bo kholo ngalesosikhathi cha lamula them ngaphakathi the ngcosana
ngaphambili they bheka ithu retribution. njalo is Nkulunkulu hlelo sungula enza Akhe
dalwa; disbelievers dine doomed
41- Cacile (Fussilat)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[41:1] H. M.
[41:2] Vulamehlo nga the Ningi Gracious Nomusa.
[41:3] scripture thole hlinzeka phethiwe danti Arabhiya Quran ntu azi.
[41:4] Thwali hle biko noma kuhle warner. ningi of them jikisa; they cha zwa.
[41:5] They tshela Ithu gqondo are fuduka phezulu, ithu kintsho are yisithulu kuze kho
biko barrier hlungula us nga you! ncisheka babe you want futhi kanjalo tando we.
[41:6] Zwi I am hhayi ningi than ntu you faka lowo kho Nkulunkulu is fike Nkulunkulu.
You be nikela kuze Him buza Akhe yekelo! Woe kuze Thixo worshipers.
[41:7] Bani cha epha obligatory sa (Zakat) regard Hereafter they are disbelievers!
[41:8] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they thola thombo fanele
[41:9] Tshela You disbelieve Fike qamba hlaba 2 suku you akha Thixo gaba Him He is
Lord universe!
[41:10] He beka it stabilizers (taba) fuduka it khiqiza He bala wo hlinzeka 4 suku
gculisa dingo of lonke wo hlali.
[41:11] Ngalesosikhathi He jika bhakabhaka uma it was nzonzobala si tshela kuze it
hlaba Sondela khona willingly unwillingly. They tshela We sondela willingly!
[41:12] Kanjeyana He ncintisana 7 universes 2 suku akha thetho gcwele universe! we
gqizisa fushane universe khanyiso beka vika it njalo is klamo Almighty Omniscient
[41:13] they jikisa ngalesosikhathi tshela I khuza you of bhicongo bhicongo bhubhisa
‘Aad Thamoud!
[41:14] Bo gijimi thathaza them noma njengoba phambili them ngasemuva them tshela
You cha khonza NKULUNKULU. They tshela Fanele ithu Lord willed He sa gelosi! We
are disbelievers babe you tshela!
[41:15] Njengoba for ‘Aad they vula zidla hlaba phikisa yaniso tshela Bani qinile than
we? is they cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU qamba them is qinile than they? They
were unappreciative of ithu vulamehlo.
[41:16] Consequently we sa them khulu oya ngakanani dabukisa suku. We kanjeyana
hlupha them yoca retribution ngaphakathi lo pilo retribution Hereafter is fojisa; they ze
[41:17] Njengoba for Thamoud we hlinzeka them hola they khetha blindness hola.
Consequently omonakalo shameful retribution bhubhisa them babe they zuza.
[41:18] We dine khulula labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo!
[41:19] Suku sondela uma mabonwabulawe of NKULUNKULU tando mema hellfire
[41:20] Ngaphambili they zuza khona bo khe zwa bobo khumba bekezelela bona
everything they enza.
[41:21] They tshela kuze bo khumba enza you bekezelela bona us? They phendula
NKULUNKULU qamba; us shono He is Fike banga everything shono! He is Fike qamba
you fike khathi manje you phinda Him.
[41:22] Nanso cha is dlela you sitheza nga kho khe zwa kho bobo kho khumba!
Nempela you cabango NKULUNKULU was unaware of khulu of babe you enza!
[41:23] Lo hlobo of cabanga kho Lord tando banga you wa futhi ngalesosikhathi you
phathelana losers!
[41:24] they qhubeka dlela they are Hogo be bo phetho futhi they fuduka phezulu xolisa
they cha xolela.
[41:25] We assign them ngane gqizisa everything they ncisheka ngaphakathi bo bobo.
Kanjeyana they phetho incurring fana nxi dlule gwamanda of jinns humans were noma
[41:26] Labo disbelieved tshela cha lalela lo Quran phendulela it lowo you zuza!
[41:27] We impela hlupha la disbelievers nzima retribution. We impela requite them bo
bi sebenzi.
[41:28] njalo is requital mela Nkulunkulu mabonwabulawe. Hogo be bo naphakade
abode; ngakhethi requital for nquma ithu vulamehlo!
[41:29] Labo disbelieved tshela Ithu Lord tshengisa us labo 2 hlobo! - jinns humans -
Bani khohlanisa us we vondloza them ithu nyawo nikeza them lowliest!
[41:30] Labo proclaim Ithu Lord is NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi phila ngakhethi
pilo gelosi ewuka them You fanele saba nor shall you lila! Jabula hle biko Pharadisi
fanele bekisa you!
[41:31] We are kho sizana ngaphakathi lo pilo Hereafter You fanele it anything you
fiso you fanele anything you want
[41:32] Njalo is kho) ultimate abode nga Forgiver Nomusa.
[41:33] Bani khuluma kahle zwi than fike mema NKULUNKULU sebenza
righteousness tshela I am fike of submitters?
[41:34] Cha tanga is hle response ngcolile response. You resort hle enzeka response.
Kanjeyana fike sebenzisa be kho yisitha Meyi phathelana kho kahle ngane.
[41:35] None attain lo labo steadfastly phikelela. None attain lo labo are kakhulu
[41:36] Uma dimoni swebeza bono you you khonga ephephelo NKULUNKULU. He is
Ozwayo Omniscient
[41:37] Among Akhe bonakaliso are suku suku langa yanga. Cha prostrate langa nor
yanga; you wa prostrate NKULUNKULU qamba them you impela khonza Him wodwa!
[41:38] they are kakhulu zidla ncisheka lo ngalesosikhathi labo kho Lord dumisa Him
suku suku without nanini dina!
[41:39] Among Akhe bonakaliso is ukuthi you bheka zwe nzonzo ngalesosikhathi
njengoba masinyane njengoba we yithela it chichiza it dlidliza pilo! Surely Fike dlweza
it dlweza file He is Omnipotent
[41:40] Surely labo phendulela ithu vulamehlo cha sitheza us. fike zuza juba Hogo kahle
fike hlangana phephile Suku Vuko? Enza whatever you fisa; He is Phrofethi of
everything you enza!
[41:41] Labo bhunkula Quran's bonakaliso uma it sondela them noma bhunkula
Honorable bhuku!
[41:42] Hhayi cebo ngena it dlulile ngaphakathi the za; vulamehlo nga Hlakaniphile
[41:43] babe is tshela kuze you is impela babe was tshela kuze dlule gijimi! Kho Lord
possesses yekelo He noma possesses buhlungu retribution.
[41:44] we enza it non-Arabic Quran they tshela enza it ehla ngaphakathi lowo limi?
Ukuthi is Arabhiya non-Arabic zwi labo kholwa it is khaphi sindisa Njengoba for labo
disbelieve they be yisithulu phumputheka it njengoba they addressed nga
[41:45] We epha Mose scripture it noma phikisa! Noma cha were kho Lord's
predetermined gwebo they jaja manje. Bala they harbor kwanje ningi khonondo.
[41:46] Whoever sebenza righteousness ncisheka for akhe khe hle whoever sebenza bi
ncisheka kanjalo akhe khe detriment! Kho Lord is ze unjust towards ntu.
[41:47] Nga Him is azani Awa (qeda of hlaba). Hhayi thelo mfumfusa bo godla nor enza
phi esifazane dala epha zala Akhe azani! Suku sondela uma He buza them are labo Thixo
you akha Me They tshela We proclaim You lowo none of us bhele bona lowo.
[41:48] Thixo they idolized bandla them they realize nanso cha be sinda!
[41:49] Ntu ze dina of nxusa unomphelo to! Futhi uma adversity ehla him he jika
dangele desperate
[41:50] Futhi uma we hlahlamelisa him hlupheka nye adversity he tshela Lo fanele kuze
me I cha kholwa Awa nanini sondela qeda! Fana noma I phinda mi Lord I cosha Him
kahle to. Ningi impela we chazela disbelievers of lonke bo sebenzi bophezela them nzima
[41:51] Uma we hlahlamelisa ntu he jikisa buko de de eceleni manini he jeza phi
vivinywa he nxusa loudly!
[41:52] Proclaim Babe lo is impela nga NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi you juqula
bhunkula it Bani are de astray than labo juqula phikisa lo?
[41:53] We tshengisa them ithu bonakaliso khathizwe ngaphakathi kuze they realize
ukuthi lo is yaniso. Is kho Lord cha sufficient fakazi bonke to?
[41:54] Bala they are ngabazeka kusukela hlangabeza bo Lord He is fully aware of
bonke to.
42- Daba (Al-Shoora)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[42:1] H. M.
[42:2] A S. Q.
[42:3] faka you labo phambili you is NKULUNKULU Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[42:4] Him fanele everything bhakabhaka everything on hlaba He is the Ningi Phezulu
the Nkulu
[42:5] Bhakabhaka them cishe zuka hlonipho Him gelosi tusa dumisa bo Lord they buza
yekelo labo hlaba! Kasibili NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa.
[42:6] Labo akha nye lords Him NKULUNKULU is Fike khetha of them; you cha are
bo buzeli!
[42:7] We kanjeyana phendla you Arabhiya Quran khuza khulu gwamanda it khuza
Suku of Mema lowo is ngenakugwemeka! Nye phetho Bhakabhaka nye ngaphakathi
[42:8] fanele NKULUNKULU willed He enza them fike gwamanda. Kepha He sindisa
Akhe sa whomever He tando. Njengoba for transgressors they cha fanele phathi nor
[42:9] they cosha ncisheka nye lords Him? NKULUNKULU is LODWA Lord Phathi
He is Fike resurrects file He is Omnipotent Fike.
[42:10] you phikisa phi hla of lo biko ehlulelo for sizo lo okusele NKULUNKULU!
njalo is NKULUNKULU mi Lord ngaphakathi Him I ethemba Him I faka.
[42:11] Initiator of bhakabhaka hlaba. He qamba you nga yourselves owakwakhe - Futhi
noma for lwane. He kanjeyana hlinzeka you mali gaya! Nanso is nothing lowo tanga
Him. He is Ozwayo Phrofethi.
[42:12] Kuze Him fanele phelele engamela of bhakabhaka hlaba! He is Fike ongeza
hlinzeka whomever He tando nciphisa it He is fully aware of bonke to.
[42:13] He decreed you fana kolo decreed Nowa babe we faka you babe we decreed
Abraham Mose Jesu You uphold lo fike kolo cha hlanganyela it Thixo worshipers
kakhulu resent babe you mema them enza! NKULUNKULU SINDISA Himself
[42:14] Ironically they valekile hlelo yodwa emva azani sondela them khona kuze mona
bhongo themselves. it were for predetermined gwebo nga kho Lord phefu them fora
ngangabazisi interim they jaja manje! Bala ngasekho zukulwane inherited scripture are
gcwele of khonondo.
[42:15] Lo is babe you shumayela steadfastly gcina babe you phatha ncisheka cha
landela bo fiso! proclaim I kholwa ngaphakathi bonke scriptures sa NKULUNKULU! I
phatha jaja you equitably. NKULUNKULU is ITHU Lord KHO Lord We fanele ithu
enzo you fanele kho enzo. Nanso cha is zakuzakwana us you. NKULUNKULU tando
[42:16] Labo bani phikisana NKULUNKULU ngasemuva thola Akhe biko bo
zakuzakwana nullified bo Lord They incurred ahlulelwa hola nzima retribution.
[42:17] NKULUNKULU is FIKE BANI SA PHANSI scripture sindise YANISO
THETHO! Lonke you azi Awa (Suku Ehlulelo) be kakhulu cimeza.
[42:18] Challenging it are labo cha kholwa it Njengoba for labo kholwa they phathelana
kakhulu it they azi ukuthi it is yaniso! Kasibili labo landula Awa thathaza kude astray.
[42:19] NKULUNKULU is fully aware of LONKE AKHE DALWA; He hlinzeka for
whomever He TANDO. He is Qinile Almighty
[42:20] Whoever khonga kokhelo Hereafter we gaya kokhelo him! whoever khonga
mathiriyeli lo hlaba we epha him therefrom ngalesosikhathi he cha thola juphe Hereafter
[42:21] They landela Thixo decree them kholiwe thetho ze gunyaza NKULUNKULU.
Noma were for predetermined gwebo they jaja manje! Bala transgressors incurred
buhlungu retribution.
[42:22] You bheka transgressors busilili everything they bophezela; everything buya
lwa them! Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they be gadi Pharadisi! They
thola whatever they fisa bo Lord Lo is nkulu busiso.
[42:23] Lo is hle biko nga NKULUNKULU Akhe chaka kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo!
Zwi I cha buza you phi wage I buza each of you nakekela kho khe hlobo. Anyone enza
ngakhethi sebenzi we gaya akhe klomela it NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Appreciative
[42:24] they tshela He (Rashad) Are bhila nga NKULUNKULU!? Nkulunkulu willed
He vuneka kho naka NKULUNKULU hlikihla cebo qinisa yaniso Akhe zwi! He is fully
aware of innermost cabango.
[42:25] He is Fike amukela nguquko Akhe chaka remits ono. He is fully aware of
everything you enza.
[42:26] Phendula Him are labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo! He yithela them Akhe
busiso. Njengoba for disbelievers they incurred nzima retribution.
[42:27] Noma NKULUNKULU ongeza hlinzeka Akhe chaka they transgress hlaba. Lo
is He sa it eqinisweni kala whomever He tando. He is fully Cognizant Phrofethi Akhe
[42:28] He is Fike bani sa mvula ngasemuva they despaired embula Akhe sa! He is
lodwa Enza Ncomeka!
[42:29] Among Akhe bonakaliso is dalo of bhakabhaka hlaba dalwa He embula
ngaphakathi them. He is able kuze mema them uma He tando.
[42:30] Anything ngcolile lowo enzeka you is phetho kho khe enzo He engama ningi (of
kho ono)!
[42:31] You ze sinda you fanele none NKULUNKULU njengoba Lord Phathi.
[42:32] Among Akhe bonakaliso are shumbi ntweza andle seyili fulegi.
[42:33] Noma He willed He nzonzobala oya yeka them motionless on qongo of nzi. La
are bonakaliso labo are steadfast appreciative
[42:34] He bhubhisa them phetho bo khe sebenzi. Mane He engama ningi (of bo ono).
[42:35] Labo bani phikisana ithu bonakaliso enza thola cishile ukuthi they cha fanele
[42:36] Whatever you epha is hhayi ningi than esikhashana mathiriyeli lo pilo. babe
NKULUNKULU possesses is de kahle everlasting labo kholwa ethemba bo Lord
[42:37] They xwaya gross ono vice futhi uma angered they thethelela!
[42:38] They phendula bo Lord nga sebenzisa Thintana Thandazo (Salat)! Bo dumo
juqula khona daba themselves futhi ithu hlinzeka them they epha sa).
[42:39] Uma gross okungemthetho ehla them they mela bo lungelo.
[42:40] Ngakhethi requital okungemthetho is equivalent retribution labo bani xolela
gcina righteousness klomela NKULUNKULU! He cha thanda the unjust.
[42:41] Impela labo mela bo lungelo uma okungemthetho ehla them cha bophezela phi
[42:42] Ono ones are labo thokozisa ntu unjustly resort kuze uchuku phehlacwathi! La
incurred buhlungu retribution.
[42:43] Resorting bekezela yekelo cabangisisa yiqiniso andla ci.
[42:44] Whomever NKULUNKULU sa astray ze vumbululo tando phi nye lord you
bheka njalo transgressors uma they bheka retribution tshela we zuza another potsho?
[42:45] You bheka them bhekana it yoca debased dlozinga vavanya xwaya bukeka!
Labo kholwa proclaim oqobo losers are labo lahlekelwa bo phefumulo bo hlobo Suku
Vuko. transgressors hola everlasting retribution.
[42:46] Nanso cha be sizana lamula them NKULUNKULU! Whomever
NKULUNKULU sa astray ze guided
[42:47] You phendula kho Lord suku sondela which decreed ngenakugwemeka
NKULUNKULU! Nanso cha be ephephelo you lowo suku nor buzeli.
[42:48] they jikisa we cha sa you bo londolozi. Kho soli thunywa sindise biko. Uma we
yithela ntu nga sa, they phathelana ziqhaya manini adversity hlupha them phetho bo khe
enzo ntu jikisa nga disbelievers.
[42:49] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba! He qamba
whatever He tando pha tombazana kuze whomever He tando pha dodana whomever He
[42:50] He fanele duna females gcagca each nye ngalesosikhathi nikeza whomever He
tando sterile He is Omniscient Omnipotent
[42:51] Hhayi ntu tshela NKULUNKULU except dude emuva barrier sa gijimi through
He phendla babe He tando. He is the Ningi Phezulu Hlakaniphile.
[42:52] Kanjeyana we faka you vulamehlo proclaiming ithu thetho! You cha fanele
bono scripture kholo. we enza lo beacon khaphi whomever we enyula ithu chaka. Surely
you khaphi sobala dlela.
[42:53] Dlela NKULUNKULU kuze whom fanele everything bhakabhaka everything
hlaba. Kasibili lonke buzo zibamba NKULUNKULU!
43- Hlobiso (Al-Zukhruf)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[43:1] H. M.
[43:2] Futhi khanyisa scripture.
[43:3] We nikeza it Arabhiya Quran you azi.
[43:4] It khweza us ngaphakathi asekuqaleni phathi honorable gcwele of hlakani.
[43:5] we eqinisweni thalalisa you transgressed ncele?
[43:6] We sa ningi phrofethi dlule zukulwane.
[43:7] Gcwele khathi phrofethi thathaza them they chwaneka him.
[43:8] Consequently we bhubhisa ntu were ngaphambi qinile than la. We kanjeyana
beka bonakaliso nga dlule gwamanda.
[43:9] you buza them Bani qamba bhakabhaka hlaba they tshela Almighty Omniscient
qamba them!
[43:10] He is Fike fuduka hlaba habitable you qamba for you gwaqo therein lowo you
landela ngokufaneleyo.
[43:11] He is Fike sa phansi bhakabhaka chichiza kanye gqi dlweza file zwe therewith!
Ngokufanayo you resurrected
[43:12] He is Fike qamba bonke hlobo ngaphakathi bhangqa (esilisa esifazane) futhi He
qamba you shumbi livestock gibela!
[43:13] njengoba you hlomisa them you nanela njalo busiso nga kho Lord tshela Dumo
be Fike goga lo us! We cha zibamba them ourselves.
[43:14] We ekugcineni phinda ithu Lord
[43:15] They fana assigned for Him juphe nga Akhe khe dalo! Surely ntu is profoundly
[43:16] He enyula nga Akhe dalo tombazana Himself ngenkathi hlahlamelisa you
[43:17] Uma fike of them epha biko tombazana) njengoba they thola the Ningi Gracious
akhe bombo fiphaza hlupheka tukuthelo!
[43:18] (They tshela) Babe hle gane is fundisa be hle lamula ngaphakathi cha pi
[43:19] They thola lowo gelosi are chaka the Ningi Gracious are females! they bona bo
dalo? Bo nxephezelo bhalisa they buza.
[43:20] They fana tshela the Ningi Gracious willed we cha khonza them. They cha
fanele sekelo njalo nxephezelo; they yodwa conjecture
[43:21] we epha them bhuku lo they upholding it
[43:22] Phuzu is ukuthi they tshela We cosha ithu zali ntanta okuthile enza we landela
ngaphakathi bo gi!
[43:23] Invariably uma we sa warner phi gwamanda ngqaphambili lowo gwamanda
tshela We cosha ithu zali landela okuthile enza we qhubeka ngaphakathi bo gi!
[43:24] (Gijimi) tshela Babe I fikisa you hle hola than babe you inherited kho zali? They
tshela We are disbelievers biko you fikisa!
[43:25] Consequently we requited them. qaphela phetho rejectors!
[43:26] Abraham tshela kuze akhe yise akhe ntu I bandla babe you khonza.
[43:27] Yodwa Fike omula me khaphi me
[43:28] Lo bonakaliso (of Abraham) nikeza everlasting fundo subsequent zukulwane;
khathisimbe they sindisa bo phefumulo!
[43:29] Bala I epha la ntu bo gogo sufficient potsho ngalesosikhathi yaniso sondela
them hlandla gijimi.
[43:30] Uma yaniso sondela them they tshela Lo is loya we are disbelievers therein.
[43:31] They tshela yodwa lo Quran sa phansi another doda 2 gwamanda (Mecca
Yathrib) is gqamile!
[43:32] they ones Are assign kho Lord's sa? We assigned bo juphe ngaphakathi lo pilo
vubukula nye of them phezulu others ngaphakathi gaba ngaphakathi landelana qhashisa
them sebenza fike another Sa nga kho Lord is de kahle than phi mathiriyeli they hoard
[43:33] Noma cha were bonke ntu phathelana fike disbelieving bandla we pha everyone
disbelieves the Ningi Gracious mansions liva phahla khwelo which they enyuka!
[43:34] Bo mansions fanele babazeka sango ngubuthofothofo furnishings.
[43:35] Noma ningi hlobiso. Lonke la are esikhashana mathiriyeli lo lowly pilo.
Hereafter - Kwa kho Lord - is kude kahle for the ngakhethi.
[43:36] Anyone bambalala biko of the Ningi Gracious we khetha dimoni be akhe
nganqamuki ngane.
[43:37] Njalo ngane buyisela them dlela enza them kholwa they guided
[43:38] Uma he sondela phambili us he tshela Hawu I fiso you were njengoba de me
njengoba 2 phumalanga. Babe dabukisa ngane!
[43:39] It cha duduza you lowo suku transgressors lowo both of you hlanganyela
[43:40] you enza yisithulu zwa; you enza yimpumputhe bheka labo are de astray?
[43:41] we qhashisa you phoqoka it cha we surely requite them!
[43:42] we tshengisa you (retribution) we thembisa them. We are gcwele engamela
dlule them.
[43:43] You steadfastly shumayela babe phendla you; you are lungile dlela!
[43:44] Lo is biko you kho ntu bonke of you funa.
[43:45] Hlola gijimi we sa kadukuba you Fanele we nanini khetha phi nye Nkulunkulu!
- Eceleni the Ningi Gracious - Kuze khonza?
[43:46] For bonakaliso we sa Mose ithu bonakaliso Pharaoh gosa proclaiming I am
gijimi Lord universe.
[43:47] Uma he tshengisa them ithu bonakaliso they hleka them.
[43:48] Gcwele komba we tshengisa them was khulu than fike phambili it We hlupha
them hlupheko khathisimbe they phenduka.
[43:49] They tshela O you bili nxusa kho Lord ithu behalf dambisa lo hlupha) selokhu
you fanele vumelana Him; we ngalesosikhathi guided
[43:50] Kepha njengoba masinyane njengoba we dambisa bo vivinywa they reverted
[43:51] Pharaoh azisa kuze akhe ntu O mi ntu I cha possess kingship Gibhithe la
thutheleka fula fanele kuze me you cha bheka?
[43:52] Which fike is kahle; me lowo fike lowly azi is bi shono?
[43:53] Kanjani hlangana he cha possess cebo golide; kanjani hlangana gelosi cha
emukisa him?
[43:54] He kanjeyana khohlisa akhe ntu they hlonipha him; they were wicked ntu!
[43:55] Uma they phikelela ngaphakathi phikisa us we jezisa them cwilisa them lonke!
[43:56] We nikeza them precedent bonakaliso others.
[43:57] Uma dodana Mary cited bonakaliso kho ntu bambalala it
[43:58] They tshela Is it hle khonza ithu Nkulunkulu khonza him? They tshela lo yodwa
phikisana you! Bala they are ntu bani xhumelela phikisa!
[43:59] He was hhayi ningi than chaka we hlahlamelisa we sa him njengoba bonakaliso
Ntwana Israyeli.
[43:60] we willed we enza you gelosi colonize zalanisa hlaba!
[43:61] He is sebenza marker for azi phetho hlaba kanjalo you hhayi de harbor phi
khonondo it You landela Me lo is lungile dlela.
[43:62] yoyosa cha dimoni dudula you; he is kho ardent mabonwabulawe.
[43:63] Uma Jesu thathaza bonakaliso he tshela I fikisa you hlakani hlandla nye of buzo
ngaphakathi which you phikisa. You hlonipho NKULUNKULU hlonipha me
[43:64] NKULUNKULU is MI Lord KHO Lord you KHONZA Him WODWA! Lo is
lungile dlela.
[43:65] Bangi phikisa themselves. Woe kuze labo transgress retribution buhlungu suku.
[43:66] they mela Awa (Suku Ehlulelo) sondela them ngokuzuma uma they kancane
lindela it
[43:67] cimeza ngane lowo suku phathelana mabonwabulawe of fike another except for
the ngakhethi.
[43:68] O Mi chaka you fanele saba suku nor tando you lila!
[43:69] They are ones kholwa ithu vulamehlo were submitters.
[43:70] Ngena Pharadisi ngokusondelana kho owakwakhe jabula
[43:71] Thembisa them be yigolide thileyi debe they thola everything hliziyo luba bobo
fisa for You zwa therein unomphelo.
[43:72] njalo is Pharadisi lowo you inherit emuva kho sebenzi.
[43:73] You fanele it bonke hlobo of thelo nga which you phanga.
[43:74] Surely necala tando abide retribution Gehenna phakade!
[43:75] Ze tando retribution commuted them; they confined therein.
[43:76] Cha is us ngalungi them; is they ngalungi bo khe phefumulo!
[43:77] They nxusa O Maalek yoyosa kho Lord diya us He tshela You bukisa phakade!
[43:78] We epha you yaniso ningi of you belesela yaniso!
[43:79] they schemed nye cebo? We kakhulu scheming
[43:80] they zindla we cha zwa bo fihlo gobe? Ehe bala; ithu gijimi are them bhalisa!
[43:81] Proclaim the Ningi Gracious enza fanele dodana I nzonzobala be kuqala
[43:82] He dumisa; He is Lord bhakabhaka hlaba Lord nkulu dominion kude phezulu bo
[43:83] Qhashisa them phazama dlala kuze they hlangabeza bo suku mela them!
[43:84] He is lodwa Fike is deity bhakabhaka deity hlaba. He is the Ningi Hlakaniphile
[43:85] Exalted is Fike possesses bonke sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba everything
them! Nga Him is azani Awa (qeda of hlaba) Him you phinda!
[43:86] None of labo they idolize Him possess phi dlakathi khulumela bo intercession
coincides nga yaniso they fully azi.
[43:87] you buza them qamba them they tshela NKULUNKULU. beyo ngalesosikhathi
they hlanhlatha?
[43:88] It proclaimed O mi Lord la ntu cha kholwa.
[43:89] You bambalala them tshela Thula; they enza surely thola cishile!
44- Tuthu (Al-Dukhan)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[44:1] H. M.
[44:2] Lo khanyisa scripture.
[44:3] We sa it nikela thokozisa suku we are khuza!
[44:4] ngaphakathi it (scripture) gcwele buzo hlakani hlandla.
[44:5] It predetermined poqo nga us lowo we sa gijimi.
[44:6] Lo is sa kho Lord He is Ozwayo Omniscient
[44:7] Lord of bhakabhaka hlaba everything them. Noma yodwa you be okuthile!
[44:8] Nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Him. He zibamba pilo fa; kho Lord Lord kho gogo.
[44:9] Bala they are ngabazeka heedless.
[44:10] Ngakho lindela suku uma bhakabhaka fikisa profound tuthu!
[44:11] It haqeka ntu; lo is buhlungu retribution.
[44:12] Ithu Lord dambisa lo retribution us; we are kholwa!
[44:13] Kalokhu lowo it is kakhulu ngasekho they khumbula! khanyisa gijimi sondela
[44:14] they jikisa him landiso Thombo fundisa sangene
[44:15] We dambisa retribution awhile; you masinyane revert
[44:16] Suku we phansula khulu phikelela we avenge.
[44:17] We hlola them ntu Pharaoh; honorable gijimi thathaza them.
[44:18] Proclaiming lalela me chaka NKULUNKULU! I am hlonipheka gijimi you.
[44:19] Futhi cha transgress NKULUNKULU. I fikisa you qinile bonakaliso.
[44:20] I khonga ephephelo mi Lord kho Lord you phikisa me
[44:21] you cha fisa kholwa ngalesosikhathi hle yeka me
[44:22] Subsequently he nxusa akhe Lord La are wicked ntu.
[44:23] (Nkulunkulu tshela) Hamba Mi chaka suku; you landela!
[44:24] Phambano andle masisha; bo butho cwilisa.
[44:25] Kanjeyana they yeka ningi gadi thombo
[44:26] Vuno ngubuthofothofo pilo.
[44:27] Busiso they nambitheka.
[44:28] Lonke la we banga inherited nye ntu.
[44:29] Neither bhakabhaka nor hlaba khala them they cha respited
[44:30] Kusenjalo we khulula Ntwana Israyeli fojisa joko.
[44:31] Nga Pharaoh; he was cindezeli.
[44:32] We enyula them bonke ntu knowingly
[44:33] We tshengisa them ningi bonakaliso which constituted nkulu vivinyo.
[44:34] Manje zukulwane tshela
[44:35] We yodwa phoqoka fike fa; we ze resurrected
[44:36] Fikisa sekela ithu khokho noma you are truthful!
[44:37] they Are kahle than ntu of Tubba others them? We bhubhisa them bo cala.
[44:38] We cha qamba bhakabhaka hlaba everything them babale dlala!
[44:39] We qamba them thize hloso ningi of them cha azi!
[44:40] Suku Gwebo mela them lonke.
[44:41] Lowo is suku uma hhayi ngane lamula akhe ngane ngaphakathi phi dlela hhayi
fike lamula.
[44:42] Yodwa labo attain sa NKULUNKULU. He is Almighty Nomusa.
[44:43] Surely shanguzo of munyu -
[44:44] Hlinzeka dla for the nokona!
[44:45] Fana lye it bila su.
[44:46] Fana bila of esabeka tshwala.
[44:47] Fuza him juba him nga senta Hogo!
[44:48] Ngalesosikhathi thela upon akhe phathi retribution Inferno!
[44:49] Zwa lo; you were kanjalo qinile kanjalo honorable.
[44:50] Lo is babe you sebenzisa ngabaza!
[44:51] Ngakhethi tando be phephile khundla.
[44:52] Nambitheka gadi thombo
[44:53] Gqoka velivethe sethini seduze each nye
[44:54] We pha them mangalisa owakwakhe.
[44:55] They nambitheka it bonke hlobo of thelo kahle thula.
[44:56] They cha zwa fa therein - Ngalena fike fa - He onga them retribution Hogo.
[44:57] njalo is busiso kho Lord njalo is nkulu ahlula.
[44:58] We kanjeyana hlandla it kho limi lowo they fuza heed
[44:59] Ngakho linda; they kakhulu linda!
45- guqa (Al-Jatheyah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[45:1] H. M.
[45:2] Vulamehlo lo scripture is NKULUNKULU Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[45:3] Bhakabhaka hlaba are gcwele of bonakaliso kholwa.
[45:4] Ngaphandle ngaphakathi kho dalo dalo bonke lwane nanso are bonakaliso ntu are
[45:5] Noma alternation of suku suku hlinzeka ukuthi NKULUNKULU sa phansi
bhakabhaka dlweza file zwe manipulation oya; lonke la are bonakaliso ntu azi!
[45:6] La are Nkulunkulu vulamehlo we hlabelela you truthfully. ngaphakathi which
Hadith NKULUNKULU Akhe vulamehlo they kholwa?
[45:7] Woe kuze gcwele fabricator necala
[45:8] Fike zwa Nkulunkulu vulamehlo hlabelela him ngalesosikhathi phikelela
arrogantly on akhe dlela kuhle he ze zwa them! Thembiso him buhlungu retribution.
[45:9] Uma he funda anything ithu vulamehlo he bhinqa them. La incurred shameful
[45:10] Mela them is Gehenna. Bo holo cha lamula them nor Thixo they akha
NKULUNKULU. They incurred thusa retribution.
[45:11] Lo is beacon labo disbelieve la vulamehlo bo Lord incurred ahlulelwa buhlungu
ZULULEKA it ngaphakathi accordance nga AKHE THETHO. You kanjeyana khonga
Akhe hlinzeka ukuthi you be appreciative
[45:13] He bophezela ngaphakathi kho sebenzi everything bhakabhaka hlaba; lonke nga
Him! La are bonakaliso ntu cabangisisa.
[45:14] Thasisela labo kholwa thethelela labo cha lindela suku NKULUNKULU! He
fully khokhela everyone whatever they zuza.
[45:15] Whoever sebenza righteousness ncisheka for akhe khe hle whoever sebenza bi
ncisheka kanjalo akhe khe detriment! Kuze kho Lord you phinda!
[45:16] We epha Ntwana of Israyeli scripture hlakani prophethood hlinzeka them hle
hlinzeka we pha them kakhulu busiso than phi nye ntu!
[45:17] We epha them nantu hle thetho. Ironically they cha phikisa lo azani sondela
them. Lo is mona bo hla. Surely kho Lord jaja them Suku Vuko everything they phikisa.
[45:18] We ngalesosikhathi khetha you sungula fanele thetho; you landela lo cha landela
fiso of labo cha azi!
[45:19] They cha lamula you kwa bonke NKULUNKULU. is transgressors sizana fike
another khashana NKULUNKULU is Lord of the ngakhethi.
[45:20] Lo hlinzeka khanyisa ntu hola sa labo are okuthile.
[45:21] Labo sebenza bi lindela we thokozisa them linganayo dlela njengoba labo
kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo? Azi bo pilo bo fa be the fana ngacabangi bala is bo ehlulelo.
ngaphakathi landelana KHOKHELA each PHEFUMULO whatever it ZUZA
[45:23] you noted fike Nkulunkulu fanele is akhe ego? Consequently NKULUNKULU
sa him astray akhe azani sicilo akhe zwa akhe naka dawo vakazi akhe bobo! Bani
ngalesosikhathi khaphi him njalo gwebo NKULUNKULU? you cha fuza heed
[45:24] They tshela We yodwa zwa lo pilo; we zwa phoqoka yodwa khathi banga ithu
fa! They cha fanele impela azani lo; they yodwa conjecture
[45:25] Uma ithu vulamehlo hlabelela them ngembala bo lodwa zakuzakwana is tshela
Fikisa emuva ithu khokho you are truthful!
[45:26] Zwi NKULUNKULU pha you pilo ngalesosikhathi He faka you fa
ngalesosikhathi He mema you Suku Vuko is ngenakugwemeka. Kakhulu ntu cha azi!
[45:27] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele bonke sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba! Suku
Awa (Ehlulelo) sondela qeda lowo is uma falsifiers lahlekelwa!
[45:28] You bheka gcwele gwamanda guqa Gcwele gwamanda be bizela bukela bo
bhalisa! Namhla you zuza khokhela everything you enza!
[45:29] Lo is ithu bhalisa; it khuluma yaniso you! We bhalisa everything you enza.
[45:30] Njengoba for labo kholwa sebenza righteousness bo Lord mukela them Akhe sa!
Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[45:31] Njengoba for labo disbelieve Mi vulamehlo Were hlabelela you you jikisa zidla
were wicked ntu?
[45:32] Uma it proclaimed Nkulunkulu thembiso is yaniso lowo Awa Ehlulelo)
ngenakugwemeka you tshela We cha azi babe Awa is We are gcwele of conjecture it we
cha are okuthile.
[45:33] Bi bo sebenzi phathelana evident kuze them kakhulu to they bhinqa buya lwa
[45:34] It proclaimed Namhla we khohlwa you eqinisweni njengoba you khohlwa
buthano lo suku. Kho abode is hellfire you cha fanele hlengi!
[45:35] Lo is you fuza Nkulunkulu vulamehlo ngaphumeleli preoccupied fike pilo.
Consequently they ze exit therefrom nor tando they xolela!
[45:36] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele bonke dumiso; Lord bhakabhaka Lord hlaba Lord
[45:37] Kuze Him fanele bonke supremacy bhakabhaka hlaba! He is Almighty
46- Gquma (Al-Ahqaf)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[46:1] H. M.
[46:2] Vulamehlo lo scripture is NKULUNKULU Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[46:3] We cha qamba bhakabhaka hlaba everything them thize hloso finite interim Labo
disbelieve are ngokupheleleyo oblivious kuze khuza epha them.
[46:4] Zwi Cabanga Thixo you akha NKULUNKULU. Tshengisa me babe on hlaba
enza they qamba! they khe inxenye of bhakabhaka? Tshengisa me phi nye scripture
phambili lo fike, phi nqamu sungula azani shoka kho idolatry you are truthful!
[46:5] Bani is de astray than labo idolize NKULUNKULU Thixo ze phendula them
Suku Vuko are ngokupheleleyo unaware of bo konzo?
[46:6] Futhi uma ntu mema Suku Ehlulelo) bo Thixo phathelana bo mabonwabulawe
fenyisa bo idolatry!
[46:7] Uma ithu vulamehlo hlabelela them ngokupheleleyo cwatha labo disbelieved
tshela of yaniso sondela them Lo is ngokusobala loya
[46:8] Uma they tshela He bhila lo tshela I bhila lo ngalesosikhathi you cha biyela me
NKULUNKULU! He is fully aware of everything you cebo He suffices njengoba fakazi
me you. He is Forgiver Nomusa.
[46:9] Zwi I am balwa nga nye gijimi. I cha fanele bono babe tando enzeka me you. I
yodwa landela babe phendla me I am hhayi ningi than profound warner.
[46:10] Tshela Babe noma it NKULUNKULU you is disbelieved ngaphakathi it Fakazi
nga Ntwana Israyeli bekezelela bona fana bonakalo he kholwa ngenkathi you jika zidla!
Surely NKULUNKULU cha khaphi wicked ntu.
[46:11] Labo disbelieved tshela kakhulu labo kholwa were anything hle they cha
amukela it phambili us they cha guided it they tshela Lo is dala bumbela!
[46:12] phambili lo bhuku Mose hlinzeka hola sa. Lo kakhulu is scripture qinisekisa
Arabhiya khuza labo transgressed epha hle biko the ngakhethi!
[46:13] Surely labo tshela Ithu Lord is NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi phila ngakhethi
pilo fanele saba nor tando they lila!
[46:14] They hola Pharadisi ndawonaphi they abide unomphelo; kokhelo bo sebenzi.
[46:15] We enjoined ntu honor akhe zali. Akhe mame bekezelela him arduously zala
him arduously fuza sondelene cophelela of him 30 yanga! Uma he finyelela khula
finyelela banga of 40 he tshela Mi Lord qondisa me nanela busiso You pha me mi zali
ncisheka ngakhethi sebenzi siza You! Qhashisa mi ntwana be ngakhethi noma! I
phenduka You; I am submitter.
[46:16] is la we amukela ngakhethi sebenzi engama bo ono. They hola Pharadisi. Lo is
truthful thembiso thembisa them.
[46:17] Ngalesosikhathi ashila fike is tshela kuze akhe zali Woe you; you thasisela me
fa) I buya pilo? Kanjani hlangana labo phoqoka phambili us ze buya? zali bihlika
Nkulunkulu lamula tshela Woe kuze you; siza kholwa! Nkulunkulu thembiso is yaniso.
He tshela Daba dlule
[46:18] Njalo ones gxivaza disbelievers gcwele zukulwane of jinns humans; they are
[46:19] They lonke attain gaba they hola ngaphakathi accordance nga bo sebenzi. He
khokhela them bo sebenzi ngcosana okungemthetho.
[46:20] Suku sondela uma labo disbelieved phakamisa hellfire You saphazeka hle
potsho epha you kho worldly pilo you jabula ngaphakathi them. Consequently namhla
you incur shameful retribution njengoba requital khukhumala you bophezela hlaba phi
sekelo futhi kho bi sebenzi.
[46:21] Recall lowo fo ‘Aad khuza akhe ntu gquma! - Ningi khuza noma sindise
phambili him ngasemuva him You cha khonza NKULUNKULU. I saba for you
retribution nkulu suku.
[46:22] They tshela you sondela buyisela us ithu Nkulunkulu? We selelo you fikisa
(retribution) you gema you are truthful.
[46:23] He tshela azani lo is NKULUNKULU; I yodwa sindise you babe I was hambisa
kuze sindise! I bheka lowo you ntu are ngenalwazi.
[46:24] Uma they bheka phepho gama bo dlela they tshela Lo hlasela fikisa us khulu
dinga mvula Mane lo is babe you challenged (Beleko) fikisa; khulu oya wherein nanso is
buhlungu retribution!
[46:25] It phephetha everything njengoba phatha wo Lord Nga sa nothing bekezelela bo
khaya. We kanjeyana requite necala ntu.
[46:26] We sungula them fana dlela njengoba we sungula you hlinzeka them zwa bobo
gqondo! Bo zwa bobo gqondo cha lamula them kwa bonke. Lo they juqula bambalala
Nkulunkulu vulamehlo. Kanjeyana bikezelo khuza they chwaneka banga bo lahlwa.
[46:27] We bhubhisa ningi gwamanda you ngasemuva we lungisa bonakaliso they
[46:28] ngani ngalesosikhathi Thixo they akha fikisa them closer kuze NKULUNKULU
hlumba lamula them? Mane they dela them. njalo were mbumbulu Nkulunkulu they
idolized njalo were innovations they bhila.
[46:29] Recall ukuthi we qondisa a shicilelo of jinns you ngaphakathi landelana
qhashisa them zwa Quran! Uma they zuza khona they tshela Lalela. it dlule they sukela
bo ntu xwayisa.
[46:30] They tshela O ithu ntu we zwa bhuku phendla Mose qinisekisa dlule scriptures.
It khaphi yaniso; kuze the manje dlela.
[46:31] O ithu ntu phendula memeza NKULUNKULU kholwa Him! He ngalesosikhathi
thethelela kho ono onga you buhlungu retribution!
[46:32] Labo hlumba phendula Nkulunkulu memeza cha sinda cha fanele Lord Him;
they thathaza kude astray!
[46:33] they cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU qamba bhakabhaka hlaba ngcosana
zabalazo is able kuze dlweza file Ehe bala; He is Omnipotent
[46:34] Suku disbelievers phakamisa Hellfire they buza Is lo cha yaniso? They phendula
Ehe bala ithu Lord He tshela Ngalesosikhathi jeza retribution kho disbelief.
[46:35] Ngakho be bekezela gijimi you possessed andla resorted bekezela. Cha be
ngokuphangisa bheka retribution inevitably sondela them. Suku they bheka it bonakala
njengoba they lasted fike awa suku. Lo aziso is it cha wicked bani are consistently
47- Muhammad (Muhammad)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[47:1] Labo disbelieve dudula dlela NKULUNKULU He nullifies bo sebenzi!
[47:2] Labo kholwa sebenza righteousness kholwa babe sa phansi Muhammad! - which
is yaniso bo Lord - He remits bo ono hlahlamelisa them contentment!
[47:3] Lo is labo disbelieve landela cebo khashana labo kholwa landela yaniso bo Lord
[47:4] you bonana (ngaphakathi pi labo disbelieve you phansula umqala! you fuza them
captives you beka them yilileka hlenga them pi qeda! fanele NKULUNKULU willed He
pha you ahlula pi. He kanjeyana hlola you fike another Njengoba for labo faka dlulisa
zathu NKULUNKULU He ze faka bo nikelo citheko
[47:5] He khaphi them hlahlamelisa them contentment!
[47:6] He mukela them Pharadisi He described them.
[47:7] O you kholwa you shoka NKULUNKULU He shoka you qinisa kho foothold.
[47:8] Labo disbelieve incur hlupheka; He banga bo sebenzi be ngokupheleleyo
[47:9] Lowo ba they belesela babe NKULUNKULU phendla consequently He nullifies
bo sebenzi!
[47:10] they cha zululeka hlaba ncisheka bheka phetho for labo phambili them?
[47:11] Lo is NKULUNKULU is Lord of labo kholwa ngenkathi disbelievers fanele
NGA GADI THUTHELEKA FUDLANA! Njengoba for labo disbelieve they zwa phanga
njengoba lwane sobozela ngalesosikhathi phetho hellfire!
[47:13] Ningi gwamanda was khulu donsile than gwamanda lowo evicted you kho
dilobho; uma we bhubhisa them hhayi fike lamula them.
[47:14] Are labo khanyisa bo Lord fana njengoba labo bi sebenza gqizisa bo bobo they
landela bo khe bono?
[47:15] allegory Pharadisi thembisa ngakhethi is lo it fanele fula unpolluted nzi fula of
sha senga fula of wayini - Mnandi for drinkers - Fula phoqa ju. They fanele bonke hlobo
of thelo therein yekelo nga bo Lord they hle labo Are abide phakade thehellfire tshwala
esabeka nzi klebhula bo thumbu?
[47:16] Nye of them lalela you ngalesosikhathi njengoba masinyane njengoba they
hamba they buza labo khanyisa Babe enza he ngakhethi zwi? NKULUNKULU
kanjeyana vuneka bo hliziyo consequently they landela yodwa bo bono!
[47:17] Njengoba for labo guided He augments bo hola pho them bo righteousness.
[47:18] they linda Awa Are sondela them ngokuzuma? Bonke komba thereof vele
sondela. Ngaphambili Awa sondela them kanjani they enza sizo nga bo biko?
[47:19] You azi ukuthi Nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU buza yekelo of
kho ono ono of bonke kholwa doda kosikazi. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of KHO
[47:20] Labo kholwa tshela Uma tando sha sura phendla uma straightforward sura
phendla wherein lwa sho you bheka labo harbored khonondo bo hliziyo bukeka you fa
vele sondela them! They kanjeyana dalula.
[47:21] Lalela ngakhethi veza lindela of them. Yodwa they tshengisa zethemba
NKULUNKULU uma vivo was bizela it been kahle for them.
[47:22] Is it noma kho jongo you hamba you bophezela bi mistreat kho hlobo?
[47:23] is labo incurred hlamba NKULUNKULU whereby He nikeza them yisithulu
[47:24] ngani they cha funda Quran kahle? they fanele phetho bo gqondo?
[47:25] Surely labo shelela emuva hola manifested them dimoni wonga them phila them
[47:26] Lo is they tshela kuze labo belesela babe NKULUNKULU sa phansi We
hlonipha you okuthile buzo. NKULUNKULU fully azi bo ngasese gobe.
[47:27] kanjani it enza for them uma gelosi be faka them kuze fa? They shaya them bo
bombo bo khulisa phetho.
[47:28] Lo ba they landela babe angered NKULUNKULU belesela to siza Him!
Consequently He nullified bo sebenzi.
[47:29] Labo harbor ngabaza bo hliziyo cabanga lowo ncisheka NKULUNKULU tando
cha wisa cishile bo bi cabango?
[47:30] we tando we dalula them you nce you recognize them babale bukeka them. you
recognize them konje they xoxa. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of LONKE KHO
[47:31] We impela faka you vivinyo ngaphakathi landelana ahlukanisa labo you bani
phokophela steadfastly phikelela We dalula kho yiqiniso nga.
[47:32] Labo disbelieve dudula dlela NKULUNKULU phikisa gijimi hola manifested
them ze limele NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi the ngcosana Mane He nullifies bo
[47:33] O you kholwa you hlonipha NKULUNKULU hlonipha gijimi. Otherwise lonke
kho sebenzi be ngaphumeleli.
[47:34] Labo disbelieve dudula dlela NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi phoqoka
disbelievers NKULUNKULU tando ze thethelela them!
[47:35] Ngakho you cha dengeza zinikela pursuit thula you qinisekisa ahlula
NKULUNKULU is you. He ze saphazeka kho zabalazo.
[47:36] Lo worldly pilo is hhayi ningi than dlalo vanity. you kholwa phila ngakhethi
pilo He klomela you buza you phi mali!
[47:37] Noma He buza you mali kuze xenye qamba nzaka you you phathelana ncishana
kho fihlekile bi might dalula!
[47:38] You mema chitha zathu NKULUNKULU nye of you jika ncishana! Ncishana
are ncishana towards bo khe phefumulo. NKULUNKULU is NOTHILE KHASHANA
you are PHOFU. you jikisa He shintsha nye ntu kho dawo they cha be you.
48- Ahlula (Al-Fatt-h)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[48:1] We pha you O Gijimi) nkulu ahlula.
[48:2] Whereby NKULUNKULU thethelela kho ngalena ono noma njengoba za ono
phelelisa Akhe busiso you khaphi you sobala dlela!
[48:3] Additionally NKULUNKULU tando shoka you unwavering enzelelo!
[48:4] He is Fike beka contentment hliziyo kholwa augment kakhulu kholo noma kuze
bo kholo! Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele bonke khandlu of bhakabhaka hlaba!
[48:5] He impela mukela kholwa doda kosikazi nga gadi thutheleka fudlana wherein
they abide phakade! He remit bo ono. Lo is bona NKULUNKULU nkulu ahlula.
[48:6] He requite bulu doda kosikazi Thixo khonza doda kosikazi they harbored bi
cabango NKULUNKULU. Bo bi tando backfire them. Nkulunkulu is fifa them fela them
hlomela them Gehenna! Babe dabukisa phetho!
[48:7] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele bonke khandlu bhakabhaka hlaba!
[48:8] We sa you fakazi thwali hle biko warner.
[48:9] Lowo you ntu kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi hlonipho Him sebenzisa
Him dumisa Him suku futhi suku!
[48:10] Surely labo bambiso allegiance you pledging allegiance NKULUNKULU.
dluzula njalo bambiso bophezela bhidliza kuze bo khe detriment. Njengoba for labo
fulfill bo bambiso NKULUNKULU He pha them nkulu recompense
[48:11] sedentary Arabhu bukisa emuva tshela We preoccupied ithu mali ithu hlobo
buza yekelo us! They khuluma bo limi babe cha is bo hliziyo! Zwi Bani biyela you
NKULUNKULU noma He willed phi adversity you noma noma He willed phi busiso
you? NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you enza.
[48:12] You ngasese kholwa gijimi kholwa tshoda ze buya bo hlobo lo firmly sungula
kho hliziyo! You harbored bi cabango jikisa nga wicked ntu.
[48:13] Anyone zaba kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi we hlomela disbelievers
[48:14] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele sovereignty of bhakabhaka hlaba! He thethelela
whomever He tando jezisa whomever He tando! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[48:15] sedentary bani bukisa emuva tshela uma you lindela koleka onakala of pi
Qhashisa us landela you hlanganyela ngaphakathi lo!" They kanjeyana fisa shintsha
Nkulunkulu zwi! Tshela You cha landela us! Lo is Nkulunkulu gwebo. They
ngalesosikhathi tshela You be nomhawu of us for bukisa emuva.) Bala they rarely azi
[48:16] Tshela kuze sedentary Arabhu bukisa emuva You mema bhekana qinile ntu lwa
them they faka! Noma you hlonipha NKULUNKULU tando kokhelo you phana
recompense you jikisa buye you ncisheka dlulile He requite you buhlungu retribution!
[48:17] phumputheka cha is sola crippled cha is sola gula cha is sola! Labo hlonipha
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi He mukela them gadi thutheleka fudlana! Njengoba for
labo jikisa He requite them buhlungu retribution.
[48:18] NKULUNKULU SIZA KHOLWA pledged allegiance you SHANGUZO. He
azi babe was bo hliziyo consequently He hlahlamelisa them contentment klomela them
sheshisa ahlula!
[48:19] Additionally they nqoba ningi onakala NKULUNKULU is Almighty
ngakho tsheleka nye sizo you ngaphakathi lo pilo He withheld ntu andla uchuku you
nikeza lo komba kholwa! He kanjeyana khaphi you sobala dlela.
[48:21] Njengoba for xuku you possibly cha tshoda NKULUNKULU nakekela them;
NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[48:22] disbelievers nanini lwa you they phenduka baleka! They fanele Lord Enza; they
cha fanele hlengi!
[48:23] njalo is Nkulunkulu hlelo phela lando, you cosha Nkulunkulu hlelo is
[48:24] He is Fike withheld bo andla uchuku you withheld kho andla uchuku them
ngaphakathi godi Mecca emva He pha you ahlula dlulile them! NKULUNKULU is
PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
[48:25] is they disbelieved barred you nga Ngcwele Masjid fana nqanda kho offerings
finyelela bo destination! Ashila kholwa doda kosikazi yisitha kambu) you cha azi you
were kakhulu kuze limele them ngokungazi! NKULUNKULU KANJEYANA MUKELA
AKHE SA whomever He TANDO. they phikelela He requite labo them disbelieve
buhlungu retribution.
[48:26] Ngenkathi labo disbelieved bilisa bo hliziyo gcwalisa ziphakamisa suku luhlaza
NKULUNKULU thokozisa Akhe gijimi kholwa noxolo contentment qondisa them
uphold zwi righteousness! Lo is babe they manje fanele. NKULUNKULU is fully aware
JUQA KHO NWELE FINGQA it njengoba you fulfill pilgrimage rituals ASHILA! You
cha fanele phi bawosi. selokhu He azi babe you cha azi He bandakanya lo sheshisa
[48:28] He is Fike bani sa Akhe gijimi hola kolo yaniso enza it busa bonke nye kolo!
[48:29] Muhammad - Gijimi NKULUNKULU - Labo nga him are nendluzula stern
disbelievers hlobo compassionate amongst themselves. You bheka them khothama
prostrating njengoba they khonga Nkulunkulu busiso vumelo! Bo phuzu are bo bombo
ba of prostrating! Lo is fana bonakaliso kuhle Torah. Bo bonakaliso ngaphakathi Vangeli
is mila khula de donsile siza limi! He kanjeyana bilisa disbelievers. NKULUNKULU
49- Donga (Al-Hujurat)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[49:1] O you kholwa cha beka kho bono lowo of NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi! You
[49:2] O you kholwa cha vubukula kho yiko yiko phrofethi nor shall you khuza him you
khuza kwa each nye funa kho sebenzi phathelana nullified ngenkathi you cha perceive
[49:3] Surely labo ehlisa bo yiko gijimi NKULUNKULU are ones hliziyo lungiselela
NKULUNKULU phathelana ngakhethi! They hola yekelo nkulu recompense
[49:4] Njengoba for labo bizela on you donga ningi of them cha azi.
[49:5] fanele they been bekezela kuze you wunduka them it been kahle for them.
[49:6] O you kholwa wicked ntu fikisa phi biko you you kuqala phenyisisa funa you
bophezela okungemthetho nye ntu luhlaza ngalesosikhathi phathelana zisola remorseful
babe you enza!
[49:7] Futhi azi ukuthi Nkulunkulu gijimi sondela kho midst! fanele he lalela you ningi
to you fuduka to lukhuni yourselves. Nkulunkulu fuduka you thanda kholo gqizisa it kho
hliziyo He enza you khisila disbelief wickedness delelo. La guided ones.
[49:8] njalo is sa NKULUNKULU Akhe busiso. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient
[49:9] 2 xuku kholwa lwa each nye you buyisana them. Fike xuku aggresses nye you
lwa aggressing xuku kuze they faka Nkulunkulu poqo! Ngaphambili they faka you
buyisana 2 xuku equitably. You gcina ahluleli NKULUNKULU thanda labo are
[49:10] Kholwa are memba fike hlobo; you qhubeka thula ngaphakathi kho hlobo
hlonipho NKULUNKULU lowo you attain sa!
[49:11] O you cha kholwa ntu chwaneka nye ntu they be kahle than they. Nor shall phi
kosikazi chwaneka nye kosikazi they be kahle than they. Nor shall you bhinqa fike
another gcona kho gama. Bi bala is gqayinga kuze wickedness emva attaining kholo!
Anyone cha phenduka lo la are transgressors.
[49:12] O you kholwa you xwaya phi sola fana a ngcosana zavuza of sola is nokona.
You cha hlola fike another nor shall you nyunda fike another lo is njengoba abominable
njengoba phanga yama kho file fo! You impela khisila lo. You sebenzisa
[49:13] O ntu we qamba you fana esilisa esifazane nikeza you ahlukile peoples qu lowo
you recognize fike another Hle among you ngaphakathi bona NKULUNKULU is the
ningi ngakhethi. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient Cognizant
[49:14] Arabhu tshela We are Mu'mens (kholwa.) Tshela You cha kholwa; babe you
zwi is ‘We are Muslims (submitters) ' kholo sungula kho hliziyo. you hlonipha
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi He cha faka phi of kho sebenzi citheko NKULUNKULU
is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[49:15] Mu'mens (kholwa) are labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi
ngalesosikhathi attain khulu fanele hhayi khonondo whatsoever phokophela bo mali bo
pilo ngaphakathi zathu NKULUNKULU! La are truthful ones.
[49:16] Tshela you chazela NKULUNKULU kho kolo? NKULUNKULU azi
everything ngaphakathi BHAKABHAKA HLABA. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient
[49:17] They sebenzisa they enza you favor gona Submission! Tshela You cha enza me
phi favors gona Submission! NKULUNKULU is Fike is SIZO you NKULU favor
guiding you KUZE KHOLO you are EQINISO.
NKULUNKULU is PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
50- Q. (Qaf)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[50:1] Q. futhi mnandi Quran.
[50:2] They cosha it ngajwayelekile lowo warner nga them sondela them! disbelievers
tshela Lo is nempela ngajwayelekile.
[50:3] Ngasemuva we phoqoka phathelana thuli; lo is lukhuni.
[50:4] We are fully aware of anyone of them suka sebenzisa hlaba; we fanele
ngesikhathi thayela.
[50:5] They bhunkula yaniso uma it sondela them; they ngokupheleleyo phambanisa.
[50:6] they cha bukeka bhakabhaka phezulu them kanjani we akha it gqizisa it veve?
[50:7] we qamba hlaba sakazeka it taba khula it bonke hlobo of hle mila!
[50:8] Lo is khanyisa khumbuzo gcwele zenzisa worshiper.
[50:9] we sa bhakabhaka thokozisa nzi khula it gadi hlamvu vuna!
[50:10] De dethi tende clustered thelo.
[50:11] Hlinzeka ntu. we dlweza it file zwe; you ngokufanayo resurrected
[50:12] Disbelieving them were ntu Nowa dwellers Russ Thamoud!
[50:13] ‘Aad Pharaoh zalelwana Diki.
[50:14] dwellers kuni ntu Tubba. Bonke of them disbelieved gijimi consequently Mi
retribution ehla them!
[50:15] we kakhulu burdened fike dalo? Lo ngani they Is ngabaza vuko?
[50:16] We qamba obuntu we azi babe he swebeza himself. We are closer kuze him than
akhe jugular vein
[50:17] 2 bhalisa (gelosi) kwa manje kwa ngakwesobunxele constantly bhalisa!
[50:18] Cha veza ncisheka he khuluma phapheme fakazi.
[50:19] Ekugcineni ngenakugwemeka coma fa sondela; lo is babe you vavanya
[50:20] Phondo thathaza; lo is thembisa suku.
[50:21] Gcwele phefumulo hlangana nga herder fakazi.
[50:22] You sebenzisa be oblivious kuze lo. We manje enyula kho vakazi; namhla kho
bona is njengoba donsile njengoba) tili
[50:23] Ngane tshela Nantu is mi sabeka fakazi.
[50:24] Jikijelo nga Gehenna gcwele nenkani disbeliever.
[50:25] Forbidder sa aggressor gcwele of ngabaza!
[50:26] He akha NKULUNKULU another Nkulunkulu. Jikijelo him nga nzima
[50:27] Akhe ngane tshela Ithu Lord I cha khohlanisa him; he was de astray.
[50:28] He tshela cha gxabano Me I ngokwanele khuza you!
[50:29] Nothing guquka kalokhu. I am ze unjust towards ntu.
[50:30] is suku uma we buza Hogo Fanele you fanele ngokwanele It tshela Epha me
[50:31] Pharadisi thembisa ngakhethi readily.
[50:32] Lo is babe thembisa gcwele repenter steadfast.
[50:33] They reverenced the Ningi Gracious ngaphakathi bo bawedwa sondela
[50:34] Ngena it thula; lo is Suku Phakade!
[50:35] They zuza anything they fisa therein we fanele ngaphambi ningi
[50:36] Ningi zukulwane them were qinile we bhubhisa. They phenquza zwe; they
cosha baleka?
[50:37] Lo be fundo everyone possesses gqondo is able kuze zwa bona!
[50:38] We qamba bhakabhaka hlaba everything them 6 suku hhayi fatigue namatha us!
[50:39] Ngakho be bekezela ngaphakathi the bombo of bo veza dumiso dumisa kho
Lord phambili sunrise phambili sunset!
[50:40] Suku you zindla Akhe gama ngasemuva prostrating!
[50:41] Hlomela suku uma caller balula dawo is seduze!
[50:42] Uma they zwa ngenakugwemeka memeza; is suku you wunduka.
[50:43] We are ones zibamba pilo fa; us is final phetho.
[50:44] Suku sondela uma hlaba qhahaza ngokuphangisa epha qansa them! Njalo mema
is lula for us enza!
[50:45] We are fully aware of everything they khuluma ngenkathi you fanele dlakathi
them. Ngakho khumbuza lo Quran labo hlonipho Mi khuza!
51- Shayeli of Oya (Al-Dhareyat)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[51:1] phephula oya.
[51:2] Bekezelela mvula
[51:3] wisa hlinzeka
[51:4] Sabalala them kuhle phatha.
[51:5] babe thembisa you surely sondela qeda!
[51:6] Suku Ehlulelo is ngenakugwemeka.
[51:7] Despite ngokupheleleyo qamba bhakabhaka.
[51:8] You qhubeka phikisa yaniso.
[51:9] Hlanhlatha therefrom are deviators!
[51:10] Woe kuze falsifiers.
[51:11] Ngaphakathi bo phazama they are ngokupheleleyo heedless.
[51:12] They funa Suku Ehlulelo.
[51:13] Suku they khona lilo.
[51:14] Zwa retribution; lo is babe you sebenzisa selelo
[51:15] Ngakhethi hola gadi thombo
[51:16] They thola bo Lord's kokhelo they sebenzisa be zenzisa.
[51:17] Rarely enza they lala phelele suku.
[51:18] Kusasa they thandazela yekelo.
[51:19] Khangezo bo mali was hlaziya eceleni for phukuphuku dinga
[51:20] Hlaba is gcwele of komba labo are okuthile.
[51:21] ngaphakathi you bheka?
[51:22] ngaphakathi bhakabhaka is kho hlinzeka everything thembisa you.
[51:23] Nga Lord of bhakabhaka hlaba lo is njengoba yiqiniso njengoba ukuthi you
[51:24] you noted lando Abraham's honorable hambi?
[51:25] They hambela him landiso Thula. He tshela Thula you fokazi!
[51:26] He buza akhe hlobo lungiselela khuluphele thole!
[51:27] Manini he thembisa it them he remarked you cha phanga?
[51:28] He harbored saba of them! They tshela Fanele saba they epha hle biko
nobungcweti dodana!
[51:29] Akhe kosikazi mangala. Noting wo fingcizekile bombo I am sterile dala
[51:30] They tshela Kanjeyana tshela kho Lord He is the Ningi Hlakaniphile Omniscient
[51:31] He tshela Babe are you phezulu kuze O gijimi?
[51:32] They tshela We dispatched yicala ntu.
[51:33] We yithela them dwala bumba.
[51:34] Phawula kho Lord transgressors!
[51:35] We ngalesosikhathi sindise bonke kholwa.
[51:36] We cha cosha it except fike dlu submitters!
[51:37] We akha it fundo labo saba buhlungu retribution.
[51:38] ngaphakathi Mose (nanso is fundo). We sa him Pharaoh manifest bonakaliso.
[51:39] he jikisa ngaphakathi khukhumala tshela Bili sangene
[51:40] Consequently we jezisa him akhe butho We juba them andle he is fike sola!
[51:41] ngaphakathi ‘Aad (nanso is fundo). We sa them omonakalo oya.
[51:42] Anything it sondela upon ngokupheleleyo phephetha.
[51:43] ngaphakathi Thamoud (nanso is fundo). They thasisela Nambitheka
[51:44] They melana poqo bo Lord Consequently phazimo phansula them kuhle they
[51:45] They ze suka nor they lamula.
[51:46] Ntu Nowa phambili lowo; they were wicked ntu.
[51:47] We akha bhakabhaka ithu andla we qhubeka nwebeka it
[51:48] we enza hlaba habitable; kahle klamo.
[51:49] We qamba bhangqa (duna esifazane) of everything lowo you fuza heed
[51:50] You sinda NKULUNKULU. I sa Him you manifest warner.
[51:51] ncisheka cha beka NKULUNKULU phi nye Nkulunkulu! I sa Him you manifest
[51:52] Consistently uma gijimi thathaza dlule zukulwane they tshela Bili Sangene
[51:53] they enza vumelana nga each nye Bala they are transgressors.
[51:54] You bambalala them; you cha sola.
[51:55] Futhi khumbuza for khumbuzo sizo kholwa!
[51:56] I cha qamba jinns humans except khonza Me lodwa!
[51:57] I dinga hlinzeka them nor enza I dinga them phakela Me
[51:58] NKULUNKULU is Provider Possessor BONKE DLAKATHI Supreme
[51:59] transgressors incurred fana nxi bo dlule counterparts; they selelo.
[51:60] Woe labo disbelieved suku mela them.
52- Nyuka Sinai (Al-Toor)!
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[52:1] Taba. Sinai.
[52:2] bhalisa scripture.
[52:3] sebenzisa ngaphakathi bekisa!
[52:4] Jonga Shrine
[52:5] exalted silingi.
[52:6] Andle beka aflame.
[52:7] Kho Lord's requital is ngenakuvikeleka.
[52:8] Hhayi bophezela universe vimba it
[52:9] Suku sondela uma bhakabhaka indlukula qaqabula.
[52:10] Taba esula cishile.
[52:11] Woe lowo suku kuze disbelievers -
[52:12] Bani are ngaphakathi bo phazama heedless!
[52:13] They elusa Gehenna forcibly.
[52:14] Lo is Lilo ngaphakathi you sebenzisa disbelieve!
[52:15] Is lo loya you cha bheka?
[52:16] Jeza sha! you are bekezela ngabekezeli it be the fana for you! Lo is ngakhethi
requital babe you enza.
[52:17] Ngakhethi hola gadi sindiso!
[52:18] They nambitheka babe bo Lord bekisa them; bo Lord onga them retribution
[52:19] Phanga phuza happily emuva kho sebenzi!
[52:20] They vovononeka ngubuthofothofo furnishings we vumelana them hle
[52:21] For labo kholwa bo ntwana ngaphandle landela them kholo we fanele bo ntwana
xhumelela them! We ze hlumba klomela them phi sebenzi. Gcwele ntu is khokhela babe
he enza!
[52:22] We letha them thelo yama they thanda.
[52:23] They nambitheka tshwala ze ngcolisa ze nokona phuza!
[52:24] Sebenza them be chaka biyela pharele!
[52:25] They hlangabeza each nye reminisce themselves.
[52:26] They tshela We sebenzisa be nomusa zola ithu ntu!
[52:28] We sebenzisa nxusa Him; He is the Ningi Nomusa Nomusa!
[52:29] You khumbuza ntu. Nga kho Lord's busiso you you are neither soothsayer nor
[52:30] They tshela He is yosi; just linda kuze he is file!
[52:31] Zwi Thathaza on linda; I linda you!
[52:32] it Is bo phupha lowo bizela bo behavior are they kusobala wicked?
[52:33] ncisheka they tshela He qamba? it lonke Mane they are hle disbelievers.
[52:34] Qhashisa them khiqiza Hadith lo noma they are truthful!
[52:35] they qamba nothing? Are they dali?
[52:36] they qamba bhakabhaka hlaba? Bala they cha fanele qiniseko.
[52:37] they possess cebo kho Lord they ngaphakathi Are zibamba?
[52:38] they enyuka ladi ncisheka enables them lalela? Qhashisa bo laleli tshengisa bo
[52:39] He ncisheka tombazana ngenkathi you fanele fanele dodana?
[52:40] you buza them phi wage futhi they burdened thereby?
[52:41] they azi gomuso ncisheka it bhalisa?
[52:42] they tula futhi scheming disbelievers' cebo backfire them!
[52:43] they fanele another Nkulunkulu NKULUNKULU? NKULUNKULU DUMISA
[52:44] Uma they bheka quba wa bhakabhaka they tshela Piled fu!
[52:45] Bambalala them they hlangabeza suku ngaphakathi which they phansula!
[52:46] Lowo suku bo cebo cha biyela them nor tando they lamula!
[52:47] Labo transgress jeza retribution nantu ningi of them cha azi!
[52:48] You steadfastly phikelela enza kho Lord's poqo! - you are ithu bobo - Dumisa
tusa kho Lord uma you suka
[52:49] Noma ngenkathi suku dumisa Him kusasa njengoba basa gqunqa eceleni!
53- Basa (Al-Najm)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[53:1] njengoba basa nolunya lahlekile.
[53:2] Kho ngane (Muhammad) was astray nor he khohlanisa.
[53:3] Nor was he shono personal kanuko!
[53:4] It was sezulwini dude.
[53:5] Bizela nga the Ningi Qinile!
[53:6] Possessor bonke gqi. Nga Akhe phezulu de.
[53:7] Kwa phezulu khathizwe.
[53:8] He dweba maduze nga shukuza phansi
[53:9] kuze He phathelana njengoba cimeza njengoba enzeka.
[53:10] He ngalesosikhathi phendla Akhe chaka babe was phendla.
[53:11] Gqondo ze fuduka phezulu babe it bheka.
[53:12] you ngabaza babe he Are saha?
[53:13] He bheka him another descent.
[53:14] Kwa ultimate dawo.
[53:15] Ndawonaphi naphakade Pharadisi thola.
[53:16] Phelele dawo ahlula.
[53:17] Bobo cha dengeza nor thathaza phumputheka!
[53:18] He bheka nkulu komba akhe Lord
[53:19] Linganisa lo esifazane Thixo Allaat Al- Uzzah!
[53:20] Manaat 3 fike.
[53:21] you ncisheka dodana ngenkathi He fanele fanele la njengoba tombazana?
[53:22] Babe lihlazo abiwa!
[53:23] La are gama lowo you fuduka phezulu, you kho khokho. NKULUNKULU ZE
gunyaza NJALO blasphemy. They landela conjecture personal kanuko uma yiqiniso hola
sondela them nantu bo Lord
[53:24] babe it lowo ntu is luba?
[53:25] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele both Hereafter lo hlaba!
[53:26] Cha fana gelosi bhakabhaka possess gqi khulumela. Lodwa ones vumela
NKULUNKULU are labo dlala ngaphakathi accordance nga Akhe tando Akhe vumelo.
[53:27] Labo disbelieve Hereafter epha gelosi esifazane gama.
[53:28] They cha fanele azani lo; they yodwa conjectured Conjecture is bambeli for
[53:29] You bambalala labo jikisa ithu biko phathelana preoccupied lo worldly pilo!
[53:30] Lo is xenye bo azani. Kho Lord is fully aware of labo bani strayed eceleni Akhe
dlela He is fully aware of labo guided
[53:31] Kuze NKULUNKULU fanele everything bhakabhaka everything on hlaba! He
requite labo bophezela bi bo sebenzi klomela ngakhethi for bo righteousness.
[53:32] They xwaya gross ono sono except for minor cala! Kho Lord's yekelo is
ngalinganiseki. He been fully aware of you selokhu He omula you hlaba khashana you
were bungu kho mame khaba. Ngakho cha exalt He is fully aware of the ngakhethi!
[53:33] you noted fike fanele jikisa?
[53:34] Rarely enza he epha sa futhi ngalesosikhathi kakhulu ngcosana
[53:35] he possess azani gomuso? he bheka it
[53:36] he Was chazela of fundiso scripture Mose?
[53:37] Abraham bani gcina?
[53:38] Hhayi phefumulo bekezelela ono another phefumulo.
[53:39] Gcwele ntu is necala for akhe khe sebenzi.
[53:40] everyone's sebenza tshengisa!
[53:41] Ngalesosikhathi they khokhela fully njalo sebenzi.
[53:42] Kuze kho Lord is final phetho.
[53:43] He is Fike enza you hleka bihlika!
[53:44] He is Fike zibamba fa pilo.
[53:45] He is Fike qamba 2 hlobo duna esifazane
[53:46] Nga nci consi semen.
[53:47] He enza ziphumuza.
[53:48] He is Fike enza you nothile phofu
[53:49] He is Lord galaxies.
[53:50] He is Fike bhubhisa yisidala ‘Aad.
[53:51] Futhi esula cishile Thamoud!
[53:52] Noma ntu Nowa phambili lowo; they were bi transgressors.
[53:53] Bi gwamanda (of Sodom Gomorrah) were lowliest.
[53:54] Consequently they ngokupheleleyo nyamalala.
[53:55] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[53:56] Lo is khuza dala ones.
[53:57] Ngenakugwemeka is imminent.
[53:58] None eceleni NKULUNKULU dambisa it
[53:59] you funa lo buzo
[53:60] you hleka mane of bihlika?
[53:61] you phikelela kho dlela?
[53:62] You wa prostrate NKULUNKULU konzo.
54- Yanga (Al-Qamar)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[54:1] Awa sondela closer yanga phehleka.
[54:2] Ngalesosikhathi they bheka mangaliso; they jikisa tshela Dala loya!
[54:3] They disbelieved landela bo bono namathela kuze bo dala siko.
[54:4] Sufficient khuza sindise khathaza them!
[54:5] Nkulu hlakani; bonke khuza been ngaphumeleli.
[54:6] thalalisa them; suku sondela uma caller azisa thusa bhicongo.
[54:7] Nga bo bobo yoca they sondela ngcwaba fana sakazeka kumbi!
[54:8] Kuhle they phendula caller disbelievers tshela Lo is lukhuni suku!
[54:9] Ntu Nowa disbelieved them. They disbelieved ithu chaka tshela Sangene! He
[54:10] He nxusa akhe Lord I cindezela; pha me ahlula!
[54:11] We ngalesosikhathi vuleka sango bhakabhaka thela nzi.
[54:12] we banga thombo gush hlaba! Nzi hlangabeza enza predetermined gwebo!
[54:13] We ntanta him watercraft fuduka cwadi bopho.
[54:14] It sukeleka ithu phapheme bobo; kokhelo fike bani bhunkula!
[54:15] We akha it fundo. phi of you fisa funda?
[54:16] kanjani thusa was Mi retribution khuza!
[54:17] We enza Quran kalula funda! phi of you fisa funda?
[54:18] ‘Aad disbelieved Consequently kanjani thusa was Mi retribution khuza.
[54:19] We sa them khulu oya suku nganqamuki hlupheka.
[54:20] It thosa ntu cishe kuhle they bola tende shanguzo boko.
[54:21] kanjani thusa was Mi retribution khuza!
[54:22] We enza Quran kalula funda! phi of you fisa funda?
[54:23] Thamoud bhunkula khuza.
[54:24] They tshela we landela fike of us; ntu? We ngalesosikhathi thathaza astray
ngalesosikhathi phetho Hogo!
[54:25] Biko ehla him us? He is flagrant hubu.
[54:26] They enza thola cishile ikusasa bani flagrant hubu is
[54:27] We sa kamela vivinyo them. Qaphela them be bekezela!
[54:28] Chazela them nzi hlanganyela them; (kamela) sondela phuza wo designated
[54:29] they gobezela bo ngane dlulisa (kamela) he phoqa!
[54:30] Consequently kanjani thusa was Mi retribution! They khuza.
[54:31] We sa them fike bhaklu whereupon they phathelana kuhle vuna hhoyi!
[54:32] We enza Quran kalula funda! phi of you fisa funda?
[54:33] Ntu Diki bhunkula khuza.
[54:34] We yithela them dwala. Yodwa Diki hlobo khulula kusasa.
[54:35] We hlahlamelisa him akhe hlobo; we kanjeyana klomela appreciative
[54:36] He khuza them ithu requital they chwaneka khuza.
[54:37] They bonisana him akhe hambi; we phumputheka them. Jeza Mi retribution;
you khuza!
[54:38] kuseyisikhathi the landela sa bhubhisa retribution phansula them.
[54:39] Jeza Mi retribution; you khuza!
[54:40] We enza Quran kalula funda! phi of you fisa funda?
[54:41] Pharaoh's ntu khuza.
[54:42] They bhunkula lonke ithu komba. Consequently we requited them Almighty
Omnipotent should.
[54:43] Are kho disbelievers kahle than labo disbelievers? you absolved scripture?
[54:44] Khathisimbe they cabanga We be nqobi.
[54:45] Bonke of them tshoda; they phenduka baleka!
[54:46] Awa mela them Awa is de ngcolile buhlungu.
[54:47] Impela necala are astray phetho ngaphakathi Hogo.
[54:48] They meleza hellfire forcibly. Jeza agony retribution!
[54:49] Everything we qamba impela kala!
[54:50] Ithu poqo enza cwazima bobo.
[54:51] We bhubhisa kho counterparts. phi of you fisa funda?
[54:52] Everything they enza bhalisa scriptures!
[54:53] Everything ncane khulu bhala
[54:54] Surely ngakhethi hola gadi fula!
[54:55] Ngaphakathi a khundla of honor Omnipotent Kosi.
55- Gracious (Al-Rahmaan)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[55:1] The Ningi Gracious.
[55:2] Fundisi Quran.
[55:3] Dali ntu.
[55:4] He thisha them kanjani ahlukanisa!
[55:5] Langa yanga ngokupheleleyo bala
[55:6] Basa shanguzo prostrate
[55:7] He akha bhakabhaka sungula thetho.
[55:8] You cha transgress thetho.
[55:9] You sungula ahluleli cha dluzula thetho.
[55:10] He qamba hlaba bonke dalwa.
[55:11] ngaphakathi it nanso are thelo dethi tende bo choma thelo!
[55:12] Noma hlamvu futhi spices
[55:13] O humans jinns) of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:14] He qamba obuntu dala bumba bumbi bumba.
[55:15] Futhi qamba jinns nga languka lilo!
[55:16] O humans jinns) of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:17] Lord of 2 phumalanga 2 shonalanga.
[55:18] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:19] He hlungula 2 andle ndawonaphi they hlangabeza.
[55:20] barrier beka them nqanda them nga transgressing!
[55:21] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:22] Ngenxa both of them you zuza pharele futhi coral
[55:23] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:24] He epha you shumbi lowo zululeka andle fana fulegi!
[55:25] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:26] Everyone on hlaba vikela!
[55:27] Yodwa bakhona kho Lord lasts Possessor of Majesty Honor
[55:28] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:29] Nxusa Him is everyone bhakabhaka hlaba! Nsukuzonke He is gcwele
[55:30] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:31] We bizela you zibika O humans jinns.
[55:32] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:33] O you jinns humans you phiqela outer ncele of bhakabhaka hlaba thathaza
phambili phiqela! You cha phiqela gunyazwa
[55:34] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:35] You suka bombarded projectiles of lilo okusansimbi you cha zuza!
[55:36] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:37] Uma bhakabhaka bhidlika jikisa sukuma colored fana khatha!
[55:38] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:39] On suku hhayi obuntu nor jinn be buza kakhulu akhe ono.
[55:40] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:41] (Lo is necala tando recognized bo dlozinga they fuza forelocks nyawo.
[55:42] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:43] Lo is Gehenna lowo necala sebenzisa landula!
[55:44] They jikeleza it intolerable inferno.
[55:45] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:46] For labo hlonipho majesty bo Lord 2 gadi (fike for jinns fike for humans).
[55:47] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:48] Gcwele of hlinzeka.
[55:49] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:50] 2 thombo are them thutheleka!
[55:51] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:52] Of gcwele thelo them 2 hlobo.
[55:53] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:54] ngenkathi vovononeka furnishings hlela sethini thelo are ngaphakathi finyelela!
[55:55] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:56] Bo hle ngane ze namatha phi obuntu noma jinn.
[55:57] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:58] They dlozinga gems futhi coral
[55:59] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:60] Is kokhelo hle anything hle?
[55:61] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:62] ngaphansi them are 2 gadi (fike for jinns fike for humans).
[55:63] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:64] Thimu nga thimu.
[55:65] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:66] ngaphakathi them thombo gqula!
[55:67] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:68] ngaphakathi them are thelo dethi tende pomegranate!
[55:69] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:70] ngaphakathi them are hle ngane.
[55:71] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:72] Confined ngaphakathi thende.
[55:73] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:74] Hhayi obuntu nanini namatha them nor jinn!
[55:75] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:76] They vovononeka luhlaza cansi hle surroundings.
[55:77] Which of kho Lord's marvels you landula?
[55:78] exalted is gama kho Lord Possessor of Majesty Honor
56- Ngenakugwemeka (Al-Waaqe'ah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[56:1] Uma ngenakugwemeka hlangana qeda.
[56:2] Nothing vimba it ehlakalo.
[56:3] It ehlisa nye vubukula others.
[56:4] Hlaba qhuqha phezulu
[56:5] Taba esula cishile.
[56:6] njengoba noma they ze khona.
[56:7] You stratified 3 hlobo.
[56:8] Labo hola sindiso be sindiso.
[56:9] Labo hola hlupheka be hlupheka.
[56:10] Ngalesosikhathi nanso is elite elite
[56:11] They are labo be closest (kuze Nkulunkulu).
[56:12] ngaphakathi gadi sindiso.
[56:13] ningi nga fike zukulwane.
[56:14] ngcosana nga ngasekho zukulwane.
[56:15] On ngubuthofothofo furnishings.
[56:16] Nambitheka everything they be neighbors
[56:17] Sebenza them be ngafi chaka!
[56:18] Nga debe pitchers msulwa tshwala.
[56:19] They ze sukeleka cishile nor enza they bhola!
[56:20] Thelo bo khetha.
[56:21] Yama bazana they luba.
[56:22] Hle ngane.
[56:23] Fana biyela pharele.
[56:24] Klomela bo sebenzi.
[56:25] They ze zwa phi panya therein nor nokona veza.
[56:26] Yodwa veza Thula thula.
[56:27] Labo of lungile thimu be lungelo thimu.
[56:28] ngaphakathi vundile orchards.
[56:29] Namakha thelo.
[56:30] elula thunzi.
[56:31] Yinsada nzi.
[56:32] Ningi thelo.
[56:33] Ze qeda; ze enqabela!
[56:34] Ngubuthofothofo furnishings.
[56:35] We qamba them ngane.
[56:36] Ze ngaphambili namatha.
[56:37] Ngokupheleleyo vumelana.
[56:38] For labo on lungile thimu.
[56:39] ningi nga kuseyisikhathi zukulwane.
[56:40] ningi nga ngasekho zukulwane.
[56:41] Labo of ngakwesobunxele be yeka
[56:42] ngaphakathi hlupheka inferno.
[56:43] Fana bo thunzi is shisa!
[56:44] Ze pholisa ze tolerable!
[56:45] They sebenzisa be nothile.
[56:46] They phikelela nkulu blasphemy.
[56:47] They tshela Uma we phoqoka jikisa thuntutha lenze we zuza resurrected
[56:48] Ncisheka lo faka ithu khokho?
[56:49] Tshela kuseyisikhathi zukulwane ngasekho zukulwane!
[56:50] Mema buthano predetermined suku!
[56:51] Ngalesosikhathi you O disbelieving strayers.
[56:52] Phanga shanguzo munyu.
[56:53] Gcwalisa kho khaba therefrom
[56:54] Ngalesosikhathi phuza it esabeka tshwala!
[56:55] Ngalesosikhathi nezezela tshwala hlabathi.
[56:56] njalo is bo juphe Suku Ehlulelo.
[56:57] We qamba you you yodwa kholwa!
[56:58] you noted semen lowo you fanele khiqiza?
[56:59] you qamba it ncisheka ncisheka we?
[56:60] We predetermined fa you. Nothing vimba us
[56:61] Nga shintsha sha zukulwane dawo sungula babe you cha azi!
[56:62] You azi fike dalo. you cha khumbula?
[56:63] you noted vuno you fanele vuna?
[56:64] you khula them ncisheka we?
[56:65] we tando we jika it hhoyi. Ngalesosikhathi you lila:
[56:66] We lahlekelwa.
[56:67] We phuca.
[56:68] you noted nzi you fanele phuza?
[56:69] you sa it nikela fu ncisheka ncisheka we?
[56:70] we tando we enza it hlungwane You be thankful.
[56:71] you noted lilo you fanele ignite
[56:72] you omula wo shanguzo ncisheka ncisheka we?
[56:73] We nikeza it khumbuzo nosizo thuluzi users.
[56:74] You dumisa gama kho Lord the Nkulu
[56:75] I funga khundla basa.
[56:76] Lo is fungo you yodwa azi lowo is awesome.
[56:77] Lo is honorable Quran.
[56:78] ngaphakathi biyela bhuku.
[56:79] None bamba it except the eqiniso.
[56:80] Vulamehlo nga Lord universe.
[56:81] you bambalala lo gxoxo?
[56:82] you enza it kho daba lowo you disbelieve?
[56:83] Manini the khathi hlangana it (kho phefumulo) finyelela kho bhongwane -
[56:84] you ngalesosikhathi thalaza.
[56:85] We are closer kuze than you are you cha bheka!
[56:86] Noma it is qiniseka lowo you cha kweleta phi accounting -
[56:87] ngani you cha buyisa (kho phefumulo) you are truthful?
[56:88] Noma he is fike of labo seduze Me -
[56:89] Ngalesosikhathi jabulo mbali gadi sindiso!
[56:90] Futhi noma he is fike of lungile -
[56:91] Thula is diki of labo lungelo.
[56:92] Noma he is fike of disbelievers strayers -
[56:93] Ngalesosikhathi abode of inferno -
[56:94] Bambeka ngaphakathi Hogo!
[56:95] Lo is phelele yaniso.
[56:96] You dumisa gama kho Lord the Nkulu
57- ayina (Al-Hadeed)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[57:1] Dumisa NKULUNKULU is everything bhakabhaka hlaba! He is Almighty
[57:2] Kuze Him fanele kingship of bhakabhaka hlaba! He zibamba pilo fa. He is
[57:3] He is Alpha Omega. He is Outermost the Innermost. He is fully aware of bonke
[57:4] He is Fike qamba bhakabhaka hlaba 6 suku ngalesosikhathi assumed bonke gqi.
He azi everything ngena nga hlaba everything lowo hlangana it everything ehla
bhakabhaka everything lowo ehlika nga it He is you wherever you be NKULUNKULU is
PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
[57:5] Kuze Him fanele kingship of bhakabhaka hlaba! Lonke buzo zibamba
[57:6] He merges suku suku merges suku suku. He is fully aware of innermost cabango.
[57:7] Kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi epha nga babe He pha you! Labo among
you kholwa epha sa) hola nkulu recompense
[57:8] ngani you cha kholwa NKULUNKULU uma gijimi mema you is kholwa kho
Lord He fuza bambiso you you are kholwa.
[57:9] He is Fike sa phansi Akhe chaka hle vulamehlo ngaphakathi landelana phila you
cime nga khanya. NKULUNKULU is Compassionate towards you NOMUSA.
[57:10] ngani you cha chitha zathu NKULUNKULU uma NKULUNKULU possesses
bonke cebi bhakabhaka hlaba? Nesizotha nga okusele are labo you chitha ahlula
phokophela They attain nkulu gaba than labo chitha ahlula phokophela. For each
NKULUNKULU thembisa sindiso! NKULUNKULU is Cognizant of everything you
[57:11] Bani fana beyo boleko NKULUNKULU boleko righteousness it gaya him
manifold phetho phana recompense
[57:12] Suku sondela uma you bheka kholwa doda kosikazi bo khanya radiating
phambili of them kuze bo manje. Hle biko is yours lowo suku you fanele gadi thutheleka
fudlana! You abide therein unomphelo. Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[57:13] Suku bulu doda kosikazi tshela kuze labo kholwa Siza sondela us hola nye of
kho pholile. It tshela Thathaza you khonga pholile. barrier akha them sango hlungula sa
inner thimu retribution outer thimu!
[57:14] They bizela them Were we cha you? They phendula Ehe you hungula kho
phefumulo fefenyeka ngabaza phathelana khohlanisa wishful cabango Nkulunkulu
ehlulelo sondela! You buyisela nga NKULUNKULU kohliso.
[57:15] Ngakho namhla hhayi hlenga fuza you nor nga labo disbelieved Kho abode is
lilo; it is kho lord dabukisa abode.
[57:16] it Is khathi labo kholwa bhobhoka bo hliziyo Nkulunkulu biko yaniso phendla
nantu? They cha be landeli dlule scriptures hliziyo phathelana qinisa khathi consequently
ningi of them jikisa wicked.
[57:17] Azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU dlweza zwe it phoqoka! We kanjeyana lungisa
vulamehlo you you azi.
[57:18] Surely charitable doda kosikazi loaned NKULUNKULU boleko hle. They thola
bo klomela gaya manifold they hola phana recompense
[57:19] Labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi are saints felukholo. Bekisa them
bo Lord are bo kokhelo bo okhela Njengoba for labo disbelieved bhunkula ithu
vulamehlo they incurred Hogo.
[57:20] Azi lo worldly pilo is hhayi ningi than dlala gembula futhi qholosha you
hoarding of mali ntwana! It is yinsada mvula khiqiza gximeka siza disbelievers!
ngalesosikhathi mila jikisa nga ngenalusizo hhoyi phephula oya! ngaphakathi Hereafter
nanso is noma nzima retribution yekelo nga NKULUNKULU vumelo. Lo worldly pilo is
hhayi ningi than esikhashana kohliso.
[57:21] Ngakho you hadula yekelo kho Lord Pharadisi whose banzi encompasses
bhakabhaka hlaba. It mela labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi. njalo is
Nkulunkulu sa ukuthi He pha whomever He tando! NKULUNKULU is Possessor Infinite
[57:22] Anything enzeka hlaba you vele bhalisa fana dalo. Lo is kalula
[57:23] Kanjeyana you cha lila anything you chitha nor be ziqhaya of anything He pha
[57:24] They are ncishana enjoin ntu be ncishana! fike jikisa ngalesosikhathi
NKULUNKULU is Nothile the Ncomeka.
[57:25] We sa ithu gijimi shoka nga cwatha bonakaliso we sa phansi them scripture
thetho lowo ntu uphold ahluleli. we sa nikela ayina wherein nanso is andla ningi sizo ntu!
Lonke lo ngaphakathi landelana for NKULUNKULU ahlukanisa labo shoka Him Akhe
gijimi on kholo. NKULUNKULU is QINILE Almighty
[57:26] We sa Nowa Abraham we pha bo zalo prophethood scripture. Nye of them
guided ngenkathi ningi were wicked!
[57:27] Subsequent kuze them we sa ithu gijimi. We sa Jesu dodana Mary we epha him
Injeel (Vangeli) we beka hliziyo of akhe landeli kindness sa. they ceba hermitism we ze
decreed them. Lonke we buza them ncisheka was uphold thetho approved
NKULUNKULU! they cha uphold biko njengoba they fanele Consequently we epha labo
kholwa them bo recompense ngenkathi ningi of them were wicked!
[57:28] O you kholwa you hlonipho NKULUNKULU kholwa Akhe gijimi. He
ngalesosikhathi pha you phinda kokhelo nga Akhe sa endow you okhela khaphi you
thethelela you! NKULUNKULU is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[57:29] Kanjeyana landeli dlule scripture azi ukuthi they cha monopolized Nkulunkulu
sa sa futhi lowo bonke sa is Nkulunkulu andla. He pha it whomever He tando.
NKULUNKULU is Possessor Infinite SA.
58- Pikiswano (Al-Mujaadalah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[58:2] Labo among you estrange bo kosikazi (nga memezela them njengoba enqabela
ngaphakathi lili bo mame azi gcwele kahle lowo they cha are bo mame! Bo mame are
kosikazi zala them. Bala they bophezela blasphemy cebo. NKULUNKULU is Pardoner
[58:3] Labo estrange bo kosikazi ngaphakathi lo dlela ngalesosikhathi buyisana
thereafter atone yilileka gcinanja phambili qhubeka bo sexual hlobo! Lo is khanyisa you.
NKULUNKULU is Cognizant of everything you ENZA!
[58:4] you cha thola gcinanja yilileka you zila 2 consecutive yanga phambili qhubeka
sexual hlobo! you cha zila ngalesosikhathi you phakela 60 phofu ntu. You kholwa
NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi. La are Nkulunkulu thetho. disbelievers incurred buhlungu
[58:5] Surely labo lwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi bophezela tshoda bo dlule
counterparts bophezela tshoda! We sa phansi cwatha bonakaliso rejectors incurred
shameful retribution.
[58:6] Suku sondela uma NKULUNKULU tando resurrect them bonke ngalesosikhathi
chazela them of everything they enza! NKULUNKULU BHALISA everything
[58:7] you cha realize lowo NKULUNKULU azi everything ngaphakathi bhakabhaka
everything on hlaba? Hhayi 3 ntu conspire ngasese Him dalwa bo 4 nor 5 Him dalwa 6
nor ncanyana than lowo nor ningi Him dalwa ashila them wherever they be
Ngalesosikhathi Suku Vuko He chazela them of everything they enza. NKULUNKULU
is fully aware of BONKE TO.
[58:8] you noted labo were enjoined nga conspiring ngasese ngalesosikhathi phikelela
on conspiring They conspire bophezela ona sono delelo gijimi! Uma they sondela you
they xhawula you bingelela nye than lowo decreed nga NKULUNKULU. They tshela
themselves "NKULUNKULU tando cha jezisa us ithu veza. Bo lodwa requital is
Gehenna wherein they bambeka; babe dabukisa phetho.
[58:9] O you kholwa you bhunga ngasese you cha bhunga bophezela ona sono disobey
gijimi! You bhunga sebenza righteousness piety! You hlonipho NKULUNKULU whom
you mema.
[58:10] Ngasese gobe is dimoni bono which he khonga limele labo kholwa. Nokho he
cha limele them against Nkulunkulu tando ngaphakathi NKULUNKULU kholwa
[58:11] O you kholwa you thasisela Siza enza emuka you fuduka emuka each nye faka!
NKULUNKULU tando NGALESOSIKHATHI fuduka emuka you! you buza suka
nyakazo suka futhi nyakazo! NKULUNKULU VUBUKULA LABO you KHOLWA
LABO THOLA AZANI phezulu GABA. NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of
everything you ENZA.
[58:12] O you kholwa uma you fisa bhunga gijimi you thembisa sa phofu) phambili you
enza kanjalo! Lo is kahle for you futhi msulwa. you cha ngakhokhela it ngalesosikhathi
NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa.
[58:13] you hlumba epha sa phambili bhunga ngalesosikhathi phenduka thereafter
NKULUNKULU amukela kho nguquko! You sebenzisa thintana thandazo (Salat) epha
obligatory sa (Zakat) hlonipha NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi! NKULUNKULU is fully
Cognizant of everything you ENZA.
[58:14] you noted labo fanele befriended ntu NKULUNKULU is fifa? They neither
fanele you nor them. They ngamabomu funga nga!
[58:15] NKULUNKULU HLOMELA them NZIMA retribution. Dabukisa bala is babe
they sebenzisa enza!
[58:16] They sebenzisa bo fungo mali of dudula dlela NKULUNKULU. Consequently
they incurred shameful retribution.
[58:17] Neither bo mali nor bo ntwana lamula them NKULUNKULU. They incurred
hellfire wherein they abide phakade.
[58:18] Suku sondela uma NKULUNKULU resurrects them lonke. They funga Him
ngalesosikhathi eqinisweni njengoba they funga you manje cabango lowo they nempela
are manje! Bala they are oqobo hubu.
[58:19] Dimoni possessed them banga them bambalala Nkulunkulu biko! La are phathi
dimoni. Kasibili phathi dimoni are losers.
[58:20] Surely labo phikisa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi be lowliest.
[58:21] NKULUNKULU decreed I MI GIJIMI tando ningi assuredly ZUZA
[58:22] You cha cosha ntu kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku befriending labo
phikisa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi fana they were bo zali bo ntwana bo siblings bo
qu! For la He decrees kholo bo hliziyo enzelelo them nga dude nga Him mukela them nga
gadi thutheleka fudlana wherein they abide phakade! NKULUNKULU SIZA them they
SIZA Him! La are phathi NKULUNKULU. ningi assuredly Nkulunkulu phathi are
59- Muka (Al-Hashr)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[59:1] Dumisa NKULUNKULU is everything bhakabhaka hlaba He is Almighty
[59:2] He is Fike evicted labo disbelieved among the ntu of scripture bo khaya quba
muka. You ze cabango lowo they hamba they cabango bo lungisa biyela them
NKULUNKULU. Ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU sondela them they ze lindela juba
terror bo hliziyo. Kanjeyana they dela bo khaya bo khe volition noma cindezelo kholwa.
You funda lo O you possess bona.
[59:3] Nkulunkulu cha bophezela them hamba He requited them ngaphakathi lo pilo
(ngaphambi ngcolile than bophezela them hamba)! ngaphakathi Hereafter He bophezela
them retribution Hogo.
[59:4] Lo ba they phikisa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi! Labo phikisa NKULUNKULU
Akhe gijimi NKULUNKULU is luma ngaphakathi enforcing retribution!
[59:5] you klaya shanguzo hamba it bekezelela wo boko is ngaphakathi accordance nga
Nkulunkulu tando He surely yoca the wicked.
[59:6] Whatever NKULUNKULU buyisa for Akhe gijimi cha was phumela kho pi
zabalazo you lwa jomane noma on nyawo. NKULUNKULU is FIKE BANI SA AKHE
GIJIMI whomever He TANDO! NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent
[59:7] Whatever NKULUNKULU buyisa kuze Akhe gijimi nga tshoda gwamanda
thathaza NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi dlela sa). You epha it hlobo kedama phofu hamba
alien Kanjeyana it cha sala monopolized nga donsile among you! You qhubeka onakala
epha kuze you gijimi cha fuza babe he enjoins you nga fuza! You hlonipho
NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU is LUMA ngaphakathi enforcing retribution!
[59:8] (You epha) dinga immigrated They evicted bo khaya phuca of bo pahla they
khonga Nkulunkulu sa ethabelo futhi they shoka NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi! They are
the truthful.
[59:9] Njengoba for labo hlinzeka them khaya ephephelo were kholwa them they thanda
labo immigrated them cha thola ngabaza bo hliziyo khezo them! Nempela they readily
epha them kambaphambili fana uma they dingo babe they dalula. Bala labo khaza bo
yimvelo qonqela are nempumelelo ones.
[59:10] Labo phathelana kholwa them tshela Ithu Lord thethelela us ithu zalelwana bani
andulela us kholo qhubeka ithu hliziyo nga harboring phi zondo towards labo kholwa!
Ithu Lord You are Compassionate Nomusa!
[59:11] fanele you noted labo hlupha zenzisa futhi kanjani they tshela kuze bo ngane
disbelief among the ntu scripture you evicted we phuma you ze hlonipha anyone phikisa
you! anyone lwa you we lwa kho thimu NKULUNKULU bekezelela bona they are
[59:12] Nempela noma they evicted they cha phuma them futhi anyone lwa them they
cha shoka them. Ngaphambi they shoka them they beyo phenduka baleka! They ze zuza.
[59:13] Bala you phansula kakhulu terror bo hliziyo than bo bawosi NKULUNKULU.
Lo is they are ntu bani cha comprehend!
[59:14] They cha suka ngokusondelana lwa you they are well-shielded akhiwo emuva
donga Bo might bonakala sabeka among themselves. You zindla they bumbana uma
nempela bo hliziyo hlanganyela. Lo is they are ntu bani cha azi!
[59:15] Bo nxi is fana njengoba bo counterparts andulela them. They jeza phetho bo
gwebo. They incurred buhlungu retribution.
[59:16] They are dimoni he tshela kuze ntu Disbelieve ngalesosikhathi njengoba
masinyane njengoba he disbelieves he tshela I bandla you! I saba NKULUNKULU Lord
[59:17] Phetho for both of them is Hellfire wherein they abide phakade. Lo is requital
[59:18] O you kholwa you hlonipho NKULUNKULU yoyosa gcwele phefumulo
phenya babe it sa phambili for ikusasa. You hlonipho NKULUNKULU;
NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you enza.
[59:19] Cha be labo khohlwa NKULUNKULU He enza them khohlwa! La are the
[59:20] Cha lingana are dwellers of Hellfire dwellers of Pharadisi; dwellers Pharadisi
are nqobi.
[59:21] we phendla lo Quran taba you bheka it dudumela khumuza hlonipho
NKULUNKULU! We cite la bonakaliso ntu lowo they cabangisisa.
[59:22] He is Fike NKULUNKULU; nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Him. Knower of
bonke fihlo memezelo. He is the Ningi Gracious Nomusa.
[59:23] He is Fike NKULUNKULU; nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Him. Kosi the Ningi
Ngcwele Thula the Ningi Thembekile Supreme Almighty the Ningi Qinile the Ningi
[59:24] He is Fike NKULUNKULU; Dali Initiator Designer. Kuze Him fanele the ningi
hle gama! Dumisa Him is everything bhakabhaka hlaba! He is Almighty Hlakaniphile.
60- Vivinyo (Al-Mumtahanah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[60:1] O you kholwa you cha befriend Mi mabonwabulawe kho mabonwabulawe elula
thando ngane them fana they disbelieved yaniso sondela you! They qhuba gijimi you
babale you kholwa NKULUNKULU kho Lord you viva nyikanyika ngaphakathi Mi
banga khonga Mi busiso kanjani you ngasese thanda them? I am fully aware of
everything you gubadlela everything you memezela. Labo among you enza lo fanele bala
strayed lungile dlela.
[60:2] Whenever they bonana you they thokozisa you mabonwabulawe limele you bo
andla limi! They want you disbelieve.
[60:3] Kho hlobo kho mali ze lamula you. Suku Vuko He jaja you. NKULUNKULU is
PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA!
[60:4] Hle bonakaliso beka for you Abraham labo him. They tshela kuze bo ntu We
bandla you Thixo you khonza NKULUNKULU. We fenyisa you you bheka nothing nga
us animosity zondo you kholwa NKULUNKULU LODWA. cala bophezela Abraham
uma he tshela kuze akhe yise I thandazela kho yekelo I cha possess dlakathi biyela you
nga NKULUNKULU. Ithu Lord we ethemba ngaphakathi You faka You; You is final
[60:5] Ithu Lord not cindezela labo disbelieved thethelela us! You are Almighty
[60:6] Hle bonakaliso beka them labo khonga NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku. Njengoba
for labo jikisa NKULUNKULU is ngaphakathi hhayi dingo (of them) Ncomeka.
[60:7] NKULUNKULU GUQUKA animosity you them NGA THANDA!
[60:8] NKULUNKULU CHA enjoin you befriending LABO CHA LWA you KOLO
CHA evict you KHO KHAYA! You befriend them be equitable towards them.
NKULUNKULU THANDA the equitable.
[60:9] NKULUNKULU enjoins you YODWA NGA befriending LABO LWA you
you! You cha befriend them. Labo befriend them are transgressors.
[60:10] O you kholwa uma kholwa kosikazi (dela mabonwabulawe buza asylum you
you hlola them! NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BO KHOLO. Ngaphambili you
sungula ukuthi they are kholwa you cha buya them disbelievers. They cha are
semthethweni sala shadile kuze them nor shall disbelievers sondela gcagca them! Buyisa
dowries disbelievers khokha! You cha bophezela phutha nga gcagca them kanjalo
hushazela njengoba you khokha them bo fanele dowries! Cha qhubeka disbelieving
kosikazi they fisa xhumelela yisitha)! You buza them dowry you khokha they buza babe
they khokha. Lo is Nkulunkulu gqa; He vakaza you. NKULUNKULU is Omniscient
[60:11] phi of kho kosikazi xhumelela mabonwabulawe kambu you bophezela lwa you
bophezela mabonwabulawe nxephezela doda lahlekelwa bo kosikazi buyisa them babe
they chitha bo kosikazi! You hlonipho NKULUNKULU ngaphakathi whom you kholwa!
[60:12] O you phrofethi uma kholwa kosikazi dela disbelievers) khonga asylum you
bambiso you they cha akha phi Thixo NKULUNKULU nor nyonka nor bophezela
phinga, nor dlulisa bo ntwana nor bhila phi cebo nor disobey kho ngakhethi landelana
you amukela bo bambiso bhedesha NKULUNKULU thethelela them! NKULUNKULU
is Forgiver NOMUSA.
[60:13] O you kholwa ncisheka cha befriend ntu NKULUNKULU is fifa bani
hopelessly bhajwa disbelief; they are eqinisweni njengoba ngasasizi njengoba
disbelievers are vele ngcwaba!
61- Hlu (Al-Suff)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[61:1] Dumisa NKULUNKULU is everything bhakabhaka everything hlaba! He is
Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[61:2] O you kholwa you tshela babe you cha enza?
[61:3] abominable ngaphakathi bona NKULUNKULU is ukuthi you tshela babe you
cha enza!
[61:5] Recall ukuthi Mose tshela kuze akhe ntu O mi ntu enza you limele me fana you
azi ukuthi I am Nkulunkulu gijimi you? Uma they hlanhlatha NKULUNKULU buyisela
bo hliziyo! For NKULUNKULU cha khaphi wicked ntu!
[61:6] Recall ukuthi Jesu dodana Mary tshela O Ntwana Israyeli I am Nkulunkulu gijimi
you qinisekisa Torah fikisa hle biko gijimi sondela me whose gama be fana tusa
(Ahmad.) Ngalesosikhathi uma he tshengisa them hle bonakaliso they tshela Lo is
profound loya!
[61:7] Bani bi than fike is bhila khetheza NKULUNKULU he mema Submission?
[61:8] They fisa veza Nkulunkulu okhela bo lomo. Kepha NKULUNKULU phikelela
upon phelelisa Akhe okhela ngaphakathi spite of disbelievers!
[61:9] He sa Akhe gijimi hola yiqiniso kolo enza it dominate bonke kolo ngaphakathi
spite of Thixo worshipers!
[61:10] O you kholwa qhashisa Me chazela you of hwebo khulula you buhlungu
[61:11] Kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi phokophela zathu NKULUNKULU kho
mali kho pilo! Lo is hle deal you noma you yodwa azi.
[61:12] Emuva He thethelela kho ono mukela you gadi thutheleka fudlana hle mansions
gadi Eden! Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[61:13] Additionally you zuza to you impela thanda enzelelo nga NKULUNKULU
qinisekisa ahlula. Epha hle biko kholwa!
[61:14] O you kholwa be Nkulunkulu lweli kuhle fundi Jesu dodana Mary. Uma he
tshela kuze them Bani are mi lweli NKULUNKULU they tshela We are Nkulunkulu
lweli. Ngakho xuku Ntwana Israyeli kholwa another xuku disbelieved We lamula labo
kholwa against bo yisitha they zuza.
62- Friday (Al-Jumu'ah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[62:1] Dumisa NKULUNKULU is everything bhakabhaka everything hlaba; Kosi the
Ningi Ngcwele Almighty the Ningi Hlakaniphile!
[62:2] He is Fike hambisa kuze gentiles gijimi nga them hlabelela them Akhe vulamehlo
hlamba them thisha them scripture hlakani! phambili lo they thathaza kude astray.
[62:3] Kuze ningi zukulwane subsequent kuze them. He is Almighty Hlakaniphile.
[62:4] njalo is Nkulunkulu sa ukuthi He pha whomever He tando! NKULUNKULU is
Possessor Infinite SA.
[62:5] Bonakaliso of labo epha Torah ngalesosikhathi hlumba uphold it is mbongolo
ntanta nkulu sebenzi bhalo. Dabukisa bala is bonakaliso ntu bhunkula Nkulunkulu
vulamehlo. NKULUNKULU CHA khaphi wicked NTU.
[62:6] Zwi O you are Jewish you thola ukuthi you are Nkulunkulu khethiwe kuze
exclusion bonke nye ntu ngalesosikhathi you langaza fa you are truthful!
[62:7] They ze langaza it babe they bophezela. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of the
[62:8] Tshela fa you are linganisa balekela tando qhebeza phezulu nga you masinyane
ngasekho Ngalesosikhathi you phinda Knower of bonke fihlo memezelo ngalesosikhathi
He chazela you of everything you enza.
[62:9] O you kholwa uma Congregational Thandazo (Salat Al-Jumu ah) azisa
NgoLwesihlanu you khawuleza khumbula NKULUNKULU consi bonke daba! Lo is
kahle you noma you yodwa azi.
[62:10] Ngaphambili thandazo ncintisana you embula zwe khonga Nkulunkulu bounties
qhubeka khumbula NKULUNKULU mihla lowo you landela!
[62:11] Uma nye of them hlangana daba deal nye bungazo they sukela it hamba you
mile! Tshela Babe NKULUNKULU possesses is de kahle than bungazo daba
63- Bulu (Al-Munaafeqoon)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[63:1] Uma bulu sondela you they tshela We bekezelela bona you are gijimi
NKULUNKULU. NKULUNKULU azi lowo you are Akhe gijimi NKULUNKULU
bekezelela bona bulu are hubu!
[63:2] Under guise bo kungathi kholo they dudula ntu dlela NKULUNKULU. Dabukisa
bala is babe they enza.
[63:3] Lo ba they kholwa ngalesosikhathi disbelieved Ngakho bo gqondo vinjwa; they
cha azi.
[63:4] Uma you bheka them you thatha bo dlozinga Futhi uma they shono you lalela bo
eloquence. They are bekezelela cwadi! They zindla gcwele memeza khankanya them. La
are oqobo mabonwabulawe; elusa of them. NKULUNKULU FELA them; they
[63:5] Uma they thasisela Sondela yoyosa gijimi NKULUNKULU thandazela kho
yekelo they mockingly jika bo phathi you bheka them dudula others dlala arrogantly!
[63:6] is the fana them ukuthi you thandazela bo yekelo cha thandazela bo yekelo;
NKULUNKULU tando cha thethelela them! For NKULUNKULU cha khaphi wicked
[63:7] They are ones tshela cha epha phi mali labo landela gijimi NKULUNKULU
khathisimbe they dela him! NKULUNKULU possesses cebo of bhakabhaka hlaba bulu
cha comprehend!
[63:8] They tshela we jenduka dolobhakazi qinile therein evict xega we victimized
(They azi lowo) bonke sindo fanele kuze NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi kholwa! Nokho
bulu cha azi.
[63:9] O you kholwa cha thikazisa kho mali kho ntwana khumbula NKULUNKULU!
Labo enza lo are losers.
[63:10] You epha ithu hlinzeka you fa sondela you ngalesosikhathi you tshela Mi Lord
yodwa You mukela lo fishane khashana! I ngalesosikhathi be charitable xhumelela the
NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you ENZA.
64- Nxa Sola (Al-Taghaabun)!
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[64:1] Dumisa NKULUNKULU is everything bhakabhaka everything hlaba! Kuze Him
fanele bonke kingship kuze Him fanele bonke dumiso He is Omnipotent
[64:2] He is Fike qamba you ngalesosikhathi you nanso is disbeliever kholwa.
NKULUNKULU is fully PHROFETHI of everything you ENZA.
[64:3] He qamba bhakabhaka hlaba thize hloso sungula you phelelisa kho sungula
ngalesosikhathi Him is final phetho.
[64:4] He azi everything bhakabhaka hlaba He azi everything you gubadlela everything
you memezela. NKULUNKULU is fully aware of innermost CABANGO.
[64:5] you noted labo fanele disbelieved dlulile ngalesosikhathi jeza phetho bo gwebo?
They incurred buhlungu retribution.
[64:6] Lo is bo gijimi thathaza them khuculula bonakaliso they tshela Shall we landela
humans us? They disbelieved jikisa! NKULUNKULU CHA DINGA them;
NKULUNKULU is ngaphakathi hhayi dingo NCOMEKA.
[64:7] Labo disbelieved thola ukuthi they cha resurrected Ehe bala nga mi Lord you
resurrected you naka necala everything you enza! Lo is kalula NKULUNKULU enza.
[64:8] Ngakho you kholwa NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi khanya lowo we phendla
nantu. NKULUNKULU is fully Cognizant of everything you ENZA.
[64:9] Suku sondela uma He mema you Suku of Mema! Lowo is Suku of Nxa Sola!
Anyone kholwa NKULUNKULU phila ngakhethi pilo He remit akhe ono mukela him
nga gadi thutheleka fudlana! They abide therein unomphelo. Lo is nkulu ahlula.
[64:10] Njengoba for labo disbelieve bhunkula ithu vulamehlo they are dwellers
Hellfire; they abide therein phakade! Babe dabukisa phetho!
[64:11] Nothing enzeka you except ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu tando
Anyone kholwa NKULUNKULU He khaphi akhe hliziyo NKULUNKULU is fully
aware of BONKE TO.
[64:12] You hlonipha NKULUNKULU you hlonipha gijimi. you jikisa ngalesosikhathi
soli thunywa ithu gijimi is sindise biko!
NKULUNKULU kholwa ethemba.
[64:14] O you kholwa kho owakwakhe kho ntwana be kho mabonwabulawe; elusa. you
xolela khohlwa thethelela ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is Forgiver Nomusa!
[64:15] Kho mali ntwana are vivinyo NKULUNKULU possesses nkulu recompense
[64:16] Ngakho you hlonipho NKULUNKULU you azi lalela hlonipha epha sa) kho khe
sizakala! Anyone biyela akhe khe qonqela la are nempumelelo ones.
[64:17] you lend NKULUNKULU boleko righteousness He gaya kokhelo you manifold
thethelela you. NKULUNKULU is Appreciative Clement
[64:18] Knower of bonke fihlo memezelo; Almighty Hlakaniphile.
65- Ahlukaniso (Al-Talaaq)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[65:1] O you phrofethi uma you ntu hlukana kosikazi you qiniseka ahlukaniso interim
gcina! You kala njalo interim impela. You hlonipho NKULUNKULU kho Lord Cha
evict them bo khaya nor shall you fuduka pilo dabukisa them bophezela them hamba on
bo khe, they bophezela proven phinga! La are Nkulunkulu thetho. Anyone transgresses
Nkulunkulu thetho bophezela okungemthetho himself. You ze azi; mhlawumbe
NKULUNKULU tando to sizakala sondela lo.
[65:2] Ngaphambili interim gcina you buyisana them equitably thathaza ehlukana
equitably! You fanele 2 equitable bona bona ahlukaniso NKULUNKULU! Lo is
khanyisa labo kholwa NKULUNKULU Emuva Suku. Anyone hlonipho
NKULUNKULU He qamba exit him.
[65:3] tando hlinzeka for him lapho he ze lindela! Anyone ethemba NKULUNKULU
He suffices him. Nkulunkulu phatha enza! NKULUNKULU decreed everything WO
[65:4] Njengoba for kosikazi finyelela menopause you fanele phi khonondo bo interim
be 3 yanga. Njengoba for labo cha menstruate fumanisa they are khulelwe bo interim
phetho upon epha zala! Anyone hlonipho NKULUNKULU He fuduka everything kalula
[65:5] Lo is Nkulunkulu phatha ukuthi He sa phansi you! Anyone hlonipho
NKULUNKULU He remits akhe ono kokhelo him generously.
[65:6] You sondela them zwa ngaphakathi fana khaya ngaphakathi which they zwa you
cha fuduka pilo dabukisa them they hamba on bo khe! they are khulelwe you chitha them
they epha zala. they hlenga gane you khokhela them lo sebenzi. You gcina amicable
hlobo you. you ahluka you qasha another kosikazi hlenga ntwana.
[65:7] Nothile yeni hlinzeka shoka ngaphakathi accordance nga akhe mali phofu
hlinzeka mali ukuthi NKULUNKULU pha upon him! NKULUNKULU CHA
[65:8] Ningi gwamanda melana poqo wo Lord Akhe gijimi. Consequently we naka them
strictly necala requited them thusa requital.
[65:9] They jeza phetho bo gwebo; profound dleko.
[65:10] NKULUNKULU HLOMELA them NZIMA retribution. Ngakho you hlonipho
NKULUNKULU O you possess biko kholwa! NKULUNKULU SA PHANSI you BIKO
[65:11] Gijimi hlabelela kuze you Nkulunkulu vulamehlo ngembala kuze phila labo
kholwa sebenza righteousness cime nga khanya! Anyone kholwa NKULUNKULU phila
ngakhethi pilo He mukela him gadi thutheleka fudlana; they abide therein phakade!
NKULUNKULU tando generously KLOMELA him!
thutheleka them. Lo is qhashisa you azi ukuthi NKULUNKULU is Omnipotent lowo
NKULUNKULU is fully aware of bonke to!
66- Enqabelo (Al-Tahreem)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[66:1] O you phrofethi ngani you vala babe NKULUNKULU ncisheka fuduka
semthethweni you fanele eqinisweni siza kho kosikazi? NKULUNKULU is Forgiver
[66:3] Phrofethi ethemba nye of akhe kosikazi okuthile sho ngalesosikhathi fike of them
embula it NKULUNKULU qhashisa him azi it He ngalesosikhathi chazela akhe kosikazi
of hlukana of khishwa bambalala hla! She buza him Bani chazela you of lo? He tshela I
chazela nga Omniscient Cognizant
[66:4] 2 of you phenduka NKULUNKULU ngalesosikhathi kho hliziyo lalela. you
bhendi ngokusondelana him ngalesosikhathi NKULUNKULU is akhe sizana futhi
kanjalo is Gabriel ngakhethi kholwa. Noma gelosi are akhe hlengi.
[66:5] he hlukana you akhe Lord shintsha nye kosikazi kho dawo are kahle than you;
submitters (Muslims) kholwa (Mu'mins) lalela repentant worshipers zenzisa noma
ngaphambili gcagca virgins.
[66:6] O you kholwa biyela kho hlobo nga Hellfire phethiloli is ntu dwala! Vika it are
stern qinile gelosi ze disobey NKULUNKULU; they enza whatever they phatha enza!
[66:7] O you disbelieved cha xolisa namhla! You requited yodwa babe you enza.
[66:8] O you kholwa you phenduka NKULUNKULU qatha nguquko. Kho Lord
ngalesosikhathi remit kho ono mukela you nga gadi thutheleka fudlana! On lowo suku
NKULUNKULU tando cha guba phrofethi labo kholwa him! Bo pholile radiate them
futhi kuze bo manje. They tshela Ithu Lord kahle ithu pholile us thethelela us; You are
[66:9] O phrofethi zabalazo disbelievers bulu be stern them. Bo abode is Gehenna
dabukisa phetho.
[66:10] NKULUNKULU cites BONAKALISO of LABO disbelieved KOSIKAZI of
NOWA KOSIKAZI DIKI. They gcagca 2 of ithu ngakhethi chaka they dazula them
consequently they cha lamula them kwa bonke NKULUNKULU! 2 of them thasisela
Ngena Hell-fire labo hola it
[66:11] Futhi NKULUNKULU cites bonakaliso of labo kholwa kosikazi Pharaoh. She
tshela Mi Lord akha khaya me You ngaphakathi Pharadisi beka me nga Pharaoh akhe
sebenza; khulula me nga transgressing ntu!
[66:12] Noma Mary Amramite. She gcina wo chastity ngalesosikhathi we thathaza wo
ithu futho. She kholwa zwi wo Lord Akhe scriptures; she was lalela.
67- Kingship (Al-Mulk)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[67:1] exalted is Fike whose andla is bonke kingship He is Omnipotent
[67:2] Fike qamba fa pilo for the hloso of ahlukanisa labo among you hle He is
Almighty the Xolela.
[67:3] He qamba 7 universes ngaphakathi qeqeba You cha bheka phi imperfection dalo
nga the Ningi Gracious. qhubeka bukeka; you bheka phi veve?
[67:4] dlozinga buye futhi buye; kho bobo buya stumped ahlula!
[67:5] We gqizisa fushane universe khanyiso vika wo dini nga projectiles dimoni; we
hlomela them retribution Hogo.
[67:6] For labo disbelieved bo Lord retribution Gehenna. Babe dabukisa phetho.
[67:7] Uma they juba therein they zwa wo furor it thunqa!
[67:8] It cishe zumbuka laka. Whenever xuku juba therein wo lindi is buza them you
cha thola warner?
[67:9] They phendula Ehe bala; warner enza sondela us we disbelieved tshela
‘NKULUNKULU cha phendla anything! You are ngokupheleleyo astray. '
[67:10] They noma tshela we zwa azi we cha be dwellers Hogo!
[67:11] Kanjeyana they confessed bo ono. Woe kuze dwellers Hogo.
[67:12] Njengoba for labo hlonipho bo Lord uma lodwa ngaphakathi bo bawedwa they
attained yekelo nkulu recompense
[67:13] you qhubeka kho veza ngasese memezela them He is fully aware of innermost
[67:14] He cha azi babe He Should qamba? He is Sublime Cognizant
[67:15] He is Fike faka Hlaba kho sebenzi. Zululeka wo khona phanga Akhe hlinzeka!
Kuze Him is final mema
[67:16] you qinisekisa lowo Fike bhakabhaka cha phansula hlaba banga it enza
[67:17] you qinisekisa Fike bhakabhaka cha sa you khulu phepho? you ngalesosikhathi
nanela azisa Mi khuza?
[67:18] Others them disbelieved kanjani thusa was Mi requital!
[67:19] they cha bheka bazana fanele them hlela hlu sakazwa bo khono? The Ningi
Gracious is Fike naka them ngaphakathi the oya He is Phrofethi bonke to.
[67:20] ndawonaphi labo butho are lamula you against the Ningi Gracious? Bala
disbelievers khohlanisa.
[67:21] Bani is ashila kuze hlinzeka for you He withholds Akhe hlinzeka? Bala they
cwilisa de nga sono enyanya.
[67:22] fike bhushuzela khashana Is slumped akhe bombo kahle guided fike bani
bhushuzela kahle lungile dlela?
[67:23] Zwi He is Fike omula you pha you zwa bobo gqondo. Rarely are you
[67:24] Zwi He is Fike beka you hlaba futhi Him you mema.
[67:25] They selelo Uma lowo bikezelo sondela qeda you are truthful?
[67:26] Tshela Njalo azani is NKULUNKULU; I am hhayi ningi than manifest warner!
[67:27] Uma they bheka it enzeka bombo of labo disbelieved jikisa dabukisa proclaimed
Lo is babe you sebenzisa bhinqa!
[67:28] Zwi NKULUNKULU juqula bhubhisa me labo withme hlambi us nga Akhe sa
is khona biyela disbelievers buhlungu retribution?
[67:29] Zwi He is the Ningi Gracious; we kholwa Him we ethemba Him. You enza
surely thola cishile bani is nempela de astray!
[67:30] Tshela Babe noma kho nzi vunduza eceleni bani hlinzeka you enza msulwa nzi?
68- Peni (Al-Qalam)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[68:1] Stela peni babe they (ntu) loba.
[68:2] You attained nkulu busiso nga kho Lord you cha are sangene.
[68:3] You attained recompense kahle hola.
[68:4] You hlahlamelisa nkulu moral ci.
[68:5] You bheka they bheka.
[68:6] Which of you fela.
[68:7] Kho Lord is fully aware of labo bani strayed Akhe dlela He is fully aware of labo
[68:8] Cha hlonipha rejectors!
[68:9] They fisa you vumelwano they kakhulu vumelwano
[68:10] Cha hlonipha gcwele lowly swearer!
[68:11] Cekefuli sikibunda.
[68:12] Forbidder sa transgressor oni.
[68:13] Unappreciative bukhali.
[68:14] Fana noma he possessed ngokwanele mali ntwana.
[68:15] Uma ithu vulamehlo hlabelela him he tshela Daba nga dlule
[68:16] We phawula akhe bombo.
[68:17] We hlola them fana we hlola nini gadi bani funga they vuna it ekuseni.
[68:18] They were kanjalo kasibili impela.
[68:19] dlula (phepho) nga kho Lord qeda it ngenkathi they were lele!
[68:20] Nga sa it was barren
[68:21] They bizela on each nye ekuseni.
[68:22] Vuna vuno!
[68:23] On bo dlela they confided each nye
[68:24] Lowo nga ngalesosikhathi on none of them be phofu.
[68:25] They were kanjalo kasibili impela of bo vuno.
[68:26] Uma they bheka it they tshela We were kanjalo ngacabangi!
[68:27] Kalokhu we fanele nothing!
[68:28] Ngakhethi among them tshela Noma yodwa you dumisa (Nkulunkulu)!
[68:29] They tshela Dumo be ithu Lord We transgressed
[68:30] They donsa sola each nye
[68:31] They tshela Woe kuze us. We ona.
[68:32] Azi ithu Lord pha us hle fike! We phenduka ithu Lord
[68:33] njalo was requital. retribution Hereafter is de ngcolile they yodwa azi.
[68:34] Ngakhethi hola bo Lord gadi sindiso!
[68:35] we thokozisa Submitters bhulukhasi?
[68:36] Babe is ngacabangi nga kho logic?
[68:37] you ncisheka another bhuku uphold?
[68:38] ngaphakathi it you cosha anything you want
[68:39] you thola nesithunzi ethembiso nga us lowo pho you whatever you fisa Suku
[68:40] Buza them Bani qinisekisa lo for you?
[68:41] they fanele Thixo? Qhashisa bo Thixo lamula them they are truthful!
[68:42] Suku sondela uma they dalula they be swela wa prostrate they be unable kuze!
[68:43] Nga bo bobo thulile fojisa dibikeza them. They mema wa prostrate uma they
were phelele able
[68:44] Ngakho qhashisa Me enza labo bhunkula lo Hadith; we phila them on lapho
they ze perceive
[68:45] I epha them ngokwanele bopho scheming is sabeka!
[68:46] you buza them mali they burdened hlawulo?
[68:47] they azi gomuso? they ncisheka it bhalisa?
[68:48] You steadfastly phikelela enza poqo kho Lord Cha be (Jonah) balula hlanzi.
[68:49] Noma cha were akhe Lord's sa he khipha qwathule oni.
[68:50] Akhe Lord thokozisa him enza him ngakhethi!
[68:51] Labo disbelieved tshengisa bo chwaneka bo bobo uma they zwa biko tshela He
is sangene!
[68:52] It is eqinisweni biko hlaba.
69- Incontestable (Al-Haaqqah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[69:1] incontestable (enzo).
[69:2] Babe incontestable (enzo)!
[69:3] It is impela incontestable.
[69:4] Thamoud ‘Aad disbelieved Shocker.
[69:5] Njengoba for Thamoud they bhubhisa bhubhisa zamazama
[69:6] Njengoba for ‘Aad they bhubhisa de khulu phepho.
[69:7] He unleashed it them 7 suku 8 suku indlukula. You bheka ntu thosa cishe fana
bola tende boko!
[69:8] you cosha phi khondo of them?
[69:9] Pharaoh others him oni Sodom) were wicked.
[69:10] They disobeyed gijimi bo Lord Consequently He requited them bhubhisa
[69:11] Guguleka bhubhisa we ntanta you ntanta (ark).
[69:12] We nikeza it fundo you phi lalela kintsho azi.
[69:13] Uma phondo thathaza ngaphambili.
[69:14] Hlaba taba yisa off hlifiza; ngokupheleleyo hlifiza!
[69:15] is suku uma ngenakugwemeka enzo sondela qeda!
[69:16] Bhakabhaka qhahaza zumeka hlukene.
[69:17] Gelosi be Kho Lord's dominion ngalesosikhathi encompass 8 (universes)!
[69:18] Lowo suku you dalula nothing of you sitheza.
[69:19] Njengoba for fike bani thola akhe bhalisa akhe lungile andla he tshela Sondela
funda mi thayela!
[69:20] I enza kholwa I naka necala.
[69:21] He hola jabulile pilo.
[69:22] ngaphakathi exalted Pharadisi.
[69:23] Wo thelo are ngaphakathi finyelela!
[69:24] Phanga phuza happily emuva kho sebenzi suku dlule!
[69:25] Njengoba for him yekela akhe bhalisa akhe ngakwesobunxele andla he tshela
Hawu I fiso I ze thola mi thayela!
[69:26] I fiso I ze azi mi zibika.
[69:27] I fiso mi fa was naphakade.
[69:28] Mi mali cha lamula me
[69:29] Lonke mi dlakathi is hamba".
[69:30] Fuza him shackle him!
[69:31] sha him ngaphakathi Hogo.
[69:32] ngaphakathi sheyini is 70 galo de fasa him!
[69:33] For he cha kholwa NKULUNKULU Nkulu
[69:34] Nor enza he khulumela phakela of phofu
[69:35] Consequently he cha fanele ngane nantu.
[69:36] Nor phi dla except baba hlobonhlobo.
[69:37] dla for oni.
[69:38] I funga babe you bheka.
[69:39] Futhi babe you cha bheka.
[69:40] Lo is veza honorable gijimi.
[69:41] Cha veza yosi; rarely enza you kholwa.
[69:42] Nor veza soothsayer; rarely enza you fuza heed
[69:43] Vulamehlo nga Lord universe.
[69:44] fanele he khuluma phi nye fundiso.
[69:45] We jezisa him.
[69:46] We vimba vulamehlo him.
[69:47] None of you lamula him.
[69:48] Lo is khumbuzo for the ngakhethi.
[69:49] We azi; nye of you are rejectors.
[69:50] It is sizi disbelievers.
[69:51] It is phelele yaniso.
[69:52] Ngakho you dumisa gama kho Lord Nkulu
70- De (Al-Ma'aarej)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[70:1] Buzi funa ngenakugwemeka retribution.
[70:2] For disbelievers none vimba it
[70:3] Nga NKULUNKULU; Possessor phezulu De.
[70:4] Gelosi bo riphothi ehlika kuze Him ngaphakathi suku lingana 50000 nyaka.
[70:5] Ngakho you resort gracious bekezela.
[70:6] For they bheka it le.
[70:7] Ngenkathi we bheka it kakhulu cimeza!
[70:8] Suku sondela uma bhakabhaka be molten dwala.
[70:9] Taba be fluffy volo.
[70:10] Hhayi ngane letha akhe cimeza ngane.
[70:11] Uma they bheka them necala tando fisa he epha akhe khe ntwana njengoba
hlenga onga him retribution lowo suku!
[70:12] Noma akhe owakwakhe akhe fo.
[70:13] Ngaphambi akhe phelele qu vubukula him.
[70:14] Fana bonke ntu hlaba noma it khulula him.
[70:15] Hhayi; it is aflame.
[70:16] fisa bambeka!
[70:17] It bizela on labo jikisa.
[70:18] Labo hoarded bala!
[70:19] Bala ntu is fisa.
[70:20] Noma namatha adversity dangele
[70:21] Noma hlahlamelisa cebi ncishana
[70:22] Except for worshipers.
[70:23] Bani dine sebenzisa bo thintana thandazo (Salat)!
[70:24] Hla bo mali is hlaziya eceleni.
[70:25] For phofu dinga
[70:26] They kholwa Suku Ehlulelo.
[70:27] They hlonipho bo Lord's requital.
[70:28] Bo Lord's requital cha fuza for pha!
[70:29] They qhubeka bo chastity.
[70:30] (They fanele hlobo) yodwa bo owakwakhe babe is legally theirs -!
[70:31] anyone transgresses la ncele is oni.
[70:32] Kholwa qhubeka bo zwi; they are trustworthy.
[70:33] BO FAKAZI is truthful.
[70:34] They consistently sebenzisa bo thintana thandazo (Salat) on khathi!
[70:35] They hola khundla honor Pharadisi.
[70:36] babe qhubeka labo is disbelieved xhumelela you?
[70:37] Kuze the manje kuze yeka they baleka!
[70:38] kanjani fantshi phi of them lindela ngena mnandi Pharadisi?
[70:39] Ze; we qamba them they azi nga babe!
[70:40] I solemnly funga Lord of phumalanga shonalanga; we are able -
[70:41] Kuze shintsha kahle ntu kho dawo; we ze tshoda!
[70:42] Ngakho qhashisa them phazama dlala they hlangabeza suku mela them!
[70:43] Lowo is suku they sondela ngcwaba ngokuphangisa njengoba noma elusa
(sacrificial) lathi!
[70:44] Nga bo bobo thulile hlazo dibikeza them. Lowo is suku mela them.
71- Nowa (Nowa)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[71:1] We sa Nowa akhe ntu You khuza kho ntu buhlungu retribution hlupha them!
[71:2] He tshela O mi ntu I am manifest warner kuze you.
[71:3] Kuze khathaza you lowo you khonza NKULUNKULU hlonipho Him hlonipha
[71:4] He ngalesosikhathi thethelela you kho ono phefu you for predetermined kathi!
ningi assuredly Nkulunkulu bekwa ze mukela ngaphambili it is khona, you yodwa azi.
[71:5] He tshela Mi Lord I mema mi ntu suku suku.
[71:6] Mi bizo yodwa ongeza bo enyanya.
[71:7] Whenever I mema them thethelela You they beka bo nwe bo kintsho mbozekile
themselves nga bo ambatho phikelela jikisa zidla!
[71:8] Ngalesosikhathi I mema them publicly.
[71:9] Ngalesosikhathi I proclaimed them loudly I poli kuze them privately.
[71:10] I tshela ‘Nxusa kho Lord yekelo; He Thethelela!
[71:11] ‘He ngalesosikhathi yithela you generously mvula
[71:12] Hlinzeka you mali ntwana orchards fudlana. '!
[71:13] ngani you cha phokophela should hlonipho NKULUNKULU?
[71:14] He is Fike qamba you ngaphakathi dlala!
[71:15] you cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU qamba 7 universes ngaphakathi
ncisheka qeqeba
[71:16] He sungula yanga therein be khanya beka langa be khanyiso!
[71:17] Nkulunkulu feca you hlaba mila.
[71:18] Ngalesosikhathi He phinda you it He surely fikisa you cishile!
[71:19] NKULUNKULU fuduka HLABA habitable you.
[71:20] Lowo you akha gwaqo therein.
[71:21] Nowa tshela Mi Lord they disobeyed me landela labo were fana khohlakala uma
hlahlamelisa mali ntwana!
[71:22] They schemed thusa cebo.
[71:23] They tshela cha dela kho Nkulunkulu! Cha dela Wadd Suwaa Yaghouth Ya ooq
Nasr. '!
[71:24] They khohlanisa ningi Ngakho qhashisa wicked cwilisa de nga dleko
[71:25] Ba of bo ono they cwilisa assigned hellfire. They cha thola hlengi biyela them
[71:26] Nowa noma tshela Mi Lord cha hamba mbalwa disbeliever hlaba.
[71:27] Noma you qhashisa them they yodwa khohlanisa kho chaka zala nothing wicked
[71:28] Mi Lord thethelela me mi zali anyone ngena mi khaya njengoba kholwa bonke
kholwa doda kosikazi! Cha epha disbelievers anything bhuqe!
72- Jinns (Al-Jinn)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[72:1] Zwi I faka lowo xuku jinns lalela ngalesosikhathi tshela ‘We zwa mangalisa
[72:2] It khaphi righteousness we fanele kholwa it we ze akha phi Thixo ithu Lord
[72:3] ‘"The Ningi Phezulu is ithu lodwa Lord He ze fanele ngane nor dodana.
[72:4] It is buwula among us sebenzisa khuluma njalo panya NKULUNKULU!
[72:5] ‘We cabanga lowo neither humans nor jinns possibly khuluma nga
[72:6] Ntu sebenzisa khonga dlakathi jinn dalwa they yodwa hlupha them a diki of
[72:7] ‘They cabanga ngakhethi fana you cabango NKULUNKULU cha sa another
[72:8] ‘We namatha bhakabhaka thola it gcwalisa sabeka lindi projectiles.
[72:9] ‘We sebenzisa faka khona ngaphakathi landelana hlola! Anyone lalela landela
qinile projectile
[72:10] ‘We cha fanele bono to ngcolile khankanya hlali Hlaba noma noma bo Lord
tando sindisa them.
[72:11] ‘"Nye of us are ngakhethi nye are ncanyana than ngakhethi; we landela
nhlobonhlobo dlela.
[72:12] ‘We azi gcwele kahle we ze qhaqha NKULUNKULU Hlaba; we ze qhaqha
[72:13] ‘Uma we zwa hola we kholwa therein. Anyone kholwa akhe Lord ze saba phi
okungemthetho nor phi vivinywa.
[72:14] ‘Among us are submitters us are compromisers. ' Njengoba for labo faka they
are lungile dlela.
[72:15] Njengoba for compromisers they be phethiloli for Gehenna.
[72:16] they sala ngokufaneleyo dlela we hlahlamelisa them yinsada nzi.
[72:17] We surely hlola them lonke. Njengoba for him bambalala biko akhe Lord He
qondisa him nanini nyuka retribution.
[72:18] Dawo konzo fanele kuze NKULUNKULU; cha bizela on anyone noma
[72:19] Uma Nkulunkulu chaka khulumela Him wodwa cishe bonke of them banded
ngokusondelana phikisa him!
[72:20] Zwi I konzo yodwa mi Lord I ze akha phi Thixo Him.
[72:21] Zwi I cha possess dlakathi ona you nor khaphi you!
[72:22] Zwi "Hhayi fike biyela me NKULUNKULU nor fantshi I cosha phi nye
ephephelo Him.
[72:23] I sindise Nkulunkulu aziso biko Labo disobey NKULUNKULU Akhe gijimi
incur lilo Hogo wherein they abide phakade!
[72:24] Ngaphambili they bheka babe mela them they enza thola cishile bani is nempela
xega ngaphakathi dlakathi ngcosana ngaphakathi ndikindiki!
[72:25] Zwi I cha azi babe thembisa you enzeka masinyane noma mi Lord mukela it for
[72:26] He is Knower gomuso; He cha phendla gomuso anyone.
[72:27] Yodwa kuze gijimi He enyula enza He phendla dlule za thize biko.
[72:28] Lo is qiniseka ukuthi they sindise bo Lord's biko. He is fully aware of babe they
fanele He bala shicilelo bonke to.
73- Cloaked (Al-Muzzammil)!
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[73:1] O you cloaked fike
[73:2] Zindla suku except rarely!
[73:3] Hhafu of it a ngcosana ncanyana
[73:4] Noma a ngcosana ningi Funda Quran khava dibikeza!
[73:5] We epha you sinda biko.
[73:6] meditation bhadakazi is nomphumela ngakhethi.
[73:7] You fanele a diki of khathi suku nye buzo.
[73:8] You khumbula gama kho Lord sondela nanini closer closer kuze Him!
[73:9] Lord of phumalanga shonalanga; nanso cha is nye Nkulunkulu Him. You enyula
Him kho buzeli.
[73:10] Futhi sala steadfast ngaphakathi the bombo of bo veza bambalala them
ngaphakathi hle dlela!
[73:11] Qhashisa Me enza rejectors generously hlahlamelisa; eqinisweni epha them a
ngcosana khathi!
[73:12] We fanele nzima jeziso Hogo.
[73:13] dla lowo bi khinsa buhlungu retribution.
[73:14] Suku sondela uma hlaba taba zamazama taba jikisa nga weightless mbundu!
[73:15] We fanele hambisa kuze you gijimi eqinisweni njengoba we hambisa kuze
Pharaoh gijimi!
[73:16] Pharaoh disobeyed gijimi consequently we jezisa him kabi.
[73:17] you disbelieve kanjani you balekela suku kanjalo thusa ukuthi it enza gane grayhaired?
[73:18] Bhakabhaka zuka therefrom Akhe thembiso is qiniseka!
[73:19] Lo is khumbuzo; whoever tando qhashisa him enyula dlela kuze akhe Lord
[73:20] Kho Lord azi ukuthi you zindla two-thirds suku hhafu it one-third of it futhi
kanjalo ncisheka nye of labo bani kholwa you! NKULUNKULU SUNGULA SUKU
SUKU He AZI LOWO you DINE CHA ENZA LO. He xolela you. Mane you funda babe
you fantshi Quran. He azi lowo nye of you azi be kabi, others hamba pursuit Nkulunkulu
hlinzeka others phokophela zathu NKULUNKULU! You funda babe you fantshi it
sebenzisa thintana thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat) lend NKULUNKULU
boleko righteousness. Whatever sizakala you sa phambili kho phefumulo you cosha it
NKULUNKULU kude hle generously klomela! Futhi nxusa NKULUNKULU yekelo!
74- Fihlekile Fihlo (Al-Muddath-thir)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[74:1] O you sitheza fihlo!
[74:2] Wunduka futhi khuza!
[74:3] Extol kho Lord
[74:4] Hlamba kho bhinco!
[74:5] Fulathela babe is ngacabangi!
[74:6] Be content kho diki.
[74:7] Steadfastly khumbula kho Lord
[74:8] Ngalesosikhathi uma phondo thathaza.
[74:9] Lowo be lukhuni suku.
[74:10] For disbelievers cha lula.
[74:11] Qhashisa Me enza fike I qamba ntu!
[74:12] I hlinzeka him diki mali.
[74:13] Ntwana kuze bukela
[74:14] I fuduka everything kalula him.
[74:15] Se he is bukhali for ningi
[74:16] He stubbornly zaba amukela la bonakaliso!
[74:17] I increasingly jezisa him.
[74:18] For he cabangisisa ngalesosikhathi juqula!
[74:19] Dabukisa is babe he juqula.
[74:20] Dabukisa bala is babe he juqula.
[74:21] He bukeka.
[74:22] He ficiza nswininiza!
[74:23] Ngalesosikhathi he jikisa arrogantly.
[74:24] He tshela Lo is nobungcweti loya!
[74:25] Lo is obuntu fuduka
[74:26] I bophezela him retribution.
[74:27] babe retribution!
[74:28] Cophelelwe comprehensive
[74:29] Sobala kuze bonke ntu.
[74:30] Dlulile it is 19.
[74:31] We khetha gelosi be londolozi Hogo we assigned bo shicilelo (19) (1) guba
disbelievers (2) vumisa Kholwa Juda lo is sezulwini scripture) (3) qinisa kholo of
thembekile (4) enyula bonke khondo of ngabaza hliziyo Kholwa Juda noma kuhle kholwa
(5) dalula labo harbor ngabaza bo hliziyo disbelievers; they tshela Babe enza
NKULUNKULU ncintshana lo allegory? NKULUNKULU ngakho sa astray whomever
He tando futhi khaphi whomever He tando! None azi butho kho Lord except He! Lo is
khumbuzo ntu.
[74:32] Kasibili I funga) yanga.
[74:33] Futhi suku it qeda.
[74:34] Futhi sa it pholisha.
[74:35] Lo is fike of nkulu mangaliso.
[74:36] Khuza kuze obuntu zwe.
[74:37] Labo among you fisa tsheleka regress.
[74:38] Gcwele phefumulo giba wo ono.
[74:39] Except for labo on lungelo.
[74:40] Ngenkathi Pharadisi they buza.
[74:41] Kusukela necala
[74:42] Babe fikisa you lo retribution?
[74:43] They tshela We cha sebenzisa thintana thandazo (Salat).
[74:44] We cha phakela phofu.
[74:45] We phazama blunderers.
[74:46] We disbelieved Suku Ehlulelo.
[74:47] Kuze qiniseko sondela us manje.
[74:48] intercession intercessors ze lamula them.
[74:49] ngani are they kanjalo averse kuze lo khumbuzo?
[74:50] Sukeleka dube.
[74:51] Bani baleka bhubesi!
[74:52] each fike of them want ncisheka thola scripture personally
[74:53] Bala they cha saba Hereafter
[74:54] Bala lo is khumbuzo.
[74:55] Labo fisa fuza heed
[74:56] They cha fuza heed against Nkulunkulu tando He is deku righteousness; He is
deku yekelo.
75- Vuko (Al-Qeyaamah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[75:1] I funga Suku Vuko.
[75:2] I funga sola phefumulo!
[75:3] Ntu zindla we cha reconstruct akhe lenze?
[75:4] Ehe bala; we are able kuze reconstruct akhe nwe bhansela!
[75:5] Ntu gebela kholwa yodwa babe he bheka him!
[75:6] He ngabaza Suku Vuko!
[75:7] Ngaphambili bona cija.
[75:8] Futhi yanga eclipsed
[75:9] Langa yanga phahlazeka fike another
[75:10] Ntu tshela suku is baleka?
[75:11] Kasibili nanso cha is sinda!
[75:12] Kuze kho Lord on lowo suku is final phetho.
[75:13] Ntu be chazela on suku of everything he ncisheka tsheleka everything he
ncisheka regress!
[75:14] Ntu be akhe khe jaji.
[75:15] Hhayi xolela amukela!
[75:16] Cha shukuza kho limi khawuleza it
[75:17] is we koleka it Quran!
[75:18] Ngaphambili we hlabelela it you landela njalo Quran.
[75:19] Ngalesosikhathi it is we lungisa it
[75:20] Bala you thanda lo fleeting pilo.
[75:21] Ngenkathi bambalala Hereafter
[75:22] Nye bombo on lowo suku be jabulile.
[75:23] dlozinga bo Lord
[75:24] nye bhekana be lowo suku dabukisa.
[75:25] Lindela the ngcolile!
[75:26] Bala uma (phefumulo) finyelela bhongwane.
[75:27] it juba Dedela!
[75:28] He azi it is phetho.
[75:29] Each lenze pakisha motionless nye lenze.
[75:30] Kuze kho Lord on suku is the mema!
[75:31] For he sebenzisa neither sa nor thintana thandazo (Salat).
[75:32] he disbelieved jikisa!
[75:33] Nga akhe hlobo he dlala arrogantly.
[75:34] You hola lo.
[75:35] Bala you hola lo.
[75:36] Ntu zindla he thathaza nothing?
[75:37] he cha consi Was khipha semen?
[75:38] Ngalesosikhathi He qamba bungu it
[75:39] He enza it esilisa esifazane
[75:40] He Is ngalesosikhathi unable dlweza file
76- Obuntu (Al-Insaan)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[76:1] it cha phuzu Is lowo ashila khathi uma ntu nothing was was kuze sho?
[76:2] We qamba obuntu luketshezi vange nga 2 zali ngaphakathi landelana hlola him!
Kanjeyana we enza him ozwayo phrofethi.
[76:3] We tshengisa him 2 dlela ngalesosikhathi he is noma appreciative unappreciative.
[76:4] We hlomela disbelievers sheyini shackles languka Hogo!
[76:5] Njengoba for hlonipheka they phuza debe spiced nectar!
[76:6] Thombo bekisa Nkulunkulu chaka; it gush cishile kuhle they tando
[76:7] They fulfill bo bambiso hlonipho suku is kakhulu lukhuni.
[76:8] They donate bo favorite dla phofu kedama boshiwe
[76:9] We phakela you NKULUNKULU; we cha lindela klomela you nor ngiyabonga.
[76:10] We saba ithu Lord suku is gcwele of hlupheka cefe.
[76:11] Consequently NKULUNKULU biyela them bi lowo suku klomela them jabulo
[76:12] He klomela them for bo steadfastness Pharadisi silika.
[76:13] They vovononeka therein ngubuthofothofo furnishings. They jeza neither shisa
langa nor phi khaza.
[76:14] Thunzi dibikeza them therein thelo fikisa ngaphakathi finyelela!
[76:15] They sebenza phuza liva tsha debe lowo are translucent!
[76:16] Translucent debe noma fuduka liva they rightly hola lonke lo!
[76:17] They nambitheka tshwala mnandi flavors
[76:18] Nga thombo therein azi Salsabeel.
[76:19] Sebenza them be ngafi chaka! Uma you bheka them they dlozinga sakazeka
[76:20] Wherever you bukeka you bheka sindiso mangalisa dominion!
[76:21] On them be ambatho of luhlaza velivethe sethini liva hlobiso! Bo Lord hlinzeka
them msulwa tshwala.
[76:22] Lo is kokhelo mela you kho zabalazo nanela.
[76:23] We phendla you lo Quran; special vulamehlo nga us.
[76:24] You steadfastly enza kho Lord's thetho cha hlonipha phi nokona disbeliever
[76:25] Futhi khumbula gama kho Lord suku futhi suku!
[76:26] Ngenkathi suku wa prostrate phambili Him dumisa Him ningi de suku!
[76:27] La ntu preoccupied lo fleeting pilo ngenkathi bambalala! - Ngakhethi phambili
of them - Sinda suku.
[76:28] We qamba them sungula them futhi whenever we tando we shintsha others bo
[76:29] Lo is khumbuzo whoever tando enyula dlela kuze akhe Lord
[76:30] Whatever you enza is ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu tando
[76:31] He mukela whomever He tando nga Akhe sa. Njengoba for transgressors He
hlomela them buhlungu retribution.
77- Dispatched (Al-Mursalaat)!
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[77:1] (Gelosi) dispatched ngaphakathi yiba.
[77:2] Kuze gquba oya!
[77:3] Shukuma fu.
[77:4] Sabalala hlinzeka!
[77:5] sindise biko
[77:6] Hle biko noma kuhle khuza.
[77:7] babe thembisa sondela qeda!
[77:8] Ngakho uma basa veza.
[77:9] Bhakabhaka is bhobhoka!
[77:10] Taba qhumisa.
[77:11] Gijimi mema.
[77:12] Lowo is khetha suku.
[77:13] Suku Gwebo.
[77:14] babe Suku Gwebo!
[77:15] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:16] we cha bhubhisa kuseyisikhathi zukulwane?
[77:17] Ngalesosikhathi we enza others landela them?
[77:18] Lo is babe we enza bhulukhasi.
[77:19] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:20] we cha qamba you lowly etshezi?
[77:21] Ngalesosikhathi we beka it well-protected repository.
[77:22] For thize kathi.
[77:23] We kala it impela. We are hle designers!
[77:24] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:25] we cha enza hlaba abode?
[77:26] For fudumele file
[77:27] We beka it phezulu taba hlinzeka you nga sha chichiza phuza!
[77:28] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:29] Thathaza kuze babe you sebenzisa disbelieve ngaphakathi
[77:30] Thathaza thunzi of 3 balwa densities!
[77:31] Se it hlinzeka neither thunzi nor vikelo nga shisa.
[77:32] It juba hlamvu njengoba khulu njengoba mansions.
[77:33] njengoba phuzi njengoba color kamela.
[77:34] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:35] Lowo is suku they cha shono.
[77:36] Nor are they epha livu xolisa!
[77:37] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:38] Lo is Suku Gwebo. We mema you dlule zukulwane.
[77:39] you fanele phi cebo thathaza phambili cebo
[77:40] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:41] Ngakhethi tando nambitheka thunzi thombo
[77:42] Futhi thelo ukuthi they luba!
[77:43] Phanga phuza happily emuva kho sebenzi!
[77:44] We kanjeyana klomela the hlonipheka.
[77:45] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:46] Phanga nambitheka temporarily; you are necala!
[77:47] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:48] Uma they thasisela Khothama phansi they cha khothama phansi
[77:49] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[77:50] Which Hadith lo they uphold?
78- Enzo (Al-Naba)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[78:1] babe are they buzwa?
[78:2] Nkulu enzo.
[78:3] Lowo phikisa them.
[78:4] Bala they enza thola cishile!
[78:5] ningi assuredly they enza thola cishile!
[78:6] we cha enza hlaba habitable?
[78:7] Taba stabilizers?
[78:8] We qamba you ngane fike another
[78:9] We qamba lala kanjalo you hlomisa!
[78:10] We enza suku khava
[78:11] Suku khonga hlinzeka
[78:12] We akha you 7 universes.
[78:13] We qamba khanya khanyiso.
[78:14] We sa fu thela nzi.
[78:15] Kuze khiqiza it hlamvu mila!
[78:16] Futhi nhlobonhlobo orchards.
[78:17] Suku Gwebo khetha.
[78:18] Suku phondo thathaza you sondela ngaphakathi nyokotho
[78:19] Bhakabhaka be vuleka sango!
[78:20] Taba enyula njengoba they were mirage.
[78:21] Gehenna is ngenakugwemeka.
[78:22] For transgressors; it be bo abode.
[78:23] They bukisa it for banga.
[78:24] They ze zwa it thunzi nor tshwala.
[78:25] Yodwa inferno baba dla.
[78:26] Ngakhethi requital.
[78:27] They ze lindela naka necala!
[78:28] Ngokupheleleyo bhunkula ithu komba.
[78:29] We bala everything thayela.
[78:30] Jeza phetho; we yodwa ongeza kho retribution!
[78:31] Ngakhethi hola kokhelo!
[78:32] Orchards gilebhisi
[78:33] Magnificent owakwakhe.
[78:34] Mnandi tshwala.
[78:35] They ze zwa it phi panya nga.
[78:36] Kokhelo nga kho Lord phana recompense
[78:37] Lord of bhakabhaka hlaba everything them. The Ningi Gracious. Hhayi fike
abrogate Akhe gwebo.
[78:38] Suku sondela uma Futho gelosi bekezelela kelo! None shono labo vumela nga
the Ningi Gracious they khuluma yodwa babe is manje
[78:39] njalo is ngenakugwemeka suku. Whoever tando ngenisa him fuza ephephelo
akhe Lord
[78:40] We ngokwanele khuza you imminent retribution. Lowo is suku uma everyone
phenya babe akhe andla sa hambile disbeliever tshela Hawu I fiso I were thuli!
79- Snatchers (Al-Naaza'aat)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[79:1] (Gelosi hwitha (phefumulo disbelievers) forcibly.
[79:2] Futhi labo kahle fuza (phefumulo kholwa) joyfully.
[79:3] Futhi labo ntanta naphinaphi.
[79:4] Eagerly hadula fike another -!
[79:5] Kuze enza nhlobonhlobo poqo!
[79:6] Suku zamazama zamazama!
[79:7] Landela sekhendi thathaza!
[79:8] Okuthile naka novalo
[79:9] Bo bobo goga.
[79:10] They tshela We recreated ngcwaba!
[79:11] Kanjani lo enzeka ngasemuva we ncisheka fanele jikisa nga bolile lenze?
[79:12] They tshela Lo is lukhuni buyambo.
[79:13] Bonke it fuza is fike moma
[79:14] Whereupon they suka
[79:15] you azi lando Mose?
[79:16] Akhe Lord balula him ngcwele godi Tuwaa.
[79:17] Thathaza Pharaoh; he transgressed
[79:18] Thasisela him you cha guqula?
[79:19] Qhashisa me khaphi you kuze kho Lord ukuthi you jika reverent!
[79:20] He ngalesosikhathi tshengisa him nkulu mangaliso.
[79:21] he disbelieved melana!
[79:22] Ngalesosikhathi he jikisa ngokuphangisa.
[79:23] He mema proclaimed
[79:24] He tshela I am kho Lord phezulu.
[79:25] Consequently NKULUNKULU bophezela him kuze retribution Hereafter noma
kuhle ngaphakathi fike pilo.
[79:26] Lo is fundo for the reverent.
[79:27] you Are lukhuni qamba than bhakabhaka? He akha it
[79:28] He vubukula wo quba phelelisa it
[79:29] He enza wo suku mnyama gqama wo morn.
[79:30] He enza hlaba egg-shaped.
[79:31] Nga it He khiqiza wo khe nzi dlelo.
[79:32] He sungula taba.
[79:33] Lonke lo kuze hlinzeka pilo enzelelo you kho lwane!
[79:34] Ngalesosikhathi uma nkulu bhaklu sondela.
[79:35] Lowo is suku uma obuntu tando khumbula everything he enza.
[79:36] Hogo fikisa khona.
[79:37] Njengoba for fike transgressed
[79:38] Bani preoccupied lo pilo!
[79:39] Hogo be abode.
[79:40] Njengoba for fike bani reverenced majesty akhe Lord enjoined qobo nga nokona
[79:41] Pharadisi be abode.
[79:42] They buza you kakhulu Awa manini it enzeka!
[79:43] Cha is you (Muhammad) destined azisa wo khathi!
[79:44] Kho Lord juqula wo nxi.
[79:45] Kho thunywa is khuza labo lindela it
[79:46] Suku they bheka they thinta njengoba they lasted fike hwalala nxenye suku.
80- He Ficiza (Abasa)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[80:1] He (Muhammad) ficiza futhi jikisa!
[80:2] Uma phumputheka doda sondela him.
[80:3] kanjani you azi? He hlamba.
[80:4] he fuza heed sizo nga biko!
[80:5] Njengoba for nothile doda.
[80:6] You epha him kho lalelisisa
[80:7] Fana noma you cha qinisekisa akhe sindiso.
[80:8] fike sondela you eagerly.
[80:9] Futhi is nempela reverent.
[80:10] You thalalisa him.
[80:11] Bala lo is khumbuzo.
[80:12] Whoever tando fuza heed
[80:13] ngaphakathi honorable scriptures.
[80:14] Exalted msulwa
[80:15] (Loba) andla gijimi!
[80:16] Bani are honorable ngakhethi.
[80:17] Woe kuze ntu; he is kanjalo unappreciative!
[80:18] Babe He qamba him nga?
[80:19] Nga nci consi He qamba him sungula him!
[80:20] Ngalesosikhathi He khomba dlela him.
[80:21] Ngalesosikhathi He faka him fa nga ngcwaba.
[80:22] Uma He tando He resurrects him.
[80:23] He uphold Akhe thetho.
[80:24] Qhashisa obuntu cabanga akhe dla!
[80:25] We thela nzi generously.
[80:26] Ngalesosikhathi we phehleka zathu vulekile.
[80:27] We khula it hlamvu
[80:28] gilebhisi dlelo.
[80:29] Hlwathi tende.
[80:30] Hlobonhlobo orchards.
[80:31] Thelo limo.
[80:32] Kuze hlinzeka pilo enzelelo you kho lwane!
[80:33] Ngalesosikhathi uma bhaklu sondela qeda!
[80:34] Lowo is suku uma fike baleka akhe fo.
[80:35] Nga akhe mame futhi yise.
[80:36] Nga akhe owakwakhe ntwana.
[80:37] Each fike of them on lowo suku thikimeza kakhulu akhe khe phetho!
[80:38] Nye bombo lowo suku be jabulile.
[80:39] hleka joyful.
[80:40] Nye bhekana ukuthi suku dibikeza hlupheka!
[80:41] Ahlula zisola!
[80:42] La are wicked disbelievers.
81- Ginqo (Al-Takweer)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[81:1] Uma langa ehla.
[81:2] Basa phahlazeka nga each nye
[81:3] Taba esula cishile.
[81:4] reproduction misa.
[81:5] Komo mema.
[81:6] Andle beka aflame.
[81:7] Phefumulo buyisa bo zimba.
[81:8] Tombazana gqiba alive buza:
[81:9] For babe cala she dlulisa?
[81:10] Thayela enza azi!
[81:11] Bhakabhaka enyula.
[81:12] Hogo ignited
[81:13] Pharadisi khona.
[81:14] Gcwele phefumulo azi everything it fikisa.
[81:15] I solemnly funga galaxies.
[81:16] Eqinisweni sukeleka bo orbits
[81:17] Nga suku it wa!
[81:18] Futhi morn it phefumula.
[81:19] Lo is veza honorable gijimi.
[81:20] Gunyaza Possessor Throne fully shoka!
[81:21] He hlonipha ethemba!
[81:22] Kho ngane (Rashad) cha is sangene.
[81:23] He bheka him phezulu khathizwe.
[81:24] He is bamba phi biko!
[81:25] It cha is hlebezi bhunkula dimoni.
[81:26] manje ngalesosikhathi ndawonaphi you thathaza?
[81:27] Lo is biko bonke ntu.
[81:28] Labo fisa thathaza kahle.
[81:29] Whatever you enza is ngaphakathi accordance nga tando NKULUNKULU Lord
82- Zuka (Al-Infitaar)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[82:1] Uma bhakabhaka zuka.
[82:2] Planethi sakazeka.
[82:3] Andle zumbuka.
[82:4] Ngcwaba vuleka.
[82:5] Gcwele phefumulo tando thola cishile babe banga it tsheleka babe banga it
[82:6] O you ntu babe buyisela you nga kho Lord Honorable?
[82:7] Fike qamba you sungula you phelelisa you.
[82:8] ngaphakathi whatever klamo He enyula He akha it
[82:9] Bala you disbelieve kolo.
[82:10] Oblivious kuze ukuthi nanso are (ngabonakali) lindi cishe you.
[82:11] They are hlonipheka recorders.
[82:12] They bhalisa everything you enza.
[82:13] Surely zenzisa hola sindiso!
[82:14] Ngenkathi wicked hola Hogo!
[82:15] incur it Suku Ehlulelo!
[82:16] They ze hamba it
[82:17] Awesome is Suku Ehlulelo.
[82:18] babe suku; Suku Ehlulelo!
[82:19] Lowo is suku uma hhayi phefumulo lamula another phefumulo bonke gwebo
lowo suku tando fanele kuze NKULUNKULU!
83- Cheaters (Al-Mutaffifeen)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[83:1] Woe kuze cheaters.
[83:2] Bani dinga gcwele gqi uma thola ntu!
[83:3] Uma buyisa them gqi kalo they hungula
[83:4] they cha azi ukuthi they resurrected
[83:5] On sabeka suku?
[83:6] Lowo is suku uma bonke ntu bekezelela Lord universe.
[83:7] Bala bhuku of wicked is Sijjeen.
[83:8] you azi babe Sijjeen ncisheka is
[83:9] numerically structured bhuku.
[83:10] Woe lowo suku kuze rejectors.
[83:11] They cha kholwa Suku Ehlulelo.
[83:12] None disbelieves therein transgressor the nokona.
[83:13] Uma ithu vulamehlo hlabelela him he tshela Daba nga dlule
[83:14] Bala bo hliziyo phathelana shielded bo ono.
[83:15] Bala they ahlukanisa lowo suku bo Lord
[83:16] Ngalesosikhathi they juba Hogo.
[83:17] They thasisela Lo is babe you sebenzisa landula!
[83:18] Bala bhuku ngakhethi tando be ‘Elleyyeen.
[83:19] you azi babe ‘Elleyyeen ncisheka is
[83:20] numerically structured bhuku.
[83:21] Kuze bona labo Me
[83:22] Ngakhethi hola sindiso!
[83:23] On ngubuthofothofo furnishings they qaphela.
[83:24] You recognize bo bombo jabulo sindiso.
[83:25] Bo tshwala spiced nectar.
[83:26] Wo spice is musk. Lo is babe competitors ncintisana for
[83:27] Xubene nga it be special flavors
[83:28] Thombo bekisa for labo Me
[83:29] wicked sebenzisa hleka kwa labo kholwa!
[83:30] Uma they qeda them they sebenzisa hlokoloza zijabulisa!
[83:31] Uma they suka ngokusondelana bo ntu they sebenzisa hlekisa!
[83:32] Whenever they bheka them they tshela La ntu are de astray!
[83:33] They cha fanele njalo to (ngabonakali) lindi.
[83:34] Namhla labo bani kholwa hleka disbelievers.
[83:35] On ngubuthofothofo furnishings they qaphela.
[83:36] ningi assuredly disbelievers requited babe they enza.
84- Aphulo (Al-Inshiqaaq)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[84:1] khathi sondela uma bhakabhaka gqobhoza.
[84:2] It faka wo Lord dilika!
[84:3] Hlaba hlelemba.
[84:4] It khipha wo contents it erupts!
[84:5] It faka wo Lord dilika!
[84:6] O humans you are irreversibly gama for buthano kho Lord
[84:7] Njengoba for fike bani thola akhe bhalisa akhe lungile andla!
[84:8] reckoning be lula.
[84:9] He phinda akhe ntu joyfully.
[84:10] Njengoba for fike bani thola akhe bhalisa emuva akhe dlulile!
[84:11] He gibela zisola.
[84:12] Bambeka ngaphakathi Hogo!
[84:13] He sebenzisa dlala arrogantly akhe ntu!
[84:14] He cabango he ze be bizela zibika
[84:15] Ehe bala akhe Lord was Phrofethi of him.
[84:16] I solemnly funga rosy hwalala.
[84:17] Futhi suku it embula.
[84:18] Yanga wo gaba.
[84:19] You shukuza kundla dlala.
[84:20] ngani they cha kholwa?
[84:21] Futhi uma Quran hlabelela them they cha wa prostrate
[84:22] Lo is labo disbelieved bhunkula (Quran).
[84:23] NKULUNKULU is fully aware of BO innermost CABANGO.
[84:24] Thembiso them buhlungu retribution.
[84:25] Njengoba for labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo they thola recompense is welldeserved!
85- Galaxies (Al-Burooj)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[85:1] Bhakabhaka wo galaxies.
[85:2] thembisa suku.
[85:3] Fakazi futhi the bona!
[85:4] Woe kuze ntu canyon.
[85:5] They ignited languka lilo.
[85:6] Ngalesosikhathi faka it
[85:7] Kuze qaphela sha kholwa!
[85:8] They belesela them hhayi nye phikisana than kholwa NKULUNKULU Almighty
the Ncomeka!
[85:9] Kuze Him fanele kingship of bhakabhaka hlaba! Nkulunkulu bona bonke to.
[85:10] Surely labo qhuba kholwa doda kosikazi ngalesosikhathi hlumba phenduka
incurred retribution Gehenna; they incurred retribution of bambeka!
[85:11] Surely labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo hola gadi thutheleka fudlana! Lo is
nkulu ahlula.
[85:12] Bala kho Lord's bhaklu is nzima.
[85:13] He is Fike bani omula phinde
[85:14] He is Thethelela Nomusa!
[85:15] Possessor mnandi throne
[85:16] Enzi of whatever He tando.
[85:17] you qaphela lando butho?
[85:18] Pharaoh Thamoud?
[85:19] Labo disbelieve hlupha phika.
[85:20] NKULUNKULU is fully aware of them.
[85:21] Bala it is mnandi Quran.
[85:22] ngaphakathi khweza phathi tablet.
86- Khanya Basa (Al-Taareq)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[86:1] Nga bhakabhaka Al-Taareq.
[86:2] you azi babe Al-Taareq ncisheka is
[86:3] Khanya basa.
[86:4] Kasibili everyone kahle vika.
[86:5] yoyosa obuntu cabangisisa akhe dalo!
[86:6] He qamba nga khipha luketshezi!
[86:7] Nga ngaphakathi funkulu viscera.
[86:8] He is impela able kuze resurrect him.
[86:9] Suku bonke fihlo phathelana azi!
[86:10] He fanele dlakathi nor hlengi!
[86:11] Nga bhakabhaka phinda (nzi).
[86:12] Nga hlaba dabuka khula mila).
[86:13] Lo is qinisile gxoxo.
[86:14] Cha kuze fuza ngokungenamsindo!
[86:15] They tula cebo.
[86:16] Kepha kanjalo enza I
[86:17] Eqinisweni phefu disbelievers fishane phefu!
87- Phetho (Al-Qadr)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[87:1] Dumisa gama kho Lord the Ningi Phezulu
[87:2] He qamba fomu
[87:3] He sungula khaphi.
[87:4] He khiqiza dlelo.
[87:5] Ngalesosikhathi jika it pholile hhoyi.
[87:6] We hlabelela you; cha khohlwa!
[87:7] Everything is ngaphakathi accordance nga Nkulunkulu tando He azi babe
memezela babe sitheza!
[87:8] We qondisa you lula dlela.
[87:9] Ngakho you khumbuza; khathisimbe khumbuzo sizo
[87:10] reverent tando fuza heed
[87:11] wicked tando xwaya it
[87:12] Consequently he jeza nkulu Hellfire.
[87:13] Wherein he ze phoqoka nor bukisa alive!
[87:14] Nempumelelo bala is fike sindisa akhe phefumulo.
[87:15] Nga khumbula gama akhe Lord sebenzisa thintana thandazo (Salat)!
[87:16] Bala you preoccupied lo fike pilo.
[87:17] Fana noma Hereafter is de kahle everlasting
[87:18] Lo bhalisa kuseyisikhathi fundiso.
[87:19] Fundiso of Abraham Mose.
88- Ahlula (Al-Ghaasheyah)!
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[88:1] Are you aware of the Ahlula
[88:2] Bombo lowo suku hlaza.
[88:3] Laboring futhi qeda.
[88:4] Hlupheka languka Hellfire.
[88:5] phuza nga flaming thombo.
[88:6] They cha fanele dla ngenalusizo hlobonhlobo.
[88:7] It ze ondla nor gculisa ashayandawonye
[88:8] Nye bhekana suku tando be gcwele of jabulo
[88:9] Gculisa bo sebenzi!
[88:10] ngaphakathi exalted Pharadisi.
[88:11] ngaphakathi it hhayi panya zwa.
[88:12] ngaphakathi it thombo thutheleka
[88:13] ngaphakathi it nanso are ngubuthofothofo furnishings.
[88:14] Phuza fuduka tholakala!
[88:15] pitchers ngaphakathi gwedla!
[88:16] Futhi cansi phela
[88:17] ngani they cha cabangisisa kamela futhi kanjani they qamba?
[88:18] Futhi bhakabhaka futhi kanjani it vubukula.
[88:19] Futhi taba futhi kanjani they akha.
[88:20] Futhi hlaba futhi kanjani it akha.
[88:21] You khumbuza kho thunywa is sindise lo khumbuzo!
[88:22] You fanele dlakathi them.
[88:23] Njengoba for labo jikisa disbelieve!
[88:24] NKULUNKULU tando BOPHEZELA them NKULU retribution.
[88:25] Kuze us is bo ultimate phetho.
[88:26] Ngalesosikhathi we bizela them zibika
89- Sa (Al-Fajr)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[89:1] Nga sa.
[89:2] 10 suku.
[89:3] Nga fana the namahlaya.
[89:4] Nga suku it qeda!
[89:5] profound fungo fike bani possesses biko!
[89:6] you noted babe kho Lord fanele enza ‘Aad?
[89:7] Erum; dilobho de akhiwo.
[89:8] Ashila was nothing it anywhere.
[89:9] Noma Thamoud carved dwala bo godi.
[89:10] Pharaoh possessed might
[89:11] They lonke transgressed zwe.
[89:12] They embula bi phela
[89:13] Consequently kho Lord thela them khwantshula retribution.
[89:14] Kho Lord is nanini phapheme.
[89:15] Uma ntu hlola akhe Lord busiso jabulo he tshela Mi Lord is phana towards me
[89:16] He hlola him ncishiswa hlinzeka he tshela Mi Lord yoca me
[89:17] ngacabangi is you fikisa it yourselves nga cha regarding kedama.
[89:18] Futhi cha khulumela sa phofu!
[89:19] sebenzisa inheritance ngenasizo kedama.
[89:20] Futhi thanda mali kwanje!
[89:21] Bala uma hlaba hlifiza ngokupheleleyo hlifiza.
[89:22] Kho Lord sondela hlangene gelosi ngaphakathi gwedla uma gwedla!
[89:23] Lowo suku Gehenna fikisa hambile. Lowo suku ntu khumbula - Kepha babe
khumbula - it be kakhulu ngasekho.
[89:24] He tshela Hawu I fiso I hlomela mi (naphakade) pilo.
[89:25] Lowo suku hhayi retribution be ngcolile than Akhe retribution.
[89:26] hhayi confinement is njengoba nomphumela njengoba Akhe confinement.
[89:27] Njengoba for you O content phefumulo.
[89:28] Buya kuze kho Lord jabulile siza
[89:29] amukelekile nga Mi chaka.
[89:30] amukelekile nga Mi Pharadisi.
90- Dilobho (Al-Balad)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[90:1] I solemnly funga lo dilobho.
[90:2] Dilobho you zwa.
[90:3] banga futhi banga
[90:4] We qamba ntu shikashika sindisa!
[90:5] he zindla lowo hhayi fike ncisheka nanini balula him zibika
[90:6] He qholosha I chitha kanjalo khulu mali!
[90:7] he zindla hhayi fike ncisheka bheka him?
[90:8] we cha epha him 2 bobo?
[90:9] Limi 2 debe?
[90:10] we cha tshengisa him 2 dlela?
[90:11] He enyula lukhuni dlela.
[90:12] Which fike is lukhuni dlela?
[90:13] yilileka gcinanja.
[90:14] Funza khathi nzaka.
[90:15] Kedama landisa.
[90:16] phofu is ngaphakathi dinga.
[90:17] dalwa fike of labo kholwa exhorting fike another be steadfast exhorting fike
another be nomusa!
[90:18] La hola jabulo.
[90:19] Njengoba for labo disbelieved ithu vulamehlo they incurred hlupheka.
[90:20] They confined Hellfire.
91- Langa (Al-Shams)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[91:1] Nga langa wo brightness.
[91:2] Yanga landela it
[91:3] Suku phendla.
[91:4] Suku dibikeza.
[91:5] Bhakabhaka Him akha it
[91:6] Hlaba Him hlengelela it
[91:7] Phefumulo Him qamba it
[91:8] Ngalesosikhathi tshengisa it babe is bi babe is hle.
[91:9] Nempumelelo is fike sindisa it
[91:10] hlumba is fike shiya it
[91:11] Thamoud's disbelief banga them transgress!
[91:12] They landela ngcolile among them.
[91:13] Nkulunkulu gijimi tshela kuze them Lo is Nkulunkulu kamela; qhashisa wo
[91:14] They disbelieved him hlaba wo! Bo Lord ngalesosikhathi requited them for bo
ono bhubhisa them!
[91:15] kepha labo bani sondela ngasemuva them sala heedless!
92- Suku (Al-Layl)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[92:1] Nga suku it dibikeza!
[92:2] Suku it phendla.
[92:3] Him qamba duna esifazane.
[92:4] Kho sebenzi are of nhlobonhlobo hlobo.
[92:5] Njengoba for him epha sa gcina righteousness!
[92:6] Futhi upholds scripture!
[92:7] We qondisa him jabulo.
[92:8] he bani is ncishana he is nothile.
[92:9] Futhi disbelieves scripture!
[92:10] We qondisa him hlupheka.
[92:11] Akhe mali cha lamula him uma he wa.
[92:12] We hlinzeka hola.
[92:13] We zibamba Hereafter noma kuhle lo pilo.
[92:14] I khuza you languka Hellfire.
[92:15] None bambeka therein except the wicked.
[92:16] Bani disbelieves jikisa!
[92:17] Xwaya it be the ngakhethi!
[92:18] Bani epha akhe mali sa.
[92:19] Khonga nothing emuva!
[92:20] Khonga yodwa akhe Lord the Ningi Phezulu
[92:21] He impela attain sindiso.
93- Forenoon (Al-Duhaa)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[93:1] Nga forenoon.
[93:2] Nga suku it wa!
[93:3] Kho Lord ze dela you nor enza He khohlwa.
[93:4] Hereafter is de kahle for you than lo fike (pilo).
[93:5] Kho Lord epha you ngokwanele you siza.
[93:6] He cha cosha you orphaned He ncisheka epha you khaya?
[93:7] He thola you astray guided you!
[93:8] He thola you phofu enza you nothile!
[93:9] Ngakho you cha fulathela kedama.
[93:10] Nor shall you hafa phukuphuku.
[93:11] You proclaim hlahlamelisa kho Lord pha you!
94- Pholisa Laka (Al-Sharrhh)!
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[94:1] we cha pholisa kho laka
[94:2] we ethula kho layisha ono).
[94:3] fike lowo burdened kho hlane.
[94:4] We exalted you honorable khundla.
[94:5] Nga hlungu nanso is nqoba!
[94:6] Bala nga hlungu nanso is nqoba!
[94:7] Whenever enzeka you phokophela.
[94:8] Khonga yodwa kho Lord
95- Khiwa (Al-Teen)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[95:1] Nga khiwa hlwathi.
[95:2] Nyuka Sinai!
[95:3] Lo honored dilobho (Mecca).
[95:4] We qamba doda hle klamo.
[95:5] Ngalesosikhathi jikisa him nga lowliest of the lowly.
[95:6] Labo bani kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo; they thola kokhelo kahle hola!
[95:7] ngani you nzonzobala bhunkula kholo?
[95:8] Is NKULUNKULU cha the Ningi Hlakaniphile of bonke hlakaniphile ones?
96- Bungu (Al-Alaq)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[96:1] Funda kho Lord qamba.
[96:2] He qamba doda bungu.
[96:3] Funda futhi kho Lord Exalted
[96:4] Thisha peni.
[96:5] He thisha doda babe he ze azi.
[96:6] Bala obuntu transgresses.
[96:7] Uma he phathelana nothile.
[96:8] Kuze kho Lord is ultimate phetho.
[96:9] fanele you bheka fike enjoins!
[96:10] Others nga bhedesha?
[96:11] it Is hle him landela hola?
[96:12] Noma khulumela righteousness?
[96:13] he disbelieves jikisa!
[96:14] he cha realize ukuthi NKULUNKULU ncisheka bheka?
[96:15] Bala ukuba he phindo we fuza him forelock
[96:16] forelock disbelieving futhi nokona.
[96:17] Qhashisa him ngalesosikhathi bizela on akhe hlengi!
[96:18] We balula londolozi Hogo.
[96:19] You cha hlonipha him; you wa prostrate hlasela fusha.
97- Phetho (Al-Qadr)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[97:1] We phendla it Suku Phetho.
[97:2] kanjani awesome is Suku Phetho!
[97:3] Suku Phetho is kahle than 1000 yanga.
[97:4] Gelosi Futho ewuka therein bo Lord's shiya yisa gcwele poqo!
[97:5] Noxolo it is fika sa.
98- Bonakaliso (Al-Bayyinah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[98:1] Labo disbelieved among the ntu of scripture noma kuhle Thixo worshipers
phikelela bo dlela bonakaliso buyisa them.
[98:2] Gijimi nga NKULUNKULU hlabelela them ngcwele fundiswa.
[98:3] ngaphakathi them nanso are balulekile fundiso.
[98:4] Nempela labo thola scripture cha phikisa bonakaliso epha them.
[98:5] Lonke buza of them was khonza NKULUNKULU nikela kolo kasibili Him
wodwa sebenzisa thintana thandazo (Salat) epha obligatory sa (Zakat)! njalo is kahle
[98:6] Labo disbelieved among the ntu of scripture Thixo worshipers incurred lilo
Gehenna unomphelo. They are ngcolile dalwa!
[98:7] Labo kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo are hle dalwa!
[98:8] Bo kokhelo bo Lord is gadi Eden thutheleka fudlana wherein they abide
unomphelo! NKULUNKULU SIZA them they SIZA Him! njalo is kokhelo labo
hlonipho bo Lord
99- Zamazama (Al-Zalzalah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[99:1] Uma hlaba kabi zamazama.
[99:2] Hlaba khipha wo layisha
[99:3] Obuntu tando mangala "Babe is ehlakalo?
[99:4] Lowo suku it thasisela wo biko.
[99:5] Lowo kho Lord phatha it
[99:6] Lowo suku ntu khishwa gcwele bombo tshengisa bo sebenzi!
[99:7] Whoever enza atom's kalo hle tando bheka it
[99:8] whoever enza atom's kalo bi tando bheka it
100- Gallopers (Al-Aadeyaat)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[100:1] Nga shesha gallopers.
[100:2] Igniting hlamvu
[100:3] Invading (mabonwabulawe) sa!
[100:4] Phansula terror therein!
[100:5] Phiqela hliziyo bo buso.
[100:6] Ntu is unappreciative of akhe Lord
[100:7] He bhele bona lo phuzu.
[100:8] He thanda omhlaba to kwanje.
[100:9] he cha realize ukuthi suku sondela uma ngcwaba ncisheka vuleka?
[100:10] Bonke fihlo are wisa cishile!
[100:11] They enza thola cishile, lowo suku bo Lord been fully Cognizant of them!
101- Shocker (Al-Qaare'ah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[101:1] Shocker.
[101:2] babe shocker!
[101:3] you ncisheka phi bono babe Shocker fanele is
[101:4] Lowo is suku uma ntu wunduka swebezane zubazonzo.
[101:5] Taba be fluffy volo.
[101:6] Njengoba for him kalo are sinda.
[101:7] He phila jabulile (naphakade) pilo.
[101:8] Njengoba for him kalo are okhela.
[101:9] Akhe phetho is lowly.
[101:10] you azi babe it ncisheka is
[101:11] languka Hellfire.
102- Hoarding (Al-Takaathur)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[102:1] You sala preoccupied hoarding
[102:2] kuze you thathaza ngcwaba!
[102:3] Bala you enza thola cishile!
[102:4] ningi assuredly you enza thola cishile!
[102:5] Noma yodwa you could thola cishile impela!
[102:6] You envision Hogo.
[102:7] Ngalesosikhathi you bheka it bobo qiniseko.
[102:8] Ngalesosikhathi you funa lowo suku busiso you nambitheka.
103- Tambama (Al-Asr)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[103:1] Nga tambama.
[103:2] Ntu ngokupheleleyo lahlekelwa.
[103:3] Labo bani kholwa phila ngakhethi pilo exhort fike another uphold yaniso exhort
fike another be steadfast!
104- Sikibunda (Al-Humazah)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa.
[104:1] Woe kuze gcwele sikibunda cekefuli.
[104:2] He hoards mali bala it
[104:3] njengoba noma akhe mali enza him ngafi.
[104:4] Ze; he juba Devastator.
[104:5] you azi babe Devastator ncisheka is
[104:6] Nkulunkulu languka Hellfire.
[104:7] It bambeka them ngokugcwele.
[104:8] They confined therein.
[104:9] ngaphakathi elula hlu.
105- Dlovu (Al-Feel)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[105:1] you noted babe kho Lord fanele enza ntu dlovu?
[105:2] He cha banga bo cebo ncisheka backfire
[105:3] He sa them swebezane bazana.
[105:4] Lowo yithela them nzima tshe.
[105:5] He qamba them kuhle etshisa hhoyi!
106- Quraish Qu (Quraish)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[106:1] Lo bamba Quraish.
[106:2] Dlela they bamba kharavani of sika hlobo.
[106:3] They khonza Lord lo shrine
[106:4] He is Fike phakela them ashayandawonye hlinzeka them phepha emva saba!
107- Sa (Al-Maa'oon)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[107:1] you azi bani ncisheka nempela bhunkula kholo?
[107:2] Lowo is fike mistreats kedama.
[107:3] Cha khulumela funza phofu
[107:4] Futhi woe kuze labo sebenzisa thintana thandazo (Salat)
[107:5] Bani are ngokupheleleyo heedless of bo thandazo.
[107:6] They yodwa khetha.
[107:7] they enqabela sa.
108- Bounty (Al-Kawthar)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[108:1] We hlahlamelisa you ningi bounty.
[108:2] Ngakho you bhedesha kho Lord (Salat) epha sa.
[108:3] Kho bangi be loser.
109- Disbelievers (Al-Kaaferoon)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[109:1] Zwi O you disbelievers.
[109:2] I cha khonza babe you khonza.
[109:3] Nor enza you khonza babe I khonza!
[109:4] Nor tando I nanini khonza babe you khonza.
[109:5] Nor tando you nanini khonza babe I khonza.
[109:6] Kuze you is kho kolo me is mi kolo.
110- Ahlula (Al-Nassr)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[110:1] Uma hlula sondela NKULUNKULU ahlula!
[110:2] You bheka ntu gona Nkulunkulu kolo ngaphakathi nyokotho
[110:3] You dumisa tusa kho Lord nxusa Him for yekelo! He is Redeemer.
111- Va (Al-Masad)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[111:1] fela are sebenzi of Abee Lahab he fela!
[111:2] Akhe mali whatever he hlabana ze lamula him.
[111:3] He incurred languka Hogo.
[111:4] Noma akhe kosikazi phila joko.
[111:5] She resurrected bopho va wo umqala.
112- Absoluteness (Al-Ikhlaas)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[112:1] Proclaim He is Fike yodwa NKULUNKULU!
[112:2] Phelele NKULUNKULU.
[112:3] Ze enza He banga. Nor He banga.
[112:4] None lingana Him.
113- Vivi (Al-Falaq)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[113:1] Tshela I khonga ephephelo Lord vivi!
[113:2] Nga bi Akhe dalo.
[113:3] Nga bi cime it wa!
[113:4] Nga bi troublemakers.
[113:5] Nga bi of nomhawu uma they hawukela.
114- Ntu (Al-Naas)
Ngaphakathi the gama of Nkulunkulu Gracious Nomusa
[114:1] Zwi I khonga ephephelo Lord ntu.
[114:2] Kosi ntu.
[114:3] Nkulunkulu ntu.
[114:4] Nga bi sneaky whisperers.
[114:5] Bani swebeza bele ntu.
[114:6] Be they of jinns ntu!
Translated by Hadi Abdollahian
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